Home Potato Was there an earthquake in Crimea? There are forecasts of a strong earthquake in Crimea. "Increasing hum and push"

Was there an earthquake in Crimea? There are forecasts of a strong earthquake in Crimea. "Increasing hum and push"

Expected in Crimea major earthquake south of the peninsula, Crimean Vector reported yesterday.
This was stated by the director of the state Crimean Expert Council for seismic hazard assessment and earthquake forecasting, Yulian Burym, Izvestia reports.
“An earthquake is expected within 24 hours. We have one of the signs. I won't give you specific numbers. Yes, strong, tangible. But it may not exist at all,” Burym clarified.
According to seismologists, an earthquake could occur in the Black Sea 30–50 kilometers south of South Bank Crimea during the day starting from July 18. Experts have warned of the risk after discovering so-called cloud warning signs.
In turn, the Crimean department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations checked the information received from the expert council about a possible earthquake and found no signs of an emergency. This was announced by the head of the department’s press service, Vladimir Ivanov, Kryminform reports.
“After receiving the message, we began to check this information through the network of seismic stations of the Republic of Crimea, which did not record any changes in seismic activity peninsula and adjacent waters,” said Ivanov.
The absence of any impending danger was also confirmed by animals in Crimean zoos.
“Information was collected from all animal corners and zoos in Crimea regarding changes in the behavior of animals - similarly: no anomalies in the behavior of animals were observed,” said the head of the press service regional administration Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Rescuers received information about a possible earthquake in Crimea yesterday morning. The head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations said that the document is purely advisory in nature and does not contain any statements.
“The information received is advisory in nature. It does not say that there will be an earthquake. It says that it may or may not happen,” Ivanov said, adding that the expert council cannot confirm or refute this information, nor can they report on the estimated power of the earthquake.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations recalled that the specificity of Crimea is that an earthquake can occur at any time. Rescuers are monitoring the situation and are on constant alert.
“There is no technology in the world that can tell us exactly when an earthquake will happen, but we must be on constant alert,” Ivanov said.

Residents of the peninsula also need to periodically repeat the rules of behavior in the event of an earthquake, the Ministry of Emergency Situations added.

Seismic monitoring stations did not detect seismic activity in Crimea. This was reported today by the press service of the Republican Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
“Today, the seismic situation on the peninsula and in the surrounding areas is continuously monitored by seven stationary stations, according to the monitoring data of which no anomalies of seismic activity have been identified. The collected data on the condition of animals and reptiles in various animal corners and zoos of Crimea did not reveal concern or unusual behavior,” said a representative of the Crimean Ministry of Emergency Situations, reports TASS.
He clarified that the forecast of strong earthquakes is an extremely complex problem, which includes forecasting the location, strength and time of the earthquake.
“The last task - predicting the time of the earthquake - has not yet been completely solved. IN Russian Federation there is one competent body - the Russian Expert Council for Earthquake Forecasting and Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment, which works in close cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations,” he added.
“The topic of earthquakes has always caused panic among the population; unfortunately, statements by various specialists, and sometimes scientists, that they managed to find a solution to the problem of earthquake forecasting, their forecast theory taking into account weather conditions, unusual clouds, moon phases - these are all pseudoscientific theories, and scientists themselves have proven this. We must know and remember that we live in an earthquake-prone region, and understand that this event is not something anomalous,” said Sergei Shakhov, head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Crimea.

3 people died, several dozen were injured. Vladimir Mayakovsky then made jokes about the escaped holidaymakers - only the “NEPmen” who were so disliked by the poet could be allowed to rest in Crimea.

Crimea, in contrast to the same Far East, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and even the Caucasus, never entered the seismic danger zone. However, "shaking" earth's crust happen here all the time, another thing is that they are not particularly felt by humans and even by creatures as sensitive to earth vibrations as reptiles. And if, say, on the same Kamchatka peninsula there are no snakes and other crawling reptiles that are extremely uncomfortable with earth tremors, then Crimea is not deprived of the presence of reptiles. This indicates that the seismic hazard zone on the peninsula is not so large and tremors occur here not so regularly. Probability Crimean earthquake only slightly higher than in Moscow, Kaluga or Ryazan, which, by the way, also periodically “shakes”, which, however, is imperceptible to ordinary human perception. The movement of the earth’s crust, which is typical in to a greater extent displacement of layers in mountainous area and coastal ocean and sea zones, characteristic of the so-called new mountain ranges, as in Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Shaking Latin America, the Pacific Basin, the Pamirs are not calm, even the quite peaceful Alps and Carpathians are slowly becoming feverish. The Crimean mountain range is one of the oldest on the planet; it has not been growing for a long time and is characterized largely by vegetative meadows and forests, which indicates its aging. However, even here we cannot exclude possible cataclysms associated with the displacement of the Earth’s crust, which occur not on the territory of the peninsula itself, but on seabed, at a distance of 40-50 kilometers from the coast.

