Home Indoor flowers How many points are the most earthquakes on earth. The largest earthquakes in the world

How many points are the most earthquakes on earth. The largest earthquakes in the world





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10 of the most damaging earthquakes in history

An earthquake in Chile caused the collapse of 2,500 buildings and partial destruction of urban infrastructure. The magnitude of the earthquake is estimated at 8.2 points on the Richter scale.

Six people became victims of the earthquake, including those who died of a heart attack. Over 900 thousand people were evacuated - all from the coastal, most earthquake-prone regions of the country. Then on Thursday off the coast of Chile was another earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8, followed by about 20 more aftershocks were recorded.

Chile's history has many earthquakes, one of which is considered the most powerful in the entire history of observations.

The great Chilean earthquake

On May 22, 1960, the Chilean city of Valdivia was almost completely destroyed. The catastrophe, which was later called "the great Chilean earthquake", claimed the lives of about 6 thousand people and took home about 2 million people.

Moreover, the bulk of people suffered from the tsunami, the waves of which reached a height of 10 meters and caused significant damage to the city of Hilo in Hawaii, about 10 thousand kilometers from the epicenter, the remains of the tsunami even reached the shores of Japan.

The magnitude of the earthquake, according to various estimates, reached from 9.3 to 9.5 on the Richter scale. The damage in 1960 prices was about half a billion dollars.

The great Alaska earthquake

On March 27, 1964, the second largest earthquake on record occurred in the northern part of the Gulf of Alaska. The magnitude was 9.1-9.2 on the Richter scale.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in Collegefjord, from major cities the worst hit Anchorage, located 120 km west of the epicenter. In Valdez, Seward and Kodiak Island, there has been a dramatic change in the coastline.

Nine people died directly from the earthquake, but the tsunami also claimed the lives of 190 people. The waves have wreaked havoc from Canada to California and Japan.

Such a low number of victims for a disaster of this magnitude is due to the low population density in Alaska. The damage in 1965 prices was about $ 400 million.

Earthquake in Indian Ocean in 2004

On December 26, 2004, an underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 to 9.3 on the Richter scale struck the Indian Ocean. This earthquake was the third strongest in the entire history of observations.

The epicenter of the earthquake was not far from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The earthquake triggered one of the most destructive tsunamis in history. The wave height exceeded 15 meters; they reached the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, southern India, Thailand and several other countries.

The tsunami almost completely destroyed the coastal infrastructure in the east of Sri Lanka and the northwest coast of Indonesia. Killed, according to various estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people. The damage from the tsunami was about $ 10 billion.

Tsunami in Severo-Kurilsk

On November 5, 1952, an earthquake occurred 130 kilometers from the coast of Kamchatka, the magnitude of which is estimated at 9 points on the Richter scale.

An hour later, a powerful tsunami reached the coast, which destroyed the city of Severo-Kurilsk and damaged a number of other settlements. According to official figures, 2,336 people died. The population of Severo-Kurilsk before the tragedy was about 6 thousand people. The city was hit by three waves up to 15 -18 meters high. Tsunami damage is estimated at $ 1 million.

Great East Japan Earthquake

On March 11, 2011 in the east of Honshu Island, 130 km east of the city of Sendai, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 to 9.1 on the Richter scale.

It became one of strongest earthquakes for the whole famous story Japan. After 10-30 minutes, the tsunami reached the coast of Japan, and after 69 minutes, the waves reached Sendai Airport. As a result of the tsunami, about 16 thousand people died, about 6 thousand were injured and 2 thousand were missing.

A significant part of the island has lost electricity, as the earthquake caused the shutdown of 11 power units at nuclear power plant Fukushima.

The damage from the earthquake and the ensuing tsunami is estimated at $ 14.5- $ 36.6 billion.

The great China earthquake

On January 23, 1556, an earthquake struck that killed 830,000 people, more than any other earthquake in human history. The catastrophe went down in history as "the great Chinese earthquake."

