Home Roses Prepared public speaking. What types of public speaking are there? Among the unusual sports there are

Prepared public speaking. What types of public speaking are there? Among the unusual sports there are


Specifics of the concept of public speaking

Basic steps for preparing a public speech

Main stages of preparation


List of used literature


Ancient rhetoric is of great importance in preparing public speeches (rhetorical canon). The Greeks also noted that Dimosthenes’ speech was saturated with the oil of the night lamp, by the light of which he composed them.

Mastering the art of oratory is a very long and dynamic process that requires constant work on oneself and a lot of speaking practice (conversations, negotiations, speaking in mass audiences, participating in discussions, etc.). Based on this, an important place in the speaker’s activity is occupied by everyday preparation for a speech, in other words, the continuous process of working to improve one’s speech skills, systematic rhetorical self-education.

Today, the issue of public speaking is very acute. IN last years Professions where the main aspect is a person’s communication skills have become very popular. Which explains the relevance of our chosen topic.

The purpose of my research is to review and analyze the main aspects of preparing for a public speaking. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems, namely:

consider the specifics of the concept of public speaking

identify the main steps in preparing a public speech

consider the main stages of preparation

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Specifics of the concept of public speaking

Public speaking- this is the communicative interaction of the speaker with the audience of listeners. The result of a public speaking performance largely depends on the effectiveness of the preparation and competence of the speaker on the topic under discussion and the skill of public speaking.

Public speaking is nothing more than the public interaction of a candidate with an audience. The candidate must speak clearly, clearly and concisely, taking into account the following audience points:

motivation of the audience (why they came, or why they were invited)

competence in the candidate's question

intellectual and age level of the audience

time allotted for the meeting

Information must go to a specific addressee, that is, the information must be interesting to the audience. Quite often, candidates speak “for themselves,” completely ignoring voters. Candidates look over the heads of voters, at the floor, out the window, to the side. As a result, contact with the audience is lost, which leads to poor results at the end of the meeting

The candidate should pay special attention to emphasizing the key points of the meeting. This could be an emphasis on part of one’s election program, the election date, “lowering the status of competitors,” etc.

Things to keep in mind when giving a speech:

when entering the audience, greet voters, always smile;

Be confident and show confidence in your words. It is the demonstration of confidence that allows you to win over voters to your side.

the gaze must always be directed towards the voters. You can't avoid looking;

start speaking only after complete silence has been established in the hall;

start your speech with a short greeting;

speak clearly, but in no case monotonously, otherwise voters will simply fall asleep;

carefully monitor the reaction of voters;

if voters are tired, start speaking more quietly, and then sharply raise your voice;

if voters liked your words, then focus attention on them;

do not pay attention to provocations;

never say that you are not competent in some matter. The voter expects you to solve his problems, and you must promise him this;

at the end of the speech, do not forget to thank the voters and invite them to the polls.

2. Basic steps for preparing a public speech

Daily preparation includes activities such as:

Acquiring new knowledge, accumulating information from various areas science and technology, obtaining information from periodicals, radio and television broadcasts, reading scientific, journalistic, and fiction literature. Constantly strive for new knowledge, expanding the scope of your interests.

Creating your own archive.

Mastering speech technique

Improving the culture of oral and writing.

Critical analysis of speeches

If we talk about the rules of preparing for a public speaking, we note the following:

To prepare the text of your speech, you need to check with the organizer about the time limit allotted for your report. If there are no time restrictions, you still shouldn't prepare a long speech. On average, count on 5 - 7 minutes, maximum - 10 minutes.

Make a plan.

Decide on the purpose of the report, its main idea. Then start creating a speech outline. The more detailed the plan is, the easier it will be to write the text itself. The main idea of ​​the report can be stated both at the beginning of the speech and at the end. The choice depends on your personal preference. Remember, speech must be coherent, meaningful and capacious. It is also not recommended to overload the report with professional terms. The exception is scientific conferences, in which case terms are indispensable. It is recommended to use digital indicators, but in moderation; their number depends on the task at hand.

Rehearse your speech.

Focus on the public. If you are an economist speaking in front of your colleagues, naturally, revealing the essence of technical terms will be inappropriate. In the case of a report for people of other professions, on the contrary, it is very useful. After preparing the text, re-read it and correct it. Check the clock to see how many minutes it takes to read the report. Adjust it according to the required amount of time.

Practicing the speech of the speech. Let's move on to voice training. Read the prepared text several times, adhering to your usual manner of communication. Then practice in front of the mirror, looking at the outline of the report. Ask people close to you to give you their time and play the role of your audience.

Fashion style. After training, start choosing clothes. First of all, the outfit must match the format of the meeting. If this scientific forum You should give preference to clothes of a classic cut. Are you going to teach a lesson to students? Then your choice is casual clothes in calm tones. The main rule: the outfit should not attract excessive attention from the audience, otherwise it will distract from the essence of the report. Therefore, avoid red shoes, original jewelry, dresses of all colors of the rainbow at the same time, if you do not want your listeners to discuss and look at your outfit instead of becoming interested in the report.

It is very important to clearly formulate for yourself what you like in a speech, a speaker, and what causes a negative reaction, which actions, techniques, words contribute to the success of the speaker and which do not. The speaker must acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of public speaking. It is important to understand the stages of a speaker’s activity, how to prepare for a meeting with a listener, how to structure a speech, and what audience management techniques can be used. Daily preparation increases professional level speaker.

.Main stages of preparation

All stages can be combined into three groups in relation to the moment of speech.

Figure 1. The main stages of preparing for a public speaking.

In the pre-communicative phase (in the phase before the speech), two initial stages are distinguished:

Determining the topic and purpose of the speech

Am I really interested in the topic and could it be of interest to me?

Is this topic important to the audience?

Assessing the state of the audience and the situation as a whole

Work at these stages is in the nature of taking into account and evaluating objective data: the topic and purpose of the speech are usually set, but the state of the audience and the situation are not chosen by the speaker.

Determining the topic of the speech.

The topic of your speech should be chosen carefully. If possible, then you need to focus on what is familiar and interesting to the speaker personally. Then it might be interesting and meaningful to others. Then, you need to try to narrow the topics of the speech so that it is of the greatest interest. It is necessary to decide whether to describe the subject, explain something about the subject, challenge a certain point of view, or present a new version. Don't try to cram too much material into a limited time. Shakespeare also said: “Where words are few, they carry weight.” If possible, you need to think about your future speech for several days. During this time, many new ideas will appear. The main idea is the main thesis, which must be clearly formulated from the very beginning. Knowing the goal enhances attention. A speech can have several core ideas, but no more than three.

The core idea makes it possible to set a certain tone for the speech. For example, reports on scientific and technical topics may be delivered with an angry, reproachful intonation, the meaning of which consists of unspoken but implied expressions such as “If you don’t do this, you will regret it,” or “I can’t understand why you don’t do this.” this and that." This slightly annoyed tone allows the speaker to more effectively convey his idea to the audience.

