Home Mushrooms Hermine's name. Ermin - “strong”, “whole.” Compatibility of the name Ermina, manifestation in love

Hermine's name. Ermin - “strong”, “whole.” Compatibility of the name Ermina, manifestation in love

Albina is a female name of Latin origin. Translated from Latin it means “light”, “white”. In Romanian, the name Albina is similar to the word bee.

Stone: agate.

Element: fire.

Planet: Jupiter.


When determining the meaning of the name Albina, much depends on the patronymic. As a rule, Albina is her father's daughter, and will inherit many of her character traits from her father. At the same time, she is always characterized by stubbornness, integrity and even arrogance. She is quite quick-tempered, which often leads to conflicts with peers, she is energetic and ready to social activities. At school, Albina prefers the company of boys. With age, this trend continues.

Albina, born in summer, is usually very sensitive, emotional and active. When answering the question of what the name Albina means for girls born in the fall, their characteristic restraint and prudence immediately come to mind. “Winter” Albins are distinguished by their temper, the outbursts of which can be very impressive. Born in spring Albina is sensitive and vulnerable, but at the same time she can be arrogant.

In the event of a conflict, Albina usually tries with all her appearance to show contempt for the enemy, preferring not to get into a quarrel, but to ignore him. By this she asserts herself, placing herself above the “boors” around her. Moreover, many such quarrels arise precisely because of her arrogance.

When unraveling the mystery of the name Albina, one cannot ignore the fact that she, as a rule, is a very good wife, mother and housewife. Albina supports her husband in almost everything. The only thing she does not accept is drunkenness. By the way, Albins are practically not susceptible to this defect.


Albina has been in very good health since childhood, except for a certain tendency to be overweight. As you age, problems associated with genitourinary system. It is recommended to keep healthy image life, in particular, classes can be very useful aquatic species sports. You should also try to limit your intake of medications, especially tranquilizers.

Study, career and hobbies

The meaning of the name Albina in terms of choosing a profession is not too great. The main thing for her is home. Usually she is not very interested in the prestige of what she will do. Albina chooses her specialty to her liking. How successfully she realizes herself in the profession largely depends on her peace of mind and stability at home.

The secret of the name Albina most often “pushes” her into those areas where she needs to frequently communicate with people: pedagogy, medicine, institutions Catering and even business. She also often manages to reach the top in sports or art.

If Albina’s children discover any talent, then there is no doubt that she will do everything so that her children can realize it.

Parenting tips. Answers to the question of what the name Albina could mean can be diametrically opposed, depending on the parenting methods chosen by the parents. From childhood, it is better to keep Albina under a tight rein. Her incredible energy must be directed in the right direction, while careful attention is paid to ensure that the child does not develop “star fever”, which can lead to the development of arrogance. It is very important that early age Albina has learned to respect people, even if their views disgust her.

Celebrity Trainer rhythmic gymnastics Albina Deryugina, singer Albina Dzhanabaeva, biathlete Albina Akhatova.

Linguists claim that the name Albina comes from the Roman generic name Albinus, which in turn comes from the word albus. Translated, this means “white” or “pure”. I follow this logic the meaning of the name Albina is “white” or “pure”. Most popular in countries with great traditions in the Catholic faith. These are countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, etc.

The following also came from family nicknames: female names like Camilla (Camillus), Claudia (Claudius), Sabina (Sabinus) and Emilia (Aemilius). You can find out their meaning by following the links.

The name Albina has several related names. These are male names Albin and Albinus. The first of the names is typical for the Scandinavian countries, and the second was relatively popular in the 16th-19th centuries AD in France and Germany.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

Albina is a cheerful and active girl. She has a craving for everything new, which often spills out in the form of curiosity and restlessness. Albina needs to be closely monitored and the main thing is to teach her safety rules. She loving daughter and is happy to help parents. The girl is sociable and always has a lot of friends. He tries in every possible way to communicate longer, because without communication he cannot find a place for himself. The girl is very kind and sympathetic.

