Home Flowers Improving the organization of the mechanical repair shop. Improvement of the equipment maintenance and repair management system: UEC-PM best practices

Improving the organization of the mechanical repair shop. Improvement of the equipment maintenance and repair management system: UEC-PM best practices

3. The main directions for improving the repair and inter-repair service

3.1 Reorganization of the management structure of repair teams technological equipment

For the most successful and economical fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the repair service of the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a rational structure and management scheme. When developing a management scheme for the repair facilities of an enterprise, one should take into account the modern management techniques existing at the enterprise, the general style of work, as well as a number of other factors on which the organization of repair management depends.

1. Since the initiators of most of the ongoing unscheduled work on equipment maintenance are maintenance personnel, their work predetermines a specific way of managing teams, that is, it does not need direct guidance, but only requires administration (solving general organizational issues, registering the activities carried out and the work performed) and organization of supply (spare parts, components and consumables), which determines the inefficiency of having three managers in the structure, whose duties are essentially identical.

2. Incomplete loading of equipment when working on the second shift (the average equipment shift ratio is 1.45), reduces the work of maintenance personnel to standby mode and carrying out an insignificant part of the planned equipment maintenance activities, which is due to the work of most auxiliary services (warehouses, mechanical section of the RMC ) enterprises in a one-shift mode, all this makes it irrational for the presence of a manager who controls the work of the second shift of teams.

3. Separation of individual integrated teams across the territory of the enterprise makes non-operational communication with managers, whose location (in connection with the performance of official duties) cannot be permanent. When it becomes necessary to quickly solve production problems, unjustified downtime of equipment occurs, which is due to the irrationality of the distribution of duties between the boss, foreman and mechanic.

The above shortcomings in the structural organization of the management of the shopping center make it necessary to reorganize the management structure and revise the job descriptions of some members of the shopping center. In accordance with this, in order to ensure a more rational organization of the management of repair personnel, it is necessary to reorganize the management structure:

1. To abolish in the management structure the position of a mechanic and power engineer of technical centers included in the Central Critical and Environmental Protection Center, whose duties are duplicated official duties mechanics of CRiOK and power engineering of CRiOK.

2. Determine the main responsibility of the equipment repairman - the direct supervision of repairmen and electricians for the maintenance of electrical equipment, the organization of the manufacture of spare parts and the production of mechanical repair work.

A number of activities carried out make it possible to rationally distribute responsibilities between the participants in the repair production management structure, which makes it possible to:

1. Simplify the structure of subordination of certain categories of repair personnel, thereby improving the psychological microclimate of the shopping center staff;

2. To reduce the time of unscheduled downtime of equipment by accelerating individual operations of repair production - the manufacture of spare parts, the production of repair and mechanical work.

3.2 Progressive forms and methods of repair

The constant increase in repair costs requires the search for more progressive forms and methods of equipment repair. These forms and methods include:

specialization and centralization of equipment repair;

expansion of advanced repair methods;

introduction of progressive technology of repair work and their mechanization;

improvement of the organization of work of repair personnel, etc.

The most important direction should be considered the all-round expansion of the centralized form of organization of repair on the basis of the specialization of repair work, that is, the development of specialized repair enterprises and the centralized production of spare parts. The organization of specialized enterprises creates conditions for the effective use in repair production of high-performance equipment and tooling, progressive technological processes and labor methods inherent in serial and in-line production.

Centralization of repairs can be carried out on a scale individual enterprises, industries and the economy as a whole. On the scale of the plant, large repair shops can be created that produce spare parts and overhaul equipment.

In large workshops, it is advisable to create specialized teams for the repair of single-model equipment, standard units of various equipment.

In the presence of a large number factories of a certain industry in one economic region, it is advisable to create a large repair plant or workshop of industry significance for the production of spare parts and certain types of repairs at the head enterprise. Intersectoral centralization is expedient for repairing the most massive models of equipment using an exchange fleet of equipment in the machine tool industry. In this case, repairs should be carried out either by the factories that produce this equipment, or by special factories.

Methods for performing repair work are diverse: nodal, sequential-nodal, "against the flow", standard, etc.

The nodal method consists in replacing worn-out units of the unit with spare ones, previously manufactured or repaired. At the same time, the downtime of the equipment is significantly reduced, since most of repair work is carried out before the machine is taken out for repair.

With the sequential-nodal method, worn-out units of the unit are not repaired simultaneously, but sequentially using breaks in the operation of the units. This method is used to repair equipment that has structurally separate units (aggregate machines).

The "upstream" method is used to repair flow-automated lines and requires serious preparatory work.

Most often, the equipment of these lines is repaired simultaneously with the shutdown of the line or in separate sections with the widespread use of nodal methods.

A necessary prerequisite for the specialization of repair is to improve the structure of the machine park by reducing the number of standard sizes and models of basic machines and units produced in the machine tool industry and machine building plants.

The widespread use of standard units and parts in the machine tool industry makes it possible to reduce the need for spare parts and the duration of repair work by several times.

New equipment must meet all the requirements for maintainability and high operational reliability (ease of disassembly and assembly, inspection and adjustment, durability of mating parts, etc.) All technical documentation for the repair of new equipment is supplied by manufacturers.

Equipping machine-building plants with mass-produced machine tools, combined with widespread standardization both in machine-tool building and in repair production, will make it possible to single out repair as an independent specialized branch of machine-building production.

The solution to this issue is to reduce the main repair to operations for the replacement of parts, components and assemblies, which is, in essence, a specialization of repair at the individual level.

The industrialization of equipment repair provides for the approximation of the organizational, technical and economic level of repair to the level of manufacturing new machine tools in the machine tool industry.


Maintenance is one of the critical links structures manufacturing enterprise, since the efficiency of its work largely determines the cost of products, its quality and labor productivity at the enterprise.

To address the issues of organizing a repair economy, enterprises develop and apply systems for servicing and repairing technological equipment, which are based on the principle of routine maintenance and preventive maintenance of equipment. However, the features of equipment operation and the structure of the enterprise's repair facilities often require revision. accepted systems maintenance of technological equipment for its rationalization and taking into account the economic conditions prevailing at the enterprise.

Consideration of the issues underlying the construction of an equipment maintenance system at a machine-building enterprise, and analysis of the organization and activities of the repair facility, as well as finding ways to improve it. Accordingly, the following questions are raised:

Organization of scheduled repair and current maintenance of equipment at a machine-building enterprise, analysis of their effectiveness, as well as improvement of the organization of preventive maintenance using the accumulated statistical information on the number and nature of downtime of the equipment being serviced;

Studying the features of repair personnel management, analyzing and finding ways to increase the efficiency of the adopted repair management structure;

The organization of the repair facilities at Remservis LLC has a number of features, which include:

The organization of repair production is carried out on the basis of an improved Unified PPR system, enshrined in the Regulations on the PPR.

Maintenance of the equipment is carried out in accordance with the STP adopted at the enterprise in accordance with the monthly plans-schedules of the PPR issued by the PGM.

Maintenance and scheduled repairs of high-tech equipment are carried out by several integrated repair teams, while the high complexity of the equipment requires highly qualified repair personnel.

The initiators of the majority of ongoing unscheduled equipment maintenance work are maintenance personnel, therefore their work predetermines a specific way of managing teams, and requires only administration.

The operational production of spare parts by the forces of the mechanical repair shop is carried out at the machining site or by intershop order by the forces of the main mechanical shops.

As a result of the analysis of the system for organizing the repair economy at Remservice LLC, it was proposed to carry out a number of measures to improve and rationalize the activities of the repair service:

Abolish in the management structure of the shopping center the position of an equipment repair mechanic, whose duties are duplicated by the duties of a foreman in the repair of shopping center equipment and a mechanic of the Central Critical and Environmental Protection Center,

The main savings factors from the implementation of measures to improve the technology and organization of repairs are the reduction of the labor intensity of repair work, the reduction of equipment downtime in repairs, as well as the improvement in the quality of equipment repair. Consequently, the main indicators for evaluating the performance of the repair service are: the share of planned work in the total volume of work performed and the amount of equipment downtime in unscheduled repairs.

The calculation of indicators for assessing the activities of the repair service shows that:

The introduction of measures to improve the organization of maintenance, allows you to increase the proportion of planned work.

Along with improving the performance of the repair service, the implementation of the proposed measures will lead to the effect of improving the quality of repairs, which can be determined through the conditional amount of released equipment, which also indicates the rationality of the proposals.

The use of more progressive forms of organization and equipment maintenance systems allows not only to improve the work of complex repair teams, but also to rationalize the withdrawal of equipment for scheduled repairs, thereby:

Reduce equipment downtime;

Due to the timely planning of individual measures for the repair and maintenance equipment to reduce the complexity of repair work;

By eliminating irrational and untimely scheduled repairs, reduce the cost of maintenance;

Due to the prompt introduction of amendments and changes to the PPR schedules, thereby planning the forthcoming material and labor costs for repair work, to reduce the time for carrying out and increase the quality of repairs.


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1. Main aspects of planning and analysis of production in mechanical repair shops

1.1 General characteristics of mechanical repair shops and the content of the work they perform

A workshop is an organizationally and technologically separate unit of an enterprise that performs a certain part of the production process, or manufactures any type of plant product. In accordance with the purpose of the production processes performed by the shops, there are main, auxiliary and service facilities.

The main ones include those workshops in which the main production processes are carried out, i.e. related to the manufacture of products and production services that make up the program of the plant. Auxiliary ones include instrumental, model, mechanical repair, etc.; to service farms, storage, transport, etc.

Thus, the mechanical repair shop is an auxiliary shop whose main task is to maintain all equipment in working condition, its timely repair and modernization. The workshop carries out repairs of the main and auxiliary, handling and other equipment that the plant has.

In the activities of the repair shop, maintenance (TO) of the equipment should be in the first place, and repairs, which cannot be viewed as an end in itself, in the second place.

Forms of organization of repair work

Of great importance for the existing production is the form of organization of repair work. All types of repairs, except for major repairs, are carried out at the installation site of the repaired equipment. For overhaul, machines weighing up to 2.5 tons are transported to a mechanical repair shop, heavier ones are repaired on the spot. To reduce equipment downtime in medium and major repairs, a nodal repair method is used, in which nodes are removed from the equipment and installed on it previously repaired from other similar equipment. The entire volume of repair work is distributed between the mechanical repair shop and the repair bases of production shops. Depending on the type of production, the size of the plant and the nature of the equipment, centralized, decentralized and mixed forms of organization of repair work are used.