Possible intonation colors for speeches are as follows:


light-hearted or humorous;


angry or reproachful;




Formulating the main thesis means answering the question of why to talk (goal) and what to talk about (means to achieve the goal).

Requirements for the main thesis of the speech:

the phrase must state the main idea and correspond to the purpose of the speech;

the judgment should be short, clear, easy to keep in mind short term memory;

the thought must be understood unambiguously and not contain a contradiction.

After preparing your speech plan, it is useful to check yourself with questions:

Who are my listeners (interested, uninterested)?

Are they prepared or not?

Does my presentation generate interest?

Do I know enough about this issue and do I have enough data?

Will I be able to finish my presentation in the allotted time?

Is my performance commensurate with my level of knowledge and experience?

Assessing the Audience and Setting

Ask yourself: “Who are my audience?” If the answer is difficult, then it is better to imagine a group of two or three people to whom the speech is addressed and prepare a speech for them. Must be taken into account following characteristics audience:

the level of education;


the purpose of people coming to the performance;

level of interest in the topic;

level of awareness on this issue;

It is advisable to talk to some people in the intended audience in advance to get to know the audience better. The location of the performance is a very important factor successful performance. In order to feel confident, you need to come to the gym in advance and get comfortable. If a microphone is to be used, it must be adjusted.


The assessment of the topic, purpose and audience is the basis and background of the next stage of the pre-communicative phase - “coding”, i.e. creating a message on a given topic, for a given purpose, for a given audience and in accordance with a specific situation. This stage includes:

selection of materials;

compositional and logical design of speech;

use of factual material;

work on language and speaking style.

Factual material and digital data, to make it easier to understand, it is better to demonstrate through tables and graphs, rather than over-reading them. The easiest way is to make a presentation and place all the digital material there and refer to it throughout the narrative, since numbers are more likely to bore listeners than to arouse interest.

The pre-communicative phase must necessarily end with a speech rehearsal. You can practice in front of your loved ones or friends, you can use audio and video recording tools to control the timing, quality of the performance - in a word, look at yourself from the outside.

Preparation of substantive issues:

analysis of the problem, situation

formation of goals, objectives, general approach to performance and

own position

preparation of speech and argumentation of conclusions

selection necessary documents and materials

Take into account age and gender factors.

Communication phase.

The communicative stage (during a speech) of a speech also involves the development of the speaker’s ability to distribute attention, quickly switch from the material being presented to the audience and back. It is important to learn to imagine the listeners’ train of thought and the degree to which they perceive the material.

A speaker striving to achieve success and a constructive result must carefully prepare his speech. Such preparation can be represented as follows: components:



take into account established rituals and subordination

Thus, the actions of the speaker during the communicative phase of the speech include:

implementation of speech culture norms;

logical-compositional structuring of speech text;

reaction to audience actions

What mistakes are typical for speakers? What should you avoid in your public speech?

Cannot be abused in foreign words, unfamiliar terms and concepts. This makes your speech difficult to understand and makes it cumbersome. In addition, it is necessary to remember that some of the listeners are not familiar with these words, and someone puts into them a different meaning that does not coincide with yours. Misinterpretation of concepts can lead to misunderstanding - misinterpretation of your words as a whole.

Frequent use of conjunctions is unacceptable. Also M.V. Lomonosov noted that “unions are like nails and glue, the fewer there are, the better.”

Post-communication phase

Post-communication stage (questions after the speech). When analyzing an oral presentation, it is necessary to consider the speech from three main positions:

completeness of plan implementation

logic of presentation

aesthetic expressiveness

What the audience and each listener usually pays attention to.

topic and purpose: are they interesting or not too broad; how appropriate are the situations;

introduction: how interesting and unconventional; wasn't it going too far; is it clear and convincing;

the main part: is the plan and logic of the speech thought out; whether it arouses interest; whether there is unnecessary material; whether the arguments and evidence given are correct; whether there are enough arguments; whether there is too abstract material; whether all the examples are appropriate; the presentation is convincing;

conclusion: is it sufficiently motivated; how clear and impressive; whether it meets the stated goal.

Evaluation of a speech from the standpoint of compliance with the norms of speech culture and style:

whether there are ambiguities; is there enough specificity or is there excessive abstraction;

whether the language is relaxed and appropriate for the audience and topic; is there a mixture of styles and how appropriate is it;

are there long sentences, confusing constructions; whether there is verbosity or excessive brevity;

are speech cliches used? how original the speech is, how bright the language is.

Assessment of the speaker's appearance:

appearance and manners: is the behavior at ease; is there confidence, a friendly tone; Is the speech addressed to everyone? does he look at the listeners?

posture: constrained or relaxed, theatrical or regal, stooped or straight, etc.; are there any unnecessary movements, etc.;

gestures: how appropriate; Are there too many of them? how natural, meaningful, appropriate.

pace: whether it is too fast or slow; whether speech is abrupt or slow; Are there enough pauses?

Articulation Score:

how correct is the pronunciation of words;

How clear is the articulation?

These are approximate characteristics that will help you navigate when preparing for a speech and while delivering a speech. Particular attention must be paid to correct pronunciation words, since compliance spelling standards- one of the weak links of linguistic and speech culture teacher

public speaking speaker audience


Thus, we can note that mastering the art of oratory is a very long and dynamic process that requires constant work on oneself and a lot of speaking practice (conversations, negotiations, speaking in mass audiences, participating in discussions, etc.). Based on this, an important place in the speaker’s activity is occupied by everyday preparation for a speech, in other words, the continuous process of working to improve one’s speech skills, systematic rhetorical self-education.

Today, the issue of public speaking is very acute. In recent years, professions where the main aspect is a person’s communication skills have become very popular. In the course of the study, we achieved our goal by solving such problems as: considering the specifics of the concept of public speaking, identifying the main steps in preparing a public speech, considering the main stages of preparing a speech.

We included the following activities in daily preparation:

.Acquiring new knowledge, accumulating information from various fields of science and technology.

.Creating your own archive.

.Mastering speech technique.

.Improving the culture of oral and written speech.

.Critical analysis of speeches.

Three phases (stages) were identified as the main stages of preparation for a public speaking: pre-communicative, communicative and post-communicative. And finally, they revealed the fact that daily preparation increases the professional level of the speaker.

List of used literature

1.Alexandrov D.N. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities, M., 2010, - 157 p.

.Andreev F.I. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities, M., 2009, - 10 pages.

.Kostromina E.A. Rhetoric. Tutorial. - NIMB. N. Novgorod:, 2006. - 57 pages

.Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook for universities., L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva., 15th ed. Rostov n./D: Phoenix, 2006 - 36 p.



