Home Flowers Organizational structure of the local administration of the municipality. Organizational structure of the municipality

Organizational structure of the local administration of the municipality. Organizational structure of the municipality

The local administration is understood as the executive and administrative body of the municipality. The executive-administrative body is a permanent body of local self-government. The legislation does not contain rules on the possibility and procedure for terminating the powers of a local administration. The institution of termination of powers is provided only for officials of local self-government, including the heads of local administrations.

The local administration, as the executive and administrative body of the municipality, is endowed by the charter of the municipality with the authority to resolve issues of local importance and the rights to exercise certain state powers transferred to local governments in the manner vested in federal laws and laws of the subjects of the Federation.

The local administration is formed to exercise the powers of local self-government. It, as a rule, is a body of general competence in the field of executive and administrative activities and is endowed with the rights of a legal entity.

Head of local administration. The local administration is led by its head on the principles of unity of command. He puts into effect the decisions of the administration by his acts.

There are two models for empowering the head of the local administration.

The head of the local administration in the first model is the head of the municipality ex officio; in the second - a person appointed to the position of head of the local administration under a contract concluded based on the results of a competition to fill the specified position for a term of office determined by the charter of the municipality.

The head of the local administration in the second model is usually referred to as the manager. Under this model, the terms of the contract for the head of the administration of the settlement are approved by the representative body of the settlement; for the head of the local administration of a municipal district (urban district) - by the representative body of the municipal district (urban district) insofar as it concerns the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance, and by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - insofar as it relates to the exercise of certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of subjects of the Russian Federation. If a person is appointed to the position of head of the local administration under a contract, the charter of the settlement, and in relation to the position of the head of the local administration of the municipal district (city district) - the charter of the municipal district (city district) and the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, additional requirements may be established for candidates for position of head of the local government. The procedure for holding a competition for filling the position of the head of a local administration is established by the representative body of the municipality and should provide for the publication of the conditions of the competition, information about the date, time and place of its holding, the draft contract no later than 20 days before the day of the competition. Total number members of the competition commission in the municipality is established by the representative body of the municipality. Members of the competition commission of the settlement are appointed by the representative body of the settlement. When forming a competition commission in a municipal district (urban district), two thirds of its members are appointed by the representative body of the municipal district (urban district), and another third - by the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body). state power of the subject of the Russian Federation).

The head of the local administration, exercising his powers on the basis of a contract, is controlled and accountable to the representative body of the municipality; submits to the representative body of the municipality annual reports on the results of its activities and the activities of the local administration, including the resolution of issues raised by the representative body of the municipality; ensures the exercise by the local administration of the powers to resolve issues of local importance and certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the subject Russian Federation.

A person is appointed to the position of the head of the local administration by the representative body of the municipality from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition. The contract with the head of the local administration is concluded by the head of the municipality. It may be terminated by agreement of the parties or judicial order Based on the statement:

  1. the representative body of the municipality or the head of the municipality - in connection with the violation of the terms of the contract insofar as it concerns the resolution of issues of local importance;
  2. the highest official of a subject of the federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a subject of the federation) - in connection with a violation of the terms of the contract insofar as it relates to the exercise of certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the subjects of the federation;
  3. heads of local administration - in connection with violations of the terms of the contract by local governments and (or) state authorities of the subject of the federation.

The head of the local administration is not entitled to engage in entrepreneurial, as well as other paid activities, with the exception of pedagogical, scientific and other creative activities.

The powers of the head of the local administration, exercised on the basis of a contract, are terminated early in the event of:

  • his death;
  • resignations of their own free will;
  • termination of the contract; removal from office;
  • recognition by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;
  • recognition by the court as missing or declared dead;
  • the entry into force of a guilty verdict of the court against him;
  • travel outside the Russian Federation permanent place residence;
  • termination of Russian citizenship, citizenship of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizen has the right to be elected to local self-government bodies;
  • conscription for military service or assignment to an alternative civilian service that replaces it;
  • transformation of the municipality, as well as in the event of the abolition of the municipality;
  • loss by the settlement of the status of a municipal formation in connection with its merger with the urban district;
  • an increase in the number of voters of the municipality by more than 25%, which occurred as a result of a change in the boundaries of the municipality or the merger of a settlement with an urban district.

Powers of the local government. The local administration develops draft budgets, estimates of off-budget funds, plans and programs for the socio-economic development of the city and submits them for approval to the representative body of local self-government.

In addition, the administration

  • executes the budget and submits a report on its execution to the representative body of local self-government for approval;
  • ensure the functioning of the municipal housing and public utilities and transport, municipal institutions, health care, education, culture, other municipal institutions;
  • disposes and manages municipal and other property transferred to the management of the city in the manner established by the representative body of local self-government;
  • maintains a territorial cadastre, technical inventory of movable and immovable property;
  • develops proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation municipal enterprises and institutions;
  • approves charters of municipal enterprises, organizations, institutions;
  • carries out the execution of state powers transferred to the local self-government bodies of the city;
  • performs, in the cases and in the manner established by the representative body of local self-government, the functions of a customer under municipal contracts for the performance of contract work (rendering services, supply of goods) for the needs of the municipality of the city;
  • in cases established by the representative body of local self-government, prepares and submits draft legal acts for its consideration; develops and submits to the City Council for approval staffing public service positions, and practical advice on the subjects of their jurisdiction;
  • creates, in accordance with the established procedure, working groups and boards, advisory public and expert councils, attracts scientific organizations, scientists and specialists on a contractual basis to solve problems on issues of local importance;
  • interacts with public authorities, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as with officials and citizens on the subjects of their jurisdiction;
  • participates in the development of draft agreements, contracts of the municipality of the city with other municipalities, executive authorities of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg on issues of local importance;
  • requests and receives from sectoral and territorial bodies, other state bodies, institutions, enterprises, organizations information, documents and materials necessary for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it, transfers information in accordance with the established procedure to these bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • represents the interests of the municipality in courts general jurisdiction and arbitration court on matters of jurisdiction;
  • will issue a marriage license to persons who have reached the age of 16, on the grounds provided for in family code RF;
  • organizes work on the implementation of guardianship and custody of children left without parental care, and other citizens, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Family Code, other regulatory legal acts;
  • organizes work on the military-patriotic education of youth and the conscription of citizens for military service;
  • participates within the limits of jurisdiction in the liquidation of emergency situations and the consequences of natural disasters;
  • considers appeals of citizens and legal entities, accepts them necessary measures, conducts receptions of citizens and representatives of organizations on issues within its jurisdiction;
  • carries out foreign economic activity in accordance with the established procedure.

By decision of the representative body of local self-government, the administration may exercise other powers that are not within the competence of other local self-government bodies.

The work of local administrations is carried out on a planned basis: on the basis of current and long-term plans and programs. The administration plans to hold its meetings, meetings, law-making activities and conduct control activities related to the implementation of local governments of the current legislation. Long-term planning provides for the development of programs, events and other activities for the year, the current - for the quarter. Issues to be included in the draft plan are determined based on the authority of the structural unit.

Control over the implementation of long-term and quarterly work plans of the administration is carried out by the deputy heads of the city administration (in accordance with the distribution of duties) and the administration. For the purpose of operational management and control over the activities of structural divisions, ensuring timely and reasonable decision-making on the main directions of development of the urban economy, meetings and meetings of advisory and coordinating bodies, and other organizational events are held in the administration.

The structure of the local administration is approved by the representative body of the municipality on the proposal of the head of the local administration. The structure of the local administration may include sectoral, functional and territorial bodies of the local administration. For the organizational, legal, informational and logistical support of the activities of the local administration, the apparatus of the local administration is formed. Its structure is determined either by a representative body on the proposal of the head of administration, or by the head of administration alone. The activities of the apparatus are built in accordance with the regulation on it, approved in the manner prescribed by the charter of the municipality.

The apparatus of the local administration is a set of units whose main purpose is to assist the work of the governing bodies of the administration. At the same time, the participation of the apparatus in the exercise of the powers of the administration is of a functional nature.

The head of the local administration exercises general management of the administration, directly directs the work of his deputies and the apparatus. The management of the administration is carried out on the principle of unity of command. However, unity of command does not preclude collegial discussion and development of decisions on critical issues the life of the municipality. For this purpose, permanent bodies have been formed in the structure of many administrations - colleges of administrations, which operate under the leadership of the head of the local administration.

The collegium ex officio includes deputy heads, heads of individual structural divisions: financial and economic departments (departments), legal departments, etc. The powers of the collegium, the procedure for its work are determined by the regulation on the administration collegium, approved by the head of the local administration.

Deputy heads of the local administration manage individual branches of the local economy, the activities of their subordinates in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities of the structural divisions of the administration. The head of the local administration determines the number of his deputies, and depending on their vocational training- direction of their work. These may be issues of housing and communal services; consumer market organizations; property management of the municipality; capital construction; economic and social sphere of activity of the local administration, etc.

The range of issues that local administrations have to solve is different in different municipalities. Their structure and staffing, activities of officials and relevant services depend on this. For example, the main areas of activity and issues of conducting the first deputy head of the administration of a municipal district may include architecture, industrial and civil construction; road economy; fuel and energy complex; transport; electric and postal communication; housing and communal services and improvement; labor protection and fire safety. From the budget departments (departments), the department of the chief architect, the department of construction, communications and housing and communal services, the department for labor, safety and fire protection can be assigned to it. He can also head the commissions for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergencies, the preparation of facilities for work in the autumn-winter period, and security traffic etc.

Possible main issues of conducting the deputy head of the administration for social issues: education; healthcare; culture; youth policy; social protection of the population; physical culture and sports; interaction with public organizations; mass media. From among the budgetary departments, the education department, the culture department, the department for social protection of the population, the committee for physical culture and sports, the committee for youth affairs can be assigned to it. He can head commissions: housing, juvenile, etc.

The deputy head of the administration for economics may be engaged in economic and investment policy, trade. paid services, consumer protection, municipal property management, statistical reporting, public funds, material and natural resources, credit and financial activities, money circulation. He can supervise the economics committee, the finance department, the trade and paid services department, etc. Public funds are under his care: medical, pension, social insurance, employment, etc.

