Home Garden on the windowsill Original bank cards. How to issue a card with an individual design in Sberbank. Classic Visa card with custom design

Original bank cards. How to issue a card with an individual design in Sberbank. Classic Visa card with custom design

Striving to stand out from the crowd important feature modern young people. Everyone achieves the goal in their own way: some dye their hair in bright color while others buy exclusive items. have some distinguishing feature means to have your own opinion and not be afraid to express it. Progress does not stand still, and today, in order to emphasize its creative nature, you can issue a Sberbank card with an individual design, with which it is definitely impossible to go unnoticed.

How to choose a design

Individual designs of Sberbank cards can be selected in several ways:

  • choose any picture you like from your own stock of photos from a computer, tablet, phone and other drives;
  • view ready-made images offered by the bank;
  • upload photos from your own social network account.

To do this is not so difficult.

How to order a card

To order, you need to contact the bank branch or do it yourself on the website of the institution. In the first case, you need to take your passport with you and follow the recommendations of a specialist. In the second, you need to enter personal online account and act according to the prompts of Internet pages. It is important to consider that the card is not prepared instantly. It takes some time to make. You can make a Sberbank card with an individual design with a chip in addition, which provides additional security when transferring funds. When paying with a card in a store, you always need to enter a pin code.

What can not be depicted on plastic?

It is forbidden to use the following topics on maps:

  • emblems, flags;
  • weapon;
  • pornographic content;
  • drugs;
  • text information;
  • brand names;
  • Photo famous people;
  • images of banknotes, currencies;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco;
  • faces in uniform and other illustrations ( full list restrictions are given on the Sberbank website).

Where to choose a ready-made design

At a bank branch or on the Internet, you can choose ready-made individual designs of Sberbank cards. These images are made by bank representatives and can be transferred to plastic. This feature is useful for people who don't want to put their own photos on the front of the card or can't choose from their options. When contacting a consultant at a branch, you can ask to see the available individual designs of Sberbank cards in the form of a catalog. Usually they are presented as small copies of real maps: they can be seen and touched. It happens that cards with an individual design are printed in a special album, which is available for study by all visitors.

What can be shown on the map?

You can issue a Sberbank card with in a variety of directions. It all depends on personal imagination and creativity. It is possible to make a card of any color, with any pattern, except for the prohibited ones, and the bank will make these wishes come true. The embodiment of creativity - a card with an individual design (Sberbank). Owner reviews indicate that most often cardholders are delighted with images of their pets, vacation photos, family archives or selfies that are popular today. You can print a photo of the fruits of your creativity, a hobby: it can be a baked and decorated cake, from a window or a blossoming rosebud.

You can choose classic or youth card, by contacting with an individual design will be available to persons not older than 25 years. Such a card has the same functions as the standard card, only outwardly it has a distinctive feature in the form of a selected picture.

How long do you have to wait for a card?

It takes a relatively short time to produce a card with an individual design (Sberbank). The terms of its development vary from three days to two weeks. Minimum time manufactures occupy cards with the design offered by the bank. Such work does not require much effort from employees, and therefore the timing of its release pleases every potential owner. If the client wants to order a Sberbank card with an individual design that he came up with on his own, then it can be at his disposal only after two weeks. It all depends on the complexity of the image, the color palette and small details. Approximately two weeks is the standard time for plastic production, but each case is individual and requires certain deadlines. When filling out the application, a bank specialist will announce the approximate waiting time for the card.

As soon as the card arrives at the selected branch, a message with the necessary information will be sent to the number specified during the registration of the application. You should not delay going to the bank, as the card cannot be on the balance sheet of a banking organization for too long.

Usually, the cost of the card is debited from the account to which it is linked. At the same time, on the day of filing the application for the issue, the required amount should already be in this account. Otherwise, the card cannot be issued, as the bank does not issue cards with an individual design at its own expense.