With a centralized form of organization of repair work, all work on the repair and modernization of equipment is carried out only in the mechanical repair shop. Repair bases of workshops perform only work related to inspections and overhaul maintenance. This form of organization is used in factories with small workshops, mainly small-scale production (in particular, at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kalugapribor"). With a decentralized form of organization of repair work, almost all work on the repair and modernization of equipment is carried out by the repair bases of production shops. In the mechanical repair shop, spare parts are manufactured and overhaul of the most complex units and assemblies is carried out. This form of organization is used in factories with large workshops, mainly in mass and large-scale types of production.

With a mixed form of organization of repair work, a major overhaul is carried out in the mechanical repair shop, and other types of repairs are carried out by shop repair bases. A similar form of repair organization is used in batch production plants and in heavy engineering.

The types of maintenance and repair are divided into the following:

Maintenance and repair (TOR) performed by the maintenance personnel of the chief mechanic service;

Maintenance performed by production personnel.

Types of maintenance: regulated (RTO), daily (TOed), periodic.

RTO includes:

TO 1 - maintenance of the first type;

TO 2 - maintenance of the second type;

TO 3 - maintenance of the third type.

At TO 1, the work of TO esm (monthly maintenance) should be carried out and, in addition, control over the implementation of the rules technical operation, checking safety devices, the correct functioning of lubrication systems and mechanisms, the failure of which can cause major breakdowns or premature wear of the equipment.

TO 2 provides for the performance of work TO 1, as well as checking and adjusting belt and chain drives, controls, rods, lead screws and mother nuts, fasteners, etc. with partial removal of casings and covers, checking the condition of working surfaces, smooth movement of mechanisms.

TO 3 provides for the performance of TO 2 work, as well as more labor-intensive work with partial or complete disassembly of individual assembly units and the use of control measuring tools and instruments, replacement of lubricants and worn parts (assembly units), adjustment of units and mechanisms.

Daily maintenance (TO unit) is carried out by the mechanical repair shop at the request of production personnel, shift mechanics and electricians in order to eliminate malfunctions and causes of failures.

Periodic maintenance is divided into the following operations:

1) checking for accuracy as an independent operation;

2) conservation (re-preservation).

Repair types

Repair can be planned (PR) and unscheduled (NR).

Scheduled repair (PR) - repair, setting up for which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation (technical conditions for the manufacture of equipment, industry requirements). According to the composition and scope of work, three types of scheduled repairs are provided:

capital (KR);

medium (SR);

current (TR).

Overhaul is a repair performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to complete restoration of the product resource with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones. During the overhaul, a complete disassembly of the equipment, washing, flaw detection, replacement or restoration of all parts and assemblies, assembly of equipment, its comprehensive regulation, checking, testing at idle and under load, painting, as well as checking the condition and repairing the foundation are carried out.

Medium repair - repair performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and control of the technical condition of the components, performed to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

During an average repair, complete (up to 65%) disassembly of assembly units of equipment and partial others, fault detection of parts and assemblies, overhaul of individual assemblies, replacement or restoration of critical worn parts, including basic ones, assembly of equipment, its integrated regulation, verification, testing idling and under load, painting, as well as checking the condition and repairing the foundation.

Current repair - repair performed to ensure or restore the operability of the product and consisting in the replacement and (or) restoration of its individual parts. During the current repair, a partial disassembly of the equipment, a complete disassembly of some units, fault detection, replacement or restoration of rapidly wearing parts and units, and the necessary assembly and adjustment work are carried out.

Unscheduled repair (NR) - repair, the production of products for which is carried out without prior appointment.

Emergency repair (AE) associated with a sudden shutdown of equipment caused by design or manufacturing defects, repair defects, violation of the rules of technical operation and safety requirements, is also unscheduled.

1.2 The essence and effectiveness of the system of preventive maintenance (PPR) equipment

The essence of the planning and warning system

The main work on the repair of equipment at the plant "Kalugapribor" is carried out according to the planned preventive system, the main provisions of which are taken from the "Unified system of scheduled preventive repairs and rational operation of technological equipment of machine-building enterprises".

With this system, the repair of machines is carried out at a predetermined time, after the machine has worked a certain number of hours, without expecting any breakdown. Of course, such a system does not exclude the need for repairs that are of an accidental nature, for example, an unexpected breakdown of the machine due to misuse or defects in the manufacture.

Daily maintenance is carried out during breaks in the operation of the equipment or during non-working shifts.

Periodic maintenance is performed at intervals specified in the technical documentation.

Scheduled maintenance is carried out at intervals and in the volumes established by the industry system or the operating manual for this equipment.

All types of work on planned (regulated) maintenance and repair are carried out in a certain sequence, forming repeating cycles.

Repair cycle

The repair cycle (Tr) is the smallest recurring time intervals or operating time of the equipment, during which it is performed: in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of the System, all established types of repairs. The operating time of equipment is determined by the number of hours of operational time of its operation. The repair cycle ends with a major overhaul and is characterized by structure and duration.

The structure of the repair cycle (R c.r.) is a list and sequence of scheduled repairs in period 1 between overhauls or between the commissioning of equipment and the first overhaul.

The structure of the repair cycle is stipulated by the standards of the enterprise for each group of machines. For example, the structure of the repair cycle for metal-cutting machine tools of normal accuracy weighing up to 10 tons, consisting of four current, one medium and major repairs, is as follows:

CR - TP 1 - TP 2 - SR - TP 3 - TP 4 - TP (1.1)

The duration of the repair cycle (T c.r.) is the number of hours of operational equipment operation time during which all scheduled repair work that is part of the cycle is performed. The duration of the repair cycle does not include equipment downtime associated with the implementation of scheduled and unscheduled repairs and maintenance, as well as for other organizational and technical reasons. The duration of the repair cycle is depicted by a dimensional line between the designations of major repairs with which the cycle begins and ends. Above the dimension line indicate the duration of the cycle in hours worked.

The overhaul period (T mr) is the period of operational time of equipment operation between two successively performed scheduled repairs. The duration of the overhaul period is equal to the duration of the repair cycle divided by the number of scheduled repairs in the cycle, including major repairs.

The duration of the repair cycle and the overhaul period are determined for each machine by the plant and are tabulated as standard.

Maintenance cycle

The maintenance cycle (T.o.) is the smallest recurring time intervals or operating time of equipment, during which all established types of scheduled scheduled maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of this System.

The operating time of equipment is determined by the number of hours of operational time of its operation. The maintenance cycle is characterized by the structure and duration of TO 1, TO 2, TO 3 form a maintenance cycle (Cto). Depending on the duration of the overhaul period between scheduled repairs, 1-8 maintenance cycles can be carried out.

The structure of the maintenance cycle (CTC) is a list of types of RTO that are part of the cycle. Types of maintenance performed by non-repair personnel (machine operators, cleaners), and such periodic maintenance operations (P r, K) into the structure of the central heating. do not include. In the industry system, the following structure of the maintenance cycle is conditionally adopted:

PR - TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 2 -

TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 2 - C c.to (1.2)

TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 3 -

TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 1 - TO 2 -...,

those. maintenance cycle

With c.to. \u003d 9TO 1 + 2TO 2 + T0 3. (1.3)

The duration of the maintenance cycle (T c.t.o.) in hours worked of the operational time of the equipment is determined by the formula

where T mr is the duration of the overhaul period, h.

T c.r. - duration of the repair cycle, h;

n c - the number of average repairs in the repair cycle;

n T - the number of current repairs in the repair cycle;

n o - the number of cycles of regulated maintenance in the overhaul period.

The inter-operational maintenance period (T to) is the period of operational time of equipment operation between two consecutively performed types of RTO of the same name

Interoperational periods of maintenance for carrying out TO 1, TO 2 are determined by the formulas:

where T c.to - the duration of the maintenance cycle, h.

The duration of repair cycles, overhaul periods and the number of RTO cycles in the overhaul period for metal-cutting and foundry equipment operated under conditions other than those indicated in the tables are calculated as the product of their values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the tables and correction factors.

where T c.r. - estimated duration of the repair cycle, hours;

T c.r. - tabular value of the duration of the repair cycle, hours;

To o.m. - coefficient of the processed material;

K t.s. - coefficient of the accuracy class of the machine (equipment of accuracy classes П, В, А, С);

To k.s. - machine category coefficient (by weight);

K in - coefficient of age.

Numerical values ​​of the coefficients K s.m. , K c.s. , K in, K t.s. are given in the tables.

The overhaul period T mr is calculated by the formula:

where - the number of average repairs in the repair cycle;

The number of current repairs in the repair cycle.

Then the number of RTO cycles in the overhaul period is adjusted according to the formula:

rounded to the nearest whole number.

1.3 Technical preparation of the preventive maintenance system

Technical and material preparation of the preventive maintenance system consists of design and technological preparation. Design preparation includes compiling albums of drawings of parts, determining the nomenclature and normalization (unification) of interchangeable parts and assembly units.

Albums of drawings of equipment parts are used in planning, developing technology and manufacturing replacement and spare parts, establishing repair dimensions, normalizing and unifying replacement parts and blanks for them, introducing substitutes for scarce materials and upgrading equipment.

An album of drawings is compiled for each standard size of equipment, which contains a passport and diagrams (kinematic, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric and lubrication), general view drawings of assembly units, replaceable parts, specifications for rolling bearings, belts, normals, purchased parts and equipment, etc. . Parts drawings should be drawn up when disassembling the unit for scheduled repairs.

Parts that are replaced during the repair of equipment with new ones are called replaceable. Normalization (unification) of replaceable parts allows to reduce the number of their standard sizes and thereby reduce the costs associated with their manufacture.

Technological preparation consists in compiling typical technological processes for assembling, disassembling units and manufacturing the most labor-intensive and complex parts, as well as compiling a defective statement.

The defective statement is an executive technological statement and must be drawn up without fail during a major overhaul, as well as during an average repair with a frequency of more than one year. A preliminary defective list is compiled 2-3 months before the unit is stopped for repair during one of the scheduled inspections, and the final one is when the unit is disassembled for major or medium repairs by a technician or repairman.

Material preparation should ensure the creation of a constantly renewable stock (park) of interchangeable parts stored in storerooms. Such parts are called spare parts.

