Home Garden on the windowsill Denotes the name Egor for a boy. The character transmitted by the name Yegor. Egor and Evgenia

Denotes the name Egor for a boy. The character transmitted by the name Yegor. Egor and Evgenia

Winter Yegor - nature resolute, persistent and practical. He knows what he wants from life, so he clearly follows the plan. Thanks to the analytical mindset, winter Yegor is quickly moving up the career ladder. With women, he is courteous, but in moderation, so he cannot be called a romantic.

Spring Egor lives with emotions, he is vain, selfish and narcissistic. His creative nature craves celebration and fun, so the spring Egor is often surrounded by many friends and acquaintances who are just as frivolous as he is about life.

Summer Yegor - an active, purposeful and energetic man who overcomes all difficulties with confidence, and he does it with a smile on his face. With his optimism, he "charges" those around him. Women find in the summer Egor an attentive, gentle and charming man.

Autumn Egor pragmatic and rational, he does not give in to other people's influence and does not recognize authorities. There is no place for accidents in his life, because he is used to carefully planning his every step. Women with autumn Yegor are reliable, but bored.

Stone - talisman

The stones that bring Egor good luck are sapphire, agate and chrysolite.


The gem symbolizes truth, justice and wisdom. In addition, sapphire, which can enhance intuition, is considered a stone of composure, contemplation, chastity, justice and tranquility.

For its sky-blue color in the Middle Ages, sapphire was considered a divine stone, personifying order, strength, purity. For this reason, all royal persons decorated their regalia with this gem, thereby emphasizing their authority and holiness.


It is believed that products with agate bring harmony to environment, favorably affect the health of its owner, give self-confidence and reliably protect against negative energy.

Agate has symbolized health and longevity for centuries. Also, this stone helps to allay fears and get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

Interesting Facts! Agate is also famous for its healing properties, and much depends on the color of the stone:

  • light (or gray-white) has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • blue has a positive effect on work thyroid gland;
  • yellow helps to cure diseases of the throat and liver;
  • red helps to alleviate the course of cardiovascular diseases;
  • black enhances potency.


This stone warns its owner against imprudent acts, eliminates stress and insomnia, and also contributes to gaining confidence, favorably influencing the emotional state of a person as a whole.

Our ancestors believed that chrysolite drives away demons and other evil spirits.

Chrysolite is a symbol of luck, good luck, peace and happiness in personal life.





Egor's element is fire (you can read about the influence of this element in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Animal - symbol

The animal patronizing Yegor is a white bull - a symbol of masculinity, power, power, creative male power and sexual energy.

From time immemorial, the bull has been considered the personification of power, fertility, hard work, patience, method and justice.

AT Christian tradition the bull is a symbol of the sacrifice and denial of Christ, since the Gospel begins precisely with the sacrifice of the bull by Zechariah.


Yegor's symbolic plants are poplar and lily of the valley.


This tree has a dual symbolism, and all because of the color of the leaves, which are painted in light colors on one side and dark on the other.

On the one hand, poplar symbolizes beauty and youth, and on the other hand, loneliness and girlish longing.

Interesting fact! According to the Greco-Roman tradition, white poplar personified the abode of the blessed (that is, the place where the favorites of the gods fall after a heroic death), while black poplar is a symbol of hell.

Lily of the valley

This spring flower symbolizes purity, tenderness, love, family happiness, sincerity and fidelity.

Interesting Facts! Lilies of the valley, collected on the day before the new moon, awaken sensuality and can lead to treason, while flowers, collected directly on the full moon, promote fidelity and strengthen love. In addition, it is believed that a bouquet of lilies of the valley, standing at the head of the bed, awakens tenderness in a man, and passion in a woman.


Metal, favorable to Yegor, is a tin that helps protect against various troubles. In addition, tin is the personification of strength, rigidity, strength and durability.

auspicious day


origin of the name Egor

Name translation

From ancient Greek name Egor is translated as "farmer", "plowman".

Name history

The name Egor (like Yuri) is the Russian version of the Greek name George, formed by transferring the initial sound "g" (for our Russian ancestors, this sound was considered difficult to pronounce). However, today Egor is an independent name, despite the fact that the patron saints of Egorov, Yuriev and Georgiev are the same.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most used forms of the name Egor: Egorka, Egorushka, Egorochka, Egorych, Gora, Gorya, Zhora, Georges, Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Zhorochka, Zhorka, Egonya, Egosha, Gosh, Goga, Goshka, Goshunya, Gunya, Egonechka.

The legend about the name Egor

There is a legend about the New Martyr Yegoriy of Chios, who saved the princess from a terrible dragon. According to church apocrypha (early Christian legends that were not included in the biblical canon), immediately before the battle, the new martyr offered prayers to God, whom he asked for help. The Lord heeded Yegory's prayers and requests and granted him the gift of eloquence, thanks to which the saint only by means of a word made the dragon humble.

Egory (or George) took a belt from the princess, with which he tied the dragon's neck, after which the girl brought the monster into the city. However, in the folk version of this legend, Yegoriy turned into a strong and courageous hero who took the fight with a terrible snake.

The secret of the name Egor

name patrons

  • Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.
  • Bishop George of Amastrid.
  • Bishop and Confessor George of Antioch (or Pisidia).
  • Bishop and Hieromartyr George of Develt (or Adrianople).
  • Confessor George of Constantinople.
  • Patriarch George I of Constantinople.
  • Rev. George Hozevit.
  • Martyr George.
  • Venerable Confessor George Limniot.
  • Bishop George II of Mytilene.
  • Ktitor Georgy Svyatogorets.
  • Metropolitan and Confessor George of Mytilene.
  • Martyr George the New.
  • Grand Duke Georgy Olegovich.
  • Venerable George of Peloponnesus.
  • Prince George Mstislav (or Novgorod).
  • Bishop George of Nicomedia.
  • Grand Duke George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich.
  • Martyr George of Sophia.
  • Rev. George of Arsel.
  • Saint George of Sinai.
  • Rev. George of Diippa.
  • Rev. George Matskvereli.
  • Martyr George of New Ephesus.
  • Martyr George of Athos.
  • Martyr George of Jerusalem.
  • Martyr George of Crete.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 11th, 21st and 30th.

February: 4th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 27th.

March: 6, 17, 18 23rd and 24th.

April: 5th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 20th and 26th.

May: 2nd, 6th, 10th, 26th and 29th.

June: 8th, 18th, 19th and 27th.

July: 10th and 16th.

August: 3rd and 31st.

