Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Earthworms used in folk medicine. Earthworms in medicine. We fed the plants with “stinker”

Earthworms used in folk medicine. Earthworms in medicine. We fed the plants with “stinker”

Question from: Anonymous

How are earthworms used in folk medicine? After the warm summer rains there is darkness on the asphalt. I remember that they can treat chronic alcoholism. Is it so? What other ailments can these unpleasant-looking creatures cure?

Answered by: Doctor

Earthworms have been used in Chinese folk medicine for more than 2,300 years. Thanks to the substances they contain, a number of diseases are treated with drugs based on them.

By passing the earthen mixture through the body, the worms accumulate minerals in their bodies that are beneficial to human health. Also, the body of worms produces a unique mucus that has antiseptic properties, which makes it possible to use medicines from them in the treatment of various diseases.

Such a serious illness as an irresistible craving for alcohol can be perfectly treated with tincture of earthworms. The biologically active substances included in this product cause drinking man aversion to alcohol, gag reflex when trying to drink alcohol.

A tincture is prepared from 1 cup of washed worms and 1 cup of vodka or 50% alcohol. This infusion is stored in a dark, cool place for at least 20 days, after which it is ready for use. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. If such treatment is carried out without the knowledge of the patient (and in most cases this is the case), the tincture can be mixed into food.

Cataracts are treated with earthworm extract. To do this, 1 cup of worms is laid in layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar. Then they put it in a sunny place and wait for a viscous liquid to appear in the container. Next, it is filtered and instilled into the eyes, 1 drop 3 times a day for 14 days. It is worth noting that this remedy is potent. At the slightest discomfort, treatment should be stopped.

Chinese healers use powder from dried worms to treat atherosclerosis, dizziness, and also use it as a powder for various types of wounds.

Worms infused in olive oil for 2 weeks are used to treat sore joints by rubbing the resulting preparation into problem areas.

Possessing good immunostimulating properties, folk remedies based on earthworms are used for tuberculosis. Worms boiled in wine are an excellent diuretic, which is also used to remove kidney stones. The same remedy is used to treat hepatitis B. These unsightly earthen creatures are also used for ear pain and epilepsy.

Worms should be collected in late spring or mid-summer (but not in June, since during the breeding season, which occurs precisely at this time, they contain harmful substances). You should consult your doctor about the advisability of using earthworm home remedies.

☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞ Artificial Intelligence (128649) 2 years ago

until the alcoholic himself wants to be cured. no treatment will have any effect

Earthworms also have uses in Russian folk medicine. To treat joint diseases, they are used as follows: the worms are collected in May, placed in a jar filled with olive oil. Infuse for 14 days, filter and use as a rub for aches and pain in the joints.

The infusion can be stored for a year.

Recipe alcohol tincture: Rinse a glass of earthworms and pour 0.5 liters of 50% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days, then filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Cataracts are treated with earthworm extract. This remedy is potent and requires careful handling: if severe burning occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately. The extract is prepared as follows: rinse 1 cup of earthworms. Arrange in a glass bowl in layers, sprinkle sugar on each layer. Place in the sun and keep until a liquid mass forms in the bowl. After this, filter the liquid several times until it becomes clear. The resulting liquid should be instilled into the eye, 1 drop 2-3 times a day for two weeks. If the improvement is insignificant, the treatment should be repeated after a week, replacing sugar with salt. If there is no sun, worms sprinkled with sugar or salt should be simmered in a saucepan in the oven at low temperature until a liquid mass forms. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. According to ancient healers, this is one of the best ways to treat cataracts.

Worms are harvested in May or July.

In June, during the breeding season, they become poisonous. The body of earthworms contains biologically active substances. They perform miracles, affecting the body of a sick person.

I recommend that you never give up. Each of us is given this life and what it will be, long or short, happy or unhappy, burdened with illnesses or full of health, depends on ourselves. I believe that my advice will be the beginning of your path to health, happiness and success.


Other answers

Earthworms can treat cataracts. Treatment of cataracts with worms

Unfortunately, many people suffer from cataracts. And I was no exception. At the initial stage of cataracts, I managed to cure myself with an extract from earthworms. I will be happy to share my experience with you, dear readers.

To extract, you need to take about 30 worms and wash them in warm and boiled water at least 20 times. The water should be clear and the worms clean. The worms should be laid out on a dry and clean cloth, and the 20 most mobile ones should be selected. Take 2 sterilized containers, 100 ml each, put dried worms there, cover them with sugar, close the container tightly and shake so that the worms are covered in sugar on all sides. Now you need to wrap the container with a dark cloth and leave it for 10 hours in a dark place. You will notice that the worms have produced liquid; this should be carefully drained and strained into a second sterile container. The cure for cataracts has been received. Store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator with the lid tightly closed. Without getting out of bed, I dripped a drop of the extract into each eye, covered my eyes with my hands and ���JD0

Earthworms with therapeutic purpose have been used for a very long time.

Chinese medicine uses dried earthworm powder as one of the ingredients to treat atherosclerosis. accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness.

Earthworms can be dried and used to cover wounds. A decoction of earthworms with goose fat helps with ear pain. First add 1/3 of heated olive oil to the broth. Instill 3-5 drops three times a day and insert turundas soaked in this solution into the ear.

Periwinkle, ground with earthworms, is taken in a 2:1 ratio to increase potency. Take 3 times a day, 3-5 grams.

If you drink earthworms in boiled wine, they will get rid of jaundice. If dried and boiled in wine, it is a strong diuretic. The same recipe is used to crush and expel bladder stones.

German folk medicine has preserved the prescription of the doctor Stele (1734) for epilepsy. in June, after the rain, earthworms are collected before sunrise (the worms are collected during their copulation), washed with wine or alcohol, dried, crushed into powder and given to the patient 2-3 times a day, 2-3 grams with meals.

