Home Blanks for the winter Posture formation process. Formation of correct posture - the main rules

Posture formation process. Formation of correct posture - the main rules

Posture is usually called the ability of a person to keep his body in various positions. Posture can be right or wrong.

Correct posture is the habitual posture of a naturally standing person who has the ability to keep the body and head straight without unnecessary active stresses. A person with correct posture has an easy gait, the shoulders are slightly lowered and laid back, the chest is forward, the abdomen is tucked up, the legs are extended in knee joints.

A person who does not know how to properly hold his body stands and walks on bent legs, hunched over, head and shoulders bowed, stomach outstretched. This is not only ugly, but also harmful. Poor posture makes it difficult for the internal organs to function.


Signs correct posture- this is a straight, strictly vertical position of the head and spine in combination with horizontal line collarbones, symmetrical shoulder blades and buttocks and the same length of legs in the position of the feet, when their inner surfaces are in contact from the heels to the tips of the toes.

Source dovrachebnyj.ru


In the formation of correct posture, the spine and the muscles surrounding it play the main role. POSTURE is a complex concept of the usual body position of a naturally standing person. It is determined and regulated by the reflexes of the posture and reflects not only the physical, but also mental condition a person, being one of the main indicators of health.

Posture is due to heredity, but numerous environmental factors influence its formation in the process of growth in children.

The process of posture formation begins at a very early age and occurs on the basis of the same physiological laws of higher nervous activity that are characteristic of the formation of conditioned motor connections. This creates an opportunity for active intervention in the process of formation of posture in children, ensuring its correct development.

The reasons that can lead to poor posture (scoliosis) are numerous. Bad influence the formation of posture is influenced by unfavorable environmental conditions, social and hygienic factors, in particular, a long stay of a child in an incorrect body position. As a result of incorrect body position, the skill of incorrect body position is formed. In some cases, this skill of incorrect body positioning is formed in the absence of functional and structural changes on the part of the support and locomotor apparatus, and in others - against the background of pathological changes in musculoskeletal system congenital or acquired character.

Posture disorders are often based on insufficient physical activity of children (physical inactivity) or improper physical education, or excessive passion for monotonous physical exercises.

In addition, the appearance of improper posture (scoliosis) is associated with insufficient sensitivity of the receptors that determine the vertical position of the spine or weakness of the muscles that hold this position, with limited mobility in the joints, and acceleration of modern children.

Scoliosis can also be caused by clothing that restrains movement, diseases of internal organs, decreased vision, hearing loss, insufficient illumination of the workplace, furniture inappropriate for the child's growth, etc.

In 90-95% of cases, posture disorders are acquired, and most often occur in children with asthenic constitution. Posture disorders worsen the appearance of a person, contribute to the development of early degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and create unfavorable conditions for the functioning of the chest organs and abdominal cavity... However, posture disorders are usually not accompanied by gross changes in the spine.

Gross changes in the spine develop with scoliotic disease. They are more pronounced at 2-3-4 degrees of severity of scoliosis.

Scoliosis develops mainly during periods of intensive skeletal growth, i.e. at 6-7 years old, 12-15 years old. With the end of the growth of the spine, the increase in deformity, as a rule, stops, with the exception of paralytic scoliosis, in which deformity can progress throughout life.

Source my-strong-body.ru


1. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Slowly raise your head, neck, and shoulders until you are resting on your elbows. Count to 10 slowly and lower yourself. The exercise can be made more effective by lying on a board or other flat surface... Lift one end of the board slightly by placing something under it. After the exercise, you will immediately feel the blood rush to your face, the internal organs have accepted correct position, the abdominal muscles are rested. Fatigue of the legs and swelling of the ankles disappears.

2. Lying position. Legs apart and bent at the knees, heels as close to the pelvis as possible. Raise the pelvis, but press the sacrum to the floor, count to 10 and lower the pelvis.

3. The exercise is performed in the same way, but the knees are connected. Put your hands on your stomach and press on it at the moment when you lift your pelvis.

4. In the same position, with the pelvis raised and the sacrum pressed to the floor, stretch your arms up. Lower and repeat this movement again.

5.I. p. - lying on your back with bent knees... Press your back to the floor and lift your pelvis. Gradually move your heels away from you until your legs are completely extended and your body rests only on the heels and sacrum. Then gradually raise your hands.

6. I. p. - the same. The knees are bent, the arms lie along the body, bent at the elbows. Raise your pelvis, slowly straighten your arms, lift them up and bring your knee to your chest. Come back to starting position and repeat the same with the other knee.

7. I. p. - the same. Place a small object, such as a ball, close to your head. Try to push it as far as possible with your head. it great exercise for straightening the cervical vertebrae.

8. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 10 cm. Lean your head and back on the wall, keep your pelvis at some distance from the wall. Move it against the wall, alternately bending and straightening your knees. The sacrum touches the wall all the time.

Do each of the above exercises 7-10 times.

Source pozvonochnik.org

For the student

A correct portfolio is a portfolio that distributes the load across both arms. It is impossible for a child to carry a briefcase in the same hand, this will lead to a curvature of the spine. An empty satchel should not be too heavy (optimal weight 500-800 g). The weight of the schoolbag with textbooks should not exceed 10% of the weight of the student's body weight. It is desirable that the knapsack has a firm back.