September: 6th and 21st.

October: 2nd and 15th.

November: 3rd, 10th, 16th and 23rd.

December: 9th, 16th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous athletes named Yegor:

  • Yegor Titov - Russian football player of the Moscow club "Spartak";
  • Yegor Ivanov - Ukrainian football player;
  • Egor Vyaltsev is a Russian basketball player.

Famous actors and artists named Yegor:

  • Egor Beroev;
  • Egor Kutenkov.

Famous politicians named Yegor:

  • Egor Ligachev;
  • Egor Stroev;
  • Yegor Gaidar.

Egor Konchalovsky - the famous Russian director and actor.

Egor Zolotarev - Russian mathematician and academician.

The meaning of the name Egor

For a child

Little Egor is thoughtful, diligent and hardworking. He tends to get carried away by some business to which he devotes himself. But, despite the practicality and rationality, this boy has a vulnerable soul (he is characterized by deep inner anguish and experiences that he does not demonstrate, but keeps to himself).

Egor cannot be called an obedient boy, on the contrary, he is restless and cocky, therefore he often initiates fights. He has an extremely developed sense of justice, so any lie or humiliation becomes the reason for a showdown with the help of fists.

Yegor studies well at school, although conflicts with both peers and teachers are not ruled out (the fact is that he reacts sharply to any manifestation of superiority, believing that in any situation people should remain, first of all, people).

The negative qualities of little Yegor are incredulity and stubbornness, which prevent him from building friendly relations. Egor's friends should remember that it is very easy to lose his disposition, because he never forgives his offenders.

For teenager

In his youth, Yegor resembles a boring, irritable and grumpy old man who can flare up for any reason. But he tries to deal with these qualities that prevent him from communicating with peers.

Perseverance and perseverance help Yegor succeed where the owner of any other name would retreat.

It should be noted that in adolescence Yegor desperately needs the support and love of his parents (if parental attention is not enough, then a teenager can turn off the right path).

During this period, Yegor begins to show leadership skills, which can bring him both a rise and turn into a fall (it all depends on how correctly Yegor can organize himself).

Young Yegor is a real adventurer who can involve others in his risky venture, while he himself (thanks to cunning and resourcefulness) will always get out of the water, which cannot be said about his accomplices. Knowing this feature of his, Yegor's friends try not to get involved with him in adventures of a dubious nature.

For a man

Adult Egor is a principled and purposeful pedant who slowly but surely follows the plan. Only irascibility can prevent him from achieving his goal, which the owner of this name does not weaken even with age.

But Yegor does not accept disorder, and neither in business, nor in everyday life, nor in relations with people. It is orderliness, diligence, assertiveness and methodicalness that he considers to be the solid foundation on which you can build a brilliant career and create a strong family.

In general, the independent and stubborn Yegor can be called a darling of fate, because luck often smiles at him, which, combined with an analytical mind, helps him make his way in life. He is passionate and likes to take risks, while Egor's risk is far from always justified, which does not stop him from new attempts to go all-in. Failures only stimulate Yegor.

In people, a man with this name appreciates such qualities as honesty, responsibility, adherence to principles, openness. The adult Yegor has quite a few friends, and all thanks to his sincerity, kindness and excellent sense of humor.

Egor's enemies are love for good alcohol and beautiful women. It is these components that can long time distract him from business, which may result in the collapse of his plans.

Description of the name Egor


Egor cannot be called a highly moral man, especially in cases where he drinks alcohol. Short temper and excessive emotionality can lead Yegor astray from the path of the righteous.


Egor is the owner of enviable health, but still he needs to pay attention to the organs of vision and the nervous system.


Egor is a connoisseur of beauty, and not only the outer shell, but also its inner content should be beautiful in a woman. Therefore, to build serious relationship he will choose a modest, decent, feminine, good-natured and homely woman who does not seek to be in the spotlight.

In dealing with women, Yegor is open and sincere, he does not try to seem better than he really is, therefore, his chosen ones never pretend in relations with him. It is easy for women with Yegor, besides, in him they feel a reliable protector.

Egor can be carried away by a daring beauty, but not for long, but for the one he loves, he will become a faithful life partner who will never betray.


Egor is in no hurry to formalize relations with his chosen one, preferring to first weigh all the pros and cons. Therefore, it is not surprising that Egor most often marries late (although there are times when the adventurous owner of this name forgets everything in the world and, having fallen in love at first sight, at an early age creates a family that rarely stands the test of time).

Yegor will choose a solid, intelligent, fair, respectable and economic woman as his wife, who can become a real rear for him. But he will not pay attention to lovers of flirting and flirting.

Family relationships

Yegor will make a respectable family man, a faithful husband, a loving father and a good owner who tries to keep everything under control. He approaches the upbringing of children seriously, he is strict with his children.

It is unusual for Yegor to lead an intra-family struggle for leadership, so he will easily give in to his wife in resolving certain issues. However, when making serious decisions, he, as the head of the family, can firmly (and sometimes harshly) insist on his own.

In relations with his wife, Yegor is open and honest, he has no secrets from his soulmate, so trust, friendship and love reign in his house. He will always help his wife with the housework, and the children with lessons. For Yegor, it is very important that his wife has a soft character, because he himself does not like to conflict and sort things out.

In general, Yegor will do everything to make his family live comfortably.


Egor is a gentle and passionate sexual partner who loves diversity in the intimate sphere, so an inexperienced partner is unlikely to be able to give him true pleasure.

Egor considers himself a sophisticated lover who can give his chosen one unearthly bliss. He needs an energetic, temperamental and passionate partner who can reciprocate all Yegor's fantasies.

Mind (intelligence)

Egor has an analytical mindset. In addition, he is able to synthesize and analyze the information received, which helps him climb the career ladder.


Entrepreneurship, responsibility, initiative, purposefulness and scrupulousness contribute to the career growth of Yegor, whom the authorities appreciate and respect. Colleagues listen to the opinion of Yegor, while subordinates consider him a strict, but at the same time honest and fair boss.

His ability to quickly find a way out critical situations will find its application in the field of a lawyer, lawyer, doctor, firefighter, military, law enforcement officer.

Egor is an excellent psychologist, so he will easily join the team of teachers. But the work of an office employee without the prospect of growth will absolutely not suit him, especially since he knows his own worth very well.


Egor is a born businessman with business acumen and excellent organizational skills. He knows how to think unconventionally, which is important for promoting a business. In addition, he takes the organization of his business extremely seriously and scrupulously, drawing up a whole business plan, acting in accordance with which he hopes to achieve success.