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Wei River Valley in Shaanxi Province, near the cities of Huaxian, Weinan and Huangin.

At the epicenter of the earthquake, 20-meter dips and cracks opened. The destruction affected the territories located 500 km from the epicenter. Some areas of Shaanxi were completely depopulated, in others, about 60% of the population died.

Great Kanto earthquake

On September 1, 1923, an earthquake occurred 90 km southwest of Tokyo in the sea near Oshima Island in Sagami Bay, which was named the Great Kanto Earthquake.

In just two days, 356 tremors occurred, of which the first were the most powerful. The earthquake caused a powerful tsunami, the waves reached 12 meters, they hit the coast and destroyed small settlements.

The earthquake also caused fires in large cities such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka. Over 300 thousand buildings in Tokyo were destroyed, in Yokohama, 11 thousand buildings were destroyed by tremors. Infrastructure in cities was also severely damaged, of 675 bridges, 360 were destroyed by fire.

The total death toll was 174 thousand, another 542 thousand are missing. The damage was estimated at $ 4.5 billion, which at that time was twice the country's annual budget.

Tsunami in Ecuador

As a result of powerful tremors, a powerful tsunami arose, which struck the entire coast of Central America. The first wave reached San Francisco in the north and Japan in the west.

However, due to the low population density, the death toll was minimal - about 1,500 people.

Chile earthquake

On February 27, 2010, Chile experienced one of the largest earthquakes in the past half century. The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.8 on the Richter scale.

The epicenter was located near the city of Bio-Bio Concepcion, which is the center of Chile's second largest metropolitan area after Santiago. The cities of Bio-Bio and Maule suffered most of the damage, with the death toll at 540 and 64, respectively.

The earthquake caused a tsunami that struck 11 islands and the coast of Maule, but the victims were avoided, as residents hid in the mountains in advance.

The amount of damage is estimated at $ 15- $ 30 billion, about 2 million people were left homeless, about half a million residential buildings were destroyed.

Earthquake in Cascadia

On January 26, 1700, an earthquake occurred west of Vancouver Island in Canada, the magnitude of which is estimated at 8.7-9.2 on the Richter scale.

There is practically no data on this earthquake, since at that time there were no written records in the region. Only the oral traditions of the American Indians remained.

According to geology and seismology, strong earthquakes in Cascadia occur approximately once every 500 years and are almost always accompanied by a tsunami.

The history of mankind remembers a lot of cataclysms, the most dangerous of which are earthquakes for good reasons. The power of such natural incidents is assessed using the Richter scale. We suggest recalling the top 10 strongest earthquakes in the history of the Earth. It is about the most devastating seismic threats that have claimed the lives of millions of people. At the same time, humanity to this day remembers the dates of terrible events, which were not even allowed to be avoided. modern technologies and progress. And so, let's proceed to the review:

TOP 10 most destructive earthquakes

It is worth noting that the strongest earthquakes in the history of the world were recorded in Chile. The last of these happened in 2010. The power of magnetic impact on the Richter scale is estimated at 8.8 points. The epicenter of the threat was in the city of Bio-Bio Concepcion. The residents of this settlement and the city of Maule suffered the most. A total of 540 people died in Bio-Bio Concepción. 64 people were injured on the territory of the second city. An estimated 2 million people were left homeless. In total, the damage is estimated at $ 30 billion.

The tsunami that occurred on January 31 in Ecuador hit the entire coast of Central America at once. A magnitude of 8.8 was recorded in the San Francisco area. The first wave even reached Japan. Fortunately, we managed to get by with a minimum of casualties due to the low population density. By preliminary estimates affected 1,500 people who were left homeless. Due to the timely response of the rescuers, no fatalities were found. However, the damage was estimated at $ 1.5 million.

One of the strongest earthquakes in history is considered a seismic shock, recorded in 1923 near the island of Oshima. As a result of the incident, nearly three hundred thousand buildings in Tokyo and Yokohama were destroyed. 356 aftershocks occurred in two days. As a result, the waves reached a height of 12 meters. The tsunami took the lives of 174 thousand people. About 542 thousand are considered missing. In total, the damage is estimated at $ 4.5 billion.