School furniture should be age appropriate, as well as the child's weight and height, especially height.

The correct position at the desk looks like this: there is a distance in the palm of your hand between the body and the edge of the desk, you cannot rest your chest on the edge of the table, the distance from the eyes to the desk is 30-35 cm, the elbow is 5 cm below the edge of the table, and when reading, the chair should be under table top by a few cm (3-5 cm).

The correct body position must always be maintained. There should be suitable children's furniture at home, and the rules for the position at the desk should be followed.

Provide the student's desk with good lighting to prevent leaning over too much to see something better.

Source reshit.ru

How to keep

Answering the question of how to learn how to keep the posture for girls and men correctly, one should take into account not only the influence of pathological factors, but also individual characteristics person (the nature of metabolism, diet, rest and work).

With age muscle loses functionality, muscles become flabby, gradually "dry out". Without remedial gymnastics and daily exercises, it is difficult to learn how to keep the posture correctly after 50 years, since the body is not adapted to intense loads in this age interval.

In order to work out the right approaches to the development of the spine, you should consider some important tips specialists:

Constantly monitor your back and keep it straight (at home, at work, while standing and moving). Over time, correct posture will become the norm for you, and will be automatically supported by the body;

Walk frequently to improve blood flow to the spine and prevent muscle spasms;

Do not wear shoes with a heel of more than 4 cm. It disturbs stability and shifts the center of gravity of the trunk from lower limbs on the spine;

Sleep on a semi-hard mattress. For children, it is better to choose a rigid model. Sagging beds and featherbeds interfere with maintaining posture and lead to excessive muscle relaxation, "sagging" of the spine;

Place soft toys and cushions under your lower back and head. Sleep more on the right side;

When sitting at a table, keep your back upright, pick up a chair with a hard seat. Use armrests to prevent shoulder girdle displacement;

In a seated position, the person's legs should be at right angles. They should not hang freely or "cling" to the legs. Do not put one leg on top of the other - this position shifts the pelvic structures;

When working at a computer, you should develop the correct posture and do not strain the muscle corset of the back.

Source spinazdorov.ru

When writing

Professor S. M. Grombakh points out that “the presence of a sufficient number of support points is the first condition correct fit". With a correct fit, the legs with their full feet rest on the floor or on the footrest of the desk, form straight or slightly obtuse angles (100 - 110 °) in the hip and knee joints. The student should fully occupy the bench of the chair, so that 2/3 - 3/4 of the thigh length is located on the bench, and the lower back rests on the back of the chair. The body and head are slightly inclined, but not more than 15-20 °. The distance from the eyes to the work surface is approximately 30 cm. Please note that there is free space between the chest and the edge of the table.

A schoolboy sitting at a desk is essentially motionless. Static muscle tension is associated with this. If the child pushes his chest or stomach onto the edge of the table, then internal organs and large blood vessels located in the chest and abdominal cavity. An unnatural position of the torso leads to improper development of the musculoskeletal system and, first of all, the spine, contributes to its curvature. The close distance from the eyes to the working surface leads to eye strain, contributes to the development of myopia.

Source osankapershino.narod.ru

At computer

Correct posture is a symmetrical arrangement of all organs. To preserve it, you must first subconsciously develop a "correct posture reflex." For this:

Stand with your back against the wall. Make sure that the back of your head, shoulder girdle, buttocks and heels are snug against the wall. The abdomen must be drawn inward, which will reduce the distance between it and the vertical plane;

Repeat the exercise daily and the body will independently learn to choose the optimal position when standing for a long time.

Sitting at a computer or desk should also be correct. It is very important to form a reflex at an early age in children in order to ensure harmonious development anatomical structures during growth.

How to sit optimally:

Choose the height of the chair according to the length of the lower leg. His seat must be firm;

The buttocks should occupy at least 2/3 of the chair;

The backrest should be optimally aligned with the curvature of the spine;

Lean with your back on the back of the chair so that the spinal column fits snugly along its entire length;

Make sure that the shoulder blades are brought together, the shoulders are at the same level, and the stomach is relaxed;

Do not put one leg on top of the other, as this will lead to a disruption in the blood supply to the lower extremities;

Move smoothly so that the spinal column does not hit the back of the chair;

Take a position so that the weight of the body falls on the hips, and the head is directed forward and up;

Do not rush to change position if it seems uncomfortable to sit. Let your muscles get used to the correct posture. Some of them will gradually relax, which will form the habit of the posture, but this will not happen immediately.

Source spinazdorov.ru

Correct posture is important for health and self-esteem. By posture at all times it was possible to distinguish an aristocrat from a commoner.
Posture refers to the correct position of the body. The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae. After birth, the child's spine changes its shape and size, and in the first two years of life it grows rapidly.
The spine has physiological curves. Cervical lordosis (physiological curvature facing forward with a bulge) completes formation by three to four months of the baby. This can be noticed when the child begins to hold his head on his own.
Closer to six months of life, the child begins to sit confidently, which indicates the formation of thoracic kyphosis. When an infant learns to walk, the spine forms sacral kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. The "adult" shape of the spine is fully formed in children only upon reaching the age of six or seven. The natural curves of the spine complete their formation by the age of eighteen or twenty.