To treat joint diseases, they are used as follows: the worms are collected in May, placed in a jar, and filled with olive oil. Infuse for 14 days, filter and use as a rub for aches and pain in the joints. The infusion can be stored for a year.

Alcohol tincture of earthworms is used for tuberculosis and cancer. The tincture increases the patient’s immunity and regenerates damaged tissue.

Recipe for preparing an alcohol tincture: clean a glass of earthworms from dirt and pour 0.5 liters of 50% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days, then filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Cataracts are treated with earthworm extract. This remedy is potent and requires careful handling: if severe burning occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately. The extract is prepared as follows: rinse 1 cup of earthworms. Arrange in a glass bowl in layers, sprinkle each layer with sugar. Place in the sun and keep until a liquid mass forms in the bowl. After this, filter the liquid several times until it becomes clear. The resulting liquid should be instilled into the eye, 1 drop 2-3 times a day for two weeks. If the improvement is insignificant, the treatment should be repeated after a week, replacing sugar with salt. If there is no sun, worms sprinkled with sugar or salt should be simmered in a saucepan in the oven at low temperature until a liquid mass forms. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. According to ancient healers, this is one of the best ways to treat cataracts.

Worms are harvested in May or July. In June, during the breeding season, they become poisonous. The body of earthworms contains biologically active substances. They perform miracles, affecting the body of a sick person.

I recommend that you never give up. Each of us is given this life and what it will be, long or short, happy or unhappy, burdened with illnesses or full of health, depends on ourselves. I believe that my advice will be the beginning of your path to health, happiness and success.

Be more attentive to your body. I wish you great health!

Earthworms for alcoholism

Sometimes it is not possible to cure alcoholism for a very long time - neither suggestion, nor coding, nor folk remedies help. In such cases, relatives and friends of a chronic alcoholic are ready to take the most extreme measures, for example, treatment without his knowledge.

Usually in such cases, various tinctures are prepared using specially selected herbs, bugs and even earthworms. How effective the treatment of alcoholism with earthworms is will be determined by the reviews of those who have used this method, but for now let’s get acquainted with what such an unusual and even extreme method of healing is.

Treatment with earthworms

Surprisingly, the treatment of various diseases with earthworms, including alcoholism, has been known for a long time.

For example, Chinese traditional medicine recommends using worm recipes for epilepsy, atherosclerosis, ear diseases, and toothaches. In Germany, epilepsy was also treated with a similar remedy, and in Japan, worm powder was used for bone lesions and rheumatism.

Russian folk medicine is also not deprived of such recipes - healers cured cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis with earthworms and tinctures from them, since it was believed that such alcohol tinctures regenerate damaged tissues and increase immunity.

The recipe for preparing the infusion is simple: 1 glass of washed earthworms is poured with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol (50%). The tincture was kept for 21 days, then filtered. You need to take the infusion 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Another option in which treatment with earthworms was considered effective is joint disease. The worms were collected in May, washed, and placed in a jar into which Provençal (aka olive) oil was first poured. Then the oil was infused for 2 weeks, after which it was filtered and used for rubbing and massage of the limbs. This relieved joint pain and aches. This tincture was stored for a year.

Treatment of cataracts with earthworm extract gives remarkable results. However, this is a strong remedy with which you need to be careful - there may be a strong burning sensation in the eye - in this case it is better to stop using the product.

Treatment of alcoholism with earthworms

Earthworms are also successfully used in the treatment of alcoholism. Usually this method is used without the knowledge of the patient, since alcoholics rarely admit the very fact of addiction and, moreover, do not intend to undergo treatment.

Now let’s take a closer look at this unusual method of healing from alcoholism.

Worms are usually collected in May or July, but not in June - this is the month when they reproduce and become poisonous. In other regions of Russia, worms are collected earlier - in April-May, but in any case not during the period of active reproduction. Towards the end of summer and autumn, worms no longer have a sufficient healing effect.

According to healers, the body of these living creatures contains biologically active substances that help to recover from alcoholism, causing an aversion to drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, they produce worms and mucus, which contain antiseptics, as well as essential amino acids, effectively strengthening the immune system.

Earthworm tincture recipe

To prepare the tincture you need to take:

  1. A glass of good quality vodka or alcohol with a strength of 50%,
  2. A glass of washed earthworms.

Thoroughly washed earthworms are poured with alcohol and infused in a dark, cool place for 21 days. After this, the tincture with worms is filtered and given to the alcoholic to drink before each meal three times a day. If treatment occurs without his knowledge, it can be added to food or given as a tincture to improve appetite.

The tincture is stored in the refrigerator or other cool, dark place for 1 year.

Attention! You need to pay special attention to the time of collecting worms (see above) and be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

The tincture should be taken carefully, carefully monitoring the patient’s condition, and if significant side effects occur, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Earthworms in the fight against alcoholism: reviews

Typically, family members of an alcoholic who have used this method leave positive reviews, because fairly quickly the drinker develops an aversion to drinking alcohol, and after drinking he begins to vomit and feel sick, which leads to a refusal to drink.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that no official studies have been conducted, so the responsibility for the use of the method and possible consequences lies with the patients themselves and their relatives.

