Home Potato The role of the cadre worker in the organization. Bonus regulations. Basic principles of personnel policy

The role of the cadre worker in the organization. Bonus regulations. Basic principles of personnel policy

What we will tell you about in this material

  • How and why does the HR department work?
  • What is the list of his powers and duties of employees of the personnel department
  • How to attract qualified specialists to the HR department

Human Resources Department in his work he is guided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts regulating labor law... Also taken into account are the regulatory methodological documents on personnel records management and the organization's charter.

Functions and tasks of the HR department

The main function of the personnel department is considered to be the provision of personnel workflow. Also, the personnel department can be entrusted with the functions of recruiting and conduct constant work with the team. If the functions of the HR department are limited to simply recruiting employees to the company, without collecting relevant information about the organization's team, the enterprise cannot count on business success. Important today complex work of the personnel department, taking the necessary organizational measures and competent steps to maximize the professional skills and abilities of the personnel.

The main functions of the HR department

  • determine the personnel needs of the enterprise, selecting employees together with the heads of departments;
  • ready staffing table enterprises;
  • analyze employee turnover by finding methods effective fight with the problem of fluidity;
  • complex of operations with work books;
  • to draw up personal files of employees, issuing copies and certificates of documents at the request of employees;
  • organize certification of employees, drawing up plans for career movement in the team;
  • keep records of vacations, scheduling and issuing vacations in accordance with the norms of labor legislation;
  • prepare plans for staff development.
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    Step-by-step instructions for creating a HR department from scratch

    To create a personnel department you need:

    • organizational structure;
    • staffing table;
    • company documents;
    • organization seal;
    • labor legislation;
    • order forms.

    Usually, a HR specialist deals with the creation of a new department and its introduction into the organizational structure of the company. He should provide for the type of structure of the organization, the subordination of the new service to the head, its connections, the impact of the number of company personnel on the structural unit.

    After changes in the structure with the introduction of a new service into it, it is sent for consideration to the director of the organization. One-man executive agency it must be approved. For this purpose, a corresponding order is issued stating the fact of the introduction of a new department and the date from which the structural unit will be valid. The execution of the order is controlled by the head personnel service that needs to be changed for organizational structure, notifying employees of the new department. Certification of the document with the signature of the director and the seal of the organization. It is necessary to familiarize the head of the personnel service with the order.

    It is necessary to add a new department to the current staffing table. For this purpose, the issuance of an order from the head of the company is required. The name of the organization, the number and date of compilation, the city where the organization is located are prescribed in the order.

    Personnel officers, on the basis of the order, must make the appropriate changes to the staffing table, draw up new job descriptions... When drawing up these instructions, it is necessary to be guided by the needs of the enterprise. Detailed instructional content is needed to match the requirements and objectives of the new service.

    How to attract qualified employees to the HR department

    Alexander Potapov, Dmitry Somov, Owners of the consulting company "Active profit", Moscow

    First, the company must adhere to an ambitious goal. A strong specialist does not plan to be content with an ordinary status - it is much more interesting for him to work in an ambitious organization.

    Second, you must be an ambitious manager. You should learn to be an interesting and versatile conversationalist with the appropriate charisma. It's also important to try to look as expensive as possible. In many ways, this is becoming a serious factor in the successful attraction of strong personnel, gaining their attention and interest.

    Third, be prepared to provide a high income for a highly skilled workforce. Only famous brand- and even then not completely.

    Fourth, it is important for an employee to see career prospects. The CEO may be interested in the prospect of becoming a partner when he achieves certain goals. The head of the department is interested in spinning off his division into a separate company.

    Mandatory documents to be kept by the HR department

    1. Staffing (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

    Before recruiting employees for the organization, it is necessary to draw up and approve the staffing table. Based on the staffing table, the number of vacancies per this moment... It is also important that when one of the redundant employees is fired, the employer, referring to the staffing table, will be able to confirm in court the impossibility of employing the employee and the legality of the dismissal. When considering a labor dispute, a judge will definitely request the staffing table. The employer will not have a serious prospect of winning a litigation with the employee if the staffing is not presented to the court or if it is improperly drawn up.