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Good public speaking affects many things in our lives - successfully concluding a contract, attracting clients, public recognition, and so on. A strong, confident speech forces the audience to listen to every word of the speaker, catch his gestures and intonations. How to learn this? Detailed Guide in our article.

You will read:

  • What kind of public speaking is ideal for a conference?
  • Types of public speaking and their differences
  • How to overcome your inner fear of public speaking
  • How to write a better public speaking speech

Public performance are carried out not only at stadiums and large venues, but also, for example, on television - wherever it is necessary to convey information to a wide audience. Also, public speaking can be focused on communication with management or a new employer. A well-prepared public speech opens up opportunities to present oneself, developing self-realization skills.

What types of public speaking are there?

  1. Informational speeches. Such public speaking allows you to share certain knowledge with the audience. The speech during an informational speech should arouse the interest of the listeners. In such speeches, simple techniques of description, reasoning, and narration are appropriate. It is better to exclude from the performance controversial issues, ambiguities, the material needs to be updated. Distributed informational speeches in scientific field– for organizing reports, lectures, defense of works. The main goal is to awaken curiosity among listeners and convey new knowledge to them. A classic example of public speaking is a scientific report.
  2. Protocol and etiquette performances. Particular attention in such speeches is given to the behavior and mood, and not to the words of the speaker. For these performances, humor is important (although during mourning ceremonies it is better to exclude humor).
  3. Entertainment performances. This public speaking is intended to entertain the audience, providing an opportunity to smile and have a good time. The speech should be entertaining and entertaining, pleasant for listeners throughout the speech. The main requirement is not to offend anyone with criticism. It is optimal if it is a short speech alternating serious words and humor, with personal examples, and a certain amount of self-irony.
  4. Persuasive speech. This is the most difficult speech - you need to convince the audience of something. Depending on the audience, you need to resort to emotional and logical arguments. The art of persuasion is the goal of most speakers' speeches.
  • Unique selling proposition: examples, development tips

What does the structure of a public speaking look like?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of public speaking skills, although many are in no hurry to master oratory. With such inattention, the result is that one wonders why they are not being listened to. If you want to learn how to communicate with an audience, if you want to better master oratory and public speaking, you need to understand what oratory includes:

1. Preparation.

  • deserves special attention appearance. It is necessary to dress neatly, shave clean and look aesthetically pleasing.
  • analyze your audience, focus on the part of the report that will be of interest to a specific audience.
  • preparing materials for presentations. In particular, it may be necessary to prepare a presentation and handouts.
  • rehearsing your performance. Over time, less and less time will be needed for this. But first you have to carefully practice and rehearse your performance.
  • getting ready for the performance. Many people find it psychologically difficult to get ready for a performance. Regardless of the field of activity, if you do not like what you do, then you will not be able to achieve high results.

2. Introduction.

The main thing at this stage is to be remembered by the invitees and to attract the attention of the audience. At the beginning of the speech, you need to do something unusual, to surprise the audience.

What should you pay attention to during a speech? First of all, you need to introduce yourself. Many people decide to talk about business right away; this is a common mistake. I need to tell you a little about myself, but briefly. You need to explain to your audience why you are a leader in your industry and why you deserve their attention and trust.

Then the speech can have several options:

  • Announcement. We bring the audience up to date, albeit briefly;
  • Gratitude. Thank those gathered for their visit and attention;
  • Compliment. Praise your listeners. Tell us that you have never seen such an interesting audience;
  • Story. Share with your audience cautionary tale, demonstrating the importance of your speech;
  • Interaction with the audience. For example, voting, playing or other options.

3. Main part.

At this stage, the theme is clearly revealed. It is difficult to talk about general recommendations. Try to connect with your audience. It is important to note that the lecture is an outdated format. Polls, voting and games for interaction with the audience can add a special charm to the performance and arouse the interest of those gathered. Important condition– competent division of your speech into parts. Each part must be a logically complete fragment in order to be remembered by those gathered.

4. Conclusion.

It repeats the main points that were presented at the beginning of the speech. It is appropriate to show further direction of work - books, links, unresolved problems. Next we say goodbye. If your public appearance involves a follow-up, this should be communicated. Thank the organizers, listeners, and supplement the conclusion with something original.

The conclusion should be concise, do not drag it out. Usually the audience realizes that the performance is coming to an end and their attention becomes less intense, especially if the performance is followed by lunch or a coffee break.

Download the book “Secrets of Great Speakers. Talk like Churchill, act like Lincoln"

Book by James Humes - famous writer, former speechwriter for five American presidents, reveals some secrets oratory skills and creating charisma. By mastering the techniques suggested in the review of this book, you will gain confidence and learn how to handle public speaking easily and successfully.

What to pay special attention to when speaking in public

  1. Gestures, facial expressions. They must correspond to the speaker's words. In any case, do not plan your gestures in advance. This will lead to an unnatural effect, which will have a detrimental effect on the performance. Gestures should be open, sincere, they should show your activity and interest.
  2. Intonation, voice. The ability to manipulate your voice is required. If you want to make your words memorable, you need to speak a little more quietly. If you plan to make fun of some points, speak up. An effective exercise it becomes reading poetry in a low, then a high voice. Experiment with reading speed. The height of skill is a slow start with gradual acceleration and raising the voice. This way you can perfectly master voice and intonation control.
  3. Personal stories. Your words should be supported by real stories from personal experience. So prepare memorable and short stories.
  4. Experiments. It must be remembered that public speaking is a creative process. Therefore, think about new formats, bringing something original to it, and don’t be afraid to experiment.

5 types of listeners: how to behave with each of them

Alexander Yanykhbash,

business coach at Oratorika Group, Moscow

Each audience has its own behavior and other typical characteristics. Let's look at the main types of listeners and ways to interact with them.

Intellectual. Voiced by difficult questions, clarifying the details and commenting on your proposals. You should recognize the authority of such an opponent, his knowledge, without resorting to flattery, take an interest in his opinion - make such a listener your assistant.

If you do not know the answer to a question, postpone consideration of it until the break or agree to continue this discussion on e-mail– don’t forget to keep your promise.

Aggressive. Characterized by assertive behavior with contempt for what is happening. Gives assessments, speaks loudly. There is no need to succumb to provocations on his part, remain calm and benevolent. Don't forget to keep your distance, don't start an argument with him. Do not forget to thank for questions and comments, answering briefly, with humor, and redirecting his questions to the audience.

Bossy. His appearance gives him away - this category of listeners prefers classic suits. People of this type like to be in the front or back rows. It manifests itself in phrases such as “Well, let’s see what they tell us here,” “Who can recommend you?” And so on.

Talkative. Such listeners have a positive attitude towards what is happening. They are located in the forefront with a willingness to cooperate. They don’t need to be rude; it’s better to gently hint at the rules of the event. You can give short answers or promise to continue communication during the break.