As a result of this cataclysm, over 820 thousand people died. Paul the number of victims of this incident is considered the most serious in history. The catastrophe went down in history because of its duration. The horror lasted nearly three days. During this time, the entire component of Shaanxi province was destroyed, including 60% of the population of the settlement. The epicenter affected three provinces, including Feinan and Huaxian. The magnetic focus was recorded in the Wei Valley. The damage is difficult to assess due to the prescription of the events.

In 2011, a magnitude of 9.1 was registered on the island of Honshu. The strongest earthquake in the history of Japan occurred 130 kilometers from the city of Sendai. About 30 minutes later, the coast of the country was overtaken by the strongest tsunami, which destroyed 11 nuclear power units in 69 minutes. As a result, 6,000 people died. 2,000 Japanese are missing. In total, the country suffered $ 36.6 billion in damage. Until today locals March 11 is remembered with horror.

As a result of a powerful earthquake on November 5, 1952, the tsunami reached the city of Severo-Kurilsk. As a result of a seismic event with a magnitude of 9, the strongest tsunami destroyed the entire city. According to rough estimates, the wave took the lives of 2,336 people. At the same time, about 6,000 people are considered missing. The waves reached 18 meters in height. The damage even at that time was $ 1 million. In total, three waves were seen. The weakest of them reached a height of 15 meters.

On December 26, an underwater earthquake with a scale of 9.3 points reached the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The center of the cataclysm provoked the most devastating tsunami in the history of mankind. Waves of 15 meters destroyed Sri Lanka, southern India and the coast of Indonesia. Even the residents of Thailand suffered damage. The tsunami almost completely demolished the infrastructure of the east of Sri Lanka. According to preliminary estimates, close to 225 thousand people died. At the same time, another 300 thousand are considered missing. According to preliminary estimates, the damage is $ 10 billion.

This happened in the northern part of the Gulf of Alaska. The power is 9.2 points. The epicenter of the worst earthquake was registered 120 kilometers from the western part of Seward. The aftershocks led to the destruction of Kodiak Island and the city of Valdese. The shock itself killed 9 people. The tsunami killed 190 people. The mortality rate was reduced thanks to the timely detection of the threat. However, California suffered $ 200 million in damage. Destruction stretched from Canada to California.

The danger of such natural phenomenon, like an earthquake, is estimated by most seismologists in points. There are several scales by which the strength of seismic shocks is assessed. The scale adopted in Russia, Europe and the CIS countries was developed in 1964. According to data from a 12-point scale, the greatest destructive force is characteristic of an earthquake of 12 points, and such strong aftershocks as "severe catastrophe" are qualified. There are also other methods for measuring the strength of shocks, which take into account fundamentally different moments - the area on which the shocks occurred, the time of "shaking" and other factors. However, no matter how the strength of the tremors is measured, there is natural disasters, which are among the most terrible.

The severity of earthquakes: was it 12 points at least once?

Since the Kamori scale was taken into consideration, and this made it possible to assess natural disasters that have not yet disappeared in the dust of centuries, it happened, according to at least, 3 earthquakes of magnitude 12.

  1. Tragedy in Chile, 1960.
  2. Destruction in Mongolia, 1957
  3. Tremors in the Himalayas, 1950.

In the first place of the rating, which contains the most powerful earthquakes in the world, the cataclysm of 1960, known as the "Great Chilean earthquake". The scale of destruction is estimated at the maximum known 12 points, while the magnitude of earth vibrations exceeded 9.5 points. The strongest earthquake in history occurred in May 1960 in Chile, near several cities. Valdivia became the epicenter, where fluctuations reached their maximum, but the population was alerted to the impending danger, since the day before the tremors were felt in the nearby provinces of Chile. Lost in this terrible disaster 10 thousand people are considered, a mass of people was carried away by the outbreak of the tsunami, but experts say that without prior notification there could have been many more victims. By the way, many people were saved due to the fact that a lot of people went to church for Sunday services... At the moment of the beginning of the shaking, people were in the temples, which resisted.