Yegor's hobbies are varied - these are family trips, and friendly gatherings in a warm company.

Character type


Egor is a sympathetic, kind and fair person who does not accept hypocrisy in people. He will always lend a helping hand to the needy, and absolutely disinterestedly.

The main thing is not to deceive or betray the owner of this name, otherwise you will make a merciless enemy in his face, who may not take revenge, but will never forgive an insult.

The negative character traits of this man can be called irascibility and stubbornness, although Yegor himself considers them virtues that help him achieve what he wants.

In general, Egor is a positive person, communication with whom is always filled with positive emotions.


Egor - owner developed intuition, to which he often listens, and the "inner voice" almost never fails him.

Horoscope named Egor

Egor - Aries

This is a straightforward, noble and fair nature with a strong-willed character. Egor-Aries is devoted to his friends, whose attitude and disposition he sincerely values. He is not afraid to express his opinion, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority. In relations with women, Yegor-Aries is open and honest: he will not beat around the bush, but will directly tell his chosen one about his feelings (long courtship and romantic impulses are not characteristic of him).

Egor - Taurus

This direct and good-natured man is always in the spotlight. He has many true friends, and all for the reason that Yegor-Taurus does not like to conflict. On the contrary, he tries to reach mutual understanding with everyone. His vulnerable soul reacts sharply to any injustice or offense caused, as a result of which Yegor-Taurus can withdraw into himself. This man is always surrounded by female attention, because he is charming and sincere.

Egor - Gemini

This is a cheerful and witty person with an active life position. He is ironic and sarcastic, but all his jokes are harmless, just Yegor-Gemini loves to play people. But not everyone is able to understand and appreciate such subtle humor, and therefore many shun Yegor, being afraid of his sharp tongue. A woman of Yegor, born under the sign of Gemini, must be patient if she wants to maintain a relationship with him.

Egor - Cancer

This man does not lose his charm and charm even in adulthood. He looks more like a restless and inquisitive teenager than a serious and solid man. Egor-Rak is an adventurer who is always looking for new experiences. It's no wonder he has great amount friends, because it is always interesting with him. In relations with women, this man is also fickle: he quickly gets carried away, but just as quickly cools down, resuming the search for his new ideal.

Egor - Leo

This is a strong, courageous and purposeful man who knows how to work fruitfully and unforgettably relax with friends who love Yegor-Lev for his cheerful disposition and openness. However, do not forget that people born under this sign are demanding of others and domineering, and therefore they expect others to recognize their leadership. In love, Yegor-Lev is also selective and thorough, he is possessive and jealous, so his woman will have a hard time with him.

Egor - Virgo

This is a practical and prudent person who loves absolute order in everything. He is collected and pragmatic, therefore he reaches great heights in his career.

In personal relationships, the sincere Yegor-Virgo is serious and thorough, and passions are not his lot (he prefers pure friendship to ardent love). Egor-Virgo is kind to her chosen one, whom she can forgive a lot, except for betrayal (the betrayal of a loved one can embitter Yegor, who for a long time closes in on itself).

Egor - Libra

This man is the owner of a dual nature, so he is characterized by sharp and unmotivated mood swings. In addition, Yegor-Libra is far from always confident in himself, which prevents him from holding leadership positions. To make a decision, he needs to weigh everything, and it will be better if he does this in a calm atmosphere. With women, Yegor-Libra is modest and restrained, although he makes every effort to please them and make an exceptionally favorable impression on them.

Egor - Scorpio

This independent and straightforward man is attracted by sincerity, openness and incredible inner strength. Egor-Scorpio will never allow anyone to lead him either at work or at home, since he considers himself an indisputable leader and authority. He always makes all serious decisions on his own, which his chosen one will have to put up with. The temperamental Yegor-Scorpio will look for his ideal for a long time - a calm, sensual and open woman who can devote herself to her family.

Egor - Sagittarius

This is a lively, energetic and very self-confident man who, thanks to his analytical mind and developed intuition, will definitely choose the right one from hundreds of decisions. Yegor-Sagittarius is charm itself, so women do not have a soul in him. He does not remain indebted to them and completely gives himself to the relationship. However, it is quite difficult for this man to maintain a long-term relationship, because he is an incorrigible adventurer who expects new discoveries and meetings from life.

Egor - Capricorn

it extraordinary person with a contradictory character: for example, Yegor-Capricorn is both thorough and windy, calm and irritable, cheerful and sad. It is impossible to predict what is on his mind, therefore even close people cannot claim that they know Yegor-Capricorn one hundred percent. Women are attracted to him by mystery and lightness, but over time they get tired of solving this riddle and leave, never having learned to trust the unpredictable Yegor.

Egor - Aquarius

This talented and interesting man can, without exaggeration, be called a devoted friend and faithful husband. At the same time, Yegor-Aquarius tries not to expose his feelings, so many consider him a person who is alien to emotions. But it's not. He just doesn’t want someone to betray or not justify his feelings. Egor-Aquarius gravitates towards pure and ideal love, which he is ready to look for for a very long time. It is not surprising that in the end he can remain a bachelor.

Egor - Pisces

This is an impulsive, temperamental and capricious man who is almost always guided by emotions and feelings. Egor-Pisces reacts sharply to any insults, which leads to frequent quarrels. Such an explosive nature prevents him from finding true friends, climbing the career ladder and creating a happy marriage. In relations with women, Yegor-Pisces is fickle, his novels are endless, while stability and solidity in relationships are of little interest to him.

Egor name compatibility with female names

Egor and Olga

Romance, passion, passionate showdown - all this is inherent in the pair of Yegor and Olga. They lack only stability, which can become an insurmountable obstacle to building a friendly family. In addition, partners should weaken their leadership ambitions, which will help strengthen this alliance.

Egor and Anna

In this amazing couple, relationships are built solely on love, trust and understanding. This is a happy union in which the man is the complement of the woman and vice versa. These two get along well in everyday life, and in the intimate sphere they are perfect for each other.
Anna - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Egor and Elena

This tandem is ruled by such feelings as tenderness, affection and care. Elena and Yegor subtly feel each other, so they living together like a safe harbor, in which there is no place for storms and storms.

They protect their love from adversity, so their deep feelings only become stronger over the years.

Egor and Julia

This union is based, first of all, on reason, and not on feelings and emotions, which does not prevent Yegor and Yulia from getting along well with each other. Such cooperation can be quite fruitful, but on the condition that both partners are satisfied with this format of relations.

