Home Natural farming When is the holiday aviation day? Air Force Day (Air Force Day)

When is the holiday aviation day? Air Force Day (Air Force Day)

Air Force Day can rightfully be considered a holiday that promotes the development of military traditions in Russia and increases the importance of military service.

Facts from history

The history of the emergence of the Air Force in Russia began in 1910 thanks to the appearance in the country of the first air fleet, whose purpose was to conduct military intelligence. On August 12, 1912, an order from the Military Department was issued, according to which an aeronautical unit was created in Russia.

This air fleet existed for seven years and rose to become the best in the world. He played a fundamental role in shaping world aviation. With the advent of the revolution in 1917, the imperial air fleet ceased to exist.

In 1918, the Soviet government created its own military aviation, which took part in the civil war. After its completion, the air force was forgotten in the country until the early thirties.

With the onset of the thirties, authorities began to devote close attention military aviation. Aviation factories began to be built in the country, and schools were opened to train flight personnel.

The purpose of the air fleet was expanded, and military aviation began to develop rapidly.

During the Great Patriotic War, the production of military aircraft in the Soviet Union sharply increased, and new technologies began to be introduced.

Facts about the date of celebration

There is reliable information that Air Force Day was not always celebrated in Russia on August 12. At the beginning of the 20th century, during the formation of aviation, pilots celebrated their day on August 2. Then, in 1924, by decision of Frunze, the holiday of the air force began to be celebrated on July 14.

Stalin in 1933 moved the date of celebration to August 18. At the same time, Air Force Day was recognized as a public holiday. This was influenced by the successful development of the aviation industry in the country.

Since 1980, the date on which Air Force Day is celebrated has changed periodically.

In 2006, taking into account historical facts, the President of Russia signed a decree, thanks to which the air force of our country began to celebrate its day on August 12. This day, in compliance with all formalities, became the professional day of military pilots Russian Federation.

Great Patriotic War (role of the Air Force)

During the war, the Germans used rush war tactics, expecting a quick surrender Soviet troops. One of the main points of their plan was the destruction of airfields serving as locations for military vehicles. The Germans, thanks to information received by intelligence, were aware of their location.

Having received an order from the center, the command of certain military districts was unable to redeploy the aircraft to alternate airfields within the prescribed period. They were not properly prepared, so in the first days of the war the Nazis exterminated a large number of our planes. This fact allowed them to dominate the air for some time.

Soviet pilots, showing heroism, resisted German aces, flying on planes superior to ours technical specifications combat vehicles. Heroic exploits, committed by the pilots, instilled fear in the Nazis. With their actions, they laid the foundations of the Russian Air Force traditions, filled with courage, resilience and a sense of duty.

By the end of this bloody war, the superiority of the Soviet Air Force became an indisputable fact.

Cold War period

After the victory of the Soviet Union over fascism, the Air Force troops were subjected to serious modernization. Was carried out active work on development new technology, air combat tactics were honed. By the end of the 1980s, the military aviation of the Soviet Union became the most powerful in the world.

The USSR Air Force in those years was divided into the following types:

  • Frontline.
  • Far.
  • Military transport.
  • Auxiliary.

It also included special forces and rear services. But the economic crisis and the collapse of the country led to the fact that the Air Force began to divide the newly formed CIS republics among themselves.

At the end of the section, Russia became the only state on the territory of the former Soviet Union with long-range aviation.

The current situation of the Russian Air Force

The authority of Russian military aviation today in the conditions of any military conflict situation, cannot be underestimated. It’s rare that anyone can express their opinion that Russian aviation is not capable of solving combat missions under any circumstances.

This revaluation of the essence of things became possible thanks to the work of the developers of the latest combat aircraft; technical staff servicing combat vehicles at home bases, and directly to highly qualified flight personnel.

Nowadays, the air force of the Russian Federation is actively undergoing rearmament and modernization. They carry out a huge range of work to ensure the security of our country’s borders and patrol certain areas of the planet in the interests of Russia.

Even on their holiday (August 12 - Russian Air Force Day), a large number of military pilots are at their combat posts, protecting the tranquility of their native country.

Tasks of the Russian Air Force

Nowadays, the Russian Air Force is entrusted with many important tasks:

  • Intelligence operations.
  • Transportation of material assets and resource potential.
  • Landing and assistance to ground units.
  • Protecting the country from air strikes.
  • If necessary, strikes against enemy groups and military-economic territories.

