Home Mushrooms Khokhlov Ivan Tikhonovich, hero of social labor, biography. Ivan Khokhlov is a pilot from God. Public editorial office of the community

Khokhlov Ivan Tikhonovich, hero of social labor, biography. Ivan Khokhlov is a pilot from God. Public editorial office of the community



Last Thursday, a solemn opening ceremony of a memorial plaque dedicated to the memory of the head of the Tyumen department took place in Tyumen civil aviation Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov.

In February of this year, UTair airline named the long-haul Boeing 767 aircraft after the honored pilot of the USSR. And now his bas-relief will hang on the UTair headquarters building at Plekhanovo airport.

“Today is a significant day in the life of UTair,” General Director Andrey Martirosov noted in his welcoming speech to aviation veterans, honored guests and current employees of the company. – Years of industrial development of Western Siberia, rapid development of the oil and gas region – greatest era, which gave birth to great heroes. And in the bright gallery of these names, a special place belongs to Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov, a man who stood at the origins of the emergence of helicopter aviation in the region, the birth of a powerful aviation complex, and was responsible for the development of modern aviation technology, the organization of flight work, when no one really knew what this is what it is. The generation of aviators, led by Ivan Tikhonovich, had a special role: learn to fly themselves, and teach everyone else to do so.

According to Andrei Martirosov, the most ambitious investment project in the history of mankind was implemented in Western Siberia: more than a million citizens moved to live beyond the 60th parallel, built cities, and supplied the country with black gold and blue fuel.

The head of the regional legislative assembly, Sergei Korepanov, recalled that he began his labor activity in the 60-70s of the last century in the Salekhard united air squad. And during these years, civil aviation was led by Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov. According to the guest of honor, the aviators of that time, of course, can be considered pioneers. They transported the first detachments of geologists, builders, oil and gas workers to the tundra and taiga. It is no coincidence that at the Salekhard airport, planes and helicopters that once flew in the skies of the Arctic are frozen in eternal parking.

“It’s not easy for me to say, because the opening of a memorial plaque to my father is very exciting,” shared the daughter of the famous aviator Olga Khokhlova. – Current generations of Tyumen residents can hardly imagine those years, city streets with wooden sidewalks and the fact that it was impossible to pass around Tyumen. And I am proud that my father was one of the first who started mining, building and flying here. I was familiar with those people who worked day and night throughout the Tyumen region. And I’m very glad that the memory of this has been immortalized.

The head of the Tyumen interregional territorial air transport department of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Petr Medvedev, emphasized:

– Ivan Tikhonovich gave his whole soul to aviation, starting to fly the Mi-1 helicopter, becoming the head of the civil aviation department. And these were sleepless nights, days at work, business trips, plans and tasks of the party and government of the USSR, which had to be strictly followed. But Ivan Tikhonovich solved these problems brilliantly. In addition to being the head of civil aviation, he was also a great pilot. And let this memorial plaque remind representatives of our younger generation of the legendary aviator.

Let us remind you that Ivan Khokhlov personally mastered all types of Mi helicopters, received permission to fly independently and train flight crews on An-2, Li-2, An-24, Tu-134, An-12 aircraft. Already being a big boss, he took part in the operational tests of several of these types of aircraft. Khokhlov's accident-free flying time in production conditions was about 12,000 hours.

Under Ivan Khokhlov, many runways were built in Western Siberia, numerous airline enterprises were created, all production indicators increased significantly: aircraft flight hours increased, the route network expanded, and the transportation of passengers and cargo increased.

In Western Siberia, all helicopters have received their ticket to the sky domestic production. Ivan Tikhonovich himself mastered new aircraft technology, taught others to fly and was the best of the best in this field. And naturally, the Motherland highly appreciated his services. Ivan Khokhlov was the first among Tyumen aviators to be awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

– All of us, current airline employees, are proud of the name of Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov. And now, when we go to the main office of Plekhanovo Airport, we will pay tribute to his memory,” concluded Andrei Martirosov and thanked the leadership of the Tyumen region, the city of Tyumen, and industry veterans for supporting the idea of ​​​​installing a memorial plaque in honor of the honored pilot.

IN THE PICTURE: The memorial plaque was unveiled by the head of UTair Andrey Martirosov and the daughter of the legendary aviator.

Radoslav VASILIEV /photo by the author/

Start of construction of the second line of the gas pipeline The northern regions of the Tyumen region (SRTO) - the Urals in the winter season of 1972-73 began to worry the leaders of the USSR.

The decision was to build it from pipes from the Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant, where their production was hastily established.

In addition, relying on this gas, dozens of production facilities in many leading industries of the country, and primarily in the Urals and Siberia, were urgently converted to gas consumption.

This work was in full swing and no one doubted that it would be completed by the spring of 1972. So there was no way to retreat especially that the “point of return” has long been passed, i.e.

The old combustion equipment had already been dismantled during the reconstruction. Bridges were burned.

This is how the time that would later be called “stagnation” began for me. And it lasted for me for 20 years, almost without a break. The pace of construction did not suit anyone, because... There was clearly a failure in construction this construction season. That's why those at the top were seriously alarmed. There it was decided to concentrate forces, allocate additional resources and organize a real, but multi-month assault. .

Not an attack, not a swoop, not a dash, but a siege and takeover. Moreover, there and then the decision matured to carry out structural changes and start using contracting methods, organizing a new construction ministry. Future Ministry of Oil and Gas A comrade arrived for construction

You know, there were no more important things in the country for Kosygin

Looking ahead a little, I will say that Alexey Nikolaevich held on-site meetings on this construction more than once that winter, and his deputy Veniamin Emmanuilovich Dymshits, at that time also the Chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee, almost never left the Tyumen region. Such was the construction and such was the importance attached to it.

In the top photo next to Kosygin stands First Secretary of the Tyumen Regional Party Committee Boris Evdokimovich, who in a year will head the newly created Mingazprom after the division Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction of the USSR, and later, with the rank of First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, he will be the first liquidator of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

These were always the first.

First impressions

What was striking was that he spoke completely at home, i.e. in simple human language, and not like in newsreels.

He turned out to be a lively, intelligent, tenacious, corrosive, strictly precise demanding, and at the same time, a sensitive and humorous interlocutor who showed real interest in both his counterpart and the topic under discussion, no matter how small it may seem at first glance.

In each episode, in each phase of communication, he unmistakably determined its psychological basis, the mood of the interlocutor. His reactions, remarks and gestures were impeccably verified and accurate.

Thanks to this, he achieved such a position that the interlocutor seemed to forget who he was talking to and in what situation he was talking. Despite the fact that many people participated in these acts of communication (and this is not only speech, but also facial expressions, gestures, posture, and gaze... a lot of things), the interlocutor Kosygina

there seemed to be complete confidence that they were talking in private. Intimate. Moreover, there and then the decision matured to carry out structural changes and start using contracting methods, organizing a new construction ministry. Future What was I looking for in these contacts?

? As I understood much later, he was looking for a phenomenon behind the scattered answers of his interlocutors, based on their reactions. He was interested in the current mood of people for the upcoming shock work. People spoke quite confidentially about such things as could be said, and even then not always, only in confession. You just had to see and hear it. You can sometimes see this in theaters. And this simple life

. Some kind of magic! And what art?!

