Home Grape How a man gets turned on. How to excite a man via SMS? Erotic SMS: examples. Feelings as a way to excite a guy

How a man gets turned on. How to excite a man via SMS? Erotic SMS: examples. Feelings as a way to excite a guy

Orgasm is a vivid sensation, the pinnacle of sexual arousal, after which relaxation and release of sexual tension occurs. These sensations make a woman happy, since during orgasm the body repeatedly increases the production of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness.

However, many people experience only pleasant sensations during sex, and the release itself does not occur. Why is this happening? How to awaken female sensuality, how to experience an orgasm between a woman and a man during sex? Today we will pay attention to a topic that worries many and together we will find answers to these questions:

The nature of female orgasm

According to the nature of their occurrence, orgasmic sensations are divided into physiological and emotional (psychological). They depend on the woman’s mood.

Physiological. During the period of peak sexual arousal, a woman’s genital organs change: the uterus is pulled up, the vagina expands, and its hydration increases. His muscles tense, tightly enveloping the penis. Frequent rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the vagina and perineum occur.

It is these rhythmic contractions, accompanied by bright voluptuous sensations, that indicate the onset of orgasm.

They can be simply very pleasant, and sometimes so intense that the woman momentarily blacks out. After which a feeling of peace and bliss arises. The pleasant sensation that arises in the clitoral area spreads throughout the abdomen.

It should also be noted that the presence of orgasm is typical for women with healthy vegetative and nervous system when not hormonal imbalance in the body and functions normally.

These intense sensations often change with age and become less intense as menopause approaches or approaches. They also largely depend on menstrual cycle, more precisely, from his period.

Emotional (psychological). The quality of sensations during sexual intercourse largely depends on emotional state: moods, attitudes towards sex, relationships with a partner. Even the environment in which sexual intercourse takes place has an impact. Sometimes sensations change when changing sexual partners.

The feeling of release during sex is very personal to every woman. They can be different, intense, bright and not very bright. Everyone experiences their own feelings.

Depending on the psychological mood, physical condition, sensations can be extremely pleasant, strong, or weak, pale, insignificant. And sometimes women talk about unpleasant, even painful sensations.

How to give a woman maximum pleasure in bed?

First of all, get to know yourself. Identify your erogenous zones, study them. Learn to manipulate your body in such a way as to give yourself pleasure. In the future, it will be easy to tell, hint, and show them to your partner.

Loving man will gladly take this information into account in order to give you the highest pleasure. Especially if you help him with this: turn in time, as needed, bend, put his hand on your body where it is most pleasant for you.

To experience an orgasm between a woman and a man, you need to try to disconnect from problems, relax as much as possible and trust your partner. Leave for later discussions about morality, far-fetched complexes, usually imposed from the outside, and natural shyness.

On the contrary, turn on your imagination, imagine exciting erotic scenes, let the man caress your body the way he and you like.

A warm aromatic bath and a calm, cozy atmosphere in the bedroom are very relaxing and relieve stress before sex. Turn on a night light or light some candles. Let relaxing music play.

During sex, choose positions that are most conducive to achieving greater pleasure. For example, positions that actively stimulate the clitoris, such as the missionary position

- on your back, with legs crossed. Or poses in which it is possible to stimulate the clitoris with your hand. There are many options.

If necessary, read special literature about positions for active stimulation of the G-spot, which is located on the front wall of the vagina.

With age, after childbirth, the muscles of the vagina and perineum gradually lose their tone. To fix this, strengthen them. In particular, simple squeezing and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles will help. Do them several times a day. Start with 10 seconds of muscle tension and relaxation, gradually increasing the time.

Include in your diet more products– natural aphrodisiacs. These include: strawberries, chocolate, celery, seafood, spices (chili pepper, curry, dill). Avocado, asparagus, bananas - promote sexual arousal. All these products contain substances that cause a desire for intimacy in women and men.

If you read carefully, you realized that pleasing a woman in bed will help her preliminary work. If, despite your efforts, you cannot experience an orgasm, contact a sexologist. The doctor will study the relationship in your couple, give individual recommendations, and tell you what physical exercise can help, will help remove psychological barriers.

It will also tell you how to learn to talk to each other about feelings, sexual desires and fantasies. After all, to achieve orgasm it is very important to learn to listen and understand your partner.

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As practice shows, in bed not a single extraneous thing is superfluous: not a second girl, not a third girl, not a ping-pong ball. The main thing is to know how to use it.