Spare parts include:

a) with a service life not exceeding the overhaul period;

b) consumed in large quantities, regardless of the service life;

c) large, complex and labor-intensive, requiring complex and large forgings or castings for their manufacture;

d) manufactured on the side;

e) all replacement parts of unique, critical or production-limiting equipment.

Parts with a significant service life (1.5-2 years or more) are not stored in the pantry, but are ordered in advance, taking into account the duration of the production cycle of their manufacture and the timing of the start of repairs.

The stock of purchased parts, assembly units and equipment consumed in large quantities is determined by analogy with the stocks of materials and purchased semi-finished products for the main production.

Parts are stored in the pantry fully processed, which can be installed without any finishing and fitting, and in pre-processed form, if they are installed during repairs with finishing and fitting, or as a blank, if the exact dimensions of the part are not known.

The standard stock of parts in storerooms in terms of money is established by type of equipment per repair unit, depending on the type of production. Stock standards are given in " unified system scheduled preventive maintenance.

The consumption of material of the h-type size for all types of repair work per year is determined by the formula:

where is the consumption of the h-th type of material for the overhaul of equipment per repair unit per year;

Coefficient taking into account the consumption of material during inspections and overhauls;

The sum of repair units of units undergoing major, medium and minor repairs, respectively, during the year;

Coefficients characterizing the ratio between the amount of material consumed, respectively, for medium and major, minor and major repairs.

The values ​​are set for each type of equipment and for subgroups of material by an experimental-statistical method based on an analysis of the actual consumption of materials for the repair of equipment at factories.

For the storage of spare parts and repair materials, a factory pantry is organized, subordinated to the OGM, and shop pantries - in large workshops. The shop pantry stores spare parts for units that are only available in this shop or are consumed in this shop in large quantities.

1.4 Equipment repair planning in the machine shop

The annual equipment repair plan is drawn up by the OGM of the plant with the participation of a shop mechanic for each piece of equipment. The repair schedule is determined on the basis of the data of the equipment log book and other materials about the unit, based on the hours actually worked for the period from the last repair and the results of the annual technical inspection in October - November.

The annual repair plan includes inspections and scheduled repairs. The month in which the next repair (inspection) should be carried out according to the plan is determined by adding to the month of the previous repair the duration of the overhaul (inter-inspection) period in months. The type of the next repair is established according to the structure of the repair cycle, depending on the types of previous repairs.

The labor intensity of locksmith and machine work is found by multiplying the labor intensity of one repair unit for the corresponding type of repair by the category of complexity.

The PPR system provides for the establishment of norms for downtime of equipment under repair. So, it is currently accepted that when a repair team works in one shift, downtime in working days per repair unit should not exceed 0.25 for minor repairs, 0.6 for medium repairs, and 1.0 for major repairs.

Acceleration of the repair is achieved:

a) reducing the labor intensity of locksmith work due to their greater mechanization, the use of advanced repair technology, preliminary preparation of replacement parts and assembly units and expanding their range, simplifying the design of equipment (reducing repair complexity);

b) an increase in the number of workers in the brigade (expansion of the front of work) or shifts in their work;

c) greater specialization of repair fitters, better organization of labor and workplace of repair teams and uninterrupted provision of them with everything necessary (drawings, materials, replaceable parts, etc.).

The required number of workers to perform scheduled repairs S p.r. is determined by the formula:

where - time standards for 1 repair unit, subject to capital, medium and small repairs, respectively;

F p - annual effective fund of the working time of one repair worker, h / person;

P in - the average percentage of compliance with the norms by repair workers.

The total number of repair units of equipment.

According to the plan, the labor intensity of all repairs in each month should be approximately the same so that there is no shortage or surplus of repair workers in individual months.

The annual equipment repair plan is signed by the chief mechanic of the plant, the head and the mechanic of the shop and approved by the director of the plant.

Accounting for the implementation of the repair plan is carried out in the same schedule, in the bottom line, for each unit.

Based on the annual plan and its actual implementation for the previous months, as well as the number of hours actually worked by the unit since the last repair, the actual condition of the equipment identified during the inspection, and the availability of repairs with spare parts and materials, a monthly repair plan is drawn up for each workshop. The monthly equipment repair plan must be coordinated with the main production plan. It is compiled by the OGM together with the shop mechanic.

If the unit turns out to be serviceable at the beginning of the repair or the next repair can be replaced by another, smaller in volume, then the cancellation of this type of repair or replacement by another is carried out with the permission of the chief mechanic of the plant. The inspection period cannot be extended. Accounting and control over the implementation of plans is carried out by the planning and production bureau.

2. Analysis of the organization of the current production in the mechanical repair shop of FSUE "Kalugapribor"

2.1. Characteristics of the mechanical repair shop of FSUE "Kalugapribor"

The organizational structure of the mechanical repair shop at FSUE "Kalugapribor" is as follows:

Rice. 2.1. Production structure of the mechanical repair shop at FSUE "Kalugapribor"

The production structure of the workshop is the composition of its production sites, other intrashop divisions and the forms of their relationship.

The formation of the shops of the enterprise goes mainly in two directions of specialization: according to the homogeneity of the technological processes they perform (technological specialization) and according to the nature of the products manufactured in them (subject and detailed specialization).

With technological specialization, a part of the technological process is performed in the workshop, consisting of one or more operations with a very wide range of parts (products). At the same time, mainly the same type of equipment is installed in the workshop. This form of shop specialization has its advantages and disadvantages. With a small variety of operations and equipment, technical management is facilitated, and broader opportunities are created for regulating the loading of equipment and organizing the exchange of experience. However, with the technological specialization of processing shops, complex, elongated routes for the movement of objects of labor are formed with their repeated return to the same shops. This violates the principle of direct flow, makes it difficult to coordinate the work of shops and leads to an increase in the production cycle.

In the workshops of subject specialization, the corresponding stage (partial process) of manufacturing the parts assigned to it of a relatively narrow range is fully carried out. These workshops are characterized by a variety of equipment and tooling, but a narrow range of machined parts (assemblies). Coordination of workshops in this case is much easier, since all processing operations are concentrated in one workshop. This leads to a stable repeatability of the process, simplifies operational scheduling, territorially brings together operations and individual stages of the process and, ultimately, shortens the production cycle.

One of the ways to improve the production structure of the enterprise is to replace the technological form of specialization of workshops with the subject one.

This mechanical repair shop is characterized by multi-subject specialization. It uses a variety of equipment and accessories. Types of work: mainly mechanical processing, metalwork and repair work (assembly and others), restoration, welding. The exact types of work carried out in this workshop are described below.

The sections of the workshop are technologically specialized and equipped with homogeneous equipment for performing individual operations. They are formed by groups of the same type of machines.

The departments include:

Turning department;

Milling department;

Drilling department;

Planing department;

Department of hobbing machines.

Auxiliary departments are:


Tool-distributing pantry;

Tool pantry.

The structural element of the site is the workplace. The workplace is called a part of the production area, equipped and equipped with technical means and devices according to the nature of the work performed. The variety of work performed at the workplace is due to the nature and level of specialization of the workshop and site. Technological specialization of the workplace dominates in the FSUE “Kalugapribor” mechanical repair shop, i.e. a lot of detail operations are performed within the technological capabilities of the equipment. The layout of the workshop is presented in Appendix 1.

2.2 Determination of the scope of work performed in the mechanical repair shop of FSUE "Kalugapribor"

The system for determining the scope of work for the mechanical repair shop, used at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kalugapribor"

Work planning for the repair shop begins with taking into account the presence, movement and use of equipment in production shops. Retirement and receipt are reflected in the financial statements.

To determine the need for required types repair, it is necessary to have data on the time actually worked by the machine from the moment it was put into operation or from the last scheduled repair (it is an integral part of the calendar repair time).

The calendar shift time T cm, equal to eight hours for industry enterprises, consists of:

T r.o. - operating time of the equipment;

T pz - preparatory - final time;

T mon - downtime to maintain or restore performance;

T p.o. - downtime due to organizational and technical reasons.

Operational time accounting can also be organized using equipment operation time counters.

Equipment operating time meters that provide accurate results are connected to each machine. On a monthly basis, an employee of the OGM prepares the "Statements of Meter Readings", in which equipment equipped with time meters is recorded, by workshops and sections. This method requires certain costs and is not used at the Kalugapribor enterprise. Data on the operating time of the equipment is obtained from the normalization units of the production workshops.

The main document that reflects the planning of repair work is the schedule (the schedule is drawn up taking into account the overhaul periods). A real equipment repair schedule is drawn up only for a year. Six months before the beginning of the planned year, the need for all types of repairs is calculated for the entire range of equipment located at the Kalugapribor enterprise. Then they carry out a summary of the necessary repairs for each machine for the year in Form 1 "Annual plan for the repair of equipment for the workshop", which indicates the inventory number, name of the equipment, model, complexity category, as well as the shift, type and date of the last repair, type of repair operations for each month.

The entire defined scope of work is distributed by months, depending on the type and duration of the repair of each piece of equipment.

Calculation of the monthly labor intensity of work for the mechanical repair shop for 2009

The monthly labor intensity of work (in hours) performed by the mechanical repair shop is determined as follows.

In the monthly plan for the repair of equipment, the workshop establishes:

1. name and inventory number of the equipment;

2. machine model;

4. planned labor intensity of work in standard hours.

The mechanical part of machine tools and machines generally consists of kinematic and hydraulic parts, the repair complexity of which is respectively denoted by P k and P g.


For the unit of repair complexity of the mechanical part, 0.09 of the labor intensity of the overhaul of the 1K62 machine is taken.

The complexity of the repair of the mechanical part is calculated for each type of repair separately.

T km \u003d T k.sles. + T k.stan. ; (2.2)

T cm \u003d T s.sles. + T s.stan. ; (2.3)

T tm \u003d T t.sles. + T t.stan. ; (2.4)

where T km is the complexity of the overhaul of the mechanical part;

T cm - the complexity of the average repair of the mechanical part;

T tm - the complexity of the current repair of the mechanical part;

T k.sles. - the complexity of the overhaul of locksmith work;

T s.sles. - the complexity of the average repair of locksmith work;

T t.sles. - the complexity of the current repair of locksmith work;

T k.st. - the complexity of the overhaul of machine work;

T s.stan. - the complexity of the average repair of machine work;

T t.st. - the complexity of the current repair of machine work.