    2. Employment contract

    For the formation of a package of personnel documents, a decisive role is assigned to an employment contract with an employee. It is concluded in writing, signed by the employer and the employee. It is necessary to fix the terms of the employment contract with the working conditions and wages established by the current regulatory legal acts by agreement between the employer and the employee.

    3. Labor regulations

    Internal labor regulations are essential for any organization. They are a local normative act of the organization that regulates the procedure for hiring employees and dismissing employees, a list of duties, rights, as well as the responsibility of the parties, work schedule, rest time, measures to encourage and recover employees, and other regulatory issues labor relations.

    4. Order (order) on employment

    The order is the basis for the provision of a workplace for an employee, with the assignment of the necessary property of the employer to him, with the familiarization of the employee with business correspondence, internal documents, etc. A draft order is being prepared simultaneously with an employment contract.

    5. Labor books

    The work book is the main document about labor activity work experience of the employee. The employee must present a work record book upon employment. The only exceptions are cases when the employee is first employed or when employment contract, which is not subject to conclusion on the terms of full-time part-time employment. The employer has an obligation to maintain work books for each employee who has worked in the company for more than five days. Labor books should be stored in a metal cabinet or safe, access to which only the responsible employee, who is determined by the order, has access to.

    6. Book of accounting of work books and inserts in them

    An employee, upon receipt of a work book in connection with dismissal, signs in the Book of records of work books and inserts in them. Requires a laced, numbered ledger, sealed and signed.

    7. Agreement on full liability

    Full liability agreements must be concluded with employees who have reached the age of 18, in the event that valuables are transferred to an employee for processing, storage, sale (vacation), transportation or use in the production process.

    8. Vacation schedule

    The employer needs to draw up a vacation schedule according to the form No. T-7, approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1. According to the vacation schedule, the order in which employees receive paid holidays will be determined. The schedule is drawn up in compliance with legal requirements, according to which individual employees have the right to leave at a convenient for themselves or in certain time... For persons working part-time, it is provided for the simultaneous provision of leave with leave for the main job.

    9. Regulation on remuneration

    Implementation effective system payment and labor rationing at the enterprise, taking into account its specifics, makes it possible to achieve the rational use of existing human resources, using optimal solutions in a certain production situation... The main internal document that regulates the system of remuneration of employees in the enterprise is the Regulation on remuneration.

    10. Regulation on bonuses

    The regulations on bonuses are approved by the order of the employer. Bonuses - the provision of cash in excess of the basic earnings to reward the success achieved by employees in their work, stimulating their further improvement and improvement of results. Bonuses are paid for a circle of persons, which is determined according to predetermined bonus conditions. Indicated in the regulation on bonuses, the circle of persons for whom the incentive is provided, the conditions and indicators of bonuses, the amount of bonuses (for each position, profession, or their maximum size).

    11. Time sheets

    12. Regulation on the protection of personal data of employees

    The Regulation contains data on the tasks and goals of the enterprise in the field of personal data protection, with the disclosure of their composition and concepts, and also provides a list of structural units and information carriers on which the relevant data is stored and accumulated. It is necessary to indicate in the document the method of collecting personal data, who is provided with access to them in the company, how this data is used and processed, how protection is provided against unauthorized access within the company and in relation to representatives of other companies. The Regulation on the protection of personal data of an employee is approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

    • Probationary period: nuances for managers and employees

    How to measure the performance of the HR department

    To assess the effectiveness of the HR department, you need to enter measurable indicators in the company, monitoring them at regular intervals. In particular, it is possible to use indicators of staff turnover, rate and percentage of vacancies, fulfillment of the training plan and personnel certification.