The main activities and issues of conducting the deputy head of the administration for agriculture: agro-industrial complex; use of land resources; environmental protection and natural resources etc. He can supervise departments and management services Agriculture; committee on land reform and land management; Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources; research institutions; plant protection station, veterinary station, veterinary laboratory, state breeding service, etc.

Deputy head of administration - head of the apparatus coordinates the organizational activities of local self-government bodies; controls the execution of decisions. He can supervise the registration of acts of civil status, archives, notaries, head the administrative commission, etc. It is in charge of the general, archival, legal departments.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the regional or City Administration ensures coordination of work on the territory of a district or city of enterprises, institutions and organizations that are not subordinate to it to ensure the integrated socio-economic development of the territory.

Administration apparatus does not have in its subordination any bodies, organizations, objects external to the administration, and the heads of structural divisions of the apparatus do not use the right to dispose of loans. The service functions of the apparatus determine its horizontal subordination - to the governing bodies of the administration. The divisions of the apparatus are financed from the local budget. Names may vary. However, as practice shows, traditionally, an organizational department or an organizational and analytical department is formed in the apparatus of the local administration, Common department, reception of police issues of citizens, legal department (service), information service or press service of the head of the local administration, departments (departments) of the personnel service, advisers, consultants and assistants to the management of the administration. The apparatus includes a secretariat, a machine bureau and other subdivisions that provide material and technical services to the local administration. As an example, we will characterize the goals of the activities and functions of some units of the local administration.

Legal service (management, department). The legal department (legal department) is a structural subdivision of the apparatus of the local administration. The legal service carries out its activities under the leadership of the head of the local administration and his deputy - the head of the apparatus of the local administration (if such a position is provided). The activity of the legal service is managed by the chief (manager), appointed and dismissed by the head of the local administration. The head (manager) organizes the work of the service, bears personal responsibility for the performance of the functions assigned to the department (management). The regulation on the legal service is approved by the head of the local administration.

The functions of the legal service include:

  • checking the compliance of legal acts of the local administration with the legislation of the Russian Federation, i.e. examination of documents;
  • familiarization of executives and other employees of the local administration apparatus with incoming regulations, as well as a review of legal practice;
  • legal expertise and preparation of opinions on legal documents:
  • preparation of draft normative legal acts;
  • representation of the interests of the administration in the judiciary, etc.

Organizational (organizational and analytical) department. It faces the tasks of organizational support for the activities of the local administration:

  • development of draft plans organizational measures, current and long-term work plans of the local administration, preparation of meetings, seminars;
  • generalization of information materials;
  • control over the activities of other structural divisions of the administration;
  • conducting an analysis of the performance discipline of the apparatus, departments, departments and other services of the administration.

The most important tasks of the organizational departments are to assist election commissions in the preparation and conduct of election campaigns; study, generalization and dissemination of advanced forms and methods of work of local governments; preparation of draft legal acts of the head of the local administration on issues within the competence of the department. The organizational department participates in the preparation of issues related to the development of territorial public self-government. It checks the letters, applications and complaints of citizens, conducts social and political events, etc. The regulation on the department is approved by the head of the local administration.

Common department . It is entrusted with the functions of organizational and technical support for the work of the administration. The main task of the general department is the organization and conduct of office work. This division receives and registers letters and documents incoming to the administration, monitors their passage, monitors the execution of documents, organizes the dispatch of outgoing correspondence; monitors the state of office work in the structural divisions of the administration, ensures the storage of documentation. In some local administrations, a protocol part (service) is created as a structural unit, which ensures the technical processing of legal acts of the head of the local administration, bringing them to the appropriate executors.

Reception for personal matters of citizens. It is created with the aim of organizing the reception of citizens by the leadership of municipalities. Each administration has a schedule for the reception of the population by the head of the local administration and his deputies. Receptions control the consideration of proposals, complaints and applications of citizens, the timing of their resolution and the implementation of measures for such appeals. These units are designed to systematically summarize the practice of receiving the population, to analyze the work of the administration with letters and appeals from citizens.

In addition to the apparatus involved in ensuring the activities of the leadership of the local administration, special management structures are created to manage industries and areas of the local economy. They can have different names: departments, divisions, departments, committees and other services. This issue is the responsibility of the head of the local administration. The list of local administration bodies is determined either by the head of the local administration alone, or in agreement with the representative body of local self-government, depending on what procedure is specified in the charter of the municipality.

The activities of the created bodies in the system of local executive power are carried out in accordance with the provisions on these bodies, approved either by the head of the administration, or upon the presentation of the latter by a representative body of local self-government.

Financing of the administration bodies is carried out at the expense of the local budget in accordance with the cost estimate for the administrative apparatus. Let's characterize some of them.

A committee is, as a rule, an independent structural subdivision that includes two or more structural subdivisions (departments, sectors, groups), performs management functions in more than two industries or areas of activity and is endowed with administrative powers in relation to the object of management. Decisions on issues within the competence of the committee are made taking into account the opinion of the collegium, consisting of the heads of departments and other persons included in its composition. The committee may be a legal entity.

Management is an independent structural unit, which includes departments, sectors, groups, etc. and performing management functions in a particular industry or field of activity. Management is carried out on the principle of unity of command. Management can be vested with the right of a legal person.

Department - an independent structural unit, as a rule, not having other services in its composition, performing management functions in a particular industry or area. The department may be endowed with administrative functions and the right of a legal entity. Management of the department is carried out by its head on the principle of unity of command.

A department may also be formed as part of a committee or management. In this case, this structural unit, as a rule, numbering more than three people, performs certain functions on issues within the competence of the committee (management) and does not have administrative functions and the right of a legal entity.

Sector (service) - a structural unit that is part of the committee (management), numbering, as a rule, no more than three people, performing certain functions on issues within the competence of the committee (management), not having an administrative function and the right of a legal entity.

Depending on the level of a municipal unit, on the characteristics of its economy, the number of inhabitants and other circumstances, the number of bodies created, their composition, and activities vary greatly. In urban districts, for example, there are structural divisions of the administration dealing with issues of health care, public education, construction, housing and communal services, the housing market, housing engineering infrastructure, architecture and urban planning, transport and communications, landscaping, social protection population, culture, physical culture and sports, consumer market and services, finance, municipal property management, environmental protection, antitrust policy, military personnel and military mobilized training, emergencies, international relations, press. In municipal districts, subdivisions have been created that organize public education, construction, housing and communal services, architecture and urban planning, culture, physical culture and sports, agriculture, as well as those in charge of land resources and land reform, municipal property management, economics, nature protection, etc. And although the names of a number of departments in different municipalities are almost the same, their staffing is different. In urban settlements, the corresponding departments, departments, departments significantly exceed the number of regional ones. AT rural settlements staff units are small (from two to five employees dealing with land issues, maintenance of municipal housing, acts of civil status, military registration work, etc.).

For the most part, specialized structural units are endowed with the rights of a legal entity, have an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banking institutions. Such structural units of the local administration have seals, letterheads with their names and other details. On their own behalf, they can acquire property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court. The legal and property status of specialized units is determined by the head of the local administration independently, based on the characteristics of the municipality and the specifics of the municipal economy. The heads of these structural subdivisions issue orders and instructions, the right to cancel which is vested in the head of the local administration.

Departments, departments and committees are divided into sectoral and functional. Industry divisions carry out management of separate branches of the municipal economy. For example, the intended purpose of the activities of the health department (department) of a municipal district, city, urban district is to create conditions for protecting public health and ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to medical care. The Health Department develops complex organizational, technical and medical measures to reduce the incidence and disability of the population; coordinates and manages the activities of medical institutions; interacts with committees for sanitary and epidemiological supervision, territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, medical insurance companies; controls the work of institutions of any form of ownership that carry out medical activities.

The department (department) of education carries out an educational policy on the territory of the city, district, aimed at ensuring the rights of citizens to receive quality education and meet the educational needs of the population. The tasks of its activities include: participation in the organization of programs for the development of education on the territory of the municipality; Ensuring the rights of citizens to receive education corresponding to state standards, in educational institutions preschool, general, vocational education, in special educational institutions for orphans, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership; protection of the rights of minor citizens - orphans and left without parental care; coordination of activities of enterprises, organizations and institutions on the development of the educational system; promoting the development of production and economic structures to support education, the creation of charitable and trustee non-state structures.

The management (department) of improvement and the service of the municipal customer are created to perform the functions of the customer for the design, construction, overhaul and maintenance of external improvement facilities, landscaping of the territory of the municipality. They are responsible for the development of plans and programs for the development and maintenance of the road network of the respective territory. These subdivisions can be vested with the rights to organize a municipal order, coordinate the activities of municipal improvement enterprises: road maintenance sites, specialized institutions that carry out road construction, lighting and landscaping, etc.

The department (department) of architecture is intended, in particular, to regulate land relations arising from the architectural or urban planning activities of legal entities and individuals. He was granted the right to draw up land allocation documents for the subjects of architectural and urban planning activities. The Department of Architecture controls the receipt of land payments.

The Housing and Communal Administration (department) keeps records of those in need of housing: those on the waiting list who are registered with the administration; veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War; warriors-internationalists; retired servicemen, etc.; distribution of residential space to be commissioned to legal entities and individuals participating in shared housing construction; control over the timely settlement of apartments; calculation of the cost of residential premises of the municipal housing stock subject to alienation, transfer of residential premises to non-residential ones; privatization of public housing.

In its turn functional divisions local administration (economic committees, financial departments (departments), committees on land use and ecology, commissions of local administrations) organize their activities in all areas of the municipal economy, since planning and financing are inherent in all sectors. In this regard, the functional units of the local administration can coordinate and control the work of sectoral departments and divisions.

Economic Committee ( economic policy). Its main functions are: organizing and coordinating the activities of administration units in carrying out economic reform on the territory of the municipality; participation in the development of proposals for the formation of the local budget, plans and programs for the economic and social development of the relevant territory; formation analysis labor resources; development entrepreneurial activity; coordination of development of small and medium business; participation in the development of market mechanisms, the use of loans, bills of exchange, offsets, in-kind coverage of payments to the local budget, etc.

Financial department (management). He organizes the budgetary and financial policy of municipalities, makes proposals on the delimitation of the revenue and expenditure parts of local budgets, takes measures to strengthen the revenue base of local budgets, considers estimates of structural divisions of the local administration, organizes the execution of budgets, etc.