Earthworm tincture as a remedy against alcoholism. Cataract earthworms

until the alcoholic himself wants to be cured. no treatment will have any effect. Earthworms have been used for medicinal purposes for a very long time. In Chinese medicine, it is recommended to use earthworms - for ear pain, for dental treatment, for atherosclerosis, and epilepsy. Earthworms also have uses in Russian folk medicine. To treat joint diseases, they are used as follows: the worms are collected in May and placed in a jar filled with olive oil. Infuse for 14 days, filter and use as a rub for aches and pain in the joints. The infusion can be stored for a year. Alcohol tincture of earthworms is used for tuberculosis and cancer. The tincture increases the patient’s immunity and regenerates damaged tissue. Recipe for preparing an alcohol tincture: rinse a glass of earthworms and pour 0.5 liters of 50% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days, then filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Cataracts are treated with earthworm extract. This remedy is potent and requires careful handling: if severe burning occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately. The extract is prepared as follows: rinse 1 cup of earthworms. Arrange in a glass bowl in layers, sprinkle sugar on each layer. Place in the sun and keep until a liquid mass forms in the bowl. After this, filter the liquid several times until it becomes clear. The resulting liquid should be instilled into the eye, 1 drop 2-3 times a day for two weeks. If the improvement is insignificant, the treatment should be repeated after a week, replacing sugar with salt. If there is no sun, worms sprinkled with sugar or salt should be simmered in a saucepan in the oven at low temperature until a liquid mass forms. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. According to ancient healers, this is one of the best ways to treat cataracts. Worms are harvested in May or July. In June, during the breeding season, they become poisonous. The body of earthworms contains biologically active substances. They perform miracles, affecting the body of a sick person. I recommend that you never give up. Each of us is given this life and what it will be, long or short, happy or unhappy, burdened with illnesses or full of health, depends on ourselves. I believe that my advice will be the beginning of your path to health, happiness and success.

Traditional medicine has a variety of methods for treating eye diseases. Consider eye treatment traditional methods from the most non-standard - drops made from earthworms. Despite the implausibility of this recipe, it is quite effective. And it's been verified.

Treatment with infusion of worms.

To prepare an infusion of earthworms, you need to rinse a glass of worms, put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with a layer of sugar and simmer at low temperature in the oven. When the liquid has drained, cool slightly and filter several times until it becomes clear. Transparency is a prerequisite here. Place a drop twice or thrice daily for two weeks. After a week, repeat the treatment. If there is almost no improvement, repeat the treatment, but sprinkle the worms with salt, not sugar.

The collection and preparation of earthworms should be carried out in May - July, during this period their body contains a greater amount of active substances. And in June, when breeding, they, on the contrary, are poisonous! Later they decline healing powers worms, but in August or September they are also able to treat.

Improvement often occurs after about a month. Vision returns gradually. The recipe can be used to treat diseases such as cataracts, eyesores, eye tuberculosis or glaucoma.

The following recipe is not for eye diseases, but is directly related to worms. To treat tuberculosis, you need to rinse a glass of earthworms and then pour half a liter of vodka or alcohol. It is necessary to infuse and filter for a week. Take 3 tablespoons daily, half an hour before meals.

About unusual properties The story of the earthworm is described in various ancient medical books. For example, there is such a recommendation. To remove the nail beetle, wrap your finger with an earthworm taken from under a drainpipe. While the worm is alive, you feel pain, then the pus disappears, and your finger becomes healthier. Representatives Chinese medicine They also recommended the use of earthworms - in case of ear pain, for dental therapy, for epilepsy or atherosclerosis. Research has demonstrated that the earthworm's body contains biologically active substances. They perform miracles when they act on the patient’s body.

Other methods of traditional treatment.

Eye treatment may be as follows. Fresh Juice from red clover or woodlice is filtered or pasteurized, that is, heated to 85-90 (without boiling) and immediately removed from the heat. Then you can store the pasteurized juice poured into a fire-heated bottle for 2-3 days. Using a pipette, drop 2-3 drops into your eyes 1-2 times throughout the day. This procedure improves metabolism in the lens of the eye.

Infuse 50 g of dry wood lice into 250 ml of vodka, infuse for a week, strain and filter. You can store the tincture in a dark place for about a year. Place 2-3 drops into your eyes 1-2 times during the day.

In case of onset of blindness, pour warm boiled water into a glass of wheat and 1 tablespoon of sugar to lightly moisten the wheat. Place in a dark place for 12 hours, not allowing the wheat to germinate. When it swells, put it in the refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon in the morning and on an empty stomach. When the glass is full, take a ten-day break. The same thing happens after the second and third glasses. The treatment cycle is 1 month.

In case of eye inflammation, you must:

  1. use lotions from peel tincture fresh cucumber. Pour half a glass of peel into 0.5 cups of boiling water and add 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda.
  2. Pour 15 grams of dried wild rosemary shoots and leaves into 1 glass of boiled water, leave for an hour and strain. Must be used externally.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of blooming clover into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Used for lotions.
  4. Infuse 1 tablespoon of seeds or chopped dill herb into 1.5 cups of boiled water. Used as lotions.
  5. Officinalis marigolds and inflorescences – 40 grams; blue cornflower, inflorescences – about 40 grams; eyebright, grass - about 40 grams; Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water; steam in the dark for half an hour, strain and filter. Used as a lotion at night.

Eye therapy using traditional methods in case of conjunctivitis is as follows. Drink a water tincture of bird cherry flowers and make lotions. Leave 1 tablespoon of dried bird cherry flowers in one glass of boiled water for half an hour and cool.

To improve vision:

  1. Prepare a decoction of cabbage leaves. Wash a few leaves in cold water and cook until they are cooked. Cool and eat 3-4 times every day, wash them down with cabbage broth. It is advisable to drink a decoction of cabbage leaves 4-6 times daily and in case of severe cough or loss of voice.
  2. Blueberries can help. They eat them raw, make jelly, jam, syrups...
  3. Chinese lemongrass. Preparations from the seeds and fruits of schisandra - infusion of schisandra, liquid extract from seeds, powders from fruits - improve vision at night. The infusion and extract are used twice a day, about 20-40 drops on an empty stomach or 4 hours after meals. Banned in case of insomnia. In case of deterioration of vision at night, tarragon is useful.
  4. In case of heavy loads on the eyesight, it is necessary to systematically add carrots and dishes made from them to the diet.
  5. The rhizome of creeping wheatgrass is useful. You need to pour a tablespoon pharmaceutical drug wheatgrass with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  6. To improve vision and hearing, use calamus root. Brew 2 teaspoons of the root in a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours in a sealed container, then strain. Drink a quarter glass three times daily half an hour before meals.
  7. To prevent the development of cataracts and improve vision, it is advisable to eat 5-7 walnuts at night.
  8. Rinse anise (tincture in water) improves vision.

