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Mistakes during job interviews. The main mistakes during interviews

When looking for a job, many job seekers and candidates become too focused on their resume and educational documents and forget that 90% of success in getting desired job– this is a successfully completed interview. It is during the interview that the future employer receives maximum amount information about the applicant and decides whether this person will work in the company or not.

The BrainApps service will help you avoid the most common mistakes during a job interview and thoroughly prepare for this important event.

Common interview mistakes

Let's look at 10 mistakes during an interview and try to avoid them. Forewarned is forearmed. You will have a better chance compared to unprepared applicants who make basic interview mistakes.

Mistake 1: Punctuality

In terms of prevalence, this is the most common interview mistake. Over time, many residents of large cities develop a late complex. Really, traffic jams and the modern fast pace of life often makes adjustments to everyday plans. However, you should not overdo it and arrive for the interview too early. Optimal time– 10 minutes before the scheduled meeting. Arrived early? Go to a cafe and drink coffee. Are you late? Well, you will have to explain your unpunctuality, you may have to schedule an interview on another day.

Mistake 2: The main thing is that the suit fits

Girls getting ready for an interview often wear terribly uncomfortable dresses or suits, complementing their look with stiletto heels that cause bloody blisters. Guys also step on the same rake and choose the wrong wardrobe for an interview. Men often wear suits for interviews that are already out of fashion or prefer the outfits they wore at celebrations ( graduation party, wedding). It is not right. Attire for an interview should be comfortable, neat and attractive. There is no need to go to extremes and apply for future job in jeans, but you shouldn’t dress up too much either.

Mistake 3: Reasons for leaving your previous job

Many candidates make the same mistake during job interviews. They tell in vivid colors how terrible their work was at their previous job, how unfair their boss was, and how their colleagues are complete bastards. Stop and calm down! The same people work here, and it will be unpleasant for them to hear unpleasant things about your past colleagues. When asked why you left past work, you should talk about the impossibility of career growth or link the dismissal to personal reasons.

Mistake 4: Constriction

Of course, an interview is a certain stress, but you shouldn’t become isolated and show your shyness. A job candidate must be confident, professionally savvy and be able to present himself from the best side.

Employers are now using modern techniques conducting an interview, they may ask you completely unexpected questions. Do not lose your composure under any circumstances, you may be being tested for mental stability or resistance to stress

Mistake 5: Silence is golden

All questions must be answered. If you find it difficult, then don’t make things up and fuss, just say straight out that you don’t have this information. If complex issue was asked to you from the professional sphere, and you do not know the answer, you should show interest and promise to closely study this issue in the near future.

Mistake 6: Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy

Communication skills are, of course, very important quality a person who is valued by employers. The ability to communicate easily with clients, employees and business partners is the key to quality and successful work, however, you should not demonstrate your communication skills too much, especially on the first day of meeting you at an interview. For example, a future boss should not talk about his personal life or get carried away by stories about his hobbies. Also, don’t talk too much about yourself, your finances and health - these topics are not for business communication, they are more personal. Perhaps, when you are accepted into the team, you will be able to talk with your colleagues about anything, but now your goal is to get a job.

Mistake 7: The money side of the issue

Financial aspects related to the position should be discussed carefully. If you are asked how much you want to receive, you should not say exact figure, and the range. At the same time, it is very important to immediately say about your readiness to develop in order to receive bonuses and allowances. However, you should not get carried away and insist on certain financial conditions, because an interview is, first of all, a dialogue. Give the employer the opportunity to offer his own conditions, perhaps they will be more profitable for you.

Mistake 8: Pride and Prejudice

You are a candidate, a job seeker; at the interview you should not be higher than the receiving party. You may easily not be hired for this position if you do not show interest. People often make this mistake during an interview and show feigned indifference and indifference (not to be confused with calmness and confidence). Most often, proud and selfish people find it difficult to find work, especially in a team. So that the employer does not think that you are one of these people, you should find out more about the company, and also show interest in its successes, and ask more about its prospects.

Mistake 9: I wish I had asked during the interview

Unfortunately, it very often happens that having received new job, the employee is faced with his unpreparedness to perform his job duties. For example, without specifying at the interview what a flexible work schedule means, he eventually realizes that he no longer has days off, because he can be called to work at any time. Therefore, it is very important to clarify all the questions of interest at the interview stage. After all, the interview process is, as we have already said, a dialogue. Therefore, if something confuses you or doesn’t suit you, you should offer your terms and discuss changing them.