And this is where the advice of David DeAngelo, one of the most popular American relationship consultants, will come to your aid (his newsletter from the website daviddeangelo.com is read by almost two million subscribers, or even six if you count each three times). David is sure that almost any thing lying around in your or her apartment can bring unprecedented pleasure to a girl. Although it will be less than the joy she would experience if you gave her a fur coat made from chinchilla eyebrows, it’s still okay.

1. The sommelier got angry
A bottle of wine.

Undress the girl, leaving her only wearing panties. Check the label on them. If it says "100% nylon", send her out to change into ones that say "100% cotton". You will need cotton ones, others will not work.

Place your girlfriend in front of you, and kneel in front of her. Pull the elastic band of your panties and pour some wine into your collar (or is it your bosom? Basically, into the space between the fabric and the skin). Wait until the wine is absorbed and, pressing your lips to
her womb, begin to greedily suck the wine through the fabric. Don't be surprised if she clasps your head in her hands and holds you tighter to her. Having drunk every drop, pour some wine again. The number of approaches depends on whether you should drive today.

2. Warm welcome
Bed dress:
A towel (preferably two) and a vessel with hot water.

Using a blade, scissors, or some method unknown to science, make a vertical slit about ten centimeters long in the center of a small towel. Place the towel in hot water, pull it out and squeeze it out. Look around and see if there is a naked girl nearby. If detected, ask her to lie on her back and spread her legs slightly, bending her knees. Shyly cover your girlfriend's pubis with a wet and hot towel so that through the cut in the fabric you can reach the target. Now get busy with her regular sex, start cunnilingus or turn to the wall and fall asleep if you have already lost all interest in what is happening. The steam effect will not only relax all her muscles, but will also cause blood flow to the genitals, which will immediately affect the girl’s sensations.

After about two minutes the towel will cool down. If you ruin two towels with slits, the second one will be waiting for you next to you in a cup of hot water, and you will quickly put it in the place of the first one.

3. Working with light

Playing with the pistol, they told the girl to undress and lie on her back, raising her knees and spreading her legs slightly. Turn off the light (if it happens during the day, wait until the sun is completely eclipsed - see “Calendar of Astronomical Events”), light a candle and place it in the girl’s field of view. Take a position that will allow you to simultaneously see the candle light and give the girl cunnilingus. (You can, of course, choose a position that allows you to only watch the flame, but believe me, after some time both you and the girl will feel very stupid.)

Watch the burning wick and with each fluctuation of the candle flame, repeat this movement with your tongue. The fire fluctuates without any logic or a set pace, so your girlfriend will constantly be in tense anticipation of continued caresses, getting more and more excited every minute. If it's in a basement, use an authentic one.

resin torch.

4. Silk Road
Bed dress:
One long silk scarf and one short one.

Ask your naked girlfriend to get on all fours (we don’t know how you will achieve this, but we hope that you still have at least some blackmail tools left). Blindfold her eyes with a short scarf. Take the long scarf in your hands and begin to lightly move it over the girl’s legs and back. After about two minutes, pass the scarf between her legs. Grab the ends of the scarf: one hand in front of her face, the other behind. The girl must, as it were, “ride” the silk ribbon. Now, still weightlessly, begin to pull the scarf back and forth over her body. The fabric should slide barely noticeably. The longer the scarf, the more pleasant it will be for the girl.

5. OrgasMMs
Bed dress:
Candy MMs or something like that.

Shake a bag of small chocolates in front of her. Sometimes this is enough for the girl to undress. If this was enough, give her some candy and turn off the light in the room. Advise your friend to stick them on her favorite places on the body and limbs. When she completes this task without turning on the light, start looking for chocolate jelly beans with your tongue by touch in all her nooks and crannies. By the way, if you have just come out of the cold, then with tea or coffee this game will be even more fun and nutritious. Even if you're not full, searching for candy will help you find out where her erogenous zones are.

6. Chupa Chups Big Snake
Chupa Chups or any other spherical lollipop.

Let her lick the lollipop. Then, after making sure that it is not poisoned, lick it yourself. Pass the lollipop over her body, leaving an intricate sweet trail. Walk along this path with your tongue. Keep up the good work, looking into all her erogenous zones. Don't forget to moisten the lollipop with saliva. Be especially careful when it comes to particularly vulnerable parts of her body. Some lollipops contain air bubbles, the thin walls of which, if broken, can scratch delicate skin.

