Home natural farming Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash, take a shower before Communion in church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child, relatives, kneel after Communion? What can not be done on the day of the sacrament? How

Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash, take a shower before Communion in church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child, relatives, kneel after Communion? What can not be done on the day of the sacrament? How

Oksana, St. Petersburg

How to explain the bad state after communion?

Haven't had communion for a long time. Here on Maundy Thursday I decided. It is strange that before I had time to reach the drink, I was seized with chills, it became cold and goosebumps ran through my body. It was not long, but significant, then I attributed everything to my suspiciousness, you never know what. The same thing happened on Easter night. And then I thought about it, asked the priest, and he scared me, saying that everything was very bad. What to do, why? I think that for sins, blasphemy, probably so. What should I do and what should I expect? Tell me my plan of action.

Good health. Your question can be divided into two directions. What is it and how to get out of this situation.

The very first. The question is why is this happening to you. It must be honestly said that no one knows the answer to this question. The holy people who were before and could give an answer by the Spirit of God, unmistakable and accurate, are now gone. And if we suddenly assume that they are somewhere, then we will not know about them, the real ones. For the reason that what holier man, the more humble he is, that is, he does not shout about himself at every corner. The conscience inside the person himself tells him why this is happening to him. It is important to listen to her, if she is not littered with rubbish of various sins and has not completely stopped talking.

The other side is preparation for communion. Communion without proper preparation is very dangerous, this has always been said everywhere and everywhere. Starting with the Apostle Paul (To Corinth, chapter 11, verses 27-30):

Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and thus let him eat from this bread and drink from this cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, he eats and drinks condemnation to himself, not considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many are dying.

The second direction of the answer to the question is a specific plan of action.

  • Holy Scripture and its interpretation. It is necessary to start with the New Testament, with the four Gospels and the interpretations of Theophylact of Bulgaria on them. They are on the Internet, you can download for free.
  • Creations of the Holy Fathers and Lives of the Saints. It is necessary to start reading from the ancient, universally recognized fathers and teachers of the church, and not from the new ones.
  • Other literature. All emphasis must be placed on the first two categories, that is, solid food for the mind.

Then you need to pray in the morning and in the evening. Need to make regular visits church services in the temple. You need to master the fast - all four fasts and Wednesdays with Fridays. Start simple: give up at least meat and dairy foods during fasting. Take the time to read literature about the spiritual father as he should be. Pray to God to help you find the undeceived spiritual father. And find it. Go to him for repentance - the sacrament of confession. Consult with him on various spiritual issues. What your conscience tells you to try to do. Here short instruction your actions.

Many books have been written on how to prepare for Communion, but how to behave on this day? There are many prejudices:

  • you can't wash on that day,
  • you can not eat fish, so as not to spit out the bones, as well as berries with stones?
  • You can’t spit saliva, even if it’s sputum, and what if you spit?
  • What if the baby burped that day?
  • You can't kiss a communicant, and what if it's a baby you kiss 100 times a day?

Priest Nikolai Fateev:
here is what is recommended and generally accepted:
“Church rules prescribe keeping bodily purity on the day of communion, occupying your mind with contemplation and prayer, and not entertainment. Regarding food, there are no recommendations, but there is a limit on the amount of food and the intake of wine, so that there is no nausea on this day. Therefore, abstinence until Communion, moderation in food, is especially necessary on this day. If the baby burped after communion, then it is necessary to collect it with a napkin and burn it. Regarding the kisses of the baby church rules are silent."

How should one behave during the day after communion?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

A person after communion must keep the shrine. It is wise to keep your mouth shut and avoid idle talk. One must move away from everything vain, passionate and generally spiritually unprofitable. You need to be especially attentive to yourself, because on such a day the enemy tries to lead a person into temptation. If communion was on a weekday, then you must fulfill your duties. Nothing prevents work.

The opinion that on the day of Communion one cannot kiss icons and the hand of priests is not based on anything. This is not mentioned either in the holy fathers or in liturgical books. It is better to refrain from bowing to the ground until the evening, because a person has accepted the greatest shrine - the Body and Blood of the Lord. But if during the prayer everyone fell on their knees, then you can do it without embarrassment. The most important thing is to be in a joyful mood and thank God.

