Home Natural farming What does the name david mean for a child. Life success and disadvantages. Origin and meaning of the name

What does the name david mean for a child. Life success and disadvantages. Origin and meaning of the name

It is solid male name in its sound, it is often associated with strength interspersed with friendliness, and this is quite justified, because the meaning of the name David contains precisely such qualities.

Little Davidka is very friendly and helpful, and as soon as he learns to smile, expect that any sweet word even from a stranger will be generously endowed with positive emotions. Parents who have chosen the meaning of the name David for the boy will have to raise just the same "golden" baby.

He almost never causes problems with his behavior, as in kindergarten and at school. Always respectful of elders, very, very rarely rude and sometimes impudent. The openness, sociability of this little star evokes a lot of emotion in those around him, no one can hook the soul of even the most callous person like this sweet child.

In general, the meaning of the name David for a child predicts a happy and carefree childhood for the baby, where he will only occasionally give his parents troubles, and even then, they will be associated with an unwillingness to spend time with textbooks - the boy prefers sports and active entertainment.

Mom and Dad should instill in the baby at least a drop of perseverance, and give great importance raising this overactive child. Often, Davidka grows up very hyperactive, and cannot sit and do one thing for a long time. But if you cultivate commitment in it, then the interpretation of the name will change only for the better.


The grown-up David will never be deprived of female attention. He always attaches great importance to his appearance and behavior. This means that women often see him as an extravagant and confident man. In addition, he, like no one else, is capable of sympathy and compassion, can support in difficult moment, and is not at all afraid of women's tears.

Women are also impressed by strength and generosity, and these qualities, seasoned with a drop of selfishness, will break the heart of more than one lady. No, a man does not at all like to play with feelings, it is just that the charisma of this man attracts the fairer sex, but if he does not like such attention, he immediately makes it clear - honesty in life is of paramount importance for him.

One day there comes a moment when a woman-dream comes across on the way, in which he falls in love deeply and recklessly. And more often than not, the girl reciprocates. Stormy and passionate relationships in many cases develop into something more than just affection, and then the man without hesitation goes to create a family.

A family

The first marriage of this guy is most often at a fairly young age for a man, and just as often, family life does not allow strong feelings to remain so. Statistics claim that David's first marriage is falling apart as quickly as it began.

His ideal woman should be strong and self-sufficient, which means the special significance of the presence of intelligence in the chosen one. Only with such a family will be strong and happy. For the sake of such a family, this man will even stand at the stove and cook lunch, breakfast and dinner - by the way, he does it well, and he does not attach importance to the fact that this is a woman's business.

And when the kids appear, he will try with all his might to raise worthy people out of them, so that they can be proud of. We can say that he is too strict in upbringing, but, nevertheless, children respect and love their dad.

Business and career

He is from birth endowed with all the makings of a businessman, which means he is able to earn a lot. Analytical mindset, strong grip, high intelligence - combustible mixture for a brilliant and fast-paced career, and rest assured that the business will burn out only if it ceases to like what it does.

Even if you can't start your own business, at any job that this person likes, he will always be the first. He can make a great sports coach, engineer, architect or designer. The main thing is to show your intelligence. He attaches great importance to the recognition of the public.

Origin of the name David

Historians attribute the Hebrew origin to the name David, and translated from Hebrew this word means "Beloved." Also, the area where this name came from can be considered Muslim countries, where in ancient times there was a king named in tune - Daud.

The etymology of this word leads us to the second king of Israel. This is one of the most bright personalities v biblical history, whose name is respected and revered by three religions at once - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Until now, the secret of the name of this king remains unsolved, archaeological and historical research is constantly being carried out, which open more and more horizons for the activity of the king and Bethlehem. Just what is the story of an unequal battle with the hero Goliath, where he almost unarmed won an unconditional victory.

Characteristics of the name David

Complete balance, and the absence of any shadow of doubt in their actions - main characteristic named David. His self-confidence often borders on selfishness, so the character of this proud man is peculiar, and it has its pros and cons.

Despite his sociability, openness and good nature, no one will dare to call David soft and manageable. He independently builds his destiny, and if he has already made a fateful decision, no persuasion and arguments will convince this stubborn person.

A drop of selfishness only adds zest to the personality of this man. It cannot be said about him that he is spiteful, vindictive, and even more greedy. He is extremely generous, and is able to forgive even the most disgusting meanness, although after this he will end up communicating with the traitor.

For him, the world is an incentive for learning new things, he is always in search of new sensations, feelings, colors, he looks at the world as an artist, attaches importance to every little thing, but does not waste his time on trifles, and goes through life with his head held high.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amethyst, Tourmaline.
  • Name days - January 5, 12, 27, February 8, 14, March 5, 18, April 25, May 15, 20, 31, June 5, 14, July 8, 9, August 6, September 18, 19, 2, 7 , 15, 31 October, 14 November.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Libra.