Lessons of truth

And the interlocutor, after the shortest communication with him, would step aside with some extraordinary enlightened expression on his face. Despite the fact that many people participated in these acts of communication (and this is not only speech, but also facial expressions, gestures, posture, and gaze... a lot of things), the interlocutor.

The interlocutor received a lesson in the truth, the real hard-won truth.


And even with such charisma, I find contact with people unmistakably and quickly.

And the people reciprocate my feelings instantly. It looks like he doesn't notice his charisma.

What is the content of such contact?

It's always different.

But this is always a conversation on the topic: do you respect us? The answer means a lot to the interlocutor, if not everything.

As the soulful Dale Carnegie obsessively explained - everyone is concerned with their own greatness and their own ego.

The people “say”: we know that you are the boss. But what are you now? And what did you come with? Since you are here, it means things have taken a serious turn. But will you understand us? Won't you offend? Won't you ruin it?

I “say”: I haven’t changed at all and remain the same as I was, one of you. Things have really gotten serious, and that's why I'm here. I will help you and trust you. I count on you. I will be with you until the end. And now we have a common destiny.

The people “answer”: stop steering, let go of the reins and trust.

We will save ourselves and take you to a safe place.

There's a lot more there. So right away - take everything and tell you?

We had a boss at our trust, Pasha Shabanov, who didn’t think of the people as anything other than rabble, who didn’t need anything other than money. He tried to build with money. We fought constantly. I openly, but he answered me with all sorts of meanness. Different entries and approaches And then one day he defiantly issues an order and sends me to the highway to remove cargo for the gas pipeline. You are very smart, Vergasov, telling us everything here.

Now, go to the failed site and show us how to organize the business. They didn’t give me anything to stimulate my work, they didn’t give me any additional equipment. Pure management art, they say, show us! I arrived at the place in the morning and the first thing, as Kreiselman Alexander [Samuel] Moiseevich, the oldest route wolf, taught me, canceled transportation in the afternoon.

Started in the morning, finished late at night. We sorted out the situation, understood who is who, etc. Agreed. And satisfied with themselves, they went off to dinner. But then I realized that we forgot about the quitters who will always find a reason not to go to work. I find a piece of calico and write a big slogan “Equal to the frontline workers!” I'm starting to install this slogan on the car of the laziest person. I quickly and accurately identify this kind of audience even at the first meeting.

What started here! All the drivers jumped out into the street and began to be loudly indignant, yelling and waving their big fists. They shout that this is not fair. That in this case, they say, they refuse everything that we just agreed on. And the reason for this was that at the end of the construction season, it was the leading production workers who were given coupons for the purchase of scarce passenger cars. And the people were seriously alarmed. I tell them so calmly. Have you read the text of my slogan? Did you understand him correctly? Does it say that these are advanced workers? The people thought about it, and then realized and understood.

And they say: well, now these slackers will always ride in front of our column. And beautiful, and always in front of your eyes. We won't let them get caught. We laughed and went. I am with them. On the very first night, they took out as much as in the entire previous week. Then they added another 20 percent. In 7 days, the entire cargo was dropped at the point. Nobody at the trust believes my reports. Moreover, during the day they fly over us in helicopters. And they see that the trucks are in the highway village, but not on the highway at all. And reports about the removal of cargo are received by the trust.

Finally we decided to check it out. Shabanov subtly thought of the commission and arrived. For destruction and demolition. I suggested that they go to the point and look at the weights. They left without me.

We're convinced. And on the way back they didn’t even stop by.

The toad apparently strangled him fiercely? Contacts and profiles One day a senior State Department employee asked me: how do you manage to speak Ukrainian so beautifully? After all, you haven’t lived there for over 30 years. I tell him: some people have love for to the Ukrainian people So Lyudmila Zykina sings about the same thing: “The Volga flows into my heart.”

There are real examples of “going” among the people in the USA. I can’t forget how the great Lee Iacocca, the former CEO of the auto giant Ford, who started working at the then almost bankrupt Chrysler company, set his salary at $1 a year. I can’t, he says, receive any salary while the company is in failure. And people believed him. The trade unions shut up and stopped demanding higher wages. The rest was a matter of technique. There will be serious problems in the United States if they continue to forget the experience of people like Lee Iacocca.

The CPSU lost power after the elite lost real contact with the people and switched to unilateral formal communication with him using questionnaires and the media. If this is how you like to manage, then you should study to be a livestock specialist and work with livestock, and not with people.

It will get through with a herd. But such management does not work with the people. People need truly equal communication. Today the Internet can greatly help with this. Just help, don’t get carried away. Oral and written speech have significant psychological characteristics that nevertheless satisfy different human needs for communication. How could the local bosses not break their necks on these questionnaires? They get really carried away.

This is the subtlety. Therefore, both forms of communication will never die and will not supplant each other.

Let's return to Kosygin's flight

In those days in Nadym there were frosts of minus 60 degrees Celsius. On such days it is usually quiet, there is no wind, but there is fog and there is almost no visibility. Nobody flies. If you rise to a height of only 100 meters, then it is warmer there, about -50, and you can already fly.

I knew only one crew that was allowed, even then, only in the event of an accident, to kind of jump off the ground, i.e. rise to these 100 meters and fly in the “warmth”. For such a jump, the helicopter spun its blades for almost an hour in order to properly warm them and the rest of the rotating components and parts.

Ivan Tikhonovich performed all possible and impossible flights in this helicopter, including rescue flights, flights at the limit and beyond weather conditions.

His younger brother Volodya, who worked at our training center, suffered from myopia, and therefore did not get into aviation. And he loved her dearly.

And therefore he always enthusiastically told different stories that happened to his older brother Ivan.

So Ivan Tikhonovich was entrusted with showing the region to the distinguished guest

But what about the pilots from the special government air squad? These pilots were all good, but they were not “smuggled”, i.e. did not fly on Tyumen routes with local instructors. If anyone could then have imagined that such high authorities would fly in the skies of the Tyumen region for many, many months of that winter, of course the Moscow pilots would have been trained and “sold” on.

This time Pilot I.T. Khokhlov piloted an AN-24 aircraft at an altitude of only 100-150 meters.

And he did this not sporadically, but during the entire flight over a thousand kilometers from the south of the Tyumen region north to Nadym and further east to the Medvezhye gas field, in the village of Pangody, 250 kilometers from Nadym. From Pangod to the nearest mining site it was also at least 15 kilometers.

Otherwise, the distinguished guest could not have been shown the route of the future gas pipeline. It was an example of real aerobatics. Who understands.

I mention these kilometers so carefully for a reason.

Let me also mention that the pipeline corridor in the Tobolsk region, which is 350 from Tyumen, turned West, to the Urals.. This is necessary to understand how far Tyumengazprom was from the fields purely geographically.

Then the boss was Evgeniy Nikiforovich Altunin, and then he was replaced in this post by the famous comrade V.S. Chernomyrdin.

There is one note. Gazprom workers call themselves gas producers. There is a lot of tension in this self-name

One must agree with the word “gas” in this phrase. But what about the breadwinners? I'm sorry. This still needs to be proven. At least in the first years of gas field development.