When taking communion, is it necessary to bow towards the altar after receiving the Holy Gifts?

Do this it does not follow. And here's why: a bow after communion towards the altar, past the ambo, on which the priest stands with the Chalice, reflects a complete misunderstanding of one obvious fact. The one to whom, having received the Holy Gifts, wishes to express gratitude, i.e. Christ Himself abides at this time with His Most Pure Body and Precious Blood in the Eucharistic Chalice, which the communicants kiss precisely as a token of gratitude.

Priest Dimitry Turkin

They say you can't christen after communion?

They also say that you can’t kiss three times after Communion, kiss children?

It is known that many people think that if they kiss someone after Communion, then "grace will leave" them. This is prejudice. First of all, a person who takes communion must protect himself from everything that is not useful for the soul, from vanity, from sin.

Deacon Pavel Mironov

What to do with clothes soiled after communion?

During communion of a four-month-old son, moving away from the Chalice, she noticed that the Blood of Christ was flowing down his cheek. A drop fell on a gauze napkin and on a jacket. What to do with a jacket and a napkin? Galina

Dear Galina! The blouse and napkin should be burned, and the ashes should be buried in the ground (in order to avert from trampling, defilement), you can take things to the temple and ask to be burned there, because they got the Holy Blood. The next time you take communion small child, try to be extremely attentive, take your time when bringing it to the Holy Chalice. This needs to be confessed.

God bless you and your family!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Look at the video rules for behavior after Communion.

Is it possible to sleep and bow after communion?

Is it possible to venerate icons after communion?

Is it possible to wash after communion?

How to act Orthodox after communion

Answered by Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

There are many books and manuals devoted to preparing for Divine Communion. The purpose of these books is to give a person the knowledge necessary for a conscious, reverent and shameless approach to the Chalice with the Food of Immortality. These books are not the same. They have discrepancies, mainly related to the different severity of preparation and different approaches to the frequency of communion. But, all the same, such literature exists, and it is numerous. But here's what we don't have! We do not have books that would lead a conversation with the reader about how to behave after communion, how to keep the received gift, how to use the reality of communion with God for the good! There is an obvious gap. And there is no audacity to quickly fill this gap. The seriousness of the task requires, firstly, the formulation of the question, and secondly, a conciliar effort to find the right answer.

Experience, both spiritual and worldly, shows that it is easier to get than to keep. If a we are talking about a great gift, then the ability to use it is the most difficult thing that awaits the recipient. A blessing can turn into a curse as the gifts are misused or neglected. The history of Israel is an example of this. Many miracles, God's guidance, the relationship of the people and God, similar to marital! What more? But reverse side In this relationship, executions and heavy blows fall inexorably on the heads of people who behave unworthy of election. As for communion, the reality of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist even in apostolic times made people talk about the illnesses and deaths of unworthy communicants. So, it is high time to talk not only about preparing for communion, but also about the correct way of life after receiving communion.

Here is the first thought that lies on the surface: is it not appropriate on the day of communion instead of evening prayers, repentant and contrite, to read the prayers of thanksgiving again at night after communion? They contain requests not just to forgive and have mercy, but “to enter into the hearts and into the womb, strengthen the structures and bones, burn the thorns of all sins,” and so on. These short prayers very strong, full of meaning, joyful, energetic. Reading them repeatedly or at least repeatedly on the day of communion increases the feeling of gratitude to God in the Christian soul, gives rise to sobriety (the memory of the Lord), and stirs up the desire to receive communion more often.

Saint John (Maximovich), after the celebration of the Liturgy, often remained in the altar for a long time. He read the Gospel, "pulled" the rosary, performed other prayers, and then with an effort went to daily work, because he did not want to leave the altar. This is also a lesson. It is obvious that the worldly man is loaded with worries and that the inflated pace of life is the enemy of concentration. But one must try not to immediately plunge into business after communion, one must try to look for at least a drop of silence given to reading and reflection.

I'm afraid to say which of the Optina elders (I think it was Barsanuphius) advised reading the Apocalypse of John the Theologian on the day of communion. Obviously, it was meant that the blessed mind of a Christian at that time is more capable of perceiving the mysteries of God than at that time. common days. There is not so much concrete advice as contours general rule: on the day of communion to dedicate possible time and strength to study the word of God and other spiritual works.

