Home perennial flowers Battle for Stalingrad photos. Colorized photographs of the Battle of Stalingrad (15 photos)

Battle for Stalingrad photos. Colorized photographs of the Battle of Stalingrad (15 photos)

On the outskirts of Stalingrad.

Preparation of defensive lines near Stalingrad by Soviet units.

Soviet tankers repulsed the heavy blows of the German tank divisions. Summer 1942, Stalingrad area.

The air defense of Stalingrad repulsed enemy air strikes constantly - both day and night.

Fights were going on for every meter ...

... for every wall.

German mortars on the approaches to the Volga

The Volga River is on fire. Stalingrad region.

Der Oberbefehlshaber einer Armee, Ritterkreuzträger General der Panzertruppe Paulus (rechts) auf einer B-Stelle im nördlichen Abschnitt Stalingrads.

German assault group on the outskirts of Stalingrad. The soldier second from the left carries a 50 mm leGrW 36 mortar on his shoulder.

The famous photo is the fountain "Children's Dance" on the station square of Stalingrad after the Nazi air raid. The station was bombed on August 23, 1942.

A German officer occupying a ramshacrle fortified position in Stalingrad Oct-Nov 1942. He is armed with the Soviet PPSh-41 submachine gun,a robust weapon ideal for fighing in urban area

Caption Stalingrad.- Die Stalingrader Schlacht begann im Juli 1942. In erbitterten, beiderseits verlustreichen Kämpfen wehrte die Rote Armee das weitere Vordringen der faschistischen Truppen ab. Während der sowjetischen Gegenoffensive im November 1942 wurden über 300,000 Mann eingeschlossen. Die Reste dieser Verbände, etwa 91 000 Mann, capitulierten am 31.1. und 2/2/1943 Rotarmisten einer Sturmgruppe kämpfen um eine Ruine in Stalingrad.

Photographer Unknown

Identification Code Bild 183-R74190

German assault group receives a mission

A German officer and a non-commissioned officer armed with MP40 submachine guns are fighting in a street

Militiamen of the Stalingrad plant "Red October" Klimov brothers with a captured German machine gun MG-34 in the workers' settlement of Red October. On the right lies the former owner of this machine gun.

KV-1 russian tank

Luftwaffe troops securing areas recently overran by Soviet troops, Stalingrad, 22 October 1942

Marines attack during the defense of Stalingrad.

Fight in the defense of Stalingrad, autumn 1942.

Raising the Nazi flag by German soldiers in one of the occupied areas of Stalingrad.

The Germans in Stalingrad near the bakery. In the background is a medium tank Pz.III.

Evacuation of the wounded Soviet soldiers. Plant "Barricades", Stalingrad.

Caption: Rotarmisten bekämpfen vom Dach eines Hauses in Stalingrad den Gegner

Photographer Unknown

Date: January 1943

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183 - E0406-0022-001

Caption Infanterie im Ringen um Stalingrad. Ein leichtes Infanterie-Geschütz wird nach vorn in eine neue Stellung gezogen, um feindliche Stützpunkte unter ein erfolgreiches Feuer zu nehmen.

Photographer Herber

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-B22222

Caption über dem zentralen Platz in Stalingrad weht die sowjetische Fahne - die Rote Armee hat gesiegt; Ende Januar, Anfang Februar 1943

Photographer Georgii Zelma

Date: January 1943

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-W0506-316

Caption Russian civilians in the ruins of Stalingrad, USSR

Photographer Unknown

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-B29644

Caption Stalingrad.- Drei deutsche Soldaten in einem Gebäude mit Maschinengewehr 34 (MG 34) und Gewehr aus einem Fenster schießend

Photographer Ollig

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 101I-617-2571-04

Caption Stalingrad.- Zerstörter sowjetischer Panzer KW-1

Photographer Unknown

Date: August 1942

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 169-0441

Caption Luftaufnahme von Stalingrad nach einem Angriff durch Stukas der faschistischen deutschen Luftwaffe am 2. Oktober 1942

Photographer Klose

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-J17815

Caption Portrait of a German Army soldier in Stalingrad

Photographer Herber

Date: November 1942

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-B29906

Photographer Wulf

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 1011-004-3626-16A

Caption Deutsche Aufnahme eines Bahnhofs in Stalingrad nach der Bombardierung durch Flugzeuge der fascistischen deutschen Luftwaffe, Ende August 1942