The first written mention of natural disasters in Crimea is an entry in the book of Paul Orosius “Against the Pagans”. There is a note in it that in 1963, yes new era There was a strong earthquake, when many people died and cities were destroyed. Strong earthquakes were recorded here in the 480s AD, followed by subsequent earthquakes in 1292 and 1471, when the Black Sea reclaimed several kilometers of coastline from the land. Detailed descriptions Crimean earthquakes that occurred in Sevastopol, at Cape Chersonesus and in the Foros region are dated 1790 and 1812, then the force of the tremors was 6 points, according to the naturalists of that time. Crimea shook in 1908, and then in 1919, when an earthquake caused a powerful storm that caused serious destruction in the Yalta port. The last earthquake in Crimea was noted in 1927. The first tremors occurred on June 26, but they did not bring much destruction, but only caused some fluctuations in the sea, which confused first of all the fishermen, and then the citizens vacationing on the South Coast (the southern coast of Crimea). Despite minor damage, most of holidaymakers chose to leave the peninsula early. The second wave of the earthquake came in September of the same year. In its own way destructive force it was many times higher than the summer impact of the elements on Crimea. The level of seismic hazard was known in advance - the activity of displacement of the earth's layers was recorded by seismic stations, but this data did not always reach vacationers, most of whom were unaware of the impending disaster and were enjoying the “velvet season.”

A natural disaster struck Crimea on the night of September 11-12, 1927 - the epicenter was located south of Yalta, under the seabed, and stretched along the coast. Following the first shock, estimated at 9 points, a second one of almost the same strength immediately followed. Fluctuations in the earth's crust were accompanied by a powerful wave from the sea, which first rolled away from the shore and then crashed onto the coast. The coastal cities from Sudak to Alushta were primarily affected; the Genoese fortress, Vorontsov Palace, and the famous bird home, the “sunny path” partially collapsed, about 70 percent of buildings in the vicinity of Yalta were damaged. " Shock wave“went deeper into the peninsula, reaching foothill villages, many of which were adobe buildings and were completely destroyed. No serious damage was noted in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

“The peculiarities of the causes of natural disasters are associated with the uneven distribution of dangerous zones of seismic activity,” says seismologist Dmitry Otatyuk. - IN Pacific Ocean There is a belt, also known as the Pacific volcanic ring of fire, or Ring of fire, with which most earthquakes are associated. It includes Indonesia, the west coast of Central and South America, Japan, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines. The second Eurasian arc is the Pyrenees, the Caucasus, Tibet, the Apennines, the Himalayas, the Russian Altai, the Pamirs and the Balkans. If you look at the level of the Earth's equator, seismic zones are located closer to it. The poles of our planet are the safest in this regard. Regarding Crimea, the situation here is polar.

On the one hand, special displacements earth rocks is not observed, but the bottom of the Black Sea is capable of producing unpredictable surprises. I note that all recorded geomagnetic changes in the earth’s crust are located outside the land and the expected impact of the elements may come precisely from the sea. To a greater extent, one can only expect movement of ground rocks, which are unlikely to lead to destruction of long-term structures. The likelihood of a tsunami occurring is also unlikely - in the Black Sea there is no acceleration for the occurrence of a particularly large wave, and the wind rose around the peninsula is not capable of raising a tsunami wave. Here great danger exists for the Novorossiysk region, where such natural disasters occur regularly.”

Crimea continues to remain a seismic zone, despite the fact that serious damage as a result of an earthquake was noted here 90 years ago. Nowadays, no one will remember not only that natural disaster, but also the earthquake of 1990, which many residents of the peninsula and vacationers simply did not notice. The earthquake in May 2016, which did not cause any destruction, was also a mild fright.

“There will definitely not be global destruction in Crimea as a result of earthquakes; there are no prerequisites for this,” says Dmitry Otatyuk. - It is likely that the movement of earth layers in the Black Sea will continue, but the degree of activity of this process is extremely slow. There may be some anomalies that will affect the seismological situation in this region, but except for specialists, hardly anyone will notice it. Moreover, almost all modern buildings are made with increased level earthquake resistance at a level of nine points.”