Egor and Anastasia

Egor and Alina

Between Yegor and Alina there is a real passionate love, but excessive emotionality and temperament of partners can interfere with the creation of a family. If both do not learn to understand and forgive, then their union will be doomed, despite excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere.

Egor and Diana

Timid Diana needs such a confident and reliable man like Yegor, who will protect her and shelter her from any bad weather. However, their views on life are diametrically opposed, so their union is rarely strong and long, despite deep feelings.

Egor and Evgenia

In this union, partners fight for leadership, which not only destroys feelings, but also negatively affects their relationship as a whole. Egor and Evgenia - this is love, but not family union, because in family life it is important to learn to give in to each other, which these two do not know how to do.

Egor and Daria

This is a very ambiguous union. On the one hand, Yegor and Daria give the impression of a happy married couple, and on the other hand, their relationship resembles a pretentious theatrical performance designed for the audience. In fact, their union is an exclusively sober material calculation, while there is no question of love here.

Egor and Alena

Owner Yegor is ready to put up with Alena's optionality, but cannot bear her flirting and coquetry with other men. Alena likes this reaction of her beloved man, so she continues to play her game, which can bother Yegor. As a result, the couple will disperse.

Egor and Margarita

For Egor and Margarita, self-development is important, to which they strive with all the fibers of their souls. On your own spiritual development they spare neither time nor money. This couple should not forget that in pursuit of new emotions, they can forget about stability, without which there is no long family life.

Egor and Lyudmila

Both differ in that they are looking for a stable, serious and long-term relationship in which there will be no betrayal, lies, betrayal. Egor and Luda are attentive and caring partners who together experience ups and downs, joy and sorrow.

Egor and Galina

There are many factors in this interesting union that can strengthen the relationship between Yegor and Galin or, on the contrary, destroy them. So, there is a bright and deep feeling between them, but this does not prevent them from quarreling over trifles, which slowly kills love. Material difficulties can also destroy this union.

Egor and Karina

long and happy family life awaits Yegor and Karinawho cannot be separated by distance, quarrels, or passionate showdowns. And all thanks to the fact that in these relations there is love, and participation, and common interests.

Egor and Inna

The bright union of Yegor and Inna is rarely lasting, since both have strong character and do not want to weaken their positions. The fact that Inna (unlike Yegor) does not take the institution of marriage seriously does not strengthen these relations either.

Egor and Irina

Heaven itself patronizes this couple, so the union of Yegor and Irina will certainly be, if not ideal, then simply happy.

Both know how to compromise, both strive to create a harmonious family, both value sincere relationships and do not accept lies.

Egor and Alla

The family life of Yegor and Alla is a restless sea, in which there is rarely calm. Both partners are ambitious and domineering, so it is quite difficult for them to peacefully and fruitfully coexist together. If the desire to save the marriage is stronger than the thirst to rule, then this tandem has the right to life.

Egor and Elizabeth

Heaven and earth, fire and water, passion and coldness - this is how you can characterize the tandem of Yegor and Elizabethwho have such different characters that it is not clear what connects them. Despite this, the union between them can be strong and fruitful.

Egor and Lilia

Energetic and cheerful Egor and Lilia accept life with all its joys and sorrows, while they try to live by the principle "everything that is not done is for the better." They value their love, so they try to enjoy each other every day.

Egor and Angelina

This is a union of strong, energetic and purposeful individuals who are able to achieve a lot together, because they think and act in a similar way. Their strength is in the unity of feelings, thoughts and aspirations, so it is not surprising that Yegor and Angelina create a wonderful family.

Egor and Larisa

This is a complex tandem in which there is a unity of souls and sexual compatibility but there is no mutual understanding. Gentle and vulnerable Larisa cannot come to terms with the rigidity and integrity of Yegor, who wants to assert himself at the expense of his chosen one.

Egor and Lydia

This is a philosophical union in which Yegor and Lydia think more about the meaning of the universe than about the pressing problems that any family faces daily. This approach to life can destroy this union.

Egor and Alexandra

The union of Yegor and Alexandra can be long, but rarely is he truly happy. And everything is to blame for the imperious nature of Alexandra, who is trying to take a dominant position in the family, which Yegor, who himself is used to command, does not like.

The meaning of the name Yegor: The boy's name means "farmer". This affects the character and fate of Yegor.

Origin of the name Egor: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Egorka, Egorushka, Grief, Zhora, Egorsha, Egosha, Egunya, Goga.

What does the name Egor mean? The name Yegor comes from the ancient Greek "Georgos". The word is translated as "farmer". The meaning of the name Yegor is incompatible with fun; a man is more gloomy and taciturn, especially when he is distracted from his beloved work. For Yegorka, there is nothing more important than a hobby - he finds an outlet in it after a hard day at work. A guy with this name will always strive for the truth, he cannot live without freedom, so he gets married late.

Patronymic name Egor: Egorovich, Egorovna; unfold Yegorych.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Yegor celebrates name days twice a year:

  • May 6 (April 23) - St. Great Martyr Egory the Victorious-warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a follower of Christ; denounced the pagan king in wickedness and after great torment was beheaded in 303.
  • December 9 (November 26) - New Martyr Yegoriy of Chios suffered from the Turks in 1807.

Signs: St. Yegori pray for the protection of the girls and patronage of all rural work. May 6 - Egory the Victorious, Egory the brave: "Egory dragged spring to the threshold." Egor's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments: they ride on the dew to get health. This day is the feast of the shepherds: St. Yegory himself, invisible to people, rides out into the field on his white horse and grazes cattle, protecting them from the beasts over which he also rules. December 9 - Egory is cold. Yegory the winter is the lord of wolves: the beast will not touch any cattle without his command, therefore they say: "What the wolf has in its teeth, Yegory gave it!" - and throw a thin lamb to the wolves. On Yegory autumn snakes - birthday girls; neither sinners nor saints will be spared, therefore it is impossible to go to the forest on this day!


  • Zodiac Egor - Sagittarius
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Blue color
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • Name patron - white bull
  • Talisman stone - sapphire

Characteristics of the name Egor

Positive features: A man named Yegor is diligent and hardworking, loves when life is in full order, and strives to put everything in order. Hates lies.

Negative Traits: The character of the guy is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grouchiness, sometimes turning into a fair amount of boringness.

