Home Fruit trees How to deepen your voice? How to make your voice lower and rougher? Sexual hoarseness - how to make your voice lower

How to deepen your voice? How to make your voice lower and rougher? Sexual hoarseness - how to make your voice lower

“Looks like a falcon, but sounds like a raven,” this is what they say about people whose voice doesn’t match their appearance. If you are not satisfied with the voice given by nature, or you want to make a brighter impression on others and raise your status, it’s time to think about how to make your voice lower with the help of easy-to-follow tricks.

Why do you need a low voice?

The owner of a low voice is intuitively perceived by others as an authoritative, confident, self-sufficient person. This image, like the sound of the voice that generates it, is good in any case: if you are a man, it attracts the fair sex sexually; if you represent the fair half of humanity, a lower voice will make business partners treat you attentively and involuntarily trust your opinion more. A low voice generally speaks of such qualities as self-control and poise, and also inspires trust and sympathy in the interlocutor.

A very common situation is when, before an important public speaking, negotiations or an upcoming family “debriefing”, a person discovers that his voice does not obey and begins to tremble treacherously, wheeze, and break into falsetto. And a high, squeaky voice, you must admit, doesn’t fit in with the image of a leader and a confident person whose words you want to listen to. Here's another reason to learn how to control your vocal cords.

It may well happen that you don’t even suspect that your beautiful timbre sounds completely different to others. And this is usually found out after listening to your voice in a recording. U different people this perception is different: for some it seems that his voice in the recording sounds higher, for others it sounds lower. And yet these two different sounds are one and the same voice of yours. This is how Nelson Vaughan, a speech therapist and professional voice director for Hollywood actors, explains the process of formation and perception of the sound of a voice: “When we listen to our voice during a conversation, we perceive it not only with our ears. We hear sound waves propagating inside us through the fluid filling internal organs. Sound travels differently through air than in liquids and dense tissues. This difference applies to almost the entire width of tones that we perceive, so those around us hear something completely different from what we hear.”

And finally, this topic will be very useful for those who have a tendency to stutter - constantly or occasionally. stressful situations. Doctor medical sciences, Professor I.A. Sikorsky, in his monograph “On Stuttering,” states that slow speech in a low tone “has great protective power against stuttering... and gives the speaker an outward imprint of importance, authority and self-control.”

Exercises to lower your voice

The lower the larynx is located, the lower the voice. The striated muscles located in the front of the neck are responsible for its movements. Fortunately, these muscles can be learned to be controlled consciously with simple exercises. The only condition for achieving success is regular practice and perseverance. So:

Yawn and half-yawn. Feel the larynx and make a yawn - feel how the larynx descends. This exercise affects all vocal organs: the pharynx, soft palate, larynx and tongue.

Another exercise is the “bass head”. Have you paid attention to the position of the head of a person singing in a bass voice? His head is raised high and at the same time slightly tilted (as if he is holding some object with his chin or playing an invisible violin). This position activates all muscle groups that pull the larynx down. The rotation of the larynx should be directed downward, which, combined with its lower position, lowers the voice as much as possible.

Exercises with the vowel sound “i”. Starting position - sitting or standing. Tilt your head down so that your chin touches your chest (bass head position) and make a low “i” sound. Now raise your head face up, fixing the pitch of the “i” sound. At the beginning of classes, it will be difficult for you to maintain a fixed pitch of the “i” sound - it will invariably rise when you throw your head back. This indicates tension in your vocal cords and shortening of the larynx. Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day until the pitch of your voice is equal in both head positions: this effect will mean that the spasm of the vocal folds has been relieved.

"Explosive wave." We begin to growl from the lowest note, then our growl smoothly flows into the highest note that we are able to produce, and then we also smoothly descend to the lowest note from which we started the exercise. We do several such approaches. After such a warm-up, you will immediately feel that it has become easier to speak, your voice seems to have “cut through” and began to sound much brighter and more expressive.