Among the most destructive earthquakes in the world is the Gobi-Altai disaster, which swept across Mongolia on December 4, 1957. As a result of the tragedy, the earth was literally turned inside out: kinks were formed, demonstrating such geological processes that are not visible under normal circumstances. High mountains in the mountain ranges ceased to exist, the peaks collapsed, the usual pattern of the mountains was disrupted.

The tremors in the populated areas were increasing and continued for quite a long time, until they reached 11-12 points. People managed to leave their homes seconds before the complete destruction. The dust flying from the mountains covered the cities of the southern part of Mongolia for 48 hours, the visibility did not exceed several tens of meters.

Another terrible cataclysm, estimated by seismologists at 11-12 points, happened in the Himalayas, in the highlands of Tibet, in 1950. The terrible trail of the earthquake in the form of mudflows and landslides changed the relief of the mountains beyond recognition. With a terrible roar, the mountains formed like paper, and dust clouds spread from the epicenter to a radius of up to 2000 km.

Tremors from time immemorial: what do we know about earthquakes of antiquity?

The largest earthquakes that have occurred in modern times, discussed and well covered in the media.

Thus, they are still on hearing, the memory of them, of the victims and destruction is still fresh. But what about earthquakes that happened a long time ago - a hundred, two hundred or three hundred years ago? The traces of destruction have long been eliminated, and the witnesses either survived the incident or died. Nevertheless, historical literature contains traces of the most terrible earthquakes in a world that happened a long time ago. So, in the annals recording the largest earthquakes in the world, it is written that in ancient times the tremors happened much more often than now, and were much stronger. According to one such source, in 365 BC, tremors occurred throughout the Mediterranean area, as a result of which, before the eyes of eyewitnesses, the seabed was exposed.

Fatal earthquake for one of the Wonders of the World

One of the most famous ancient earthquakes is the destruction of 244 BC. In those days, according to scientists, tremors happened much more often, but it was this earthquake that is especially famous: as a result of the tremors, the statue of the legendary Colossus of Rhodes collapsed. This statue, according to ancient sources, was one of the eight Wonders of the World. It was a giant lighthouse in the form of a statue of a man with a torch in his hand. The statue was so huge that a flotilla could swim between its legs apart. The dimensions played a cruel joke with the Colossus: the legs turned out to be too fragile in order to withstand seismological activity, and the Colossus collapsed.

Iranian earthquake of 856

The death of hundreds of thousands of people as a result of even not very strong earthquakes was a common occurrence: there were no systems for predicting seismic activity, no warning or evacuation. So, in 856 more than 200 thousand people became victims of aftershocks in the north of Iran, the city of Damkhan was wiped off the face of the earth. By the way, the record number of victims for this one earthquake is comparable to the number of victims of earthquakes in Iran for the rest of the time, before today.

The bloodiest earthquake in the world

China earthquake 1565, which destroyed the provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi, claimed the lives of more than 830 thousand people. This is an absolute record for the number of human victims, which has not been exceeded until now. In history, it remained as the "Great Jiajing Earthquake" (after the emperor who was then in power). Historians estimate its thickness at 7.9 - 8 points, as evidenced by geological surveys.

This is how this phenomenon was described in the annals:
“In the winter of 1556, a catastrophic earthquake struck Shaanxi and the provinces around it. Our county, Hua, has suffered numerous misfortunes and misfortunes. Mountains and rivers changed their location, roads were destroyed. In some places, the earth suddenly rose, and new hills appeared, or vice versa - parts of the former hills went underground, swam and became new plains. In other places, mudflows constantly descended, or the earth split, and new ravines appeared. Private houses, public buildings, temples and city walls collapsed with lightning speed and completely ".

