Home Potato Application qq how to translate into English. QQ: register and set security questions. Explanation of error, solution

Application qq how to translate into English. QQ: register and set security questions. Explanation of error, solution

From time to time I receive requests from friends to tell me how to register in the Chinese messenger QQ.
Some programs provide their own interface for registration, but this was not our case. In addition, registration alone is not difficult. The most difficult thing for a person who does not know Chinese, is the installation of secret questions, which relieves him of intrusive reminders in the messenger.

So, let's begin.


Follow the link signup.qq.com and fill out the registration form:

At the end we get a number.

Nothing complicated.
Now we log in to the messenger (it is recommended to use the original QQ client due to the fact that the Chinese [do we go to QQ to communicate with them?] are accustomed to using its features that are not displayed in other clients). We receive messages from ourselves. Follow the link in this letter.

Setting security questions

By clicking on the link, enter the number with the password and see the following picture:

Select the first item. In the next window, we need to select other options from the drop-down lists, because the default values ​​are something like “Select a security question option.” Here's what happened in my case:

For the first question, the error written on the right means that we need to enter >=6 digits.
For the second and third questions, the error states that you must enter >7 Latin letters.
They probably have some other way of perceiving numbers, because the numbers visible between the hieroglyphs do not at all look like “6” and “7” :-)
The right button is “Forward”. Left - “Back”.
Go ahead:

Tricky Chinese captcha :-) Now security questions presented in the form of pictures and mixed. Let's answer them again.
If everything is ok, the questions are set and we receive confirmation of this on the next page, on which to exit the protection setting mode, press the left button.

Now you will no longer be bothered by the QQ bot about the insecurity of your account and you will be able to calmly communicate with the Chinese, who themselves stick to you when they see “Russia” in your profile :-)

UPD. Thanks to alexsx06 for the tip - the bot no longer knocks or offers to let you in scary quest to protect your account :-) But maybe someone will encounter all the horror of Chinese molds and this article will help them =)

QQ International – functional program, created to provide communication between users through the transmission of text and voice messages. The application is equipped with a convenient video chat function, thanks to which users can see each other using webcams. Distinctive feature this utility is high quality transmission of messages and broadcasts.

The built-in translator allows you to instantly translate received messages into the desired language. Using the friend search function, users can quickly find their acquaintances or meet new people who share common interests. The application supports the transfer of entire files and provides the ability to save them in cloud storage on the server of the developer company. In order to use the functionality of the utility, you need to create an account and enter brief information.

Download the full Russian version of QQ International for free from the official website without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 8.1, Vista, 7, 10, XP, 8
  • Bit depth: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86

Surely the inhabitants of Magazeta are familiar with the concept. For those who don’t know, I’ll say that QQ is a kind of Chinese ICQ or MSN, but it means much more to the residents of the Middle Kingdom. One has only to mention that you also use this Chinese miracle, and in the eyes of your interlocutor your rating increases by an order of magnitude!

There’s just one hitch: for some users, getting a number becomes a whole problem, because despite the presence of an English-speaking software(messaging client - international version), number registration on the site is still in Chinese. You can, of course, ask a Chinese friend to register a number for you, but if you do it yourself, you will get a number of advantages: password and login, only you know the answers to security questions, independence from anyone (if you want, you make one for yourself) one) etc.

I was inspired to write this article by many requests for help from friends who were aspiring sinologists. Why not teach how to fish if possible.

The lyrical digression is over. Now to the main thing. Let's start from the very beginning. We will use the standard Internet Explorer in order to avoid possible problems with sending data.

After this, we find ourselves on the registration page, where we find the button (立即申请 – register now):

We have a choice: use the number as a login - QQ号码 (the number, just like in ICQ, is generated automatically, but at the previous stage on the right side of the page you can see the “去选号码” button - select a number. Of course, not free. Of course, in Chinese com), or use a box Email as a login. In fact, the second sentence ( Email帐号 – use e-mail as login) is practically no different from the first one, since when registering, a QQ number is still assigned to the email address, allowing the user to use both the email and the QQ number as a login. If you chose the first option, you can subsequently assign your chosen e-mail address to the received number. Therefore, there is no significant difference in choice. In the article I will analyze only the first option.

