Home Blanks for the winter Holy water: church traditions and near-church superstitions of the consecration of water. Church service on the night before Christmas. How to prepare a festive table

Holy water: church traditions and near-church superstitions of the consecration of water. Church service on the night before Christmas. How to prepare a festive table

... ". It was believed that it both takes away and gives life energy. All natural bodies of water were objects of worship. Live water, dead water, saint water Water flowing towards the sun helps with gastritis! Our ancestors knew that water able to both heal and negatively affect people. This became the reason for the emergence of the belief about the living ...

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One litre. However, this was enough for half an hour later water became sterile, clean, rendered harmless. Subsequently introduced into this water microorganisms died. Similar " saints"some other substances also have properties, for example tanning substances found ... electricity... As a result, one of the rods (anode) gradually dissolves and water enriched with silver. That's the whole secret of wonderful properties " Saint" water... and how about easter eggs? Do they deteriorate or not? There have been cases ...

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Say: “As the thoughts of Christ are pure, so be my soul pure. How clean water saint, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove spoilage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen". Wet your hands ... Holy Scripture nothing is said about this. The tradition of celebration appeared only in the 7-8 centuries from Christmas Christ. Perhaps it has something in common with the customs of our more distant ancestors? After all, the cult water was one of the main in paganism. For instance, Slavic peoples have long worshiped the rain, which moistened and ...

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Weep with them. Phoenix birds flocked to drink water into a clean key, only the key turned out to be in the dark ... Empty? .. - So my heart, Righteous God, is blind. Like wise birds and bells, Everyone Saints that on the walls is darkened at the sight of the night. ... construction began, I dragged logs and stones on my shoulders. As a reward for these labors, they sprinkled me with this very water, - Saint The demon pointed with his staff to the spring - they christened me. Blessed in the name of Jesus Christ. This is how I became a Christian. Later I ...

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In the morning, the villagers went for water, which on that day became healing: they washed their face with it and kneaded the dough for Christmas bread on it. In the morning, the hostess began to light the stove. Front Merry christmas it was done in a special way. By ... soon the cheerful voices of young people are already heard, asking "to say the carol": Carol, carol! The carriage came the day before Christmas: We went, we were looking for Kolyada holy In all the courtyards, In all the alleys ... At the end of their song, the carols who go to praise Christ ...

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Bethlehem in the family of the carpenter Joseph and his wife, the virgin (?) Mary, who miraculously conceived from the "spirit saint"However, upon careful study of the Gospel texts, it turns out that there is no mention of the date anywhere in them ... That is why (and not because of the mythical old and new styles), historically it happened that in the West they celebrate Christmas 25, and in the east on the 7th. Celebration christmas Christ in Russia began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity in the 10th century. It "happened" at that time ...

Holy water ... Epiphany Magic: conspiracies, love spells, fortune-telling


"Baptism of the Lord" (icon, 16th century)

The Baptism of the Lord is an event in the gospel history, the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, as well as a Christian holiday established in honor of this event. During Baptism, according to all four Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

In all historical churches, this holiday is tied to ancient date Feast of the Epiphany, that is, January 6. However, at the same time:

In the Roman Catholic tradition, the celebration of the actual Epiphany is timed to coincide with the day of the Epiphany (that is, a week later, on January 13, according to the pre-reform rite, and after the Second Vatican Council - on the next Sunday after the Epiphany). The same tradition can be followed in a number of Protestant denominations;
some Orthodox churches, including the Russian one, adhere to the Julian calendar, respectively, January 6 of the liturgical year for these churches in the XXI century falls on January 19 Gregorian calendar;
in ancient Eastern churches, this day is still dedicated to the remembrance of not only Epiphany, but also the Nativity of Christ.


"Once on the Epiphany evening, the girls wondered ....."
Epiphany water will be consecrated from space


That is the end of Christmastide - folk festivities. But they do not end just like that, but we get a saint Epiphany water as a result of the great purification of water on Earth.

Baptism - “immersion in water” (from the Greek Βάπτισμα) is one of the most important Christian sacraments. From January 18 to January 19, on Epiphany, the greatest miracle occurs in the world - the Spirit of God descends on all the waters on Earth and it becomes healing, bringing harmony.

We are treated baptismal water right!!!

The healing properties of Epiphany water are not even denied by doctors. It normalizes the immune, endocrine and nervous system... Heals the brain area and the respiratory system. Improves the distribution of energy to all organs and systems of the body, improves the balance between the right and left sides of the body.

There are cases when a few drops of it, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to consciousness and dramatically changed the course of the disease to improve. So healing power Epiphany water can be used for the benefit of your priceless health.

To do this, as a prophylaxis, it is taken internally along the pharynx on an empty stomach for all diseases, most often with a piece of prosphora. V a large number drinking it every day is not recommended in the same way as Epiphany water is a strong energy water.