Cataclysm for All Saints Day in Portugal

Terrible tragedy, which claimed the lives of more than 80 thousand Portuguese, took place in Lisbon on November 1, 1755. In the most powerful earthquakes in the world, this cataclysm is not inscribed either in the number of victims or in the strength of seismic activity. But the terrible irony with which this phenomenon erupted is shocking: the tremors began exactly when people went to celebrate the holiday in the church. The temples of Lisbon could not stand it and collapsed, burying a huge number of unfortunate people, and then the city was covered by a 6-meter tsunami wave, which killed the rest of the people on the streets.

The largest earthquakes in the history of the twentieth century

Ten catastrophes of the 20th century that carried away the largest number lives and those who brought the most terrible destruction are reflected in the summary table:


A place


Seismic activity in points

Fatalities (people)

22 km from Port-au-Prince

Tangshan / Hebei Province


90 km from Tokyo

Turkmen SSR



25 km from Chimbote

Tangshan 1976

The events in China in 1976 are captured in Feng Xiaogang's film Catastrophe. Despite the relative weakness of magnitude, the disaster claimed a large number of lives, the very first shock provoked the destruction of 90% of residential buildings in Tangshan. The hospital building disappeared without a trace, the open earth literally swallowed up a passenger train.

Sumatra 2004, the largest in a geographic sense

The 2004 Sumatran earthquake affected several countries: India, Thailand, South Africa, Sri Lanka. The exact number of victims cannot be calculated, since the main destructive force - the tsunami - carried tens of thousands of people into the ocean. This is the largest earthquake in terms of geography, as its prerequisites were plate movement in the Indian Ocean, followed by aftershocks at a distance of up to 1600 km. The ocean floor rose as a result of the collision of the Indian and Burma plates, tsunami waves ran in all directions from the fracture of the plates, which rolled thousands of kilometers and reached the coast.

Haiti 2010, our time

The first happened in Haiti in 2010 great earthquake after almost 260 years of silence. The greatest damage was suffered by the national fund of the republics: the entire center of the capital with its rich cultural heritage, all administrative and government buildings were damaged. More than 232 thousand people died, many of whom were carried away by the tsunami waves. The consequences of the disaster were a surge in morbidity intestinal diseases and an increase in crime: tremors destroyed prison buildings, which prisoners immediately took advantage of.

The most powerful earthquakes in Russia

In Russia, there are also dangerous seismically active regions in which an earthquake can occur. However, most of these Russian territories removed from densely populated areas, which excludes the possibility of great destruction and casualties.

The largest earthquakes in Russia, however, are also included in tragic story the struggle of the elements and man.

Among the worst earthquakes in Russia:

  • The North Kuril destruction of 1952.
  • Neftegorsk destruction of 1995.


Severo-Kurilsk was completely destroyed as a result of tremors and tsunami on November 4, 1952. Waves in the ocean, 100 km from the coast, bring waves of 20 meters high into the city, hour after hour washing the coast and washing coastal settlements into the ocean. A terrible stream demolished all buildings and killed more than 2 thousand people.


On March 27, 1995, the disaster took only 17 seconds to wipe out the working village of Neftegorsk in the Sakhalin Region. More than 2 thousand residents of the village died, which accounted for 80% of the residents. Large-scale destruction did not allow the village to be rebuilt, so locality became a ghost: a memorial plate was installed in it, telling about the victims of the tragedy, and the residents themselves were evacuated.

A dangerous area in Russia in terms of seismic activity is any region at the junction tectonic plates:

  • Kamchatka and Sakhalin,
  • Caucasian republics,
  • Altai region.

In any of these regions, the likelihood of a natural earthquake remains, since the mechanism of the origin of tremors has not yet been studied.

Earthquake- a terrible element that is not amenable to man. It cannot be prevented or stopped. With frightening frequency in different corners earthquakes of various magnitudes occur on the planet - from small tremors, which many may not notice, to strong ones, leading to destruction, losses and a large number human casualties.

TOP 5 most powerful earthquakes

Below are the five strongest earthquakes that have occurred in the world.