    For the head of the personnel department, it is suitable alternative method estimates. The HR department is a service department, it is necessary to periodically find out about the satisfaction of managers with the work of this service. This approach can be considered relevant for small companies.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Alexey Izotov, Executive Director of JSC "Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant", Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan)

    In our work, a requirement is established - the ratio of the level of education of workers (secondary, specialized secondary, higher) should, at least, be preserved. As the maximum increase - with an increase in favor of more educated personnel by 20%. As a result, the personnel department is forced to work in this direction, taking into account clear criteria for assessing results.

    Head of HR department

    The HR manager is responsible for attracting company specialists. Its task is to provide the team with employees and workers of the necessary professions and specialties. His position assumes career growth along the administrative line up to the CEO of the enterprise.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Boris Shcherbakov, Vice President of Oracle Corporation, General Director of Oracle CIS, Moscow

    The duties of the head of the personnel department include:

    1. Participation in the development of personnel strategy and personnel policy of the organization.
    2. Selection, placement and selection of personnel, based on an assessment of their qualifications, business and personal qualities, with control over the correct use of employees in the organization's divisions.
    3. Ensuring the reception, placement and placement of young workers and young specialists in accordance with their specialty and profession, organizing, together with the heads of departments, their internship, adaptation to production activities.
    4. Planned work to create a reserve for nomination based on various organizational forms, including the preparation of candidates for nomination by individual plans, business career planning, rotational movement of specialists and managers, internships in relevant positions, training in special courses.
    5. Organization of certification of employees of the enterprise, with its information and methodological support participating in the process of analyzing the certification data, as part of the development of measures for the implementation of solutions certification commissions, with the definition of a list of specialists who need re-certification.
    6. Participation in the development of systems for the comprehensive assessment of employees and performance. Participates in the development of a system of service and professional promotion of personnel, preparation of proposals aimed at improving certification.
    7. Organization of timely registration of admission, dismissal and transfer of employees in accordance with the provisions of the current labor legislation, instructions, regulations, orders of the head of the organization, with the issuance of certificates of previous and current work activities, accounting for personnel, filling out and storing work books, maintaining established documentation for employees, with preparation of materials necessary for the presentation of employees to receive awards and incentives.
    8. Ensuring the preparation of documentation for pension insurance, documents for the appointment of pensions to employees and their families, submission of documents to the social security body.
    9. Work to update the scientific and methodological support of ongoing personnel work, with its information and material and technical base, implementation modern methods personnel management, using automated subsystems "ACS-personnel" and automated workstations of personnel services employees, forming a data bank about the personnel of the enterprise, with timely expansion, quickly providing the necessary information to users.
    10. Coordination and methodological guidance in the activities of inspectors and personnel specialists of the organization's divisions, with control over the implementation by the heads of the divisions of the provisions of the legislation and government decrees, orders, decrees and orders of the head of the enterprise in matters of work with personnel and personnel policy.
    11. Security social guarantees for employees in the field of employment, in compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of redundant employees, providing them with established compensations and benefits;
    12. Systematic analysis of personnel work in the organization, with the development of proposals for the purpose of its improvement;
    13. Organization timekeeping, with the preparation and implementation of vacation schedules, control of labor discipline in the divisions of the enterprise, in compliance with the internal labor regulations on the part of employees, analysis of the reasons for staff turnover, development of measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline, reducing staff turnover and loss of working time, monitoring the implementation of data activities;
    14. Ensuring the preparation of reports on the accounting of personnel and work with personnel;
    15. Management of department employees.

    Qualified employees need psychological, legal and economic education, with work experience in organizing personnel management in managerial and engineering positions for at least five years.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Elena Trofimova, HR Director, Rossita, Novosibirsk

    To evaluate the candidate, what the applicant is oriented towards, the questions “What are you proud of, what results did you manage to achieve in your work?” "Tell us what you did during the working day at the previous place of work?" It is always necessary to take into account how the interlocutor's answer is formulated (says "did" or "did").

    Another important, often decisive factor is the applicant's alignment with the organization's values, fully sharing them. After all, a disloyal specialist can assume a danger to the organization, leading to a violation of its value.


    "Asset profit"

    Field of activity: consulting, business training, building the activities of sales departments.