Albina studies well, and besides studying, she also goes to many clubs. She is interested in everything new, but there is also a long-term love for one particular subject. Very often, the love of learning will depend on the personality of the teacher. If a teacher can kindle a love for his subject in Albina, then such an ardent admirer of the subject will be difficult to find.

For the most part, the health of girls named Albina is good. Weak point Albina can be called her nervous system. She is quite an emotional person and can be overly sensitive. It is advisable for her to monitor her own emotional background and avoid nervous shock in every possible way.

Short name Albina

Bina, Binka, Alina, Alya, Lala.

Diminutive pet names

Albinochka, Alchik, Albishka, Albinushka.

Name Albina in English

IN English language the name Albina has the form Bella and Albella.

Name Albina for international passport- ALBINA.

Translation of the name Albina into other languages

in Belarusian - Albina
in Ukrainian - Albina
in Polish - Albina
in Hungarian - Albina
in Czech - Albina
in Spanish - Albina
in Italian - Albina
in German - Albina
in French - Albi and Albine
in Portuguese - Albina
in Danish - Albina
in Swedish - Albina
in Norwegian - Albina

Church name Albina(V Orthodox faith) absent. Is not Orthodox name. The name Albina is revered in the Catholic faith.

Characteristics of the name Albina

For adult Albina, such features as prudence and calmness become characteristic. However, it happens that upbringing does not cope with Albina’s tendency to emotional outbursts. In this case, Albina becomes overly temperamental and arrogant. Albina can be absolutely different person. If virtues win in Albina, then it will be much more pleasant for others to communicate with her.

At work, Albina is usually a diligent employee. She sincerely tries to help the cause and achieve success. At the same time, Albina has no careerism and is calm about promotion. career ladder. Special characteristic feature Albins can be called calm in case of emergency conflict situations. She remains completely calm and does not lose her head, which allows her to solve the problem most rationally. For this feature of hers, Albina is respected by her colleagues and superiors.

Albina builds her family with special care. She is ready for a long time to choose the only one with whom she decides to start a family. For her, there are no unimportant criteria in a man. She draws attention to his universal and masculine qualities. He considers the material wealth of the chosen one no less important. Albina is not satisfied with just loving a man, although she most likely will not love a financially insolvent man.

Albina is a good housewife and knows how to be thrifty, although she doesn’t like it. She knows how to keep herself in good physical shape even after marriage. Even after the birth of children, Albina usually retains good figure. Albina is also a wonderful mother. She loves her children and devotes a lot of time to them.

The secret of the name Albina

Albina's secret can be called a tendency to arrogance. She often treats others with disdain, which in turn always leads to a large number enemies. If Albina cannot cope with this vice, she will have a lot of trouble. We must remember that arrogance (pride) is one of the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy, one of the deadly sins in the Catholic faith and the main sin in Islam.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Stork.

Name color- White.

Tree- Silver willow.

Plant- White aster.

Stone- White agate.

What does the name Albina mean:
Translators claim that this name means white or blond.

Origin of the name Albina:
This roman name, it is based on Latin roots, the name comes from the word alb, which is translated as white.

Character, conveyed by name Albina: Albina can easily be called a perpetual motion machine; she is constantly in motion, it is practically impossible to keep her in place. She is quick-tempered, emotional, very excitable and often irritable. Her deficient character qualities are at least a little poise or stability. Albina can often work herself up to give herself some courage, and thereby at least sometimes make the right impression on the people around her. She has a fairly strong will, she is incredibly self-confident, even more than is permissible. Sometimes, after the manifestation of violent joyful emotions, she may experience a certain period of depression.

Social life is not indifferent to Albina, and she always strives to take an active part in it. Her professional activity will always be quite successful, especially in those industries where constant and close contact with people will be necessary, for example, in the service sector, or in teaching, or even in trade.

