Home Roses Where to go they do not pay black wages. What it is? Complaint to the tax office against the employer for black wages

Where to go they do not pay black wages. What it is? Complaint to the tax office against the employer for black wages

Unofficial wages are common among employers who hide their profits from taxation. The reason for this behavior lies not at all in the desire to exempt the employee from paying personal income tax, but rather to steal the pension and social benefits that are required by law.

The main reason why people agree to black wages is the economic downturn in all sectors of the Russian economy. According to statistics for 2015, the number of bankrupt enterprises and individual entrepreneurs increased. Which negatively affected the overall labor market, intensifying competition among job seekers.

However, despite the absence of documents regulating relations between the employee and the employer, they fall within the scope of the legal field.

What is the difference between white and black wages?

The main difference between black and white wages is the partial transfer of funds to the Fund social insurance and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. White wages, unlike black wages, entitle you to social benefits:

  • Sick leave;
  • Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Maternity payments (read about how maternity pay is paid when moving from maternity leave to maternity leave without going to work)

If an employee for a long time will receive wages in an envelope, he risks being left without a pension. White wages differ from envelope wages in that they entitle you to tax deductions:

  • For treatment and medicines;
  • For studying;
  • For donations to charity.

Failure to pay statutory insurance, pension and tax payments is a serious violation. For this, the employer faces not only administrative, but also criminal liability. (also, the employer faces punishment for non-payment of compensation for delayed wages. Details). In relation to an employee, payments in an envelope are theft of his own funds and state guarantees.

What to do if the employer does not pay black wages?

The first thing that should alert an employee of an organization that pays salaries in envelopes is a delay in settlements. Often this is a direct sign of the bankruptcy of the enterprise. This is especially true for cases with a delay of more than three months. In case of a collective appeal to the court, the employer faces a prison term. In addition to the term, he will be obliged to compensate all the economic damage caused, both to the state and to the working staff.

How to get a black salary upon dismissal?

There is a simple but very effective way get payouts upon termination. If the boss pays money in an envelope, the person has no way to prove transfers from the employer's current account. The accounting department will refuse to provide certificates and most likely the remaining staff may testify against the former employee. The reason for this is the reluctance to get fired.

All conversations with the employer and employees must be recorded on a voice recorder. It doesn't have to be a video camera. It is necessary to record as many votes as possible and the content of the conversations should prove the fact of work in the organization.

Before leaving, it is necessary to remember and fix on which documents the employee's signature is on. Can be used as evidence commendations or thanks. If there is a bank loan, then you need to order an account statement, where the fact of monthly payment will be confirmed. It is important that all receipts are in the name of the employee.

What threatens the employer with a black salary

The responsibility of the employer for the payment of black wages is spelled out in several articles:

  • 122 and 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (administrative responsibility);
  • 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (criminal liability);
  • 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (criminal liability).

Administrative responsibility for the management of the organization is determined based on the amount of unpaid taxes. In addition to administrative liability, there is criminal liability for non-payment of tax payments.

How to punish an employer for non-payment of black wages

Punish an unscrupulous entrepreneur or entity You can apply to the following authorized bodies:

  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Labour Inspectorate;
  • Tax office.

If the employee received a salary in an envelope, it is better for him to contact a lawyer. It will help build a constructive dialogue between the parties. If the organization refuses to pay the debt and compensation for dismissal, you can file complaints with various departments. You can file a complaint online. It is necessary to attach documents confirming the absence of a procedure for admission and dismissal. Additionally, you must submit documents confirming the maintenance labor activity and the absence of a white salary.

Complaint to the tax office about the black salary from the employer

It can be written at the branch. To do this, the complaint must contain accurate information about the nature of the violation. Non-payment of white wages or payment in an envelope threatens a legal entity or individual for up to two years.

How to Report a Black Pay Anonymously

Responsibility for black wages in 2018 for employers has been tightened. Now maximum size the fine is 300,000 rubles.

There is still an opportunity to file a complaint against the employer without leaving home. To do this, it is enough to report a violation for which responsibility is established. After receiving an anonymous complaint, the organization will be audited. This threatens to initiate a criminal case with further proceedings.

How to collect alimony from the husband's black salary?

If you collect child support from ex-husband who is paid a salary in an envelope, you can completely deprive him of his income. In this case, he will have nothing to pay alimony, for the reason that employers are not interested in problem employees. Anonymous messages can turn into lengthy litigation.