Committee on land use and ecology. Its intended purpose is associated with the formation and implementation of land and environmental policy within the boundaries of the municipality. The Committee can manage and control the use and protection of land, natural resources (subsoil, water, atmospheric air, flora, etc.); carrying out measures for environmental protection: coordination of activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the field of nature protection and rational use of natural resources, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination; formation and spending of extrabudgetary environmental funds; accounting, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment and natural resources, organization of financing and logistics of environmental protection measures.

This section does not aim to consider in detail the activities of all structural units. It should only be recalled that the structure of the administration of the municipality is a dynamic system, a mobile organism, subject to change and various kinds of innovations.

Commissions of local administrations. Democratic principles in action executive bodies local self-government determine the involvement of the population in their work. Therefore, along with departments, departments and committees, temporary and permanent commissions operate in the administrations (on the appointment of pensions; civil rites; organizing summer holidays for children; promoting the protection of historical and cultural monuments; administrative; for minors; observational, etc.).

Some of them are created by decision of administrations, others operate on the basis of acts approved by state authorities. Administrative commissions are specially created to consider cases of administrative offenses and impose administrative penalties on guilty persons. The main task of the commissions on juvenile affairs is to organize work to prevent neglect, juvenile delinquency, coordinate the efforts of state bodies, local governments, and public organizations on these issues.

The commissions are organizationally connected with local administrations. Chairmen of commissions may have the status of deputy heads of municipalities. Commissions are collegiate bodies, and the public, law enforcement officers, and deputies are widely represented in their composition. For example, the commission on juvenile affairs includes employees of public education, health care, social protection of the population, and internal affairs bodies.

The commissions are formed by the representative bodies of local self-government and function in the composition of the chairman, deputy chairman, as well as members of the commission. The chairman of the commission plans, organizes and manages the activities of the commission, presides at the meeting of the commission, signs the minutes of the meetings, resolutions issued by the commission. The deputy chairman of the commission conducts work on preparing for the meeting of the commission, carries out the instructions of the chairman, in the absence of the chairman, exercises his powers, takes measures to apply for the execution of the decisions made on the imposition of administrative penalties. The administrative commissions have the position of executive secretary of the commission. It ensures the preparation of materials of cases on administrative offenses for consideration at commission meetings; notifies the members of the commission and the persons participating in the proceedings on the case of an administrative offense of the time and place of the consideration of the case, maintains and draws up, in accordance with the requirements established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the minutes of the meeting and signs it; ensures the preparation and execution of decisions made by the commission, distribution of the decisions of the commission to the persons in respect of whom they were made, their representatives and victims; carries out its activities under the leadership of the chairman and deputy chairman of the commission.

Commissions of local administrations consider cases in an open session, unless otherwise provided by law. Based on the results of the consideration of the case on an administrative offense, the commission makes a decision, which is formalized by a decision (resolution). The decision of the commission may be binding. Thus, the decision of the administrative commission in the case of an administrative offense is mandatory for execution by all state authorities, local governments, officials, citizens and their associations, legal entities. The decision of the commission can be appealed to the head of the local administration or to the court.

Financing of commissions under local administrations is carried out at the expense of the local budget. The apparatus of the local administration ensures the work of the commissions.

Under local administration structure refers to the list of structural divisions and the subordination scheme, including the distribution of powers for the general management of structural divisions between senior officials of the administration of the municipality.

The structure of the local administration is approved by the representative body of the municipality on the proposal of the administration. The structure of the administration is made up of internal divisions, which are the organs of administration. The structure may include sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of local administration. Industry divisions manage individual sectors of the municipal economy (housing, education, healthcare, etc.); functional- carry out certain functions in the field of municipal government (functions of planning, control, etc.); territorial- exercise the powers of the local administration in certain territories of the municipality. Structural subdivisions of the local administration may be vested with the rights of legal entities.

Structural divisions can have different names - departments, committees, departments, departments, sectors, which differ from each other in terms of the volume, nature and significance of the functions performed.

The structure of the local administration is formed in accordance with issues of local importance and powers. It is approved by the representative body of the municipality on the proposal of the head of the local administration.

Exist various principles distribution of tasks and functions between departments of administration. So, in the practice of management, organizational links are systematized according to the principle of expediency in the following areas: by branches of management; the nature of management activities according to the stages of the management cycle; target groups; territorial principle. In accordance with the principle of distribution of tasks and functions

specific organizational units are created - departments, departments. In connection with the introduction of new professional technologies, conciliation commissions for resolving conflict situations and working groups are becoming widespread. In addition, new organizational structures can be formed by creating business councils, representatives of territorial public self-government, etc. Local administrations differ in their structure, since there are no two identical municipalities. At the same time, there are a number of bodies of the same type for almost all municipalities - financial management bodies, municipal property, housing and communal services. It is possible to formulate some general approaches, basic principles that allow, although taking into account local characteristics, to develop the structures of local administrations on a single methodological basis.

There are two main approaches to building the structures of local administrations: functional and program-targeted. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

functional approach is used in the development of a structure that ensures the current management of the municipality. With this approach, the functions performed by the local administration are identified, and its structure is formed in such a way that the performance of each of the functions is provided by the corresponding structural unit. This does not mean that a separate body is needed to perform a single function.

After identifying the entire set of functions, they are grouped according to some principle, for example, according to sectoral (improvement, housing, education, healthcare, etc.), according to the principle of belonging to one sphere (social, economic, socio-political), and after that, the necessary structure is finally built. A number of structural units are formed to carry out auxiliary functions, i.e. those without which it is impossible to solve the main tasks facing local governments (meaning the functions of financial planning, execution and control over the execution of the local budget, personnel management, archiving, etc. . P.). As a rule, several principles are used simultaneously to group functions, and the degree of “enlargement” of structural units is determined by the composition and number of managed objects. So, in large municipalities, governing bodies are being formed in the areas of healthcare, education, and culture, and in small municipalities, general governing bodies of the social sphere are being created. It is important that all functions are taken into account so that there is no duplication of functions and not combined in one structural unit of the planning and execution, execution and control functions.

Program-targeted approach is used in the formation of a structure that ensures the implementation of programs, in particular programs for the development of municipalities, both comprehensive and targeted. The difference between this approach and the previous one is that the structure is based not on functions, but on goals, objectives, their ranking by priorities, methods of achievement, forms and mechanisms of implementation determined by development programs, and the dynamics of changes in the process of implementing programs is taken into account. Otherwise, the same principles apply in these approaches.

The names of the structural units of the local administration in different municipalities may be different. Financing of the structural subdivisions of the local administration is carried out at the expense of the local budget in accordance with the cost estimate for the administrative apparatus.

Typical options for the structure of the administration of various municipalities are presented in the following diagrams:

Scheme No. 2: Typical variant of the structure of the administration of a rural settlement

Scheme No. 3. Typical variant of the structure of the administration of the municipal district

Factors affecting the organizational structure
local administration

The general structure of municipal authorities, the division of powers and the system of relationships between its three main links (representative body, head of the municipality, local administration) were considered in Chapter 1, mainly from legal positions. Here we are talking about the practical organization and technological process of municipal government. The most important role in this process is played by the local administration as the executive and administrative body of the municipality. Therefore, the presentation of questions of the organization of municipal government begins with a consideration of the organizational structure of the local administration.
Organizational structure - the most important factor activities of the local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented.
The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.
The control link is a separate cell with strictly oriented functions, and the control stage (level) is a set of links located at a certain hierarchical level.
It was shown above that municipalities differ significantly in size of territory, size and composition of the population, position in the system of territorial division of labor, economic potential, composition of the municipal economy, level of development of engineering and social infrastructure. The type of municipal formation predetermines the composition of the jurisdiction of local self-government, which, in turn, determines the scope of tasks and functions of all municipal government bodies, including administration.
The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of local administration and are the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure, responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks. The more complex the economic complex in a particular municipality, the more important the interconnection of all its components, the integrated solution of issues of socio-economic development and environmental protection. Accordingly, in order to achieve these goals, the relevant structural units are organizationally singled out or strengthened within the administration. Municipal formations, which differ in the composition of the tasks to be solved and management functions, the necessary amount of management work, differ in the number and internal structure of the executive bodies. The staff of the administration of a large urban district may have hundreds of employees and dozens of structural units, while the staff of the administration of a small rural settlement - only 5 - 7 employees.
Along with the listed external factors, it is necessary to single out internal ones that affect the structure of the administration: personnel, equipment, management technology, labor organization. On the one hand, they influence the organizational structure of management, on the other hand, they are determined by it. Thus, managerial personnel influence the management structure in terms of the redistribution of functions between departments and individual employees. But basically it is the management structure that determines the composition of positions and the requirements for the personal qualities of employees. The introduction of information technology affects the structure of administration in terms of both reducing the number of employees of individual units and the emergence of new units (information services). When forming the organizational structure of the administration, it is necessary to take into account both external and internal factors.
The most important factor influencing the formation of the organizational structure is the rate of controllability (control range).
The rule of manageability is the maximum allowable number of employees whose activities can be effectively managed by one manager under certain organizational and technical conditions.
Both the number of employees in a separate unit and the number of administration units depend on the norm of manageability.

Principles of building the organizational structure of the administration

The formation of the structure of the local administration is the organizational assignment of certain functions of municipal government to individual management units and officials. The solution to this complex problem is provided on the basis of a combination scientific methods with the subjective activity of specialists. Therefore, when designing organizational structures, it is important to observe a number of important rules(principles) of their construction, presented in fig. 8.1.3. Let's look at these principles.

