Home Potato The beneficiary's account is a personal or current account. Personal account: what is it and what is its purpose

The beneficiary's account is a personal or current account. Personal account: what is it and what is its purpose

When settling with customers, clients and legal entities-buyers, suppliers, payment details are always used, they can also be seen in a personal bank account. Mandatory components of these details are information about the personal and bank accounts, in order to work correctly with them, without violating the norms of the current legislation, you need to know how one differs from the other.

What is a checking account

We studied a number of important documents and consulted with an expert who told us what the settlement balance is. So, a current account is an account opened with a banking institution, with the help of which operations on the movement of money are allowed and carried out:

  • an enterprise can transfer funds to the balance of another organization;
  • accept these funds on their own settlement balance;
  • set aside part of the money for a deposit;
  • on the contrary, if necessary, withdraw from the deposit account using the RBS system.

It is believed that the funds that are deposited and listed on the balance of the settlement number are the property of the person who registered the settlement account. That is, if the card is in the name of an individual, it is this citizen who owns the money. If the details of a legal entity are recorded, the authorized person has the right to use the money. personnel worker from the enterprise, accountant or head of the firm.

What is the account number for?

  1. If we are talking about organizations, the settlement balance is necessary for settlements carried out in relation to work partners.
  2. As for citizens, an individual may need the help of a current account if he carries out transactions through a banking institution using the RBS system. For example, transferring money to another account or deposits to a deposit, it is possible to withdraw cash or transfer from a deposit balance.

If you at least once used the transfer of funds or yourself received money on a bank card, it was just an operation made using a personal current account. Contrary to the popular belief that such manipulations always indicate the connection of the RBS system in relation to the settlement balance only, some analysts argue that it is more legitimate to attribute RBS to the sign of the existence of a personal account, because the latter does not provide for settlements with counterparties.

In domestic banking institutions, a current account is opened, consisting of at least 20 digits, the same applies to the personal one, so there are no visual differences.

What is a personal account

To analyze a personal account and a settlement account, you need to find out what the first one is. Accountants who, while exercising their professional activity regularly refer to transactions with money, determine the following important features and aspects of accounts. So, the balance sheet is:

  • so-called Personal Area, created in the register of a bank or an insurance company, used to solve problems of analytical accounting at the time of monitoring the organization's financial transactions, showing the basics of interaction with a specific client;
  • component of the 20-digit encoding of the usual account number, which begins with the 14th digit and ends with the 20th digit;
  • what is a bank account? It can be bank or issued on demand, it is always started for a citizen, not for an enterprise;
  • also, if we are talking about an individual, a sign of a personal account is a connected remote banking system that operates in relation to a citizen, which is not used to conduct settlement transactions with counterparties.

What's the Difference: Analysis

It remains to analyze all of the above and, finally, decide what is different billing number from a personal account.

  1. Personal balance exists only in the category of manipulations of receiving funds and transferring them to others. bank cards. With the help of a personal account, you can pay bills for utilities and close debts for paying for the Internet, replenish your mobile phone.
  2. Opening a settlement balance is more often associated with the need for an enterprise to conduct transactions that are inseparable from commercial work organizations.
  3. The settlement number, just like the personal one, is used for transferring funds or receiving / withdrawing money, but if commercial activity is provided, it is legally incorrect to consider the account as personal.
  4. As practice shows, some banking institutions strictly separate a settlement account from a personal account if it is opened by a legal entity.

For example, they limit or completely prohibit payments. A firm will be assigned a personal number only if it is going to pay for goods, services through it or put money marked “on demand”.

Why entrepreneurs open a personal account

We have already made sure that the account number has wide functionality and opens up many prospects, why then do legal entities continue to open personal accounts?

  1. Settlement and cash services in relation to a personal account are more budgetary.
  2. Sometimes a personal balance does not provide for a limit on the movement of money for one day, which is very beneficial for an entrepreneur. The same applies to the balance, which can not be left on the balance sheet. That is, at any time, bring the balance to zero.