Correct posture - the main signs

Formation of correct posture is impossible without knowledge physiological characteristics your spine. Good posture holds the entire torso and head perpendicular to the reference area. The shape of the neck should look symmetrical (the same). The shoulder girdle, shoulders and shoulder blades should be visually at the same level. Natural curves of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine should not exceed the norm.
In a person with correct posture, the lateral surfaces of the body and lowered arms look the same. A strictly horizontal level of the ridge protrusions at the ilium is required, equal length legs. The arches of the feet and skeletal muscles are absolutely symmetrical.
If we imagine that posture is a vertical straight axis, then such an axis should pass through the parietal middle to the earlobe, then go down through the transverse axis hip joint to the tubercle of the fifth metatarsal bone. This posture at all times was considered the standard of beauty and an attractive figure.
Good posture is directly related to human health. Due to the correct position, the spine has high damping, as a result of which the brain does not undergo significant concussion during movement. When walking impact force directed from the bottom up, along the way, softening due to "springs" - natural vertebral bends, twenty-five to thirty times. Correct posture will improve the functioning of many internal organs and make the locomotive system function better. With good posture, the muscles that maintain the correct spine position are slightly relaxed and always ready to move.

Causes of posture disorders:

Concentration of weights in one hand;
Lack of supervision by adults, in case of poor posture in a child or poor self-control;
The child's habit of imitating adults in gait and behavior;
Insufficient development of the muscular corset - the muscles of the abdominal press, back and pelvis;
Ill-conceived or insufficient lighting of the workplace;
Diseases due to which a person has to be in a horizontal position for a long time - to lie in bed;
Overloading the spine during hard work;
Violation of the hygienic conditions of the daily routine, the choice of clothing, shoe hygiene, diet.
Posture disorders are often characterized by excessive severity or, conversely, a decrease in the natural curves of the spine. Asymmetric posture, round back, round-concave back, and flat back are common. Diagnoses are made by an orthopedic doctor after a series of studies.
How to Achieve Correct Posture
First you need to learn everything about good posture. Formation of correct posture begins with a clear understanding of perfect figure... You can compare the ideal and your performance by performing a static exercise on a flat vertical surface.

Exercises for good posture:

1. Exercises in which an object is held on the head during movement;
2. Static exercises(near the wall);
3. Combat and freestyle various exercises for general development;
4. Exercises with juggling with any objects;
5. Corrective exercises aimed at correcting the existing defects of the spine;
6. Exercises to maintain balance on moderate support.
Posture correction includes two stages. Preparatory stage helps to increase the flexibility of the spine and restore the normal appearance of curvature of posture through specially designed exercises.
The main stage educates and subsequently consolidates the skills of straight posture. Formation of the correct posture lasts, in fact, a lifetime. The patient improves his ability to voluntarily strain and relax muscle groups that are directly responsible for keeping the spine in a normal position.
Everyone should, if they want to maintain excellent posture, include in their daily routine special exercises... Regular sports activities are very useful, especially gymnastics, outdoor games and swimming.
While in a sitting position, a person should straighten his shoulders and draw in his stomach, and put his feet flat on the floor. A fixed sitting position adversely affects posture. Experts advise to change the position of the body every half hour, and it is better to walk or shake yourself.
When walking, you need to monitor the position of the shoulders - they should be relaxed, the stomach is pulled in, and the head is proudly raised.
To have the correct posture, you need to have a well-organized resting area. It is better to sleep on a hard mattress, resting it under your head orthopedic pillow... This position of the body and head will allow the spine to relieve tension and rest.
Women are advised to pay Special attention on your shoes. Too much high heel upset the balance and cause the spine to strain even more. Right choice bra will help a woman avoid too heavy load on the thoracic spine. Young mothers are encouraged not to carry the baby all the time, and to use strollers and baby slings more.
Doctors advise dancing to maintain a beautiful and correct posture.

Posture is the ability of a person to keep his body in various positions, the usual posture of a naturally standing person.

With correct posture, the torso is straightened, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is tucked up, the head is raised, the gaze is directed forward.

In any work, any sport, you need to be able to keep your body. Correct posture, combined with coordinated, well-coordinated and dexterous movements, makes a person strong and beautiful.

What could be more beautiful than ballet? You can admire without stopping rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating. But this beauty is created not only by the performers' perfected movements, but also by their ability to hold their body. And at heavy species Labor, the ability to properly hold your body helps a person to be strong. How free the movement is for the blast furnace operator and the lumberjack, for the weaver and the turner! And how many poetic lines in Russian literature are devoted to mowers!

A person who does not know how to hold his body stands and walks on bent legs, slouched over, head and shoulders bowed, stomach outstretched. But the strange thing is that some young people consider this kind of posture and loose gait to be beautiful. But this is not only ugly, but also harmful. With poor posture, the activity of all internal organs, primarily the lungs and heart, is hampered, the volume of respiratory movements is reduced, and the vital capacity of the lungs is reduced. This means that oxygen delivery to tissues and organs is reduced.