Rice. 8.1.3. Principles of building organizational structures
local administrations

1. Focus on achieving goals.
The organizational structure should contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the management of the municipality. This is ensured by establishing the rights and the necessary full responsibility of each managerial link for achieving the tasks assigned to it; balancing the tasks of the links of one level of management in relation to the tasks of a higher level; rational division and cooperation between links and levels of management and their interaction.
2. Perspective.
Local self-government bodies should, while solving operational issues, simultaneously carry out work to determine a strategy related to the socio-economic development of the municipality. To do this, it is necessary to provide for a block of long-term, strategic management in the organizational structure, separating it from the block of operational and current management. In practice, this is achieved through the division of powers between the representative and executive bodies, as well as the creation of special units in the organizational structure of the administration that deal with the development strategy of the municipality.
3. Ability to develop (adaptability).
The need to develop the organizational structure is explained by the trend of constant changes in external conditions, emerging disproportions in the system of municipal government. Under these conditions, the organizational structure must be sufficiently elastic, able to adapt to the perception of corrective actions. In practice, this is achieved through periodic changes in the organizational structures of local governments, as well as through the creation of temporary target units (headquarters, commissions, committees).
4. Complexity.
When building the organizational structure of the local administration, it must be taken into account that all stages of the implementation of management activities should be structurally provided:
- analytical (analysis of the problem, identification of possible solutions);
- task setting (identification of activity priorities);
- making a managerial decision (choosing a technology and an algorithm for solving a problem, determining the final and intermediate results);
- execution of the decision (specific activity for the implementation of the management decision);
- evaluation of results (analysis of performance results, preparation for the next analytical stage and a new cycle).
The principle of complexity requires in the analysis of the structure to proceed primarily from the integrity of a particular function. This is especially important when the performance of the function is "divorced" into different structures or for the performance of this function it is necessary to involve several structural divisions of the administration. It is desirable that the issues assigned to the jurisdiction of one or another structural unit are as complete as possible, which is especially important for sectoral structural units.
5. Individualization.
The formation of the organizational structure should be based on taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular municipality. In this regard, any kind of typical organizational structures can only be used as advisory and indicative. As practice shows, the rejection of unified models, reliance on analysis and consideration of local characteristics give positive results.
6. Profitability.
The organizational structure should ensure the efficient and rational implementation of the municipal management process, the ability to obtain the necessary results in the most economical way. Cost-effectiveness can be achieved when carrying out various activities, including through the introduction of positions (system administrator, specialist in information technology etc.), whose functions include analysis of the current organizational structure, functional and hierarchical division of powers, remuneration of municipal employees, mechanization and automation of management processes in order to improve them.
The principles of building organizational structures can be refined, and the forms and methods of using these principles can change due to changing external conditions, goals and objectives. However, the basic principles must be observed, as they express the general requirements for the organization of municipal government.

Approaches to the formation of the organizational structure
local administration

The organizational structure of the local administration as an executive and administrative body is based on the principles of unity of command and hierarchical subordination. The process of forming the organizational structure of the local administration includes the formulation of goals, objectives and functions, determining the composition and location of units, their resource support (including the number of employees), the development of appropriate regulatory procedures and documents.
Real systems of municipal government are distinguished by a wide variety of organizational structures of administrations. But at the same time, there are general approaches to building organizational structures. The most promising is a system-targeted approach with a focus on the final results of the system. The issues of goal-setting in municipal activities were considered in Chapter 3. Determining the system of goals ("tree of goals") and tasks of a particular municipality is the main guideline for the formation of its organizational structure. When forming an organizational structure on the basis of the "tree of goals", it is necessary to decompose the goals and objectives of municipal government to specific management functions.
Thus, with a system-targeted approach, real conditions are created for individualizing the process of forming an organizational structure in relation to the characteristics of a particular municipality.
System-targeted approach in this case is that, based on the ultimate goals of the management of the municipality:
- do not lose sight of any of the management tasks, without which the implementation of the goals will be incomplete;
- identify and link in relation to these tasks a system of functions, rights and responsibilities along the management vertical;
- to explore and institutionalize connections and relationships along the horizontal of management, i.e. to coordinate the activities of different links and organizational units in the performance of common tasks;
- to provide an organic combination of vertical and horizontal management, to find the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in decision-making for these conditions.
When building an organizational structure based on the "tree of goals", it is important to give a qualitative and quantitative description of the goals and objectives. Qualitative serves as a justification for the allocation of management functions, quantitative - to determine the type of organizational unit (department, management, department, etc.).
The distribution of tasks between subdivisions of the local administration can be carried out according to several criteria:
- by groups of management objects (sectors of municipal activity) that provide the provision of municipal services of a certain type: education, health care, construction, youth policy, etc.;
- on a functional basis, determined by the nature, functions and stages of management activities and the management cycle: analysis and planning, control, property management, finance, legal, information support, etc.;
- on a territorial basis (for municipalities in rural areas and for major cities, and after the entry into force of the Federal Law of 2003 - only for large cities).

The practice of building organizational structures
local administrations

In modern municipal practice, the typical links in the organizational structure of the local administration are:
- head of Administration;
- his deputies in the areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;
- Structural divisions of various types, which may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination (for example, a department within a department);
- collegial advisory bodies: collegium of administration, economic and other councils;
- administration apparatus.
From the point of view of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity, the structural divisions of the administration are divided into four groups (Fig. 8.1.5).

Rice. 8.1.5. Types of structural divisions
local administration

The jurisdiction of sectoral structural divisions includes issues related to the management of specific industries (areas) of municipal activity. They perform the functions of a customer for the performance of works and the provision of municipal services. Their main role is manifested at the stage of implementation of the goals and objectives of life support and development of the territory.
The objects of activity of functional (headquarters, general competence) structural divisions cover a specific function for the entire administration and its structural divisions. Their main feature is the use of the advantages associated with the specialization of functions, and the ability of the administration to consider the territory as a whole within its function. According to the classification of the goals of municipal activities (see Chapter 3), functional units are related to providing. Usually they are vested with the right to coordinate the decisions of other structural units, for example, on compliance with the law or the possibility of financing.
The creation of territorial structural units (district in large cities, etc.) is associated with the need to bring local governments closer to the population and allows you to combine centralization essential functions at the highest level of municipal government with increased efficiency in solving current issues. At the same time, it is important to prevent the fragmentation of the functions of municipal governments and the loss of advantages associated with specialization. To stimulate the initiative of territorial structural units, they may be granted autonomy within the framework of the cost estimate.
Auxiliary subdivisions (apparatus) do not have their own competence in resolving issues of local importance and perform the functions of ensuring the activities of the management of the administration and its structural subdivisions. The machine is playing important role in the organization of administration. Being its subsystem, it performs the same role as the municipal government in relation to other subsystems of the municipality. In particular, the device provides:
- planning and coordination of work of all administration structures;
- work with documentation (clerical work);
- preparation and holding of meetings, sessions, collegiums and other events;
- communication with the media, holding press conferences;
- control over the execution of decisions;
- organization of reception of citizens, work with complaints and suggestions;
- material and technical, legal, personnel, information, financial support for the activities of the administration;
- Interaction of the administration with the representative body and often its economic service.
The chief of staff is usually equal in status to the deputy head of administration.
The administrative apparatus may include such services as a general department (working with documentation), a personnel service (sometimes it reports directly to the head of the administration), a reception of citizens, a legal service, an information service, economic services, a press service, its own accounting department, a control apparatus etc.
The head of administration and his deputies may have their own apparatus, which includes, in particular, secretaries, assistants, referents, and advisers.
Such organizational structures are called linear-functional, since they are based on a certain system of interaction between linear (industry) and functional structural units and decision-making by linear units in agreement with functional ones.
In accordance with the volume and distribution of tasks and functions, specific organizational units are created in the administration - departments, divisions, committees, departments, etc. To solve managerial problems, large organizational units are divided into smaller ones, forming new levels. For large cities with a powerful administrative apparatus, it is advisable to delineate the functions of management in as much detail as possible, creating special units for their execution. For small settlements, the most acceptable scheme is one in which the functions performed are grouped, and in the first place, the functions of sectoral divisions should be combined. However, the unification of the functions of units whose interests contradict each other within the framework of one unit is undesirable.
To perform the functions delegated by government bodies, it is sometimes advisable to use separate separate structural units. This is important because, in terms of the execution of delegated powers, local governments are financed and controlled by the relevant state authorities.
The collegium, an advisory body under the head of the administration, plays a special role in its work. It makes decisions on the most important issues of managing the municipality, with the exception of those that are within the competence of the representative body. Decisions of the collegium, if necessary, are formalized by resolutions and orders of the head of administration.

Program-targeted structures in local administrations

In the context of economic and political reforms, linear-functional organizational structures of management in some cases do not meet the requirements for managing the ever more complex objects and goals of municipal government. To eliminate this discrepancy, the linear-functional structures of administrations can be supplemented with structures of a new type - program-targeted. They are created to solve specific targets and can be permanent or temporary. As a result of this addition, matrix organizational structures of municipal government are formed.
When a new problem arises that needs to be solved within a certain period of time, a program of work is drawn up, the resources necessary for the implementation of the program are allocated, and a temporary team of employees is formed. Employees of the municipal government included in the temporary team for the implementation target program, are at the time of its decision in double subordination: administrative subordination to their line manager (vertical connection) and functional subordination Program Manager (horizontal link).
In the system of municipal government, program-target structures are implemented in the form of commissions, headquarters, working groups, etc. The list of such units changes periodically. Some are liquidated, others reappear, many exist for years.
Commissions are created for a certain period of time to solve any aggravated problem. The purpose of their creation is to find a way out of the current management situation. In their work, they use the methods of situational analysis.
The creation of working groups within the administration is associated with the solution of specific management tasks and is temporary. As a rule, working groups perform design tasks. For example, when reorganizing a government body, it is effective to create a special group for the organizational design of the administration structure and the development of new work technologies.
When forming the structures of program-target management, it is advisable to develop maps (matrices) for the distribution of rights and responsibilities between the bodies of linear-functional and program-target structures. They show in detail and clearly general rules decision-making, the division of responsibility of several bodies for different aspects of one result, the role of collegiate and advisory bodies in the decision-making process.
The need to implement program-targeted functions requires the creation of a separate strategic, innovative block in the administration structure. Its activities should be aimed at identifying problem situations and posing problems, translating problems into task packages and transferring them to industry and functional divisions. The main objectives of the strategic block are as follows.
1. Constant monitoring of the current state, established norms and relations in various areas of local life: analysis of the situation, fixation of disagreements and conflicts, organization of research.
2. Development of programs to prevent crises, as well as projects to reorganize and change the situation in various fields life, ensuring bringing its main parameters to a level corresponding to objective ideas about the settlement. This includes the development of terms of reference for programs and projects, their analytical and legal support, the examination of strategic decisions submitted for approval to the head of administration, the development of schedules for the implementation of subprograms and projects, their budgeting, the development of business plans, etc., as well as internal management audit.