Having become the house of God through communion, the Christian becomes fearful of the invisible enemies of goodness. From him, as from fire, "every villain and every passion flees." Therefore, the essential task for the enemy is to try to entertain the Christian, to drag him into a whirlwind of all kinds of worries, to surround him with "ignorance, oblivion, cowardice and petrified insensitivity." And to the extent of our inattention, the enemy successfully succeeds. Should we be surprised at the rampant sin and the confusion that reigns in our heads if we do not really learn to use our most victorious weapon - an essential union with the God-man and the Savior?

The question, no doubt, is not solved, but only touched upon. It requires ecclesiastical attention, and the very sound of the question may be preceded by the call: "Let's listen!" And the ability to forgive insults, and the ability to resist the action of passions, and courage in the midst of adversity, and the foretaste of eternal blessings, and much, much more, are given abundantly to communicants.

Here is what John of Kronstadt said after communion:

“The Lord is in me personally, God and man, hypostatically, essentially, immutably, purifying, sanctifying, victorious, renewing, deifying, miraculous, which I feel in myself.”

The richness of gifts felt by the Kronstadt shepherd is the same richness of gifts that is given to everyone, but, unfortunately, without such a deep feeling on the part of the communicants.

In this sense, the saints will judge the world. Having exactly as much as we do, they managed to turn their lives into a bright burning lamp, while we only smoke and in the terrible hour of judgment we risk being without oil.

In addition to what we already have, perhaps we need nothing more for miraculous fullness and everyday Christian witness. Nothing more is needed, but you need to learn how to use what you have. And first of all, you need to learn how to behave correctly in relation to the most pure mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ: to reverently accept them and to worthily keep them in yourself.
Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Orthodox prayers read after Communion

Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!

1st Orthodox prayer read after communion

I thank You, Lord my God, that You did not reject me a sinner, but made me worthy to be a participant in Your holy things. I thank You for vouchsafed me, unworthy, to partake of Your most pure and heavenly gifts. But, O philanthropic Master, who died and rose again for our sake, and who bestowed on us these terrible and life-giving sacraments of Yours for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies! Give them to me for the healing of soul and body, for the repulsion of every enemy, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for the pacification of my spiritual strength, for shameless faith, for unfeigned love, for the increase of wisdom, for the fulfillment of Your commandments, for the increase of Your grace and the assimilation of Your kingdoms, so that I, guarded by them in Your sanctification, always remember Your grace and live not for myself, but for You, our Lord and benefactor. And so, after finishing real life with the hope of eternal life, reached eternal rest, where (heard) the unceasing voice of those who enjoy bliss and the infinite joy of those who contemplate the inexpressible beauty of Your face, for You, Christ our God, are the true delight and inexpressible joy of those who love You, and You are praised by all creatures forever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Basil the Great read after Communion

Lord Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of all! I thank You for all the blessings that You bestowed on me in receiving Your most pure and life-giving sacraments. I beg You, merciful and philanthropic, keep me under Your shelter and in the shade of Your wings, and grant me, until my last breath, with a clear conscience worthy to partake of Your holy things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the bread of life, the source of holiness, the giver of blessings, and we glorify You together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Simeon Metaphrastus read after Communion

Who freely gave me Your flesh to eat, You are the fire that burns the unworthy! Do not burn me, my Creator, go better into the members of my body, into all the joints, into the insides, into the heart, and burn the thorns of all my sins. Cleanse the soul, sanctify the thoughts, strengthen the knees with the bones together, enlighten the five main feelings, nail me all with fear of You. Always protect, protect and protect me from every deed and word harmful to the soul. Purify, wash and arrange me; adorn, admonish and enlighten me. Reveal me as Your abode, the one Spirit, and no longer the abode of sin, so that every villain, every passion flees from me after receiving Communion, as from Your house, as from fire. As intercessors for myself, I present to You all the saints, the Commanders of the disembodied hosts, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, and above them - Your immaculate, pure Mother. Accept their prayers, my merciful Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. For You, the only Good One, are the sanctification, as well as the radiance of our souls, and to You, as befits God and the Master, we all send glory every day.