How is posture formed? Can bad posture be prevented and how can it be done?

The character of a person's posture is greatly influenced by the spine, since it is the main bone core and a connecting link of all parts of the skeleton. The spine maintains an upright position of the body, keeps it in balance, and supports the heaviness of the head and upper body. It is a rod consisting of individual vertebrae (Fig. 1). This provides him with great mobility. The spine is most mobile in the cervical and lumbar regions; standing still, you can easily turn your head and torso to one side or the other. In the thoracic region, the mobility of the spine is very insignificant.

Rice. 1. The human spine.
1 is a side view;
2 - front view,
a - 7 cervical vertebrae;
6 - 12 thoracic vertebrae;
e - 5 lumbar vertebrae;
d - 5 sacral vertebrae;
e - coccygeal vertebrae.

The spine has four bends, of which two are convex forward (cervical and lumbar) and two are convex back (thoracic and sacral). They appear in the early childhood in connection with the emergence of the child's ability to hold his head, and then sit and stand. Finally, the bends of the spine are formed by the age of 6-7 years, and are fixed by the age of 18-20.

V early childhood the spine is mainly composed of cartilage, which is gradually replaced by bone tissue. The upper and lower surfaces of the vertebral bodies ossify by the age of 15-16, ossification ends in more late age(after 20 years). In boys, starting from the age of 13, the spine grows rapidly in length; in girls, the growth of the spine is slower. At this age, boys overtake girls in height.

In an upright position, the spine is held by the muscles that surround it (muscles of the back, abdominals, etc.). The strongest muscle that extends and straightens the spine is the long back muscle, which stretches along the entire length of the spinal column from the bones of the skull to the sacrum. These muscles form a natural "muscle corset". It is he who keeps the spine in an upright position and ensures the correct posture. Therefore, the development of muscles plays an important role in the formation of correct posture. In this case, the main role is played not by the strength of the muscles, but by their uniform development and the correct distribution of muscle traction on the spine.

By nature, the structure human body mostly symmetrical. Therefore, the muscles of the left and right half of the body should be developed equally. If the muscles of the trunk are evenly developed and the pull of the flexors is balanced by the pull of the extensors, then the body and head are in a straight, beautiful position.

It is curious to note that often people involved in heavy physical labor, - for loaders, hammers, as well as for weightlifting athletes - weightlifters, wrestlers, etc. - poor posture due to overdevelopment individual groups muscles. Conversely, athletes involved in a sport that promotes the even development of all muscle groups (gymnasts, athletes) have good posture.

So, the most common cause of postural disorders is either the weakness of the muscles of the trunk, or the unevenness of their development. And in children of school age, due to age characteristics, the muscles of the trunk are still insufficiently developed, they do not have a strong natural "muscle corset". Under unfavorable conditions, which will be discussed below, this becomes the cause of poor posture. Moreover, in school age the development of the skeleton is not yet complete, the spine is flexible and malleable. The initially arising posture disorder can turn into a curvature of the spine.

Formation of correct posture

It is known that for good physical development and good health the formation of correct posture is necessary. Correct posture has not only aesthetic, but also great physiological significance: it ensures the correct position of the internal organs and the normal functioning of the whole organism, especially the heart and lungs.

Posture - the usual position of the body at rest and movement. It begins to form from early childhood and depends on the shape of the spinal column, the uniformity of development and tone of the muscles of the torso (Fig. 7). When characterizing posture, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, since in the process of development and in connection with the expansion of opportunities musculoskeletal system controlled by the central nervous system, age-related changes in posture occur. Formation begins from the first months of a child's life. Posture is divided into correct, or normal, and incorrect.

The posture is considered correct, which is most favorable for the functioning of both the locomotor system and the whole organism.

In children preschool age correct posture is characterized by the following signs: the head is slightly tilted forward, the shoulder girdle is slightly displaced anteriorly, not protruding beyond the level of the chest (in profile); the line of the chest smoothly passes into the line of the abdomen, which protrudes 1 -2 cm, the angle of inclination of the pelvis is small. With correct posture, the depth of the cervical and lumbar spine bends are close in value and fluctuate in preschool children within 3-4 cm.

To develop a correct, relaxed, straight fit with a slight tilt of the head, it is important for each child to choose the right furniture and teach how to use it.

Sitting at the table, the child must keep the body in a certain position, while the muscles of the neck and back are strained. Muscle tension is especially great when the child is sitting not straight, but with an inclination forward (Fig. 8). To reduce the tension of the cervical and dorsal muscles that occurs when the body is tilted, the child should strive to rest his chest on the edge of the table at which he sits. Such a landing quickly tires, since the chest is compressed, the depth of breathing, therefore, the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs decreases. The habit of sitting with support on the chest can lead to deformity of the sternum, stoop and myopia.

An upright seating position is more stable and less tiring, since the body's center of gravity in this position is above the fulcrum. However, a straight seating position can quickly tire a child if the chair does not match the proportions of his body and does not have a backrest to lean on.