Famous people

  • David Villa - professional footballer, striker of the Spanish club Atletico Madrid
  • David Kalandadze - participant of the reality show "Dom-2", singer
  • David Trezeguet - French footballer originally from Argentina, striker of the Newells Old Boys

Different languages

Translation of the name David can be found in many languages. This name is very widely used both in the near and far abroad, as it is translated into a large number of languages. Most often it sounds the same as in Russian, but in English language this word sounds like David, and in Finnish it sounds like Taaveti.

In Chinese, it is written using the pinyin transcription - 大卫, which sounds like "Dawei", and in Japanese, using the katakana alphabet - ダ ヴ ィ ド, which reads like Davido.

Name forms

  • Full name is David.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Davidka, Davidushka, Davey, David, Dave.
  • Declination of the name - David, David.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is David.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name David, its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

What does the name David mean: "Favorite", "beloved" (Slovenian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Tatar name David of Armenian origin).

In Russia, it is pronounced as Davyd, and it is believed that it was from him that the surname Davydov was formed.

The Muslims also know the king Daud, whose name is translated as David. Many historians, analyzing the meaning of the name David, are sure that it was borrowed by the Tatars from European countries, after which it gained popularity in these lands.

Short meaning of the name David: Davy, Dai, Davey, Dinetto, Dino, Doda, etc.

Angel David Day: The name David celebrates the name day several times a year:

  • January 5, 10 and 27
  • 8 and 14 February
  • March 1, 5, 18
  • 25th of April
  • May 15, 20, 31
  • June 4, 5, 14, 26
  • July 8 and 9

Zodiac named David: Aries, Scorpio

Characteristics of the name David

The nature of the name David: David is distinguished by poise and self-confidence. He has good nature, but his character cannot be called soft, because many will envy David's willpower. He has the gift of persuasion and always keeps his promises. David strives for leadership, and I must say that he really is able to lead people. So, the name David should take a closer look at the political or business sphere, choosing future profession- the role of a subordinate is not for him.

It must be said that the meaning of the name David in the character sometimes has notes of selfishness, and it is important for him to receive approval of his own actions from others. At the same time, such shortcomings as greed, rancor, resentment to David are completely alien. He himself does not like such people. If he meets them, he may flare up, but calm down quickly enough.

David and his personal life

Love and marriage: David is well versed in women, but in his youth, his first marriage may be unsuccessful. In the family, David often takes on the responsibility of preparing meals, as he does so very successfully. The family and its well-being are very important to him. David gives the name to children all of his free time, brings them up moderately strictly and is very proud of them in the future. Strong, strong-willed, intelligent and beautiful woman able to find happiness in marriage with David. Especially if she does not forget to constantly praise him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Throughout his life, the name David is constantly engaged in self-improvement, and it must be said that he manages to do this. He is constantly looking for new experiences and knowledge, be it work or travel. David will make an excellent diplomat, speleologist, geologist. He is physically and mentally strong, and therefore, he can try himself in serious directions requiring concentration, endurance, performance.

David's fate in history

What does the name David mean for male destiny?

  1. David of Bethlehem is the second king of Israel.
  2. David, Prince of Murom - before baptism bore the name of Gleb Vladimirovich. Was a son Kiev prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. He was killed by mercenaries, presumably by order of Prince Svyatopolk, half-brother. Canonized in Russian Orthodox Church.
  3. David Svyatoslavich is the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
  4. David Rostislavich - great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, prince of Smolensk.
  5. David I Saint is a Scottish saint.
  6. David Ben-Gurion is one of the founders of the Israeli state.
  7. David of Thessaloniki is a venerable Greek saint.
  8. David IV the Builder is one of the most famous statesmen Medieval Georgia, belonging to the Bagration dynasty.
  9. David Bagrationi is a Georgian writer, prince, educator.
  10. David Friedrich Strauss is a theologian of German descent.
  11. David Oistrakh is a Soviet conductor and violinist who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

What does the name David mean:
Researchers translate the name David from the Hebrew language as - beloved.

The origin of the name David:
The origin of this name takes far into Ancient Israel... In fact, this was the name of the ruler of Judah, who was appointed to rule by the Lord himself, anointed with oil. The patron saint of David is considered to be David of Thessaloniki, who was and remains a hermit. Thus, the monk with the name David initially settled in a certain monastery named after Paphnutius Borovsky. And later, for all his years future life decided to stay in the monastery all alone, and thus, he managed to give up the hustle and bustle of human life and spent the rest of his life in prayers to God Almighty. He always asked God to help all people get out of the darkness of life.