Also, using the face balance in commercial purposes, you need to be prepared for unpleasant surprises:

  • if the buyer transfers funds to your balance, while indicating that he is an individual entrepreneur, and not a private person, the operation may not be carried out;
  • the buyers themselves can give the back, especially if you ask not to indicate the IP in the documents.

Despite the fact that any account is intended for settlements between a party that provides financial or other services (for example, a bank) and a party that uses these services (a client), nevertheless, in the banking environment it is customary to divide accounts into personal and settlement. The nature of these accounts is the same, but the functions that they perform are different. They are completely different instruments. Let's discuss the difference between a current account and a personal account, and how they are similar.

Checking account

Checking account is Account, consisting of 20 digits, which is opened at the bank and is used to record the financial transactions of the client. Settlement accounts are intended mainly for servicing legal entities and serve for:

  • payments from buyers;
  • transfer of funds to suppliers and to the budget;
  • payment bank commissions(including for maintaining an account);
  • storage of own funds;
  • repayment of credit obligations;
  • transfer of salaries to staff;
  • conducting other non-cash transactions.

Without a current account, the company will be able to make non-cash payments in the amount of not more than 100 thousand rubles (Decree of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of October 7, 2013 N 3073-U “On cash payments”).

You can link one or more accounts to an organization's current account. plastic cards to carry out transactions with great convenience.

Settlement accounts are intended exclusively for settlements related to commercial activities and are rarely used to store funds.

personal account

A personal account is also a customer account in a bank, consisting of 20 digits, but it is used, as a rule, in relation to citizens (individuals). A typical example the personal account is a savings book or a deposit "on demand".

Personal accounts are used for:

  • making transfers from individuals to organizations;
  • receiving wages;
  • storage Money(most common use);
  • payment of credit obligations.

Please note that when opening an account for an individual, the bank prohibits its use for commercial purposes, i.e. keeping entrepreneurial activity prohibited - if there is a suspicion of such, the bank may block the account.

At the same time, the concept of a personal account is also relevant for budgetary organizations. financial authority of any municipality opens a single current account, which is used by all subordinate institutions, departments and services. To identify payments (to see who transferred and who received the payment), each controlled organization opens a personal account, which in without fail indicated in payment orders.

In addition, personal accounts are also used in non-banking relationships. They are opened to operators' clients mobile communications, payers utilities, users of fixed communication, policyholders, etc.

Settlement and personal account. What is the difference?

At first glance, it seems that a personal account and a current account are one and the same. After all, both can open in financial institutions, and serve to carry out calculations and control the state of the latter. But just above we have already said that these are two different concepts. So how are they different?

First of all, the status of the owner. Settlement accounts are opened mainly for organizations, and personal accounts - for citizens. This classification is the most common, but not very accurate. There will always be an exception. So, for example, we talked about personal accounts budget institutions who are clearly not natural persons. Otherwise, you can subdivide the types of accounts precisely on the basis of the owner.

The second point is that current accounts are used for transactions exclusively between enterprises and only for commercial reasons. Facial ones serve for transactions between a legal entity and a citizen, and the operation being carried out cannot bear signs of trade relations. Again, the same state employees who use a personal account as a settlement account are an exception.

Another nuance - opening a current account is a mandatory procedure for the organization. Otherwise, the amount of transactions carried out will be severely limited, which will negatively affect the company's activities. A personal account is opened at the request of a citizen, if this happens in banking, and without fail - only when using a certain set of services provided by different kind companies (operators cellular communication, housing and communal services offices, insurance organizations, etc.).

And the last one is the payment for services. Settlement accounts, as a rule, imply the payment of a commission to the bank for conducting transactions on a monthly basis, while personal accounts are free.

Thus, a current account and a personal account are different concepts that sometimes intersect in the field of banking relations. In other industries, they have nothing in common.

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When using banking services, the client is faced with terms such as personal and current account. Contrary to popular belief about the identity of the definitions, they have a number of differences.

What is the essence of a checking account?