Photographer Unknown

Date: August 1942

Identification Code Bild 183-B22081

Caption Infanterie und Sturmgeschütze in der Bereitstellung zum Angriff auf die Höhe 102 zwischen dem Stadtzentrum und dem Industrieviertel Barikady. PK-Aufnahme: Kriegsberichter Herber (Sch) 5317-42 “Fr. fr. OKW” September 1942

Photographer Herber

Date: September 1942

Source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 183-B28822

Caption Soldaten mit Flammenwerfer vor Ruinen von Gebäuden; PK670

Photographer Unknown

Source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)

Identification Code Bild 101I-083-3371-11

Soviet soldiers go on the offensive near Stalingrad. Winter 1942-1943.

Frozen alive Germans.

German soldiers killed near Stalingrad. February 1943

Killed German soldiers near Stalingrad, winter 1942-1943.

The reconnaissance group of the 39th Guards Rifle Division leaves for a combat mission. Plant "Red October", Stalingrad.

General Rokossovsky watches as troops tighten the encirclement around the German 6th Field Army.

The ring of encirclement is closed. The fighting in Stalingrad is over

January 1943

Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (left), commander of the Wehrmacht 6th Army encircled in Stalingrad, his chief of staff, Lieutenant General Arthur Schmidt and his adjutant Wilhelm Adam near Stalingrad after surrendering.

German prisoners huddle with those from the Axis satellite countries from the sharp winds of Stalingrad.

November-December 1942, Long march of Romanian POWs from the Battle of Stalingrad

Soviet infantrymen quench their thirst in a village near Stalingrad. Winter 1942-1943

Germans Abandon Tanks S.W. of Stalingrad, 1943

USSR Official Photo. No RR 1488 (WA). Distributed by the Ministry of Information. issued Jan 1943.

This is the latest Russian battle picture, taken on the Verenezh front and radioed from Moscow. It shows a winding column of prisoners making their way back to prison in the rear. During the first few days of February a large enemy group encircled west of Verenezh, was cut to pieces and completely mopped up. In fierce fighting over 5000 of the enemy were wiped out and 13,000 officers and men were captured. In all between January 27th 1943 and February 4th, 27,000 officers and men have been captured by the Soviet forces on the Vorenezh front.

Notes: USSR Official Photograph RR.1533 (Distributed by the Ministry of Information). (Picture issued Feb. 1943)

Stalingrad after liberation


Stalingrad region. At the native ruins. Station Kletskaya.

Field Marshal von Paulus, in Soviet captivity.

Citizen of the GDR von Paulus. Photo from the late 1960s.

Source Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)
Identification code Bild 183-W0506-316
Photo by Georgii Zelma

ended seventy-one years ago Battle of Stalingrad- the battle that finally changed the course of World War II. On February 2, 1943, surrounded by the banks of the Volga, German troops capitulated. I dedicate this photo album to this significant event.

1. A Soviet pilot stands near a personalized Yak-1B fighter, donated to the 291st Fighter Aviation Regiment by the collective farmers of the Saratov Region. The inscription on the fuselage of the fighter: "To the Hero's Unit Soviet Union Shishkina V.I. from the collective farm Signal of the Revolution of the Voroshilovsky district of the Saratov region. Winter 1942 - 1943

2. A Soviet pilot stands near a personalized Yak-1B fighter, donated to the 291st Fighter Aviation Regiment by the collective farmers of the Saratov Region.

3. A Soviet soldier demonstrates to his comrades German sentry boats, captured among other German property near Stalingrad. 1943

4. German 75 mm gun PaK 40 on the outskirts of a village near Stalingrad.

5. A dog sits in the snow against the backdrop of a column of Italian troops retreating from Stalingrad. December 1942

7. Soviet soldiers walk past the corpses of German soldiers in Stalingrad. 1943

8. Soviet soldiers listen to the accordion player near Stalingrad. 1943

9. Red Army soldiers go on the attack on the enemy near Stalingrad. 1942

10. Soviet infantry attacks the enemy near Stalingrad. 1943

11. Soviet field hospital near Stalingrad. 1942

12. The medical instructor bandages the head of a wounded soldier before sending him to the rear hospital for dog sled. Stalingrad region. 1943