Improving organizational structures
municipal government

The main shortcomings of the existing linear-functional structures of municipal government are associated not only with their organizational structure, but also with the most established ideology of municipal government. They boil down to the following.
1. An ingrained approach to the municipality and, accordingly, to its management as a production or social production system. The main emphasis is on improving the performance of the structural divisions of the administration themselves (housing and communal, transport, healthcare, etc.), and not on the degree and quality of meeting the needs of the population in a particular municipal service. In other words, the criterion for the effectiveness of a service is its own indicators rather than the end result of the activity.
2. Focus on solving current problems related to the life support of the municipality, and the lack of a strategic approach to management. The variety of current private tasks and goals of municipal government inevitably gives rise to contradictions between them, due primarily to the limited material and financial resources. Each structural subdivision is aimed at solving its own problem and seeks to obtain maximum resources. In this case, the entire control system often works inefficiently.
3. Fuzziness of the system of functional links between individual structural units, duplication of functions, uneven workload of employees, lack of clear organizational procedures by which units interact with each other. As a result, the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the head of administration, who has to deal with many coordination issues.
4. Mixing of managerial functions and direct economic activity. Many structural divisions of administrations, being legal entities, provide various paid services and earn money for their existence, i.e., in fact, they are engaged in commercial activities. This business is risk-free, since it is conducted on the basis of municipal property, for the effective use of which there is no proper supervision. For this reason, some administrations from municipal governments began to turn into financial and industrial groups by type of activity.
In view of the foregoing, the reorganization of municipal government structures is a complex and complex task.
Like any other organization, the local administration is a social system. A social organization (unlike a professional one) is not development-oriented; its main criteria are stability and immutability. Any attempt to change the state social organization are perceived as existential threats and are rejected whenever possible. Innovations cause a certain shift in balance in social systems and consequences that cannot always be foreseen. Therefore, special methods activation of innovative processes.
In addition to the contradictions between traditional and innovative activities, in practice the contradictions within the most innovative activity - between radical and improving its types are even more important. It is impossible to radically reorganize any structure from the inside, because for this it is necessary, figuratively speaking, to rise above the problem and look at it "from above".
If we talk about the actual organizational structures of local administrations, then the main directions of their reorganization can be as follows.
1. Separation of power and economic functions, withdrawal from the administration of all structures involved in economic activity and having by virtue of this the status of a legal entity, giving them the form of municipal institutions. The 2003 federal law provides that local self-government bodies endowed with the status of a legal entity are municipal institutions intended to perform managerial functions and are subject to state registration as legal entities.
2. Creation in the structure of the administration of large organizational and administrative blocks, the leaders of which are fully responsible for the implementation of municipal policy in the relevant areas, the achievement of its ultimate goals. These can be blocks of economics and finance, municipal real estate management, urban economy, social policy, public security, etc. These issues have been partly addressed in previous chapters. The creation of large blocs can significantly reduce the burden on the head of administration in dealing with current issues, allowing him to devote most of his time and energy to the problems of strategic management.
3. Creation, along with the classical linear-functional organizational structures, of structures of a program-target or program-functional type, as mentioned above.
The need to combine different types of organizational structures and methods for achieving goals predetermines the complexity of the task of developing and implementing an effective system of municipal government, reorganizing the organizational structure of the administration. It is required to develop a model and an organizational project for the reorganization, a package of regulations for individual structures and their areas of activity. It is also necessary (and this is the most important thing) to convince the employees of the administration of the need and expediency of reorganization, and to retrain some specialists. At the same time, the reorganization of municipal government structures should be deployed simultaneously along several parallel lines:
- development of the model and organizational project reorganizations;
- development of the regulatory framework for the activities of the local government;
- development of a package of regulations for various areas municipal activities;
- development of regulations on the main organizational and administrative blocks;
- description of organizational procedures and functional links of the entire space of interaction between various management structures, main jobs and preparation of job descriptions;
- retraining and advanced training of administration employees;
- preparation of a reserve of personnel for municipal government.

Questions for self-control

1. What factors influence the formation of the organizational structure of the local administration?
2. How is the distribution of tasks and functions between the structural units of the local administration?
3. What types of organizational management structures are used in municipal government?
4. What are the basic principles for building the organizational structure of the administration?
5. What stages does the process of forming the organizational structure of the administration include?
6. What are the main types of structural units of the local administration?
7. What are the main directions for improving the organizational structures of local administrations?

Lecture, abstract. 8.1. The organizational structure of the local administration - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

  • 8. Planning as a management function: concept and types, stages and principles of implementation. Strategic planning.
  • 9. Organization as a management function: concept, stages, principles of implementation. Delegation of authority as an important part of the organization's function
  • 10. Modern models of management: development of management in the United States, features and main features of Japanese management
  • 11. Organization as an object of management. The concept of organization, its general characteristics. Modern forms and models of organizations
  • 12. Management decisions: concept, classification, requirements for them
  • 13. Conditions and factors of quality of managerial decisions
  • 14. Functions of motivation: concept, theories of motivation
  • 15. Communications in the management process: concept, types and models
  • 16. Control function: concept, composition, types
  • 17. Leadership and management: concept, leadership style and its defining elements
  • 18. The nature and essence of management: the concept, relationship with the concept of "management", subjects and objects, types of management
  • 19. The origin of management as a science. Periodization of the development of managerial thought
  • 20. Scientific schools of management: founders, periods, contribution to the development of management theory
  • 21. Management efficiency: concept, indicators
  • 22. Formal and informal groups in the organization. Team, its characteristics. Improving the efficiency of the groups
  • 23. Control function: concept, stages, organization of effective control
  • 24. Main stages of development and implementation of management decisions
  • 25. The essence of the communication policy and the basic principles of its implementation
  • 26. Organizational communications: importance in the functioning of the organization, forms and methods
  • 27. Order of construction and reorganization of management structures
  • 28. The internal environment of organizations: the concept, characteristics of the main internal variables, their relationship
  • 29. The external environment of organizations: the concept and classification of its factors. Characteristics of the state of the external environment
  • 30. Power and influence of the head: concept and forms. Charisma
  • Regional Economics and Management
  • 2. Modern directions of development of the territories of the regional economy: new objects of research, the theory of growth poles
  • 3. Fundamentals of building regional budget systems
  • 4. The system of national and regional accounts as a modern tool for calculating indicators of regional development
  • 5. Economic space: main characteristics, forms of spatial organization of the economy and settlement
  • 6. Statistical base of regional analysis. Typology of regions.
  • 7. Procedure and principles for developing a system of instruments for regulating socio-economic development
  • 8. Forecasting the socio-economic development of regions: concept, composition, tools
  • 9. Approaches to the definition of the concept of "region". Territorial division (zoning) of the country
  • 10. Indicators characterizing the interregional relations of the country
  • 11. Economic efficiency of production
  • 12. Strategic plan for the development of the region: concept, stages of development. Regional Development Alternatives
  • 13. Indicative planning of regional development
  • 14. Program - target regulation of the development of regions
  • 15. Regional policy of the state: essence, goals, tools for conducting
  • 16. Patterns, principles and factors of distribution of productive forces
  • 17. The concept of self-reproduction and self-development of regions. Features of Russian regions as objects for the implementation of the principles of self-development
  • 19. Essence, goals and means of the investment policy of the regions
  • 20. The general scheme for the development and distribution of the country's productive forces as a tool for the socio-economic development of the region
  • 21. Tasks, features, ways to solve the problem of the regional budget deficit
  • 22. Improving financial and budgetary relations in the region
  • 23. Investment climate in the region and ways to improve it
  • 24. Regional economic interest. Possibilities for leveling regional disproportions
  • 26. Structure and functions of the economic management bodies of the region
  • 27. Monitoring of regional situations and regional problems
  • 28. Sectoral structure of production in the region
  • 29. Regulation of employment in the region
  • 30. State regulation of free economic zones
  • System of state and municipal government
  • 2. Local self-government: essence, concepts, signs. Theories of local government
  • 3. Concept and essential features of local self-government
  • 4. Local self-government as an integral part of the state administration system. Subjects of jurisdiction and powers of local self-government.
  • 5. Federal Law "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" No. 131, its main provisions
  • 7. Organizational bases of local self-government
  • 8. Economic basis of local self-government
  • 9. Legal basis of local self-government
  • 10. The main scientific schools about the state and management
  • 11. Regional management: delimitation of jurisdiction, public authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • 12. Typology of municipalities. Features of the city as a municipality
  • 13. Local interests, the role and functions of local government in society
  • 14. Municipal entity as a territorial unit of local self-government
  • 15. Constitutional foundations of state and municipal government
  • 16. Federal legislative authorities of the Russian Federation
  • 17. Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation
  • 18. Emergence and development of local self-government. Local self-government in Russia at various historical stages
  • 19. Fundamentals of state and municipal social policy
  • 20. Municipal service: concept, signs, legal regulation, passage. Municipal positions and qualifications of municipal employees
  • 21. The specifics of municipal government. Municipal management as a type of management activity. Features of management in the municipal sphere
  • 22. Efficiency of municipal government: assessment, criteria and meters. Determination of the effectiveness of the organization of municipal government
  • 23. Organizational structure of the local administration
  • 24. Municipal activities and municipal policy
  • 25. Direct participation of citizens in local self-government
  • 26. The charter of the municipality as its main regulatory legal act. Provisions of the charter of the municipality
  • 27. Municipal services: characteristics, classification, volume and performance indicators. The role of local governments in the provision of municipal services
  • 28. Staffing of municipal government
  • 29. Information support of municipal government
  • 30. Development and implementation of public policy
  • 23. Organizational structure of the local administration

    The organizational structure is the most important factor in the activity of a local government, the form in which the process of municipal government is implemented.

    The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interrelated organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and steps (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities to perform the relevant target management functions.