To clarify vision using folk methods, it is necessary to apply the root of a white lily to the eyes.


Rain worms used in traditional medicine China for at least 2,300 years. Research results by Zhang et al. (1982), Aluments et al. (1979), Reynolds and Reynolds (1972) showed that nitrogen-containing substances extracted from tissues rain worms, can be used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and bronchitis in humans, and they can also be used as antihistamines in the treatment of asthma. In ancient Chinese manuscripts such as "Qianjinfang", "Danxifang", "Jixiaofang" and "Bencagangmu" it was reported that "Dilong" (dilong is the Chinese name for rain worms) has been used as an antipyretic and analgesic, to neutralize poisons, in the treatment of hypertension and to facilitate childbirth, as well as in the treatment of many common diseases such as arthritis, scabies, various types of burns, boils, erysipelas and inflammation. With development modern science some physiologically active components rain worms such as lumbritin and terrestrolumbrolysin have been isolated and studied. Recently, enzymes have been isolated from rain worms, which are capable of dissolving blood clots under experimental conditions. Thus, it is likely that in the future pharmaceuticals will be used to prevent cardiovascular disease in humans by simply administering drugs orally (Wang, personal communication).


Collection rain worms produced in spring, summer and autumn. In China, they use an aqueous tincture from the plants Polygonum hydropiper and Camelia sinesis. The solution is sprayed into the field to stimulate output rain worms from underground (similar to the formaldehyde method). Collected worms placed in warm water and washed, and then they are placed in vegetable ash. Mortified worms cut into pieces, the contents of the stomach and intestines are removed and processed in this way worms dry in the sun or in a warm place. Dried fabrics rain worms Store in a dry, cool, dark place to minimize spoilage and protect against insect attack (Cao, 1996).


1) Rain worms cut into pieces 1-2 cm, moistened with water for half a minute and washed in water for 1-2 minutes, and the resulting mass is dried in strong sun. Dried worms placed in a wooden box and stored in a ventilated place.

2) Rain worms placed in a bamboo basket and moistened with a little water, and then immediately cut into pieces measuring 3-5 mm. Soil and sand are removed by washing in water. Then worms dry in the sun or in a warm place. This method allows you to obtain individual parts very quickly and easily rain worms, remove soil and sand, and the remaining parts worms most suitable as medicinal ingredients.

3) Rain worms moisten by sprinkling with Shaoxing wine for 1 hour. Wheat bran fry, worms mixed with hot bran and the mixture is heated until the color is dark yellow. The mixture is sieved to remove bran, peeled worms laid out on the surface, cooled and placed in a jar for storage.

4) Rain worms wet with old rice vinegar within 1 hour. When the vinegar is absorbed into the fabric worms, rain worms Place in an enamel bowl in a 3 cm layer and leave at 100°C for 2 hours. When worms will acquire a dark yellow color, they are cooled and stored in a container.


Rain worms contain substances such as lumbrofebrin (antipyretic), terrestrolumbrolysin, lumbritin, hypoxanthine and other purines, pyrimidines, choline and guanidine. Fat rain worms contains octadecanoic (stearic), hexadecanic (palmitic) acids, unsaturated fatty acids - linear unbranched and branched fatty acids, phosphatides, cholesterol, etc. The yellow chloragogenic cells and organs of Lumbricus terrestris contain large quantities of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, pigments and some alkaline amino acids. Yellow pigment, probably consists of riboflavin or its analogues (Jiangsu New Medical College, 1985).

Tissues of the worm Pheretima spp. contain large quantities microelements: Zn 59.1 µg/g; Cu 25.4 µg/g; Fe 1735.5 µg/g; Mo 0.25 µg/g; Ca 1019.2 µg/g and Mn 1143 µg/g (Zhao, 1988). So, worms Allolobophora caliginosa contains 57.96% crude protein, 6.53% crude fat, 21.09% crude ash, 0.36% crude fiber and 14.06% extractable nitrogen. U worms Eisenia fetida contained crude protein 64.61%, crude fat 12.29%, crude ash 10.16%, crude fiber 0.27% and extractable nitrogen 12.67%. U worms E. rosea contained 63.67% crude protein, 12.29% crude fat, 10.66% crude ash, 0.21% crude fiber, and 12.67% extractable nitrogen (Zhang, 1984).

Blood and tissue fluids of L. terrestris contain small amounts of glucose 0.01-0.05 μg/ml (Prento, 1987), but they contain significant quantities lipids, including neutral fats (35.14%), glycolipids (41.74%) and phosphatides (23.12%). The length of the carbon C-chain of fatty acids varies from 10 to 22. The neutral fat fraction contains mainly lauryl, oleic, myristic and decanoic acids. Glycolipid fatty acids contain decanolic acid and some short-chain fatty acids. Phosphatide fatty acids contain oleic, decanolic, linoleic and behenic acids. The content of unsaturated fatty acids is higher than in the neutral fatty acid fraction and saccharides (Lee, 1986). P-peptide substance is found in the intestinal walls worms L. terrestris (Kaloustain, 1986).

Several enzyme activities are present in the yellow chloragogen cells and organs of L. terrestris in high concentrations, including catalase, peroxidase, dismutase, beta-D-glycosyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, esterase, S-amino-β-ketoglutardehydrogenase, and porphyrin synthetase. Tissue fluids rain worms contain at least 18 proteins with molecular weights ranging from 1,000 to 95,000 D (Cheng, 1985).