Static muscle tension during seating can be reduced by distributing muscle tension more evenly. for this, it is important to increase the number of points of support: you need to sit straight, not on the edge, but on the entire seat, the depth of which should be at least 2/3 of the length of the hip of the person sitting, and the width should exceed the width of the pelvis by 10 cm; lean your feet on the floor, your back - on the back of a chair, with your forearms - on the table top. The shoulders, when properly seated, should be level and parallel to the table top.

The height of the chair seat above the floor should be equal to the length of the shin of the person sitting with the foot (measured from the popliteal notch, adding 5-10 mm to the height of the heel). This is important so that when landing you can rest your feet on the floor, keeping your hips at right angles to your shins. If the seat is too high, the position of the body of the seated person will not be stable, since he will not be able to rest his feet on the floor. If the seat is too low, the child will either have to move his legs to the side, which will disrupt his proper seating, or put them under the seat, which can cause poor circulation in the legs, since the vessels passing in the popliteal fossa will be pinched. Table height above the seat ( differentiation) should allow the person sitting freely, without raising or lowering the shoulders, to put his hands (forearms) on the table (Fig. 9). When too big differentiation while working at the table, the child raises his shoulders (especially the right shoulder), if too small - bends, slouches, tilts his head too low to examine the object

During classes, you need to lean your back on the back of a chair, it is good to see objects. To do this, you must observe back distance, that is, the distance between the back of the chair and the edge of the table facing the seated person should exceed the anteroposterior diameter of his chest by 3-5 cm. In this case, the distance between the plumb lines lowered from the front edge of the chair seat and from the edge of the table, or seat distance, becomes negative, i.e. the edge of the chair goes 2-3 cm under the edge of the table (Fig. 10). If there is no distance between the edges of the table and chair ( zero distance) or the distance of the seat is positive (the chair is slightly moved away from the edge of the table), it is impossible to lean on the back of the chair when doing any work at the table.

Educators during classes should monitor the seating of each child. It is possible to demand from children the correct seating at the table only if the furniture matches the height and proportions of the child's body. Short deviations from these postures are needed for rest, relaxation, but they should not become habitual, as this causes a violation of posture. Some parts of the child's body, during his normal development, are in a certain ratio with the length of the whole body, therefore, growth is taken as the main value from which one proceeds when determining the size of furniture.

Poor posture

Deformations of various parts of the skeleton, insufficient or uneven development of muscles, decreased muscle tone, which often occurs when a person is depressed, can lead to poor posture. Incorrect posture adversely affects the functions of internal organs: the work of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, the metabolism decreases, headaches appear, increased fatigue, poor appetite; the child becomes lethargic, apathetic, avoids outdoor games.

Posture disorders and spinal deformities are expressed in deviations from the normal forms of the body and the correct relationship of its individual parts: the head, trunk, pelvis and extremities from the front and in profile (Fig. 11).

Signs of improper posture: stoop, increased natural curves of the spine in the thoracic region (kyphotic posture) or lumbar region (lordotic posture), as well as the so-called scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine.

Slouch occurs with poor development muscular system, primarily the muscles of the back, while the head and neck are tilted forward, the chest is flattened, the shoulders are brought together in front, the abdomen is somewhat protruded.

At kyphotic posture all of these symptoms are especially noticeable, since, in addition to weak muscle development, there are changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the spine: the ligaments are stretched, less elastic, which is why the natural curvature of the spine in the thoracic region is noticeably increased. Excessive curvature of the thoracic spine posteriorly causes compensatory development of lumbar lordosis and flattening of the chest.

For lordotic posture a pronounced curvature of the spine in the lumbar spine is characteristic: the cervical bend is reduced, the abdomen is excessively protruding. This type of posture disorder in preschool children is quite common, since they still have poorly developed abdominal muscles.

Scoliosis accompanied by an asymmetric position of the shoulders, shoulder blades and pelvis, as well as different sizes of the so-called waist triangles (gaps formed between the inner surface of the lowered arms and the sides of the body).

In preschool age, posture disorders are more often observed in children with poor physical development, patients with rickets, tuberculosis, who have poor eyesight or hearing.

Deviations in posture that appeared in childhood can further lead to the formation of persistent deformities of the skeletal system. Do not put children to sleep or rest in a very soft beds or on folding beds sagging under their weight. Preschool children should not stand and squat for a long time in one place, walk long distances (during walks and excursions), and carry heavy loads. So that kids, playing in the sand, do not squat for a long time, sand boxes should be made with benches and tables. Furniture used by children should be appropriate for their height and body proportions. It is necessary to monitor the correct posture of children during classes and eating, playing, working on the site. They should not be allowed to stand for a long time with support on one leg. Clothing also plays a role in fostering correct posture. It should not be tight, interfere direct position body, impede free movement.

Currently, when conducting medical monitoring of the health of preschoolers (screening tests), the assessment of posture and the detection of scoliosis is carried out using a test card that includes 10 questions. depending on the answers, the posture is assessed according to three gradations: normal posture, minor posture disorders, pronounced posture disorders.

Posture is the usual posture of a naturally standing person, which he takes without undue muscle tension. The main factors affecting posture are the position and shape of the spine, the position of the pelvis, and the strength of the muscles.