Mistake 10: I am not me

Lying during an interview is the biggest stupidity and mistake many candidates make. However, it’s also not worth hacking away at the truth. Most often, applicants have to embellish facts about their practical experience work, professional skills. Remember that honestly admitting that you don’t know something but really want to learn will only add to your benefits.

Instead of output

Now you know how to avoid the most common mistakes applicants make during interviews. Constant self-improvement and personal growth impossible without brain training. Our BrainApps service has prepared excellent puzzles for you that you can solve on the eve of the interview. You can also take an IQ test and add the results to your resume. It will be very useful to train your concentration and memory before the interview, so as not to lose sight of anything on this important day. Be sure to remember that it is extremely important to get enough sleep before the interview. Adequate rest, a healthy breakfast and getting ready without haste are the key successful interview.

Irina Davydova - editor of the “Career” section, mother of two children, successful HR specialist on maternity leave


Such a traditional procedure is a very difficult and nerve-wracking test for any applicant. Moreover, during an interview it plays a less significant role than correct answers to the employer’s questions and competent behavior.

What mistakes do job seekers most often make, and how to avoid them?

  • Your appearance. Everybody knows famous saying about the first impression “by clothes”. And, coming to an interview with piercings, fashionable ripped jeans and a T-shirt with Che Guevara, there is no point in counting on the approval of your candidacy. The appearance must match the situation. Basic rules: no sneakers, sneakers or provocatively high stilettos. No bags with dangling leather tinsel and a dozen badges. No dreadlocks or mohawks. The ideal option is a classic suit or skirt/trousers (black bottom, white top), neat hairstyle, discreet makeup. When applying for a creative position, you can dress more fashionably, but within reason.
  • Say goodbye to the vacant position in advance. Being late for your interview means immediately admitting your irresponsibility. Were there serious reasons for being late? Briefly state (without making excuses!) the reason and apologize.
  • Do you like to embellish your advantages a little and hide your shortcomings deeper? As for the second point, you are doing the right thing. But with the first, be careful: an experienced manager will always sense lies and your excessive zeal in embellishing your talents. The most serious mistake will be lying about your experience and qualifications - the truth will be revealed already in the first days of your work. Therefore, be honest with your employer. If you are afraid that you will be rejected due to lack of experience in any matter, tell them that you are easy to train and are ready to improve your skills.
  • "Who will remember the old..." Never make others look bad former colleagues and management. Even if you are still drinking valerian after leaving your former job. Firstly, this will not endear you to your future employer (on the contrary, it will put you on guard). Secondly, by such an act you are not belittling your former colleagues, but yourself (a worthy person will never slander or gossip about anyone). Be careful, correct and answer such questions as briefly as possible.
  • “How much will I get?”. A question that is always on the applicant’s tongue. But asking it is awkward and scary. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. The worst thing that can happen is refusal. But you didn’t come to beg for money, but to get a job. Therefore, the money question is quite appropriate. The main thing is not to shy away, not to ingratiate yourself and behave confidently. Like a person who knows his worth. Experts advise not to ask this question first, but to wait until the employer himself starts talking about salary. But it often happens that the main question doesn’t even get discussed at the interview. And after getting hired, it will be very disappointing to find out that your salary is lower than that of your neighbor who sells vegetables at the market. Therefore, in advance (while still at home), find out how much money you can count on for the chosen position, so that you are ready to name it. And if the employer plays a silent game, then at the end of the interview, ask the question yourself. But only if you are sure that they are interested in you.
  • The interview has come to an end, and the employer doesn’t ask you anything? Apparently you couldn't interest him. If there is interest in the applicant, there will definitely be questions. The same applies to you: if there is interest, then there will be questions about the future position - responsibilities, the question of subordination, the need for business trips, etc. A big mistake would be your question: “What does your company do?” . You should know everything about the company - from its history to latest news market.
  • No matter how much you rehearse in advance the role of a confident applicant who is being torn apart by competing companies, your fears and doubts will be on your face. And for an experienced manager it will not be difficult to assume that you are hiding your lack of experience or something else under feigned bravado. Therefore, remember modesty, which should be harmoniously combined with self-confidence. Insolence, bragging and feet on the table are unnecessary.
  • Excessive shyness is also not good. If you were asked the question: “What can you do? How exactly can you be useful to us?”, then the phrase “Oh, well, I’ll praise myself!” - error. Prepare in advance for your oral resume by highlighting those real strengths that will open the doors for you to the desired position.
  • Spit out the chewing gum before you even open the door to the building. And at the same time turn it off mobile phone. And, of course, it is strictly forbidden to come to an interview wearing smoky clothes and smelling like yesterday’s “successful” party.
  • Do not mention in conversation that you have a dozen more such companies on your list, and in each of them they are waiting for you as a dear guest. Even if it is. The employer must understand that you have dreamed of working for him all your life, and you are not considering other options at all.
  • Before leaving the office, do not forget to ask about further interaction – should you wait for a call, call yourself, or come at a convenient time.