    Main clients: Alfa-Service, 8 Marta, Ivagio, Sberbank of Russia. Annual turnover own businesses: 90 million rubles.

    Boris Shcherbakov appointed Vice President of Oracle Corporation in 2004, retaining his position General Director Representative office of Oracle in the CIS, which he has occupied since 1999. Under the leadership of Boris Shcherbakov, Oracle sales in the region increased more than fivefold, the Oracle E-Business Suite business was launched, and the transformation of Oracle's strategy in the CIS markets was completed in terms of the transition to sales exclusively through a network of authorized partners. According to the rating of the Association of Russian Managers, he took 21st place in the Top-100 of the most professional managers Russia in 2005.

    Elena Trofimova graduated Faculty of Economics Novosibirsk state university... Has been working in the field of personnel management for over 10 years. Since 2003, she held the position of HR Director at Top-Kniga LLC, in 2006 she moved to Rossita company.

    Rossita company founded in 1998. Field of activity - retail shoes. Rossita is represented by 33 retail stores in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, St. Petersburg and Tyumen. A network of franchise stores is developing. The number of personnel is over 700 people. The personnel service employs six specialists.

    Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant has been operating for over 40 years. The main activity is the production of phenolic antioxidants wide range actions known under the Agidol trademark. The plant is also engaged in the production of liquid rubbers special purpose, hardeners for epoxy resins, other petrochemical products. The number of staff is 1200 people.

The article will reveal the main points related to the work of the HR department in an organization. What is his responsibility, what are the features and functions performed, what is the structure - further.

Human Resources Department - Mandatory structural element at any enterprise. His responsibilities include many functions. What are the features of the activity, what are the responsibilities?

General aspects

Basic principles of personnel policy:

  • focus on meeting the requirements of labor legislation;
  • taking into account the needs of the enterprise in employees;
  • provision of conditions for quality work;
  • search for colleagues.

The organization of work has 2 directions - tactical and strategic. In the first case, the analysis of the state of the need for personnel is carried out, personnel are being developed and selected.

The second area of ​​activity of the personnel department is aimed at the formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise - the requirements for personnel, various activities.

The main direction is the formation of labor resources at the enterprise. Components of personnel policy:

To properly organize the work of the HR department, you must:

  • find out the number of employees;
  • distribute responsibilities between them. You can form groups that will be engaged in a specific type of activity;
  • for each employee of the personnel department to issue job duties, determine their rights;
  • prepare documents that will guide the HR department in its work;
  • conduct training of personnel service personnel.

The assignment of the duties of the personnel department to the chief accountant is possible only if it is provided for in Art.

If there is no such item, then it is forbidden to do it (). Working in the HR field has advantages and disadvantages.

The first are - this profession is in demand, direct communication with the governing bodies of the organization, a variety of work. Disadvantages - constant stress, irregular working hours.

What it is

The main resource of the enterprise is labor. This is exactly what the personnel department is - the main staff of the organization.

The goal of the personnel policy is to provide the company with personnel with sufficient qualifications to work in production on time.

Personnel service - a set of structural divisions of an organization, the purpose of which is to manage the employees of an enterprise.

Officials are managers, specialists, technical personnel. Its essence is work with the personnel of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the personnel department are divided into areas:

Functions performed

The responsibilities of the HR department include:

  • development of a staffing plan in accordance with the activities of the organization;
  • registration, them, for another position;
  • keeping records of personnel;
  • responsibility for keeping work books, filling them out;
  • maintenance of other documentation;
  • creating conditions for work;
  • proposals for improving the organization's activities;
  • preparation of documents and reports for commissions;
  • control and briefing of employees;
  • taking measures for the employment of laid-off workers;
  • control over the discipline in production.

When choosing tasks, the following are taken into account:

  • the size of the enterprise;
  • direction of activity;
  • goals;
  • at what stage is the development of the organization;
  • number of employees.

Normative base

The main provisions and issues of the personnel service are governed by Labor Code Russian Federation.

The production of cases in the personnel department is carried out on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation, various rules and regulations.