Creative. It is located behind or on the side, where it is calm and safe. He likes to sit near the window, draw patterns on paper, look around, and asks bizarre and even abstract questions. One gets the feeling that he is not listening at all, but is thinking about his own things. Engage the attention of such an interlocutor, including through examples or interesting slides. It is advisable to address the listener by name if you know him.

  • 1 tip. Perform as often as possible.
  • Tip 2. Learn from the masters. Get acquainted with the recordings of masters, attend performances, master classes, analyze successful gestures, words, etc.
  • Tip 3. Attend meetings of people involved in public speaking.

Examples of Skillful Public Speaking from Movies

1) Dead Poets Society (1989), USA

Cast: Robin Williams, Robin Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles, Gail Hansen.

Genre: drama.

What the film is about: John Keating has become a new English teacher. He differs from most teachers in his ease of communication, disregard for the current curriculum, and eccentric behavior. One day he tells his charges about the Dead Poets Society. Each student strives to find his voice in the faceless world around him, going beyond the boring school walls.

2) Devil's Advocate (1997), USA, Germany

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, Charlize Theron, Geoffrey Jones, Judith Ivey.

Genre: thriller, drama, detective.

What is the film about: One of the films that is sure to leave a lasting impression. The film introduces an abundance of worthy speeches and outstanding performances. The main weapon of the characters in the film is skillful oratory.

3) The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996), USA

Cast: Barbra Strasen, Jeff Bridges, Laurent Bacall, Ldorj Segal, Mimi Rogers.

Genre: drama, melodrama, comedy.

What is the film about: One of the true masterpieces of Hollywood. Almost every expression of this masterpiece became catchphrase. The main role is played by a boring math teacher who has never had a good relationship with the ladies. Soon his acquaintance with a modest colleague progresses to marriage. The woman is not satisfied with her personal life and begins an experiment - when the husband goes to a lecture, the wife begins to actively take care of herself, becoming a luxurious beauty.

4) The Big Debaters (2007), USA

Starring: Denzel Washington, Denzel Whitaker, Nate Parker, Jurnee Smollett, Forest Whitaker.

Genre: drama, biography.

What is the film about: The film is dedicated to oratory with a strong psychological bias. The script examines numerous techniques, strategies, facts - each speaker will learn a lot of new and interesting things from the film. Main character The painting is a tenacious teacher who, from a small group of students, trained an elite student debate team, competing in eloquence with the best debaters from Harvard.

5) The King's Speech (2010), UK

Cast: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter, Guy Pearce, Timothy Spall.

Genre: drama, biography, history.

What the film is about: Everyone knows the expression “a word can kill, humiliate and insult.” But in fact, the word is capable of both resurrection and victory. This film once again reminds us of the power of the mighty word, telling about numerous examples of public speaking, how to know yourself and gain confidence.

Features of public speaking

Elena Vos,

business consultant on business, international and civil etiquette and Success protocol, Nijmegen (Netherlands)

Leg muscles play an important role during public speaking. Place your weight on your entire foot to create proper posture for clear breathing and efficient heart function.

Straighten up to your full height, tilt your head back a little for better control of the vocal apparatus. During a speech, avoid holding your breath, tense lower jaw, elongated neck, other bodily overloads - all this interferes with the voice. Try to get more air into your lungs to effectively control your voice.

If you're nervous before a performance, you can walk around. It is known that walking helps to calm down and maintain the functioning of the brain and heart.

It is also necessary to take into account that the volume of sounds produced depends on the volume of air in the lungs. When speaking in public using a microphone, do not speak loudly. Otherwise, the quality of sound transmission will be impaired. It is also necessary to take into account that the lower the voice, the less it will be distorted due to the influence of amplification devices.

To attract attention, like expressing sincere sympathy, you need to speak a little quieter, and words that have emphasis should be pronounced half a decibel higher.

What techniques can you use in public speaking?

1st appointment- open questions. Closed and alternative questions have a serious limitation - there is a high probability of an answer that does not meet your expectations. Therefore, open questions are safer, because the opposite side must itself reveal the essence of the position, find evidence and arguments. With an open question, a detailed answer is expected, which can lead to irritation of the audience regarding your “opponent”.

2nd appointment– focused paraphrasing. The opportunity to demonstrate that the question was heard and understood, to manage the conversation, to focus attention on the necessary accents and to place the necessary emphasis. In this case, the speaker states the opponent’s statement in his own words, with some benefit to himself, asking a question for confirmation.

3rd appointment– wording of the beginning of the answer to the question. You can use phrases

  • Thanks for your pointed question!
  • Thanks for the question!
  • Do I understand you correctly...

4th appointment– formulations for complex questions. You can use the following phrases:

  • The problem you are talking about...
  • To understand this issue...
  • I must admit that you helped me rethink my approaches to...

5th appointment– wording for completing the answer to the question. You can base it on the following phrases:

  • Thanks for your questions!
  • Your questions were (to the point, meaningful, etc.).
  • I'm sure I answered all your questions.

How to overcome your fear of public speaking

  1. Quick movements of the jaw back and forth - to relax the facial nerves.
  2. We vigorously shake our hands, knead our palms, move our fingers - to relieve the paralyzing effect of excitement, as well as stimulate the speech apparatus and speed of reaction, improving eloquence.
  3. Walk energetically and wave your arms. Physical activity will help relieve nervous tension.
  4. Movements in a calm rhythm. Stretch your arms up, without lifting your heels from the floor, stretch, throw your body down, shake your arms.
  5. Do the “Square Breathing” exercise – inhale through your nose, pause, and then exhale and pause again.
  6. Exercise “Breathing on a count” – inhale through your nose one or two times, and exhale through your nose 3-4-5-6 times. We take a pause. Then we increase the duration of inhalations and exhalations.
  7. Exercise “Exhale through the mouth” - inhale through the nose for 1-2-3, exhale through the mouth for 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 (five to seven inhalations and exhalations). The stronger the exhalation, the more melodic, powerful and continuous one will be able to speak. It is important to exhale more slowly than usual.
  8. If you are short of breath, you need to take several breaths, while exhaling, pronouncing any words with the vowel “u”.

19 methods of dealing with sudden fear

The main reason for fear is lack of information. We are afraid of the incomprehensible or unfamiliar. Fear can manifest itself in unexpected forms. For example, the inventor Nikola Tesla was afraid of germs, so he preferred not to touch people and objects and constantly washed his hands. Such fears prevent you from communicating with people and living a full life.

In the article electronic journal « Commercial Director» six of your colleagues shared their experiences of dealing with fear.

How else can you overcome your fear of public speaking?

Evgeniy Dimitko,

deputy general director Sales and Marketing, Alkoy Group of Companies, Moscow

Public speaking is characterized by a negative psychological connotation, which is why the necessary preparation is constantly postponed. What to do to correct the situation?

Undoubtedly, you can think about the worst development of the situation, the possible failure to fulfill the sales plan, etc., but it is difficult to consider the negative worthy of significant worries. It’s better to imagine something positive - after the speech, “we signed a contract,” “solved another professional problem.” Any positive motives help fight fear, bringing the event closer emotionally.