Thus, the complexity of each type of repair, in turn, consists of the labor intensity of machine and locksmith work. The labor intensity of locksmith and machine work is found by the formulas:

where t k.sles. - the norm of labor intensity of the overhaul of the unit of repair complexity of plumbing work;

t k.st. - the norm of labor intensity of the overhaul of the unit of repair complexity of machine work;

t s.sles. - the norm of labor intensity of the average repair of a unit of repair complexity of plumbing work;

t s.stan. - the norm of labor intensity of the average repair of a unit of repair complexity of machine work;

t t.sles. - the norm of the labor intensity of the current repair of the unit of repair complexity of plumbing work;

t t.st. - the norm of the labor intensity of the current repair of the unit of repair complexity of machine work;

(R m) k - total repair complexity of the mechanical part of the equipment undergoing major repairs;

(R m) s - total repair complexity of the mechanical part of the equipment undergoing medium repair;

(R m) t - the total repair complexity of the mechanical part of the equipment undergoing current repairs.

In this way,

where T rm - total labor intensity (total labor intensity of work on the repair of the mechanical part of the equipment);

0.1 - coefficient taking into account unforeseen repairs.

The "Industrial system of maintenance and repair of metalworking equipment" contains a table of the labor intensity of scheduled repairs (see Appendix 2), which determines the time rate for 1 EPC in hours. The norm of time is based on the types of repairs and works (locksmith or machine).

The labor intensity of maintenance is found similarly to the labor intensity of repairs, using the time standards for one repair unit (see Appendix 3).

The "Industrial system for the maintenance and repair of metalworking equipment" contains a table of time standards in hours per repair unit (see Appendix 3) according to which the time norm is found, taking into account the dependence of the complexity of the repair on the receipt of spare parts from outside.

We will calculate the labor intensity of the work of the mechanical repair shop using the example of July 2009. (July is selected as the busiest month of the year) (see Table 2.1, Table 2.2, Table 2.3).

Table 2.1. Calculation of the labor intensity of the work of the RMC

Formulas used:

T s.stan. \u003d (t s.st. -t s.um.st.) (R m) s; (2.7)

T s.sles. \u003d (t s.sles. -t s.um.sles.) (R m) s; (2.8)

T k.st. \u003d (t k.stan. -t k.um.stan.) (R m) k; (2.9)

T k.sles. \u003d (t k.sles. -t k.um.sles.) (R m) k; (2.10)

T t.st. \u003d (t t.st. -t t.um.st.) (R m) t; (2.11)

T t.sles. \u003d (t t.sles. -t t.um.sles.) (R m) t; (2.12)

where t mind. - the magnitude of the reduction in labor intensity, depending on the supply of spare parts from outside. Determined according to the table (see Appendix 4).

The total labor intensity of machine work during repairs (T total stan.rem.).

T total stan.rem. \u003d T s.stan. + T k.stan. +T t.stan. ; (2.13)

T total inspection station \u003d T o.stan. ; (2.14)

T total station = T total stan.rem. +T general osm. (2.15)

Similarly for locksmith work, with the exception of those obtained according to regulatory data.

T total.sles.osm. \u003d T o.sles. 1.1; (2.16)

those. labor intensity will increase by 10% due to work in different shops (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2. Repairs

Unit name

Location of the machine

Type of repair

Total labor intensity, n-h.




stacker crane



Vertical drilling

Vertical drilling


edge trimmer

Due to the lack of delivery of spare parts to the workshop from outside, as of July 2009, the coefficient of their accounting does not reduce the total complexity of repairs and is equal to 1.

Table 2.3. sightseeing

Unit name

Location of the machine

The labor intensity of metalwork, n-h.

The labor intensity of machine work, n-h.

Total labor intensity, n-h.




Boiler room









T total. \u003d 3065 h; T total station =1037 h; T total =3065+1037 =4102 h.h.

The labor intensity of repair work for other months of the year is calculated in a similar way (see Table 2.4). Based on these data, a summary graph of changes in the labor intensity of repair work planned in the mechanical repair shop for 2009 is built. The construction is carried out taking into account the possible restructuring of repair plans by months, i.e. from the busiest months, a certain number of major repairs were carried over to the previous month. This chart looks like this:

Rice. 2.2. Diagram of the labor intensity of planned repairs for 2009

Table 2.4




3. Proposed measures to improve the organization of production and their economic efficiency

3.1 Construction of a calendar schedule for the duration of repairs

To carry out all work on the repair and maintenance of equipment and other types of fixed assets, a rational organization and well-planned work of the mechanical repair shop is necessary. Thus, to optimize the management and management of the organization of work, it is advisable to plan the duration of the repair.

The planned duration of the equipment repair depends on the complexity of the repair work, the repair complexity of the equipment, and the number of the repair team. With this data, you can build a calendar schedule for the duration of repairs. Unfortunately, such a schedule is not used in this workshop. However, it can be used to more accurately determine the days of equipment delivery for repairs, the workload of workers during the day, and the possibility of expanding work.

Scheduled maintenance chart shows that July is the busiest month of the year.

The construction of a work schedule for the mechanical repair shop for July must be started by grouping the necessary inspections by objects.

From 21 to 39 - nomenclature numbers of service objects.

Table 3.1. Grouping inspections by objects



The total labor intensity of inspections and maintenance in each workshop and department is determined as the sum of the labor intensity of work on servicing objects separately for machine operators and locksmiths. Inspections can be carried out during free time from planned repairs. To build a calendar schedule for the duration of repairs, we calculate the duration of repairs according to the formula:

where T n is the planned duration of the repair of a piece of equipment, hours;

t is the norm of labor intensity of the corresponding type of repair of a unit of repair complexity;

R m - units of repair complexity;

Ch p - the number of the repair team, people;

The coefficient of processing norms.

It is impossible to accurately determine the alternation of the work of locksmiths and machine operators in the workshop in time, therefore, within the brigade, it is necessary to independently determine the volume and time of carrying out certain types of work (locksmith and machine tools).

Taking into account the number of employees calculated above and the categories of complexity of production repairs, the team should have 16 people. When constructing a calendar schedule, we take into account that the total time for the work is divided by 16 employees of the brigade (of which 11 are locksmiths, 5 are machine operators).

Table 3.2. Calculation of the duration of scheduled repairs

Repair object number

equipment identification

Equipment location

Planned duration of repair








stacker crane






Vertical drilling


Vertical drilling




edge trimmer






Based on the data obtained, we build a graph, guided by the following principles:

1. For the repair of each machine, it is necessary to leave time exceeding the duration of the scheduled repair in case the need arises for repairs with a greater labor intensity than the standard one. This time is called reserve time.

2. Each new machine begins to be serviced at the beginning of the next shift or from its second half (this is necessary so that the worker sees the result of his work, and the workshop area is not unnecessarily loaded).

3. If, according to planned calculations, the repair time of the machine ends in the middle of the shift, but does not exceed half of it, then the number of remaining hours of this day is taken as the reserve time.

4. If the repair time of the machine ends in the middle of the shift and exceeds half of it, then the remaining hours of the day and the first half of the next shift are taken as the reserve time.

5. If there is no unforeseen repair, this day is used for maintenance so that workers are not idle.

On the basis of these principles, a calendar schedule for the duration of planned repairs for July 2009 was built (see Fig. 3.1).

So, according to the schedule, the exact dates of the repair of certain machines and the days of maintenance are visible. Free hours can be used to produce various services on the shop floor.

Creation of a calendar schedule for the duration of repairs, which will streamline the receipt of a particular type of equipment for repairs, relieve the workshop area from excessive workload, enable employees to better navigate the timing of work, which will save them from a sharp increase in the volume of work at the end of the month. Using this schedule, you can more clearly design the loading of equipment in production departments. The construction of this schedule for all twelve months will clearly reflect the days of downtime during the year and will allow you to more rationally distribute repairs by months, determine the most desirable vacation time for workers.

3.2 Organization of an integrated repair team

Since at FSUE "Kalugapribor" all types of repairs, and sometimes overhaul maintenance, are carried out by the forces of the mechanical repair shop, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the shop workers, its organizational structure are of great importance.

This paper proposes the formation of an integrated repair team in the workshop, which will include workers different professions performing a complex of technologically diverse works, covering all types of repair and maintenance of metalworking and other equipment. The expediency of choosing this type of brigades is explained by the following factors:

Implementation of a complex of interrelated works that require the simultaneous participation of a group of performers;

The inability to establish a constant volume and scope of work due to unforeseen repairs;

The number, professional and qualification composition of the brigade is set depending on the planned labor intensity and complexity of the planned repair and maintenance work.

In Chapter 2 of the thesis, the required number of employees was determined. Calculations showed that even in the busiest month of 2009, 5 machine operators and 11 locksmiths should be involved in the implementation of repairs and maintenance. They are the repair team.

Currently, the workshop employs 6 machine operators and 15 locksmiths engaged in repair and maintenance, which exceeds the required number of workers by 5 people (1 machine operator and 4 locksmiths). Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the number of workers of the lowest qualification category, not corresponding to the maintenance of equipment of medium and high complexity, or transfer them to the repair shop bases of the main production shops.

To substantiate this proposal, a comparative calculation of wages for the full and reduced staff was made.

The wage fund is set as the product of the planned labor input by the piecework average hourly cost of one standard hour, taking into account the% of the bonus. For all types of work on the repair and maintenance of equipment, time standards are set in standard hours. These works are carried out in accordance with the work plan, which is compiled on the basis of monthly repair and maintenance schedules. The planned and paid document for the brigade is the monthly work plan. In the monthly work plan, the brigade establishes:

Names and numbers of repaired and serviced equipment.

The sum of units of repair complexity,

Type of repair and average level of work;

Planned labor intensity in standard hours;

The amount of standard wages for the performance of work in rubles;

Scheduled terms of performance of works;

When filling out the plan-order, the average tariff category of work is set depending on their name and the repair complexity of the equipment to be repaired in a given month.

Table 3.3. Work plan

For each employee, the monthly tariff earnings are determined in accordance with the hours worked by him and the assigned category.

Table 3.4. Calculation of monthly tariff earnings (ZP tar.per.month) for the full composition of the workers of the brigade

RFP tar.per.month , rub.

For locksmiths:

Table 3.5. Calculation of monthly tariff earnings (ZP tar.per.month) for the reduced composition of the work brigade

Hours worked (F actual month), h

Tariff rate (From hour i), rub.

RFP tar.per.month , rub.

For locksmiths:

The salary of workers consists of:

Monthly tariff earnings;

Piecework earnings, accrued taking into account the coefficient of distribution of earnings;

Premiums accrued taking into account the premium distribution coefficient.