And, of course, remember that You shouldn’t interrupt your interlocutor, talk about your problems, boast about “cool” acquaintances and drag out each answer for 15-20 minutes. Be concise, polite, tactful, attentive and thoughtful. And remember that they choose you, not you. Therefore, until you start working, there is no need to download your license and demand a social package and a dentist.

An interview is your first achievement on the path to employment. The fact that you were invited for an interview already means that your resume stood out from the rest. Now you need to make a positive impression at the interview, which has already been formed about you in absentia based on your resume. Here are some tips based on common interview mistakes that candidates often make. These mistakes are especially common among young or novice candidates who have little experience. But, alas, experienced candidates and even older applicants also make similar mistakes, although, probably, somewhat less frequently than beginners. In any case, even if you consider yourself an experienced candidate, take a look at the following typical mistakes at the interview to make sure that you definitely won’t admit them.

It is believed that average duration The interview lasts 40 minutes. Moreover, in every third case, the impression formed about the candidate in the first minute and a half of the interview will not change until the end of the interview. The first impression is made from competent speech interlocutor, from what he says, from how he dresses.

Mistake: Forgetting to say hello

Any interview begins with an introduction. Saying hello when meeting is taken for granted by all well-mannered people. It is difficult to imagine that any of the candidates does not consider themselves well-mannered. However, in practice, some candidates quite often forget this obvious rule. To be fair, it should be noted that a situation where a candidate does not say hello at all is rare. However, some job seekers forget to say hello to other people in the company who, in their opinion, are not direct relationship for an interview. In the eyes of these employees, the applicant may seem ignorant, although their opinion may not be so secondary. For example, if your route to an interview is past a secretary, through an “open space” (an open space in which many employees are working) or in an elevator where other employees are gathered, it would be good form to say hello to those who happen to be nearby who are looking at you. you or drew attention to you.

The handshake deserves special attention. Perhaps you shouldn’t ask the first person to shake hands at an interview. However, if you are extended a hand in greeting, you simply need to respond with a handshake, which should not be too strong, like that of old friends, but also should not be soft and sluggish, as if the interlocutor is completely indifferent to you. The biggest mistake when shaking hands is having wet hands. Such a handshake will definitely cause hostility in the interlocutor. If you feel your hands getting sweaty, discreetly dry them before shaking hands. Even if this action becomes noticeable to the interlocutor, it will be better than shaking hands with wet hands.

Error: Taking a seat before it is offered

You should pay attention to this feature, especially if people older than you are participating in the interview. Taking a seat without an invitation or being seated before others is considered disrespectful of age. If even before the interview begins you give the impression of an impolite person, then it will be extremely difficult to correct it during the interview. For positions that involve working with clients, this may generally be a failure.

Mistake: Sitting on a chair as if you were trying to slide under the table or, conversely, lie down on the table

During an interview, your interlocutors will not only listen to what you say, but also look at your behavior, your emotions, your posture and gestures. Sit upright but naturally in your chair. You shouldn’t sit as if you’ve swallowed a yard, but sliding under the table or hanging over it is also unacceptable. Vertical position expresses self-confidence. Companies usually look for confident and persuasive employees.

Mistake: Repeating resumes verbatim

If you go to an interview with an employer, proceed from the assumption that your interlocutors have read your resume. It is very doubtful that an employer will invite a candidate for an interview just because he received his resume after reading only his first name, last name and telephone number. By inviting you for an interview, the employer wants not only to get to know you personally, but also to clarify questions that remained open after reading your resume. When answering questions, you do not need to quote or refer to your resume, as if you were answering an exam. Tell us details that are not included in your resume, but may be of interest to the employer. For example, if your interlocutors are interested in your work experience, tell them what you liked most in your previous places of work, what results and professional successes you achieved there, and what benefits you were able to bring to the company or to the common cause.