In the morning you need to get up, cross yourself, ask for a blessing from the Lord for the day that has begun, then wash, pray and take a sip of the great hagiasma. If the use of drugs is prescribed on an empty stomach, then first they drink holy water, and then drugs. There is no need to add holy water to medicines; it is better to take medicine with prayer. In fact, it is advisable to start every morning with water in order to activate the body after sleep. Women wash themselves with Epiphany water, wipe their entire bodies in order to be young and attractive.
The priests recommend sprinkling food with it, and during illness, use it as medicine, taking a tablespoon every hour. It is necessary to use holy water with a prayer "so that we may receive from God the power that strengthens health, heals illnesses, drives away demons and repels all enemy slander": "Lord, my God, may there be your holy gift and your holy water for the remission of my sins , in the enlightenment of my mind, in the strengthening of my spiritual and physical strength, in the health of my soul and body, in the conquest of my passions and infirmities through Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

For insomnia, holy Epiphany water is recommended to be drunk for nine days. To relieve headaches or other pains, a compress dipped in holy water must be applied to the sore spot. It is useful to rinse your mouth with Epiphany water, spray your eyes, face, and the whole body.

It is very effective to drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass chilled to room temperature boiled water, to which a tablespoon of Epiphany water is added. This procedure is a useful preventive measure and helps to remove toxins from the body.

In case of conjunctivitis, rinse your eyes with Epiphany water and everything will pass. Epiphany water is a very good psychotherapeutic agent for relieving irritability, increased anxiety. After a nervous, hard day, drink 0.5 glasses of holy water, making a mental installation: "My irritability, tension and anxiety are gone. I am calm" - and you will feel the tension, irritability go away, peace and tranquility come.

With the help of baptismal water, they will drive out demons, demons, evil spirits, sprinkling it on people, dwellings, furniture, and every thing. If you put a bucket of this water on the negative zone, then it will become neutral. But baptismal water heals only when we drink it with prayer and trying to live according to God's commandments.

True, women take baptismal water in critical days not desirable. But if a woman is very ill, then this circumstance does not play a big role. May the Epiphany water help her!

We are treated with Epiphany water. Epiphany snow was collected for Epiphany.
According to legend, lowered into a well, it could retain water in it all year round, even in the driest time.

Also, this snow was used to treat various ailments: dizziness, convulsions, numbness, etc., girls bleached their faces for beauty, and women whitened underwear. And, in order to see the Baptism of the Lord in reality, they put a bowl of water on the table and said: “at night the water will vibrate by itself” - this was a kind of sign. And if at midnight the water really swayed in the bowl, everyone ran to look at the “open skies” and make a wish. How do you pray what at this time open skies then it will come true. Also, everyone believed that on the night of Epiphany the water is sanctified by itself in all sources, regardless of church rites, since Christ Himself on this night again plunges into it.

Epiphany water is a shrine!

Attention!!! It must be remembered that baptismal water is a shrine that has been touched by the grace of God, and therefore a reverent attitude is necessary to it. Only with this attitude, she remains for a long time fresh, tasty. It is desirable to store it in a dark place, and most correctly under the home iconostasis. Pouring holy water can only be in a certain place, not trampled underfoot. Therefore, it is not recommended to pour water into a baby bath. It is better to give your child holy water to drink and partake of him regularly. You should not dilute the water in the bathing bath with holy water, as after that it is drained into the sewer, and this is simply unacceptable. Also, do not water the plants with holy water. Some of them just dry up.

Hundreds of people decide to accept the cleansing ice font on Epiphany: after all, the baptismal water wash away the sins made by a person for a whole year. It is simply impossible to get sick at Epiphany.

We are treated with Epiphany water. How to cleanse the house with Epiphany water ?!

But for those who are afraid of the ice font, douse yourself with Epiphany water three times or take a bath. To do this, at 00.10 minutes and up to 1.30 minutes, you can fill the bathtub from the tap cold water... Then cross the water and yourself three times and read the prayer. Then hit your chest with the fist of your right hand three times, causing your body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.
Without noise or screaming, sit in the bathtub and plunge headlong three times, remembering to hit your chest every time. If during bathing the water begins to "boil" or bubbles form, the process of cleansing is in progress, it comes out negative energy, the evil eye is removed. Then silently leave the bath. Do not dry off immediately; let the water absorb into the skin. While doing this, massage your body or tap vigorously with your fingers from crown to heel. Then put on underwear, a warm robe, socks, preferably everything new, but you can wash and ironed. Relax with herbal tea with honey.

If someone close to you wants to swim in Epiphany water, fill up the bath with fresh water. And if you are afraid of panic cold water? Then dilute the baptismal water with hot water. The bath can be taken during the day, but water must be drawn into it at night between 12.10 and half past one. Do not take Epiphany water in buckets or bottles. You can use a small amount of it until the next Baptism. After all, it, added to ordinary water, gives it the same beneficial properties. Therefore, if you have little holy water, add it to the simple one - "a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea."

Do not be upset if you have not collected holy water at Baptism. In every Temple, it is always there. If your Epiphany water has deteriorated, it means that you have sinned greatly. Pour it into running water: a stream, a river. It is strictly forbidden to swear, quarrel, commit impious acts, and allow bad thoughts when drawing holy water. At the same time, holy water loses its sanctity, and more often than not it is simply poured out. Therefore, do good the baptismal water, and may it bring you healing.

The word "prosphora" (translated from the Greek "brought") in ancient times called offerings mainly of bread and wine, with which the faithful came to the church for the Liturgy. Some of these offerings were intended for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the other part was eaten at a fraternal meal.

What is prosphora and what does it symbolize?