Correct posture is a normal posture when standing and sitting: the shoulders are deployed and are at the same level, the shoulder blades are not protruding, they are located symmetrically, the stomach is tucked up, the legs at the knees are not bent when standing, the heels are together, the head is kept straight. The natural curves of the spine help maintain a normal posture. A person's posture not only affects the beauty of his figure, everything external appearance but also has a direct impact on his health. With its deterioration, the function of respiration and blood circulation is disturbed, the activity of the liver and intestines is hampered, oxidative processes are reduced, which leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance. Posture defects often cause visual impairment and lead to the formation of scoliosis, kyphosis and osteochondrosis.

In preschool children, posture defects are usually not pronounced and are not permanent. The most common defect is flaccid posture, which is characterized by an excessive increase in the cervical and thoracic spine curvature, a slightly lowered head, shoulders lowered and shifted forward, a sunken chest, scapula lagging behind the back (pterygoid), and a drooping abdomen. Often the legs are slightly bent at the knee joints. On the basis of a flaccid posture, a flat and flat-concave back, a round and round-concave back, as well as lateral distortions (scoliosis) or a combined distortion can later form.

Posture defects can negatively affect the condition nervous system... At the same time, young children become withdrawn, irritable, capricious, restless, feel uncomfortable, and hesitate to take part in games with their peers. Older children complain of pain in the spine, which usually occurs after physical or static exertion, a feeling of numbness in the interscapular region.

The main effective means Prevention of posture defects is correct and timely started physical education.

Since the growth and formation of posture is influenced by environmental conditions, parents and employees of preschool institutions must control the posture of children when sitting, standing, walking.

Are important:

Timely proper nutrition;

Fresh air;

Selection of furniture in accordance with the length of the body;

Optimal illumination;

The habit of carrying heavy objects correctly;

Relax the muscles of the body;

Monitor your own gait.

Motor coordination, physiological curves of the spine, arches of the child's foot are formed gradually in the process of its development. Big role in these processes play basic factors development, sensorimotor coordination, child's environment. It is these factors that are decisive in the development of the child's posture, foot, and motor stereotype. Among the basic factors of development, there are:

Modal-specific - associated with the sense organs (tactile, auditory, visual, vestibular, olfactory, gustatory stimuli);

Kinesthetic, kinetic, spatial (world space, body scheme);

Arbitrary regulation;

Power supply;

Interhemispheric interaction.

The posture of a child is formed from the moment of birth to 9-10 years. It is during this period of life that it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of correct posture and optimal motor stereotype. By the end of the first year of life, the child has 4 natural (physiological) bends of the spine: cervical and lumbar - with a bulge forward, thoracic and sacrococcygeal - with a bulge back.

The child begins to move, using all the limbs for support. Upper limbs it does not have a grasping function, it is developed later. In a newborn, total kyphosis gradually straightens. In the supine position, the arcuate curvature of the spine due to the force of gravity of the head on cervical spine spine, and lower limbs - on lumbar smoothed out. When the strength of the neck muscles increases, the child begins to raise his head and sit down. In a seated position, lumbar kyphosis increases, this is normal. Abdominal muscles in infant very weak, therefore, in an upright position, the abdomen bulges out under the influence of gravity and a small lumbar lordosis appears. In the first period of walking, the child's posture is as follows: protruding belly, lumbar lordosis is outlined, straight top part trunk, sometimes slight thoracic kyphosis, slight contracture of the hips, knees slightly bent.

The transitional type of posture in children lasts almost the entire preschool period. The protrusion of the abdomen decreases, but does not disappear, the lumbar lordosis becomes more noticeable. Ribs thanks to traction abdominal muscles, lean forward, so the ribcage is somewhat flattened, and the shoulders are rounded, but remain in place at the back and do not move forward. The knees are straightened in an upright position, but remain slightly bent while walking.

In early childhood and primary school age, children often suffer from postural disorders, which can lead to serious disorders of the normal functioning of the body, and in advanced cases - to loss of working capacity and early disability.

Posture disorder options.

Round back- an increase in thoracic kyphosis with an almost complete absence of lumbar lordosis. To compensate for the deviation of the center of gravity from the midline, the child stands with legs bent at the knee joints. With a round back, the chest sinks, the shoulders, neck and head tilt forward, the abdomen is pushed forward, the buttocks are flattened, the shoulder blades are pterygoid.

Round-concave back- all bends of the spine are increased, the angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased. The head, neck, shoulders are tilted forward, the abdomen protrudes. This is the most common posture disorder in older preschool age - more than 60%. This form of posture is determined by the presence of upper and lower cross syndrome in children, i.e. muscles prone to shortening are shortened, muscles prone to inhibition are relaxed.

Flat back- flattening of the lumbar lordosis, the inclination of the pelvis is reduced. The thoracic kyphosis is poorly expressed, the chest is displaced forward. The scapulae are pterygoid.

Flat-concave back- Reduction of thoracic kyphosis with normal or slightly increased lumbar lordosis. The ribcage is narrow, the abdominal muscles are weakened.