The Air Force of the Russian Federation plays one of the main roles in protecting Russian territory from the threat of enemy attack. They are able to repel any blow and are a deterrent to the plans of any ill-wisher.

Holiday traditions

Each year, when Air Force Day arrives, military air bases host exciting tours, military aircraft displays, and other events.

In certain cities of our country, on the day when the military aviation of the Russian Federation celebrates its holiday, spectacular flight shows are held. Those present can admire the most complex tricks and appreciate high level professionalism of flying aces.

On Russian Air Force Day (the date of the holiday remains unchanged since 2006), various films about the air force are also shown, and exciting events are held. sporting events. Flowers and wreaths are brought to the graves of military pilots who gave their lives for their Motherland, because the memory of the exploits they accomplished lives forever in the souls of the Russian people.

Aviation museums also open their doors on the holiday, everyone can visit them for free, and various sporting events take place.

On August 12, everyone without exception wishes the representatives of the Russian military aviation, who are the guarantors of peace, Russian people, best wishes.

There's not much in our country public holidays, which contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions and increasing the prestige of military service. One of them is Russian Air Force Day.

A little about the history of the Air Force

It all started with the fact that in 1910 the first military air fleet appeared in the Russian Empire. More than a hundred years ago (more precisely, on August 12, 1912), the Military Department issued an order to form the State Aeronautical Unit, whose function was to military intelligence. It lasted only seven years, earning the title of one of the best in the world. Therefore, he played an exceptional role in the development of world aviation.

Russia already at the beginning of the First World War could boast the largest number aircraft, the number of which has tripled in just four years. Despite this, the history of the Imperial Navy ends immediately after the 1917 revolution.

Global industrialization had a positive effect on aircraft production. A few months after the start of World War II, 100 aircraft were produced daily. Record rates of aviation development were observed after the end of the war. Soviet Union significantly expanded the importance and responsibilities of the air force. The development of aviation during this period made great strides.

Therefore, it was not without reason that in 2006, raising documents that were centuries old, by decree of the President of the country, August 12 was officially recognized as the Day of the Russian Air Force. Since then, all military pilots in our country have celebrated their professional day.

Interesting facts about the date of Air Force Day celebration

We figured out the history of the holiday. But there are other facts confirming that Russian Air Force Day was not always celebrated on August 12. It is curious that the date of the celebration was changed four times.

So, at the beginning of the last century, at the dawn of aviation, Russian pilots obeyed the decree of Nicholas II and celebrated their professional holiday on the Day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, August 2. Now this day is celebrated by the Airborne Forces.

Then in 1924, Mikhail Frunze moved the celebration to July 14 for the air fleet. And then, in 1933, Stalin, having announced the creation of the aviation industry in the USSR, established August 18 as Air Fleet Day.

The official celebration of Russian Air Force Day takes place on August 12. Nowadays, the Air Force performs defense, intelligence and strategic functions, which plays important role to increase Russia's defense capability.

Congratulations on Air Force Day

To emphasize the importance of the profession and show respect for the person who is involved in military aviation, do not forget to congratulate him on time. Express your sincere gratitude to our defenders, because it is so important to be proud of the achievements of the Motherland.

First World War significantly accelerated further development military aviation. On the battlefields, the wide capabilities of combat use of aircraft were confirmed: first for reconnaissance and artillery fire adjustment, and then for hitting ground and air targets. By the end of the First World War, Russian military aviation had transformed from an auxiliary means of reconnaissance and communications into an independent branch of the ground forces, which included reconnaissance, fighter and bomber aircraft. At the final stage of the war, the air force took part in all major front-line and army operations and provided significant influence on the nature of hostilities.

The Soviet Air Force was created together with the Red Army. In the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, on December 20, 1917, the All-Russian Collegium for the Management of the Air Fleet of the Republic was established, which was entrusted with the management of the formation of aviation units, central and local directorates of the Air Fleet, the preservation and preservation of aviation property, the training of aviation personnel, and the organization of logistics. During the demobilization of the old army, only 33 aviation detachments were preserved. By December 1920, the Air Force had 83 air squadrons, including 18 naval ones. Total in years Civil War Up to 350 Soviet aircraft operated simultaneously on the fronts.