Control the pace of your speech: the faster you speak, the more your vocal cords tense - and the higher your voice. The human voice is compared to a vinyl record: if you slow down its rotation speed, it begins to bass. When you deliberately lower the tone of your voice, your speech slows down by at least 10%.

A low voice and correct posture are interdependent. Therefore, anyone who wants to lower their voice should definitely pay attention to the spine. By the way, not only the pitch of the voice, but also the functioning of the brain depends on correct posture, as confirmed by the electroencephalogram. It has been noted that people who have correct posture and a deep voice, not only give the impression of being self-sufficient and confident in life - they actually are.

And another fact proven by science: a well-rested person speaks more in a low voice. The secret is that sleep relaxes the vocal apparatus, thereby providing you with the full range of benefits of a low tone.

The voice is the most striking indicator of a person’s personality, capable of telling a lot about the interlocutor. Therefore, it is no secret that those people who do not like the sound of their voice have somewhat complex communication. Scientists have proven that a lower timbre of a voice is perceived better than a squeaky falsetto. This problem especially worries men and teenagers whose voices have broken and broken, but have not broken. The roughness of the voice in men directly depends on the amount of male hormone - testosterone, which is produced in the body from the beginning of puberty (which causes the process of voice breaking in adolescence). A rough male voice is a signal of the opposite gender. Women subconsciously feel an alpha male, whose rough bass voice indicates an excess of hormones, and therefore perceive men with a rough voice as ideal partner for procreation. Yes, this implies a direct relationship between a man's voice and his sexuality. It is clear that men who are not naturally gifted with the main erotic factor are striving to improve this matter. And in response to such an understandable desire, today there are several solution options.
First of all, the high sound of the voice is characterized by the condition of the cords. Like the strings of a guitar being stretched, the voice sounds higher; if the strings are loosely stretched, the sound is booming and low. Therefore, strong tension in the ligaments should be relieved in this way: you need to do it every day. special exercises. One such exercise is to sing (or simply hum) a consonant sound, such as “o” or “a,” throughout the day, while trying to lower your voice as much as possible. This exercise is often used by choir singers and others as a chant. It makes the tissue of the ligaments more elastic, and allows experienced soloists to play a wide variety of notes. By performing such exercises, you can learn to control your voice and significantly lower it when you want.
Also, in addition to this option, you can attend choir classes. There's probably one nearby School of Music, where adults can also study if they wish. Singing teachers will be able to fully develop your voice within a year, which will now be under your control.
In addition, stress relievers in an unusual way, they will tell you what to do. It is very useful to shout often and a lot, the louder the better, but you should try to lower your voice as much as possible. That is, shout in a bass voice! But not at home, of course. You can yell near railway tracks while the train is traveling, or visit places where everyone is screaming: hockey and football matches, noisy parties.
If you feel embarrassed when communicating because of your small voice, try to simply speak more quietly and evenly. This will present you as a self-confident person and absolutely not worried about the fact of the illness. Other, more drastic ways to solve the problem include options such as bad habits and surgical intervention.
If you start drinking alcohol heavily and smoking cigarettes without a filter, you can be sure that after a year or two you will acquire rough voice with a strong hint of hoarseness. And in addition to this, there is a characteristic smell and a corresponding appearance. And now your voice will not be attractive, you will not be able to completely conquer, despite the courageous hoarse bass. So you shouldn’t acquire bad habits, and if you’ve already gotten involved, try to eradicate these infections. Smoking and alcohol affect the ligaments, gradually destroying their elasticity and making them flabby. Many ligament fibers are torn, creating hoarseness.
The last method is surgery. Of course, any surgical intervention is dangerous, but in this case risk for general health small, provided there are no contraindications. The operation is performed almost on an outpatient basis. The surgeon simply cuts part of the ligaments that are very stretched, creating high tones. Your voice is your weapon, protect it from bad habits and restore if necessary.

Voice timbre affects a person's self-confidence. This is especially true for the stronger sex: men who have quiet and unimpressive speech are less likely to impress others. This requires a loud and masculine sound.