A prosphora in the present Church is a small round loaf used during divine services. It is made only from kvass wheat dough. The prosphora is two-part (it has an upper and a lower part) - as a reminder of the unity of the two natures of the Lord Jesus Christ: divine and human.

The upper part of the prosphora is imprinted with a seal depicting a four-pointed cross with the words "IC.XC.NIKA" meaning "Jesus Christ the Conqueror". There are prosphora with the image Mother of God and the holy saints of God. The prosphora consecrated in the altar, from which a particle has been taken out, is a shrine.

Particles from the prosphora are taken out by the priest during the proskomedia (preparatory part of the Liturgy) and at this time the notes about health and repose are read, which are submitted to the candle box for the proskomedia. After reading each name indicated in the note, the priest takes out a particle from the prosphora, saying: "Remember, Lord, about the health and salvation of your servants ..." (and the names from the notes about health are pronounced); then - “Lord, remember and rest the souls of the departed, Thy servant ...” (and the names from the notes about the repose are pronounced).

Upon completion of the Divine Liturgy and Communion of the laity, the priest places in the chalice the particles taken out in remembrance of the living and the dead with the words: "Washed, Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here by Your Honest Blood, by the prayers of Your saints."

This is done so that the living and the departed, for whose names the particles were removed from the prosphora according to notes, having been washed in the Most Pure Blood of the Son of God, receive the remission of sins and eternal life.

How to handle prosphora?

Prosphora is a consecrated church bread, it should be treated with reverence as a shrine. It is good to divide the prosphora into parts, dry it and store it in a special cloth bag, in the holy corner next to the icons. It is customary to eat prosphora on an empty stomach after the morning prayer rule, having read the prayer "For the use of prosphora and holy water", not allowing the crumbs to fall on the floor.

The paper in which the prosphora was wrapped is burned, as crumbs may remain on it. If, as a result of careless storage, the consecrated bread has deteriorated, then it must be burned, and in the future, take care of a more careful storage of the shrine.

Prosphora should not be given to animals.

What can be the benefit of taking prosphora and holy water?

The prayer for the acceptance of prosphora and holy water contains the following words: “Lord my God, may there be a gift of your holy and holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body , in the conquest of my passions and infirmities by Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen". If a person uses prosphora and holy water with faith and reverence, then he receives what is asked in this prayer.

The miraculousness of holy water is convinced not only by the Church Tradition, but also personal experience believers. The grace that descends on the water through the prayers of the priest of God gives it the power to heal diseases, quench passions and weaken the arising sinful urges, free from all evil, cleanse from defilement.

Is it possible to give prosphora to the unbaptized?

Giving prosphora to the unbaptized does not make much sense. An unbaptized person, as a rule, either does not have faith, or doubts and therefore does not have correct attitude to the shrine, therefore, its use, most likely, will not bring him spiritual benefit. It is known from the Gospel that the Lord did not perform miracles where people did not have faith (Matt. 13:58).

Is it possible to eat prosphora in the cemetery?

Prosphora is not eaten "for the dead" or "for the living." This shrine serves to consecrate only those who eat it. There is no need to eat prosphora in the cemetery, but you must eat it at home, after reading the prayer "For the use of prosphora and holy water", which is found in Orthodox prayer books.

Is it possible to crumble a prosphora on a grave?

Since the prosphora is a shrine, there is no need to crush it at the grave. The departed do not need bodily food, they only need prayers for them.

What is antidor? When and to whom can it be taken?

Antidor (translated from Greek "instead of a gift") - these are cut off parts of the main prosphora, which are not used for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is taught instead of the Holy Gifts for the blessing and consecration of soul and body, who attended the Liturgy, but did not receive communion.

Antidor is a shrine, which became it through the prayer of the priest and the remembrance of the suffering of the Savior on the Cross. Therefore, it is established to use antidor on an empty stomach with attention and caution, so as not to spill crumbs on the floor. It is best to taste this consecrated bread in the temple, but you can take it home as well. It is not supposed to give antidor to unbaptized people.

What kind of bread is distributed at the all-night vigil?

This is also blessed bread. In ancient times, when the all-night vigil lasted all night, Christians ate bread and wine to strengthen their strength. Although the duration of services has now been reduced, this custom has persisted. Consecrated on all-night vigil bread can be eaten immediately after receiving it in the temple, not on an empty stomach.

What is artos? When is it distributed?

Artos (translated from Greek "leavened bread") is a special prosphora consecrated on Easter night. Calling for artos God's blessing, in a special prayer, the priest asks the Lord to heal every ailment and illness, to give health to all who eat it.

Throughout Bright Week, artos stays on the analogion opposite Royal gates altar and will be worn every day for Easter processions. On Saturday, at Bright Week, it is crushed with special prayer and distributed to believers. Artos is a symbol of the Risen Christ and reminds of His stay on earth.

Particles of artos are kept by believers in the holy corner and are used on an empty stomach with reverence, prayer and with the words "Christ is Risen!"

What is holy water?

This water is ordinary in composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap water), miraculously acquiring sanctifying beneficial properties after performing a special prayer service, called sanctifying water.

What if the holy water is spoiled?

Corrupted holy water is poured into a stream or river - where there is a current, into the so-called living, running water.

What happens if you add Epiphany water to ordinary water?

Epiphany water will consecrate ordinary water, and all of it will become consecrated.

When is Christmas water blessed and given?

There is no special rite of blessing water for Christmas.