The hibernating worm Allolobophora caliginosa contains proteins that are capable of hydrolyzing collagen (Kaloustain, 1986). Scientists from China, Japan and South Korea discovered and isolated enzymes from the intestines and tissue fluids rain worms, which can dissolve fibrin. The use of these enzymes will allow modern medicine raise to new level developments in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis and myocardial infarction (Cheng, 1985). Sun (1998) discovered and isolated an acidic antibacterial peptide (tetradecapeptide) that provides disease resistance, and also obtained a drug from rain worms, which can be used in growing both plants and animals. In tissues rain worms there is also an enzyme that can dissolve the tissue of the worm itself when certain conditions(Sun, 1997).


Effect on the nervous system

Zhang first reported in the 50s of the last century that rain worms can reduce blood pressure (Zhang, 1959). Xu (1963) observed the phenomenon of a significant drop in blood pressure when anesthetized dogs were administered an extract (aqueous or alcoholic) from macerated tissue rain worms. In order to understand the mechanisms of depression, Xu conducted medical experiments on the heart of a rabbit, separated from the body. The 0.001% extract was shown to increase heart rate, but when the concentration was increased to 0.05-1.0%, heart rate decreased. At a dose of 0.1 g/kg of animal weight, the rabbit's heart rate progressively decreased. At doses 15 to 17 times the lethal dose for dogs, no changes in heart rate or electrocardiogram spike activity were observed. He concluded that depressive mechanisms rain worms cannot be explained solely by cardiac suppression. Wang (1963) isolated the effectively depressant component B1 from earthworm tissue using ion exchange chromatography. It could significantly reduce high blood pressure, which was caused by stimulation of the sciatic nerve from the central region, and he concluded that rain worms may cause counterexcitation similar to caffeine. It is also believed that main function Depression is located in the central nerve of the superior spinal cord and can affect the central nervous system directly by refluxing some intrinsic receptors and causing dilation of intrinsic blood vessels. Kuang (1984) reported that 100% extract from rain worms can improve the metabolism of dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (monoamine) - a mediator of nerve impulse transmission in the central nervous system, thus, it may confer a protective function against blood-deficiency death of brain tissue.

Effect on the circulatory system

Rao (1986) reported that enzymes from tissue fluids rain worms can dissolve fibrin in blood clots. Li (1988) studied the effect of an extract from rain worms to the formation of blood clots. Six parameters were compared, including viscosity, time of development of prothrombosis, time of formation of a characteristic thrombus, time of dissolution of fibrin in the thrombus, size and weight of the thrombus. Cheng (1989) studied the effects of various extracts from rain worms on the rate of thrombus destruction in rabbits, on coagulation of whole blood, on blood plasma with platelets and a pure fibrin clot in humans. The experimental results showed that the total extract and protein fractions rain worms had significant positive impact to dissolve various types of blood clots in rabbits and humans. The ability to dissolve blood clots was discovered in experiments with direct hydrolysis of fibrin (Cheng, 1989).

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Shen (1982) reported that injection of the extract rain worms at a dose of 0.5 g/ml can act against arrhythmia. Epinephrine, ectisine, and barium chloride have been shown to reverse arrhythmia in various experimental models. It could also cause a short conduction delay that was not caused by K+ ions.

Effect on the respiratory system

Back in the 30s of the last century, substances were isolated from tissues rain worms, which were effective and calming for asthma. This component was used in experiments on rabbit lungs. It was shown that it was capable of dilating the bronchi. Therefore, this compound has been used to treat asthma caused by histamine or pilocarpine. This component was injected intravenously into the body cavity of experimental animals, and 50% of the animals became resistant to a lethal dose of histamine (Zhang, 1990).

Effect on uterine smooth muscles

Xu (1964) isolated various types of compounds from rain worms, which had the property of contracting the smooth muscles of the uterus. Experimental results have shown that these substances significantly increase uterine tension during pregnancy and non-pregnancy. Xu (1984) reported that injection of extracts rain worms increased compression of the mouse uterus to a greater extent than injection of a standard solution of pituirin at a dose of 0.01 mg/ml.

Anti-cancer properties

Extracts from rain worms were successfully used to treat transplanted S-180 rat cancer cells (Wang, 1986), cancer tumor became significantly less after administration of a dose of 5 mg/ml for 88 days without any side effects (Wang, 1988). Han (1991) isolated some components by dialysis and found their effect on Mgc803 cells in gastric cancer in the presence of 3H-TdR. The experimental results showed that some components rain worms may inhibit 3H-TdR incorporation into Mgc803 gastric carcinoma cells (p rain worms can directly inhibit the growth of cancer cells (Han, 1991). Sun et al. (1989) compared 4 treatments to kill cancer cells (cancer cell suspension, extract treatment rain worms+blood porphyrin derivative+laser irradiation, treatment with blood porphyrin derivative+laser and administration of extract rain worms). It was shown that toxicity to cancer cells was highest when combined with the extract. rain worms+ blood porphyrin derivative + laser irradiation. In a comparison of chemotherapy + laser irradiation, Sun (1991) concluded that the mechanism by which extracts rain worms enhance the anticancer activity of blood porphyrin derivative + laser irradiation is an increase in oxygen activity. The new kind anti-cancer medicine called “FU NAI KANG” (FUNAIKAN) is successfully developing in China (Wenkai, 1998).

Spermatocidal properties rain worms

Amber and hyaluronic acid located in tissues rain worms, can agglutinate and kill sperm (Zhang, 1987; 1988). Shi (1981) reported toxicity rain worms. Research results showed that rain worms contain arsenic at a concentration of 200 ppm. This toxicity due to the presence of arsenic can be reduced by rinsing in water worms and it becomes relatively low in experiments on rabbits, rats and dogs with intravenous administration of extracts from rain worms. Toxicity and side effects become below the level of danger to human health. Spermatocidal property rain worms used in China for family planning (Zhang, 1998).