4th Orthodox prayer read after communion

Lord Jesus Christ our God! holy your body may it be for me eternal life and your honest blood - for the remission of sins. May this (feast) of thanksgiving be to me in joy, in health and joy. In your terrible second coming, grant me a sinner to become with right side Your glory through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos read after Communion

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You for deigning me, the unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and the precious Blood of Your Son. But, having given birth to the true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! Producing the source of immortality, revive me, mortified by sin! As a merciful Mother of a merciful God, have mercy on me and grant tenderness and contrition to my heart, modesty and liberation from the captivity of my thoughts to my thoughts. Vouchsafe me until my last breath to accept uncondemned sanctification by the most pure sacraments for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession to sing and glorify You all the days of my life; for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you release your servant, Lord, according to your word, in peace; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all men, a light to bring light to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:29-32).

Listen on video Orthodox prayers read after communion

The Eucharist or Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ was instituted by the Savior himself during the Last Supper. During the Divine Liturgy, wine mysteriously turns into the blood of the Savior, and bread into his body. During the reception of the Holy Gifts, we accept Christ into our hearts, we become one with the Lord. How to behave after the sacrament? What is allowed and what is prohibited? Let's consider the questions in detail.

At the Last Supper, for the first time, the Sacrament of the Holy Communion took place, where he identified his body with bread, and wine with the blood shed for sins.

The communicant is united with the Lord through the food of bread and wine. This action is incomprehensible to human mind Therefore, what is happening must be taken by faith.

A person must believe that in every particle of Holy Communion is the body and blood of Christ.

The Church Fathers teach that without the Sacrament of Communion it is impossible to reach the kingdom of heaven and enter into eternal life. This teaching was given to us by the Lord, as recorded in the gospel:

How is the word "eucharist" translated? This word Greek origin, it translates as "thanksgiving". We thank God that through the sacrifice of Christ we receive salvation and redemption from sins. This is essentially the return of the lost, from which they were expelled and. mystical secret The Eucharist is based not just on sacrifice, but on the sacrifice of love for man. The redemption of fallen human nature is what Christ's sacrifice on the cross signifies.

By participating in the Eucharist, we become partakers of redemption—redeemed and free from eternal punishment.

How do the bread and wine in the Sacrament of Holy Communion become the blood and flesh of Christ? This miracle is possible through the condescension of the Holy Spirit - the substance of wine and bread acquires a different, higher nature.

In this way, Holy Communion there is communion human soul to eternal life in the kingdom of heaven.

Preparation for the Sacrament

One should prepare for the Eucharist, since this event is very important for the believer - it transforms the body and soul. First, a person must sincerely believe in the Savior and be aware of what happens during the Sacrament. We must reverently accept the Holy Gifts, remembering our unworthy sinful nature. The grace of God has no boundaries, so you need to accept it with trepidation in your soul and heart.

Secondly, before Communion, one should pacify one’s soul and with all one’s heart forgive those who are at war with us. Jesus instructed that before praying to the Heavenly Father, one should forgive all enemies and not keep evil against a person in one's heart. It is necessary not only to forgive the offenders, but also to ask for forgiveness from those whom we have voluntarily or unwittingly offended ourselves. This is an indispensable condition for preparing for the Sacrament of Communion, which you need to know about.

At least three days before communion,

  • keep fasting, refusing fast food;
  • give up worldly pleasures and entertainment;
  • meditate on your sinful deeds, which should be repented of.

On the eve of communion, you should read the Rule for Communion (this book can be bought at the church shop). It is also advisable to attend the evening service. The evening and morning before the Sacrament is a special time. Do not eat, smoke cigarettes and drink strong drinks.

Communion of the Gifts of the Saints is carried out during the morning service. The believer should come well in advance of the start of the liturgy and confess their sins. This rule is obligatory for all adults, as well as for children from the age of seven.

When is Communion held? This Sacrament is performed after the Divine Liturgy.

Rules for accepting the Holy Mysteries of Christ:

  • go to the pulpit;
  • fold your arms crosswise on your chest;
  • say your name out loud
  • wide open mouth;
  • after communion, kiss the Chalice (lower part);
  • take a drink.

"Zapivka" is a divorced hot water church wine and prosphora.

Note! You should not be baptized and bow near the Chalice. Also, do not bow to the icons.