What kind of voice do people find pleasant?

Tone. For most people, a high voice is unpleasant; a low voice is preferable.

Audibility. The speaker's task is to distribute his voice evenly at normal volume.

10 Common Public Speaking Mistakes

The first mistake is a mismatch between attitude and speech. If the content of the speech does not match the tone of speech, body language and posture, the audience will definitely notice it.

The second mistake is over-excusing. The public doesn’t care whether you’re worried, how long you’ve been preparing your report, or whether you have experience speaking. Therefore, there is no need to justify yourself to your listeners. You need to immediately put the thoughts, feelings of the audience and the desires of the listeners first - informing, entertaining and motivating those gathered.

The third mistake is over-apologizing. Beginning speakers like to constantly apologize, trying to justify themselves for the poor quality of the report. You only need to apologize for one thing - for your constant apologies. Therefore, it is better to refuse them.

The fourth mistake is that the speaker does not pay attention to his eyebrows and eyes. Most beginners only seem to be able to fully control their facial expressions. It is difficult to control the facial muscles without training,

The fifth mistake is the wrong choice of words. We understand individual words earlier than the entire sentence. Therefore, we react faster to individual words than to sentences.

The sixth mistake is the lack of humor in speech. Don't be a bore with a monotonous speech, add originality to your speech.

The seventh mistake is demonstrating know-it-all behavior.

The eighth mistake is fussiness. To avoid unnecessary fussiness, find yourself appropriate place to perform, take a position, “put down roots.” The main thing is to have eye contact with all listeners. But don’t “dig in” in one place. If the speaker constantly hides behind the pulpit, coming out only at the end of the speech, this is also a bad option. Therefore, you need to move, but consciously, with control of space.

The ninth mistake is monotony of speech, always a boring and same type of voice.

The tenth mistake is to chatter without pauses.

Information about the experts

Leonid Smekhov, teacher at the IBDA RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, author of the course “Business Leader Communications” in the full-time distance learning Integrated MBA (iMBA) program, TV presenter, managing partner of the “Communicator” training center. Author and presenter of trainings on oratory, public speech and business communication, author of the book “Popular Rhetoric”, as well as a number of scientific and journalistic articles on various aspects of communication.

Evgeniy Dimitko, Deputy General Director for Sales and Marketing, Alkoy Group of Companies, Moscow. Graduated from the Ural State Medical Academy and the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, received additional education program of the Netherlands Institute of Marketing (NIMA). Has 18 years of experience in sales and marketing. Leading expert teacher of MBA programs at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the European Certification of Marketers at the Netherlands Institute of Marketing.

"Alcoy"- production group of companies. Created in 1997. It produces products in more than 80 positions: medicines, nutraceuticals, medicinal and children's cosmetics. Clients include: Auchan, Detsky Mir, Korablik, Magnit, pharmacy chains A5, ASNA, Imploziya, Rigla. Subscriber of the “Commercial Director” magazine since 2010. Official website - www.alkoy.ru

Alexander Yanykhbash, business coach at Oratorika Group, Moscow. Graduated from the State Academic University humanities(specializing in psychology). Conducts master classes and trainings on public speaking and creating slide presentations; author of the book “101 Time Management Tips” (Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2012).

Oratorika Group LLC. Field of activity: organizing and conducting trainings to develop communication skills (public speaking, business meeting etc.), project management and leadership strategy formation. Main clients: Sberbank of Russia, VimpelCom, Rolf, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Castorama, Graphisoft, Ipsen, Merck, Qiwi, Tele2
Number of trainings: more than 200 (over 3.5 thousand participants; in 2012).

Elena Vos, business consultant on business, international and civil etiquette and Success protocol, Nijmegen (Netherlands). In 1995 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics, in 2004 from the University of Groningen (Netherlands) with a degree in management, economics and law. She has been professionally involved in etiquette and image making for 12 years. Conducts individual consultations on creating a corporate and personal image, seminars on business etiquette, and organizes protocol banquets. Participated in the development of the corporate style of representative offices of foreign companies (including in Russia). As a business coach, she organized a thematic course and master class “First impression of a million.”

Success. Field of activity: corporate training, conducting business trainings, seminars, consulting services (development of corporate identity, consultations on modern business etiquette and etc.).
Form of organization: international company.

Most important aspect any speech is its topic. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic of a speech, since the choice of directions is very wide. Interesting topics for speech can be found in all areas of knowledge - the main thing is that what you are talking about we're talking about, was clear and close to the listener.

The main criterion by which the quality of a speech can be determined is its simplicity for the audience to perceive and its engagingness. This can be achieved in different ways.

Among them:

  • use of intonation accents in speech – important points it is necessary to emphasize the voice or pause;
  • lack of excitement, trembling in the voice;
  • the presence of information only from reliable authoritative sources;
  • introduction of elements into speech artistic expression(it is important to preserve the information content of the presentation);
  • avoidance of excessive use of negations (particles “not”, “no”, etc.);
  • correct construction of a report is the most fascinating facts should come at the beginning, and the most important ones at the end.

It is also important not to forget about a sense of humor - any topic with jokes will become colorful and interesting. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it with humorous inserts, otherwise the performance will not be taken seriously.

The key to an interesting presentation is also the topic.

What is important when choosing a topic for a speech?

Before choosing a narrow topic on which the report will be based, you need to take into account several important facts - without this, the speech will not be successful with the audience.

Reason for speaking

Not only the topic, but also information on it is selected depending on the occasion that gave rise to the speech. It can be an official, solemn, festive or sad event. The message itself, like the topic, depends on the reason for the meeting:

  • if the event is business, the idea should not go beyond the scope of a specific work issue;
  • if the occasion was a festive event, interesting topics for performances may be different, but they must invariably be emotional, sometimes humorous, and in some situations serious;
  • if the event is mourning, the direction should be completely official (the specific choice depends on the occasion of the meeting).

At fun events, the topic should be light and interesting; you can include various jokes and funny stories in the speech.

Purpose of speech

The subject of the speech is inextricably linked with the purpose of the speech - you can strive to lift the mood of the audience, to convey to them important facts or convince them of something. The main goals are:

  1. belief;
  2. entertainment;
  3. informing.

Each goal requires its own facts and its own speech skills.

Inappropriate topics

Even within the framework of an interesting and relevant topic, there may be facts that are better avoided. They may seem boring to the audience or become offensive to listeners.

In this regard, it is useful to refuse:

  • incomprehensible or too simple topics, as this distracts attention;
  • too sensitive or resonant topics, as this may cause too strong a response from listeners;
  • directions that do not correspond to the mood of the audience (that is, the occasion of the meeting).