13. A captured German soldier in ersatz boots in a field near Stalingrad. 1943

14. Soviet soldiers in battle in the destroyed workshop of the Red October plant in Stalingrad. January 1943

15. Infantrymen of the 4th Romanian Army on vacation near the StuG III Ausf. F on the road near Stalingrad. November-December 1942

16. The bodies of German soldiers on the road southwest of Stalingrad near an abandoned Renault AHS truck. February-April 1943

17. Captured German soldiers in the destroyed Stalingrad. 1943

18. Romanian soldiers at a 7.92 mm ZB-30 machine gun in a trench near Stalingrad.

19. An infantryman takes aim with a submachine gun the one lying on the armor of an American-made Soviet tank M3 "Stuart" with a proper name "Suvorov". Don front. Stalingrad region. November 1942

20. Commander of the XIth Army Corps of the Wehrmacht Colonel General to Karl Strecker (Karl Strecker, 1884-1973, standing with his back in the center left) surrenders to the representatives of the Soviet command in Stalingrad. 02/02/1943

21. A group of German infantry during an attack near Stalingrad. 1942

22. Civilians on the construction of anti-tank ditches. Stalingrad. 1942

23. One of the units of the Red Army in the area of ​​Stalingrad. 1942

24. colonel generals to the Wehrmacht Friedrich Paulus (Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus, 1890-1957, right) with officers at the command post near Stalingrad. Second from the right is Paulus' adjutant Colonel Wilhelm Adam (1893-1978). December 1942

25. At the crossing of the Volga to Stalingrad. 1942

26. Refugees from Stalingrad during a halt. September 1942

27. Guardsmen of the reconnaissance company of Lieutenant Levchenko during reconnaissance on the outskirts of Stalingrad. 1942

28. The soldiers take their starting positions. Stalingrad front. 1942

29. Evacuation of the plant across the Volga. Stalingrad. 1942

30. Burning Stalingrad. Anti-aircraft artillery firing at German aircraft. Stalingrad, Fallen Fighters Square. 1942

31. Meeting of the Military Council of the Stalingrad Front: from left to right - Khrushchev N.S., Kirichenko A.I., Secretary of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Chuyanov A.S.tand commander of the front colonel general to Eremenko A.I. Stalingrad. 1942

32. A group of machine gunners of the 120th (308th) Guards Rifle Division, under the command of Sergeev A.,conducts reconnaissance during the street fighting in Stalingrad. 1942

33. Red Navy men of the Volga Flotilla during a landing operation near Stalingrad. 1942

34. Military Council of the 62nd Army: from left to right - Chief of Staff of the Army Krylov N.I., Army Commander Chuikov V.I., member of the Military Council Gurov K.A.and commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division Rodimtsev A.I. District of Stalingrad. 1942

35. Soldiers of the 64th Army are fighting for a house in one of the districts of Stalingrad. 1942

36. Commander of the Don Front, Lieutenant General t Rokossovsky K.K. in a combat position in the region of Stalingrad. 1942

37. Battle in the area of ​​Stalingrad. 1942

38. Fight for the house on Gogol street. 1943

39. Baking bread on your own. Stalingrad front. 1942

40. Fighting in the city center. 1943

41. Storming of the railway station. 1943

42. Soldiers of the long-range guns of junior lieutenant Snegirev I. are firing from the left bank of the Volga. 1943

43. A military orderly carries a wounded soldier of the Red Army. Stalingrad. 1942

44. Soldiers of the Don Front advance to a new firing line in the area of ​​the encircled Stalingrad group of Germans. 1943

45. Soviet sappers pass through the destroyed snow-covered Stalingrad. 1943

46. Captured Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (1890-1957) exits a GAZ-M1 car at the headquarters of the 64th Army in Beketovka, Stalingrad Region. 01/31/1943

47. Soviet soldiers climb the stairs of a destroyed house in Stalingrad. January 1943

48. Soviet troops in battle in Stalingrad. January 1943

49. Soviet soldiers in battle among the destroyed buildings in Stalingrad. 1942

50. Soviet soldiers attack enemy positions near Stalingrad. January 1943

51. Italian and German prisoners leave Stalingrad after the surrender. February 1943

52. Soviet soldiers move through the destroyed workshop of the plant in Stalingrad during the battle.

53. Soviet light tank T-70 with troops on the armor on the Stalingrad front. November 1942

54. German artillerymen are firing on the outskirts of Stalingrad. In the foreground, a dead Red Army soldier in cover. 1942