How to Communion an Infant? The mother should put it on her hand, as when feeding, face up. The priest will commune the baby and wipe his mouth with a handkerchief. It is not advisable to immediately give the baby a pacifier, as well as give him water to drink before drinking.

When can I leave the church after communion? You have to wait for the priest to bring the cross for kissing after the end of the liturgy. Don't forget to read thanksgiving prayers having communed the Holy Gifts.

How to behave after the sacrament

On this day, one should retire from worldly fuss, meditate on the Lord and his mercy. Do not participate in worldly conversations, try to devote yourself to charitable deeds, read spiritual literature.

What not to do after communion:

  • openly sin;
  • make prostrations;
  • kneel down in prayer;
  • eat fatty foods;
  • to feast and overeat;
  • eat foods with bones;
  • brush your teeth before bed.

Sin separates man from God, therefore it is considered bad. If you have partake of the grace of God, then sinful actions will simply drive the Savior out of your heart. In order not to lose the received grace, one must be very vigilant, especially on the day after the Sacrament. The unclean one will certainly try to deprive you of holiness by seducing you through other people. Therefore, try to communicate less and talk in general.

Why can't you kneel in prayer and bow down to the ground? Because it is a symbol of repentance for sins, the recognition of one's sinful nature. After accepting the Holy Gifts, one should remain in gratitude and joy for salvation from spiritual death, therefore prostrations to the earth are inappropriate. After the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the believer should read thanksgiving prayers, and not grieve for the sins committed.

The Church Fathers recommend keeping light (quick) food on the day of communion. It is strictly forbidden to attend parties with a plentiful feast, especially to take alcohol. This does not contribute to piety, but one can easily lose divine grace. You can also eat meat, but in moderation. If you are not confident in yourself, it is better to just diet on this day. Nothing bad will happen if you refuse fatty meat for dinner.

What does the church say about food with bones - fish and fruits? It is believed that on this day nothing should be spit out, so as not to accidentally lose the grace received. This rule should not be taken to the point of absurdity. After eating the Holy Gifts, you can eat fruits with stones and fish, you just can’t spit. First, it's not pretty. Secondly, the act itself deprives you of grace. And if you eat fish for dinner, you will not lose any grace. But to calm the soul, you can simply collect the bones from the fish and burn them.

In order not to be afraid of accidentally spitting out particles of the Holy Gifts, you need to rinse your mouth well with a “drink”, and then swallow it. "Drinking" is specially given to believers so that all the particles of the sacrament penetrate inside and do not remain in the oral cavity. Priests also recommend swallowing the Holy Gifts whole, without chewing: this will protect against the loss of God's grace. The same rule applies to brushing your teeth in the evening. If it is done, there is no need to be afraid to spit out or clean out the particles. However, for those who are afraid of losing the Gifts, it is better not to brush your teeth on the day of communion.

Regarding the regurgitation of a communion baby, there is a rule: collect food on a napkin and burn it. You can't throw burps in the trash. The ashes after burning are buried in the ground.

Many believe that after communion, one should not kiss relatives and icons. This is also connected with the fear of losing grace. However, there are no strict prohibitions in this regard. This is especially true when applied to holy faces and church shrines. How can one lose grace by kissing icons? As for kissing relatives, there are also no strict prohibitions. However, this night should not be devoted to love pleasures and any worldly unrest.

Is sleepiness after communion a sin?

This question also interests believers, since on morning service gotta get up early. Many people feel sleepy after dinner. Is it possible to sleep after communion? The Church Fathers interpret this question in this way. Sleep ends the day, so going to bed early is not desirable. You should devote the rest of the day to charitable deeds, reading prayers and spiritual literature. Going to bed early is not in itself a sin, but it shortens the day of receiving grace.

This does not apply to sin, but is evidence of a weak spirit. For a believer, the Sacrament of Communion is a joy, invigorates the spirit and inspires to charitable deeds. If you feel bodily weakness, then you are still a spiritual baby. Also, during sleep, a person loses control of the mind, and in dreams he can be seduced by the evil one. This is very dangerous for the soul, so you should refrain from going to bed as early as possible, especially at lunchtime.


Having received the Sacrament of Communion, we carry Christ in our souls and bodies. Try not to lose grace until the next communion, preparation for which begins immediately after receiving the Holy Gifts. It is foolish to believe that one can quickly prepare for the next Eucharist in three days, and before that live an ordinary sinful life.