It is important to imagine the image of your average listener in order to choose the right topic - you need to understand what is interesting to this person, what he is interested in, what age, gender and what social class he belongs to. The topic must meet these criteria, otherwise it will not be received properly.

It is also important not to focus on too simple and well-known points that listeners already have an idea about.

The education of the lecturer and the audience is important - in front of people of a certain profession it is better to use them in special terms, and in front of children it is better to express themselves simply, ordinaryly and understandably.

The key point is the interests of the audience - it is important that the main issue of the speech is related to them. In order to feel the audience, the speaker must put himself in their place - for example, imagine that he is a schoolboy if the report is addressed to children under 16-17 years old.

Then you need to pay attention to those points that are of interest to this particular group of the population, and not to the lecturer himself.

It is important to choose current topic for listeners based on their demographics:

  • It is better for older people to choose topics that are relevant to them (for example, about pensions), and for young people - those that will be understandable and close to them (fashion, high technology);
  • For a multinational audience, it is better to choose neutral but interesting topics for speech or those topics that affect interethnic interaction. These topics will not be popular with listeners of one nationality;
  • for a purely female or male audience, it is better to choose topics oriented towards the female or male gender, respectively. Naturally, the context of the meeting must be taken into account.

It may also matter what city or country the listeners are from and in their report they will touch on topics of concern to representatives of this area of ​​​​residence.

The audience can also be close to the speaker (usually relatives and friends), business (colleagues) or strangers. The subject matter, as well as the content of the report, may change due to this. Communication with friends is more personal, but with bosses or subordinates it is exclusively business-like.

How to choose a speech topic successfully

Firstly, the chosen topic must be interesting to the speaker himself - otherwise he will not be able to reproduce it well and in an exciting way for listeners. Even if the topic is specific and not very interesting, you need to narrow it down to those points that somehow attract the speaker. Then it will be much easier to find contact with the audience.

Secondly, it is better if the lecturer knows the subject he is talking about very well (or you need to study it in depth before the speech). Otherwise, a speech on any topic will not elicit a response even from those listeners who know nothing about it, because they will feel that the lecturer is incompetent in the area he is talking about.

Even if a person does not initially know the topic very well, it is important that it is easy for him to study and understand. This usually works better if the direction of speech is related to professional activity or the interests of the speaker.

The area of ​​conversation is not so important - it can be poetry, theater, or politics. The lecturer must immediately plan what interesting things he can tell the audience on this topic.

It’s better if you can find a middle ground - choose a topic that the speaker understands and that is interesting to him at the same time.

It is always successful to speak on a topic that is relevant to everyone, especially if there are any controversial issues in this area.

To update your presentation, you can:

  • view news feeds or listen to the radio - this way you can find out about the latest news;
  • contact newspapers and magazines published in the city on social or political issues;
  • learn about social status, age and interests of the public;
  • browse thematic sites and study the latest news from there.

This will allow you to select information that is relevant to a specific audience. For example, you can tell future students about entering universities or tell a funny story from student life, and for expectant mothers – about newborns and parenting problems.

It's best to talk about things related to personal experience person - then he will be able to explain this more clearly using personal examples.

At the same time, it is important to follow the narrative and not say unnecessary facts or data that this moment audiences are not needed.

The most interesting topics of speeches

The specific topic is not so important as what is important is that the lecturer presents it competently - then almost any topic will be fascinating and understandable for the listener.

The audience should receive new thoughts and ideas regarding the issue, realize different positions from which to look at the problem.

The problem must be formulated concisely, clearly and intriguingly. Topics that touch on memorable facts are always interesting:

  • the lightest metal on Earth;
  • what is the fortune of the richest man in the world;
  • the largest flower;
  • the most unusual records from the Guinness Book of Records;
  • the most expensive fruits in the world.

Topics based on unusual facts, For example:

  • how to make jellyfish ice cream;
  • how the world's most unusual war without weapons takes place;
  • How rapidly technology is developing.

Controversial and interesting topics for public speaking have gained particular popularity, since most often they involve discussion, for example:

  • how to become self-confident;
  • what to do in case of unfounded criticism;
  • Is it possible to overcome alcohol addiction?
  • how to quickly get into good physical shape without dieting.

For schoolchildren and students there can be a lot of topics - they are limited only by the subject of the lesson. The following problems are always relevant:

  • simple ways to preserve the environment;
  • mortality and birth rate: what does the ratio depend on;
  • Is it possible to eliminate unemployment?
  • how to speak beautifully and convincingly.

There are many common interesting topics for performances:

  • how to overcome laziness;
  • what they won’t teach you at school;
  • what is the secret of family happiness;
  • how a person’s spirituality is expressed;
  • what is true love.

More suitable for holidays simple themes, which can be diluted with anecdotes, funny stories, jokes.

You can prepare an interesting speech on a topic from any field. The main thing is to clearly define target audience and shape the narrative in such a way that it is accessible and interesting to every listener.

Educational: development of the concept of “public speaking”, formation of the ability to construct an oral public presentation;

Educational: development oral speech, ability to highlight the main thing, compare;

IN educational: nurturing a culture of speech, moral qualities of the individual, mutual assistance when working in groups.

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Teacher's opening speech.

II. Vocabulary dictation followed by self-test.

Exercise. Write down the words and explain their meanings orally. Check what you have written (self-test).

D And bored ss and I, A beat And thorium, O rhetorician, eloquence, uh m O nationality, public And cystic

What do these words have in common? Do they correspond to the theme “Communication”, “Speech”?

Choose words with the same root for the word “journalism” (public, public).

III. Conversation on issues. Text analysis (checking homework).

What is the purpose of the speaker (speaker)? (Influence the listener).

About mercy.

Last year something bad happened to me. He was walking down the street, slipped and fell... He fell badly, it couldn’t have been worse: he broke his nose, his arm jumped out of his shoulder, and hung like a whip. It was about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, on Kirovsky Prospekt, not far from the house where I live.

With great difficulty he got up, wandered into the nearest entrance, and tried to calm the blood with a handkerchief. Where there, I felt that I was holding on in a state of shock, the pain was rolling in more and more and I needed to do something quickly. And I can’t speak - my mouth is broken.

I decided to turn back home.

I walked down the street, I think without staggering. I remember this path well, about four hundred meters. There were a lot of people on the street. A woman and a girl, some couple, an elderly woman, a man, young guys walked towards me, all of them at first looked at me with curiosity, and then averted their eyes, turned away. If only someone along this path would come up to me and ask what was wrong with me, if I needed help. I remembered the faces of many people, apparently with unconscious attention, heightened expectation of help...

The pain confused my consciousness, but I understood that if I lay down on the sidewalk now, they would calmly step over me and walk around me. We need to get home. So no one helped.

Later I thought about this story. Could people mistake me for being drunk? It seems that no, it is unlikely that I made such an impression. But even if they took me for a drunk - they saw that I was covered in blood, something happened - I fell, they hit me - why didn’t they help, didn’t they at least ask what was the matter? So, passing by, not getting involved, not wasting time, effort, “this doesn’t concern me” has become a familiar feeling?