Is it possible to cook soup from the remaining holy water?

Holy water can be added to food for its consecration, it can be sprinkled on food.

What is Agiasma?

Agiasma (translated from Greek "shrine") - this is the name of the water consecrated according to a special great rite on the feast of the Epiphany or on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

How to use baptismal water?

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every home Orthodox Christian... It is carefully kept. Holy water tends not to deteriorate for many years.

Out of reverence for the shrine, they usually use baptismal water on an empty stomach. However, with ailments, you can drink it at any time. Holy water can also be used to anoint sore spots and to sprinkle a dwelling. You can sprinkle holy water on unbaptized and animals.

Can holy water of small consecration be drunk during the day or is it allowed only on an empty stomach?

Water of small consecration can be drunk during the day, after having prayed and with reverence.

What is the difference between Epiphany water and Epiphany water?

No different. And on the 18th and 19th January, the water is consecrated by the same Great Rite. This consecration of water is called Great in comparison with another, smaller one, performed on August 1/14 on the feast of the Origin (passing) of the Honorable Trees. Of the Life-giving Cross Of the Lord, and on other days, for the special solemnity of the ceremony, imbued with the memory of the Baptism of the Savior from John in the Jordan River. Baptism and Epiphany are two names for the same holiday. Opinion as if it were different water: the water that is consecrated on January 18 is Epiphany water, and the one that is consecrated on January 19 is Epiphany water, is erroneous.

The blessing of water performed on the eve of the Epiphany on January 18 serves as a reminder that in ancient times, on the eve of the Epiphany, water blessing was performed for the baptism of the catechumens, and then it is performed in the churches where the catechumens were baptized.

After the Liturgy on January 19, the blessing of water takes place in remembrance of the Baptism of the Lord, therefore there is a solemn procession with the cross, the Gospel, lamps and banners, with the ringing of bells and the singing of the troparion to the water sources.

This holiday is called the Epiphany because at the Baptism of the Lord the Divine Holy Trinity: God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son of God was baptized by John and testified by God the Father, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. Since ancient times, this holiday is also called the day of enlightenment and the holiday of lights, because God is Light and appeared to enlighten “those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death” (Matt. 4:16).

Why does the Church sanctify water and bread?

It is difficult to find something that would be so necessary for people in their earthly life and constitute such an essential need as bread and water. Bread is the simplest and natural human food that supports and strengthens his strength. A person uses water to quench his thirst and prepare food, wash his body and the things he uses with it.

These two necessary for a person in his bodily life, substances are for him integral elements and in spiritual life. Bread, consisting of many grains, personifies the Church - One with a plurality of its members. Bread serves the greatest Sacrament - Holy Communion.

By blessing the water, the Church returns to the water the elements primitive purity and holiness, by the power of prayer and the Word of God - brings down the blessing of the Lord. Consecrated water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual defilements, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God, extinguishes the flame of passions, drives away evil spirits.

Therefore, holy water is necessarily present at the consecration of temples and all items used in worship, at the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, household items. The faithful are sprinkled with holy water in religious processions, during prayer services.

What is the "rite of Panagia", how is it performed?

The word Panagia (translated from Greek "Most Holy") is the name of the Mother of God. In this order, it is applied to the Mother of God prosphora, which symbolizes the Queen of Heaven. The vessel in which this prosphora is placed is called panagiarom.

This rite is performed in monasteries. After the Liturgy, the brethren leave the church in pairs for a meal, carrying in front a liturgical prosphora in honor of the Mother of God. This procession is accompanied by the ringing of bells and the singing of the 144th psalm.

In the refectory, the prosphora is placed in the center of the table. At the end of the meal, Panagia ascends before the icons with the glorification of the Holy Trinity and prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Then everyone partakes of the prosphora particles. The meaning of the order is to represent the presence of God Himself and the Most Holy Theotokos at the meal. Such an announcement of the rank is also indicated by the legend of its origin.

According to ancient tradition, the apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on them, gathering for a common meal, left an unoccupied place at the table for Jesus Christ, laying bread there. At the end of the meal and after thanksgiving prayer they lifted this piece of bread with the words: “Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The name of the Holy Trinity is great. Lord Jesus Christ, help us. "

On the third day after the burial of the Mother of God, the apostles also sat together at a meal. During the offering of bread in memory of Christ, saying the words: "Great is the name ...", they saw in the air Holy Mother of God surrounded by angels. She promised to be with them always. The delighted disciples of Christ from surprise exclaimed instead of "Lord Jesus Christ, help us" - "Most Holy Theotokos, help us." After going to the tomb of the Mother of God and opening it, the apostles did not find Her most pure body there and were convinced that She was ascended into heaven to Her Divine Son.

- one of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth of the baby Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Despite the fact that Catholics celebrate it on December 25, and Orthodox on January 7, it is one and the same holiday, but according to different calendar styles - old and new. It should be noted that for Orthodox Christians Christmas is the second most important holiday after Easter, but Catholics revere it even higher than Easter. This is explained by the different meanings that the representatives of these confessions put into the concept of "Christmas": the Orthodox more revered spiritual rebirth, that is, the resurrection of Christ after death and His ascension to heaven, and Western religious movements they put above the possibility of salvation, which came into the world with the birth of little Jesus, that is, his physical birth.