The nature of the name Egor: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Yegor? A man with this name will find a way out of any situation. A guy who has overcome youthful violence (it can lead him far along the unrighteous path!), Is able to reach significant professional heights, from which weakness for drinking and sensuality can overthrow him. Although a man named Yegor appreciates straightforwardness, seriousness and integrity in a woman, he may well lose his head because of a person of the exact opposite nature. In general, he has at least three chances in life - and fly very high, and fall with a deafening roar.

Egor and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Yegor promise happiness in love? A man will not be seduced by a loudly dressed girl with bright make-up. His chosen one is modest, feminine, serious. No one is immune from mistakes, and Yegor can lose his head because of a beauty with a mischievous character. But this is not for long. He is a wonderful family man, an exemplary owner. He is strict with children, he does not contradict women's weaknesses in trifles, he takes on serious matters.

In a love relationship - he is not able to deceive a woman. This is a simple-hearted person and his declarations of love are sincere and serious. A man named Egor is a good family man, an exemplary owner, a little strict with children. He does not object to the wife being the leader in the family, but in serious matters the decisive word is reserved. By nature endowed with a pedagogical talent, an excellent educator. He attaches great importance to sex.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Yegor is hardworking, diligent, loves order and system in everything. A guy with this name has good business qualities, can find a way out of the most difficult situation. In the service, they listen to his opinion, believe him and know that before making a decision, he weighed everything well and checked it more than once. A guy named Yegor, he often holds leadership positions. True, he likes to scold the guilty, quick-tempered, stubborn and distrustful.

Business and career: A broad nature, a businesslike, very hardworking person who knows how to find a way out of any situation. He is distrustful, quick-tempered, sometimes even cocky in terms of the meaning of his name. Yegor moves up the career ladder easily. A man with this name has good business qualities. If he becomes a boss, he scolds his subordinates for a long time, even for minor misconduct. For him, adherence to principles, pedantry, purposefulness are of particular importance, but, at the same time, they are afraid.

Health and energy

Health and Talents: A fidget and a bully from the cradle, having the name Yegor will always strive for freedom and truth. The concept of honesty for him is the main criterion of behavior. And since childhood, this kid knows what self-esteem is. It is thanks to these three qualities that Yegorka, not a handsome man, not a hero, first occupies a worthy position in school, and then in society.

The fate of Yegor in history

What does the name Yegor mean for male fate?

  1. Egor P. Kovalevsky (1811-1868) - famous traveler and writer, thorn engineer, and philosopher. Travels and historical research gave him material for many books, later included in the posthumous five-volume collected works, among which are interesting: "Four months in Montenegro", "Wanderer on land and seas", "Journey to China", "Count Bludov and his time " and many others. Kovalevsky was one of the founding members of the Society for Assistance to Needy Writers and Scientists (Literary Fund, which still exists today!) And until his death he was its chairman.
  2. Egor Ligachev - (born 1920) political figure.
  3. Egor Stroev - (born 1937) politician.
  4. Egor Abakumov - (1895 - 1953) Russian leader coal industry.
  5. Egor Beroev - (born 1977) Russian theater and film actor.
  6. Egor Letov - (1964 - 2008) in documents - Igor; Russian rock musician, poet, leader of the rock group "Civil Defense")
  7. Yegor Gaidar - (1956 - 2009) Russian statesman and politician, economist, Doctor of Economics.
  8. Egor Sabler - (1810 - 1864) Russian astronomer, student of V.Ya. Struve.
  9. Egor Konstantinov - Russian historian; prepared the “Educational book on the history of the Russian state” (1820) and translated from German: Galetti, “Reduction world history(1811) and Schrekka, The Educational Book of General History (1818; 1819-1820).
  10. Egor Sokolov - (1750 - 1824) Russian architect, representative of classicism.
  11. Egor Sabinin - (1833 -?) Russian mathematician.
  12. Egor Sozonov (Sazonov) - (1879 - 1910) Russian revolutionary, Social Revolutionary, terrorist, murderer V.K. PlevEgor
  13. Egor von Reinecke - (1790 - 1868) Consul Russian Empire in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
  14. Egor Ivanov - (born 1991) Ukrainian football player, midfielder.
  15. Yegor Konev - (born 1970) Belarusian writer and playwright. Writes to Belarusian language. Son of film writer Fyodor Konev.

Egor in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as George (George), on Spanish: Jorge (George), on German: Georg (Georg), in Polish: name Jerzy (Jiri), in Ukrainian: Єgor.

The name Yegor has not left the rating positions for a long time. It hides a contradictory personality underneath. The softness and vulnerability of its owner can border on despotism and tyranny. Egor is an obligatory and diligent person, he loves consistency in everything and never throws words to the wind.

The history of the appearance of the name

The name Yegor comes from ancient Greek. It was formed by transferring the initial sound “g”, since for our ancestors it was difficult to pronounce. Initially, the name sounded like Yegory, but after a while it came into use as Yegor. In translation, it means "peasant", "cultivator of the land."

In the days of our ancestors, “Egors” were called frivolous, stupid people, lovers of entertainment. Soon the name was transformed from a common noun into its own and its meaning changed dramatically.

Forms of the name Egor

Abbreviated: Mountain, Zhora, Gosh, Goga.

Affectionately: Yegorushka, Yegoronka, Yegorchik, Goshunya, Egonya, Zhorzhik, Zhorochka.

Related names: Gerg, George, Jorge, Gregory.

The church version of the name Yegor is George.

Photo gallery: different forms of the name

Friends and close relatives of Yegor often call the boy Yegorka
Yegor is affectionately called Yegorushka
According to Christian tradition, Yegor is baptized under the name George
Gosha - one of the short forms of the name Yegor Yegor - long form the name that is written in official documents

Table: name Egor in other languages

In English, the name Egor corresponds to the name George. Russian-speaking people pronounce it as George.

If the father's name is Yegor, then the patronymic of his child will be: Yegorovna, Yegorovich (colloquial Yegorych).

Egorovich is a sociable, thorough and economic man. It is difficult to convince him of something, he will always have his own point of view and adhere only to it. Egorovna is hardworking, kind and silent. She is independent, will never shift her problems onto others. Absolutely non-conflict, skillfully manages the household and cooks well.

Yegor's passport will indicate Egor.

Most harmoniously with the name Egor, patronymics are combined:

  • Alexandrovich;
  • Evgenyevich;
  • Romanovich;
  • Ilyich;
  • Yakovlevich.
  1. EGOR.
  2. GOWA.