The gas flows on its own. He's just rushing. There is no need to extract it: the pressure in the reservoir is 400-500 atmospheres, and the pipe cannot reach more than 75 atmospheres. You don’t need a lot of wells either. They need exactly 100 times less than the national average or the oil industry. Well rates are just crazy.

Such gas workers have two concerns. First, the needles on the instruments shake and make the staff sleepy.

Secondly, with a drop in pressure in the formation, it is necessary to build a booster compressor station (BCS). This is a real problem for such gas workers. While they'll build this poor thing, they'll only build 3 engine rooms; on the highway, you'll see, they'll build about 50 six engine rooms.

There are transport workers. These are like dovecotes, as if “violently crazy.” These are closer in spirit to the builders. They have a living job. You need to patrol the highway. Fistulas in the pipeline must be welded.

Areas need to be repaired. And the compressor itself is humming and rotating. You can't sleep here. Here you have to twist and turn.

The people were convinced that Tyumengazprom was created by cunning Muscovites and only so that they would be woken up less in the morning due to the time difference. And they wouldn't bother me.

In Moscow they were ready to give any resources and any hats, stripes and shoulder straps. As long as they don’t interfere with enjoying the atmosphere of Stagnation.

It was warm in the swamp, the grunting was free. Its own weight was almost not felt as in space.

More about that flight

Only experienced pilots can judge the skill of such piloting. It was a top class job. Of course, the boy was noticed, they offered a hand of friendship, and took him along... Soon Ivan Tikhonovich became the head of the Tyumen Civil Aviation Department, then the largest cargo carrier in the country. This is how careers were made in the North. How many true specialists have been lost with this understanding of “career”, how many destinies have been ruined!

And only a few of them got real managers. But this is a topic for another discussion.

Flight and plane on which I flew Moreover, there and then the decision matured to carry out structural changes and start using contracting methods, organizing a new construction ministry. Future, had a special code name “literal”. This goes back to tsarist times. Then, in order to disguise military or government transportation, individual trains were given this name. With the advent of aviation, this tradition successfully migrated there.

When no one in the country flies in the air. For violation, if not your head, then your leadership hat could easily be lost.

During the time of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev there was such a case. He took off from the South, from Crimea, and at that time somewhere in the Urals region, i.e. thousands of kilometers from Crimea, someone took off. The Ural flight commander immediately left his post.

There are many stories connected with these rules.

Here's another story

The future head of the Russian FSK, Mikhail Ivanovich, once recalled.

Until recently, the ban on flights over Moscow, introduced under Stalin, was in effect. So it flies to Moscow and circles over the Kremlin.

It was May, exactly on Border Guard Day. And the border troops have always been part KGB USSR.

The Kremlin duty officer reports to the USSR KGB duty officer, saying that I am observing a plane over the Kremlin.

And he answers him: You get drunk first, and then report! Clear? Then, after listening to the recording on tape, they both kicked out with a bang.

The colonels got burned for no reason.

So, our Khokhlov I.T. decides to fly two more aircraft, the same AN-24, into the air simultaneously with the letter one. And with a full supply of fuel, who received the task of flying behind the letterman and are in contact with him.

This decision turned out to be very correct Despite the fact that many people participated in these acts of communication (and this is not only speech, but also facial expressions, gestures, posture, and gaze... a lot of things), the interlocutor Literny village in Pangodah.

We were taken to the fishery by bus.

Several hours passed and the letter was unable to start due to hypothermia. Defrosted. Still, it was minus 60. The plane was promptly replaced and flew to Nadym. There, too, we spent five hours in the cold, and the plane was broken down again. They called here loitering

there was a second spare in the sky and moved into it.

But there was little kerosene on this plane. Refueling was urgently needed.

There was one tanker who refueled the plane. Just as the driver of the tanker was about to leave, the head of security came out of the plane and asked him where the coupon with the fuel analysis was. He says everything is closed, I didn’t count on you, and this coupon will only be given to me tomorrow morning.

The guard then asks: have you poured everything you need? Did you mix anything in? The guy got scared and began to swear that everything was fine. The boss says to him so kindly: in that case, come with me on the plane. They went. And when we went inside, the door closed and the plane flew off to Tyumen.

This driver returned a few hours later and said that the head of security told him: well, since he filled everything up as it should, we’ll fly with us. If anything, we’ll go to the next world together.

Then he said a lot more. How I talked to him, how they fed him there, how they sent him back. In general, he became famous.

This is our finest hour, this is our chance, we thought

How young we were
How young we were
How sincerely they loved
How did you believe in yourself?

There were a whole five years left before this song was written.

It had to be sung Alexander Gradsky .

Moreover, there and then the decision matured to carry out structural changes and start using contracting methods, organizing a new construction ministry. FutureAlexey Nikolaevich (08(21).02.1904-18.12.1980), party member since 1927, member of the Central Committee since 1939, member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Central Committee 04.09.48-05.10.52. and 04.05.60-21.10.80. (candidate 03/18/46-09/04/48, 10/16/52-03/06/53 and from 06/29/57).
Born in St. Petersburg. Russian.
In 1935 he graduated from the Leningrad Textile Institute. CM. Kirov.
From 1919 in the Red Army, then he studied at a cooperative technical school.
Since 1935, in engineering and technical positions in Leningrad, since 1937, director of the Oktyabrskaya Spinning and Weaving Factory.
In 1938, head. department of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
In 1938-1939 pres. Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.
Since 1939, People's Commissar of the Textile Industry of the USSR.
In 1940-1953 deputy Pred. SNK (Council of Ministers) of the USSR, at the same time in 1943-1946. Pred. Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, in February-December 1948, Minister of Finance of the USSR. In 1948-1953 minister light industry
THE USSR. In March-August 1953, the Minister of Light and light industry
Food Industry
In 1953-1954. Minister of Industrial Consumer Goods of the USSR.
In 1953-1956. and 1957-1960 deputy Pred. USSR Council of Ministers, simultaneously in 1959-1960. pres. State Planning Committee of the USSR.
In 1956-1957 first deputy pres. State Economic Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers - Minister of the USSR, First Deputy. pres. State Planning Committee of the USSR - Minister of the USSR.
In 1960-1964. first deputy Pred. Council of Ministers of the USSR, from 1964 to October 1980. Chairman. Council of Ministers of the USSR. Deputy Supreme Council
USSR 2-10 convocations.
Hero of Socialist Labor (1964, 1974).
Buried on Red Square in Moscow Not ideologist, but practitioner There is a well-known assessment given back in 1964 by the American magazine “Newsweek” - “ - new type

"Soviet leader, not so much an ideologist as a practitioner... a person of this type could head a large corporation like Ford or General Motors, but does not seem capable of leading a political party."

“While in the hospital, in October 1980, he was forced to write a statement about his release from his duties as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The statement was sent in the evening, on the eve of the session of the Supreme Council, but after the plenum of the Central Committee took place. It was very brief; it did not say anything about membership in the Politburo.