Facial stubble and a rough voice do not appear on time for everyone during adolescence. And for some, it’s even the opposite - premature. But young men from the first category become very uncomfortable due to the fact that they “lag behind” their peers. After all, at 15-17 years old, all guys want to look as old as possible. But what if you are already a man, but are still embarrassed by a thin, inconspicuous voice?

To sound ruder, you don’t have to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day and drink liters of alcohol. You can do a special examination of the vocal cords by a phoniatrist. Based on its results, a professional will be able to determine exactly why your voice sounds high and how you can make it rougher.

Experts say: ligaments can really be trained (and thus correct their work). Special exercises and procedures performed under the close supervision of an experienced speech therapist will help with this.

By the way, cigarettes and alcohol really contribute to changes in voice timbre. Because of all this “good”, the vocal cords swell and therefore sound lower. But the effect of such methods is short-term, and drinking and smoking packs of cigarettes every day is more expensive. It is unlikely that you are ready to sacrifice your health for the sake of imaginary compliance with standards.

What about surgery? This is too radical an approach - in most cases it is enough to do the exercises. For example, pronounce special sounds, make a “hum,” etc. If such training is regular, then your vocal cords will learn to relax, as a result of which their sound will come closer to the desired one. To make your voice sound rougher, you can train yourself at home, but it is better to ask for help from a speech therapist who will teach you exercises to acquire a courageous voice.

How to check the results? The best way- this is to record yourself in a normal environment, for example during telephone conversation or dialogue with loved ones. And then, after a month or two, compare your new voice with what was before.

Be patient and disciplined - then the exercises will give results, and you will get closer to the beautiful, booming speech you have been dreaming of!

Attracts people. With its help, you can easily convince your opponents that your decision is right; it helps you easily convey your message to your life and business partners. You can do a lot with a beautiful tone! For example, organize for a common cause or simply charm your interlocutor.

If we turn to history, it is enough to remember how the leaders of revolutionary movements read their speeches. These were courageous voices with a rather low timbre. Of course, in addition to this, they had a lot leadership qualities, peculiarities of upbringing and education, but, nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the voice played an important role in shaping their fate.

There are often situations in life when a person, especially a public one, is dissatisfied with the timbre of his natural voice. For example, he is too tall. In these cases, the problem often arises of how to make the voice rougher, how to give it more solidity. It is possible that this will not solve the problem, because the internal one will not change. However, there is a possibility that a person will get rid of the existing complex and gain self-confidence, and this is important.

So how can you deepen your voice? This, first of all, requires a lot of patience and a willingness to overcome some of your habits and beliefs. You can change your voice radically. There is a quick but unsafe way to do this - surgery. Agree that this method will not suit everyone. There are more gentle and no less effective techniques for making your voice rougher.

The most effective exercises are for the vocal cords. They also include special exercises aimed at training diction. Their essence is as follows: we begin to draw out the letter “a” in our normal voice, and we do this for about 10 minutes. The exercises don't end there. Every day, while doing these exercises for the vocal cords, we lower the tone of our voice and draw out the letter evenly and for a long time.

There are also a number of recommendations on how to change your voice. Moreover, all of them can be easily done at home. For example, the following exercise should be done for the first time carefully, without tension, so as not to damage it, tilt your head down, press your chin to your chest and begin to buzz. Just pronounce the letter “zh”, stretching it out for a long time: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh. In this case, the head does not rise, but is in starting position(as before, the chin is pressed to the chest). Do these exercises every day for 20 minutes.

You can try this method - take lessons. They will definitely lower your voice to the desired timbre. Another advantage is that you will masterfully learn to control your voice, and the range will surprise you with its diversity.

The most in a simple way? Reading aloud will help you with this. For example, read a few minutes a day of speeches that you have written yourself. At the same time, try to do it in the voice that you would like to have. Or record your performance on a tape recorder and play the recording every day. Re-record, adding an improved version of diction, trying to bring your speech and voice timbre to the desired level.