Chilean earthquake

1. The largest earthquake on Earth was the Chilean earthquake. In some sources, it is called Valdiv, as it happened in the Chilean city of Valdivia in 1960, on May 22. The destruction that it brought was the most significant in new history... Force this earthquake was up to 9.5. 5-6 thousand people became its victims. The waves of the tremendous tsunami that arose from the tremors of the earthquake affected not only Chile, but also the territories of Japan, the Philippines, and Hawaii.

Alaska earthquake

2. The strongest seismic activity in the history of the United States, the second most powerful aftershock in the world. It took place in March 1964. College Fjord became its center. The vibration strength of the Alaska earthquake was estimated at 9.1-9.2. In the course of it, 131 people died. The cities in Alaska have undergone tremendous destruction, the outlines of the coast of the island have been greatly changed.

Indian Ocean earthquake

3.26.12. 2004 there was an earthquake in the Indian Ocean. The third in terms of magnitude coefficient, however, the worst in terms of human losses. Its strength was from 9.1 to 9.3. The epicenter was the island of Sumatra, located in Indonesia. Tsunami caused by an earthquake is called the deadliest and most terrifying in modern history... This tragedy killed 300,000 lives in the region. The exact number of victims has not been determined; many people who were resting at that time in Sumatra were carried away into the open ocean during the tsunami.

Honshu earthquake

4. On March 11, 2011, an earthquake struck off the coast of the Japanese archipelago, more precisely off the island of Honshu. Its epicenter was the city of Sendai. The strength of the tremors is from 9.0 to 9.1 points. About 16 thousand people died from the Sendai earthquake, 6 thousand were injured, about 3 thousand were missing.

Earthquakes in Severo-Kurilsk

5. The earthquake did not pass by as well. The biggest happened in small town Severo-Kurilsk, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in November 1952. Its magnitude ranged from 8.2 to 9.0. The tremendous aftershocks caused the strongest tsunami. Its multi-meter waves completely washed away the city of Severo-Kurilsk. According to the official version, 2,336 people died. It was after this incident that a decision was made in the country to create a Tsunami Warning System.

To all good day, I am very glad to welcome those who are interested not only in games or shopping, but also in world problems. It is about the problems associated with cataclysms that I wanted to talk today.

World catastrophes, one way or another, affect the life of every person on the planet. And it does not matter in what part of the earth there was an earthquake, flood or volcanic eruption. Some people always suffer, while others sympathize and try to help.

Unfortunately, scientists cannot fully understand how to predict a terrible event. Take an earthquake, for example. It is extremely dangerous phenomenon nature, which is impossible to predict. The calculations of scientists made it possible to learn about future tremors of the earth's surface only a few hours before their start.

But here, too, there may be danger in the calculations, because an earthquake can be much stronger than the predicted one. Animals are the most effective predictor of impending disaster. Many people say that animals are closer to the earth and are more connected to it. So love your pets and they can save your life.

The danger of earthquakes lies in wait for those residents whose houses are in highlands... After all, the mountains are a kind of scars in the places where the titanic plates break. Fortunately, most of the earthquakes take place at the bottom of the oceans, but this, too, is fraught with danger for coastal areas of residence. It is practically impossible to escape from the strongest tsunami.

The worst earthquake in the history of mankind: the tragedy in Chile

The strongest earthquake in the history of mankind happened just off the coast The Pacific and nearly wiped out Chile in 1960. According to various sources, the strength of the tremors on the ocean floor at the epicenter was about 10 points. It is worth looking at the aftermath of the wave that swept away large coastal cities almost to the ground.

The tsunami that covered Chile destroyed not only residential areas, but also industry, everything had to be rebuilt. At the time, it cost more than $ 400 billion.

The strongest earthquakes in the world on the Richter scale: top 5

You cannot predict where the next earthquake will occur. How many people will suffer. It is only known that over the past hundred years the number of the most severe disasters in the history of mankind has increased.