Outwardly, Albins are always very charming and charming, and they, of course, cannot help but realize this and naturally often use such qualities for personal purposes. Albina is smart, often has synthetic thinking, as a rule, she has excellent memory and an incredibly developed imagination. Albina is almost always emotional and sensitive, and that’s all possible troubles or failures hurt her too much. Due to some weakness nervous system Albina should not hide all her emotions, because this, as a rule, is fraught with the development of certain diseases and serious nervous disorders. Various successes and achievements, both her own and those of strangers, make her incredibly happy, and of course set her in a positive mood.

Albina is always sociable and hospitable; she, of course, loves noisy and fun companies, absolutely loves to host guests. She has remarkable adaptive abilities, and at the same time Albina perfectly adapts to any living conditions and will feel good almost anywhere in any condition.

In marriage, Albina is often very happy, she is able to adapt to any character of her husband, to his personal interests, she can easily sacrifice watching, say, her favorite TV show so that her husband can watch the broadcast of her husband’s favorite, but not decisive, football match. She is, of course, an excellent housewife, an unusually caring mother and truly faithful wife. She simply loves to clean up her house and cooks incredibly delicious food. But Albina has a strong tolerance for alcohol negative attitude, she herself will not drink it and cannot even stand the smell of alcohol from her acquaintances or friends.

The meaning of the name Albina is quite interesting - this strong and determined woman can be either “white and fluffy” or “black sheep”, depending on which character traits will prevail.

A girl with such a rare and unusual name will definitely be the center of everyone's attention. And therefore, since childhood, preferring the company of boys and surrounded by a crowd of admirers, Albina gets used to being worshiped and placed on a pedestal.

An explosive mixture of pride and power, embellished with charm and mystery - this is what the name Albina means.

This name smells of the East, although it is not at all eastern origin. Albina values ​​herself and her individuality very much, she never wants to be one of several for someone, her most important desire is to be the one and only.

And this applies to both work and personal life or relationships with friends.

Would you name your child this name?

Her story begins with the male nickname Albion. The origin of the name Albina is Latin and is associated with the word “albus”, which means “white”.

In my time male version This name became widespread, it was worn by famous commanders, scientists and philosophers. However, in female version this name was unknown for a long time.

On the one hand, it is completely non-Orthodox, but on the other, it is still quite familiar to us, Russian. After all, its ending is similar to such names as: Marina or Galina. Although Albina emanates some southern exoticism.

In Russia, it came into use not so long ago, only in the 20th century, thanks to the appearance of many rare titles and the popularity of the novel “Albina von Schwalbach” by Alexandre Dumas.

And it is still sonorous and unusual name choose for their daughters quite often, despite the difficult, but very a strong character its owner.

Name forms

Simple: Albina Full: Albina Antique: AlbinaAffectionate: Alenka

The main secret of the name Albina is that for all her attractiveness and hot temper, her character is still more masculine. This is where her power and tendency to dominate come from. Alya always stands her ground and very rarely gives in.

An exception may be Albina Alekseevna or Dmitrievna - for the sake of close people, she will gladly sacrifice her interests.

The description of what the name Albina means is inextricably linked with emotionality and secrecy.

In an effort to show external coldness, Alya hides her true feelings.

Which cannot but affect psychological state: If due to circumstances she has to control herself for a long time, this can even lead to depression.

It is worth noting that Albina perfectly benefits not only from all her advantages, but also from all her shortcomings. Such a woman always knows what she wants, how to achieve it and who can help her with it.

The characteristics of the name Albina are energetic, decisive, domineering, but at the same time very feminine. Hot-tempered and explosive, if you managed to hurt her pride, expect a worthy response - instead of screams and hysterics, a pound of contempt, zero attention and complete indifference to the future.

When choosing a profession, only Albina’s interest in it will play a decisive role; prestige or profitability do not matter at all.