7. High feeling
A car with a sunroof.

“How so?!” you will rightly be indignant. “Before that, you were talking about quite ordinary objects everyday life, and here you have a car!" “Well, sue us, troublemaker!” - we will calmly wave it off. In short...

Take the girl somewhere remote but romantic in appearance by car. Pretend there's something wrong with your transmission. Word by word - undress the girl at least from below. Then they led me, squeezing through the hatch, to sit on the roof of the car. Position yourself with your feet in the front seat (don’t forget your change) so that it Bottom part was in front of your face. Start caressing. Her sensations promise to be etched in her memory for a long time. A mixture of danger (you do this outside the walls of the apartment), novelty and fear of heights will do the trick. In her old age, she will tell her grandchildren about this unforgettable experience, if she finally falls into insanity to tell such obscenity to small children.

8. Time will judge
Bedding: Any timer.

Naturally, ideally, you should use the most romantic, from the point of view of girls, instrument for measuring short periods of time - ancient hourglass with a cuckoo that somehow got behind the glass. But since you don't live in an ideal world, use an alarm clock mobile phone. Start it for three minutes. Explain to the girl that during these three minutes she is allowed to do with you whatever she wants you to do with her. Now remember which places she massaged, which she stroked, where she used force, where she caressed. After enduring 180 seconds, set the alarm again and repeat with her what she did with you. Often girls are embarrassed to say what exactly they want (for example, for summer to come soon and for her to lose five kilograms), and this game is one way to find out.

9. Not only build and live

Most likely, you have long mastered cunnilingus, which we talk about so often in this article (and generally throughout the day). But there is no limit to perfection. Do this. Bring your lips to the starting position for this exercise. Start warming up. Now, if you're a man, find your clitoris.
Gently wrap your lips around it and start humming the tune of your favorite song. The louder your cheerful mooing, the better. After humming for a minute, start the usual caresses again, then hum again. The girl will like the combination of vibrations and tongue caresses so much that she will definitely sing something into your microphone.

10. New Use of the Navel
Ping pong ball.

The world is full of girls who want to feel defenseless in bed. At the same time, on the one hand, they often dream of being tied up, and on the other hand, at the slightest attempt by you to do this, they begin to scream and spray you in the face with a canister of tear gas. The following trick will satisfy this feminine ambivalence, if we correctly understand the meaning of the word "feminine."

After undressing the girl, find somewhere in the middle of her navel and put a tennis ball in it. Explain to your friend the meaning of the idea. She is required to not let the ball roll away while you caress her in every possible way. That's all. Start the procedures. Now you can do whatever you want with her. At the same time, although the girl will be “afraid” to move, while you have control over her body, she will feel safe. Voila!

11. Busy-nova
String of pearls.

Women love the feel of the smooth texture of pearls on their skin. And not just on the neck.

Sit between the legs of a lying friend. Hang it on the tip of yours thumb pearl necklace and press it just below the clitoris. With your other hand, start pulling the thread towards the girl's stomach. Each bead should lightly pass over the clitoris. Choose the speed of movement of the beads based on your friend’s reaction. Orgasm from such fingering of the rosary will come quite quickly. Much before she realizes that you gave her plastic beads for fifteen rubles.

12. Sommelier went wild-2. A new beginning
Bed dress:
A bottle of sweet wine, a spray bottle.

There is a lot of intelligence in pouring wine on a naked girl and then licking it off, of course. But the next trick will at least a little improve this rather ordinary procedure.
Pour the wine into a spray bottle (remember: you shouldn’t replace it with a garden sprinkler - there may be toxic chemicals left in there that you used to poison the proliferating harmful neighbors at your dacha). Now start spraying the girl’s erogenous and other zones and then licking the wine from her skin. The atomizer will prevent the wine from running fruitlessly across your skin in a quick stream before you can even lift your tongue. After spraying the girl from head to toe, spray something on yourself. We don't know what exactly. Try to use your imagination.

13. Fire and wormwood
Bed dress:
Cup crushed ice and a cup of hot tea and coffee.

Throwing skin receptors from hot to cold and back within a minute can deliver a lot of thrills. The procedure is as simple as the internal structure sand-lime brick. Place the undressed girl somewhere where she won’t roll onto the floor and break herself. Put in your mouth hot tea, swallow and start caressing with your hot tongue. After half a minute, take the ice into your mouth, and then do the same with your cold tongue. Temperature changes and blood flow to erogenous zones will do their job. Which one exactly - you will find out when you ask the girl to repeat the contrasting caresses on you.