As long as you do not offend the Holiness that is present in you, the fruits of the Eucharist will act constantly. As soon as you stumble over sin or sinful thoughts, the grace received will immediately leave you.

Treasure the acceptance of the Holy Gifts, do not waste your life on aimless pastime. Remember that Christ himself dwells in the temple of your body, so lead a life worthy of the Savior.

Approaching the holy chalice, the communicant must fold his hands crosswise on his chest, clearly pronounce his name and open his mouth wide. A small particle of the Holy Gifts, as advised Saint Ambrose Optina, must be swallowed whole. If the particle is large, it can be gently crushed with the teeth. After the deacon or clergyman wipes his mouth with a cloth, you need to kiss the lower edge of the bowl. You should not be baptized and make prostrations near the bowl.

After communion, it is customary to drink "warmth" - warm water mixed with wine. This "warmth" should be rinsed in the mouth so that there are no particles of the Body of Christ left, and then swallowed.

Departing from the bowl and heading to the table with "warmth", one should not kiss the icons. Also, do not kneel or bow down on the day of communion. Earthly bows are an expression of repentant sorrow for sins, but the communicant must remain in spiritual joy and praise of God. After the communion of the Holy Mysteries, one must thank the Lord and listen in church or read at home the prayers for Holy Communion. Some of the Christians do not attach of great importance these prayers. Are they right?

Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) wrote that he knew a pious clergyman who considered the cause of many temptations to be the omission or hasty frivolous reading of the rule on Holy Communion. From his own experience, he experienced that in the latter case, the Divine grace received in the sacrament left him, and temptations set in.

The Lord is philanthropic, but we should not and cannot offend Him with impunity with our neglect, not even considering it necessary to thank Him for His unspeakable mercy towards us.

One of the parishioners of the temple where I serve, told an incident that happened to his relative, a slave God's Basil. This person has a very deep faith and tries to lead a godly life. Every year he takes communion seventeen times. However, with all his zeal for the salvation of his soul, Vasily did not attach much importance to reading thanksgiving prayers after communion. No, he, of course, thanked God, but he always limited himself only to the fact that, having come home, he said in front of the icons: “Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee!”

Once, after the communion, Vasily was in a joyful mood came home, stood in front of the icon case and, as usual, said with all his heart: “Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee!” And suddenly a firm commanding voice was heard: “Why don’t you read thanksgiving prayers after communion ?!” Vasily was so frightened that he trembled all over. Since then, after accepting the Holy Mysteries, he always rigorously reads the prescribed prayers.

Is it possible to thank the Lord in your own words? Of course, we can, from the abundance of our hearts, thank the Lord for His mercy to us, sinners, with our own prayers. However, at the same time, we must not forget to read the prayer rule determined for us by the Church.

“From the moment of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ,” St. Nikon of Optina instructed, “until you drink it, you must watch out so as not to spit. Out of reverence, they try to avoid spitting all this day, although there is no indication of this anywhere and there is no sin in this. Elder Hieroschemamonk Sampson spoke more strictly on this issue. Once he was asked:

Sometimes on the day of communion you accidentally spit. It is a sin?

You can’t,” replied Elder Sampson. - Must be collected. And if you spit in a handkerchief, then you need to wash it separately. Through the communicant, all objects are consecrated, including clothes, and even a cell.

What to do with fish bones after dinner on the day of communion?

Collect it in a piece of paper and then burn it, but don’t put it on a plate, because they can take it to the trash. On the day of communion, in no case should you eat meat under any pretext, and do not drink wine, and do not visit guests, and do not receive guests. Name days are celebrated very modestly. And then it happens like this: he took communion, and in the evening a banquet, a feast for the whole world. Here and laughter, and all stupidity, and disgrace!

Regarding eating food after communion, the words of Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) are instructive: “By the way, a very remarkable and characteristic observation was noticed: after communion, one does not want to eat “fat”, but something more “thin”, fasting.

Here the instinctive physical “consciousness” of the discrepancy between the “carnal” and the spiritual state, into which the body is introduced by communion with God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, is reflected. I knew a man who, on the day of communion, ate almost nothing at all, except for Lenten tea.