But if Alya has found herself, she will be able to show herself in all her glory and will definitely achieve success, in this case she will not lack endurance and restraint. Although Albina Andreevna or Evgenievna may be too principled - and then their career takeoff will not be so serene.

Another characteristic for Albina is of no small importance - her sensitivity, even sentimentality. This woman is not always as strong as she wants to seem. And sometimes failures in life can knock her out of her state of mental balance for a long time.

Character traits


Strength of will



Hot temper





The most important thing for Albina in a relationship is attention. Accustomed to universal worship from her youth, she will value, first of all, loyalty and devotion in her chosen one. It is vital for her to feel that she is desired and loved.

At the same time, Albina is a terrible possessive and jealous person, she can manically control the entire female environment of her husband, especially if she does not receive enough attention.

She herself is a faithful wife and an ideal housewife; she easily takes care of herself and her home. Only with her husband is she ready to sacrifice her interests, provided that he is ready to give up his leadership position in some way and, of course, loves her very much.

For the sake of the children, Alya is ready to do anything, no matter what happens and no matter how things turn out. financial position, she will definitely achieve the best for her children - be it clothes, school or some special sections.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

For a girl named Albina, the most important thing will always be herself, her thoughts and desires. Very charming, independent, attractive, Alya can be distant and even cruel with others.

This child definitely achieves his goal thanks to his self-confidence and perseverance.

Albina is quick-tempered, impulsive, and sometimes too emotional. It looks like a time bomb, and this means that if “the hour has come” and the girl’s pride was hurt, then the offender will clearly be out of luck.

Even without causing scandals, this child will make you regret your words or actions with his contempt.

The girl, named Albina, will only do what interests her. And if she’s not “hooked”, get good results it will be very difficult. She likes to communicate with people, she knows how to manage them, organize them correctly, and therefore can connect her life with the public, in a narrow or broad sense.

The owner of this name should definitely be taught compassion and patience, the ability not to notice other people’s shortcomings or, according to at least, do not point out them openly. Sensitive Albina must be taught to take life’s failures calmly; the ease of accepting failed projects will greatly help her in the future.

What games will Albina like?

This child is very active, and also not lacking in talent. Albina loves to dance, sing, and just run down the street with other kids. She likes to be the center of attention, and therefore she can even start a yard concert and act as the main “star”.


Name Albina in different languages

On english name Albina- Albina;

On Japanese name Albina sounds like Arubina;

On Chinese name AlbinaĀ Lì Bīn Nà;

On French name Albina- Albine (Albin, Albina);

On Arabic name Albina means “our heart”;

German- Albina (Albina), Albine (Albine), diminutives- Bina (Bina), Bine (Bine);

In Spanish- Albina (Albina), derived forms - Albinita (Albinita), Bina (Bina);

In Portuguese- Albina (Albina), derived forms are Albininha (Albininya), Bina (Bina) and Bininha (Bininya);

Available in Italian, Swedish, Danish and Hungarian- Albina (Albina);

In Ukrainian- Albina, Alvina, diminutive forms - Albinochka, Albinonka, Albinka, Alvinonka, Alvinochka, Alya, Alvinka;

In Belarusian- Albina, diminutive forms - Albinka, Alya, Altsya;

In Polish- Albina, diminutives - Albinka (Albinka) and Binka (Binka);

In Czech- Albina, diminutive forms - Albinka (Albinka), Ala (Ala), Alba (Alba);

In Norwegian– Albin, Albina (Albina).

Origin of the name Albina

The name Albina is Latin. Translated as “white”, “clean”, “light”.

The origin of the name Albina is associated with male name Albin.

Albina's character

Her health is initially good, but she is prone to obesity. IN mature age may arise . She should lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, especially water sports. You should not abuse it, especially tranquilizers, which she is prone to.

“Spring” is sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant. Can work as a teacher or sales worker.

What middle name suits the name Albina?