14. Let's go for a ride?
Bed dress:
Roller Skates.

When she laughs, still seriously repeat to her: “I want you to be in roller skates.” So, when all the preparations are over, park the girl against the nearest wall or chair and enter her. Holding your girlfriend by the hips, direct her to the side where the road is clear and the flow of traffic does not impede traffic. Pushing the girl with energetic frictions, roll her around the apartment. The pleasure from this is unlikely to exceed your usual and trivial sex in a hammock, but the new sensations will delight both of you.

15. Slippery topic
Bedding: Waterbed or
inflatable sofa.

After removing the sheets from the waterbed or dusting off the air mattress, perch on the staging area. Cover both of you from head to toe with lubricant (this will take about one bottle or a teaspoon if you are gnomes). Now try having the most ordinary sex in the most ordinary position. Be sure to write to us what you did, accompanying the letter with photographs from the scene. Try not to get caught in the frame. Only your girlfriend should be in the photos. As a last resort - her best friend.

At the very beginning of a relationship, it can be quite easy to please a man, since falling in love and the intensity of feelings, as well as their novelty, significantly enhance emotions and make lovemaking very pleasant. However, over time standard scheme begins to become boring, so you need to move on to other recipes and methods to add variety to your intimate life.

How to please a man: video tips


Remember that men love with their eyes. This means that you can please your beloved just by dressing beautifully and very sexy for him. For example, why not try to meet your husband from work in very beautiful erotic lingerie or a translucent shirt? Not a bad option It can also be stylish makeup and a wig - in combination with new clothes, this will help to realize one of the common male erotic illusions - the dream of sex with an attractive stranger.

If you were forced to part with your lover for some time, prepare for the meeting. Do beautiful haircut, take care of your figure, update your wardrobe

Don't forget that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If you want to have a pleasant romantic evening, prepare light meals that your partner will enjoy. This recipe is especially appropriate if you know that a man is tired and will probably want to relax a little and take his mind off his problems. Use stimulating foods to enhance the effect. Rest assured, this will help please a man.

Try to introduce an element of play into your lovemaking. Often men like it when a woman behaves relaxed and even a little aggressive in bed. Passionate kisses, search erogenous zones, active caresses will help you prepare a man for sex and give him pleasure. However, you need to be able to play another role, allowing the man to conquer you himself.

How to give maximum pleasure to a man during sex

Don't limit yourself to one pose. Try it different variants, choosing the one that is most suitable in specific situation. At the same time, you should try to find several positions that both you and your partner like, and use them more often. The same applies to erogenous zones: kiss and stroke your partner’s body, not stopping only at intimate places.

Men often like to see their girlfriend not only during foreplay, but also during sex

Don't shyly turn off the lights or hide under the blanket. Leave the lighting dim and let the guy look at you. Consider one more nuance: he may want to observe the process directly. You shouldn't stop him from looking down, even if it confuses you a little. Remember that this can increase arousal and help your partner experience even more pleasure.

For her beloved man, a woman must be attractive and sexy. She must be able to use secret techniques so that her lover cannot even think about other girls.

What a man likes in a woman:

Studying the passions of your beloved man

A partner’s sexual preferences are primarily affected by his work and lifestyle. It is worth considering that in men with different types There are different preferences of character:

  1. Conqueror. Such guys love to look at the body of their chosen one and take their time to caress. They remember the poses and caresses the girl liked in order to repeat them again. With such a man you need to behave mysteriously, not reveal all the secrets, so that the desire does not disappear, to conquer again and again;
  2. Extreme lover. A man who likes to take risks prefers quick sex, without long foreplay, in the most unusual places. To maintain a relationship with such a person, you need to become just as “crazy”;
  3. Romantic. For sensitive romantic natures, it is not so much the sex itself that is important, but the feeling of falling in love with your partner. Such men love long kisses and caresses. They do not tolerate rudeness or vulgarity in women. A girl for such a guy should be feminine and affectionate.

Your loved one's preferences should match your own. If something categorically disgusts the other partner, then such an alliance is doomed to failure.

How to please a man in bed: methods and practical tips

To bring their beloved man to a state of complete bliss, women have to resort to the following methods:

How to please your beloved man in bed: secret techniques

Secret tricks to help fill your relationship with your partner with passion:

Possible mistakes women make

The most common mistakes women make in relationships with men:

Build harmonious sexual relations– this is hard work for both partners. The most important thing in any union is to respect each other’s opinions and trust. Without trust, even the most strong feelings will fade away from constant reproaches and doubts.

And one more additional educational information- in the next video.

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