After the end of the Civil War, aviation enterprises were restored and partially expanded in a short period of time, and the production of aircraft of domestic designs was established. In 1924-1933, I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5 fighters, R-3 reconnaissance aircraft, and TB-1 and TB-3 heavy bombers entered service. In the 1930s, I-15, I-16, I-153 fighters, SB, DB-3 (DB-Zf) bombers were put into service. In 1940-1941, serial production of new Yak-1, MiG-3, LaGG-3 fighters, Pe-2, Pe-8 bombers, and Il-2 attack aircraft began.

The organizational structure of the Air Force was improved. In 1924, the squadron became the main organizational unit in the Air Force; in 1927, the formation of aviation brigades began; in 1933, aviation corps of heavy bomber aviation were created, and in 1936-1938, operational formations of heavy bomber aviation (three special-purpose armies). In 1939-1940, the Air Force was transferred from a brigade organization to a regimental and divisional one.

By June 1941, the USSR Air Force had 79 aviation divisions and five aviation brigades, and 19 aviation regiments armed with new types of aircraft had been formed. The Air Force had 53.4% ​​fighter aircraft, 41.4% bombers and attack aircraft, 3.2% reconnaissance aircraft, and 2% transport aircraft.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet aviation suffered significant losses. In difficult conditions, measures were taken to strengthen the Air Force, rebuild the aviation industry, and train aviation personnel. IN short time managed to significantly increase the power of the Soviet Air Force. By mid-summer 1943, Soviet aviation had firmly gained strategic air supremacy.

During the war years, the Soviet Air Force carried out about 3,125 thousand combat sorties and inflicted great damage on the enemy in manpower and equipment. IN air battles and 57 thousand enemy aircraft were destroyed at airfields.

In the post-war period, there was a transition from piston aircraft to jet aircraft, and improvements continued organizational structure parts and connections. One of the components of the strategic nuclear forces was long-range aviation, the basis of which was supersonic missile carriers. Frontline aviation was equipped with supersonic all-weather fighters, fighter-bombers, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, combat and transport helicopters capable of various tasks using conventional and nuclear weapons.

Military transport aviation has been re-equipped with turboprop aircraft (An-12) with large payload and flight range. Army aviation received Various types helicopters (Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-8).

Modern military aviation, according to its purpose and the tasks it solves, is divided into long-range, military transport, operational-tactical and army aviation, which include bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation.

Aviation has repeatedly proven its courage in battles, defending our Motherland from the enemy. As a sign of respect for the exploits of military pilots, in memory of those who died in the performance of their duty and the formation of an honorable image military service It is customary for the civilian population, including young people in Russia, to celebrate Air Force Day every year.

Until 1997, military pilots did not have their own holiday and celebrated Air Fleet Day, which was established in 1933, together with civilian aviators. From 1933 to 1972 it was celebrated on August 18. The holiday was timed to end summer period combat training of the military air force, which made it possible to combine the holiday with a number of competitions in aviation technology, aerobatics, fire and tactical training.

The first celebration of Air Fleet Day took place on August 18, 1933. On this day in Moscow, at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze (in the territory Khodynskoye field) an aviation festival was held, during which samples of Soviet aviation technology, the skill and courage of aviators were shown. From this day on, August 18 became a national holiday, however, despite the fact that the Day of “the entire” Air Fleet was declared, that is, all aviation of the USSR, including aviation Navy, Civil Air Fleet, Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction of the USSR (Osoaviakhim), etc., The Air Force of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), both in numbers and in the variety of tasks solved, played a leading role in this holiday.

Since 1935, air parades dedicated to the USSR Air Fleet Day have been held in Tushino on weekends, i.e. were not strictly tied to the day of August 18, but were sometimes postponed to another day or even canceled due to weather conditions. Even during the Great Patriotic War, the country celebrated USSR Air Fleet Day, but air parades were not held.

In the period from 1947 to 1961, Air Fleet Day was celebrated, as a rule, on one of Sundays July and was accompanied by an air parade in Tushino. Since 1962, the holiday has been celebrated without annual air parades on August 18, and since 1972 - on the third Sunday in August.