The calculation is made in the following order:

PRk sd. =ZP br -ZP tar.duration.month. , (3.2)

where PRk sd. - piecework earnings of the brigade.

To r.pr. - coefficient of distribution of piecework earnings of the brigade.

The coefficient of distribution of the brigade bonus (K r.p.) is calculated:

Table 3.6. Calculation of wages for the full composition of the workers of the brigade

RFP tar.per.month , rub.

Piecework earnings, rub. (K r.pr. \u003d 0.1)

Prize, rub. (Kr.p. = 0.33)

Salary, rub

For locksmiths:

Table 3.7. Calculation of wages for the reduced composition of the workers of the brigade

RFP tar.per.month , rub.

Piecework earnings, rub.

(K r.pr. \u003d 0.35)

Prize, rub. (Kr.p. = 0.4)

Salary, rub

For locksmiths:

For machine operators:

From these calculations, we can conclude that such a measure increases the wages of workers by an average of 22.5%, which increases their material interest.

Another positive indicator can be output per worker:

where B 1 - output per worker with the full composition of the brigade;

B 2 - output per worker with a reduced composition of the brigade;

N 1, N 2 - the number of workers in the team;

T - the complexity of repair work.

Based on the previously made calculations of the number of workers and engineers of the shop, the following organizational structure is proposed:

Rice. 3.2. New organizational structure of the mechanical repair shop at FSUE "Kalugapribor"


To maintain the equipment in working condition, carry out repairs to reduce the loss of time for equipment repairs, FSUE Kalugapribor has a special repair shop, which is one of the important areas of auxiliary production. The workshop carries out repairs of the main and auxiliary, handling and other equipment that the plant has. The main tasks of the mechanical repair shop are: carrying out overhaul maintenance of equipment, timely repair and modernization.

The peculiarity of the repair shop lies in the exceptionally wide variety of processes used in the repair. Therefore, the introduction of new technologies in factories that do not specialize in repairs is difficult. This requires an increase in the organization of work in the repair shop and taking into account the most rational and possible in this moment share of obtaining spare parts for factory equipment from outside.

When calculating the number of employees, the chosen method of organizing work (centralized, decentralized, mixed) is of great importance. The main difference between the methods lies in the distribution of work between the mechanical repair shop and shop repair bases, which reduces or increases labor intensity.

Firstly, it is proposed to form a complex repair team in the workshop, which will include workers of various professions performing a complex of technologically diverse works, covering all types of repair and maintenance of metalworking and other equipment. The main advantages of integrated teams are:

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Course work

on the course "Organization of production at the enterprise"

on the topic "Improving the organization of the repair economy at the enterprise (on the example of GZPD)"





Competent and efficient organization of repair facilities at a machine-building enterprise has always been a guarantor of its normal operation. But this problem has become especially urgent in our country in recent years. This is due to the complex financial position domestic enterprises that are not able to update or modernize their fixed assets in a timely manner. Optimal use of repair units should to some extent reduce the losses from obsolescence and wear and tear of equipment. This, of course, by no means can completely solve the problem of renewing fixed assets, but it will help in some way to mitigate the threat of a sharp drop in production.

For various enterprises, the organization of a repair enterprise implies its own strictly individual approach, based on the specifics of the enterprise, its size and staffing. At small enterprises, a centralized method of organizing repairs is mainly used, at large enterprises it is decentralized, but this is by no means a rule - each enterprise must choose the most optimal method for itself based on economic feasibility.

This course work describes the Gomel start-up engine plant, which is particularly acute problem of depreciation of fixed assets. This enterprise has centralized system organization of repairs, although it has the capacity for large-scale and mass production. Despite the presence of the RMC, the workshops often stand idle or produce defects. The reason for this is that the RMC does not have time to carry out scheduled repairs in order of priority before they fail. Therefore, in the course work it is proposed to change the approach to the organization of repairs, making it decentralized. Thus, a personal repair service will be carried out directly for each workshop, which is designed to reduce losses from equipment breakdowns. This will require slightly more workers and machines, but the reduction in waste and downtime should offset these additional costs. Also, the decentralized system makes it possible to reduce the time for equipment changeover, which had to be carried out at the RMC for each workshop with special equipment.

The structure of the course work also includes some theoretical foundations of the organization of the repair economy (part 1), as well as possible ways its improvement (part 3).

The main objective of the course work is to find ways to improve production efficiency at the enterprise with the help of better organization of the work of its repair units. Unfortunately in present time at domestic enterprises, the repair base is not flexible enough, which is explained by the large number of specialized equipment, while many of them are forced to re-profile their production due to the market situation. In this case, it is necessary to completely revise the organization of repairs at the enterprise, optimizing it for new specifics. It takes a lot of time and financial resources. However, for some reason this problem does not attract sufficient attention, although it is quite relevant.

Attention to the organization of repairs at enterprises should be especially close in modern conditions, involving tough competition, in which quality wins now, first of all, the proper level of which cannot be achieved with current state production base of the domestic industry.

1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of repair facilities

1.1 Tasks and structure of the repair facility

The repair facility, which is part of the auxiliary production of a machine-building enterprise, is designed to perform a set of works on maintenance and repair of factory equipment, to ensure its most efficient use.

The main direction in the design of the repair production of new or reconstructed plants is its specialization and centralization, providing:

A) obtaining spare parts and assemblies for the repair of universal equipment from domestic equipment manufacturers, as well as from specialized enterprises and associations of machine tool industry, which also have to carry out the bulk of the overhaul of this equipment.

B) Establishment in industrial regions and units of branch and inter-branch specialized enterprises and workshops for centralized repair of equipment of the same type, production of spare parts and replaceable units for it, as well as production of non-standardized equipment for groups of plants. When designing new and reconstructing or expanding existing machine-building plants, it is necessary to proceed from long-term plans sectoral and intersectoral specialization of repair production and centralized provision of spare parts for equipment by creating a common specialized repair enterprise to service a group of factories that are part of an industrial hub, association or complex of enterprises.

C) limiting the scope of work of mechanical repair shops and repair bases of the designed individual machine-building enterprises, mainly by the production of small and medium-sized repairs of all technological and handling equipment, as well as overhaul and the manufacture of spare parts for imported and certain types of specialized domestic equipment.

The centralization of the production of spare parts and the specialization of repair enterprises increase labor productivity and the quality of repair work, as well as reduce their cost.

In the repair and mechanical shops of a number of plants, work is also carried out to modernize equipment, manufacture means of mechanization and automation of production, safety measures, as well as the manufacture of individual special machine tools and other equipment.

According to their purpose, the equipment of a machine-building plant to be repaired can be divided into the following groups:

Technological equipment:

· Mechanical - metal-cutting, metal-pressing forging and pressing, foundry, woodworking;

· Furnace - heating furnaces in blacksmith shops, heat treatment furnaces, melting and drying plants in foundries, etc.;

Handling equipment:

· Crane - bridge and beam cranes, special portal, console and other cranes;

· Conveyors and elevators;

· Ground - carts of any kind, etc.;

Energy equipment:

· Electrotechnical - electric motors, transformers, electric welding machines, electrical equipment and devices, electrical networks;

· Thermal power - equipment of compressor, boiler, pumping, oxygen, acetylene and other stations.

Sanitary equipment:equipment pumping stations, ventilation devices, air conditioning systems, etc.

Industrial wiring: pipelines of water supply, sewerage, air and gas supply systems, etc.

In small machine-building plants, the operation and repair of all equipment is the responsibility of the department of the chief mechanic of the plant; repairs are carried out in a mechanical repair shop, which also includes the corresponding departments (electrical repair, pipeline, etc.). At large plants, depending on the scale, nature and conditions of production, as well as the location of the plant, special workshops are organized to repair different groups of equipment.

1.2 Forms of organization of repair work

To organize repair work at the factories, a repair service is created, the tasks of which are as follows:

1. supervision and maintenance of existing equipment in order to correct minor defects and possible prevention of breakdowns;

2. timely (scheduled preventive) repair of equipment;

3. modernization of equipment.

At large factories, the repair of equipment of all shops is carried out by the repair shop and repair bases of production shops.

The performance of all types of repair work is distributed between the mechanical repair shop and the repair bases of production shops, depending on the size of the enterprise and the nature of production; in connection with this, one form or another of the organization of the production of repair work is established: centralized, decentralized, mixed.

The centralized form of organization provides for the implementation of all types of repair work, as well as the modernization of equipment by the forces of the mechanical repair shop, which is under the supervision of the chief mechanic of the plant. This form of organization is used in factories where each shop has equipment of no more than 500 repair units.

In a decentralized form of organization, all types of repair work, including major repairs, as well as equipment upgrades, are carried out by shop repair bases under the guidance of a shop mechanic. This form of repair organization is used in factories whose workshops have equipment for more than 800 repair units. In this case, the repair and mechanical shop of the plant manufactures replacement parts and spare parts for storeroom spare parts, restores parts, overhauls some of the most labor-intensive and complex units.

In a mixed form of organization, all types of repair work, except for capital repairs, are carried out by shop repair bases, and major repairs (and sometimes medium ones), as well as equipment upgrades, are carried out by a mechanical repair shop. This form of organization of repair work is used in factories whose workshops have equipment from 500 to 800 repair units.

All types of repair work, except for major repairs, are carried out at the installation site of the unit. On-site overhaul is carried out only for heavy machines (over 2.5 tons), the rest are transported to the mechanical repair shop.

1. Organization of repair.

The organization of repair and maintenance of equipment of domestic machine-building enterprises is based on a system of preventive maintenance (PPR), the essence of which is that after the unit has worked for a certain number of hours, it is subjected to various types of preventive maintenance and scheduled repairs, the sequence and frequency of which is determined the purpose of the unit, its design and repair features, dimensions and operating conditions.

The PPR system is aimed at preventing intensive wear of equipment, sharply reduces the possibility of its unforeseen failure and allows repair work to be carried out in the shortest time by pre-preparation. As a result of the application of the PPR system, conditions are created for the efficient use of equipment, reducing its wear and tear, increasing its useful life, and improving the quality of repair work.

The fundamental foundations of the PPR system are established by the Regulations on preventive maintenance of technological and handling equipment of machine-building enterprises.

Types of maintenance and repair work:

Overhaul maintenance includes monitoring compliance with the rules for operating the equipment, timely elimination of minor malfunctions and adjustment of mechanisms carried out by workers servicing the units, adjusters and duty personnel who are part of the auxiliary workers of the workshop, and performed during breaks in the operation of the unit, without disrupting the production process.