So, after clicking on QQ号码 we find ourselves in this form:

In the network name we enter any set of characters in Latin or hieroglyphs. We indicate the date of birth (as in all similar cases, the date is used to later pester you about your birthday, as well as to calculate your age and show it in detail), gender, password. Password from 6 to 16 characters, case sensitive; if it consists only of numbers, the password must be at least 9 characters long. Confirm your password and select your place of residence. The first list includes a country (China, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.) and a city (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, etc.). In the case of China, you should also indicate the province: country, province, city. Otherwise, if not important, you can select all this at random. Confirmation code – enter what is in the picture (for me it’s NUNEP). After filling out the fields, click 确定 . And voila:

The number that is red is your number. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget. You can increase the level of protection of your number from theft by intruders (optional).

Clicking 立即获取保护, we find ourselves in a small window in which we select the second option: security questions.

There are 3 questions in a new window:

In the drop-down list of questions, select the one you need and answer it. Answers must be more than 3 Latin characters or more than 2 hieroglyphs. Novels are also not worth writing. The header of the list is titled: 请选择密保问题 (Please select a security question). By the way, it’s a shame that there is no opportunity to ask your question and answer to it.

Knowing the translation of these questions and comparing the numbers, you can choose the question you are interested in:

  1. Please select a security question
  2. Mother's last and first name
  3. Spouse's birthday
  4. Your student (work) number
  5. Mom's birthday
  6. Name of the group leader at the university
  7. Father's last name and first name
  8. Name of the prefect at school
  9. Father's birthday
  10. Last name and first name of the marriage partner
  11. Name of the prefect in junior classes
  12. The name itself best friend childhood
  13. Dorm cellmate's name
  14. The name of the person who made the greatest impression on you

Answers to questions should be entered in the empty fields 答案. Remember them.

QQ is a popular Chinese instant messenger for free communication.


QQ is not much different from the messaging solutions familiar to modern users; however, it has a number of its own features, which we will discuss later. Basic functions include free exchange text messages when connected to the network - both one-on-one and in group conversations, as well as creating video conferences. The user can add new contacts to the list of existing contacts, sorting them into different groups, and manage the personal status that is visible to people from the contact list.

TO interesting features QQ, which is atypical for instant messengers, includes an integrated translator that simplifies communication with foreign interlocutors, as well as a built-in AppBox module that allows you to use various kinds of “tricks” such as launching games or listening to Internet radio stations directly in the program window.

The international version of QQ allows you to simultaneously launch several windows with different accounts, and also offers 1 GB of free space in the cloud for storing the user’s personal files.


As mentioned earlier, the QQ client has several versions. The main one, of course, offers a Chinese interface. It is believed that it is quite intuitive and therefore the user can easily figure out how to interact with the messenger. If it doesn’t work out for you, you can download International, however, to use it you need to understand at least a little English - it is also not translated into Russian. By the way, this version has slightly more limited functionality than the main one.

Key Features

  • flexible contact list management;
  • communication in text and video format;
  • the ability to expand functionality using AppBox;
  • built-in translator for communicating with foreigners;
  • simultaneous launch of several accounts in two windows;
  • free distribution;
  • To work with the messenger, registration via a phone number is required.

Many messengers are designed for certain countries. QQmessenger- a program that is especially popular in China. This universal service allows you to quickly exchange messages and has a wide range of different functions.

Features of the program

After the creation of the program, it became very popular, more than 700 million users. This messenger allows you not only to communicate, but view news from around peace . In addition, in Lately many people use instant messengers to improve their communication skills foreign languages. To the features QQ Messenger can be attributed:

  • Built-in function video chat. The features of this function include the high quality of the transmitted image. In most cases with quality limitation only those with bad web cameras. Also worth noting good quality sound, as well as a full-screen version of displaying the resulting image.
  • File transfer occurs with minimal delays.

  • Not many instant messengers offer a translation function. Download qq messenger in Russian to communicate in 50 languages. That is why it is not necessary to know languages ​​to communicate with people from other countries.
  • There is a function to search for other users in the system using certain parameters. Considering that you can only communicate with system users, such a function is in great demand.
  • Optimization dialog boxes. Often many people communicate with several interlocutors at once. Quickly switching between windows allows you to quickly respond to messages.
  • The address book. It should also be taken into account that the contacts of system users can be saved in a special address book of the program, where filtering is carried out according to certain parameters to find the right person.
  • It is possible to create notes and reminders.
  • World time display function.
  • Ability to store files on a remote hard drive.
  • Accurate history with the ability to filter by certain parameters.
  • Ability to create custom themes.

Download QQ for free

Among distinctive features We note the possibility of creating multiple accounts and simultaneous login from several copies of programs and therefore download qq messenger in Russian possible for organizing corporate communications. QQ Messenger allows you to configure autostart based on several indicators, and it is also possible to minimize windows to the tray.

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