On the second day after his resignation from the post of Chairman, he was deprived of security, government communications, and an official car, which, however, was no longer needed - he spent the remaining days in the hospital.
None of his colleagues, former assistants, or security guards visited or called him to say a kind word; everyone was afraid of something, as in the old days. Dying in the hospital, he raved about the numbers, worried about the upcoming five-year plan, fearing its complete failure, and was upset by the Politburo’s reluctance to deal with this issue.”
On December 18, 1980, he died in hospital. The official press reported his death only three days later.

A. P. Lavrin

We continue on our portal a series of publications about people who dedicated themselves to the sky, and events related to the development of the West Siberian oil and gas complex, excerpts from the future book Alexey Vasylishin "Tyumen pilots in memory of their experiences." Already located on our portal fellow countryman's books , which can be re-read. A new work is in the publishing house. Fragments from it are published today for the first time on the pages of our portal. They are again about the legendary colleagues of Alexei Viktorovich.

Public editorial office of the community

It happened to the country, which means it happened to us too...

What was the Tyumen region and the West Siberian energy complex under construction at that time?

“It was the hardest time,” recalls V. Chirskov , who was then the head of one of the construction trusts in the Tyumen region, was the hardest thing in my life. In principle, the country was not prepared either scientifically or technically to complete this project for the construction of the world’s largest energy complex within the time frame that was set. Communist Party. Region - one and a half thousand square kilometers. 300 thousand lakes, the rest are swamps. Permafrost. No transport routes. There were roads only in the regional center. And there were no qualified personnel either. There were no repair bases. There was nothing, but it was necessary to build cities and develop industries. Develop transport system areas. The first oil pipeline Shaim - Tyumen. It seems that the distance is small - 500 km, but these are continuous swamps. For the first time in the world, helicopters had to be used to move pipes. There was no such practice before. And today there is no one to even say thank you to for organizing such work. The organizer of it all, Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov, died".

Secretary of the Tyumen Regional Committee of the CPSU G.P.Bogomyakov This is how he represents the situation at that time: “At the Tyumen Institute ZAP SibNIIGNI, in 1958, gas production resources were calculated for the first time. In the Tyumen gas-bearing province they amounted to 130 trillion cubic meters. By the beginning of the 60s, scientists increased this forecast tenfold, and only within the borders of the Tyumen region. But this is all in swamps, in absolute impassability. And the question arose - how to get it? The conclusion was clear. It is possible to take it, but only with the help of aviation and youth."

Aviation was included in the geological exploration process. With its help, large-scale work on magnetic and seismic, electromagnetic and gravimetric surveys was carried out. The implementation of these works made it possible to confirm the assumption in the early 50s I.M.Gubkina about the presence of colossal oil and gas reserves in Western Siberia.

This circumstance led to the construction of runway sites throughout the Tyumen region. First for light aircraft and helicopters, and then the construction of airfield complexes in the north of the region for heavy aircraft.

Having headed the Tyumen Civil Aviation Department, Khokhlov clearly understood that it was necessary not only to recruit the required number of pilots. It was necessary to teach them to fly at any time of the day, in any weather, in the interests of the oil and gas complex under construction. To create aviation enterprises in the places where work is being carried out on the construction of the energy complex, guaranteeing a stable supply of the work being carried out with any air services in the required quantity.

Thanks to his abilities, he created a team of pilot managers in the airline enterprises of the Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration. This made it possible to cope with the task of training ordinary flight personnel and, ultimately, to provide significant assistance to the Fatherland in the creation of the West Siberian energy complex. The Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration was responsible for 25% of the total annual volume of work on the use of aviation in the national economy of the USSR.

While still deputy head of the Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration, Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov invited to fly significant amount military pilots demobilized from Soviet army to reduce the armed forces. Military pilots had a high level of personal discipline and the ability to transfer their experience and knowledge to their subordinates. That is, these specialists were trained to work with personnel.

They occupied command and inspection posts in aviation enterprises and departments of the Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration. These were Air Force and Navy officers Soviet Union. Mainly lieutenants, senior lieutenants, captains: G.A. Vorobiev, Yu.A. Sukhanov,B.V.Selkov,A.I.Marchenko,G.M. Epryntsev,V.I. Santalov,Yu.I. Mantsurov,L. Samokhvalov,G.I.Metelev and many others.

Tyumen pilots acquired vast experience of flying in the most difficult conditions: low air temperatures, difficult weather conditions, flights during the day, at night, with external sling, with cargo inside the fuselage. This experience turned out to be in demand for providing international assistance to developing countries. Wherever the pilots of the Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration have flown: in many countries African continent, Cambodia, Cuba, Nicaragua and so on.

Subsequently, many of those mentioned above became honored pilots of the USSR: A.I.Marchenko,G.I.Metelev,Yu.A. Sukhanov, G.A. Vorobiev,B.V.Selkov,G.M. Epryntsev.V.I. Santalov and O.N. Malkuta became honored transport workers of the USSR. A Ivan Tikhonovich deservedly became a Hero of Socialist Labor, Knight of the Order of Lenin, Honored Pilot of the USSR. Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration for active participation in construction National economy Tyumen region and the USSR as a whole was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Khokhlov flew on almost all types of aircraft that were in operation at the Tyumen Civil Aviation Administration, including in difficult weather conditions, day and night. He demanded the same from the entire command and flight personnel. I believe that such a requirement in the conditions of that time was absolutely correct and justified by life. Ivan Tikhonovich possessed impeccable piloting technique. He was the kind of commander who could say: “Do as I do!” And he bore absolute responsibility for this. Accident-free flight Khokhlova in production conditions is about 12,000 hours.

The creation of the West Siberian energy complex can be compared with great battle for the future of our Fatherland, and Ivan Tikhonovich it would be fair to call him a brilliant commander. He deserved it with his hard work.

Memories of the experience

Alexey Viktorovich,Hello!

Our meeting is being postponed, and it is unknown when it will take place. We live in different cities. And your request for an interview remains in my memory. Of course, we would have to talk in person in a calm atmosphere. But since this doesn’t work out, I decided to write you a detailed interview. Tell you about things you are interested in.

So. ABOUT Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov.

I first saw and became acquainted with him in 1967 at the VAU, today it is the Order of Lenin Academy of Civil Aviation. I studied there full-time with a referral from the Uzbek Civil Aviation Administration, and Ivan Tikhonovich by correspondence, from the Tyumen territorial administration. He made a good impression on us, the listeners of WAU. Tall, a handsome man, a charming conversationalist, competent in matters of flying, and even with awards that suited him very well.

He actively campaigned for work in Tyumen. We all listened to him with our mouths open. He described such prospects for our future work. When the distribution of graduates began, I managed with difficulty with the help Khokhlova to achieve a referral to Tyumen, and not to the Uzbek Civil Aviation Administration, where I previously worked. This was the beginning of our difficult friendship.

In Tyumen I had to work as the commander of an air squadron of AN-24 aircraft and, somewhat later, as the commander of an air squadron of An-12 aircraft. At that time, there was a flow of cargo for the construction of the oil and gas complex. Their dispatch was strictly controlled, including Khokhlov. Particularly important shipments Ivan Tikhonovich entrusted the work to me personally. Followed by a progress report. There was not a single failure, although the situation was very difficult. There were a lot of different organizations that strictly needed to send cargo to the North.

One day he calls Ivan Tikhonovich:

We urgently need to take 12 tons of pipes for geologists to Surgut. In Surgut, take their cargo and take it to Urai, and bring the cargo from Urai to Tyumen. Get busy!