Inspections - a type of scheduled maintenance; carried out to check the condition of the equipment, eliminate minor malfunctions and identify the amount of preparatory work to be performed during the next scheduled repair; are carried out by repair mechanics with the involvement, if necessary, of those working on the equipment.

Minor repair - a type of scheduled repair associated with the replacement or restoration of worn parts and adjustment of mechanisms and ensuring the normal operation of the unit until the next scheduled repair.

Medium repair - a type of scheduled repair associated with partial disassembly of the unit, overhaul of its individual components, replacement or restoration of the main worn parts, assembly, regulation and testing of the unit under load.

Overhaul - a type of scheduled repair, in which the unit is completely disassembled, all worn parts and assemblies are replaced, basic and other parts and assemblies are repaired, the unit is assembled, adjusted and tested under load.

During medium and major repairs, the standards or specifications geometric accuracy, power and performance of the unit for the period until the next scheduled medium or major overhaul.

Proper organization of the PPR system should, as a rule, exclude unscheduled repairs caused by accidents and equipment breakdowns.

Repair cycle. The duration of the repair cycle is the length of time between putting the equipment into operation and the first overhaul (for newly installed equipment) or between two consecutive overhauls (for equipment in operation).

The structure of the repair cycle is determined by the list and sequence of repair and maintenance work performed during this period of time.

The structure of the equipment repair cycle depends on its classification and age.

The duration of the repair cycle, overhaul periods (lengths of time between two regular scheduled inspections or between the next scheduled repair and inspection) are determined for each group of equipment depending on many factors: the type of equipment, its design and repair features, conditions and nature of work, specificity and series production, etc.

The degree of complexity of the repair of each piece of equipment is estimated by the category of repair complexity, depending on its design and technological features indicated in the passport characteristics.

The category of complexity of repair of each piece of equipment is determined by comparing with the complexity of repair of the reference unit, which is taken as screw-cutting lathe 1K62 with the largest diameter of the workpiece 400 mm. And the distance between centers is 1000 mm.

This machine corresponds to the 11th category of complexity, or, in other words, 11 conditional repair units (RE), taken as a meter for the labor intensity and machine intensity of repair work, according to which design calculations are made for the number of workers, equipment, and material consumption.

Categories of repair complexity (number of repair units) for different types of technological and handling equipment are given in the Unified PPR System. Dependences and formulas for determining the complexity category of repair of various types of equipment according to their design features are also given there.

By dividing the sum of repair complexity categories (repair units) of the equipment of each workshop by the number of units (pieces) of this equipment, the average repair complexity is determined for the workshop, and then for the plant as a whole. These average values ​​are different for plants in different branches of engineering.

As the initial data for determining the labor intensity of equipment repair and maintenance work, the time standards for one repair unit, established taking into account the use of advanced technology and high-performance methods for performing repair work, were adopted. The structure of the repair cycle (the number of medium and small repairs per cycle) is different for different types of equipment, as a result of which the labor intensity of work in one repair cycle is also different.

The composition of the mechanical repair shop.

It depends on the scale and seriality of the main production, the degree of its cooperation in auxiliary production and the volume of scheduled repairs and other works.

With regard to the scheme of the technological process for the overhaul of the mechanical part of the technological and handling equipment, the RMC may include the following departments (sections) and premises:

The main departments (sections): procurement; dismantling (dismantling and flushing); mechanical (manufacturing and restoration of parts); metalwork and assembly; metallization and surfacing; galvanic (metal plating); blacksmith; thermal; boiler and welding; tin-copper; pipeline; test; painting.

Ancillary and storage areas: sharpening area; repair base of the shop mechanic; expedition; warehouses of metal, blanks, spare parts; pantries of auxiliary materials, instrumental and distributing, intermediate (interoperational).

Office premises.

RMCs do not always have the full composition of the listed departments and sites. In the repair shops of small factories, some of them may be absent (for example, forging, thermal, galvanizing, grinding) or combined with co-located tool and other shops. Heat treatment, production of forgings and castings for repair needs, metal plating can be performed in the production shops of the main production or received from outside. On the contrary, at large factories (mainly large-scale and mass production), separate repair and forge and repair and foundry shops are organized. At such plants, they are sometimes separated into separate mechanical assembly shops (manufacturing of non-standardized equipment), pipe and tinsmith shops (heat repair shops) and shops for mechanization and automation.

At large plants, as part of the RMC, specialized departments (sections) can be organized: repair of hydraulics, repair of scales, etc.

When using advanced methods of equipment repair at the plant and, in particular, the nodal method of repair of equipment models of the same name, available at the plant in significant quantities, in which the units of the unit that require repair are removed and replaced with spare ones, repaired in advance (purchased or manufactured), the RMC includes warehouses (pantries) of spare units and units requiring repair (removed).

At small plants (mainly small-scale and single-piece production), it is recommended that the RMC cooperate with the main production shops for large-sized and special machines that have a very small load in the RMC.

2. Organization of repair facilities at the GZPD

2.1 The structure of the repair facilities at the enterprise GZPD

At the described enterprise, there is a centralized organization of repair work, i.e. there is a repair and mechanical shop, which is run by the department of the chief mechanic and reports directly to the chief mechanic. In addition, in the workshop operational management division is carried out by the head of the RMC. According to the state, he is entitled to a deputy, who is not currently available. The organizational structure has the following form - the following units are directly subordinate to the head of the repair shop:

a group of repairmen led by a foreman;

group of riggers (maintenance of overhead cranes);

· an economic group headed by a shop economist and including one or more rate-setting economists;

a group of turners-repairmen;

· PPR group, directly carrying out the planning of repair work.

The power shop provides for the presence of its own repair specialists - repair electricians who report to the head of this shop.

At the moment, the number of the repair shop ranges from 40 to 60 people, the PPR group and riggers are virtually absent due to difficulties with wages. According to the plan, the number of RMCs should be (with a full load of PM) about 150 people for this enterprise.

In fact, the enterprise has long lacked a PPR system and a centralized repair system as such, despite the presence of the RMC. Necessary repairs are carried out by workshops on site. RMC, on the other hand, performs only work on the production of necessary spare parts.

At present, only the repairmen, their foreman, the economist-rate-setter, and, in fact, the head of the shop, remained in the repair shop. This situation does not correspond in any way to the necessary amount of repair work at the enterprise. Therefore, the presence of the RMC as a repair unit can be considered inappropriate. It no longer fulfills the functions assigned to it. The proposed transition to a decentralized method of carrying out repair work will not bring anything particularly new to the work of the enterprise, however, it will consolidate the actually existing system and will get rid of unnecessary, inefficiently working units.

2.2 General characteristics of the described enterprise

The main activity of the plant is the development, production and sale of starting motors, gearboxes, spare parts for them, small-sized diesel engines, welding electrodes, hemo- and enterosorbents, consumer goods. In addition, the plant develops, manufactures and sells on the side of automation and mechanization of production, develops design estimates and performs construction works, renders paid services population, conducts intermediary and commercial activities.

GZPD was formed in 1944 on the basis of engine repair shops. The main purpose of the formation of the engine repair plant was to create a base for the technological maintenance of agriculture in the republic.

The plant is located on two sites, remote from one another at a distance of 4 km. The total area is 36.6 hectares, the production area is 74.1 thousand square meters. m.

Currently, the plant is undergoing a restructuring of management. One of the sites for better manageability and efficiency is transformed into a branch of the main enterprise with its own full-time director and his staff.

At the end of 2001, the structure of the plant included 6 main production shops (diesel engine shop, passenger car repair shop, starter unit shop, sorbents shop, electrode shop, casting shop and consumer goods shop), 6 auxiliary production shops (repair and mechanical , tool, power, transport, mechanization and automation workshop, repair and construction site) and 34 subdivisions of departments and services.

The production capacities of the enterprise, taking into account the mothballed capacities, make it possible to ensure the production of 100 thousand pieces. starting motors, 17 thousand tons of electrodes, 6000 pcs. small diesel engines per year.

The use of the production capacity of the plant.

Thus, due to the lack of working capital, production capacities are actually frozen. The main types of products are produced with the expectation of a specific customer and in very small batches. Such production facilities that were created at the plant are not feasible at the moment. However, there are problems with the sale of unused fixed assets, since the equipment is very specialized and, moreover, is in poor condition. So the production capacities at the plant are preserved, although they are not used one hundred percent.

Wage data are given in the prices of the corresponding year.

The number of personnel of the plant has a constant tendency to decrease, which is associated with an insufficiently high level of wages at the enterprise. The wage fund also does not grow, if we take into account its real value, but it decreases slightly.

Such a slight decrease in wages is due only to uncovered state loans, thanks to which wages at the plant remain at an acceptable level. Due to the prohibitively high average production costs compared to revenue, the enterprise is not able to provide wages by itself.

The state of fixed assets of the enterprise.

The table below shows average cost all fixed assets accounted for in this division.

As can be seen from the table, the vast majority of shops and departments have fixed assets that are worn out by more than 50%. About half of them reach the 100% milestone, and some enter the second life. This is explained by the fact that, due to a lack of working capital, the last time the fixed assets were significantly updated was in 1991.

The most worn-out objects turned out to be those that do not directly affect the production process and the profitability of the enterprise, which is understandable. The production facilities in the workshops are on average worn out by 55 - 65%, although here it is also necessary to take into account the specifics of each workshop - some of them have reached 90% deterioration. On the whole, if it goes on like this, then in 5-6 years the plant will have no fixed assets left, which have already almost exhausted their resources.

The indicators of capital productivity and capital intensity reflect the low degree of return on fixed assets, which is explained by the incomplete use of production capacities.

Analysis financial condition and financial results of economic activity of the plant.

As can be seen from the table, the enterprise is unprofitable, has no profit and own funds, that is, in fact, it lives only at the expense of state assistance. In addition, having illiquid assets, it is not able to cover loans.

It should be noted that the plant bears the main losses from its core activities, in particular, in the production of start-up units that do not have sustainable demand. The production of spare parts for agricultural machinery turned out to be profitable, and the production of small-sized diesel engines can be profitable with sufficient investment support.

2.3 Annual program, mode of operation and time funds

Annual program.

The design of the mechanical repair services of the plant is carried out on the basis of a program that is the total amount of work on maintenance and all types of equipment repairs and other works (modernization, production of non-standard equipment) to be completed within a year.