The 1927 earthquake in Crimea went virtually unnoticed. In Yalta, the consequences were eliminated quite quickly - the hotel complex began to function within just a few years. The legendary Swallow's Nest castle remained in a "suspended" state until 1960, which was opened only after strengthening the foundation, the natural Aurora rock on which it is located. The architects claim that this “pedestal” can even withstand a nuclear bomb.

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The material was prepared using the ivi online cinema.

Earthquakes on the Crimean peninsula occurred at all times, the first record of one of these natural disasters has been preserved since 63 BC. In just over two thousand years, about 80 powerful earthquakes occurred in Crimea. The most powerful and destructive event is considered to be what happened on the night of September 12, 1927; its power was 9 points.

This year two earthquakes occurred in Crimea. The first, with a force of 5-6 points, happened on June 26. Let's fast forward briefly to the year twenty-seven, and let's try to look at what happened through the eyes of one of the eyewitnesses.

Mikhail Ivanovich Artamonov is a respectable 40-year-old accountant from Moscow, not burdened with a family and bad habits, lay on the bed and read a book. He arrived in Yalta three days ago, and successfully, at a reasonable price, rented a small room on the second floor of a stone house, with furniture and a small courtyard. The view from the window was beautiful - the sea and slender cypress trees.

That day, having had a good lunch, he lay down to rest, and was almost falling asleep, when suddenly a terrible roar was heard from the street, as if a dozen tractors had started up under the house at once! The floorboards moved by themselves, and the iron roof rumbled overhead, as if a platoon of soldiers were marching across it. Huge pieces of plaster from the ceiling fell onto the floor, bed and table, breaking into small pieces.

The room instantly filled with dust, and the iron bed was literally bouncing, as if trying to throw off the unlucky guest. Mikhail Ivanovich stood up with difficulty, holding onto the iron backrest, and rushed to the exit. When there were a couple of steps left to the door, the wall of the house suddenly split in half and the rays of the sun pierced the dense clouds of dust like bright arrows. Through the opening the width of a fist, the holidaymaker saw the blue sea in the distance...

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

The epicenter of the June earthquake was in the sea, opposite Foros. Fortunately, there were no casualties or significant destruction then, although many buildings were covered with cracks, and in some places in the mountains there were collapses. Many holidaymakers left after the incident, interrupting their vacation, but a few weeks later, vacationers again flocked to Crimea.

September has arrived and the velvet season has begun - best time for a holiday in Crimea, the favorite time of the scientific and creative intelligentsia. Among her was famous writer Konstantin Fedin, author of the novel “Cities and Years,” who survived the horror of the September tragedy.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Special issue of the newspaper "Red Crimea" dedicated to the earthquake in 1927

It was a wonderful day: the heat had subsided, the greenery had not even begun to turn yellow, a warm but already refreshing breeze was blowing from the sea, and even birds were singing. The bright, noisy lazy resort life of the South Coast went on as usual, and September 11 also did not foretell anything bad for the guests and residents of Crimea.

On this wonderful night, wearing a light light suit, Konstantin Alexandrovich decided to take a walk along the embankment. Leaning against the stone parapet, he admired the night sea and bright stars, trying to breathe in the wonderful sea air, seasoned with the aroma of evergreen cypress trees, for the whole year.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Consequences of the September 1927 earthquake in Crimea

A sudden stunning blow, coming from nowhere, knocked the writer off his feet. Following the first, a second terrible blow threw up Fedin, who was already sitting on the ground, and then another and another... All this happened against the backdrop of a terrible roar from under the ground, the roar of stones falling from somewhere, the sound of breaking glass, the screams of people and the howling of dogs - everything merged into a single noise, reminiscent of a hellish cacophony.

Thick, acrid dust covered everything around, making it impossible to breathe and obscuring the picture of the chaos that covered the embankment. Having risen with difficulty, stumbling and rubbing his eyes, Fedin tried to walk, not really seeing anything around him. Every now and then people ran into him, running somewhere in panic, with faces full of horror and despair. Some were half naked and barefoot, many had blood on their feet...

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Consequences of the September 1927 earthquake in Crimea

Some woman in torn nightgown, with a crazy look on her face smeared with blood, grabbed his hand with a death grip, trying to shout over the general roar in a hoarse, broken voice: “Help! Please, help!” And this was just the first push powerful earthquake what Yalta has seen in its history.

The first signs of the September earthquake appeared in the evening. Poultry behaved restlessly, cats huddled at their owners’ feet, and cows mooed. At midnight, dogs howled all along the coast. Some of them broke free from their chains and ran screaming into the darkness of the night.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Journal of the Committee for Assistance in Combating the Consequences of the Crimean Earthquake under the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR

At 0:14 a.m. there was a terrible roar, the earth shook, began to move in waves, the walls of the houses became covered with cracks, window panes fell out and the locked entrance doors swung open.