However, the tradition of holding air holidays, dedicated to the Day USSR Air Fleet, preserved at the regional (local) level. Annually air holidays were carried out in Zhukovsky (by LII test pilots), in Monino, in Kubinka and other aviation cities.

As the importance of the components of the USSR Air Fleet grew, USSR Civil Aviation Day (February 9), Navy Aviation Day (July 17), etc. appeared. In 1997, responding to requests from military aviators, the President of the Russian Federation established Air Force Day by decree.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources (additional

Despite the fact that since last year (2015) the Russian Air Force was merged with the Aerospace Defense Forces to create the Aerospace Forces (VKS), the day of the Russian Air Force as a professional holiday of all military pilots is celebrated on a large scale in our country. August 12 is an occasion to congratulate all representatives of various military aviation structures: long-range, army, operational-tactical and military transport aviation.

Today the Russian Air Force celebrates the 104th anniversary of its birth. The official date of the appearance of military aviation in our country is considered to be August 12, 1912, when a decree was issued according to which the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was introduced into the structure of the military department of the Russian Empire. And over the 104 years of its existence, Russian aviation has come a colossal path from aircraft whose speed can easily exceed a modern car, to truly unique multi-purpose machines capable of conquering the air not only with the power of the available weapons, but also with the beauty of flight dynamics.

The importance of military aviation in the conditions of almost any modern armed conflict difficult to overestimate. Yes and obviously big problems will be observed in those who allow themselves to underestimate the capabilities of the Russian Air Force.

Literally at the first stage of the beginning of the participation of Russian military aviation in the operation against militants in Syria, there were exclamations from individual “specialists” speaking in the spirit that Russian aviation “has been dying for a long time”, and that all Russian combat aircraft are at the Khmeimim airbase in Latakia - “flying scrap metal.” When this “aircraft scrap metal” began to dispose of terrorists of various stripes along with their infrastructure in various provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and when the Syrian government army, thanks to Russian air support, recaptured significant territories from the militants, including ancient Palmyra, exclamations filled with irony about Russia’s capabilities in the air, began to thin out, and then disappeared completely. Today, an “expert” who is already rare in his technical literacy will allow himself to speak out about Russian military aviation as something incapable of solving combat missions in a wide variety of conditions. And even liberal “experts” made their contribution to such a reassessment of the state of affairs both from the developers of combat vehicles, technicians servicing airplanes and helicopters at home airfields, and directly from the crews of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, attack and military transport helicopters.

Nowadays, the Air Force, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is actively rearming, moving along the path of modernization. The latest multirole fighters Su-30SM, Su-35S, fighter-bombers Su-34, modernized attack aircraft Su-25SM3, fighter-interceptors MiG-31BM are entering service. Run-in, including in the composition aerobatic team“Wings of Taurida”, Yak-130 combat training aircraft are undergoing training. Russian Helicopters is fulfilling contracts to equip units and formations with Mi-28N, Ka-52 rotary-wing aircraft, etc. Testing of the super-maneuverable MiG-35S fighters, as well as the promising front-line aviation complex (PAK FA) T-50, which belongs to the fifth full-fledged aircraft, continues. generation of military aircraft.

Russian military aviation carries out a colossal amount of work to ensure the security of Russia’s borders and to patrol remote regions of the planet in the interests of the Russian Federation. The number of flights of long-range and strategic aircraft is increasing every year. Within a few last weeks Tu-22M3 long-range bombers are actively striking positions of the terrorist group ISIS (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) in Syria. Just the day before, high-explosive fragmentation bombs struck the outskirts of ISIS’s “capital” – the city of Raqqa in the province of the same name in Syria. Among the destroyed facilities was a production plant chemical substances for filling ammunition.

At the same time, combat training competitions are being held as part of the Aviadarts competition, which is attracting increasing attention not only from professional pilots, but also from the Russian and world public.

At the Ryazan Dubrovichi training ground, teams from four countries took part in competitions for military pilots and navigators: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Russian pilots performed on Su-25SM, MiG-29SMT, Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-24M, Su-34, Tu-22M3, Il-76 aircraft, as well as on Mi-8, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi helicopters -24P and Ka-52. Largest number points (555.25) both among fighter aviation crews and in general were scored by the Su-30SM crew consisting of captain Ilya Sizov and captain Yuri Balashov. They also received the highest jury score for piloting - 253 points. According to the results of the Aviadarts-2016 competition, the Russian national team took first place as a team, receiving 1st place in all four international nominations.