    The structure, staffing and size of the local administration are determined by the head of the local administration and approved by the head of the municipality, and sometimes by the representative body of the municipality. The structure of the administration includes various departments, departments, sectors, committees and other structural divisions of a sectoral, functional, territorial nature, including divisions for the management of municipal property, local finance, housing and communal services, etc. In large municipalities, departments of health, education, transport and communications, etc. are being created. The local administration has its own service apparatus (case management, accounting, personnel department, legal service, etc.). The composition of each structural unit of the executive body of local self-government is headed by a head (head of department, head of department, etc.).

    The goals, objectives and functions of municipal government directly affect the structure of local administration and are the basis for the allocation of independent units in its structure, responsible for achieving specific goals and solving individual specific tasks.

    In modern municipal practice, the typical links in the organizational structure of the local administration are:

    Head of Administration;

    His deputies for areas of municipal activity, among which there may be one or two first deputies;

    Structural divisions of various types that may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination (for example, a department within a department);

    Collegial advisory bodies: board of administration, economic and other councils;

    Administration apparatus.

    From the point of view of the above distribution of tasks and goals of activity, the structural divisions of the administration are divided into four groups: sectoral, functional, territorial and auxiliary.

    The jurisdiction of sectoral structural divisions includes issues related to the management of specific industries (areas) of municipal activity. They perform the functions of a customer for the performance of works and the provision of municipal services. Their main role is manifested at the stage of implementation of the goals and objectives of life support and development of the territory.

    The objects of activity of functional (headquarters, general competence) structural divisions cover a specific function for the entire administration and its structural divisions. Their main feature is the use of the advantages associated with the specialization of functions, and the ability of the administration to consider the territory as a whole within its function. According to the classification of the goals of municipal activities (see Chapter 3), functional units are related to providing. Usually they are vested with the right to coordinate the decisions of other structural units, for example, on compliance with the law or the possibility of financing.

    The creation of territorial structural units (districts in large cities, etc.) is associated with the need to bring local governments closer to the population and makes it possible to combine the centralization of the most important functions at the highest level of municipal government with an increase in efficiency in solving current issues. At the same time, it is important to prevent the fragmentation of the functions of municipal governments and the loss of advantages associated with specialization. To stimulate the initiative of territorial structural units, they may be granted autonomy within the framework of the cost estimate.

    Auxiliary subdivisions (apparatus) do not have their own competence in resolving issues of local importance and perform the functions of ensuring the activities of the management of the administration and its structural subdivisions. The apparatus plays an important role in organizing the work of the administration. Being its subsystem, it performs the same role as the municipal government in relation to other subsystems of the municipality.

    The head of administration and his deputies may have their own apparatus, which includes, in particular, secretaries, assistants, referents, and advisers.

    Such organizational structures are called linear-functional, since they are based on a certain system of interaction between linear (industry) and functional structural units and decision-making by linear units in agreement with functional ones.

    In accordance with the volume and distribution of tasks and functions, specific organizational units are created in the administration - departments, divisions, committees, departments, etc. To solve managerial problems, large organizational units are divided into smaller ones, forming new levels. For large cities with a powerful administrative apparatus, it is advisable to delineate the functions of management in as much detail as possible, creating special units for their execution. For small settlements, the most acceptable scheme is one in which the functions performed are grouped, and in the first place, the functions of sectoral divisions should be combined. However, the unification of the functions of units whose interests contradict each other within the framework of one unit is undesirable.

    In the context of economic and political reforms, linear-functional organizational structures of management in some cases do not meet the requirements for managing the ever more complex objects and goals of municipal government. To eliminate this discrepancy, the linear-functional structures of administrations can be supplemented with structures of a new type - program-targeted. They are created to solve specific targets and can be permanent or temporary. As a result of this addition, matrix organizational structures of municipal government are formed.

    In the system of municipal government, program-target structures are implemented in the form of commissions, headquarters, working groups, etc. The list of such units changes periodically. Some are liquidated, others reappear, many exist for years.

    Under local authorities, as a rule, they understand elected and other bodies empowered to resolve issues of local importance and not included in the system of state authorities. These are the bodies of local self-regulating territorial communities, municipalities, to which they are formed and to which they are responsible for the proper execution of their powers. Local governments have the following features:

    1. are not included in the system of public authorities (in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii from Article 12 of the Constitution);
    2. if they are given separate state powers, they can participate in the implementation of state functions, and their activities in this case will be under the control of the state

    Article 34 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter in the ϶ᴛᴏth chapter - the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003) clearly defines the structure of local governments, including in it the following elements: 1) the representative body of the municipality; 2) the head of the municipality; 3) local administration; 4) the control body of the municipality; 5) other bodies of local self-government provided for by the charter. Moreover, the presence of the first three elements in the system of local governments will be mandatory.

    In the system of municipal authorities, a special place is occupied by representative body local self-government as an elected body that has the right to represent the interests of the population and make decisions on its behalf that operate on the territory of the municipality. The names of the representative body of local self-government are different. Given the dependence on historical, national and other traditions, a representative body can be called: a thought, a council, a municipal council, a gathering, an assembly, a meeting of representatives, a council, a kurultai, a jirga, a circle, etc.

    The representative body issues exclusive jurisdiction- ϶ᴛᴏ issues that do not require referendums, public opinion polls, public discussions, which can only be decided by the representative body of local self-government and no other bodies. Based law on local self-government of 2003 (Article 35), the following issues are in the exclusive jurisdiction of the representative body of local self-government: 1) the adoption of the charter of the municipality and the introduction of amendments and additions to it; 2) approval of the local budget and a report on its execution; 3) establishment, change and abolition of local taxes and fees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees; 4) adoption of plans and programs for the development of the municipality, approval of reports on their implementation; 5) determination of the procedure for managing and disposing of property that is in municipal ownership; 6) determining the procedure for making decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal enterprises and institutions, as well as on the establishment of tariffs for the services of municipal enterprises and institutions; 7) determination of the procedure for the participation of the municipality in the organizations of intermunicipal cooperation; 8) determining the procedure for material, technical and organizational support for the activities of local governments; 9) control over the execution by local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government of powers to resolve issues of local importance.

    The enumerated powers of representative bodies are a minimal, but not exhaustive, list of their rights and obligations. It is worth saying that the powers of representative bodies of local self-government are determined by the charters of municipalities, where, in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, they can be expanded (but not narrowed).

    The structure of the representative body of local self-government is the internal structure of the body, which, according to the legislation, is determined by the population of the municipality independently. The structural elements of a representative body of local self-government traditionally include: 1) the leading link (chairman); 2) functional and branch divisions (permanent and temporary commissions); 3) territorial structures (deputy groups); 4) political factions; 5) working apparatus.

    Chairman organizes the work of the representative body of the municipality: convenes and conducts meetings of the representative body; controls and ensures the implementation of the regulations of the representative body; signs decisions, minutes of meetings, other documents of the representative body; organizes the implementation of the decisions of the representative body; coordinates the activities of permanent and other commissions; resolves other issues that may be entrusted to him by a representative body or entrusted by the current legislation.

    Standing commissions as a functional and sectoral structural unit of a representative body of local self-government, they occupy a special place in the structure of the body. The tasks of the permanent commissions of the representative body of local self-government include the following questions: a) development of proposals for consideration at meetings; b) preparation of conclusions and draft decisions on the issues of conducting a representative body; c) assistance to local self-government bodies and deputies in their work to implement the decisions of the representative body; d) control within the authority of the representative body over the activities of the city administration, its structural territorial divisions, as well as over the work of enterprises, institutions and organizations to implement the decisions of the representative body.

    Executive bodies local self-government - bodies exercising organizational, managerial and executive-administrative functions aimed at the implementation of federal laws, laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local regulations, as well as endowed with their own competence by the charter of the municipality. The executive body of local self-government will be the local administration (mayor's office)

    local administration(from Latin administratio - management, management) - an executive body in the system of local self-government, headed by the head of the municipality (head of administration), performing the following organizational and administrative functions: 1) enforcement of federal laws, laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local regulations; 2) development of the draft budget of the municipality and its implementation; 3) management of municipal property; 4) development of programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality and their implementation, etc.

    The structural elements of the local administration are traditionally referred to as: 1) leadership (the head of the local administration and his deputies); 2) administration apparatus; 3) departments, departments, committees; 4) territorial (district) structural units of the local administration.

    Head of local administration directs the activities of the executive bodies of the municipality on the basis of unity of command. All executive bodies of local self-government are accountable to him and responsible to him. The head of the local administration is personally responsible for the proper functioning of the executive bodies of city self-government. In ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the charter of the municipality, the head of the local administration performs the following functions: a) organizes the formation and execution of the budget of the municipality; b) manages directly and through subordinate bodies enterprises, institutions and organizations that are in municipal ownership;

    c) ensures the observance of the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of citizens;

    d) repeal legal acts of subordinate administrative bodies; e) organizes the development of draft plans, programs, legal acts and submits them for consideration by the representative body of the municipality; f) conclude contracts, agreements; g) apply incentive measures, bring to disciplinary responsibility the municipal employees appointed by him.

    Based law on Local Self-Government 2003 (Art. 37), the head of a local administration may be: 1) the head of a municipal formation; 2) a person appointed under a contract concluded as a result of a competition for filling the specified position.

    When holding a competition, the representative body of the municipality decides the following issues: a) determines the procedure for holding the competition (by accepting the regulation on the competition for filling the position of the head of the local administration); b) establishes the composition of the competition commission (including the total number of members of the commission); c) appoints members of the competition commission in municipal districts and urban districts, appoints only /3, and /3 is appointed by the legislative body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation); d) selects a person for the position of head of the local administration from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition; e) approves the terms of the contract of the head of the administration (by accepting an exemplary contract concluded with the head of the local administration); f) approves the structure of the local administration upon the resignation of the head of the local administration; g) has the right to initiate the termination of the contract with the head of the local administration.

    The highest official in the local self-government system will be head of the municipality. Based law on local self-government of 2003 (Article 36), the head of the municipality: 1) is elected at municipal elections or by the representative body of the municipality from among its members; 2) if elected in municipal elections, he or she is a member of the representative body of the municipality with the right to vote and will be its chairman, or heads the local administration; 3) if elected by the representative body of the municipality, will be the chairman of the representative body of the municipality; 4) cannot be simultaneously the chairman of the representative body of the municipal formation and the head of the local administration; 5) in the event of the formation of a representative body of the municipal district from among the representatives of the elected bodies of the settlements, he will be the chairman of the representative body of the municipal district.

    Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the principle of separation of powers at the local level is being implemented. Based law on local self-government of 2003 (Article 36), in rural settlements (as a rule, small in number) it is allowed to combine the powers of the chairman of the representative body of local self-government and the head of the local administration.

    Based on the Law on Local Self-Government 2003 (Article 36), the head of the municipality has the following powers:

    1. represents the municipality in relations with local governments of other municipalities, public authorities, citizens and organizations, acts on behalf of the municipality without a power of attorney (representative powers imply that the head of the municipality has the right to sign agreements with the listed entities, express a position on behalf of the entire municipality formation, with the exception of cases specially provided for in the legislation or the charter of the municipality);
    2. signs and promulgates, in accordance with the procedure established by the charter of the municipal formation, normative legal acts adopted by the representative body of the municipal formation;
    3. issues legal acts within their powers;
    4. has the right to demand the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the representative body of the municipality.

    The above powers belong to the head of the municipality, regardless of the method of his election and of which body he heads. The charters of municipalities expand this list of powers of the head of the municipality, taking into account which body he heads - representative or executive. The head of the municipal formation is controlled and accountable to the population of the municipal formation and the representative body of local self-government.

    Local self-government bodies are interconnected and represent a single system, in which, according to the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003, the principle of separation of powers is implemented.

    13.2. Competence of local governments

    The problem of determining the competence of local self-government bodies will be one of the key ones for the formation of the legal basis of local self-government and the organization of activities local authorities. Moreover, the effectiveness of the entire public system of power depends on the rational distribution of competence between its levels.

    Art. 4 of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, according to which the basic powers of local self-government bodies are established by the Constitution or law. Paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of the Charter provides for the full scope of actions of local governments, within the limits established by law, to implement their own initiative on any issue that is not excluded from their competence and is not under the jurisdiction of any other body.

    Fixing the foundations of the competence of local self-government, the Constitution in Art. 130 introduces the concept of issues of local importance and in Art. 132 provides local governments with the most important powers for their decision: management of municipal property; formation, approval and execution of the local budget; establishment of local taxes and fees; protection public order. Excluding the above, the same article establishes that local self-government bodies resolve other issues of local importance, and also provides for the possibility of vesting local self-government bodies with separate state powers.

    Based on these provisions, it can be concluded that there are two types of competence for local self-government - own and delegated. Own competence is established by laws (the Constitution, federal laws and laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation), as well as by-laws of the federal, regional and local levels. Delegated Competence will be a state competence (competence of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), transferred to local self-government (municipal formation) federal law or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙenno.

    Do not forget that the most important tasks of local self-government are also defined in other articles of the Constitution. So, according to Art. 40, “local governments encourage housing construction, create conditions for the exercise of the right to housing”, “poor, other citizens specified in the law who need housing, it is provided free of charge or for an affordable fee from ... municipal ... housing funds in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ and with the norms established by law”. Article 41 provides that "medical care in ... municipal health care institutions is provided to residents free of charge." In Art. 43 guarantees "general availability and free of charge of basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions."

    In development of the Constitution, the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003 in Chapter 3 establishes issues of local significance of a settlement, municipal district and city district, as well as the powers of local self-government bodies to resolve them; Chapter 4 provides for the empowerment of local self-government bodies with separate state powers.

    This approach of the legislator to the formation of the competence of local self-government makes it possible to establish the minimum necessary list of functions and powers, inherent in its nature and guaranteed by the Federal Law, to clarify it in relation to the characteristics of the subject of the Russian Federation and the municipality, and also to transfer to the level of local self-government certain powers that are inherent to state bodies, but most effectively executed at the local level, while maintaining state control over the execution of these powers.

    Under local issues the named Law understands the issues of direct support of the life of the population of the municipality, the decision of which in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the Constitution and federal law is carried out by the population and (or) local governments independently.

    This law delimits in detail the issues of local importance at each level of the territorial organization of local self-government (settlement, municipal district, urban district) in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the objective possibilities of the municipality and the requirements of state policy in various fields. It is worth noting that it also provides that municipalities have the right to resolve other issues that are not excluded from their competence and are not assigned to the competence of other municipalities and state authorities, only if they have their own material resources and financial resources.

    Issues of local importance can be grouped according to areas of activity:

    1. management of municipal property and local finances (formation, approval, execution of the budget of the settlement and control over the execution of this budget; establishment, change and abolition of local taxes and fees of the settlement; possession, use and disposal of property owned by the municipality of the settlement);
    2. organization, maintenance and development of municipal services: enterprises and institutions related to ensuring the life of the population in various areas of local life, creating conditions for meeting the needs of the population in various types of services (organization of the provision of public services; transport services and road construction; housing; creation of conditions provision of communication services, Catering, trade, consumer services, culture; creation of conditions for the organization of leisure, mass recreation, physical culture and sports; organization of landscaping and landscaping, garbage collection, etc.)

    There are the following criteria determination of the belonging of power to issues of local importance:

    1. issues within the competence of local governments should concern, first of all, the interests of the population of the ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙof the territory;
    2. the issues addressed by local governments should be a necessary component of the daily life of the population (housing, urban transport, public services, etc.);
    3. the solution of these issues can be carried out exclusively at the place of residence of citizens, where the necessary conditions and mechanisms have been created for it;
    4. the implementation of the tasks facing local self-government bodies requires the involvement of a public component in the form of territorial public self-government bodies and other public formations of the population;
    5. the ability of the population to control the implementation and objectively evaluate the results of solving these issues.

    Issues of local importance will be one of the components of the competence of local governments and give an idea of ​​the areas and directions of their activities.
    It is worth saying that in order to resolve issues of local importance, local governments are endowed with ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ powers.

    The most significant statutory powers of local self-government bodies will be:

    1. the adoption of the charter of the municipality and the introduction of amendments and additions to it, the publication of municipal legal acts;
    2. establishment of official symbols of the municipality;
    3. creation of municipal enterprises and institutions, financing of municipal institutions, formation and placement of a municipal order;
    4. setting tariffs for services provided by municipal enterprises and institutions;
    5. regulation of tariffs for goods and services of organizations of the communal complex (with the exception of tariffs for goods and services of organizations of the communal complex - producers of goods and services in the field of electricity and (or) heat supply), tariffs for connection to the utility infrastructure system, tariffs of organizations of the communal complex for connection , surcharges on tariffs for goods and services of organizations of the communal complex, surcharges on prices (tariffs) for consumers;
    6. organizational and logistical support for the preparation and holding of municipal elections, a local referendum, voting on the recall of a deputy, a member of an elected body of local self-government, an elected official of local self-government, voting on issues of changing the boundaries of a municipal formation, transformation of a municipal formation;
    7. adoption and organization of the implementation of plans and programs for the integrated socio-economic development of the municipality, as well as the organization of the collection of statistical indicators characterizing the state of the economy and social sphere of the municipality, and the provision of these data to state authorities in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    8. institution printed media mass media for the publication of municipal legal acts, discussion of draft municipal legal acts on issues of local importance, bringing to the attention of residents of the municipality official information on the socio-economic and cultural development of the municipality, on the development of its public infrastructure and other official information;
    9. implementation of international and foreign economic relations in accordance with federal laws.

    The scope of powers of local self-government bodies in those areas where they act jointly with state authorities is also established in sectoral federal laws.

    Today, there are several trends in the regulation of the powers of local governments by federal laws:

    1. Some laws define the competence of local governments on the subject of regulation of this law much more broadly than ϶ᴛᴏ is done in the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003. This is typical for the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, Federal Laws of February 23, 1995 No. 26-FZ "On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts", dated January 10, 1996 No. 4-FZ "On land reclamation", dated November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ "On environmental expertise", Laws of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation”, dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On consumer rights protection”, dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On education” and others

    2. In the laws adopted after the entry into force of the Constitution, the norm is most often fixed that local self-government, within the limits of its competence, independently resolves issues of concern. However, these limits are not defined, since the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003 does not mention this area of ​​activity. Material published on http: // site
    This applies to the Federal Laws of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety”, of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”.

    3. A considerable part of the jurisdiction of local self-government, provided for in the Law on Local Self-Government of 2003, received the necessary specification in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ branch federal laws only in 2004 (“On Communications”, “On Postal Communications”, “On Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation”, “On emergency services and the status of rescuers”)

    Currently, most sectoral federal laws are given in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ with a list of issues of local importance Federal Laws of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ “On Amending the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with the adoption of federal Laws "On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law "On general principles organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” and “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” and No. 199-FZ dated December 29, 2004 expanding the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as expanding the list of issues of local importance of municipalities.

    Federal legislation does not regulate the entire scope of powers exercised by local governments, giving ϶ᴛᴏ the right to the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and legal acts municipalities. It is worth saying that the powers of local self-government bodies should be enshrined in the charter of the municipality.

    13.3. Organizational structure of local administration: areas for improvement

    In general, the structure of local administration in all municipalities is based on general principles in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with a functional and sectoral distribution of powers to resolve issues of local importance between structural units. At the same time, it is a fairly dynamic system, which, as the tasks facing the municipality, the living conditions of citizens, and other factors, undergoes innovations.

    The organizational structure is understood as the composition and subordination of interconnected organizational units (individual positions), links (management units) and stages (levels) endowed with certain rights and responsibilities for the performance of ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ of the target management functions.

    The control link is a separate cell with strictly oriented control functions, and the control stage (level) is a set of control links located at a certain hierarchical level.

    The formation of a specific organizational structure of the local administration is influenced by several factors the main ones will be:

    1. Type of municipality. It is worth noting that it predetermines the list of issues of local importance, from which the powers of the administration are formed.

    2. Goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of the municipality. Taking into account the dependence on the chosen development priorities, those links of management will be “strengthened”, which are entrusted with the functions of achieving ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ goals and solving problems.

    3. The size of the territory, the number and composition of the population of the municipality. In large cities, more complex administration structures are being built, including, among other things, the presence of territorial structural divisions.

    4. The level of development of production and market infrastructure. In a more developed municipality in this regard, there are more opportunities for outsourcing, i.e., transferring individual administrative functions that are not of an imperious nature to a more efficient performer.