List of known major earthquakes:

  • Keminskoye is considered one of the largest inland earthquakes. It took place in Kazakhstan in 1911, then, with an amplitude of 9 balls, it almost completely collapsed Almaty city.
  • The next most destructive earthquake, after the Chilean, happened in Alaska in 1964. Due to the low population density in this part of the earth, only 9 people were affected by tremors of 9.5 points, plus 190 drowned. huge wave the coasts of Canada, Japan and California were severely affected.
  • In 1952, a 9-point earthquake took place off the coast of Kamchatka. And the rising giant wave with a height of 17 meters carried Severo-Kurilsk almost completely, a third of the residents of the city and nearby settlements died as a result.
  • The Indian tsunami, which drowned most of the coastal cities of Indonesia, Thailand, southern India and Sri Lanka, in 2004 Earthquakes began near the island Sumatra... Then the disaster took the lives of more than 300 thousand people.
  • But the most catastrophic earthquake is considered Japanese... Although it took place quite recently in 2011, it brought more than just destruction to our country. The aftereffect of the earthquakes was the tsunami ox, which damaged nuclear power plant Fukushima. You can still hear the echoes of that catastrophe. And the radioactive cloud hung over the ocean for a long time, and the whole world with bated breath followed its movement.

Is it possible to prepare for underground disturbances? Predict what consequences it will bring? Is there salvation and where to look for it?

A person has many questions when he thinks about it. Problem the current person not that he is not ready for disasters, he just does not think about them. After watching TV and sympathizing with the victims, we forget about everything. We don’t think that our country is also located at the intersection of fractures of titanic plates, and in Russia, as nowhere else, there is a high probability of earthquakes.

Some theory about earthquakes

Due to modern scientific advances scientists have suggested that tremors occur almost every day in the world. Most of them we do not feel, because of great depth the epicenter or its small strength.

A person will feel shocks or a wave, only starting from 3 points, before that the force is so weak that only devices can catch the impulse. Some people believe that there are many more earthquakes during the full moon.

The causes of underground disturbances can be not only natural, but also caused by man. Regular testing of weapons or mining is disrupting the landscape and structure of the earth's surface. The most dangerous human impact is the adjustment of the mountainous terrain. As you know, this is where earthquakes most often occur.

Only people find it difficult to prove that they are wrong and they need to change their way of life so that after us the descendants can live peacefully for more than one thousand years.

World wars and human cruelty towards brothers lead to the fact that cataclysms began to occur more and more often. After all, the earth is also a living and intelligent organism ...

Imagine yourself in its place, not only are they constantly pumping out oil, extracting metals, but they also fight, destroying not only people, but also environment, grassing with lead and burning thousands of kilometers of earth.

As a result, the soil dies, and with it all the plants. There are so many beautiful things in the world that a person will never grow up. Sentient creature cannot be so disrespectful to nature.

How to behave during an earthquake

The rules of conduct during earthly talk, each of us went through in school. Even regular drills are preparation both physically and mentally.

How can react a common person when does the earthquake start? The first is fright, and it's good if you quickly pull yourself together, orient yourself and go to a safe distance from the surrounding buildings, which can collapse if the tremors are strong.

But when panic begins, most often it occurs in office buildings where workers are energized every day. And then a catastrophe happened, the running around begins instead of constructive evacuation.

At the first shocks, it is worth hiding under the table, then when a wall or ceiling collapses, you will suffer less, and it will be easier for rescuers to find. If you decide to leave the building, then it is worth doing this at the first shocks until they become stronger or the surrounding objects begin to fall.

Try to keep along walls without windows. When shaken, the glass will crack in the first place and you can get severely injured. As soon as you got out of the building, step back to a safe distance. You should not go by car, due to the electronics, the car can simply be blocked, and along with it, you.

If you live in an earthquake-prone area, then it is worth preparing a bag or backpack with the essentials for the first time. You can also put documents and some money there. It is convenient in critical situation you can immediately grab and run out of the dangerous room.

12 points on the Richter scale: adventure project "On the Edge" and learn a lot! See you soon!

Text - agent Q.

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