The name matches patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentyevna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

10. Type. They are often intriguing: you never know whether they will explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. Strive to be active public life. Overly self-confident.

12. Will. Strong, sometimes simply despotic.

13. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

14. Reaction speed. Very fast, especially if we're talking about about loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

15. Field of activity. More interested in their own inner world than work. Best deal for them it is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other things early homework. Most suitable for them are professions that require communication with people - in the field of public catering, trade, education

16. Intuition. Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and are excellent at using these qualities to their advantage.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mentality, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what amazed or alarmed them.

18. Receptivity. Although they try to keep their distance, this hides highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

19. Morality. They are equally pleased with their own and others’ successes.

20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should lead, play sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

21. Sexuality. Strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in them.

22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

23. Sociability. They love to receive guests; they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. They achieve some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of their own personality.

24. Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - the cherry blossom, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Characteristics of Albina according to B. Khigir

Albina - “white” (lat.).

She is quick-tempered and emotional by nature. It needs to be held in your hands from childhood. She cannot sit still, she constantly moves, dances and sings. She lacks balance and stability. She often incites anger herself in order to give herself courage and impress others. Seeks intense participation in public life. Overly self-confident. Has a strong will. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the violent manifestation of joy, most often unfounded, after which long-term depression sets in.

Albina is extremely active, especially when it comes to her family, which she is ready to protect by any means. However, he also participates in public life not without pleasure. However, she is more passionate about her inner world than her work. A pleasant activity for her is improving her home. WITH early childhood she loves to help her mother or grandmother, she learns to cook and do housework early. Labor activity Albina requires wide contact with people: in the service sector, catering, trade, educational institutions.

Her intuition is associated with impressionability. The woman is charming and charming, she perfectly uses these qualities to her advantage. She has a synthetic mind. She has a lively, well-developed imagination, excellent visual memory, and remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. Albina tries to hide her feelings, which is extremely harmful for her to do, as it can lead to a breakdown of the nervous system. She is equally pleased with her own and other people's successes. The fall of others hurts and irritates her.

Her health is initially good, but she is prone to obesity. In adulthood, problems with the genitourinary system may arise. She should lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, especially water sports. You should not abuse medications, especially tranquilizers, which she is prone to.

Albina's sexuality is great and manifests itself early. But she is more faithful and sentimental than she lets on. Family and social taboos can lead to a sexual complex.

He loves noisy companies and enjoys receiving guests. She is the ideal housewife. He adapts well to life, feels great everywhere, and sparkles with the joy of being. Albina is very interesting woman, in the family - the core, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Characteristics of the name Albina by season

“Winter” is quick-tempered, a hurricane if she gets angry.

“Autumn” is more restrained. Can work as a chief accountant or economist. The name matches patronymics: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lyubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

“Summer” - active, emotional, receptive.

“Spring” is sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant. Can work as a teacher or sales worker. The name matches patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentyevna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

Name days and patron saints of Albina

Saint Albina (name day December 16)
Great and famous Albins
Albina Deryugina ((born 1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
Albina Akhatova ((born 1976) Russian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998))
Albina Dzhanabaeva ((born 1979) Russian-Ukrainian singer of Kazakh origin, lead singer of the Ukrainian female pop group " VIA Gra"("Nu Virgos"))
Albina Shulgina (Mikhailova) ((1937 - 2009) screenwriter, poetess, playwright)
Albina Shishova ((born 1966) Soviet gymnast, master of sports of international class. World champion in the team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in the all-around (1983). USSR champion in balance beam exercises (1982), silver medalist in the all-around ( 1982).)
Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Ayken ((1911 - 1964) American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion 1928)
Albina Osterman ((1856 - 1936) Moldavian ethnographer)
Albina Apanaeva ((born 1981) popular Tatar pop singer)

Albina celebrates Catholic name days

Compatibility of the name Albina

Incompatibility of the name Albina

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