Many wonderful and warm poems have been written about Yegor on the Internet. Here is one of them:

When the name Yegor is pronounced,
Smiles on the faces, and in the souls - enthusiasm.
The character came to fame:
Decent, kind, he is small.
Anyone will call Egorka cheerful,
And he will support everyone and immediately understand.
Yegor knows how to work hard
Egorushka will never be lazy.
In his life he will go wide
And he will be able to achieve the goal easily.
Take our rhyme for your journey:
Let the warmth of these lines warm your soul.


name day

Since the name Yegor is not in the calendar, the young man celebrates his name day at the same time as George. Saints with this name, according to Orthodox calendar, honored 63 times. The most significant dates are January 11, February 4, May 6.

One of the most revered heavenly patrons of Yegor is George the Victorious (Egor the Brave), who, according to legend, saved the princess from a terrible dragon. Overshadowing yourself sign of the cross, the brave man mounted his horse and rushed to the snake. In the fight, Yegoriy hit the monster with a spear in the larynx. (There are versions of the legend in which George slew the dragon only by the power of prayer, without using weapons). The victory over the monster contributed to the conversion local residents to Christianity, and a church was built in the city in honor of the Virgin.

George the Victorious - one of Yegor's heavenly patrons, according to legend, he defeated the dragon only by the power of his prayer

In Russia there was a custom according to which on the day of St. George, weak men were taken to the bathhouse, they were steamed with oak brooms and smeared with melted wolf fat. It was believed that in this way the guy would absorb strength and courage. sacred tree and filled with animal courage.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • purposefulness;
  • adherence to principles;
  • the ability to quickly find solutions to problems;
  • kindness;
  • responsiveness.

Negative qualities:

  • irascibility;
  • pride;
  • isolation.

Childhood and adolescence of Yegor

Little Yegorka cannot be called a quiet and calm child: on the contrary, he is cocky and restless, often instigating fights. An overdeveloped sense of justice in tandem with an innate irascibility becomes the reason that when he hears any lie or sees the humiliation of the weak, Yegor comes into conflict and sorts things out with the help of his fists.

Egor often sorts things out with the help of fists

The boy is diligent and hardworking. It is typical for him to get carried away with some business and devote all his life to it. free time. Studying is also easy for him. Yegor understands equally well both humanitarian and exact sciences. Of the negative qualities of little Yegorka, boasting should be noted. If the child understands his superiority, he will definitely begin to demonstrate it to others.

Deep down, a boy named Yegor is very vulnerable. Even minor setbacks can unsettle him for a while. Parents need to pay attention to this and, in order not to cultivate complexes in the boy, explain to him in a timely manner that not only victories happen in life, but there are also defeats that should be accepted with dignity.

Study is given to Yegorka easily and naturally, he is equally good at all subjects

In adolescence, parents should pay maximum attention to Yegor, since it is likely that he will follow a crooked path. The adventurism and developed leadership qualities inherent in the guy lead to the fact that he also draws other teenagers into his “games”. Later, by some miracle, he himself manages to get out of the water "dry", which cannot be said about his friends.
If in childhood Yegor is very stubborn and likes to swing his fists, parents can read him an instructive poem:

Yegorka shouts in the yard:

My book! My hill!

My ball!

Spatula! Watering can!

I won't let you! My bench!

You don't have to take anything!

I want to play alone.

sad bench,

Near the ball, spatula, watering can.

The hill is bored in the yard

And there is one Yegorka.

G. Lagzdyn



According to Boris Khigir, Egor is a hardworking and goal-oriented person with a big heart. He is always ready to help his loved ones, knows how to quickly find a way out of any situation. The disadvantage of a young man is that he often cannot restrain his emotions. Egor has an analytical mind, thanks to which he quickly moves up the career ladder. Pedantic, principled. If he occupies a leadership position, then even for a minor oversight he can punish an employee by depriving him of a bonus, or he will reprimand for a long time, even remembering the employee’s past mistakes.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claim that Yegor is a reserved and shy person. He can accumulate his dissatisfaction for years, and this greatly affects his psyche. In order to “relieve stress”, a man can get carried away with alcohol, so relatives should carefully monitor him and prevent such a development of events, since he can quit on his own addiction Yegor can't do it. A man is distrustful of strangers, but if he opened his soul to someone, it means that he ranked this person among his close friends.

Thanks to the analytical mindset, Egor is quickly moving up the career ladder.

Hobbies and hobbies

Egor believes that everything he lives with should be beneficial, so the guy turns even rest into the maximum useful activity. He is incredibly enterprising: if he goes fishing, he will definitely catch the most big fish, and he will paint a picture only if he is sure that it will become a real masterpiece and make a splash. Even a man will not cook food just like that, but only if he is very hungry or wants to impress someone. Another passion of Yegor - leisure. He loves to travel, various types sports, cycling and rollerblading.

Egor loves outdoor activities

Professions, business and career

Despite the fact that the name Yegor means "farmer", his professional activity may be far from physical labor. As a rule, a guy chooses a profession with career growth opportunities and quickly reaches his goal. Moreover, moving up the corporate ladder often brings him more satisfaction than paying for his work. Therefore, he can agree to a low-paid job, but in a new, developing company, where he will have the opportunity to express himself and quickly achieve leadership position. Egor most often becomes a manager, financier, analyst, banker.

The temper that is characteristic of a young man can interfere with his business development. Therefore, if he decides to start his own business, it is better to prepare the ground in advance and find an experienced partner who can always keep abreast and, if necessary, besiege Yegor's zeal.

Most often, Egor becomes an office worker in a developing company


Yegor should be watching nervous system. He needs to stick to the daily routine and try to avoid stress. Another problem for Yegor is vision. The guy needs to be regularly checked by a specialist and, if a defect is found, promptly respond to symptoms and undergo treatment.

Relationships with women and family

An attractive and sociable guy has no problems with women. However, he prefers to build relationships on mutual trust. He is always honest and sincere with his passions, he will never cheat and play a double game. He will prefer to see a beautiful, decent, practical woman as a life partner, for whom family values ​​will be a priority, and only after that - her own ambitions.

Of course, Yegor, like any other man, can be carried away by a defiant, arrogant beauty, but, as a rule, these relationships last exactly as long as passion obscures his eyes. As soon as the veil falls, the man will immediately break this connection. For a woman whom he sincerely loves, Yegor will become a reliable protector who will not betray under any circumstances.

A man is usually in no hurry to formalize official relations, because he believes that hasty marriages eventually end in divorce. Egor is an impeccable family man, an ideal owner, a faithful husband and a wonderful father. Usually he tries to keep the affairs of the family under control, but in some cases he can give way to his wife. He loves children, but he brings them up in severity, believing that only in this way can he teach them independence.