Clinical use of drugs from rain worms has been used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Treatment of tracheal and bronchial asthma. Powder from rain worms at a dose of 3-4 g 3-4 times a day was used to treat bronchial asthma (Cui, 1964). A mixture of rain worms, the internal contents of the bone of Sepiela maindroni and a clot of Bambusa textilis, was ground into a fine powder and used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, using a single dose of 1.5 g along with some medical decoctions (decoctions) to nourish the lungs and remove phlegm. The therapeutic effect was very good (Zhu, 1964). The Chinese drug "Chuan-shu-ning" tablet was used to treat 44 patients with asthma. In 84.09% of cases positive results were observed. This method is characterized by a long-lasting and moderate anti-asthmatic effect (Ling, 1961). Single injection of extract from rain worms was tested on 275 patients with bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. In 78% of cases, complete recovery occurred, especially in children, since the therapeutic effect was stronger than in adult patients (Shanghai Huashan Hospital). According to Huang (1956), injection of a 30% extract from rain worms in the treatment of unexpected (sudden) asthma in children and untreatable asthma in adult patients (with a single dose of 0.1-2.0 ml for children and 2.0 ml for adults), asthma attacks stopped. 10-30 minutes after administration, breathing became smooth. After 2-4 courses of treatment, asthma symptoms completely disappeared. Typically a dose of 1 ml of extract equals 1 g rain worms, for adults was used for intramuscular administration on the 1st day and 2 ml on the 2nd day, if no side effects were observed. The course of treatment was 10 days (Internal medicine Jiangu Hospital, 1971). Some reports stated that it is better to use a mixture of several types rain worms for the preparation of medications than one type in the treatment of 101 patients with hot asthma. A daily dose of 2 ml when administered intramuscularly led to the cure of patients within 1-2 weeks in 88.1% of cases (Shanghai Cooperative Group for asthma treatment, 1971). A mixture of rain worms and toad powder was used to treat chronic tracheitis in 107 patients. The cure rate was 92.5%. Results from studies using microbial cultures have shown that tissue components rain worms effectively control inflammation and restoration of mucous membranes. Powder rain worms was used in the treatment of 100 children with asthma. The therapeutic effect was very good, especially in hot asthma (Liang, 1984).

Treatment of epilepsy. The earthworm pill is a secret that has been passed down from generation to generation, its composition included mainly, rain worm A. caliginosa and vermilion (cinnabar or mercuric sulfite). This tablet has the appearance of a green pea, which is wrapped in a gold shell. Tests conducted for more than 50 years in China have confirmed the therapeutic effect of this drug for epilepsy. Composition of this product: rain worms 9 g; whole scorpion 9 g; dried fruit Forsythia suspensa 9g; Lonicera esquirolii flowers 12 g; Uncarria rhynchophylla stems 15g; gypsum 30 g. Intramuscular injections 3-5 times of 50% extract from rain worms have been used to control epileptic seizures; the efficiency was 85.7% (He, 1973). Zhu (1983) applied rain worms in a dose of 3 to 6 g once in the treatment of 20 patients with partial epilepsy in combination with chemicals. In 16 cases, complete recovery was observed, in 3 patients there was an improvement, and in only one case there was no effect. Zhang (1984) used soup from rain worms when treating 12 patients with epilepsy for 10-20 days. In 4 cases there were no epilepsy attacks within a year, in 5 cases there were no epilepsy attacks for six months, in the remaining patients the periods between epilepsy attacks were reduced.

Treatment of hypertension. Tincture from rain worms, taken twice daily in a dose of 20 ml, was used to treat 34 patients with hypertension, and these patients had previously been treated without success by other medical methods. High blood pressure generally decreased 4-10 days after this treatment (He, 1973). Extract from rain worms, called "Earth dragon B1" in China, was used at a dose of 2 ml three times a day to treat hypertension in 11 patients. The results showed that the effective suppression rate was 90.9% without side effects. They also used the so-called soup from rain worms. A very good therapeutic effect was observed in 17 patients with hypertension (Hu, 1983). Factor K, isolated from rain worms, administered intramuscularly to eliminate high blood pressure, in 30 cases there was an improvement of 86.6%, which shows that the depressor function in various phases of hypertension is better than that of chemical treatment (Mao, 1983).

Treatment of schizophrenia. It was reported that rain worms used to treat 110 patients with schizophrenia. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 60 patients of the 1st group took powder obtained from rain worms, and 50 patients of the 2nd group - received injections of extract from worms. The course of treatment lasted 60 days. It was shown that 18 people of the 1st group and 11 people of the 2nd group were completely cured. Freshly prepared rain worms were more effective than dried ones. To treat schizophrenia it was necessary to take 300 worms with eggs and eat instead of lunch (Cai, 1966).

Treatment of leg ulcers. ointment from rain worms for external use in China is known as “Xin fu-shuang”. It was used to treat 50 patients with leg ulcers. 17 patients experienced complete recovery, and 37 showed improvement. This ointment relieves pain, eliminates tissue decay, removes pus, and enhances the growth of muscle tissue (Shanghai Jinahan Hospital, 1982). Syrup made from worms and sugar, gave good results in the treatment of ulcers (Dermatological Department of the First Hospital Attached to Hubei Medical College, 1960). Rain worms can be used orally to treat leg ulcers. Can also be used washed in cold water worms, mixed with soy milk, to treat the affected areas. This procedure is usually done before lunch. The patient requires 300 for complete recovery worms(Wan, 1965).

Treatment of mumps. Laundered rain worms placed in a vessel, add a certain amount of sugar powder so that worms covered with secreted fluid. From rain worms yellow-white mucus is secreted, and this mucus is applied to the affected areas of the body and covered with gauze. Do not remove the bandage for 2-3 hours. In the treatment of 20 patients, it was found that the best treatment for mumps was due to rapid reduction of swelling and antifever effects. Other authors reported that 170 patients with mumps experienced complete recovery within 1-3 days after using this method (Lu, 1980).