TO special tasks in preschool age, when forming the correct posture, include:

Working out the basic factors of development;

Formation of correct posture and images of correct movements (optimal motor stereotype);

Stimulation of the activity of organs and systems, improvement of physical development;

Improved coordination of movements;

Improvement and normalization emotional state, education of socially confident child behavior;

Activation of metabolic processes;

Increasing the nonspecific resistance of the child's body;

Stretching and strengthening the muscles of the anterior surface of the body and strengthening the abdominal muscles, while correcting the curvature of the lumbar spine (LSP);

Strengthening the muscles responsible for the setting of the shoulder blades and directed strengthening of the extensor muscles of the back with simultaneous correction of the thoracic spine (TOS);

Strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs with an emphasis on the development of the arch of the foot.

All these tasks are united by one, without the solution of which it is impossible to achieve a positive result - it is the education of the reflex of correct posture, the conscious desire to become healthy, beautiful, strong.

The development and consolidation of the skill of correct posture occurs during the performance of various general developmental exercises, in which the correct body position is necessarily maintained; exercises in balance and coordination, providing for the development of sensorimotor connections of the central nervous system. 5 - 6 summer child should already be able to combine the work of the right and left arms, arms and legs, be able to perform movements with resistance, work to overcome the weight of his body, coordinate the work of the front and back halves of the body. Many children lose their ability to move if they close their eyes. Often, great difficulties arise when crossing the midline of the body, a combination of head and eye movements, body turns and hand and eye movements.

But it is precisely these types of coordination that underlie such vital locomotions as crawling, walking, running. And all this inevitably turns into difficulties in learning to write and read, where the necessary movements of the hand, eyes, head are also associated with the intersection of the midline of the body.

The result of sensorimotor development is:

1.Coordination of the work of the right and left half of the body ( laterality).

2. The consistency of the work of the upper and lower halves of the body ( centralization).

3. Consistency of the front and back parts body ( focus).

Any lag in the development of these coordination affects not only the formation of the child's posture, his health, but also his ability to adapt to environment, efficiency, success, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of self-doubt, learning difficulties. The presence of even one of the listed deviations can already serve as the reason for the formation of incorrect posture. The appendix contains tests for the degree of development of sensory and psychomotor coordination. (See page)

Correctional and developmental exercises without objects

In the first month of classes, you should start working with children with walk, crawling, climbing... It is these forms of movement that are the basis of sensorimotor development, they will help children restore the lost abilities to coordinate their movements, body work in conjunction with the activities of the senses, vision, hearing and the nervous system. Let's look at some examples.


1) without assignment - 16 steps;

2) on toes, arms to the sides - 8 steps;

3) on the heels, hands behind the head - 8 steps;

4) on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt - 8 steps;

5) stepping over modules - 8 steps.

Guidelines. Children perform normal column walking one at a time. When walking on toes, do not bend your knees, steps are small, arms exactly to the side, do not lower your head, look straight. When walking on heels, do not stomp, put your foot gently, hands behind your head, open your elbows, look straight, do not put your pelvis aside. When stepping over the modules, raise the thigh high, pulling the toe.

A comment... It is necessary to regularly repeat different types of walking, which help to eliminate deficiencies such as: excessive tension of the shoulders, insufficiently straightened trunk, uncoordinated work of the arms and legs, shuffling feet. In addition, walking helps to strengthen the muscles of the foot, which prevents the development of flat feet, forms the correct posture.

Walking barefoot, on a hard surface, on mats, on pebbles or buttons, on a rope, on rubber massage mats, stepping over objects, on a gymnastic bench, hemispheres, modules, etc. effectively develops the gait reflex. Walking Normalizes Cardio Activity -vascular system, gastrointestinal and endocrine systems... The visual system is formed and motor experience is increased.


Crawling on all fours:

1) crawling forward, backward, zigzag;

2) heterolateral crawling (right arm - left leg).

Crawl lying on stomach :

1) "lizard";

2) lying on your back, pushing off with bent legs from the floor;

3) roll, in the "log" way.

Guidelines. Pay attention to correct crawling. The movement, kneeling, forward is performed with opposite arms and legs, with the head turning towards the moving arm. The same is true when performing a back crawl. Often, performing bell crawling, children use only their hands, rearranging them and pulling up, or even include one leg in the work. The task of the teacher is to control the cross work of arms and legs with a simultaneous turn of the head towards the forward arm.

A comment. This exercise is mandatory and milestone. If the child cannot complete this exercise, then more complex coordinated exercises, running, etc. will be ineffective and problematic. Crawling has a positive effect on the formation of correct posture. This exercise helps to improve interhemispheric interaction, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space. It is recommended to crawl on a gymnastic bench; on an inclined surface; on pebbles, rubber massage mats; in support, kneeling, in support on the forearms, in bell-style, "snake", etc. It is recommended to include crawling in each lesson, both as a separate exercise and during the game, relay race.

Lasagne: on a stepladder, gymnastic wall.

I. p. - standing on the floor, holding the rail at chest height: sit down on outstretched arms, return to SP.

Moving with a side step along the rail with the transition to other sections of the wall.

A combination of vertical climbing with short hangs.

Guidelines. Pay attention to how the child grabs the reiki with his hands ( thumb the bottom of the rail, the rest on top) and how to correctly place the legs on the rail (in the middle of the foot). The child climbs up to a certain height, intercepting the next rail with his hands, and then rearranging his legs. It peels off in a reverse motion - first, it rearranges both legs to one rail, and then intercepts the rail with its hands.