I object to him:

Like, Ivan Tikhonovich, there is no refueling for the An-12 either in Surgut or Urai. Fuel for the entire route must be purchased in Tyumen.


Why is your head on your shoulders? It's frosty outside - 30 degrees. The engines pull like animals. So come on. Make the flight yourself. Don't entrust it to anyone. Understood?

That's right, I understand. I'll do it myself.

I'm wondering, distance, load. It turns out that in Surgut I don’t fit into the landing weight. Although, in exceptional cases, the designer provided for the possibility of landing an aircraft weighing 61 tons. The task was completed, as expected, without any comments. For such flights I had a special crew.

This crew included: navigator Tolya Zubtsov, flight mechanic Tolya, Ashcheulov, flight radio operator Peter Beloglazov. Repeatedly we carried out special tasks with them Khokhlova, of which he had quite a lot. They flew to geologists, oil workers, pipeline engineers, and so on, as aviators say. Carrying out such flights required the pilots to have high vocational training, sufficient experience, reasonable initiative. We have never failed Ivan Tikhonovich.

Yes, there was another case like this. I was the commander of an air squadron of An-24 aircraft at that time. Calling Khokhlov.

You know that your flight squad leader Dzhugashvili retrained on the An-24?

Yes I know.

It is necessary to commission him according to the commander's program. He needs to get good training. I entrust this to you. You can do this. Teach him everything you know. Get busy!

We skated almost half the program. We got a booked flight. Take the children of oil workers to the sea, to Sukhumi. We're arriving. Dzhugashvili, as befits him, as a trainee commander, with a mission to fly, and I follow him. We came to the ADP. Vladimir Grigorievich submits a flight order to the dispatcher. He read the commander’s name, turned on all the switches on the remote control, the speakerphone and said:

Attention to all airport services! An An-24 aircraft, tail number 47709, arrived at our airport, the ship’s commander Dzhugashvili. Repeated three times. What was there! This was a must see. The Georgians almost carried the crew out to the plane in their arms. Dzhugashvili The commissioning program successfully flew off. He turned out to be an extremely capable student. I taught him everything I knew how to do. He was confirmed as the ship's commander.

In 1973, according to the recommendation of the head of the department, I was Khokhlova, appointed by order of the Minister of Civil Aviation Boris Pavlovich Bugaev commander of the combined detachment of An-12 aircraft. We had to transport vegetables and fruits from Central Asia to Chukotka, Kamchatka and Far East. They worked from April to October. The combined detachment was based in Tashkent. They worked successfully. Received a letter of gratitude for the impeccable organization of transportation and ensuring flight safety from the Minister of Civil Aviation Bugaeva.

Khokhlov obtained permission from the minister to train pilots for the An-24 aircraft at the Tyumen UTO-19. Is calling me:

Do you still have notes on aerodynamics and the program for retraining pilots for the An-24 aircraft?

Yes, they have been preserved.

We need to help the training center. They don't have an aerodynamics teacher. Get busy! At the training center Nikolai Nikolaevich Trofimov will explain everything to you. "Get busy" in the mouth Ivan Tikhonovich sounded like an order!

So I became a teacher at UTO-19 for some time. Gave lectures to students on the aerodynamics of the An-24 aircraft and its Flight Operation Manual. First fees. The responsibility is high. At their desks are listeners, luminaries of the Tyumen sky: Alipov Sasha, Veniamin Sopov, Nikolay Punko, Kosorotov. Their foreman Sukhanov Yuri Alexandrovich. His chest is full of medals. How can you go wrong here? No way! The training camp has passed. Everyone is happy: both the management and the theoretically newly trained pilots for the An-24 aircraft. Success was washed away in Strela.

During my work as the commander of an air squadron of An-12 aircraft, 2 accidents occurred.

One in Cape Kamenny. Commander of the ship Burlov Bronislav during landing with two failed engines on the left wing, he lost control.

The second one is in Surgut. Commander of the ship Adamovich Konstantin Ivanovich. The plane entered an area of ​​intense icing while landing at Surgut airport. Konstantin Ivanovich was the highest professional. He understood the situation. I understood what was happening to the plane and for what reason. Until the collision with the ground, he talked about how the plane behaved. But I couldn’t do anything. But by listening to his words, the investigation commission accurately established the cause of the disaster.

There have been several such disasters before. The incident with our plane helped to establish the cause of the disaster and to take action. necessary measures to prevent such disasters. The rules for air intake for wing heating and cabin ventilation were changed. The rules for operating the air extraction system for heating and ventilation have been clarified. Further events developed like this.

The Tu-154 aircraft appeared in Aeroflot. My little soul trembled. How I wanted to retrain for this plane. All! No sleep, no rest! And then there are classmates from Samara (all in the leadership, in power).

Join us. Our department, Privolzhsky, is given a Tu-154. You will go to the first training camp. Apartments for the first group are also provided under this program. Everything will be OK!

The requirements for candidates for retraining were very high. But I met these requirements. This is where it all started!

I'm to Khokhlova with a report. I thought he would help me. "Let go, Ivan Tikhonovich, me on the Tu-154 to the Volga Department." Khokhlov kicked me out. I didn't even listen to the end. But I was no stranger either. I went to him three times with this question, and three times he kicked me out. There was only one way out. To retire. I was 37 years old. Everything fits.

I am writing a report about my retirement. TO Ivan Tikhonovich. He says:

Take the report and keep it as a souvenir. I said I won't let you go. Go!

Left him. I can’t get over the situation within myself. Drank. And suddenly I was so offended. How so? A competent leader, a communist, and such arbitrariness!

My opinion about him has changed. Think:

King! Ham! Gained confidence in Bugaev and thinks that everything is allowed to him! And he doesn’t care at all!

I'm in the HR department Filippov. He used to fly in my squadron. I had a thought. I come and Khokhlov I’ve already given the command to the personnel, don’t give me a personal matter! Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day!

I turned to a lawyer for help. Lawyer says:

Go to the prosecutor.

The prosecutor listened to me and said:

Yes, is he, this one? Khokhlov? I'll call him now!

Calls and Khokhlova Not here.

I'm asking:

Well, what should I do?


Go, don't worry. Let's resolve this issue.

Fine. Time is running. And they are in a hurry from Samara. The training camp is about to begin.

I'm looking for a way out. Previously with Filippov flew as a navigator Sherstobitov Sergey. I found out that they are friends. And we Sergei were friendly. We take a bottle of vodka and go with Sherstobitov To Filippov. In short, this and that. We explained the situation to him. “We need to help you,” he says. Filippov. - But how? If I give you the documents, Khokhlov he'll hang me! But there is an option.

At your place, Kirilych, 2 personal matters. One in the squad, the second in management. I'll give you the squad's personal file. Until everything is sorted out and the litigation settles down, a lot of time will pass. The lawyer advises:

Write a statement to the court. And go with this personal matter to Samara for training camp.

I left safely. I got a job at the Volga Civil Aviation Administration, I’m sitting at training camp for retraining on the Tu-154 aircraft.

The lawyer calls:

Come to the trial.