The history of the holiday is interesting, but not very clear. The fact is that nowhere in the Bible is it mentioned exact date birth of baby Jesus. None of the four Gospels says that Christ was born on December 25 (or January 7 in the new style). Old Testament only mentions that Christ was born in 5508 from the creation of the world.

From the Nativity of Christ began new era, and began to celebrate the holiday already in the first centuries. Date of Christmas - December 25, adopted by the Church from the IV century.

In the IV century, Constantine, the Roman emperor, renounced the pagan faith, adopted the Christian teaching himself and legalized it on the territory of his country. Obeying the will of the emperor, the new church immediately began an active struggle against pagan cults. But it turned out to be not so easy to destroy the usual foundations, therefore, in some matters, the priests had to make concessions to the admirers of ancient cults. One of these concessions was giving of particular importance day of December 25. Before the introduction of Christianity, people worshiped the Sun, therefore the period winter solstice, that is last days December, was especially revered. During this period, the Sun approached the Earth, the daylight hours became longer and brighter, and this was perceived as a symbol of the victory of the forces of light over the forces of darkness. Christian priests saw this as a good sign and agreed to appoint the feast of the Nativity of Christ at the end of December, for the birth of a son of God is nothing more than the birth of the true Sun. In other words, the early Christians wisely decided that it would be easier to fill traditional pagan beliefs than to eradicate them with "fire and sword."

In 337, Pope Julius I approved the date of December 25 as the date of the Nativity of Christ.... Since then, the entire Christian world has celebrated Christmas on December 25th. The Russian Orthodox Church also celebrates Christmas on December 25, but December 25 to Julian calendar The church, which did not accept the reform of Pope Gregory XIII, begins on January 7 - according to the new, Gregorian style.

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into this sinful world to save humanity from sins and eternal destruction. With His birth on earth, a new era began. Even our chronology begins with the Nativity of Jesus Christ. The story of Jesus' birth is amazing. Just think, He, the Son of the Creator of the world and the universe, had to be born in a barn for animals. But let's start from the beginning.

Annunciation of the Conception of Jesus

V small town Nazareth, in “the north of Israel there lived a girl named Mary. She loved the Lord and had a pure heart. One day the Angel Gabriel, sent by the Lord, appeared to her and said: “ Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with You; blessed are you between wives". Mary, seeing Him, was embarrassed. But the Angel told her: “ Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace from the Lord; and behold, you will conceive in your womb, and you will bear a Son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom will have no end».

Mary was not married then, but was betrothed to a godly believer named Joseph. She asked Angel: “ How will it be when I don't know my husband?"The angel answered her:" The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore, the Holy One who is born will be called the Son of God". Maria replied: “ Behold, the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word". And the angel departed from her.

Upon learning that Mary was expecting a child, Joseph wanted to let her go, but the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: “ Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife; for that which is born in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus; for He will save His people from their sins».

The birth of Jesus Christ

A detailed story about the birth of Jesus Christ is given only by the Evangelist Luke:

« Joseph also went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David, to sign up with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was pregnant. When they were there, the time came for her to give birth; And she gave birth to her Firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."(Luke 2: 4-7)

The reason why Mary and Joseph, then living in Nazareth, went to Bethlehem, was the census. According to the decree of the Emperor Augustus, every inhabitant of the Roman Empire had to come "to his city" to facilitate the conduct of the census. Since Joseph was a descendant of David, he went to Bethlehem. The road was long and difficult, they walked on foot through the mountainous terrain, and when they reached Bethlehem and began to look for a place to sleep, it turned out that all the inns were full.

There was no free space for them in the hotels. And they had to settle in a cave (nativity scene), where the shepherds drove their cattle during bad weather.

On the same night, Maria felt that it was time to give birth. It was there, in the cave, that Mary gave birth to her son, swaddled and put in a nursery. The fact of the birth of the holy baby was announced by the one lit up in the sky Star of bethlehem.

After the birth of Jesus, the first people to come to worship him were the shepherds, who were informed of this event by the appearance of an angel. And a shining angel came down to them from heaven: “ Do not be afraid, I proclaim to you a great joy that will be to all people, for now a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, was born in the city of David, and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby lying in swaddling clothes in a manger". When the angel disappeared, the shepherds decided to go to the cave and see with their own eyes what was said - and they really saw the baby sleeping in the cattle feeder.

According to the evangelist Matthew, a wonderful star appeared in heaven, which led to the baby Jesus three wise men (sages): Gaspar, Melchior and Belshazzar. According to Eastern prophecies, the fact of the appearance of a star meant the time of the coming into the world of God's Son - the Messiah, who was awaiting the Jewish people. The Magi went to Jerusalem to inquire where the Savior of the world should be sought. Hearing about this, King Herod, who ruled Judea at that time, became agitated and summoned the Magi to him. After finding out from them the time of the appearance of the star, and hence the possible age of the King of the Jews, whom he feared as a rival to his reign, Herod asked the Magi: “ Go, scout the Baby thoroughly, and when you find it, notify me so that I can go and worship Him."(Matt. 2. 8). Following the guiding star, the Magi reached Bethlehem, where they bowed to the newborn Savior, bringing Him gifts from the treasures of the East: gold, incense and myrrh. Then, having received a revelation from God not to return to Jerusalem, they departed to their own country by another way.