55. Conducting political information in the 434th Fighter Aviation Regiment. In the first row from left to right: Heroes of the Soviet Union Senior Lieutenant I.F. Golubin, captain V.P. Babkov, Lieutenant N.A. Karnachenok (posthumously), the commissar of the regiment, battalion commissar V.G. Strelmashchuk. In the background is a Yak-7B fighter with the inscription "Death for death!" on the fuselage. July 1942

56. Wehrmacht infantry at the destroyed plant "Barricades" in Stalingrad.

57. Red Army soldiers with an accordion celebrate the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad on the Square of the Fallen Fighters in the liberated Stalingrad. January

58. Soviet mechanized unit during the offensive near Stalingrad. November 1942

59. Soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division of Colonel Vasily Sokolov at the Krasny Oktyabr plant in the destroyed Stalingrad. December 1942

60. Soviet tanks T-34/76 near the Square of the Fallen Fighters in Stalingrad. January 1943

61. German infantry take cover behind stacks of steel blanks (blooms) at the Krasny Oktyabr plant during the battles for Stalingrad. 1942

62. Sniper Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaytsev explains to the newcomers the upcoming task. Stalingrad. December 1942

63. Soviet snipers go to the firing position in the destroyed Stalingrad. The legendary sniper of the 284th Infantry Division Vasily Grigoryevich Zaitsev and his students are sent into an ambush. December 1942.

64. Italian driver killed on the road near Stalingrad. Next to the truck FIAT SPA CL39. February 1943

65. Unknown Soviet submachine gunner with PPSh-41 during the battles for Stalingrad. 1942

66. Red Army soldiers are fighting among the ruins of a destroyed workshop in Stalingrad. November 1942

67. Red Army soldiers are fighting among the ruins of a destroyed workshop in Stalingrad. 1942

68. German prisoners of war captured by the Red Army in Stalingrad. January 1943

69. Calculation of the Soviet 76-mm ZiS-3 divisional gun at the position near the Krasny Oktyabr plant in Stalingrad. December 10, 1942

70. An unknown Soviet machine gunner with a DP-27 in one of the destroyed houses in Stalingrad. December 10, 1942

71. Soviet artillery fires on the encircled German troops in Stalingrad. Presumably , in the foreground 76-mm regimental gun model 1927. January 1943

72. Soviet attack aircraft Il-2 aircraft take off on a combat mission near Stalingrad. January 1943

73. exterminate pilot of the 237th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 220th Fighter Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army of the Stalingrad Front, Sergeant Ilya Mikhailovich Chumbarev at the wreckage of a German reconnaissance aircraft shot down by him with the help of a ram Ika Focke-Wulf Fw 189. 1942

74. Soviet artillerymen firing at German positions in Stalingrad from a 152-mm howitzer-gun ML-20 model 1937. January 1943

75. The calculation of the Soviet 76.2-mm gun ZiS-3 is firing in Stalingrad. November 1942

76. Soviet soldiers sit by the fire in a moment of calm in Stalingrad. The soldier second from the left has a captured German MP-40 submachine gun. 01/07/1943

77. Cameraman Valentin Ivanovich Orlyankin (1906-1999) in Stalingrad. 1943

78. Assault team leader marines P. Golberg in one of the shops of the destroyed plant "Barricades". 1943

79. Red Army soldiers are fighting on the ruins of a building in Stalingrad. 1942

80. Portrait of Hauptmann Friedrich Winkler in the area of ​​the Barrikady plant in Stalingrad.

81. Residents of a Soviet village, previously occupied by the Germans, meet the crew of a T-60 light tank from the Soviet troops - liberate lei. Stalingrad region. February 1943

82. Soviet troops on the offensive near Stalingrad, in the foreground the famous Katyusha rocket launchers, behind the T-34 tanks.