The overhaul maintenance of equipment is conditionally not included in this volume according to the approved technical design standards, since this work is performed by auxiliary personnel of production shops (locksmiths, lubricators), which are taken into account separately from repair services.

The main section of the program for the calculation of repair services is the maintenance of equipment and scheduled repairs. Other types of work are accepted on an enlarged basis as a percentage of the main ones.

The annual volume of repair work for maintenance and scheduled repairs of equipment (in PE) to be performed by repair services is called the repair capacity and is determined by the formula:

P - the duration of the repair cycle (in years) for the same equipment.

The annual repair capacity for the plant can be determined by detailed or enlarged calculations.

For detailed calculations, they proceed from the full specification of the equipment being serviced by the workshops of the plant.

The category of repair complexity and the duration of the repair cycle for each standard size of equipment are established according to the Unified PPR system. repair labor intensity cost equipment

A detailed method for calculating the repair capacity in design practice is not used because of its complexity, the need for a lot of labor and a long time.

This method is used to determine the standard average repair complexity by type of equipment or by workshops of factories in the corresponding industry or sub-sector.

The normative values ​​of the average repair complexity and the average cycle time by type of equipment or by workshops are used for integrated calculations of the repair capacity.

Calculation of annual repair capacity by types of equipment.

Wp - coefficient characterizing the type of production;

Wto - coefficient characterizing the type of equipment;

Wu - coefficient characterizing the conditions of functioning;

Vm is a coefficient characterizing the properties of the material being processed.

The annual repair capacity for this unit is obtained by dividing by the average cycle of the product of the average repair complexity by the number of pieces of equipment. The duration of the repair cycle in days is 1596.

Mode of operation and funds of time.

The mode of operation of mechanical repair services (RMC) is taken the same as in the production workshops they serve. Basically it is a two-shift mode.

The following are taken as the basis of the funds: the duration of the five-day working week is 41 hours, the holidays in the year are 8, work time per shift - 8.2 hours, working days per year - 253.

The actual annual fund of equipment operation time when working in two shifts is 4015 hours, the workplace when working in two shifts is 2070 hours.

When determining the structure of the work cycle, we will take into account the severe wear and low quality of the equipment installed in the workshops of the enterprise.

Let's define it like this:

K - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - S - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - K.

That is, when servicing equipment, it is recommended to focus on minor repairs and routine maintenance of machine tools, which will reduce the main repair costs and ensure smooth operation of the equipment throughout the entire repair cycle.

Let's determine the duration of the overhaul period with the structure of the repair cycle - 24 - 6 - 1:

hour. = 200 days;

hour. = 50 days;

where Trc is the duration of the repair cycle;

n is the number of repairs.

Thus, inspections are carried out every 50 days, and minor repairs every 200 days.

2.4 Determination of the complexity of repair work and the time spent on overhaul maintenance

For this enterprise, which has a repair and mechanical shop at its disposal and uses a centralized method of organizing repairs, it is proposed to abolish the RMC and switch to a decentralized repair system. This is due to the low quality of the equipment and the need for closer control over it (the location of the plant on two sites is also taken into account. All calculations are carried out on an enlarged basis for the workshops of the main and auxiliary production.

When designing the mechanical repair services of the plant, the number of equipment and workers is determined based on the complexity of the repair work to be performed by these services. The calculation of labor input by workshops is given in tables 2.6 and 2.7:

Standards of time for carrying out the corresponding types of repairs.

The time spent on overhaul maintenance is defined in hours. For each workshop, they can be determined from table 8 at the intersection of the column and row corresponding to a specific operation and a specific unit, respectively.

2.5 Calculation of the number of equipment

The machine tools of the mechanical department of the RMC are divided into main and auxiliary. In the general plant classification, all equipment of repair services is classified as auxiliary.

The amount of the main equipment of the RMC is determined in total by calculating the labor intensity of machine work. Auxiliary equipment is not calculated, but accepted as a complete set.

The calculation of the amount of equipment for servicing each of the production units is carried out as follows:

Calculation of the amount of equipment required for repair work.

Thus, to carry out maintenance and repair work at the enterprise, it is necessary to have 116 special machines and 116 universal ones, in total - 232 machines.

2.6 Calculation of the number of employees

According to the general plant classification, all workers of mechanical repair services belong to the group of auxiliary workers.

Within these services, they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main workers include machine operators, locksmiths, welders, heat-treaters, etc.

The number of repair workers for each workshop is determined from the complexity of repair work and overhaul maintenance as follows:

3. The main ways to improve the repair economy

The main goal of improving the repair facilities at the enterprise is to increase the efficiency of the functioning of all departments, improve the quality of products and reduce their cost.

In order for the production process at the enterprise to be sufficiently smooth and reliable during repair work, it is necessary to observe the precautionary principle, otherwise an economically advantageous level of operational reliability of the equipment will not be ensured, i.e. losses from machine downtime will exceed some benefit from the use of parts or other components until their complete failure.

The precautionary principle during repair work implies a situational analysis of the state of the equipment with an assessment of the true technical condition of the machines, which is determined using diagnostic tools and methods. That is, the corresponding repair and maintenance work should not be carried out according to a strict schedule, but should take into account various objective factors that affect the equipment during its operation in different ways.

When carrying out current repairs, taking into account technical and economic feasibility, preference should be given to the aggregate method using pre-repaired units and other components. This allows to reduce the time of current repairs, improve its quality and reduce the requirements for the qualifications of workers.

The use of smaller parts in aggregate repair is one of the promising ways to improve its efficiency.

This path provides prompt, high-quality and affordable repairs, due to the possibility of a free, economically feasible choice by the owners of the equipment of the type and performer of the necessary repairs. For the enterprise described, this choice has already been made - it includes a special repair unit - a mechanical repair shop serving 6 main production shops and 6 auxiliary shops to be replaced by repair bases (sites) as part of each shop.

This choice can be useful under the following conditions:

· sites should be independently and uniformly supplied with spare parts and materials at reasonable rates;

· decentralization of the repair facilities should ensure the competitive nature of the activities of all repair and maintenance units;

Availability of quickly adjusted equipment for prompt performance of work;

· enough level maintenance worker qualifications.

As for the production assets and capacities of the repair and maintenance departments of the enterprise, the main direction in improving their use is technical re-equipment. It should be aimed at increasing the flexibility of repair production, its multi-product specialization, and focusing on the repair of units and assemblies of machines and equipment.

In the field of planning the reproduction of fixed production assets, it is advisable to use scientific approaches and management methods. In the field of technical supervision, maintenance and repair of fixed production assets - raising the technical level of mechanical repair units, strengthening the motivation to improve the quality of work.

In the system of repair production in modern conditions, the exchange fund is important. Its role increases with the growth of specialization and concentration of production, with the development of production cooperation.

The presence of an exchange fund helps to improve the service of enterprises, reduce the repair time, improve the quality of repair work and quick recovery out-of-service machines and units, relatively uniform loading of repair units.

The main directions in the field of organization of production are the development of specialization and cooperation both in the production of basic products and in the organization of a repair facility.

Also, to improve the efficiency of repair maintenance, it is necessary to unify and standardize the elements of spare parts, use systems computer-aided design based on classification and coding, duration reduction design work and improving their quality.

In the field of direct organization of repair work, the principles of rational organization of production (proportionality, parallelism, etc.), the use of computers must be observed.

One of the directions for improving the repair economy is the development of a new state documentation system (GOST, OST, STP) for organizing and managing the process of equipment repair, which, first of all, should reflect the best domestic and foreign experience.

Usage new documentation will raise the level of labor productivity of repair workers, reduce their number.

Of great importance is the improvement of planning methods and economic incentives for the work of repair shops and individual brigade workers. Methods for planning and evaluating the activities of divisions and teams of repair production in market economic conditions should stimulate the uninterrupted maintenance of the main production and reduce repair costs.

Specialization at the enterprise level will increase the level of mechanization of repair work and optimize the number of workers.

When designing new machines and mechanisms, developing technological processes, factors that contribute to reducing the share of costs should be taken into account manual labor during their operation and maintenance.

The TSTOR system (Typical Maintenance and Repair System) must be adjusted at the enterprise, taking into account local business conditions.

To improve the process of repair maintenance, it is necessary to introduce ACS - automated repair management systems that meet all modern requirements for ensuring equipment reliability under any operating conditions (multi-shift, continuity) and can be widely used at industrial enterprises.

ACS provides planning of repair work, control over their implementation, distribution of labor costs by type of repair and their analysis, rational use all resources.

When designing repair units, it is necessary to strictly follow the current norms, instructions and design rules related to labor protection, safety, fire and explosion safety.

The following indicators are used in the technical and economic analysis of repair units:

· the total number of serviced technological and handling equipment of the plant;

The average duration of the repair cycle in years;

annual repair capacity in PE;

· the level of centralized provision of spare parts as a percentage of the total need;

· the level of centralized execution on the side of overhauls as a percentage of their total volume;

· the total number of basic (metal-cutting) equipment of mechanical repair services.

Optimization of these indicators should be the goal of any improvement, which should be expressed primarily in improving quality, improving labor productivity, increasing production volumes, improving capital productivity and material intensity, etc.

Another way to improve the repair service can be called perhaps the transition to the purchase of repair services from specialized repair companies. This is quite relevant for our manufacturers, who are often unable to service their fixed assets properly and at the same level of costs as specialized enterprises. In addition, the quality of repair work at enterprises specializing in repair should be incomparably better.


In conclusion, it must be said that the repair service at domestic enterprises today has not yet reached the level of perfection at which their maximum efficiency is possible. There is a lack of necessary equipment and qualified workers. After all, in the repair business, you need universal equipment of the most best quality, and workers, not only highly qualified, but also capable of servicing various types of equipment. If there is an RMC at the enterprise, which serves several workshops that are often not connected with each other in the production cycle and produce completely different products, the designer needs to think about what equipment to supply to the RMC, and which workers to invite in order to carry out repair work at the same time, for example on a specialized production line production line for the production of gearboxes and asynchronous motors that generate direct current in the electrolysis shop. Each of these divisions requires a strictly individual approach, both in the choice of equipment for repair and the choice of repair workers.

For enterprises that produce more or less homogeneous products and have the opportunity to purchase the appropriate equipment and workers, it is advisable to have a RMC and use a centralized method of repair service.