A comment. This type of exercise is designed to overcome the fear of heights, mastering complex coordination of movements. Serves as a corrective exercise in terms of posture formation. Children use mainly an added step, over time they are increasingly carried forward different hands and a leg - an alternating step is developed. The work of the entire muscle corset is involved.


1) easy running on toes;

2) running "snake" with the transition to walking;

3) running with overcoming obstacles.

A comment... Running is more complex coordinated work than walking. A relatively quick change in direction of movement forms the coordination of the work of the right and left hemispheres. Running develops endurance, speed qualities, ease, ease of movement in children.

Exercises for the development of symmetrical muscle strength are also used in working with children.

Main stance (o.s.) - standing, feet parallel to each other, arms along the body.

Guidelines... Body weight is evenly distributed over both legs; the muscles of the thighs are tense, the patella is raised; abdominal Press toned, the stomach is slightly pulled in; gluteal muscles tense; shoulders are deployed and lowered; the head is raised, look forward and up.

A comment... Hold the basic stance for 15 to 30 seconds. The main stand should be specially trained for children, because the ability to stand correctly in the future can develop a reflex of correct posture.

Massage of biologically active points.

Massage activates bioenergetic zones, "warms up" the body, prepares organs and systems for the next physical activity... It should be performed before the start of the lesson, in the preparatory part of the lesson. I. p. during massage - "student pose" (sitting on the heels), bending the fingers. The pose itself is already a working one, because stretches the muscles of the lower leg, foot, front of the thigh.

Palms: rub strongly in circular motions.

Cheeks: rub in a circular motion with palms from nose to ears.

Forehead: rub with the palm of your hand, each in turn.

Ears: rub the auricle in a circular motion with the thumb and forefinger.

Hairy part of the head: rub with the fingers of both hands in a circular motion from front to back.

Fingers: Grasp one finger right hand with the left palm (as if holding it in a fist) and massage each finger, rubbing it strongly along its entire length.

A comment... This position helps to stretch the front surface of the lower leg and extensor muscles of the foot (prevention of flat feet). With the massage, children stimulate the areas on the hands and feet, which are necessary for the development of correct gait reflexes.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck. Aimed at hand-eye coordination, at strengthening and stretching the muscles of the neck, at leveling the muscular traction of the cervicothoracic region. These are head tilts forward, backward, right, left; head turns to the right, left; semicircles of the head. All inclinations are done as you exhale.

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle. Exercises tone the muscles of the shoulder girdle, improve the mobility of the joints of the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, and work out the thoracic spine. When performing exercises, it is necessary to monitor your posture, do not lower your head, do not slouch, tighten your abdominal muscles. These are circular movements with the shoulders with all hands.

Exercises for body muscles ... The work is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, lumbar spine, aligning the muscle traction of the right and left halves of the body, relieving muscle tension. This exercise is "the kitty woke up" to kneel, arch your back and lie on your stomach again; standing on all fours, slide your foot and lower leg on the floor, making a kind of lunge.

Exercises for the formation and consolidation of the skill of correct posture

1. Stand against the wall, touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels, elbows. Keeping the correct position, take a step forward, then back, return to I. p.

2. Take the correct posture against the wall, rise on your toes, hold this position for 3-4 minutes.

3. The same, but without a wall.

4. Stand up against the wall, take the correct position, raise your arms to the sides - up, go down into the SP.

5. Take the correct posture against the wall, sit down, spreading the knees apart and maintaining the position of the head and spinal column. Slowly get up in the I.P.

6. The same, but without a wall.

7. Stand against the wall, take the correct position. Alternately raise your legs forward, without bending at the knee, without lifting the pelvis, shoulders, head from the wall.

8. I. p. - standing, hand on stomach. Inhale - inflate the stomach - exhale. Slowly.

9. Walking with a bag on your head.

10. Lying on your back - raise your head - check the correct position of the body.

11. Lying on your back, take the correct posture, close your eyes - relax all muscles - become like " Ragdoll". Open your eyes, take the right posture.

These exercises can be given in any part of the lesson and as control exercises between exercises to strengthen the muscle corset.

Work with a large gymnastic (orthopedic) ball.

One of the most effective means development and correction of posture for preschool children are classes on large balls. Ball exercises have their own characteristics. Firstly, it is an unstable support that makes it necessary to include certain muscle groups in the work. Working on a mobile, constantly “wanting to drop it” ball is complicated by the fact that the child is forced to balance, playing with the ball, trying to stay on it. The emotional component also plays an important role here - the ball is a toy, it is a partner, it is beautiful and, most importantly, it is motionless, i.e. interacts with the child.

Control. 1 . I. p. - sitting on the ball, feet on the floor. Movement of the pelvis back and forth, right and left. The pace is slow.

A comment... The exercise is aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles, contributes to the formation of lumbar lordosis, strengthens the abdominal muscles, removes the block from the POP muscles (lumbar spine).

Control. 2. I. p. - kneeling, the ball in front of you, hands are straight on the ball. Lie with your chest on the ball, put your hands on the floor in front of the ball. Roll onto your stomach - then return to SP.

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