Features of cards with an individual pattern

All custom designed cards have the following features:

  • valid for three years;
  • participate in the "Thank you" program;
  • issued with the payment system "Visa" or "Mastercard";
  • currency used: rubles, euros and dollars;
  • they are only debit (it is impossible to issue a loan on them);
  • are not salaries.

Such a card can be used for absolutely any purpose, like other standard Sberbank cards. You can take it off cash, make transfers, pay for purchases and much more. It is accepted by any ATM and payment devices in stores. Thanks to the Thank You bonuses, you can save a decent amount by returning up to 20% of the purchase price. This program allows you to use the accumulated points to pay for goods in the future in recalculation: 1 bonus = 1 ruble.

Today it has become possible to choose a card just for yourself, one that will depict your favorite outlines, thanks to the development of technology. You can print any picture you like not only on landscape sheet but also on a plastic card. The choice in favor of individual design will emphasize personal dignity and bright character traits. Taking out such a card, you can be sure that no one else has it. Individual designs of Sberbank cards attract the attention of not only their owner, but also those around them. Admiring, for example, a photo of your favorite pet on the map, you can smile and cheer yourself up.

A wish individual people to stand out from the crowd, gives rise to an entire area of ​​​​infrastructure dedicated to the development of unique design. Unusual cars, interiors, clothes, accessories, and finally, bank cards. It would seem that a bank card is a purely personal thing that should not be
constantly in sight.

How to issue a card with your own image in Sberbank

What's the point

However, banks seized the demand for personalized cards and began to actively develop this area. Today, many banks keep pace with the times and offer their customers cards with the ability to apply various logos, drawings, and photographs as an image. One of the leaders in such developments is, of course, Sberbank, which issues the largest number of cards in our country.

The very essence of the unique card design lies in the unique image that will be applied instead of the standard one - it can be all kinds of images (see restrictions below), from pictures of a beautiful sunset to photos of funny cats.

What can be depicted on a Sberbank card?

When ordering a card, you will be provided with a list of what cannot be portrayed , you need to familiarize yourself with it in detail at the time of issuing the card. General Prohibitions: Trademarks, company abbreviations, numbers, letters, banknote/coin images, cartoon frames, faces of famous people and fictional characters, pictures with the association of drugs, sex, violence, weapons, religion, etc.

Despite such serious restrictions, the bank allows not only to select a picture from its own gallery, but also allows you to upload your own, no less than 800x600px in size, no more than 10 MB in JPEG or PNG format. The recommended image size is 1035x662px.

Basic conditions and requirements for a card with an individual image from Sberbank:

  • Card currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • Payment system - visa classic;
  • Validity – 3 years;
  • Maintenance cost - 750 rubles per year;
  • Issue price - 500 rubles at the time of receipt;
  • The possibility of obtaining an overdraft - no;
  • Release as a payroll project - no;
  • Full functionality and capabilities like a classic bank debit card;
  • The age of the card recipient is from 18 years old (from 10 years old as an additional one).

How to issue a Sberbank card with an individual design

The application process on the site is not difficult.

We type www.sberbank.ru in the address bar, click on the “Menu” icon, then “select a card”, and “cards with an individual design”.

We get to the image selection pages. Sberbank offers 3 ways to upload images - from a computer, from its own gallery, and also from social networks.

From a computer

By selecting this item, we get to the image selection page. We read what cannot be applied as an image, agree to the terms. Click "Upload" and select the file on the computer.

The uploaded image goes to the editing page.

Here you can choose the color of the bank logo, filters, and, if necessary, take another image - from the banking gallery, or from a social network account. Here we select the currency of the card.

We drive in the phone number and click "Continue" and a rather long questionnaire appears below. The design of the card enters the bank's database, and after filling it out, it will be sent for verification. Upon completion of the verification, you will be notified by phone number. On the final stages filling out the questionnaire, you will be asked to choose a convenient branch of the bank, where you will need to pick up the ordered card.

After filling in all the fields, click the "Submit" button. That's it, the procedure for issuing a card with an individual design is over. It remains to wait for a notification on the phone from the bank when the card is ready. You will come to the selected branch of the bank, sign several documents on issuing a debit card and you can start using it.