Egor is an impeccable family man who values ​​his wife and will never betray her

Table: compatibility with female names

Egor's life can change dramatically in the following periods:

  • 28 years;
  • 33 years;
  • 54 years old.

Table: astrological correspondences

The meaning of the letters in the name

The name of a person is not just a set of letters. Each of them has its own meaning and affects the character of its owner:

  1. The letter E - insight, the need for self-expression, boasting. Possible excessive talkativeness.
  2. The letter G - scrupulousness, pedantry, the ability to find a way out of any situation.
  3. Letter O - the ability to quickly respond to the situation, a lot of talents that the guy prefers to hide from others, considering them a weakness.
  4. The letter P - a man is self-confident, brave, loves risk. He never hopes for someone's help, prefers to do everything on his own.

An excellent description of male names traditionally associated with the profession of farmers was given by an unknown

Farmers Egor, and Georgy, and Yuri
Resist the onslaught of wind and storm,
Because they are together
Because they have been given a lot.
Be happy, Yuri, Yegor and George,
May all your paths be successful:
Fate will not deceive, friends will not leave
And the family is always thriving!



The name Yegor and the seasons

Egor's characteristic, depending on the season of his birth, is as follows:

  1. "Spring" Egor is ambitious and narcissistic. He believes that the whole world should revolve only around his person. The creative nature of a young man longs for constant celebration and fun. The worst thing for him is loneliness, so he seeks to surround himself with many friends who are often as frivolous as he is.
  2. Yegor, who was born in winter, easily analyzes events, clearly allocates his time and persistently moves towards his goal. The man is practical, smart, rapidly overtaking his colleagues on the career ladder. The fair sex is afraid, in their society it becomes closed and taciturn, therefore it prefers that the lady be the initiator of the relationship.
  3. Summer endows Egor with energy, determination, thanks to which he confidently overcomes all difficulties. The man is an optimist, he knows that life is a zebra, and for black stripe White will definitely follow. Yegor does not feel a lack of female attention. As a rule, ladies are happy to agree to spend time in the company of a gentle, intelligent and gallant man.
  4. Egor, born in the autumn period, is rational, pragmatic, never listens to other people's opinions and does not recognize authorities. The man is pedantic, stingy, every hour of his time is scheduled in advance. Women are not enthusiastic about him, but there are pluses in his character: the family of the “autumn” Mountain will never know what need is.

Video: name Yegor - fate and character traits

Table: horoscope for Yegor

Zodiac signCharacter features
AriesThis person has strong-willed character, most of all he appreciates friendship and mutual understanding. He always tries to be honest with people and likes to be treated the same way. He does not get lost in front of the public, he always expresses his opinion. In relations with the fair sex, he is straightforward and open, he will never hide his true feelings.
TaurusPleasant and kind person who is always surrounded by friends. He is non-confrontational, he tries to resolve any misunderstanding peacefully, he is ready to compromise. His wife will be a good-natured and economic girl who will share his life principles.
TwinsThis person is incredibly optimistic and cheerful. He loves pranks and often jokes with his friends. However, not everyone can understand and appreciate his subtle humor, which causes conflict situations. Egor's companion will be a smart, attractive woman who can tolerate his antics, realizing that this is just childishness and will pass with age.
CrayfishBright and direct personality. Always on the move, loves adventure, incredibly sociable. For life, an emotional and liberated woman is most suitable for him, who will charge him with new emotions.
a lion“Cause is time, and fun is an hour” - this proverb for Yegor is like a life motto. Work is above all for him, but he also knows how to relax, thanks to which he is surrounded by faithful and good friends. He treats the fair sex inconsistently, often he himself cannot understand what type of women he likes best, which is why he changes passions like gloves. From his wife requires fidelity and mutual understanding.
VirgoA pragmatic and prudent person who strives to maintain order in everything. Egor will never deviate from the previously planned plan, thanks to which everything in his life goes smoothly and clearly. Women consider him a boring bore, so it is not easy for him to find a soul mate.
ScalesThis person lives in harmony not only with himself, but with the whole world around him. He is good-natured, gallant. However, he has no luck with women, because the guy lacks determination. For life, he needs a lady who will push him, direct him in the right direction.
ScorpionSincere, independent and straightforward person. People around him are attracted by openness and good nature. Having met for the first time with a person, after 10 minutes of communication, he can consider him best friend. He takes a sweet, non-conflict girl as his wife, who agrees to share with him all the hardships of life.
SagittariusEnergetic, active and self-confident person. Eloquent, which is very popular with women. However, Yegor himself is not ready for a long-term relationship, so he often changes passions.
CapricornContradictory person. His mood can change in minutes. It is very difficult to get along with him, so his companion must have a soft and docile character.
AquariusThis person is talented, interesting, often the soul of the company. The girls surround him with their attention, not giving passage, but Yegor is very selective. He is looking for an ideal woman for life, and if he does not find one, he may remain a bachelor for life.
FishThis is a person of mood, for whom only the feelings he experiences are important. Instantly reacts to criticism, often gets involved in conflicts. Unbearable character does not allow him to build a career. AT married life also, not everything is going smoothly: not every woman can endure such a character.

Photo gallery: famous people named Yegor

Egor Creed - Russian singer, author and performer of the song "The Bride" Egor Klinaev - actor, singer, host of the children's TV program "Time to Space" on the Karusel TV channel Egor Letov - leader and only permanent member of the Civil Defense group Egor Koreshkov - actor , performer of leading roles in the TV series "Bitter", "Eighties" Yegor Beroev - Russian theater and film actor, played the main roles in the films "Thanks to Grandpa for the Victory", "We will not say goodbye"

In principle, Yegor can be considered lucky. Often he stands firmly on his feet, achieves considerable heights in the professional field, has a strong and loving family. However, a young man never exalts himself above another, does not lose his head when he is at the top, and finds the courage to rise if he suddenly falls down.

Modern parents, influenced by fashion trends and trends, are chasing originality and uniqueness. They often shift the responsibility for this originality onto the little shoulders of their children. We mean the modern names that moms and dads endow their babies with today. Most of today's kids are called exotic, and, at first glance, even strange.

Contrary to such trends, let's talk about the traditional classic name for - Yegor, take a closer look at it, and tell you how it affects the character and fate of its carrier.