86. Soviet T-34 tanks with armored soldiers on the march in the snowy steppe during the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation. November 1942

87. Soviet T-34 tanks with armored soldiers on the march in the snowy steppe during the Middle Don offensive. December 1942

88. Tankers of the 24th Soviet tank corps (from December 26, 1942 - the 2nd guards) on the armor of the T-34 tank during the liquidation of the group of German troops surrounded near Stalingrad. December 1942 she and the major general) are talking with the soldiers at the German tank Pz.Kpfw captured near Stalingrad. III Ausf. L. 1942

92. A German tank Pz.Kpfw captured near Stalingrad. III Ausf. L. 1942

93. Red Army prisoners who died of hunger and cold. The POW camp was located in the village of Bolshaya Rossoshka near Stalingrad. January 1943

94. German Heinkel He-177A-5 bombers from I./KG 50 at the airfield in Zaporozhye. These bombers were used to supply the German troops encircled at Stalingrad. January 1943

96. Romanian prisoners of war taken prisoner in the area of ​​​​the village of Raspopinskaya near the city of Kalach. November-December 1942

97. Romanian prisoners of war taken prisoner in the area of ​​​​the village of Raspopinskaya near the city of Kalach. November-December 1942

98. GAZ-MM trucks used as fuel trucks during refueling at one of the stations near Stalingrad. The engine hoods are covered with covers, instead of doors - canvas valves. Don Front, winter 1942-1943.

99. The position of the German machine-gun crew in one of the houses in Stalingrad. September-November 1942

100. Member of the Military Council for the Logistics of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Colonel Viktor Matveyevich Lebedev in a dugout near Stalingrad. 1942

The battle of Stalingrad in the form of a pencil drawing can be done by young children if a simple picture is taken as a model. There are a lot of photos and various pictures on the Internet that well describe one of the most significant battles in World War II.

Battle of Stalingrad pencil drawing photo

Drawing on the theme of the Battle of Stalingrad, made in pencil, looks interesting and realistic, if you add shading to the artwork. But only older children or those who have the necessary level of skills will cope with such a task.

Battle of Stalingrad pencil drawing, where to start?

Of course, you can always take a photo of the theme of the military battle of the Battle of Stalingrad as an example or a picture for inspiration, but for simple drawing choose a minimalistic photo, with a small amount of small details.

In order for the work to turn out beautiful and neat, it is worth practicing with the drawing of various elements. On a separate leaf, it is desirable to draw clear geometric shapes, smooth lines that will make the drawing less angular. You can also consider examples of drawings of weapons used by the Red Army.

From the tools you need to take a minimum:

  • a few sheets for sketches;
  • sheet A4 for main work, final drawing;
  • pencils soft and hard;
  • an eraser to remove auxiliary lines;
  • ruler.

A simple drawing of the Battle of Stalingrad

The battle of Stalingrad and its drawing with a pencil can be done in stages, using the instructions.

  1. On sheet A4, draw a horizon line, a straight line, located in 1/3 of the upper part of the leaf from above. A little lower, with smooth lines, sketch a country road. Lines do not have to be perfectly straight, but angularity and broken strokes are avoided.
  2. Not far from the country road we will draw soldiers, but first we will determine their scale and location. It is advisable to reduce the scale of the drawn soldiers if they are placed high on the leaf (far from the bottom edge).
  3. In our case, the Battle of Stalingrad, a pencil drawing will contain a minimum of detail, and three soldiers will be in the center of attention, for each of which auxiliary lines are drawn with a ruler. One line, slightly slanted to the side, close to vertical, and the other intersecting the first. This will allow you to correctly create the oval of the face, the trapezoid of the body, the lines - the basis for the arms and legs.
  4. Do not forget that we are drawing soldiers from the side, which means that the kids will have to help make the correct proportions of the bodies and show how to draw bent arms with weapons.
  5. The soldiers lie in cover hardly, each subsequent one should be about one and a half times larger than the previous one.
  6. At this stage, it is worth carefully considering the shape of the soldiers, for this, study the photos of the soldiers who participated in the Battle of Stalingrad.
  7. Carefully study the photo of the weapons of the soldiers. Older children will cope with copying, but parents will help the kids.
  8. After drawing the soldiers, they complete the creation by adding trees, hills near the horizon and houses to the paper. All these details are made small by placing them in the background. Grass is drawn in the foreground, for which light shading is used.
  9. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, the pencil drawing is made special, several elements are added that can convey the atmosphere of the battlefield: light shading (it can be rubbed with a small piece of paper) imitates smoke from a fire, dark highlights the bumpy terrain of hillocks and trenches.

Complicated version of the drawing of the Battle of Stalingrad

The drawing above can be taken as a basis, but a Red Army soldier running on the attack comes to the fore. Drawing a person in motion is a difficult task. But, focusing on simple guide lines, this can be done without special drawing skills.