From gallery

Here you can select a picture from the gallery offered by the bank. There are plenty of topics here, and all these pictures have already been approved by the bank. That is, they will be 100% approved.

Alfa-Bank offers you a unique chance to become the owner of an international bank card Visa Classic PhotoCard or MasterCard PhotoCard Standard with an individual design and chip. Thanks to the application innovative technologies a map has been created, the entire front side of which can be designed to your liking.

Any person, children, parents, pets, nature, exotic landscapes - a photo dear to your heart can now be embodied in the form of a bank card.

Keeps your money... and the best memories

Alfa-Bank offers you a unique chance to become the owner of an international bank card Visa Classic Photocard or MasterCard PhotoCard Standard with custom design. Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, a card has been created, the entire front side of which can be designed according to your taste.

Beloved person, children, parents, pets, nature, exotic landscapes - a photo dear to your heart can now be embodied in the form of a bank card.

Can't decide on a photo choice? We are pleased to offer you a choice of a picture from our design gallery, which will be updated with new images.

The reverse side of the card is silver. We made it this way on purpose so that it serves as a decent frame for your chosen photo.

A card with an individual design differs from all other bank cards only in that you have chosen its design yourself. In all other respects, this is the most common international bank card: it can be used all over the world to pay for goods and services, including via the Internet, to withdraw and deposit cash - in a word, exactly the way you are used to using your regular bank card.

A custom design card can be issued to anyone current account bank client.

Express yourself with international card Alfa-Bank Visa Classic PhotoCard or MasterCard PhotoCard Standard with an individual design! Thanks to modern technologies The front side of the card can be designed to your liking.

Recently, it has become possible to order bank cards with an individual design. Working under the motto: "Don't be like everyone else!", financial institutions moving pretty fast new service. Do not lag behind the fashion and luminaries of the monetary market.

Sberbank very zealously joined the race to create plastic cards individual sample. In order to order a payment accessory, it is not even necessary to contact. All information is available on the organization's website - sberbank.ru. Here you can also choose a design option from the proposed list, which includes such topics: cartoons, animals, flora and fauna, cities, etc. For the most creative users, a module for uploading images of our own production is provided.

Poll: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


The selected pattern is applied to the entire surface of the card. During the creation of the map, the possibility of editing the image is allowed: choosing more preferable fragments and angles, changing the color palette, etc. Those Visa, MasterCard or MIR holders who have a craving for creation can independently edit the classic and standard options kart. The "individualization" service is provided by Sberbank only to users of debit plastic.

So, having set out to change the design of your debit card from Sberbank, follow these steps:

  1. Find "Choose a card" on the menu and go to the "Custom Design Cards" category.
  2. Fill out an application or change the design of the card yourself. In both cases, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions of the system.
  3. Be sure to carefully read the terms of the license agreement!
  4. Refusals are also possible for cards with photos of actors and cartoon characters, as well as images of paintings by famous artists that are subject to copyright law. All "allowed characters" are placed in the gallery offered by the bank's developers. So, for example, Sberbank is ready to print cards with fragments from the cartoons "Shrek", "Puss in Boots", "Just you wait!" and Madagascar. Full list of the rules for posting the image is published on the website of the financial institution.

    Cost and terms of service

    An individual design of a debit card from Sberbank will cost the user 500 rubles. It's about about a one-time payment, which is made before the card is issued and is added to the annual cost of service. total amount will be 750 rubles.

A rather interesting offer today is the opportunity to make a Sberbank card with an individual design. This product endowed with all the features and advantages of international format plastic, but differs in appearance.