Character, transmitted by name David:

As a rule, David has a rather proud character, and his mind is unusually pragmatic. He will not tolerate even the slightest lie. But to forgive even a drop of a lodge is incredibly difficult for him, and this is probably why David should always think carefully before lying. Young people named David are always sociable, they, as a rule, have many friends, but it is thanks to such numerous friends that he can often be surrounded by some troubles. Usually David is similar in appearance to his mother, but with all this, he, as a rule, has tremendous power and real courage. He is also unusually hot-tempered, but at the same time he leaves just as quickly and almost immediately forgets about the recently inflicted offense. He is practically incapable of remembering evil for a long time, probably because in his soul he often harbors unusually tender feelings for all people, and for all animals, he is not at all vindictive.

Davids who were born in winter are always excellent athletes who easily achieve extraordinary success in this field. Some of them can devote almost their entire life to sports. But David born in the summer is incredibly kind, sincere people who have an unusually strong affection and even love for all children, especially if they themselves were born in a large family... They often like to work hard. They can also perfectly cope with the work of an administrator, engineer, artist, sometimes a milling cutter, cook, jeweler, and even a cutter.

In the very first marriage, David always has a hard time, but if he nevertheless enters into a second marriage, then the slightest problems do not arise, probably because David is really great able to work on his "mistakes" and be sure to correct them quite successfully. He is extraordinarily fond of cooking, and, as a rule, this is what impresses all his female acquaintances. He also loves all animals very much, and especially huge dogs.

Balanced Strong Kind

David Belle, French actor

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does the name David mean?

The meaning of the name David has Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew, he is interpreted as "favorite", "favorite".

On the territory of Russia, a folk form - Davyd took root, from which a common surname appeared - Davydov. Muslims revere King David under the name Daoud.

The name has become widespread throughout Europe. It has a large number of equivalents in different languages: in England - David, in Finland - Taavetti, in Shotdandia - Dive, in Italy - David. The Tatars also borrowed it from Europe; nowadays it is very popular among the Tatar population.

The energy of this name is very strong. David is not only strong physically, but also morally.

He will not throw words to the wind. He tends to take risks, thrills make his life rich.

David's character is not devoid of cynicism, but it is compensated by openness and directness. Strong, kind, stubborn and purposeful - this is how he appears to others.

Would you name a child by that name?

The origin of the name David is inextricably linked with the biblical character - an ordinary shepherd who became the king of the Israel-Jewish state.

According to legend, Matthew was the direct ancestor of Jesus Christ. During the war with the Philistines, he was able to defeat the giant Goliath, which ended the war. This was not the end of his exploits: he defeated Jerusalem, making it the capital of Israel.

The description of his duel with Goliath is presented so vividly and in detail that a large number of the most beautiful works of art appeared as a result.

In Orthodoxy, the patron saint of all representatives of this name is considered David of Thessaloniki, whom the church clergy recalls in prayers on July 9. He settled in a hut near the city of Soluni and spent 70 years there in prayer. During all this time, he observed a strict fast, bravely withstood the heat and cold. For his torment and patience, he received the gift of healing from God and healed many people.

Name forms

Simple: David Full: David Vintage: DavidAffectionate: Davidka

The positive characteristic of the name David is expressed in his self-confidence and poise. Whatever happens, he maintains outward calmness and knows how to act in any situation. In addition, endowed with an analytical mindset, the representative of this name understands everything himself, comprehending the essence of the origin of events.

Negative characteristics of David include being overly ambitious and calculating. He is rarely sincere, preferring to talk on abstract topics. No one will be aware of his plans and ideas.

From the point of view of numerology, the secret of the name David is revealed with the help of the number 6, which promises a successful future for people who are able to gain confidence in others.

They can become politicians or hold high public office. Their optimism and cheerfulness are contagious, they just sparkle with happiness if they get what they want. But their complacency can reach alarming proportions and cause negative reactions from others.

A man named David will never question his capabilities, is persistent in achieving his goals, is proud of everything he has. Willpower helps him achieve what he wants, and good nature attracts supporters to his side.

David loves to be noticed and praised. Selfishness is characteristic of him, he puts his own profit and interests in the first place. His character is not endowed with envy or rancor. He will not regret anything for loved ones and rarely takes offense at them.

"Favorite"? this is what the name David means, he is really appreciated and loved by those around him.

For his part, he does not tolerate lies, he may flare up, but quickly departs. Being strong physically and spiritually, he leaves the role of leader for himself.