I asked for time off at the training center. I came to the trial. Khokhlov did not appear at trial. A management representative came. Female lawyer. She tells the judge:

I told Khokhlova that he is wrong.

A matter of minutes, and the court decision is in my favor.

Refund Kasatkin damages for forced absence.

In Samara he worked as a pilot instructor for 7 years. Then he transferred to work in Vnukovo. Six months later he was confirmed as deputy commander of the air squadron. After another six months, they are called to the Ministry of Civil Aviation for an interview. Worried. The time of “Bugaevskoe” was cool.

About 10 of us gathered in the MGA Department of Civil Aviation. The head of the MGA Department of Civil Aviation was a wonderful specialist, an excellent pilot. Alexey Grigorievich Mayorov. A worthy person is a model for the entire flight crew.

Asks various questions to all of us in various directions. Then he tells me:

We are offering to you, Alexander Kirillovich, the position of senior pilot - inspector of the Department of Civil Aviation of the Moscow State Aviation Administration. Working hours are such and such, salary is such and such. Do you agree?

Yes, I answer, I agree.

I, of course, was very pleasantly surprised, because people vying with each other from all the Civil Aviation Administration departments entered the MGA apparatus.

Later it became clearer. Did not forget me Khokhlov and didn’t harbor any grudges. This was his recommendation. And his authority was unquestionable. We met in the corridors of the ministry, and he admitted that it was no coincidence that I worked at the Department of the Moscow State Administration.

And the last meeting with Ivan Tikhonovich many years later, and also in the corridors of the Moscow State University. We exchanged greetings. Both were already pensioners. I asked what he was doing at the ministry. To which he replied:

Well, Tyumen residents don’t forget. I have an office here, and I work for them, helping as much as possible.

Now about my flight to Kabul

This was my 102nd flight to Kabul. Airplane Il-76 MD, tail number 76905. In the combined detachment special purpose Of the aircraft, one was equipped to carry passengers. 80 seats, minimal amenities for these passengers. Once or twice a week, the crews of the detachment, in turn, carried out this flight to Kabul. The passenger flight always departed first, that is, it was the earliest. So it was on that memorable day for me. According to the plan, my flight was supposed to follow him.

As usual, we are getting ready. We passed through the medical unit, decided to take off, passed the border and customs. The crew was brought to the plane. We're on board. Doors and hatches are closed. We are getting ready to take off. Reports were received from all crew members on the readiness of the aircraft for flight and on the personal readiness of each crew member for departure.

905th 902nd.

905 is in touch.

905, our engine won't start. Are you ready to fly according to our plan?

I contact the dispatcher. We agree with him about our departure according to the passenger flight plan. The controller allows us to take off according to the passenger IL plan. I believe that the Mujahideen intended to shoot down the Il with its passengers. Their intelligence worked clearly. But this is just my guess.

We took off and reached flight level. We're flying. Loading 55 tons of fuel in the wings. I assume that you have heard a lot about American stingers and know what they are. The Stinger operates against air targets up to an altitude of 3 thousand meters.

Therefore, starting from a height of 6 thousand meters, we shot heat traps. The flight radio operator did this at the command of the commander. Shooting is carried out from both sides. If necessary, the commander can do this himself. Including changing the interval for shooting traps.

The weather, as they say, “rings”, “a million per million.” Quiet, calm. Autopilot enabled. Height 10 thousand meters. We entered the Kabul air traffic control zone, received the conditions of the landing airfield and permission to descend and approach. We are descending. The descent and landing at Kabul Airport are very complex. The airfield is surrounded by mountains and is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. Entry is only possible from one direction. The drive is not in alignment with the lane.

Suddenly, at an altitude of about 7500 meters, we heard a strong bang from the left side. The plane was pushed sharply to the right. There was an instant depressurization of the cabin. It hit my ears sharply. Wind noise, dust, curtains shaking. The first feeling was that the bird had hit the lamppost. I used to have this happen on an An-2 during aeronautical chemical work.

Flight operator Lyutorevich Vitya shouted:

We've been hit! We've been hit!

The connection with the earth has ceased. Inside, the plane's communications continue to work.

I turn off the autopilot. I'm trying the controls. The rudders are working. Very, very sluggishly, with great effort. I say to the co-pilot:

- Tolya, hold it. Help!

The plane is truly golden. It's hard, but manageable. So all is not lost. Flight engineer Volodya Cheremnykh reports:

Commander, there is zero pressure in the hydraulic system. We cannot release the chassis any further. Commander, left engines one and two have stopped. Duplicate turning them off?

He shows me the instruments and repeats:

It is necessary to duplicate their shutdown.

I give the command to duplicate the shutdown of stopped engines.

The hydraulic system has failed. The designer provides for a transition to direct mechanical control of the aircraft. At mechanical control the load on the steering wheels increases. To control the steering wheel up to 100 kilograms, to control the ailerons up to 75 kilograms.

Smoke in the cabin, stench from burning electrical wiring harnesses. I give the command:

All crew members not involved in flying the aircraft must begin extinguishing the fire!

I ask the navigator Grachkova:

- Sasha, how are you there?

It's okay, commander. I see Kabul. It is about 30 kilometers away.

- Sasha, come out to our cabin.

The navigator comes in and reports:

- Kirilych, there is a hole in the fuselage on the left, about two and a half by one and a half meters.

It’s amazing how he survived, how he wasn’t pulled overboard through that hole. I'm mulling over the situation in my head. Our business sucks. There is no way out of this situation. A month earlier, over Kabul, the Mujahideen shot down our Il 76. The Irkutsk crew. Everyone died. Everything is alive in memory. And here, you won’t believe it, Alexei, the thought involuntarily arose for me:

- Queen, Heavenly Mother, Holy Mother of God - bless and save! And so I repeated this, like a spell, three times. Excerpts from my past life. The sister gives me a pencil and a notebook and takes me to school, my brother puts me on a horse and takes me out into the night, and some other episodes.

And the thought came. So what? When I became a pilot, I knew what to expect. 54 years behind me. Family, children are fine. And anyway, what am I talking about? The plane is under control. But I can sit on my belly!

Crew, attention! Don't worry, stay calm! Let's sit on our bellies! Repeated three times.

I think, how can this be, I flew on the Po-2 without communication, and everything is visual there. Mastered 7 types of aircraft. So who am I then if I don’t put this wounded animal on its belly? No, you’re lying, my time hasn’t come yet!

IN Lately flew on three types: An-12, Tu-154, Il-76. The ministry allowed me to fly for 7-10 days to maintain my skills and earn extra money. I always flew only by myself, as I did Khokhlov, as an aircraft commander. Confidence and professional anger appeared.

And again there are doubts in my thoughts:

The wings contain 50 tons of fuel. The fit must be perfect.

By this time the smoke in the cockpit had cleared. It became easier to breathe.

The crew thanked the crew over the intercom:

Well done! We dealt with the fire.

It turned out that the flight operator Mirkhaydarov put on a parachute, opened the cargo ramp, through which smoke was pulled out of the plane. I wanted to jump out with a parachute, but I couldn’t do it because I was afraid. He almost fell out through the open hole. Navigator, Sasha, saved him. He pulled me away from the hole and into the plane.