For enterprises like GZPD, whose product range is very different (metal products, plastics, chemicals, etc.), and which are not able to provide their RMCs with the appropriate equipment and personnel, it is advisable to specialize repair bases by workshops. In this case, the problem with the workers is solved - such a level of their qualification and versatility is not needed, especially since many of the main workers in this workshop will be able to carry out repair work themselves if they have the appropriate equipment. The equipment is also specialized in some way - in any case, the problem with its constant readjustment will disappear.

In short, any production system must be flexible enough, be it the main or auxiliary production, and respond to changes in the external environment quickly enough, and ideally, even ahead of them. Our economic system, if it has already come to an understanding of market laws, has turned out to be rather difficult to lift and clumsy, which is why we now see such a state of domestic industry.


1. "Design of machine-building plants and workshops", ed. B.I. Aizenberg, vol. 5. M. 1975.

2. M. E. Egorov "Fundamentals of designing machine-building plants", M. 1969.

3. N.S. Sachko "Organization and operational planning of machine-building production", Mn. 1977.

4. N.S. Sachko, I.M. Babuk "Organization and planning at a machine-building enterprise", Mn. 1976.

5. R.A. Fathkhutdinov "Organization of production".

6. "Organization, planning and management of a machine-building enterprise", ed. Radionova.

7. Kozhekin R.Ya., Sinitsin L.M. "Organization of production", Mn. 1998.

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The efficiency of the use of motor vehicles depends on the perfection of the organization of the transport process and the properties of vehicles to maintain within certain limits the values ​​of parameters characterizing their ability to perform the required functions. During the operation of the car, its functional properties gradually deteriorate due to wear, corrosion, damage to parts, fatigue of the material from which they are made, etc. Various malfunctions appear in the car, which reduce the efficiency of its use. To prevent the appearance of defects and timely eliminate them, the car is subjected to maintenance (TO) and repair.

Maintenance at the enterprise is carried out by the drivers themselves and, if necessary, maintenance fitters. A request for repairs is received by the head of an auto repair shop (AWS), who sends locksmiths to one or another maintenance area. In the current situation, maintenance at the enterprise is constantly not observed by the frequency of maintenance. Contrary to the requirements for the organization of maintenance in the automated workplace, there are no control inspections of vehicles that have been serviced by the technical control department. As a rule, cars with accompanying repairs are sent for maintenance, which is why cars stand idle in the service area for more than the allotted time, thereby disrupting the rhythm of repair production. Refueling, changing of motor and transmission oils is carried out by primitive means, which contributes to the loss of valuable petroleum products, violation of sanitary standards, fire safety requirements, as well as labor protection requirements in general. In addition, such an organization of labor prevents the normal collection of used oils for their regeneration and reuse.

In the maintenance area and repair box, natural and artificial lighting as well as temperature regime well below the acceptable limits. The lack of artificial ventilation leads to a strong gas contamination of the premises. This is also a safety violation. A small number of spare parts leads to a long downtime for repairs. So, the weak organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock is manifested primarily in the following: the lack of maintenance and repair time standards directly at the sites; insufficient level of mechanization; non-compliance with certain safety requirements, in particular, insufficient illumination of production facilities and the absence of artificial ventilation in the maintenance area. Given the significant role of cars and taking into account the above analysis of the enterprise's activities in ensuring sufficient operational reliability of the rolling stock, the following should be concluded. The existing organization of maintenance and current repair of rolling stock needs to be improved. It is necessary to develop measures to improve the organization of the production and technical service of the enterprise.

Depending on the scope of work, maintenance of cars is performed by a continuous or dead-end method. The organization of maintenance by a dead-end method (at universal dead-end posts) is advisable for different lengths of the vehicle's stay at each post. The disadvantages of this method include a significant loss of time to install the vehicle at the post and exit from it, air pollution by exhaust gases during maneuvering and the need to use a large number of the same equipment.

The flow method of organizing maintenance involves the performance of work at specialized work posts in a certain sequence with a given time for the completion of work. This method allows you to reduce the loss of time for the movement of cars and the transition of workers from one post to another, as well as more economical use of space. production premises. The disadvantage of the in-line method of organizing maintenance is the difficulty of changing the scope of work at workplaces.

Car maintenance operations are carried out in accordance with the guard technological operating cards. They indicate the name of the operation, those. conditions and norms of time for its implementation, the tools and equipment used, the specialty of the worker, the post of the operation and the number of service points. Post flow charts are designed to perform work to control the adjustment and lubrication of the unit or assembly.

During maintenance of cars on production lines, a map is filled out - a diagram of the arrangement of workers at posts. Map - the diagram contains information about the number of workers, the productivity of the service line per shift, and the data of the guard technological maps.

The organization of maintenance production can be brigade or brigade-district. In the brigade form of organization, the teams perform work on all units of the machine within the limits of this type of service. With the brigade-district form of organization of maintenance, all work on the maintenance of the relevant units is performed at individual production sites. Depending on the work program of the ATP, a different number of production sites for various purposes is established. With a small ATP work program, it is possible to service several types of units at one site.

In all ATPs, for convenience of management, sections or teams can be combined into production complexes for the following types of work: maintenance of machines and diagnosing their technical condition; current repairs directly on cars; current repair of units, components and parts removed from vehicles.

The main directions for improving the repair base are:

Improving the system of scheduled preventive maintenance, which will provide clear supervision and timely preventive maintenance of the equipment, which in turn will increase its productivity, will increase the overhaul periods.

Improving the technical preparation of repairs, including the development of standard technological processes, as well as material support.

Determination of the optimal timing for the replacement of worn parts, depending on the degree of their depreciation and the necessary costs for repair maintenance.

Technological transport workshops and workshop repair services should be as specialized as possible, equipped with modern equipment that allows the use of advanced technology, advanced forms of production organization, means of mechanization and automation of production processes.

The performance of the repair teams should be ensured by the correct distribution of work among the members of the team.

To reduce the downtime of cars in repair, it would be necessary to use the nodal repair method. The essence of the method is that the components and mechanisms that require repair are removed and replaced with new or pre-repaired ones.

It is also necessary to improve the lighting and temperature conditions in the repair boxes. Faster delivery of spare parts needed.

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The conducted studies show that after the overhaul of equipment, subsequent overhaul cycles are significantly reduced. For example, equipment aged 20 years has a 20% shorter turnaround time than equipment aged 10 years. The costs of routine maintenance and repair of equipment during the second overhaul cycle increase by an average of 9-15% compared to the first one. In this regard, finding ways to solve two of the most important problems of the country's repair economy, such as specialization and concentration of equipment repair, its transfer to industrial rails, and the provision of repair services with spare parts, is of paramount importance.

In industry, the advantages of the specialization of repair production are not sufficiently used. Repair of almost all types of equipment is carried out in repair shops or workshops of enterprises where it is operated. A single type of repair production leads to huge labor costs for equipment repair. High labor costs are explained low level mechanization of labor of repair workers, only 20-30% even in large repair farms.

The reorganization of the repair business on the basis of its specialization will make it possible to switch to industrial methods of carrying out repair operations and thereby raise the technical level of the repair economy, free up part of the equipment and labor concentrated in the repair service for the needs of the main production. Specialization of repair improves the quality of repairs, reduces the time of its implementation, reduces the consumption of materials. On this basis, the cost of repairing one repair unit is reduced.

Research and practice of advanced specialized factories show that with an increase in the number of single-model machines that are simultaneously under repair, the labor intensity of all repair work decreases compared to the labor intensity of a single repair production. So, when bringing a batch of simultaneously repaired machines to 10 units, the labor intensity of a unit of repair complexity is reduced by 20%; with a batch of 20 units - by 25%, with 50 units - by 38% and with a batch of 100 units - by 45%. An increase in the batch of simultaneously repaired single-model machines also affects the reduction in the labor intensity of machine work both in the manufacture of new and restoration of old parts.

The first stage in the specialization of repair production is the creation of repair shops that repair certain types of equipment. The second is the creation of repair plants, their specialization in the repair and modernization of certain types of machines and units and in the manufacture of spare parts for equipment of a certain type. Such plants can be equipped with advanced technology, use high-performance technological processes, both in assembly operations and in the manufacture of spare parts, assemblies.

An important aspect of the rational organization of repair work is the provision of spare parts. Studies show that the service life of equipment is 15-25 years, and the change in equipment production patterns occurs after 6-8 years. Thus, the equipment works at the enterprise for about 3-4 repair cycles and its repair requires a huge amount of spare parts.

The manufacture of spare parts for their own needs by each enterprise separately requires additional equipment and additional production facilities that cannot be effectively used. For example, the utilization rate of the production capacity of machine tools in a mechanical repair shop fluctuates according to certain types machines and is 0.2-0.5. Therefore, the cost of manufacturing spare parts at machine-building plants is 3-5 times higher than at specialized enterprises.

One way to meet the need for spare parts is to restore worn parts and reuse them. Studies show that in this way it is possible to satisfy 20-25% of the existing need for spare parts. In fact, an insignificant part of them is restored and reused, which is confirmed by the results of a survey of machine-building plants in the Urals. Despite the variety of recovery methods, on average, about 6% of worn parts are recovered for reuse at machine-building plants. According to scientists, it is economically feasible to restore 25-30% during repairs. At the best auto repair enterprises, the number of restored parts reaches 60-70%.

The low percentage of reused parts is explained, first of all, by the decentralized system of equipment repair and production of spare parts existing at enterprises. Under these conditions, it is not always possible to organize a cost-effective restoration of worn parts, since it requires special knowledge, certain equipment and a significant level of concentration of repair work.

With an increase in the level of concentration of production, the share of reused material resources increases. This is predetermined by the best technical equipment of repair services. large enterprises. That is why it is advisable to create special restoration sites and services at large enterprises. We need specialized factories that would restore and strengthen worn parts. They can be placed in small towns and workers' settlements, which have now lost their significance and have an unemployed population. Transportation costs will be low, and many parts restored by modern methods are 70-80% cheaper. It is advisable to combine such specialized enterprises into manufacturing firms. Reception of worn parts and the issuance of restored ones can be handled by small-scale wholesale stores subordinate directly to manufacturing companies. In this way, hundreds of thousands of tons of metal per year can be saved.

Analyzing the problems of the organization and economy of the repair economy in the country, one should not allow a stereotyped approach to their solution. For large enterprises, production associations, the problems of the repair economy are solved in one way, for small and medium-sized ones - in another way. The decisions made should ensure an increase in the efficiency of the main production, which the repair service of the enterprise is called upon to serve.

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