    5. Various local features - geographical, natural, demographic, historical. It is worth noting that they determine the need to create structural units, which will not be typical in terms of functionality and may not be available in most municipalities.

    In addition to these, the organizational structure of the local administration is significantly influenced by internal factors, such as the personal qualities of the leadership and its role in the management system, the management technologies used, the level of resistance to innovation, the organization of labor, the material and technical equipment of the administration, etc.

    Today, the determining factor underlying the formation of the structure of the local administration will be its competence in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the issues of local importance provided for by federal law and the distribution of powers between local governments, enshrined in the charter of the municipality.

    There are six groups of issues that fall within the competence of the local administration: 1) issues of socio-economic development of the territory; 2) issues of municipal economy; 3) financial matters; 4) social issues; 5) administrative and organizational issues; 6) execution of delegated state powers.

    The first five groups of questions are present in all municipalities, regardless of type. The sixth group of questions refers only to municipal districts and urban districts, which are entitled to exercise certain state powers.

    The specified groups of powers are distributed between sectoral and functional structural divisions, as a result of which a typical linear-functional structure of the local administration is created, which usually includes:

    1. senior management: the head of the administration, deputy heads, including the first deputy;
    2. structural units, which may be subordinate to the head of administration, one of his deputies or in subordination to each other:
      • sectoral structural units in charge of individual sectors of municipal activity (housing and communal services, education, culture, healthcare, transport, etc.);
      • functional structural units that perform one or more functions in all sectors (economic service, financial authority, municipal property management authority, etc.);
      • territorial bodies (for example, for a city with district division);
      • administration apparatus that provides and organizes its activities: legal, personnel, information services, office work, work with citizens' appeals, own accounting, etc.

    Such organizational structures are called linear-functional because of the main orientation in the decision-making system on the interaction between industry (linear) and functional structural units. The former will traditionally be the initiators of decision-making, while the latter will perform the functions of expertise, coordination of draft decisions.

    Given the dependence on the role and place in the organizational structure, the importance and volume of tasks to be solved, structural units have different statuses and, moreover, have different names.

    1. Departments- functional and sectoral structural units that carry out executive, administrative and control functions in a particular industry or area of ​​management of a municipality and determine the conceptual development in this area (industry); headed by deputy heads of administration.

    2. Office- relatively independent structural units of the local administration, providing a certain area of ​​activity of the local administration; has the right to issue administrative acts.

    3. Committees- Structural units created and functioning on a permanent basis in the priority direction of the administration.

    4. Departments- Structural subdivisions of the local administration, performing operational or auxiliary functions.

    5. Sectors- organizationally non-isolated structural divisions of the department (less often - management), carrying out executive activities and formed to solve homogeneous tasks traditionally over a certain period of time.

    6. Commissions- created for a certain period of time to solve a problem.

    At the same time, this list will not be unified, and in practice there will often be a significant lack of names of structural units, their place in the organizational structure and the functions performed.

    We note the fact that in modern conditions, when the effectiveness of the activities of local governments directly depends on the ability to strategic planning, focus on the goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of the municipality, the existing linear-functional organizational structures are not flexible enough and do not have time to adapt to changes the external environment, the object of management, the needs of citizens.

    The requirements for the widespread introduction of program-target management methods necessitate the formation of new - project (program-target) structures based on a broad interagency cooperation with the involvement of individual structural units as the main executors of a specific task for a certain period of time.

    With this approach, to address the priority issues of the development of the municipality, targeted programs representing a system of activities linked by resources and time. It is worth saying that for the implementation of the program, it is planned to allocate the necessary resources and form a temporary team of employees, who for the period of the program are to some extent in double subordination: ϲʙᴏ to the immediate supervisor and the responsible executor of the program. As a rule, project structures are formed in administrations in the form working group committees.

    The use of program-target methods in building the organizational structure of the administration requires hard work on regulation of activity of structural divisions. In addition to analyzing the distribution of functions within the administration and revising existing regulations on structural divisions, it is extremely important to describe and approve in the regulations of the administration the system of interaction between structural divisions, the procedure for passing management decisions and the main administrative processes (chains of functions carried out by various structural divisions in interaction, leading to problem solving)

    When reorganizing the existing organizational structures of local administrations, it should be borne in mind that any actions aimed at organizational changes invariably encounter resistance from the organization itself as social system focused not on development, but on stability and survival. Therefore, attempts to radically improve the organizational structure will not only not achieve the desired results of improving performance, but can also lead to devastating consequences. The key to success in organizational change will be a comprehensive scientific approach based on the correlation of costs and results, together with a detailed study of the system "from the inside".

    When determining the structure of the local administration and the distribution of powers between its divisions, it is extremely important to proceed from the following principles:

    • expediency and logic, a clear delineation of functional blocks;
    • avoid duplication and parallelism;
    • completeness of coverage and avoidance of gaps in resolving issues of local importance by the local administration as a whole;
    • effectiveness, which provides for the possibility of assessing (measuring) the achieved result of the work;
    • sufficiency of security, which involves providing a structural unit for the proper performance of their functional duties in a sufficient amount of material, legal, informational and other types of support;
    • consistency and interconnection with other units, i.e., taking into account, when describing the functions of a structural unit, its relationships with other structures;
    • structuring (detailing), i.e., division of the function of a structural unit into the functions of individual specialists, which are imputed to them in the form of official duties;
    • efficiency, which means achieving the designated goal and solving the tasks of the unit at the lowest cost;
    • non-admission of the principle of creating structures “for people”;
    • a unified approach to the formation of structures and the determination of the staffing level of local self-government bodies.

    Obviously, the activity of making changes to the organizational structure of the local administration requires competent expert and analytical work, as well as legal (development and maintenance of up-to-date documents regulating the organization and activities of the administration) and personnel (retraining and advanced training of employees, training of a personnel reserve) support .

    13.4. Planning the activities of the local administration

    In order to ensure that the current activities of the local administration meet its goals and objectives, a system for planning the work of the administration is being formed.

    Planning system is a set of activities carried out by the local administration and its structural divisions in order to determine the tasks, current results of activities, means and ways to achieve them in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the goals of the administration based on an analysis of the situation, predictive assessments of its development, possible resources. Planning ensures the effective use of organizational resources, internal coordination, adaptability of the structural and functional organization of the administration to external requirements, awareness of organizational strategies by managers and specialists. The planning process contains an analysis of strategic goals, which are a reflection of the current state and problems in the field of local administration; forecast of the future state of target objects and external conditions; formation of a system of tasks; determination of optimal strategies of activity. Material published on http: // site

    Effective planning of the activities of the local administration should be preceded by prioritization socio-economic development of the municipality, based on a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in all spheres of life of the local community. Based on the formulated priorities, a strategy socio-economic development of the municipality (or adjustments are made to the existing strategy), are determined goal and tasks activities of local authorities in the long term.

    At the same time, on the basis of the development strategy, goals and objectives of the activities of local governments, medium-term programs socio-economic development of the territory and strategic plan(concept) of local administration activities.

    Based on the program of socio-economic development of the municipality for the medium term in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ and with a strategic plan (concept) for the activities of the local administration, a annual plan administration work.

    It is this complex multi-level planning system that has significant potential in solving both current problems and long-term tasks facing the administration, but at present, due to the insufficient use of program-targeted management methods at the level of municipalities, it will be practically unclaimed.

    Usually, existing systems planning the work of the administration are aimed mainly at coordinating the activities of the leadership of the local administration and its structural divisions in time. For this purpose, the administrations develop annual and quarterly, and sometimes monthly plans for the work of the local administration and its structural divisions. At the level of structural units, weekly work plans can be formed.

    The planning system is supported and regulated by internal legal acts, the main of which will be the regulations of the local administration.

    Annual plan administration - a document that includes a list of activities carried out by the administration during the year, indicating the timing of their implementation, responsible executors and planned indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of activities with specific values. Events are grouped according to the main areas of activity of the administration.

    The chief of staff of the administration, traditionally in the status of deputy head of administration, will be responsible for the formation of the annual plan of the administration.

    Proposals on the formation of the annual plan are made by the head of administration, his deputies, structural divisions. The heads of structural divisions, within the established time limits, submit proposals to the administration staff on the inclusion of measures in the annual work plan of the administration, indicating the deadlines, the responsible structural division and planned indicators of efficiency and effectiveness. Material published on http: // site
    The head of the apparatus summarizes the proposals received and prepares a draft annual work plan for the administration. The draft work plan is sent for approval to the heads of structural divisions and finalized taking into account the comments received.

    The work plans of the administration traditionally include: 1) issues that are submitted for consideration by the representative body of the municipality; 2) issues, the consideration of which requires the convening of a collegium; 3) issues on which it is extremely important to adopt resolutions of the head of administration; 4) organizational measures of the administration.

    The annual work plan is approved by the head of administration and submitted to structural units for execution.

    After the approval of the annual work plan of the administration, annual plans for the activities of structural units are formed. It is worth noting that they are coordinated with the deputy head of the administration in charge of these units, and approved by the head of the administration.

    Questions about the progress of the activities included in the annual work plan of the administration should be submitted to a permanent meeting with the head of the administration. The activities of the annual work plan of the administration, annual work plans of departments and sectors can be adjusted during the year.

    Quarterly (monthly) plan is part of the annual plan. It is worth noting that it is formed at the level of administration, the level of independent structural units. The events of the annual plan planned for ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ the current month can be adjusted in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ and with current problems, tasks and instructions of the representative body of the municipality.

    week plan is a list of events held during the week. The weekly plan can be formed at the level of independent structural units as an element of the monthly plan, taking into account additional instructions and tasks and by decision of the head of the structural unit.

    In ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with strategic and operational plans, the volume of planned work for each employee, his contribution or participation in achieving the overall goals of the activity, reflected in the individual plans of the employee, is determined.

    Individual plans will be one of the methods scientific organization labor of employees of the local administration, contributing to the effective use of working time, determining the main and secondary areas of activity and preventing the performance of unnecessary functions. Individual plans are drawn up for a quarter, month, week, next day.

    Coordinating and advisory bodies (board, permanent meeting, working groups), formed in the administration, plan their activities independently in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ and with provisions on them.

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