Mistake: Not being able to answer awkward questions

Interlocutors always pay attention not only to words, but also to the behavior and reaction of the candidate to questions. If a candidate is afraid or embarrassed, it usually shows. The interlocutor’s uncertainty can be revealed by confused speech, stuttering, etc. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for awkward questions before the interview. Imagine that your virtual interlocutor, having read your resume, is trying to find your weak sides. What are they? You must know them in advance! Knowing your weaknesses will help you prepare for awkward questions in advance. To find yours weak spots try to answer your questions. What did you leave out on your resume? In what subjects did you usually receive bad marks? In what areas are you incompetent and how can they affect the applied vacancy? Knowing your weak points, you should prepare answers to possible awkward questions in advance.

Mistake: Ask about vacation first

Having free time is very important for every person. The more of it, the better. Of course, the employer understands this very well. However, you should not give him the impression that this issue is your top priority. If, when asked by your interlocutor, you ask your questions, the first thing you will begin to wonder about is: what is the working schedule in the organization, when is lunch and when can you get your first vacation, then the interlocutor will get the impression that exactly free time You are interested first and only then in work. This is a natural conclusion, because people are usually the first to ask the questions that concern them the most. Most likely, during the interview the employer will provide you with necessary information. If this does not happen or something is unclear to you, then of course you need to ask questions about the work schedule, days off and vacation. But these questions should not be the first.

Mistake: Lying about your salary at your previous job

Sometimes during an interview the question of the candidate's salary may be raised. previous place work. Some applicants often overestimate the amount of salary they received at their previous job, assuming that it is still impossible to verify this information. However, this technique does not always benefit the candidate. Firstly, information about the average salary in the industry is obviously known to your interlocutors; they have experience communicating with other candidates for the position, so an obvious lie will be obvious to them. Secondly, having learned that at the previous place of work the candidate received a salary above the average level, the employer will assume that the applicant has some special merits, exceptional professional skills, etc. As a result, the employer will expect some special outstanding results from such a candidate during the probationary period. The candidate, after being hired, may think that he has successfully deceived the employer and, having become an employee, probationary period, relax and show very mediocre results, which will ultimately lead to mutual disappointment between the employee and the employer.

Mistake: Doesn't look the other person in the eye

The most common mistake an applicant makes during an interview is if he does not look the interlocutor in the eyes, avoids making eye contact, or hides his eyes. This manner of conversation in most candidates is due to shyness or excitement, but to the interlocutor it seems like the candidate’s insincerity, it seems that he is hiding something.

Error: Doesn't smile

A less common mistake, but one that has same reason and strong Negative consequences- the candidate does not smile during the interview. Most likely, the candidate simply feels awkward, but to the interlocutor he seems like a boring, gloomy person.

Error: Constantly fixing hair or touching face, fidgeting, gesticulating too much

Another mistake in the candidate’s behavior caused by uncertainty or embarrassment, which the applicant needs to pay attention to and try to get rid of it. Sometimes, due to excitement, the candidate does not know “where to put his hands.” Despite the fact that from the outside it looks quite normal when your interlocutor does not do anything with his hands during a conversation, some people during a period of excitement feel that their “hands are not in the right place.” They start fiddling with the end of their clothing or, even worse, constantly adjusting their hair or touching their face. On the part of your interlocutor, such actions may reveal your nervousness, or, even worse, he will get the impression of an unbalanced or sloppy person who constantly itches.

Error: They don’t know anything or know little about the company they came to work for.

This is an unforgivable mistake. If before the interview the candidate did not learn at least basic information about the company, what it does, what it specializes in, how many people (approximately) work in it, perhaps the history or features of the company, in which regions it is represented, whether there are branches, etc. .d. Usually, all you need to do is look at the company’s website, especially the “about the company” section. It may only take a few minutes, but if the candidate doesn't find them, it's unlikely to be an advantage in the interview. It would also be good if the candidate, before the interview, had a rough idea of ​​which department he plans to work in, what other departments he will have to interact with, and what his responsibilities may be. Try to find out if the company you are applying for a job has certain requirements for a dress code (clothing style). If you are applying for a job through a recruitment agency, then you can clarify this issue with them. When offering a job directly to an employer, this question can be asked to a member of the HR department.

We on the site provide assistance in finding and obtaining work for a long time and noticed that most people make two main mistakes during interviews. Keep them in mind and you can make a better impression on your employer or HR than other applicants.

Mistake #1: Not being prepared to answer behavioral questions

IN Western culture It is not customary to stay in one place of work for a long time. In the USA and English-speaking countries good specialists always strive for career growth, choose more profitable terms labor. The only exceptions are Japan and South Korea, but even here, when promoting to a higher position, you need to undergo an interview and testing.