Do not forget that the articulation of consonants is important in speech. Practice a lot and persistently. As a result, the problem of how to change your voice will disappear. Perhaps they will soon imitate your voice.

If you have the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, even a very small one, speak. It gives you confidence. If these conditions and exercises are met, victory over yourself is guaranteed.

Each person has a purely individual voice and timbre. Some people have a low voice, some have a high voice, some have a loud voice, some have a quiet voice... In the course of studies and surveys, it has been proven that those with a low, velvety voice listen best. This timbre is inviting. How to make your voice rougher?

Is it possible to make your voice rougher?

Often people don't like the sound own voice: he is quiet, weak, subtle... This gives rise to a number of complexes, self-doubt. But nothing is impossible: following simple rules and recommendations and implementing simple exercises, you will be able to change your own voice over time. This can be compared to tuning a guitar: depending on how the owner takes care of his guitar, how he tunes it, this is how it sounds! Our vocal cords are like guitar strings. We can work on our cords and change the sound of our own voice the way we want. But in order for both low and high sounds to sound good, we need to take care of our “strings” and not take radical unsafe measures in pursuit of the desired effect. We need to “tune” our voice, which is given to us by nature, very carefully.

Basic ways to change your voice

When thinking about how to deepen your voice quickly, remember that this should not harm your health. Under no circumstances should you start smoking or drinking alcohol to change your tone. Of course, you will achieve the desired result, but at too high a cost: they will suffer gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver, nervous system etc. Is it worth ruining your entire body to change your voice?

Many people use old-fashioned methods: drink in the cold ice water or eat snow and then scream very loudly for a long time. You won't change your voice - you'll simply break it and ruin your vocal cords. Do not use such methods! You want to maintain your health, right?

There are more safe ways changes in your own voice. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Various exercises for ligaments

This method is based on the fact that you exercise every day for five to ten minutes. For example, on the first day you chant any vowel in your usual key for ten minutes. Every day you increase the exercise time and lower the tone.

The second exercise is that you should “buzz” with your head tilted as close to your chest as possible (in this position the vocal cords are as tense as possible). You also need to do the exercise with the letter “w” every day.

This method is good because it is accessible to everyone and easy to implement. The load on the ligaments increases gradually, which is also a positive thing.

Exercises for proper breathing

The basic principle is to breathe as much as possible through your nose and as little as possible through your mouth. This way you protect your ligaments.

When you breathe through your nose, you warm the air you breathe in (especially in winter). This method of breathing will protect you from colds and viral diseases.

In addition, our nose is a kind of filter: it traps fine dust and particles scattered in the air. If you breathe more through your mouth than your nose, this can lead to allergies, which will immediately affect the ligaments.

Folk remedies

You can prepare a decoction based on mint. Pour boiling water over the washed mint leaves in a saucepan and cover with a lid. After 20 minutes, drink the infusion in small sips, singing a long vowel before each new sip. Take the infusion every day until you achieve the desired result.

Vocal lessons and lessons with a voice teacher

You can contact a specialist - a vocal teacher. It will help “stretch” your ligaments and “put” your voice in the key that you want. Of course, the services of a teacher are not free, but you will work with a professional.

The Internet can help you: watch video lessons and various vocal trainings, practice in free time from work.

Surgical intervention

This radical method is not available to everyone, because... he demands Money both for the operation itself, and for the restoration of the ligaments, and for maintaining their health in the future. This option is most suitable for those who are building a career on stage: singers, actors, etc. The advantage of surgery on the ligaments is that the effect will be achieved for life and the surgeon will “adjust” the tone of your voice according to your wishes. There is one significant disadvantage: the ligaments will become vulnerable and susceptible to colds and other diseases. This method of influencing ligaments is risky and undesirable. Doctors always warn patients that this operation cannot be called completely safe.

We looked at some of the most popular ways to deepen your voice at home. The choice is yours. You can follow any of the suggested paths. But always think about how your actions will affect the state of the body.

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