And vice versa, when a person gorges on fatty foods or overeats altogether after communion, he can immediately observe himself how that light, subtle, spiritual perishes in him, which he clearly felt only before that.

Heterogeneous elements cannot exist together.

Meanwhile, how often in practice we act precisely contrary to both experience and consciousness: after communion we do not know the measure of food and drink. And for that we lose both the “bodily” and “spiritual” grace of Communion.

The soul and body of a person who has accepted the Body and Blood of the Lord are filled with Divine grace, which must be carefully preserved. This grace sanctifies not only the communicant himself, but also the space around him. Sometimes by trade God's people they are worthy to feel the grace emanating from the communicant with their bodily senses.

Once Elder Gabriel (Zyryanov), being ill, took communion of the Holy Gifts. After communion with him, the monk Father Epiphanius entered the cell. Feeling the fragrance in the room, he turned to the cell-attendant:

What did you do with the old man? My God, what must be expensive perfume? How good it smells...

Soon another monk, Father Abner, came to visit Father Gabriel. He also felt an unusual fragrance in the room and also asked the attendant a question: where and at what price were such wonderful perfumes bought? Meanwhile, neither Elder Gabriel nor his cell-attendant used perfume. “I,” Elder Gabriel later recalled, “lay broken, like one who had fallen into robbers. But I was a partaker of the Life-Giving Body and Blood of Christ; and behold: the Spirit gives life! and we all hear His fragrance with our sense of smell. He, like the Gospel Samaritan, pours the wine and oil of His grace on the wounds of those who have fallen into robbers.

After communion, we must take special care to ensure that the Lord, who has entered our hearts, is not grieved by some sin. According to the words of Schiegumen Savva: “After death, we will be severely tortured if we do not keep the grace of the Holy Spirit. If it happens that on the day of communion you get irritated, upset, condemn someone, then we will try to clean this spot in the soul with repentance. This day is best spent in silence and prayer, or in reading the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the holy fathers, because the soul at this time is especially receptive to the good and the wondrous gospel words will sink into the depths of the heart.

If, by the grace of God, we have been honored to receive grace-filled gifts during communion, we need to keep them, strictly observing the movements of our heart, the thoughts of the mind and the use of bodily feelings. The Monk Alexy Zossimovsky said: “The fruits of Holy Communion work if we do not offend the shrine. If we offend her, then on the same day of communion she ceases to act. And we offend the shrine with what? Sight, hearing and other senses; verbosity and condemnation. Therefore, on the day of communion, one must primarily keep one's eyesight and be silent more, keep one's mouth shut.

The famous Greek spiritual writer Archimandrite Cherubim (+ 1979) in the days of his youth lived for some time on Mount Athos under the guidance of one of the elders of the Athos. Once this elder invited several Athos ascetics to his kaliva for a festive divine service. Vespers and Liturgy lasted all night. At dawn, the monks took communion. Father Cherubim was shocked by the fiery prayer of the righteous, the burning of their spirit and the abundant tears that flowed from their eyes.

As soon as the liturgy ended, Father Cherubim ran to prepare coffee for the participants in the service. However, before he could light the fire, everyone left. Then father Cherubim asked his elder:

Why did the fathers leave without drinking coffee?

Thereafter all-night vigil can they sit down for coffee? They accepted Christ, a much valuable Pearl, into themselves, and immediately left so as not to lose in conversations what the all-night vigil had given them, - the elder replied.

It should be noted that many Athos ascetics spend their time after communion in prayerful wakefulness. Once, at the end of the divine service, the novices suggested that Elder Gabriel the Hermit lie down to rest. The old man replied:

It is not good for us to sleep after the Divine Liturgy and Divine Communion, for we have taken into ourselves the most pure Mysteries of Christ and the universal enemy, the devil, must not find us sleeping in order to tempt us, defile our body and soul and put impure thoughts and harmful lusts into us, from which the grace of God, which enters us with Divine Communion, disappears.

“It has been noted,” wrote Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), “that if a communicant goes to bed soon after communion (especially after a hearty meal), then, upon waking up, he no longer feels grace. The holiday seemed to be over for him. And this is understandable: devotion to sleep testifies to inattention to the heavenly Guest, the Lord and Master of the world; and grace departs from the negligent participant in the Royal Supper. It is better to spend this time in reading, thinking, even an attentive walk. So I had to observe this among the monks. And in the world you can visit the sick, do good to someone, or enjoy pious fellowship with your brothers, or go to the cemetery to your dead.