Behavioral questioning is a common HR technique that is especially popular in large companies. Based on the applicant’s answers, the HR department employee draws up general impression about a person, his ability to communicate and speed of reaction.

At an interview you may be asked:

  • “Tell us about any unusual situation at your previous place of work. What did you do?
  • “Have you ever worked with a difficult client or colleague? How did you cope?
  • “What mistakes did you make in your work? What did you do to eliminate their consequences?

Or the HR employee will inquire about any other situation. Your task is to talk about your actions, feelings, and experiences. When answering a behavioral question, it is important not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it.

What you need to talk about:

  • How did you perceive the current work situation;
  • actions aimed at solving the problem;
  • results and conclusions.

Key points that an HR specialist will pay attention to:

  • your reaction to the question posed;
  • coherence and clarity of speech;
  • logic and persuasiveness of the story.

The mistake most job seekers make is that they get confused when they hear this question. If you appear embarrassed, slur your words, or refuse to answer, you will be judged accordingly.

When interviewing for their first job, we recommend that young professionals prepare in advance a story about an incident from their student, school, family life. Remember what situations arose during educational practice and how you solved them. Any experience is important. The main thing is to be able to talk about something beautifully and coherently.

When answering a behavioral question, build a story according to the scheme - situation, action, result. We recommend that you prepare answers to the most common behavioral questions, speak them out and be able to give a beautiful answer.

Mistake #2: Perceiving an interview as an interrogation

The second common mistake when applying for a job is to assume that you are only required to answer questions from an HR specialist. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach. An interview is not an interrogation. Your task:

  • install trusting relationship with a representative of the employer;
  • conduct a conversation during which both parties learn useful information;
  • make a good impression.

At the company's office you are greeted by people with whom, if the interview results are positive, you will work every day. Therefore, first of all, set yourself and the personnel department employees in a friendly, positive mood. Prepare counter questions for employer representatives that will help you have a useful and interesting conversation.

The key to a successful interview is establishing a positive attitude. If the conversation is relaxed and easy, you will gain an undeniable advantage with HR specialists and increase your chances of getting the desired position.

Invited for an interview, but didn't get the job? Most likely, everything is fine with your resume, but something went wrong during the interview. We know what mistakes recruiters do not forgive - read and look for yours!

Failed to show motivation
The main mistake is that you were unable to convince the recruiter of your motivation. For this reason, even applicants with an excellent track record and impressive work experience are rejected. So what if you have all the necessary skills if the recruiter didn’t understand that you are ready to give your best? Why would a company hire a person with even 15 years of experience and connections if he, apparently, does not intend to stay with the company for a long time?

When going for an interview, think in advance about how you will answer the question “Why do you want to work for us?” You must show that you are interested in the company's affairs, that you want to contribute to its success and are aimed at long-term fruitful cooperation. Ask, study the history of the company and its latest projects in advance. If the vacancy comes with a video, be sure to watch it carefully.

Could not confirm the skills stated in the resume
It happens that a company seems interested in a resume, but the employer is in no hurry to make an offer of employment based on the results of the interview. Was your resume too embellished? Did you confirm the stated skills during the conversation? If you stated on your resume free possession English language, and at the interview you did not understand the expat director’s questions, you are unlikely to be invited to work. So there is no need to exaggerate - only real skills and experience!

Disloyalty to former employer prevented
Recruiters highly value . Of course, it is difficult to assess your love for your future employer, so hiring managers listen carefully to what you say about your previous job. " Former boss- unprofessional, didn’t understand the intricacies, and all the work was on me”; “The management is leading the company to collapse,” refrain from making such statements. By doing so, you discredit not so much your former boss as you discredit yourself. “What will he say about us when he leaves this office?” - the recruiter will think and... will not call you back.

What can and cannot be said about former job, read.

Etiquette rules were not followed
Whether you were 5 minutes late or 25 minutes late, in any case you made your interlocutor wait, showing disrespect and showing that you do not know how to value time. Study Yandex maps, build routes, leave for the meeting in advance - in a word, make it a rule not to be late for an interview under any circumstances, and if you are still late, notify by phone.

Looks let down
We have already written about which one. It’s not that recruiters are unanimously opposed to freedom of expression in general - far from it. The main thing is to remember whether your appearance matches the place where you want to go to work. What is allowed for a bartender or a designer will not be suitable for a bank manager. Dress appropriately!

Good luck with your interview!

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