Treatment of eczema, urticaria and anaphylaxis. Extracts from earthworm tissue were used to treat eczema in 35 patients by injection into acupuncture points. In 14 patients there was a complete recovery, in 13 there was improvement, in 5 there was a positive reaction to treatment, and in 3 patients there was no effect. For this 60 g worms mixed with 30 g of sugar. This mixture was applied to the affected areas 4-5 times a day. This method has been used in the treatment of itchy skin and repeated flare-ups of eczema (Hu, 1980). The injections were used in the treatment of 100 patients with urticaria, who were administered 2 ml of the extract daily. As a result of this treatment, 84% of patients were cured (Li, 1976). In another 50 cases, when treated with this method, 15 patients were completely cured, 24 showed improvement in their health, 9 patients had a positive reaction and only 2 did not have a positive effect (Sichuan First Hospital, 1980). Ointments and glycerin extract from rain worms used externally. In 9 cases, 3 patients experienced complete recovery after 3 days, and in the other 6 patients, recovery was observed after 4-10 days. Freshly prepared worms mixed and ground together with a clove of garlic until a homogeneous paste was obtained. This paste was then mixed with sesame oil. It was shown that in 26 cases, when using this treatment method, bleeding disappeared completely. Rain worms can also be used in the treatment of systematic erythromatous lupus. For this freshly prepared worms mixed with sugar powder and obtained a syrupy tincture. The affected areas were treated with it and in 15 cases recovery occurred after 2 to 4 procedures. In addition to the recipe worms Pheretima aspergillum or Allolobophora caliginosa trapezoides included Rehmania glutinosa root and Paeonia suffruticosa root. This mixture has been successfully used to treat certain types of anaphylactic diseases (Liu, 1983; Ye, 1982).

Treatment of chronic prostatitis. 232 patients with chronic prostatitis received the drug from rain worms. The therapeutic effect was as follows: 128 patients completely recovered, 62 showed improvement in health, and 42 had a positive response to treatment but relapsed when treatment was stopped. Prescription of the drug: dry rain worms Pherethima aspergillum or Allolobophora caliginosa trapezoides 20 g; Paetonua suffruticosa roots 20 g; Aristolochia manshuriensis stem 15 g; Plantago aristata seeds 15 g; Astragalus membranaceus roots 30 g and Glycyrrhiza uralensis roots 10 g (Gao, 1996).

Treatment of burns. 15 individuals rain worms placed in sugar syrup for 10 hours to obtain a tincture. This tincture is used to treat various types of burns, treating the affected areas. Fifty patients with burns (sunburn or scalding) experienced complete recovery within a week (Zhang, 1974). According to other reports, 120 g of dry worms, 60 g of sugar and a small amount of boric alcohol and a solution was obtained. The affected areas were treated with this solution 4-6 times a day for 5-7 days. Healing occurred without scarring or adverse effects (Zhuxi Hospital, 1973). Burn Ointment 101 - Chinese traditional remedy, contains Allolobophora caliginosa tissue and other medicinal herbs. The use of this ointment on 5011 patients with various burns (1st and 2nd degree) resulted in recovery in 98.7% of cases. In 32 cases of severe burns, 23 patients were completely cured (Li, 1980).

Treatment of fractures. Using rain worms when treating fractur bone fractures in 63 patients, pain stopped within 1 hour after treatment, swelling subsided after 24 hours, and bone healing occurred in an average of 38.7 days. Li (1986) believes that this effect may be due to the presence of rain worms lipids and nucleic acids. Zheng (1988) and Xu (1985) reported that freshly prepared rain worms may enhance bone growth.

Treatment of erysipelas. A mixture of freshly prepared rain worms and red sugar was applied to the affected areas of the body. In 11 patients, complete recovery occurred after 3-5 days (Zaolin Hospital in Hongan County, 1973).

Treatment of complications after encephalitis B. From freshly prepared rain worms prepared soup. It was given orally to 10 patients with complications from encephalitis B for 30 days. A positive therapeutic effect was achieved (Luo, 1983).

Treatment of chronic lumbago (lumbago). Powder from rain worms and Caesalpinia sappan was used to treat lumbago in 50 patients. In 48 cases, complete recovery was observed (Pan, 1983).

Treatment of skin cracks. Ointment obtained from powder rain worms and pearl powder, was used to treat cracks in the skin 2 times a day. Of the 42 patients, 41 experienced complete recovery (Pan, 1983).

Treatment of blood deficiency apoplexy. Guo (1983) reported that extracts obtained from fresh rain worms, have been used to treat blood deficiency apoplexy. The effectiveness of treatment averaged 79%.

Treatment of severe hard tissue injuries. Here is a recipe for a drug for the treatment of severe damage to hard tissues: 3 g of dry powder rain worms Pheretima aspergillum or Allolobophora caliginosa; 3 g central stem of Casalpina sappan; 3 g dried fruits of Daemonoropsdraco spp; 3 g of Oynanchum chinese plant; 3 g dried Zanthoxylum bungeanum fruit; 9g dried flowers of Carthamus tinctorium and 9g stem of Cinnamomum camphora. This mixture was infused in 500 ml of a 75% solution for 48 hours. The tincture was applied to the affected parts of the body 3-4 times a day. Of the 122 cases, 104 patients experienced complete recovery and 18 showed improvement. The course of treatment is from 5 to 70 days (Li, 1987).

Treatment of dizziness. Soup from rain worms was used in the treatment of dizziness. Of the 32 cases, 20 patients had complete recovery, 7 had improvement, 2 had positive reactions and only 3 had no effect (Zheng, 1985).

Treatment bloody vomiting and hematuria (blood in the urine). 50 pieces rain worms mixed with 250 g of red sugar, yellow secretion was released from the body rain worms through the pores. Patients were given 20 ml of this secretion orally, which stopped hemoptysis after 2 hours. The disease was completely cured when the dose was increased to 100 ml (Wu, 1985; Liu, 1981).

Treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers. Dry powder from rain worms 40 patients with ulcers in the digestive tract took 2 g orally 3-4 times a day. In 34 cases there was complete recovery, and in 6 cases there was improvement (Mu, 1988).