Legal basis:

In its work, the personnel department is guided by the following regulations:

  1. Labor Code.
  2. Civil Code, part 2.
  3. Administrative Code.

Features of work in the HR department in 2019

The personnel department of the enterprise has its own functions and features that must be observed.

Employees of the personnel department are obliged to carry out their work in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, to develop an action plan in a timely manner and monitor the documentation of the enterprise.

Action Position (sample)

Regulation - an act of a legal nature that establishes the procedure for the formation, rights and obligations, the organization of the labor activity of the enterprise.

In other words, the Regulation is a document that regulates all areas of the organization's activities in individual structural divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

The personnel department is an independent structure, therefore the Regulation is mandatory. A document is being developed to consolidate the tasks and functions of the personnel service.

Requirements for registration:

  • the title must contain the details of the internal documentation of the enterprise;
  • Name of the organization;
  • name of the document, date and place of its execution;
  • sections - " General Provisions"," Main tasks "," Functions "," Management "," Rights and responsibilities "," Structure "," Relationships. Connections ".

Each section should start on a new line and be numbered Arabic numerals... The head of the organization draws up the Regulation, the right to sign and approve the document also belongs to him.

In a separate paragraph, it is worth making a list of documents that are guided by the personnel service in the process of activity.

What are the responsibilities (nomenclature of cases)

Nomenclature is a mandatory list of cases that are formed in the course of the organization's activities.

Is used for:

  • establishing a unified procedure for the formation of cases;
  • accounting support;
  • quick search for documentation;
  • establishing the storage period for the case.

The list of cases will depend on the direction of the organization. When registering the nomenclature, you should take into account the current affairs and tasks planned to be completed in the next year.

Cases should be ranked in order of importance. When determining the retention period for files, you can be guided by the standard list of documents adopted in 2010.

There is no single list of documents, regulations install only a few of them.

Nomenclatures are subdivided into the following types:

When compiling the nomenclature, the following sections should be highlighted - "Case index", "Title", "Quantity", "Shelf life", "Number" and "Notes".

The nomenclature is made up every year, in the last reporting quarter. At the end of the year, it must be approved by the archives.

The sections of the document are the divisions of the organization - accounting, office and others. If these do not exist, then the sections can be the directions of the enterprise.

What positions are there (structure)

The structure of the HR department is influenced by the direction of the organization and the number of employees. The composition and number of employees of the personnel department is approved by the director of the organization.

The head of the personnel department is the head of the personnel department. The rest (deputies, assistants, specialists) are subordinate to him. If the personnel department has several divisions, then each of them is headed by a chief.

The duties of a personnel inspector include:

  • formation of personal files of employees;
  • execution of orders;
  • , filling them out;
  • work with documents;
  • registration of sick leave;
  • discipline control.

In its structure, the personnel department has the following departments:

  • Labour Organization;
  • selection of employees;
  • retraining of personnel;
  • promotion planning;
  • certification;
  • occupational Safety and Health.

The positions can be as follows - labor organization engineer, timekeeper, labor economist and others.

Each of the positions has its own responsibilities, which must be strictly fulfilled. Engineer for labor organization must:

  • develop measures to improve work performance;
  • carry out certification;
  • analyze the conditions of production activities.

Requirements are put forward for each position - the presence of a full higher education, a certain length of service in this area.

Drawing up a work plan

The activities of the structural divisions of the organization must be planned in such a way that it is aimed at the successful completion of affairs.

The action plan can be drawn up for a month, quarter or year. The process is usually divided into the following stages:

When developing an action plan, it is important to take into account the tasks and requirements of the legislation:

Certain events can be scheduled for a specific month, such as checking personal files or improving qualifications.

The final stage is the approval of the work plan of the personnel department and its coordination with the management.

What documents should be

Constituent documents are required in any organization. The workflow of the HR department consists of:

The personnel service (CS) of the organization is a structural association that performs the duties of control over personnel. The initial task of the CC is to ensure the optimization of the labor process. Let's take a look at how this service is organized.