David's professional activity should not be associated with monotonous, monotonous work. She will not bring him anything but irritation and dissatisfaction. This man attaches great importance to career and career advancement.

At heart, David is a romantic. The story of adventures and distant countries will attract him not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. She will never give up traveling, especially in the company of good friends. New emotions and impressions inspire him and make him more energetic.












David is a connoisseur female beauty... But as a wife, he chooses not only beautiful, but also smart strong-willed woman, which will support the implementation of his plans.

This man is a wonderful family man. He becomes not only a "favorite" - this is what the name David means, but also a reliable support for his family, solving all everyday problems: from building a house to preparing dinner.

David will find his happiness in his second marriage. He is kind to his children. In communication with them, he shows understanding and trust.

The meaning of the name David for a boy

The meaning of the biblical name David is borrowed from Hebrew. In translation, this word is interpreted as "beloved."

The name has spread to all parts of our planet. In Russia, the "western" version of this name is often found - David.

The phonosemantics of the name creates the impression of masculinity, heroism and beauty. He has a sense of poise and confidence.

But this does not mean that David will have these qualities without the efforts of his parents.

David is sweet, sociable, energetic and active child... Physically well-built, he prefers sports to reading books.

The boy's behavior is self-confident, he seeks to please and attract attention. He wants to always be aware of events.

Moreover, the role of an ordinary observer does not suit him. This child will give advice, interfere, prompt.

Girls pay attention to him not only because of his appearance, but also because he is fair and objective.

Where will David be successful?

For a successful professional activity For David, activities related to business trips and movement are suitable.

He can become an excellent diplomat, explorer, navigator. He will show his analytical skills in the field of construction or trade.

Being in good physical shape, David can become a successful athlete.

Upbringing leaves a big imprint on the character and behavior of this boy. By nature, he has a calmness and a sufficient degree of self-confidence.

But the child is not devoid of pride, and if the parents take harsh measures against him, they risk making him an irritable and hot-tempered person.

This very rarely happens to David, because he has no cruelty and vindictiveness at all, but good nature and gentleness are present in full.

What games will David like?

David will not be alone in childhood or adolescence, he will always have enough friends with whom he will find mutual understanding and provide himself with interesting leisure.

Active games and activities are suitable for the child. Has a great interest in adventure films and novels.

Male biblical name David has Hebrew roots and means “favorite”, “beloved”. It is one of the most common names in the world, it is often found in Russia, and more recently, both in the version of David and in the “western” version of David.

Characteristics of the name David

Phonosemantically, the name David gives the impression of something bright, beautiful, courageous. It endows its owner with poise and self-confidence, but still much in the character of David depends on his upbringing. V childhood this, as a rule, is a sweet, sociable child who does not really like to sit at books, preferring sports. Adult David is a proud, slightly self-confident person who strives to please people. He loves to be aware of all matters, to intervene, to advise, to feel needed and important. Women turn to David great attention, because he is, as a rule, prominent, decisive, often extravagant, capable of compassion, objective. However, the owners of this name differ not only positive qualities, because sometimes they are too arrogant, selfish and pragmatic. But this still does not prevent David from being everyone's favorite and feeling successful throughout his life.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name David is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries or Sagittarius. Aries (March 21-April 20) is similar to David's friendliness and enterprise, he will endow the owner of this name with directness, initiative, impatience, the need to always satisfy his desires. Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) is a sign that can make David very mobile, bright, sociable, loving sports, speed and travel, striving to try everything in life.

Pros and cons of the name David

What are the pros and cons of the name David? On the one hand, it is very beautiful, ancient, energetically strong name, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious diminutive-affectionate forms, such as Davidka, Davidik, Davidushka. The character of David is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment; many parents may consider him both a positive and a negative quality of this name.


David's health in childhood is rather weak, but over time it levels off, and the adult owner of this name no longer complains of illness, suffering only from mental stress and high blood pressure.

Love and family relationships

V family relationships David demonstrates a sincere affection for home, wife, and children. As a life partner, he chooses a beautiful and strong-willed woman, whom he devotes to all his affairs (he often works with his wife). It is convenient for David's wife to live with him, because he takes on the solution of all everyday problems, being a kind of stone wall for his family. David adores his children and tries to communicate with them as equals.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, he shows an interest in work in which he could fully reveal his entrepreneurial talent and analytical mind. It can make a successful businessman in the field of trade and construction, as well as an engineer, sports coach, advertising designer, architect, manager, diplomat, journalist.


Birthday on Orthodox calendar David celebrates January 5, January 27, February 14, March 18, April 25, May 15, May 31, June 5, July 8, July 9, August 6, September 18, September 19, October 2, October 7, October 31 and November 14.

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