Remembering these people with bitterness, at first I was angry, accused, perplexed, then I began to remember myself. Something similar - the desire to step away, evade, not get involved - happened to me too. Incriminating myself, I realized how familiar this feeling had become in our lives, how it had warmed up and imperceptibly taken root.

I am not going to publicize yet another complaint about the deterioration of morals. The level of decline in our responsiveness, however, gave us pause. There is no one personally to blame. Who's to blame? I looked around and couldn’t find any visible reasons.

Thinking, I remembered the time at the front, when in the hungry trenches of our lives it was impossible to pass by him at the sight of a wounded man. From your part, from another - it was impossible for someone to turn away, pretend not to notice. They helped, carried, bandaged, gave a lift... Some, perhaps, violated this law of front-line life, but there were deserters and crossbows. But we are not talking about them, we are now talking about the main life rules of that time.

I don’t know the recipes for showing the mutual understanding we all need, but I am sure that only from our general understanding of the problem can some specific solutions emerge. One person - me, for example - can only ring this alarm bell and ask that mercy warm our lives.

(According to D.A. Granin. From the essay “On Mercy”)

Questions to the text:

1) Name the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

Finish recording the topic of the lesson: “Oral public speech on a moral topic.”

IV. Student’s message about the meaning of the words “morality”, “moral”.

IN AND. Dahl in his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” explains the words “morality” and “moral” as follows:

Morality is moral teaching, moral teaching, rules for the will and conscience of a person.

Morality is character, the constant aspirations of a person’s will.

Moral - in agreement with conscience, with the laws of truth, with human dignity; spiritual.

Morality and ethics are ethical categories.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines the boundary between good and evil, good and bad deeds.

V. Differentiated tasks (work in groups). The tasks vary in degree of difficulty. The teacher, knowing the preparation of the students, can himself determine which group will perform this or that task.

Task for the first group

  1. Read the text.
  2. Answer the question: how does a thesis differ from an outline? Prove this with an example (you can use materials from the text you read).

B. Read the text.

About envy

If a heavyweight breaks a new world record in weight lifting, do you envy him? What if I'm a gymnast? What if the record holder for diving from a tower into the water?

Start listing everything you know and what you can envy: you will notice that the closer you are to your job, specialty, life, the stronger the proximity of envy. It's like in a game - cold, warm, even warmer, hot, burned!

On the last one, you found an item hidden by other players while blindfolded. It's the same with envy. The closer the achievement of another to your specialty, to your interests, the more the burning danger of envy increases.

A terrible feeling from which the one who envies suffers first of all.

Now you will understand how to get rid of the extremely painful feeling of envy: develop your own individual inclinations, your own uniqueness in the world around you, be yourself, and you will never envy.

Envy develops primarily where you are a stranger to yourself.

Envy develops primarily where you do not differentiate yourself from others.

If you are jealous, it means you haven’t found yourself.

D.S. Likhachev.

Complete the following tasks for the text you read:

  1. Compose and write down the abstracts of the text you read.
  2. Determine what role the first paragraph plays in the text.
  3. Prepare a message: “The topic of the speech is theses.”

Tasks for the second group

A. Complete the following tasks.

  1. Read the text.
  2. Highlight in the text:
  3. - (in red) advice given by D.S.


  4. - (in blue) the reason. Prepare short message
  5. on the topic: “Tips for a beginning speaker” (when preparing, use materials from the text you read).

    If you want to be a cultured and educated person, pay attention to your language.

    Speak correctly, accurately and economically.

    Keep track of the time. It's important to be understood.

The speech should be interesting. If the speaker talks passionately, then the audience will feel it too.

  1. Try to make sure that your speech has one main idea. Then the listeners will guess what you want to convince them of.
  2. B. Read the text (D. Granin “On Mercy”). Complete the following tasks for the text you read:
  3. Select a fragment of text whose content is related to moral and ethical issues.
  4. Make and write an outline of this passage.

Compare this fragment with the text by D. Granin “On Mercy”.

A. Complete the following tasks.

  1. Using materials from this text and D. Granin’s work “On Mercy,” prepare theses for a public speech.
  2. Assignment for the third group.
  3. Read your public speaking topics carefully.
  4. Choose the topic that is closest to you, on which you can come up with your own examples and use your own experience.

Read the entry options carefully.

Determine which introduction best suits the chosen topic.

Write down the plan (or points) for your speech. When drawing up a plan, think about whether this point contributes to the disclosure of the topic.

Topics for public speaking

1. Kindness makes a person beautiful.

2. About love for “our smaller brothers.”

3. Is being decent good or bad?

4. Do we know how to be friends? 5. Why is an indifferent person dangerous? 6. About human greed.

7. About necessity

respectful attitude

to people.

8. “The path of mercy warms our lives!”

9. Is it good to be rich?

10. Qualities that I value in a person.

VI. Discussion of the results of the work (analysis of the groups’ performances), criteria for evaluating the performance.

1. Does the content correspond to the topic of the speech?

2. Is the statement logical?

4. Does the speaker maintain the audience's attention?

5. Does the speaker’s speech comply with the literary norms of the language?

6. Overall rating speeches.

VII. Homework (each student receives an assignment).

Read the tips carefully. Highlight the ones you would like to remember.

Choose one of the suggested topics for public speaking or come up with your own.

Work on the content of your public speech (ask yourself the question: does this thought or argument correspond to the topic of the speech?).

Think it over interesting examples, facts from your own life, remember examples from works of fiction. All this will contribute to the fact that your speech will be listened to carefully.

After writing the introduction of your public speech, read it carefully again. Maybe you can suggest something interesting?

Try to come up with an interesting conclusion. Your goal is to make your performance unforgettable.

Try to present your topic in front of your parents, grandparents (you can also speak in front of a mirror). All this will help you feel more confident.

Think about the intonation with which you will pronounce this or that phrase.

Remember that today you are speaking in front of your classmates, in front of those people with whom you have known for several years. And tomorrow you could find yourself in front of complete strangers. And then your ability to speak expressively, emotionally, your ability to logically express your thoughts will help you.

Now you can get to work. Good luck!

Oratory skills are useful for a person in any profession, because the ability to communicate with the public makes him self-confident and increases the employee’s value in the eyes of the employer. This is why public speaking is so important—speech examples especially. After all, they will help you choose the right speech style for a particular occasion.

An oratorical performance always has a specific goal, namely, to persuade the public using certain oratorical methods. The goal may be to inform the audience about certain events or results, motivate to achieve improvement in certain indicators, call for certain actions, convince them of the correctness of their thoughts or ideas, etc.

Rhetoric offers different techniques to achieve the goals described above. Therefore, depending on the purpose or nature of the speech different types also has oratory, examples of which will be discussed in this article.