Eight days later, the baby was given the name Jesus, which means "The Lord is Salvation." Subsequently, he was also called "Christ", which means "anointed one." This "prefix" in ancient Israel previously it was used only in relation to kings and high priests, since elevation to high dignity was accomplished through the anointing. Having given the epithet "Christ" to the son of God, the prophets emphasized that he is the true King of the world, simultaneously bringing the light of faith to people.

Upon learning of the birth of Christ, and discovering that the Magi did not obey him, the angry king of Judea Herod ordered to kill all male babies under the age of 2 years. The Gospel narrates that Joseph, having received a warning about danger in a dream, fled with the Mother of God and the Child to Egypt, where the Holy Family remained until the death of King Herod.

The story about the details of the birth of Jesus Christ is also present in two apocryphal sources: "Proto-Gospel of James" and "Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew." According to these sources, due to the lack of space in the hotel, Joseph and Mary were forced to spend the night in a cave, which was used as a barn to shelter livestock from the weather. When Mary felt the onset of childbirth, Joseph went to look for the midwife, but when he returned with her to the cave, the birth had already taken place, and such a light shone in the cave that they could not bear it, and a little time later the light disappeared and the baby appeared, went out and took the breast of his mother Mary. The birth of Christ took place before Joseph brought the midwife. At the same time, Salome is called the eldress and a relative of Mary, that is, she comes from the family of King David. The midwife Salome mentioned in the apocrypha bore witness to the miracle of preserving the virginity of the Virgin.

Christmas Eve

The Nativity of Christ ends with a 40-day Nativity Fast (November 28 - January 6). Christ not only advised to cleanse the spirit and flesh with the help of fasting, but he himself set an example of abstinence. Remember at least His 40-day fast in the desert and the answer to the devil-tempter: “... Man will not live by bread alone, but only by the word that proceeds from the mouth of God». Orthodox Church looks at fasting as an opportunity to cleanse oneself from worldly filth: through the cleansing of the body, the cleansing of the spirit and thoughts is achieved.

Christmas Eve is called Christmas Eve... On Christmas Eve, on the eve of Christmas, a strict fast is observed. Traditionally, they eat wheat or rice kutya with honey. But it is allowed to start the meal no earlier than the first star appears in the sky - this symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of the baby Jesus.

On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Orthodox greet each other with the words: “ Christ was born!", Answering them -" We praise Him!».


Troparion, voice 4
Thy Christmas, Christ our God, ascend to the world the light of reason: in it, serving the stars, I learn as a star, bow to the Sun of righteousness, and guide You from the height of the East: Lord, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, voice 3:
The Virgin today is the Most Substantial, and the earth brings the nativity scene to the Unapproachable: the angels glorify with the shepherds, and they travel with the star: we are born for the sake of the Young, the Eternal God.

Issue from the cycle The Law of God - Feast of the Nativity of Christ

Good afternoon, friends, noisy New Year night festivities, firecrackers, phone calls friends and acquaintances. And another holiday has come - a quiet, family, blissful - the Nativity of Christ. The article is devoted to Christmas traditions and customs, which have been forming for many centuries and have become an integral part of this holiday. You will learn how it was customary to celebrate Christmas in Russia - with family and closest people, how the entire Orthodox people prepared for it. These traditions and signs that have survived to this day will help you to plunge into the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. And observing all the divine canons associated with the arrival of this have a wonderful holiday, prosperity, luck and happiness will appear in your home! Before learning how to celebrate Christmas, a little reminder - the calendar of holidays from Christmas January 7 to Epiphany - January 19.

Christmas calendar

Christmas Eve - January 6. On the eve of Christmas Eve, January 6, was the last and strict day of fasting! If you are fasting, then treat yourself on Christmas Eve only without oil - nuts, vegetables, fruits, and herbs. In the evening, go to the Christmas service at the temple or watch it on TV.

Christmas Day - January 7th. Christmas is a great day for Orthodox Christians! According to tradition, it is customary to spend it in the circle of loved ones, as well as attend church. Celebrate the holiday at the family table and go to the temple for Christmas service (check with your ward for the schedule).

Christmastide - January 7-18. On Christmastide it is customary to guess (about this - you will find out in the next article of Your Raisin, follow the announcements). After all, it is believed: it is at this time that the curtain of the future can be lifted. In addition, on Christmastide days, according to tradition, you need to help the poor and the weak. Therefore, do not bypass such people, help them.

Epiphany - January 19. On a holiday, be sure to go to church for holy water. In addition, it is customary for Epiphany to plunge into an ice-hole. But the priests assure: in order to be cleansed of sins, it is not necessary to dive into ice water... It is enough to sincerely repent and come to the church for confession.

How to prepare for Christmas - Orthodox traditions and customs

How to celebrate Christmas? For Christmas, which came on January 7, as well as for Christmas, the entire Orthodox people in Russia always carefully prepared. Because these are the two most important events in the life of any Christian. Even a move new history and we lead our chronology from the Nativity of Christ. This holiday was preceded by fasting, which lasted more than a month (40 days). In addition to restrictions on nutrition, which led to spiritual cleansing of the body itself, cleansing was also carried out in the house - they brought complete order.