Treatment urolithiasis . Chen (1987) reported that rain worms were used in the treatment of 5 patients with stones in bladder, with a significant positive therapeutic effect.

Cancer treatment. Mixture rain worms I, II, III were given orally for 2 to 4 months to 44 cancer patients. On average, 89.9% of patients were cured. This confirms that the rules work in practice (Chen, 1983).

Here is a quote from pages 11-12 of V.V. Gorbunov’s book “Earthworms for increasing yield”:

Let's first talk about the damage that earthworms can cause.

Metastrongylidae larvae develop in earthworms, which swallow, along with the soil, the eggs and larvae of these worms that get there with the sputum and feces of infected pigs.

In the esophagus of worms, tiny metastrongylid larvae (their length is 0.2–0.3 mm) linger and, perforating its wall, enter the vessels circulatory system worm, where very soon they grow to 0.60–0.65 mm.

The infestation of worms depends on the number of pigs with metastrongylosis. In outbreaks of disease in pigs, from 20 to 90% of worms may contain metastrongylid larvae.

Apparently, all common species of lumbricid fauna can be intermediate hosts of metastrongylids, but species of the genus Lumbricus and dung worms are most easily infected by them.

Syngamid eggs swallowed by earthworms hatch into mobile larvae that pierce the intestinal wall, enter the body cavity, live there for some time, and then penetrate the muscles and there go into a resting state, surrounded by capsules. In this form they can live in the body of the worm for several years.

The main role in the infection of earthworms by syngamids is played by starlings, whose lungs are very often affected by them. As you know, these birds fly in early spring, and most often dig in the ground in search of food (earthworms are their favorite food).

But they not only destroy the worms, but also cause them other harm: walking on the ground and rummaging in it with their beaks, they scatter syngamidae eggs, which the worms swallow.

The intermediate hosts of Porrozec are earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris). Larvae hatching from eggs penetrate the blood vessels of earthworms, where they are sometimes found in masses.

Earthworms serve as intermediate hosts for some tapeworms.

And the large red worm (Lumbricus terrestris) and the long allolobophora (Allolobophora longa) serve as intermediate hosts for the tapeworm Dilepis undula, which came from the intestines of various birds (crows, rooks, starlings, thrushes, etc.).

Protecting pastures from syngamids is also important for protecting wild birds suffering from them, since worms are eaten mainly by beneficial birds that destroy harmful insects.

As a result, no matter how useful the soil-forming activity of earthworms is, it is still quite acceptable to sacrifice some of them to preserve the health of birds, especially starlings.

It is possible that earthworms can cause harm to very young plants, root system which may suffer as a result of digging by worms underground passages near the surface.

For example, some bushes of freshly picked flower or garden seedlings, as well as individual seedlings after sowing and planting seeds, can be damaged or destroyed by creeping lumbricids. But in general, this kind of harm is negligible.

As for the harm allegedly caused by worms to well-rooted plants, there is no scientific data on this issue (Heuschen, 1956). The instructions of A. O. Lavrentiev (1958) on the damage caused by earthworms to vegetable crops and gardens need to be verified.

For example, there is an opinion that grass does not grow under trees because there are a lot of earthworms there. However, this is due to completely different reasons.

The opinion about the harm caused by lumbricides to garden bed crops is also fictitious. Several methods have even been invented to kill worms in gardens.

Darwin writes about “the destruction of earthworms by gardeners” as a regular everyday phenomenon: “When gardeners intend to destroy earthworms, then first of all they rake the mentioned pieces of eruptions from the surface of the earth so that the solution of quicklime can freely penetrate into the worm passages.”

Darwin refers to published instructions for the destruction of earthworms. These instructions were published abroad quite recently.

Department Agriculture The United States published a popular pamphlet in the Farmer's Bulletin series entitled "Earthworms as our scourge and their other properties" (Walton, 1928), which describes ways to combat these "pests" by watering the soil with a solution of lime, tobacco infusion and even sublimate.

True, there, as damage caused by earthworms, the first place cited is the unevenness that occurs on golf courses, at the sites of heaps of worm eruptions, followed by dubious data on damage to flowers in flower beds.

And it is even more strange that the Department of Agriculture in America found it possible to promote the destruction of earthworms among farmers, that is, to fight their best allies in soil cultivation!

Methods for killing earthworms can also be found in cultural brochures indoor plants(see, for example, Shipchinsky, 1949).

In potted crops, large worms can cause some damage to plants; however, in general, as numerous experiments have shown, worms have had positive influence on plant growth under these conditions.

Pasteur pointed out the possibility of spreading anthrax bacteria spores by earthworms from the corpses of animals that died from this disease and were buried in the ground.

This opinion is an example of the mistakes that even great people sometimes fall into. Pasteur thought that Lumbricidae fed on corpses.

Of course, the possibility of spores of anthrax bacteria entering the intestines of the worm after the corpses have completely decomposed and turned into soil humus is not excluded, but it is difficult to name animals that would have less to do with cutting up corpses that have fallen into the soil than earthworms.

This work is performed by many completely different animals. But even in civilized countries they cannot spread anthrax bacteria, since everywhere the corpses of animals that have died from this disease are buried in the ground only after disinfection.

More serious data are available on the importance of earthworms in the spread of viral influenza epidemics. After the epidemic of this disease in 1918, a swine influenza epidemic occurred in the United States.

It is believed that pigs receive the virus from earthworms, in whose bodies it was actually found during inter-epidemic periods (Grazhul, 1957). However, this issue needs further research.

Damage caused by earthworms infected with nematodes causing diseases pigs and poultry is undeniable, so great care must be taken when feeding earthworms to pigs and poultry.

Thus, we need to give up the dangerous illusion about the exclusive benefits of earthworms, because Harm from earthworms in some cases, it can be many times greater than their benefits.

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