The first thing to start with is to consider what is a bank account. This is a service that provides financial transactions (receiving or receiving payments), as well as replenishing or withdrawing money from a deposit using RBS. The numbers of such an account are registered in the details of a banking institution when making transfers and are registered with the Bank of Russia.

Opening goals:

  • Conducting transactions and payments (for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).
  • Making transactions (for individuals) - replenishing or withdrawing money from a deposit, conducting financial transactions (for example, transferring funds to an account of another individual).

Remote maintenance is one of the main features that allow you to classify an account as a settlement type. Thanks to RBS, a client of a financial and credit organization operates with funds as needed.

What is a bank account in fact? This is a unique number (20 digits) that is used by the client to:

  • Translations.
  • Carrying out transactions.
  • Storage of funds.
  • Receiving money from others.
  • Payment for bank services.

From a cost standpoint:

  • For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the service is paid. Banks charge funds for transactions and account maintenance.
  • The service is free for citizens. It is opened, as a rule, to receive wages or save money.

What is the essence of a personal account?

To highlight the difference, consider, what is a bank account. This is an account (digital number) that an individual receives after completing the established procedures and concluding an agreement. Purpose - analytical accounting of monetary transactions that are carried out in cooperation with counterparties.

To transfer money to this account, the account number is written in the details, and only after the money is received, the banking institution credits them to the front.

Also, a personal account means:

  • Part of the current account (from 14 to 20 digits).
  • An account opened by an individual (on demand or savings).
  • Account with opportunity remote service. Suitable for individuals, but without the right to conduct transactions with counterparties.

What is a bank account in terms of opportunity? It allows:

  • Transfer funds to legal entities (including a banking institution).
  • Keep personal savings.

It cannot be used for doing business (commercial activities).

What is the difference?

If we consider the difference in services, it is worth highlighting a number of points:

  1. Facial:
  • Not suitable for transactions involving the transfer and receipt of funds from other persons.
  • It is used to solve personal problems - payment for communications, utilities, money management on other accounts.
  • Opened by individuals.
  1. Estimated:
  • Necessary for carrying out operations related to business activities.
  • Allows you to send and receive payments from other bank accounts.
  • Designed for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  • It can be used as a personal account - to pay for services, goods or store funds.
  • It is opened only in a bank, while a personal account is often assigned to a client in other organizations ( Insurance companies, mobile operators and others).

What common?

A personal account and a current account have much in common:

  • Front - part of the settlement account (from 14 to 20 digits).
  • Personal accounts used for transactions using RBS are often called settlement accounts.
  • Can open in a bank.


In this way, current and personal account- different services that only occasionally intersect with each other in banking practice. When studying the proposals of a banking institution and choosing the appropriate option, this point should be taken into account

In the business and economic activity each legal entity in connection with the opening bank account applies to the bank. A bank account equally predisposes an account that a bank forms for both legal entities and individuals for direct non-cash money transactions. Meanwhile, the accounts are divided into the following categories:

  1. Checking account.
  2. Foreign currency account.
  3. budget account.
  4. insured account.
  5. Personal account, etc.

To understand the difference between the accounts, you should consider a couple of accounts separately.

Checking account

This account means the account of a legal entity, owning a bank balance. This account predetermines the storage of funds, the implementation of non-cash procedures with other individuals and legal entities. The main criterion is that it is not used to make a profit and store funds, in other words, a current account is created so that the client can access and manage funds at any moment (transfer funds to a counterparty, deposit a certain amount to an account, or its removal).

Consider opening a checking account. It should be noted that the current account is formed only in ruble currency, for foreign currency, accounts of a different nature are opened. So, to open a current account in the selected bank, the following package of documents is provided:

  • Card with samples of signatures and seals of executives.
  • Information about the absence / presence of debt from the tax office.
  • A document proving the identity of those persons who will have access to the current account.
  • Copies constituent documents previously certified by a notary.
  • A completed contract for opening a current account, an application and a questionnaire.