Origin and meaning of the name

Often, when thinking about how to name a newborn son, parents turn to astrologers, numerologists, psychologists and other specialists in this field for help, because they want the baby's fate to turn out as best as possible. And since ancient times, there has been a belief that it will depend on how the little one was called. further fate. In this regard, we examine the name Yegor, its meaning, origin and characteristics of the name.

"Egor" came to us from Ancient Russia, where he migrated from Greece. In Russia, his version of "Egoriy" was widespread, but today this version is practically not used, since it was classified as archaism.
Egor is derived from George. Translated from the Greek, the name for the boy Egor means "a farmer", "a plowman who cultivates the land." The fact is that in ancient times the so-called men who cultivated the land.

Did you know? The most common male name in the world is Mohammed. It is interesting that not only representatives of Islam call their sons this way. It is noteworthy that in 2008 the majority of boys born in London were named that way.

As shows summary of our explanation of what the name Yegor means for a boy, its owners are people who love and understand the earth most of all, know how to work with it and manage.

Name and patronymic forms

There are many options for how you can call such a boy, which parents really like, because it allows you to show your originality in the best possible way and choose the most suitable form for the little one. Therefore, we will consider derivatives on behalf of Yegor and tell you how you can call it differently.
Moms and dads can call their little man Goga, Zhora, Gora, Gorey, Gosha, Gunya, which are abbreviated derivatives of the original version. Also, the little one can be affectionately called Egorka, Egorchik, Egorushka, Egosha, Egonya, Goshunya, Egunya, Zhorzhik, Zhorushka.

The word is declined in all cases: nominative (Egor), genitive (Egor), dative (Egor), accusative (Egor), creative (Egor), prepositional (about Egor).

Important! Many parents wonder what full name Yegor: he is Yegor, or George. According to research, the full version is George, but now the second version has strengthened its position, and therefore this version has also been considered complete in recent years. Now they are treated as two separate ones. As you can see, now it all depends on parental preferences. Therefore, the form of the male name "Egor" can be considered complete.

By patronymic, the sons of Egorka will be Egorovichi, or Egorychi for short, and the daughters - Egorovna, or Egorychny. The most sonorous Egorkam will be the patronymic Antonovich, Vladimirovich, Alekseevich, Denisovich, Pavlovich, Yanovich, Matveevich, Denisovich, Petrovich, etc.

name angel day

Yegorushki celebrate their Angel Day quite often: in August (31st), June (8th), May (2nd, 6th, 26th and 29th), March (6th and 17th), February (4th, 17th, 27th), December (9), November (16), January (21).
In the Orthodox tradition, it is associated with Saints George or Yuri, who are considered patrons of rural work and protectors of girls. It is the defender - that's what the name Yegor means for a boy according to the church calendar.

Name in different languages

Interestingly, Egorka will be called differently in different languages.

On the English name Egor sounds like George. It was worn by such luminaries: George Michael, George Harrison and others; in Belarusian - this is Yagor; in German, Egorushek will be called Georgs, Jurgens, Shorshes and Jorgens; in Italian - Giorgio, in Bulgarian - Georgi, in Armenian - Gevorg, in Ukrainian - Egor; on the Japanese Egorchik will respond to the form Egor-mei (Egor-mei); in China it will be Geaoertszi; the Polish version is Ezhy; Czech - Jiri; in Ireland he is Shorishe; in France - Georges; the Norwegians will call Goshenka Georg; in Slovakia he is Juraj.

Did you know? A couple of American spouses argued so desperately about what to name their son that, in the end, they decided not to name him at all and give their son the right to choose his own name upon reaching adulthood. The boy grew up and could not make a choice, he responded to his last name.

But the roots of the name Yegor, nevertheless, reach Greece, and we have already mentioned that in translation into Russian it means "landowner and farmer."

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

Many famous people were endowed with this brilliant name by their parents. All of them had common feature- These are purposeful people who have always achieved their plans:

Important! Although many owners of this name have become famous people, you should not tie their success to this alone. Their success also depended on natural inclinations, gene factors and upbringing.

The main character traits of people with this name

If you follow the belief that your name determines your character, then practice shows that all Yegorushkas are truth-loving boys, and they remain that way in life. They hate lies.

Egorkas are very hardworking, they love order in everything. They know how to find a way out even from hopeless situations. In childhood, they are characterized by a short temper. Yegorushki are very amorous, but if they fall in love, they remain faithful to their soul mate. Adult Georges is a businesslike serious person. He often achieves career success, he is principled in work, his boss is strict, but fair. But he will never work in a team in which he is uncomfortable.
Gora is a good family man, an excellent host, a faithful husband to his wife and a talented educator of children. He is a tireless seeker of truth and justice. Makes only responsible decisions.

Important! In relations with a girl, Gosha is always sincere and gallant, he does not skimp on compliments. He is monogamous and always admires his soul mate.

In addition to the above explanations of what the name Yegor means for a boy, it is beautiful and sonorous, very well suited for a portfolio.

Name astrology

It is believed that the planet under which the Yegorchiks were born is Jupiter, the color of the carrier boy is blue, his lucky stone- noble sapphire. The iconic plant is lily of the valley, and the auspicious tree is poplar. Egorushka's patron animal is a white bull, his zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

The listed astrological facts determine the purposefulness, love of freedom, efficiency, honesty, reliability, intelligence and other traits in the character of these men.
Too often, little Yegorushkas are bullies who always want to be leaders. But often in their lives there are defeats that they endure very hard. The task of the parents in this case is to explain to the child that failure is a lesson after which one should not despair, but endure the experience.

Interpretation of the letters of the name

The interpretation of the name should begin with numerological number. For Gosha, this is the figure eight, which means stability, success, material independence, reliability, constancy.

Important! The name of little Yegorushka consists of four letters, which speaks of the analytical mindset of the wearer, his ideological, purposefulness, expediency, and seriousness.

More about the interpretation of the letters of the name:

  • letter "E" speaks of sociability, even a certain obsession of a person. She is also a witness of purposefulness, openness, perseverance in achieving goals;
  • letter "G" speaks of such human qualities as pedantry, conscientiousness, intelligence;
  • "O"- an indicator of the inner wealth of a person, his intuitiveness, the ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in it and discard the secondary. "O" is a symbol of the unexplored mystery of the Universe.
  • "R" indicates a tendency to dogmatism, the ability to make decisions, patience, compliance.

As you can see, choosing a name is an extremely responsible task that young parents must decide. After all, it often determines the fate and character of its carrier. Therefore, before chasing exoticism and originality, and calling the baby an unconventional name, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, think about whether it will make it difficult for the little man to realize and socialize himself in the world.

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