The level of competence of managing the CU and the limits of authority in the process of managing an enterprise can be divided into types:

  • Complete subordination of the COP to the administration manager (all coordinating schemes are enclosed in a single subsystem).
  • Direct subordination of the COP to the director of the enterprise.
  • The personnel service has the status of the second stage of management after the head of the organization.
  • The management of the enterprise includes a COP.

The organizational chart of the HR department depends on many factors, for example:

  • Type of activity of the enterprise.
  • The nominal volume of the company.
  • The level of managerial potential of the COP, etc.

Organizational structure of the personnel department

The organizational structure of the HR department should be consistent with established requirements and opportunities:

  • Possibility quick response for changes and additions related to personnel records.
  • Optimization of the functions of employees with the subsequent transfer of direct control to the lower management level.
  • Distribution and consolidation of functional assignments within the organization.
  • Regulation and provision of a rational number of employees subordinate to a certain manager.
  • Observance of the rights, obligations (responsibility for non-observance) of the employees of the enterprise.
  • A clear distribution of organizational authority.
  • Minimization of costs for the creation and operation of the management structure.

This is a partial list of what the HR department does. The development of an organizational structuring scheme is influenced by several groups of factors:

  • Features of the structure and activities of the organization.
  • The use of working technologies and the type of production.
  • Corporate ethics style and personal nuances.
  • Developing or following effective existing structural organization schemes.

The design of the organizational structure of the HR department of an organization can be influenced by one or several factors at once. For the initial data, the indicators are taken:

  • The number of steps of leadership.
  • Number of staff.
  • The type of management structure.

The structure of the personnel department combines two levels of management - functional and linear. It is the functional type of management that allows you to display the functional separation between the management staff of the enterprise and the departments. For building functional management, securing the technological sequence of production for each manager (or authorized person) use the matrix principle.

What does the HR department do

The duties of the personnel department are formulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The main focus of HR is on the implementation effective management staff resources of the enterprise. This includes:

  • Improving relationships in the workflow.
  • Assessment of professional compliance when choosing a job seeker for a position.
  • Development and implementation of training programs and social projects for the employees of the company.
  • etc.

The actions of the COP are predominantly analytical in the organization of the work process. Such activities require regular internal innovations, training of new specialists for subsequent work in the organization's CC, development of a training program for acquiring professional skills in accordance with the modern trend.

Such actions are due to the need for high-quality performance of a number of functional tasks of the HR department:

  • Establishment qualification level in line with current economic requirements.
  • Controlling the increase in the cost of ensuring the workflow.
  • Formation of corporate policy, taking into account the established multinational combination of employees hired in the domestic labor market and attracted foreign specialists.
  • The recruiting department deals with the regulation of working relations in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Development and implementation of the possibility of ensuring the work of employees using remote access to the resources of the organization.

Conventionally, two functional areas of the CS can be distinguished:

  1. Management control of labor relations.
  2. Documentary recording of conditions labor agreement.

Monitoring labor relations means:

  • Staff planning.
  • Staffing of the enterprise.
  • position held.
  • Training and empowerment professional growth employees of the organization.
  • Using the system of incentives and growth in the social sphere.
  • Ensuring and maintaining safe working conditions.

The terms of the employment agreement must be documented. HR department documents:

  • Orders, orders.
  • Filling out the established registration information forms.
  • Registration and subsequent maintenance of the employee's labor documentation.
  • Formation.
  • Consulting services.
  • Calculation of the working time schedule.
  • Issuance of documents required by an employee to receive various kinds of payments (benefits, allowances, etc.).

The extensive functional range of KS requires high-quality selection of employees for positions in the HR department.

Organization of work of the personnel department

The number of specialists for the CS is justified by the rational delimitation and stabilization of the work process of each a separate enterprise... To do this, use the "Qualification Handbook", which indicates the positions:

  • managerial staff;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers.

Each designated position corresponds to a characteristic that includes mandatory prescriptions:

  • terms of reference assigned in connection with the position held;
  • special knowledge;
  • qualification requirements.