The Monk Nektarios of Optina advised his spiritual children after communion not to rush into any business, but “give yourself a privilege until half a day, read Holy Bible to abide in prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord"

This story happened not so long ago in one of the temples of St. Petersburg. At the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, during the communion of the laity, the attention of the worshipers was attracted by a small fair-haired boy standing near the altar. He carefully looked at the communicants and from time to time burst into sonorous childish laughter. They pulled him up, tried to reason with him, but in vain. With the end of communion, the boy's unusual behavior also ceased.

Surprised to the extreme, the parents began to ask why he laughed, and this is what they heard in response.

“When I looked at people approaching the Chalice, I suddenly saw how some White dove. As soon as an uncle or aunt opens his mouth to swallow the Gifts, the dove pecks Them from the spoon and flies away. They do not see this dove, they close their mouths and leave, thinking that they have received communion, but in fact they only held an empty spoon. It made me laugh a lot."

To an unbeliever, this story of a child may seem like a fabrication, but the Orthodox heart cannot but shudder with trepidation, having understood the meaning of the vision sent by God to the child. Indeed, isn't it scary to realize that the Lord does not allow many of us to take communion, because in an unworthy, unprepared state we approach the Holy Chalice.

“He who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment for himself”(1 Cor. 11, 29) - admonishes us the Apostle Paul. The charter has long defined the requirements, the fulfillment of which helps the communicants to worthily receive the Holy Gifts. This includes fasting from 1 to 7 days, and abstaining from marital intimacy at this time, and the reading of many prayers, and attending divine services - to each according to his ability and his spiritual experience. Be sure to confess before Communion.

But here it is all done. The liturgy ends, and the communicant is ready to unite with Christ. open up royal doors.

“Come with the fear of God and faith…” the deacon proclaims. Faith and fear of God - this is what should be imprinted in the heart of everyone who approaches the Chalice. There is no place for talk and fuss. But in practice...

Who among us has not witnessed the stampede in front of the Holy Chalice! People push others away, try to reach the Holy Gifts as soon as possible, do not heed the exhortations of the priest. But by unworthy behavior in front of the Cup, you can cross out all the painstaking work of fasting in the blink of an eye. Then the invisible dove will not allow us to reach the Holy Gifts, and we will not find eternal life in the sacrament, but condemnation and God's punishment.

To prevent this from happening, each communicant needs to know well and follow the rules for approaching the Holy Chalice that the Church has established. Here they are:

  1. Before the Chalice it is necessary to make an earthly bow. If there are many communicants, then in order not to disturb others, you need to bow in advance. The bow is made not in front of the Chalice itself, but to the side;

  2. When the Royal Doors open, you need to cross yourself and fold your arms crosswise on your chest, right hand over the left, and with such a folded hands to take communion; you need to move away from the Chalice without separating your hands;

  3. It is necessary to approach from the right side of the temple, and leave the left free;

  4. Altar attendants receive communion first, then monks, children, and only then everyone else. You need to give way to your neighbors, in no case push;

  5. Women before Communion need to wipe off lipstick;

  6. Approaching the Chalice, loudly and distinctly state your name. Accept the Holy Gifts and immediately swallow, and kiss the lower edge of the Cup like the rib of Christ;

  7. You cannot touch the Chalice with your hands and kiss the priest's hand;

  8. It is forbidden to be baptized at the Chalice! Raising your hand for sign of the cross, you can accidentally push the priest and spill the Holy Gifts;

  9. Going to the table with a drink, you need to eat the antidor and drink the warmth. Only after that you can kiss the icons and talk;

  10. If the Holy Gifts are taught from several Chalices, they can only be received from one. Communion twice a day is a terrible sin;

  11. On the day of Communion, it is not customary to kneel, with the exception of bowing before the Shroud of Christ on Great Saturday and kneeling prayers on the day of the Holy Trinity;

  12. When you come home, you should first of all read the thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion, if they are read in the church at the end of the service, you should listen to the prayers there.

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