The instruments have failed, but the speed and altitude indicators are working, meaning you can control the plane consciously. The approach to Kabul airport is special. Over the airfield, we always released everything that could slow down the plane, and quickly went to the ground, as if in emergency descent mode.

We couldn't do that now. The hydraulic system did not work. The landing gear is retracted, the wing is “clean”. A big problem! How to safely bring down a faulty plane?! The airport's safe zone was approximately 11 kilometers. Next were the Mujahideen of the Minister of Defense Tanakaya who betrayed Najibullah. You must not go beyond this zone. Dangerous!

But you need to sit down. There is no other way out. I violate the approach pattern and delay the third turn. I determine the distance visually, as on Po-2. Controlling the plane is very difficult. The car reacts sluggishly to control. I ask the navigator:

Does the soil at the airport work? You cannot sit on your belly on concrete. There will be a fire and we will all burn, even if we land.

Commander, the instructions say that the soil is in working condition.

Got it, in working order.

We rest with the co-pilot Anatoly Fomenko. We are approaching the fourth turn. The rudders are deflected, but the plane does not respond. Speed ​​400 kilometers per hour. I feel like we are “smearing”. I still say:

Crew, let's sit down! We sit down on the road.

The road to Bagram is right in front of us. The rudders are tilted to the left. And suddenly the plane sluggishly set off on its landing course onto the runway.

The fourth turn was completed with a miss. But we were far from the runway, so we made an S-shaped turn to reach the landing course. I keep the speed at 370 kilometers per hour. At lower speeds, the plane does not fly over the horizon. Believe it or not, fear takes hold. Fear of the earth. This is not alala, but real fear. From which the veins shake like the strings of a balalaika. There is not even a reminder in any of the designer’s instructions about such approaches, with a clean wing, with the landing gear not extended, and even with two inoperative engines on the left side. I give the command:

Everyone get attached, take a point-blank position!

How will the plane behave when it touches the ground? After all, no one sat on the belly of the IL-76 either. Now I’m starting to punish myself: I promised the crew that we would sit down, that everything would be fine.

My knees became wet from fear. God forbid anyone should experience this. We are traveling at a speed of 370 kilometers per hour. The earth is already close. As soon as the strip came into view, I saw that its beginning was pitted with bombs and shells. You can't sit at the end.

I command the flight engineer:

Engines take off mode!

The engines roared, and the plane immediately pitched to the left, because only two right engines were working. After a jerk to the left, the plane leveled off.

Engines "zero". De-energize the plane!

Flight engineer:

The engines are set small!

Flight operator:

The plane is without power!

A thought pulsates in the mind:

It needs to be lower, it needs to be lower. There is fuel in the wings.

Silence, only the rustle of air through the fuselage. Finally, I heard the plane rustle as its fuselage touched the ground. My soul immediately felt lighter. To the flight engineer:

Turn off the engines!

Engines are off!

Intensive braking began. There was a feeling that the plane was about to capsize. Nevermind, they didn’t capsize. We traced 800 meters along the ground and stopped.

Decoding of the flight recorders showed that the speed on the glide path was 375 kilometers per hour, and when the plane touched the ground, the speed was 350 kilometers per hour. The overload at the moment of contact was 1.4 g. Such indicators in normal flights are rated “excellent”.

I tell the crew members:

We leave the ship through the cockpit. Proceed with evacuation.

And my soul immediately became lighter. They finally sat down! I did not disappoint the hopes of my comrades! He threw the lifeline out the window. It seems that the earth is nearby. Low. The plane has no landing gear. I think. I counted nine. One is missing. It must be ten. I say:

There's not one!

They shout from below:

Come down, the tenth is you!

Came down.

Guys, let me smoke.

Although I never smoked. We all hugged and kissed. Thank God everything worked out! Probably helped us Queen of Heaven! It was not in vain that I asked her about this!

The general met us Makhmud Gareev. Speaks:

They probably planted explosives on you in Tashkent?

He doesn’t want to believe that we were hit by a stinger. The bang occurred at an altitude of 7.5 thousand meters, and the stinger works up to an altitude of 3 thousand meters.

I must note Alexey Viktorovich that the Mujahideen were paid decent money for a downed plane or helicopter. So they showed ingenuity to achieve their goal. This time, the Mujahideen climbed the mountain with the stinger, approximately 4.5 thousand meters. For this reason, they were ahead of us when they started shooting heat traps.

“Tyumen pilots in memory of their experiences”

KHOKHLOV Ivan Tikhonovich (01/20/1932, Novoselki village, Ryazan region), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966), Honored Pilot of the USSR (1973). Corydalis dense Graduated from the Sasovo Flight School (1953), Higher Civil Aviation School. aviation (1965). He worked as a pilot instructor, since 1957 - in the Tyumen department. citizen aviation, where he worked his way up from a pilot to the beginning. ex. Pilot 1st class. Possessing excellent piloting technique, he mastered all types of helicopters (Mi-1, Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-8), had access to independent flights and training on An-2, Li-2, An- 24, Tu-134, An-12. In 1980 he completed a theoretical course. and years. training in the specialty: air commander. Yak-42 aircraft. In 1977 appointed head. Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs aviation of the USSR. Awarded the Order of the October Revolution (1973) and the Red Banner of Labor (1981).

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  • AIRCRAFT WING- AVIATION WING (foreign), main. tactical unit in the military. US aviation and a number of other kashmalistich. state-in, capable of independently deciding combat missions. A.K. includes, as a rule, somewhat homogeneous...
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  • ASTAKHOV Fedor Alekseevich- ASTAKHOV Fedor Alekseevich, Soviet military leader, air marshal (1944). Member CPSU since 1931. In the Soviet Union. Army since 1919. During the years of Civil. ...
  • AERODROME NETWORK- AERODROME NETWORK, a set of airfields (air bases, airports) located on the territory of a state (region, military district, in the fleet basing area, in the front line, in the theater of military...
  • AIRPORT- AIRPORT, a civil aviation enterprise that provides regular transportation of passengers, cargo and mail by air. transport, organization and maintenance of aircraft (helicopter) flights and...
  • BUGAEV Boris Pavlovich- Boris Pavlovich BUGAEV (b. July 29, 1923, Mankovka village, Cherkasy region), air marshal (1973), Hero of the Socialists. Labor (1966). Member CPSU since 1946. In 1941 he was drafted into the Soviet Union. Army and enlisted in the Aktobe military...
  • Burtsovs- Burtsovs - The ancestor of the B. family, Trofim B., was a siege leader in Likhvin in 1543. Some of the B. are mentioned in the Kazan campaign. Ivan Semenovich B. was awarded for bravery in the war with the Turks in 1680...
  • Eremeevs- The Eremeevs are Russian noble families. Ivan Borisovich E. was killed in the Kazan campaign in 1550. Yakov Tikhonovich E. was killed in 1634 during the siege of Smolensk. This family of E. is included in Part VI of the genealogy book of Kazan and...
  • Zykovs- The Zykovs are a Russian noble family. One of them dates back to the 15th century. Afanasy Tikhonovich Z. was in his second sex. XVII century Duma nobleman, Fyodor Tikhonovich - governor in Tambov and okolnichy, Fyodor Andreevich Z...
  • Imam-coolie- Imam-kuli - Khan of Bukhara, from the Astrakhan dynasty, reigned from 1608 to 1644. He fought with the Kirghiz and Kalmyks, had contacts with Russia. Ivan Danilovich Khokhlov was sent to him. N.V.