The organization of work takes place in accordance with the level of complexity and scope of the assigned tasks of the service. Each employee must have specialized knowledge and skills:

  • Full knowledge of the information about the area, the specifics of the enterprise.
  • Managerial and leadership qualities.
  • Learnability.
  • Possession of the basics of financial formation.
  • Diplomatic skills, etc.

Most of the HR departments of organizations provide the following vacancies:

  1. The head of the personnel management service.
  2. Manager:
    • on personnel work;
    • social benefits;
    • compensation;
  3. Specialist:
    • on work with job seekers;
    • for training;
    • for employment;
    • HR administration.

The presence of positions is determined by the specifics of the enterprise and the functional tasks of the personnel department.

Human Resources Department is a structure in an organization that deals with personnel management.

Human Resources is not only functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the personnel department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

The purpose of the HR department

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and the effective use of the potential of employees.

The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: submission of information about vacancies in the media and employment services, the use of selection methods, testing, procedures for the adaptation of specialists and subsequent professional development.

HR tasks

The main task of the personnel department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, to determine the number of working, days off and sick days for calculating salaries, vacations and submitting information to the accounting department of the organization.

Also, the main tasks of the HR department are:

    organization of selection, recruitment and recruitment of personnel with the required qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: from submitting information about vacancies in the media and the employment service to applying selection methods, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creation of an efficient staffing system;

    development of career plans for employees;

    development of personnel technologies.

In addition, the HR department must submit information to employees in Pension Fund RF, Insurance companies, Tax and Migration Service.

HR functions

The main function of the personnel department at the enterprise is the selection of personnel.

The main functions of the HR department at the enterprise include:

    determining the organization's need for personnel and recruiting personnel together with the heads of departments;

    analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the staffing table of the enterprise;

    registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;

    carrying out operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with the current labor legislation;

    organization of employee appraisals;

    preparation of plans for staff development.

HR department structure

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number are determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

V small companies(up to 100 employees) one or two employees of the personnel service are enough.

At the same time, small businesses may not have a separate employee, and then such work is performed by the chief accountant or general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel department of personnel from three to four personnel specialists

On large enterprises employing 500 or more people, the HR department can have from 7 to 10 employees.

Human Resource Relationships with Other Departments

To effectively perform its functions, the HR department needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with the accounting department of the organization

The HR department interacts with the accounting department of the organization to resolve issues related to remuneration.

So in the accounting department of the organization, the personnel department submits documents and copies of orders for dismissal, admission to work, on business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees.

Interaction with the legal department

The Legal Department provides HR staff with information about recent changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other divisions of the company

On personnel issues, the personnel department constantly interacts with all structural divisions companies.

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HR department: details for the accountant

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    Colleagues) did not give a result. The head of the personnel department Ivanova S.N. - the head of the therapeutic ... absence. We ask you to provide the explanatory note to the head of the personnel department S. N. Ivanova. If written ... to conduct an official check. Compiled by: SN Ivanova, the head of the personnel department, in the presence of ... the worker also refused. Head of HR Department S. N. Ivanova Reliability ...

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    He will not submit a signed detour sheet to the accounting department (HR department). As far as this ... he will not submit to the accounting department (HR department) the signed bypass sheet. How much given ... arrears on unlisted books; in the personnel department about the delivery of the VHI policy; in ... include such departments as accounting, personnel department, warehouse, etc. As a rule ... applications for the dismissal of a civil servant, the personnel department issues a detour sheet to the dismissed (attachment ...

  • How to make a part-time worker a main employee?

    Job According to the information available in the personnel department, you resigned from your main job ... of Code No. 20 of the Russian Federation. HR specialist Koneva Limited Liability Company ... of Code No. 20 of the Russian Federation. HR specialist Koneva Limited Liability Company ... of Code No. 20 of the Russian Federation. HR Specialist Koneva Limited Liability Company ...