The Orthodox traditions of the Nativity of Christ in Russia were observed from year to year and consisted of preparing the dwelling for the holiday and putting it in full order, preparing a festive dinner, visiting the church with the whole family for a divine service dedicated to the Bright holiday of Nativity of Christ.

How to prepare your home for the holy day?

It is customary to celebrate the Nativity of Christ in a clean and cozy house... On the eve of the great holiday, hover in the apartment perfect order... Get rid of not only dust and dirt that are visible to the naked eye! Clean out trash from under cabinets, sofas, etc. And also free your home from all unnecessary things. The ideal option would be to distribute unwanted items to poor people (collection points are located in many churches).

Home decoration is part of the tradition before Christmas, so when you finish cleaning your home, decorate the rooms with figurines of angels or stars that symbolize the bright holiday. Place candlesticks with candles or beautiful compositions of them - let their fire bring light and joy to your home!

How to prepare spiritually for the holiday

In the tradition of a bright holiday, it was to meet it with pure thoughts and a heart free from offenses. Therefore, if you are currently in a quarrel with someone, take a step forward, even if the blame for what happened does not lie with you. Leave all grievances in the past and have time to ask for forgiveness from those for whom you are guilty!

How to prepare a festive table

The forty-day fast ended on Christmas Eve, the name of which was given by the ritual food, which is accepted on this day - syrupy.

The first dish on the festive table, which is used to break the fast after the end of the Nativity Fast, is sochivo or kutia. This is a porridge that is cooked from cereals and generously flavored with spices and sweet seasonings. If you want to follow the original traditions, then try at least a spoonful of this treat! Your Zest posted the recipe for this Christmas food, you can pick it up.

By the way, according to popular belief, if you start your Christmas meal with kutya, peace and quiet will reign in the house!

Advice: it’s good if you take kutya and cahors with you to the church service - then the priest will consecrate them during the service.

Church service on the night before Christmas

In the harsh January frosts, the souls and hearts of all Orthodox believers are warmed by a piercing bell ringing, which is heard from churches in Holy christmas- Jan. 7! He notifies us that Christ has been born! On the eve of the great celebration in all the temples of the country there are holiday services- beginning on January 6, no later than 22:00. Divine services usually last until the early morning.

On Christmas night, the whole family traditionally went to church for services and together they celebrated one of the most important Christian holidays. The temples were decorated ahead of time with fir and pine branches and a manger was installed - a prototype of the cave in which, according to legend, Jesus Christ was born.

If your health allows you, be sure to go to church, light candles, pray, and feel how God's grace will descend on you ... For some it will become a pacification, for others - hope for the best!

Advice: if for some reason you cannot get on evening liturgy, go to the service in the morning - January 7, which starts at 10:00. In your church, at the place of residence, it may start at a different time, check in advance.

Don't you have the strength to stand the festive service? Then go to the temple at least for a little while. And pray sincerely!

Festive meal after service

After the service, they began a festive meal, and the owner of the house always opened the door or window wide open, inviting the frost and wind to taste the treats in order to appease them for the future.

The table for Christmas was decorated with a beautiful tablecloth, under which a little straw was always placed (as a memory of the manger of little Jesus). As mentioned above, the Christmas meal began with kutya - porridge flavored with sweet spices: honey, dried fruits, nuts, poppy seeds ... In addition to the main dish, there was a place on the table - jellied meat with horseradish, whole baked poultry, fish or pig. Most often, the hostesses prepared Christmas.

All these dishes symbolized the unity of the family in the coming new year!

The table was bursting with different kind dishes and snacks:

  • piglets stuffed with buckwheat porridge;
  • hare baked in a pot;
  • porridge stewed in pumpkin,
  • all kinds of salads and cold snacks;
  • homemade pies and honey cakes;
  • red beet borscht.

Exactly 13 dishes were placed on the table - this ritual number was strictly observed. At the same time, the number of eaters at the festive table should be even, if one was not enough, an extra device was put on the table. During the meal, all eaters had to taste each dish, the main of which was sychivo or kutia. This porridge was prepared from rye and wheat, barley and buckwheat, peas and lentils and was certainly seasoned with honey. Kutya dressed with raisins, cream, almonds and spices was also considered "rich". Kutya was usually washed down with "broth" or a sweet thick compote, which was boiled from berries and dried fruits.

A special sign - a guest for good luck

There was a long-standing custom - according to who entered the house first at Christmas (man or woman), the future was determined. If a man entered, especially a dark-haired one, the year will be successful, and if it is a woman, then there will be no luck in the year.

Christmas signs: what's forbidden

Our ancestors strictly adhered to Christmas signs and prohibitions. What cannot be done on Christmas, January 7 - on this holy day:

  • Needlework is not allowed. It is believed that the one who sews in this big holiday, can cause blindness on yourself or someone close to you.
  • You can’t tidy up the house and bother about the housework. So, according to popular belief, there is a danger of attracting evil spirits into the house. Therefore, order was restored on Christmas Eve. And on the holy day they only celebrated!
  • You cannot offend anyone, get drunk or overeat without measure! This is a great sin on a holiday!
  • You can’t lend, otherwise you’ll be in debt all year.

Christmastide is a gulba for two weeks!

After the meeting of Christmas on January 7, the holiday did not end there, and the real fun began. Christmastide! Twelve days a year, when you can do anything and how you want, without fear of punishment. As the saying goes, "winter for frosts, and a man for the holidays."