The soldier is scaled in relation to the others, which are drawn in the prone position a little further, closer to the country road. In this case, you will have to work harder on copying the form, its important elements. Attention is paid to facial features that are located exactly in relation to the auxiliary intersecting lines. If the child has experience in drawing a face, you can play with the emotions of a soldier. Boys will also enjoy the opportunity to draw weapons.

The battle of Stalingrad, her drawing in pencil is a great opportunity to study important things with a child. historical event. A wonderful gift for veterans who are familiar with wartime events firsthand. Finished work no need to color. sticking to simple rules, you can create an interesting and realistic drawing.

A complicated version of the drawing of the Battle of Stalingrad in the photo


178. Soviet machine-gun crew changes firing position in broken house in Stalingrad. 1942

179. Soviet soldiers hold the line in a broken house in Stalingrad. 1942

180. German soldiers surrounded near Stalingrad.

181. The attack of Soviet soldiers on a destroyed house captured by German troops in Stalingrad. 1942

182. The assault group of the 13th Guards Division is clearing houses in Stalingrad, destroying enemy soldiers. 1942

183. Mortar I.G. Goncharov and G.A. Gafatulin firing at German positions in the Stalingrad area from a 120-mm mortar. 1942

184. Soviet snipers go to a firing position in a destroyed house in Stalingrad. January 1943

185. Commander of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Lieutenant General t Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (with a stick) and a member of the military council of the Stalingrad Front, Lieutenant General t Kuzma Akimovich Gurov (according to left hand Chuikov) near Stalingrad. 1943

186. Captured Germans on the streets of Stalingrad.

187. German prisoners walk past the frozen corpse of a German soldier. Stalingrad. 1943

188. The German self-propelled guns Marder III abandoned near Stalingrad. 1943

189. Soviet signalmen are laying a telephone line in the Stalingrad area. 1943

190. A Soviet officer inspects a German tank Pz.II Ausf. F, captured by Soviet troops on the farm Sukhanovsky. Don front. December 1942

191. Member of the Military Council N.S. Khrushchev inspects a captured German tank Pz.Kpfw. IV in Stalingrad. December 28, 1942

192. German gunners move the LeIG 18 gun in the battle in Stalingrad. September 1942

193. Railway platforms with Soviet bombs found by the Germans in the courtyard of one of the destroyed factories in Stalingrad. November 1942

194. The corpse of a German soldier at the direction signs near Stalingrad. February 1943

195. Broken German fighter Messerschmitt Bf.109 near Stalingrad. 1943

196. Captured German aircraft near Stalingrad and ... a samovar. 1943

197. Romanian prisoners of war taken prisoner in the area of ​​​​the village of Raspopinskaya near the city of Kalach. November 24, 1942 troops Southwestern Front, having defeated the Romanian troops surrounded there, they took 30 thousand prisoners and captured a lot of equipment.

198. Soviet assault group before the attack in Stalingrad. 1942

199. Soviet soldiers in battle in Stalingrad. Autumn 1942

200. A string of German prisoners of war near Stalingrad. February 1943

201. A German soldier cleans his carbine during a short break between battles in Stalingrad. Autumn 1942.

202. Soviet soldiers on the streets of Stalingrad, hiding under a tarpaulin. February 1943

203. Frost-covered bodies of two German soldiers at a position near Stalingrad. 1942

204. Soviet aircraft technicians remove machine guns from a German fighter Messerschmitt Bf.109. Stalingrad. 1943

205. German assault group on the ruins of a factory in Stalingrad. Late September - early October 1942.

206. The first Heroes of the Soviet Union in the 16th Air Army, awarded on 01/28/1943. From left to right: V.N. Makarov, I.P. Motor and Z.V. Semenyuk. All of them served in the 512th Fighter Aviation Regiment.