» great epic

The nature and pace of development of Tyumen aviation in the next decade was influenced by a number of events, the main of which were the formation of the Tyumen region on August 14, 1944 and the discovery of large gas and oil reserves in the north of the region in the mid-1950s and early 1960s.

Promoted to rank regional center Tyumen, as they say, by definition had to acquire a more or less decently equipped airport and take meaningful care of the development of air traffic between settlements vast region. Moreover, the ground transport infrastructure was extremely poorly developed not only in the north, but also in the south of the region, where there were also completely no paved highways, and there were only “improved dirt roads” connecting the southern regions up to and including Tobolsk. And beyond Tobolsk, only winter roads and trails led north in winter; during the navigation period, they traveled by water: during this time, it was necessary to manage to throw supplies of everything necessary for eight to nine months into the northern regions.

War heroes raised labor heroes

In previous years, concern about all this, about development transport infrastructure The Ob-Irtysh region passed - in terms of the party-Soviet leadership - from hand to hand: Tyumen was a remote outskirts, either in the Ural region or in the Omsk region. Now the regional leadership has come closer to the needs of the Tyumen aviators, although the aviation authorities were located first in the Novosibirsk, then in the Sverdlovsk regions: the Ob united air squadron, transformed in July 1945 into the 21st transport air squadron, was initially part of the West Siberian, then the Ural civil departments aviation.

Even during the war years, the personnel of the Ob separate air detachment began to be replenished with highly qualified specialists who had been hardened on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Among the first to “register” in the Tyumen sky were front-line soldiers: Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Yakovlevich Panov, Mikhail Khrisanovich Naumov, Alexey Stepanovich Martyanov, Mikhail Sergeevich Bazovkin, Dmitry Petrovich Turlakov, Vladimir Ignatyevich Nesvetaev, Pavel Prokopyevich Bystrushkin and others.

Under the guidance of such people, graduates of aviation schools sent to the Tyumen region underwent a school of civil, human and professional education, the number of which began to increase noticeably in the early and mid-1950s - they had to play a special role in the initial stage of exploration and development of the region’s oil and gas subsoil . It is no coincidence that it was from this generation that the most famous Tyumen aviators came, such as the future Heroes of Socialist Labor Nikolai Makarovich Beloborodov, Yuri Aleksandrovich Yuzhakov, Ivan Tikhonovich Khokhlov, who arrived in the region after graduating from the Sasovo Flight School in 1950-1953, as well as many other famous Tyumen pilots .

They flew on what was available during the distribution of equipment to the outlying air group. At the end of the 1940s, Aeroflot began to receive more than modern cars– in particular, “demobilized” from the Li-2 army. However, the aircraft fleet of the Tyumen air group consisted mainly of Po-2, Sha-2 and Yak-12 - aircraft, although they did not shine with high speed characteristics, but were distinguished by high reliability, truly record repairability and the ability to land on a “patch” more or less level land or in the waters of the smallest body of water. And it was during flights in such machines that pilots developed such precious qualities for a pilot as the ability to accurately calculate any maneuver and intuition.

Note that in the Tyumen region Sha-2, as well as Po-2, flew and made up the bulk of aircraft fleet up to 1958. They probably could have stayed longer if, from the mid-1950s, the Tyumen region - the largest in area in the USSR and one of the most backward economically - had not begun, and at a sharp pace, to become one of the most promising candidates for " third Baku": the country began to experience an acute shortage of energy resources - oil and gas.

Maneuver and intuition

In 1952, the 21st transport detachment of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet was transformed into the Tyumen air group of the West Siberian Civil Administration air fleet.

Over the decade and a half, when aviation in our region developed under the auspices of the Tyumen Air Group, many significant events took place. And at the center of these events was an enterprise located in Plekhanovo - the cradle of Tyumen aviation. Here, the Tyumen Air Group was the first to master new types of aircraft, train flight and engineering personnel for them, and retrain specialists from other enterprises of the air group.

So, in the mid-50s, the air group began to receive An-2 aircraft, the Mi-1 and An-2B helicopters. Master new technology The first to start were the pilots and engineering staff of the 48th air squadron, which was based in Tyumen at the Plekhanovo airport. Among the first to master these aircraft were pilots V.A. Birkin, N.A. Petrov, A.T. Aksyonenkov, P.E. Rumyantsev, V.A. Morgunov, V.V. Shershov, A.S. .Antonov.

Then An-2B aircraft and Mi-1 helicopters began to arrive at the northern flight units of Salekhard and Berezovo. The 49th air squadron was already operating in Salekhard, and soon the 234th flight detachment was created.

The An-2 aircraft was significantly superior to the Po-2 and Sha-2 in speed, payload and flight range. The versatility of this aircraft allowed it to take a strong place for many years on local air routes for the transportation of passengers, cargo and the provision of aviation services to geologists, oil workers, builders, foresters, fishermen and the processing of farmland by aircraft. In the same years, the development of the Mi-1 helicopter began; pilots of the 48th Air Force I.T. Khokhlov, N.M. Beloborodov, V.M. Kurashov, Yu.M. Bulyukhin were also the first to begin mastering them.

“In our air squadron there was a special atmosphere of mutual understanding, a sensitive, very caring attitude towards young specialists,” recalls aviation veteran Yuri Mikhailovich Bulyukhin. – And this is very important, because at that time sky enthusiasts were eager to attend aviation schools - the profession of an aviator was honorable, prestigious, it was shrouded in romance. But when I arrived in Tyumen in 1954 after graduating from flight school, it was far from romantic: outdated Po-2 and Sha-2 planes - you can’t really get away with it. But what kind of people, teachers, both in the profession and in life, they were! Petrov, Shershov, Birkin, Talalaev, Turlakov, Budnitsky, Lepyoshkin. He was introduced by the commander of the Po-2, began to be introduced to the An-2, and then helicopters appeared. Many were wary of them, but somehow I was immediately drawn to them: I was amazed by their capabilities - to take off and land vertically. So in 1957 he was one of the first to switch to the Mi-1, then the Mi-4 and Mi-6. He flew all over the region, worked for geologists, oil workers, gas workers and builders.

Mi-1 helicopter - “postman”, “ambulance” health care“- made his contribution, and a very significant one, to the exploration of oil and gas deposits in the north of the region, and the largest ones at that - this was not without the direct participation of the first generation of Tyumen helicopter pilots. So, for example, the first profile along the Urengoy uplift was completed by a detachment of field field gravimetrician Anatoly Biserov with the direct participation of the very young commander of the Mi-1 helicopter, Nikolai Beloborodov - his machine served the detachment throughout the entire profile.

But if we talk about the initial period of exploration and development of the oil and gas-bearing Tyumen North, then among all other types of aircraft we must highlight the Mi-4 helicopter. The development of the Mi-4 helicopter began in Tyumen, for which the 50th helicopter squadron was formed, headed by I.T. Khokhlov, who was the first to master this machine. He willingly passed on his wealth of experience in helicopter flying to his subordinates.

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