After the second shock, balconies and columns collapsed, roofs of houses collapsed, and lampposts fell. The darkness of the night was illuminated by bright flashes from breaking wires, and soon the entire coast was plunged into darkness. Only Moonlight with difficulty he made his way through the continuous dust curtain.

The tremors were felt almost throughout the entire territory of Crimea, but the section of the southern coast from Alushta to Sevastopol suffered the most. Many old villages were completely wiped off the face of the earth; in Greater Yalta, half the population found themselves homeless, and those whose houses were miraculously intact lived on the streets for many weeks after the earthquake, afraid to enter their cracked homes.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Postcard calling for assistance to victims of the Crimean earthquake in September 1927

Seriously injured and main symbol The southern coast, and, perhaps, the entire Crimea - the famous castle "Swallow's Nest". Let's return briefly to the past and follow the dramatic events that took place in this very popular place peninsula.

The famous "Swallow's Nest" - was it possible to find a more famous restaurant in Crimea at that time! Dinner on a cliff, forty meters above the sea, by the fireplace - what could be better! For this reason, holidaymakers came here from the most distant places on the coast. The tables were laden with food, wine flowed like a river, and long toasts were made.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Consequences of the September 1927 earthquake in Crimea

At about eleven at night, the administrator, amid cheers of disapproval, announced that the restaurant was closing. Some of the guests left the establishment, but only one funny company, who had taken a table on the castle grounds, right under its walls, did not want to leave.

“Gentlemen, I ask you to hurry up, the restaurant is closing,” the manager said.

“My dear, come here,” asked a respectable gentleman in a velvet jacket. - You see, what’s the matter, today is our friend’s birthday, let us rest a little more. “Here’s your compensation for this,” the client added, holding out a bill hidden in his hand.

What are you, what are you, we can’t, we’re not supposed to do this! - the administrator said, deliberately worried and looking around, - God forbid anyone sees. Well, okay, only until midnight,” he added, hastily putting the banknote in his pocket.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Consequences of the September 1927 earthquake in Crimea

Time flew by quickly, and the cheerful company did not notice how midnight had come. The administrator, from afar and loudly, in an uncompromising voice, announced: “The restaurant is closing, please leave the premises,” and the mustachioed waiter approached the table, presented the bill, and silently began to collect the dishes. Having grumbled a little in response to such unceremoniousness, the guests finally paid and began to reluctantly rise from the table.

After standing a little longer on the balcony, admiring the lunar path, the company slowly moved towards the crew waiting for them. When there were only a few steps left before him, the horse suddenly neighed, reared up, almost knocking over the carriage, and then sharply rushed into the darkness of the night. The cab driver, who was dozing on the vehicle, flew to the ground, almost falling under the wheels of the cart.

A few moments later, the first powerful shock occurred, from which it immediately collapsed. top part castle and slender turrets fell into the sea. The stones that fell from above shattered tables, chairs and part of the railings and threw them into the sea. Who knows what could have happened if the restaurant administrator had not shown persistence...

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

Crimeans after the earthquake in September 1927

The September earthquake caused terrible panic. Endless lines of vacationers and residents of the peninsula were leaving Crimea. There was not enough transport, and long columns of refugees from Crimea stretched along the roads. The Crimeans who remained on the peninsula were afraid to enter their dilapidated houses and lived on the street, right up to the coldest weather, constructing temporary shelters from plywood.

"Everyone to help Crimea! The earthquake that began on the night of September 12 caused enormous destruction." The country's newspapers were full of such headlines after the disaster. The Red Cross issued a series of postcards asking for help for the victims, and to enhance the effect, they published views of destroyed buildings.

© Photo from the archive of Evgeniy Bondarenko

A magazine dedicated to combating the consequences of the Crimean earthquake. Paris, October 1927

The damage caused to the country by the earthquake was estimated at 35 million rubles. The state established a special “All-Crimean Clothing Lottery” to raise funds to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Residents of different cities brought money and things for the victims.

Many years have passed since then. Today, many are surprised to learn about the events of the terrible September of twenty-seven. The long-standing tragedy of the peninsula is reminiscent only of the stone chaos long overgrown with pine trees. selected places the south coast highway, cracks and faults on the mountain slopes, and the rock fragments lying underneath. And also old postcards where you can see the Swallow's Nest castle without the famous pointed turrets.

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