Despite their professional holiday, many representatives of Russian military aviation are still on combat duty both to protect Russia’s air borders and to destroy terrorist groups in Syria.

"Military Review" congratulates the military aviation personnel of Russia on the holiday!

Let's consider Air Force Day in 2018, what date it is celebrated. This year the date falls on August 12, as, indeed, in all other years. Unlike others professional days, this holiday has its own constant date, which was established long ago and has been observed since then.

As for the modern date for celebrating this event, it was set for August 12 only in 2006 by a corresponding decree of the President of Russia. But this day in the history of domestic aviation Long story and it began back in 1912. It was then that the first decree was signed, which spoke of the creation of an air force. Russian Empire. It existed for only five years, but even during this period it was able to show results and achieve important successes. Prepare in honor of the holiday.

History of Soviet and Russian aviation

Air Force Day in 2018, what date and where will it be held? Each city will have its own places, but most often mass events are held in parks and on the main squares of cities and towns. In 1914, the Imperial fleet fleet consisted of 263 aircraft, which was more than in any other country in the world. By 1917, the moment October revolution and a complete change of power, the fleet already counted seven hundred aircraft.

Of course, the new Bolshevik government understood how important the development of aviation was for the country. Therefore, a complete change in the leadership and course of the country’s development did not stop the construction of new aircraft factories already in the Soviet Union. In particular, by the beginning of World War II, the USSR produced five dozen aircraft per day. Moreover, after the start of the war, aircraft production was doubled and already in the fall of 1941, one hundred new aircraft rolled off the assembly line every day.

Great Patriotic War ended, but the country's air force continued to develop. Its power was constantly growing, but the Air Force Day holiday itself was celebrated by military pilots only in their own circles; this event did not yet exist at the national level. However, soon the holiday will receive its well-deserved and official development.

Interesting! Air Force Day in 2018, which date in Chelyabinsk and other cities is celebrated only by military pilots, the holiday falls on August 12. However, there is a holiday on the third Sunday of August, this is the 16th of the current year, when they celebrate the day of the Russian Civil Air Fleet.

It turns out that it is military pilots in Russia who are congratulated on their professional day on August 12, but civilian pilots and everyone who works in civil aviation, it would be correct to congratulate on August 16 this year or on the third Sunday of August in any other year.

More from aviation history

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first foreign aircraft appeared in Russia. At first, the craftsmen were engaged in the maintenance and repair of foreign aircraft, and already in 1909, such a repair plant near St. Petersburg was re-equipped and began to produce domestic aircraft. The first airplane was assembled in Russia in 1910. If the holiday is outdoors, here are the options.

Interestingly, the area of ​​this first plant was only 4000 square meters, and Steam engine with a power of only 60 horsepower, it provided the plant with energy. The best engineers were engaged in the development of aircraft assembly in our country, and foreign specialists were invited.

In any case, inviting a French engineer to build an aircraft in Russia was half as expensive as buying a ready-made machine in Europe. At the same time, experts recognized that Russian aircraft were of high quality and in many respects superior to their Western counterparts in terms of accuracy of execution.

At the time of sale, the first Russian aircraft had never flown, but by that time its cost was high, it received a silver medal from the country's Ministry of War. This happened at the third automobile exhibition in the spring of 1910, the event took place in the capital of the Russian Empire.

Russian aircraft manufacturers had privileged conditions and this activated the desire to work efficiently and successfully. Soon, one aircraft was being produced every two weeks, although the plant's original capacity was set at just one aircraft per month.

Interesting! By the beginning of the First World War, several aircraft factories were already operating in Russia. In the short years of its existence, the air fleet of the Russian Empire managed to receive the title of the best in the world.

About naval aviation

When we talk about Russian aviation, we definitely need to talk about a special date - this is Naval Aviation Day. If Aviation Day, when military pilots are congratulated in our country, is celebrated on August 12, then Naval Aviation Day is celebrated every year on July 17. The date was also not chosen by chance; it was on this date in 1916 that Russian military pilots were first stationed at the base of the Baltic Fleet, giving battle to German aviators and completely defeating them.

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