In Sberbank, a card with an individual design can have on the front side any image of the owner's choice. In this case, it is permissible to select a drawing both from the database of a banking institution, and upload the actual photo. Image restrictions are clearly stated. The card cannot contain:

  • Photos from the Internet or protected by copyright.
  • Logos and TM of famous brands.
  • Alcoholic drinks or tobacco products.
  • Provoking associations with gambling.
  • pornographic content.
  • Image of a weapon or military equipment;
  • Flags, coats of arms and others State symbols, slogans, symbols of power.
  • Images of coins, banknotes, stamps.
  • Carrying anti-religious or anti-social information.
  • Frames from animated or feature films.
  • A photo famous people and fictional characters.
  • People in uniforms with recognizable colors or logos.
  • Texts or digital information.

Due to the need to carefully check the drawing desired by the client, the response from Sberbank to an individual design takes longer than to a regular one.

If the decision on extradition is on average up to 2-5 days, then in this case, as practice shows, the period can stretch for 14 days or more.

It is permissible to issue a product in the form of an additional card for a child from 7 years old to an account in any currency: ruble, euro, dollar. payment system the client also chooses independently - Visa or Master Card.

How to order a Sberbank card with an individual design

When contacting the department, this service is not provided, today it can only be ordered online. This is due technical requirements, because the bank needs to receive an image for photo printing in in electronic format. The order procedure is carried out as follows: in the section on the bank's website - Cards with original design you need to click on the Order button.

Filling out an application online

  • Upload a photo from a computer, Instagram or choose from a gallery offered by a banking institution.
  • Approve the image: process the photo, choosing the scale and placement, logo color, intensity and brightness of colors.
  • Select currency.
  • Enter the phone number to confirm the status of the application via SMS.
  • Specify additional options.
  • Confirm your online order.

The cost of the service and obtaining plastic

The cost of printing and ordering plastic is 500 rubles, while a standard product is issued free of charge.

A Sberbank card with an individual design can be ordered online

Order a payment instrument this type available to any citizen over the age of 18. In addition to registration, there are no mandatory requirements for owners. The answer about the decision will be sent in the form of SMS. The refusal can only be explained by the inconsistency of the content of the drawing, and therefore you can send a new application, choosing a different option.

The procedure ends directly with the receipt of plastic in the specified department and the signing of the contract. You will need to present a passport to the employee for filling in the contract and for identification.

Order via Sberbank Online

A card with an individual design can also be ordered from Sberbank Online. This method is available for existing clients who have a password and ID to use the resource. You will need to visit the Maps section and select Order. In the corresponding box, check the box with the original image, and then upload the photo. The answer about the decision of the bank can be viewed in the Cabinet. Here it will appear a little earlier than the employee informs about it.

The appearance of plastic can be individual or template

Features and features of the card product

Plastic holders should be aware that the appearance of their plastic does not affect their functionality, features and benefits in any way. In particular, it is permissible to perform any operations with the product:

  • Receive funds from other persons;
  • Withdraw cash through the cash desk of the institution or ATM;
  • Perform transfers by number through remote resources;
  • Pay for services and bills of companies, incl. for communications, utilities, loans, fines, etc.
  • Set up templates for automatic transfers with the specified frequency and amounts.
  • Carrying out transactions via the Internet through secure portals of payment systems.
  • Use in trading retail outlets for cashless payments.

It is permissible to connect online management services to the card: Internet banking, Mobile banking. This allows you to view transactions, find out the balance, and make transfers on your own. In Mobile Banking, all operations are easy to perform via SMS and ussd requests. This greatly speeds up and simplifies the interaction. For example, to top up your phone, it is enough to enter only the amount in the message to send to 900. For another person, a similar transfer occurs with dialing his number in SMS.

Service remote control allows you to transfer funds between your accounts, repay loans, incl. and other institutions, apply for loans or open card products.

The most popular creative approach to the appearance of plastic among youth card holders

Points Thank you on the map

It is possible to accumulate points, which can later be exchanged for a discount in online stores and retail outlets. The service is called Thank you and implies that each point is equivalent to a ruble, i.e. debited at payment in the ratio 1:1. They are received as a percentage of the value of the purchase in the partner store. The list of them is very wide, you can check the details on the website of the institution.

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