Account decryption. In its composition, the current account contains 20 digits, which are divided into 6 groups:

  1. Group #1 covers the initial 3 digits (digits) indicating the purpose of the account (accounting for capital, fund, income and losses of a credit institution, storage procedure, interbank transactions).
  2. Group #2 includes the following 2 digits after group 1, namely the numbers 4 and 5. This group thoroughly decodes the indicators of the first group.
  3. Group #3 performs the function of an indicator of the currency in which non-cash transactions are carried out.
  4. Group #4 includes one single digit, which is a control parameter calculated using a complex formula, and intended to test the accuracy of given accounts when performing operations.
  5. Group #5 includes 4 digits indicating the number of the head office or branch of the bank.
  6. Group #6 covers the last 7 digits, which are the account number.

personal account

The concept of a personal account means accounting register conducted by a specific person or specific organization. Depending on the type and its function, various types of information can be displayed in the personal account.
Types of personal account and purpose. Consider the types of personal account, namely:

  • Employee personal account(typical form). This register is used in personnel records. This register contains data on accruals for wages, bonuses, allowances, allowances, material assistance, etc. For an employee, a personal account is the fundamental documentation for recording wages.
  • Bank personal account captures all the relationship of the bank with the client. In the institutions of the bank, operations are divided by type, therefore, for a separate client, for each type of operation, the bank opens several personal accounts.
  • Taxpayer's personal account. This register is also formed for each taxpayer. This account is opened at the time of registration of a person in the tax office as a taxpayer. Here, accruals and fees are kept in accordance with the approved budget systematization, where each item is assigned a unique code.
  • Personal account of shareholders. All information about securities owned by an individual or legal entity.

In the terminology of banking services, such concepts as settlement and personal accounts of customers are used. They differ. What is the difference between current and personal accounts, is described in this article.

This concept covers a wide range of applications. It is used when accounting for all financial transactions of a legal or natural person. Such accounts are opened not only by credit institutions, but also by tax authorities, pension funds, housing and communal services management companies, investment companies, etc. These are accounting records.

The Bank opens a personal account for a client, an individual, to conduct and record actions with financial means: placing money in deposits, transferring them when paying for loans, calculating interest on deposits, etc. It can be tied to a debit or credit card and used individual for personal purposes to transfer funds to legal entities, including repayment of bank loans, payment for goods and services of legal entities, keeping own funds, receiving passive income.

One individual can open several such accounts for each type of transactions (credit, settlement, savings, investment). Information on personal account is confidential, but the bank provides it at the request of regulatory authorities.

Using a personal IP account for commercial settlements

Until 2014, Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation directly prohibited the use of personal accounts of individuals for doing business. Now this provision has lost its legal force, but it is valid in fact. For IP it is very attractive to conduct financial operations Through them. The law does not prohibit them, but there are restrictions. A personal account can be used if the cash payment limit under one agreement with a legal entity or other individual entrepreneur does not exceed 100,000 rubles. There is no limit for settlements with employees and ordinary individuals.

The basis for limiting IP payments through a personal account is:

  1. Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 163-I, which is also valid in 2018, prohibits its use for business or private practice. The Bank has the right to refuse to conduct transactions if it sees that the cash receipts are related to entrepreneurial activities.
  2. Upon receipt large sums money, its owner must be prepared for the fact that the bank will take an interest in the source of financing. This happens within the framework of anti-terrorism and money laundering laws.
  3. Business partners may refuse to transfer money to an entrepreneur, because in this case, payment for a product or service is recognized as the income of an individual and is subject to taxation in the amount of 13% of the amount.
  4. Financial relations of individual entrepreneurs with counterparties are confirmed by contracts. If the money is sent by the IP to this account, there will be problems with tax authorities, since the deal will be difficult to justify.
  5. The tax authorities will try to collect tax not only from the funds transferred to him for entrepreneurial activity, but also from personal money.

With any system of taxation ( STS income minus expenses, OSNO, ESHN) The individual entrepreneur must confirm the costs of the business. If payments are made from his personal account, tax office will not accept them to reduce taxable amounts. As a result, the entrepreneur will have to pay more taxes.