  • 09/06/2018 to provide the personnel department with a certificate from a medical institution confirming the fact ... that the order is executed by the head of the personnel department V.D. Yegorova. Grounds: personal ....) (Signature) (full name) Head of the personnel department Egorova V.D. __________ / ________________________ ... donate blood and turned to the personnel department with a question about which ...

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    In the current staffing table, an employee of the personnel department has to make changes in communications ... in the current staffing table, an employee of the personnel department has to make changes in communications ...

  • If the company does not have a labor protection specialist

    On the one hand, and the specialist of the personnel department Petrova Anna Petrovna, named in ... On October 23, 2017, the specialist of the personnel department Anna Petrovna Petrova performs the duties of .... Ivanov Acquainted with the order: HR specialist Petrova, 19.10.2017 A ...

  • What is changing in the design of work books

    Such: "The original document is in the personnel department (name of the organization)", as an example ... can be obtained by writing a statement to the personnel department of the organization. An accountant can issue a photocopy ...

Responsibility for the selection of the company's employees rests entirely with the HR manager. The recruiting and appraisal process is as accurate as any other management activity.

On the way to the success of the company, personnel really decide, if not everything, then a lot, and the founders of the company are well aware of this. The growth of competition, improvement of technologies, the struggle for the consumer and the quality of products are forcing the leaders of the company to consider the complex of management issues in a new way. The requirements for the employee are also changing. Human potential, the ability of a leader to correctly set a goal and effectively manage labor resources are becoming the main factor in the success of an organization. Labor resources- these are all employees of the company, including production and management personnel (managers and specialists).

A special role in attracting highly professional personnel to the organization, and in increasing the production, creative efficiency and activity of personnel, in the development and implementation of the organization's personnel development program, in identifying management methods by human resourses and the development of labor potential are currently played by personnel services - centers for the development and implementation of the firm's labor strategy.

This means that personnel work is no longer viewed as purely administrative (issuing orders for the enrollment of employees selected by a higher manager, storing personnel information, etc.) and carried out independently of other management functions.

Currently, she must assist in business development through the recruitment of highly skilled workers, career planning, performance appraisal and pay improvement.

The personnel department must know the economic needs of the organization and, in this regard, consider its activities in interaction with other services and departments. The result of the activities of the personnel department should be greater involvement of people in business, knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, development of labor potential, and a favorable psychological climate. That is, there is a process when the function of personnel management of human resources changes from passive assistance to active decision in the economic issues of the organization.

Human resource management, that is, work with personnel, considers people as the property of the organization, the assets of the organization, human capital, a resource that, like other resources, must be effectively used to achieve the goals of the company; it assumes less control over workers, but more motivation and stimulation of work. The importance of this work is obvious.

The main goals of the HR department:

1. Analysis of the labor market. The labor market is an important multifaceted sphere of the economic, economic and political life of society. In the labor market, the cost of labor is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, job security, the possibility of obtaining an education, professional growth, etc.

2. Formation of personnel of the organization (planning, recruitment, selection and recruitment, adaptation of employees, release, analysis of turnover, etc.);

3. Unconditional focus on the requirements of labor legislation;

4. Development of employees (vocational guidance and retraining, assessment of the professional performance of personnel, organization of career advancement);

5.Analysis of costs and results of labor;

6. Improvement of the organization of labor and its stimulation;

7. Creation of a good social and psychological climate. The climate of the team is a predominant and relatively stable mental attitude of the team, which finds various forms of manifestation in all its life.

8. Creation of safe working conditions. Labor safety is a state of working conditions in which the impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded.

9. Development of a labor motivation system. Motivation can be considered one of the management methods, an integral part of the management process, aimed at achieving a specific goal of management - to make people work effectively.

10. Taking into account not only the current, but also the future needs of the organization in personnel, proceeding from the tasks of its development, the forecast of the market situation and the tendency of the natural movement of the labor force;

11. Broad cooperation with trade unions;

12. Development of social and pension policy of the organization;

13. Resolution of conflicts;

14.Maximum care for each person, respect for his rights, freedoms, dignity;

15. System of remuneration.

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