Bonfires were burning everywhere. Not just to keep warm - in this way people helped the sun to defeat the darkness. This custom has been preserved since pagan times, when fire symbolized rebirth, the beginning of a new life. Bells ringing too ancient tradition... People tried to drive away evil spirits with noise, shouting, ringing of bells. The custom has survived, but its meaning is somewhat different - with bells they greet and glorify the birth of Christ.

They tried to dress up for Christmas. If there were a lot of new things, they measured everything - so that all year round to go in a rich elegant dress. They ate, as they say, from the belly. And everyone who entered the house had to be nourishingly fed and presented with money. But these days they did not take a loan, otherwise the whole next year sit in debt. And work these days was not supposed to - to have a rest like that!

Caroling is happiness to attract

Not a single Christmas Eve could do without carols in Russia. Have fun for the year ahead!

Young people dressed up in funny costumes, covering their faces with "mugs and haryami" (as various masks were officially called), wearing sheepskin coats inside out, going home caroling with songs and dances. The head of the company was "the maiden-fur-woman". It was she who carried the bag where the generous owners sent all kinds of food - bread, and pies, and sausages, and sweets. She then divided the booty for all cheerful company... For those who were not distinguished by generosity, they could wish every ailment in carol songs, or even scatter a woodpile, and prop the gates outside: these days such hooliganism was said goodbye.

It was believed that this way you can "nakoladovat" good luck, happiness, great harvest, etc. Agree, great fun! So why not resurrect a good old custom. And do not come to the houses of friends and acquaintances with perky songs. It will be fun for everyone! And with such a kind attitude, it will really be a stone's throw to good luck and happiness!

Christmas divination

After walking for a walk, in the evening they gathered for gatherings, where they drank and ate, told magical stories, and closer to the night the most interesting began -. Looking into the future is a dangerous, demonic business, therefore it was allowed to guess only on these days, when devilry, emboldened, comes close to human habitation. We tried to find out what the next year will be, fruitful or not very, calm or vain. The girls wondered about their betrothed - they went to listen under the windows, asked the name of the first person they met, dragged a log, threw out cards, poured tin or wax - there were so many ways that it was enough for all Christmastide. But few dared to do the right thing. Alone, without a cross, in an empty bathhouse, by candlelight, you could see the groom in the mirror, or you could also see the horned devil ...

Saint Basil's Day

And so the days went by - in satiety, merry festivities and various mischiefs. One of them stood out in particular. The first of January according to the old style (14th according to the new) was celebrated the day of St. Basil. They cooked porridge in a special way and always put a fried pig on the table.

It was believed that Vasily hides a month at night to prevent the witches from having fun at the Sabbath. We have this day turned into a unique holiday - Old New Year. Not a single foreigner understands how something new can be old, but this does not prevent Russians from continuing to have fun, and TV channels from repeating the festive "Lights" for those who slept through them on New Year's Eve.

And all this reckless revelry lasts until January 19, when another great day comes - Epiphany. Then grace descends on earth, evil spirits are hidden, and each person can wash away - Jordan - all sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed in these two cheerful weeks.

How to sprinkle an apartment with holy water

Before you sprinkle the house, do the cleaning! Then fill a clean container with water. Keep in mind - this must be a vessel that has not been in contact with animals!

All dwellings are sprinkled with holy water, including indoor flowers and plants (they just need to be sprinkled a little, without watering the earth).

You need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Dip right hand into the holy water and walk around all corners of the room, moving clockwise.
  2. Then sprinkle the walls and floor.
  3. During the ritual say out loud the words: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."
  4. Then spray the rest of the rooms, bathroom, hallway, kitchen in the same way. But not a toilet! They don't sprinkle it with holy water!

How to drink holy water properly

All believers know that holy water on Epiphany days has a special power, and therefore on such days there are queues to the church. People stand with empty bottles and cans in order to stock up on holy water for a long time.

By your grace and healing properties holy water is equated to the holy water of the Jordan River, in which Jesus Christ was baptized. That is why people keep the water brought from the church all year round and use it on special occasions.

In addition to painting your home on a holiday, you can drink consecrated water several times during the day. And on other days it is better to eat it on an empty stomach. At the same time, they drink holy water during a serious illness, they take a sip when some important event is ahead.

In addition, she can paint all new things that appear in the house.

If, due to improper storage, holy water has become unsuitable for drinking, in no case should it be poured down the drain. It is necessary to take it out of the house and pour it into a place where a person's foot cannot walk, for example, into a stream, river, lake, pond or other body of water. You can water her bush that grows in a deserted place.

Folk calendar

Today you learned how to celebrate the bright holiday of Christmas, what traditions, customs, signs were associated with it in Russia. And at the very end - a folk calendar with signs for the whole year and the name days of those born on this day.

A clear and starry night promises safety and health to people this year, and vice versa. Soft snow falls - for the harvest, and if it's warm, summer will be rainy.

Severe frost and little snow on this day - to the harvest of bread, the health of animals and people; if it is warm and there is no snow - to a cold summer. "Vasiliev's night of a star - summer is berry".

The sky is clear on Feoktistov day, with full moon- to a strong flood.

If a blizzard rages on that day, the same will happen on Shrovetide; if strong winds blow from the south, then the summer will be terrible.

Video - how to celebrate Christmas

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