Thus, an individual entrepreneur can work using a personal account for business activities, but by doing this, he limits himself in many ways.

  • Buyers and customers do not have the opportunity to pay with payment orders or cards.
  • Internet trading opportunities are limited.
  • There is a risk of being under suspicion of money laundering.
  • The circle of partners and clients is narrowing.
  • Increased risks associated with holding cash.
  • Cannot hold excess cash in excess of the limit.

What is a checking account?

According to Article 861, clause 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, settlements between legal entities and citizens, for entrepreneurial activities, must be carried out in non-cash form. Each legal entity or individual must open a settlement account (checking, demand, current) in a bank through which non-cash payments are made. This is a bank record with a unique number by which you can identify a client of any bank, as well as track all his monetary transactions. When you open it, you do not need to deposit money.

The bank does not charge interest on the funds placed on it, it is not intended to receive passive income, to store money. This is a special operational tool for making settlements by submitting orders to the bank through various channels One client of the bank may have several settlement accounts that differ in currency, purpose of the placed funds.

The Russian Federation uses a 20-digit account numbering system. The owner (individual or organization, 3 digits), subject of the federation (3), account currency (3), control (1), bank division (4), bank account number (7) are encrypted in 20 digits of the number.

For whom is a checking account opened?

It can have both a legal entity and an individual. Individuals open it on their own initiative. Their accounts are often referred to as current accounts. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with settlements exceeding 100,000 rubles, it is imperative to have a bank account.

What documents are needed to open a checking account?

To open it, it is enough for an individual to contact the bank with a passport and submit an application. For ease of use, it can be linked to a debit or credit card. Legal entities should first clarify with the bank the list of documents and requirements for the form of their certification. Each bank may differ.

The main documents that all banks ask for:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Shelf life is one month
  • Certificate and registration of a legal entity
  • Extract on registration with the Federal Tax Service and TIN
  • Constituent and statutory documents of the enterprise
  • Letter of registration with the state statistics authorities
  • Orders on the appointment of an accountant and a manager
  • Documents confirming the actual location of the organization

The difference between personal and current accounts

In practice, both personal and settlement accounts are often called settlement accounts, but there are differences between them.

Personal accounts:

  1. They are opened for individuals to store money, receive passive income and make settlements with other persons or organizations.
  2. Cannot be used for commercial activities.
  3. They are serviced by banks free of charge or at a minimum rate.
  4. They may not have limits on the movement of money during the day, as well as the requirement for a minimum balance of funds.

Settlement accounts:

  1. Open to legal entities and individuals.
  2. They are not used to receive passive income, but are opened for quick access to available funds.
  3. Mandatory for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with the amount of payments exceeding 100,000 rubles.
  4. One individual or legal entity may have several accounts in one bank that differ in purpose and currency.
  5. Service will cost organizations from 1000 rubles. per month.

Organizations are required to carry out banking operations only by the current account number. Individuals can use a card linked to a current or personal account.

Why are checking and personal accounts separated?

Both settlement and personal accounts are accounting documents of the bank. The first is for making payments, and the second keeps track of all the client's cash transactions.

What is the difference between individuals and legal entities

An individual in the Russian Federation is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreigner or a stateless person who has certain rights and obligations upon the fact of his existence. Individuals differ in age, gender, nationality, financial situation, place of residence. They act as subjects of legal relations, have legal capacity and legal capacity in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Legal entity - an enterprise, organization created by an individual and registered government bodies. It can be in various organizational and legal forms (LLC, OJSC, JSC, PJSC, NPO, etc.), be non-commercial or commercial, own property, conduct business or commercial activity, dispose of the separate property that they have on their balance sheet. They have the right to conclude contracts, make transactions, participate in court hearings as plaintiffs or defendants. The rights and obligations of legal entities are enshrined in their charters and in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Video: Opening an IP current account. How to open a sole proprietorship account in a bank?

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