207. Killed German soldiers near Stalingrad, winter 1942-1943

208. Medical Girl The teacher accompanies a wounded soldier in Stalingrad. 1942

209. Soviet soldiers in battle among the destroyed buildings in Stalingrad. 1942

210. Soviet troops in battle in Stalingrad. January 1943

211. Killed soldiers of the 4th Romanian army near Lake Barmatsak, Stalingrad region. 11/20/1942

212. The command post of the 178th Artillery Regiment (45th Rifle Division), Major Rostovtsev, in the basement of the calibration shop of the Krasny Oktyabr plant. December 1942

213. Captured in good condition German tank Pz.Kpfw. IV. The territory of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. 02/01/1943

214. The retreat of the German units of Army Group "Don" after failed attempt deblocking of Stalingrad. January 1943

215. Stalingrad after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. The skeleton of a downed German He-111 bomber from the KG.55 "Greif" bomber group (griffin on the emblem). 1943

216. Feldmar General shal Friedrich Paulus (left), commander of the 6th Wehrmacht army encircled in Stalingrad, chief of his staff, lieutenant general t Arthur Schmidt (Arthur Schmidt) and his adjutant Wilhelm Adam (Wilhelm Adam) after surrendering. Stalingrad, Beketovka, headquarters of the Soviet 64th Army. 01/31/1943

217. Fight in one of the shops of the plant "Red October". December 1942

218. Taking the oath at the banner by marching reinforcements in the 39th Guards Rifle Division on the banks of the Volga, behind the Red October plant. On the left is the commander of the 62nd Army, Lieutenant General t V.I. Chuikov (39th division was part of the 62nd army), the banner is held by the commander of the division, Major General S.S. Guriev. December 1942

219. Gun crew of sergeant A.G. Serov (45th Infantry Division) in one of the shops of the Red October plant in Stalingrad. December 1942

220. Commander of the 65th Army of the Don Front, Lieutenant General t P.I. Batov with officers in the Stalingrad area. Winter 1942/43.

221. Frontline road near the village of Gorodishche near Stalingrad, an abandoned armored car and a dead German soldier.

222. Evacuation of wounded Soviet soldiers. Plant "Barricades", Stalingrad. December 1942

223. Captured Germans from the 11th Infantry Corps, Colonel General ka Karl Strecker, who surrendered on February 2, 1943. District of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. 02/02/1943

224. German transport aircraft Ju-52, captured by Soviet troops near Stalingrad. November 1942

225. Warming up Ju-52 engines with a heat gun at the Pitomnik airfield (Stalingrad region). January 1943

226. The reconnaissance group of the 39th Guards Rifle Division leaves for a combat mission. Plant "Red October". Stalingrad. 1943

227. Rally in the liberated Stalingrad. February 1943

Picture 10 from the presentation "Stalingrad" to history lessons on the topic "Battle of Stalingrad"

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Battle of Stalingrad

"Stalingradskaya" - Battle at sea. Reasons for victory Soviet army in the Battle of Stalingrad. Memorial Cemetery. July 17 - September 12, 1942 - German offensive September 13 - November 18, 1942 - defensive battles on the streets of Stalingrad November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943 - Soviet counteroffensive. Soldier field. Sustainable economy (final transition to "military rails") Successful implementation of various sabotage operations ("Rails") Mistakes of the Fuhrer.

"Battle of Stalingrad" - Life! They built the entire memorial for 8 years - from 1959 to 1967. Sword: length - 29 meters, weight - 400 tons 300 kg. Mamontova Larisa Efimovna. One of the monumental monuments to the heroes of Stalingrad is the memorial ensemble - the museum "Battle of Stalingrad". "The defeat. Troops. near Stalingrad."

"History of the Battle of Stalingrad" - Today, a monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" was erected on Mamaev Kurgan. During the Battle of Stalingrad, some of the fiercest battles took place here. The Fuhrer is in deep mourning. The German army did not yet know such disasters. The central figure of the composition is the sculpture "Motherland".

"Battle of Stalingrad" - Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev destroyed more than 300 Nazis in street battles. “The army is surrounded ... More than 707 thousand participants in the battle were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”. In Volgograd, at the intersection of Metallurgov Avenue and Tarashchantsev Street, there is a monument to Mikhail Panikakha. Signalman Matvey Putilov. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 127 people.

"Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" - The height of the composition is 11 m, at the base there is a small pool, in calm water which the composition is reflected. Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" is the compositional center of the entire ensemble, it is a 52-meter figure of a woman who has stepped forward rapidly. Project leaders: Gvozdeva I.A., Panfilova L.A.

Anti-aircraft artillery firing at German aircraft. The battle included an attempt by the Wehrmacht to capture the left bank of the Volga near Stalingrad and the city itself, a confrontation in the city, and a counteroffensive by the Red Army (Operation Uranus), as a result of which the Wehrmacht VI Army and other German allied forces inside and around the city were surrounded and partly destroyed, some captured.

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