According to modern classification, there are 5 types of oratory, each of which includes several more types.

  1. Socio-political eloquence (propaganda speech, diplomatic speeches, speeches on political and economic topics, rally speech, etc.).
  2. Academic eloquence (lectures, reports, conferences, etc.).
  3. Judicial eloquence (speeches of the prosecutor, accused, lawyer, jury judges, etc.).
  4. Social and everyday eloquence (congratulatory speech, toast, memorial speech, etc.).
  5. Spiritual eloquence (sermons, speeches on spiritual topics, etc.).

Examples of public speaking will help you consider each of the proposed types of eloquence in more detail.


Let's consider three genres of socio-political eloquence.

  • A campaign speech is aimed at getting an immediate response from the public. The speaker's performance wins the audience over to the speaker's side and encourages them to consciously and voluntarily act in the speaker's interests to achieve a common goal.

Example: “Today, young people spend more and more time on the computer and TV, without thinking about their own health. Meanwhile, a passive lifestyle leads to unpleasant and sometimes terrible health problems.
Playing sports strengthens your health and immunity, shapes your figure, increases self-esteem, improves concentration, has a positive effect on mood and brings many other benefits to the body.
Play sports! Choose healthy image life, and the results will not keep you waiting!”

  • A diplomatic speech is an official speech by a speaker representing a particular state. The speech is distinguished by restraint, but a clear expression of the state’s positions.

Example: “The modern world order is gradually moving from a system of unipolarity to multipolarity, since the hegemony of one strong state cannot ensure the security of the planet’s population.
We stand that in the emerging conditions of the new world order, all issues can be resolved only through peaceful negotiations and the search for consensus. This is the only way we can preserve this world for our descendants.”

  • A rally speech is one that energizes the crowd to defend a common idea. Such a speech usually touches on sensitive socio-political topics and gathers people to protest or support one or another decision of the leadership of a country, city, factory, school, etc.

Example: “We have gathered here to express our disagreement with the closure of the enterprise. We will not give our factory to those who want to profit from its demolition.
If we stop this chaos now, we will be able to provide jobs for our children and grandchildren. Let's save production! Let the management hear us!”


The genres of academic eloquence mainly work within the framework of science and education, however, in some cases, academic eloquence is populist and propagandistic in nature.

  • A lecture is an oratorical speech that has a clear structure, respects all logical connections and, in most cases, has the goal of informing listeners. Thus, lectures can be devoted not only to educational disciplines, but also to certain topics (the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Example: “Today’s lecture is dedicated to the development of science. The lecture plan is as follows: stages of the development of science, models of the development of science, types of scientific revolutions and the phenomenon of pseudoscience.
So, let's start with the fact that any science develops in the process of understanding the surrounding world. There are 5 stages in the development of science: pre-scientific, ancient, medieval, the stage of classical science and, finally, modern science. Let’s look at each stage in more detail.”

  • A report is a speech given by a speaker, which is held as part of conferences, symposiums, etc. and submitted for discussion to the audience. Typically, a report is a summary of the research and experiments conducted in a particular scientific field.

Example: “The purpose of the report on the topic “The concept of “Friendship” in German and Russian linguistic cultures” is to study the characteristics of the perception of the concept “friendship” by speakers of German and Russian linguistic cultures, as well as to identify similarities and differences.
After conducting sociological surveys and a free association experiment, we can conclude that Germans and Russians perceive friendship almost identically.”

  • Scientific message – public speech, limited in time and addressed to one specific thought. A scientific message is expressed concisely and logically.

Example: “The current state of the Pacific Ocean is alarming. Garbage spot, formed in the northern part of the ocean, is a serious threat not only to the inhabitants of the ocean itself, but also to humans. Several proposals to solve this problem have been put on the agenda.”


Oratory speech of a judicial nature includes almost all speeches that are held in the courtroom.

  • An indictment speech is an oratorical speech by a public prosecutor or prosecutor, assessing the progress of the investigation and the available evidence that it was the accused who committed the crime. The prosecutor also proposes for consideration this or that punishment for the accused.

Example: “Today we are going to take part in a hearing in the case of a serial killer. The prosecution would like to devote Special attention the most significant circumstances of the case, and also present irrefutable evidence commission of a series of crimes by the accused.”

  • Advocacy speech is a public speech that is aimed at fending off the prosecutor’s accusations and providing one’s own evidence that diverts the blame for the crime from the accused.

Example: “Yes, you are right, comrade prosecutor, my client had an ambiguous relationship with the murdered woman. However, it is worth noting that the motive was not only that of my client, but also that of the sister of the murdered woman. Moreover, the evidence found proves that elements of artificial leather were found on the crime weapon. Exactly the same leather from which the murdered woman’s sister’s gloves were made.”

Social and household

Oratorical performances within the framework of social and everyday eloquence are a manifestation of social relations.

  • A congratulatory speech is a speech to express one’s admiration and joy on a particular occasion. This could be someone's anniversary, birthday, wedding, opening of a business, birth of a child, etc. The peculiarity of such a speech is solemnity and pathos.

Example: “Ladies and Gentlemen! We have gathered here today to celebrate a wonderful event - the tenth anniversary of our company. I want to congratulate everyone who contributed to the development of our common cause, and also wish our company further prosperity and loyal clients!”

  • Funeral speech - read on the occasion of someone's death. Such speech is usually based on memories of the deceased, emphasizing his positive qualities, as well as words of support to close relatives of the deceased. The funeral speech is also distinguished by tragic pathos.

Example: “He was a wonderful person. Although I know him only as a colleague and I can say that he was a man of his word and incredible love To his work, I can also add that he always remained, first of all, a loving father and husband.”


Church eloquence has a strong influence on the masses. Religion is one of the regulators of behavior through moral principles.

  • A sermon is a speech delivered by a member of the clergy with the purpose of spreading an idea or belief. The sermon talks about God's love for people, mercy, compassion, God's will for all events, etc. Such speech awakens in listeners reverence and awe for religion. The speech is distinguished by high style, pathos, and a moral and edifying tone.

Example: “The Holy Spirit was on Earth when there was no trace of man yet. It was the Holy Spirit who created human life. It was the Spirit of God, through Moses, who freed the children of Israel from the Egyptian yoke and led them to the Promised Land.”

  • Spiritual lectures are the same educational lectures that convey religious ideas to listeners.

Example: “People are accustomed to living according to legal laws and the laws of nature. In the first case, let’s say a person stole a small amount of money, went to church and lit a candle - that’s it, his soul is calm. In the second case - jump from the window, no one will punish you, but it will hurt - this is the effect of the law of nature. However, there is another category of laws - the laws of spiritual life, which help a person to be himself and accept himself.”

Now that the examples have helped you understand what the oratorical path is, it will be much easier to work on your speech depending on the purpose of the speech. The basic rule when preparing any speech is always to tune in with the audience.

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