Is it possible to recover the "black" salary? This question is asked great amount laid-off workers, as well as those who are interested in a person’s official salary, as they receive their percentage from it (mothers - recipients, creditors and lenders - hope their money back from the debtor, etc.).

"Black" salary is almost unprovable, we have to admit this fact (here I do not consider cases when an employee, with the help of persuasion or threats to file complaints with regulatory authorities, manages to achieve voluntary wage payments from the employer). Income tax is not paid from “black” salaries individuals and pension, insurance contributions, so the business thus evades taxes. In parallel, in addition to the state, both recipients of alimony and creditors suffer. The employee himself, who receives a "black" salary, is also not immune from the betrayal of the employer in the event of dismissal, in addition, pension contributions are significantly underestimated, i.e. the employee reduces his pension. The only winner is the employer.

Sometimes no-no yes and will sound in the media mass media reports that the tax inspectorate is starting a wave of checks to hide salaries and reveal "black" salaries. Announce phone " hotline”, promise anonymity of messages and slander. But time passes, the hype subsides, and no one knows real results these checks.

Now let's look from the legal side. Court adjudicates financial disputes only for documents. Witness testimony is not accepted, and this is right, although unpleasant for citizens. Human memory is not always reliable, especially when we are talking about the old debt, because you need to know exactly the amount of the debt, the date it was received, the amount of interest, the repayment period. In addition, the testimony of witnesses is sometimes bribed, sometimes given in favor of a friend, acquaintance, etc. So in a situation, for example, when there is a receipt for receiving money (on the one hand) and five witnesses (on the other hand), the judge will believe the receipt.

Now let's judge in relation to the labor dispute and the "black" salary. The amount of the official salary is indicated in several documents at once: employment contract, order of appointment, staffing, payroll, pay slips. Taxes and deductions are paid from the official salary, i.е. at the tax office and pension fund you can also get information about the amount of the official salary. That's how much led, written evidence. And how can we prove the “black” salary? Explanations of the offended worker, and nothing more. But verbal explanations do not mean anything against documents, as we have already found out.

Here they sailed. Therefore, all attempts to collect "black" wages in the courts, all complaints to the state labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office, tears and insults remain in vain.

As a district court judge once said to an employee in a trial in which I was present: “ You yourself are to blame - why did you sign such an employment contract, which indicates a salary of only 7,000 rubles? The employee must be principled when concluding an employment contract, then such unpleasant situations with “black” wages will not happen". There is a bitter truth in this.

Of course, there are also objections from the employee: what if there is nowhere to get a job, and this is the only normal job that I found? But after all, when applying for a job, they told you: 7,000 rubles - officially, plus 30,000 - in an envelope. You agreed, i.e. took this risk, well, here Negative consequences and they came. And in such a situation, one should not hope for the state.

In practice, I have seen only one, the only case when it was possible to prove and collect the "black" salary. The fact is that among the offended workers was Chief Accountant enterprises (accountant in singular). Employees, when receiving a "black" salary, put their signatures in the director's notebook, and the director, through his negligence, kept this notebook in his desk, and not in the safe. The accountant stole this notebook, at the same time another worker filed for dismissal. This notebook was presented in court as the main evidence of the "black" salary, it was filled in by the director's hand, there were signatures of employees in receiving the amounts. It was in such a situation that the employer lost (see the text of the decision on

For many employees, the problem of how to get the employer to pay black wages is really a big challenge. In this case, you do not use official levers, and you absolutely do not want to leave your hard-earned money to the employer. What to do in such cases how to force the employer to pay black wages? Let's figure it out.

Before the conflict

Before you raise the issue and try to force the employer to pay a black salary, you need to think about what evidence you have on hand. If you are not one of those specialists with whom it is more expensive for you to quarrel, you will have to take care of proving what a black salary you had and that you were not paid it.
Often a black salary becomes an instrument of pressure on an employee: either write a dismissal, or switch to a meager official. Please note that you are entitled to a monthly salary allowance and three months' pay after the termination if you do not get a job. It is not difficult to calculate what this allowance will be if you had a black salary. Therefore, it is better to collect evidence before dismissal. You will need them if you decide to go to court to force your employer to pay black wages.

As evidence, the employer will operate with an employment contract that spells out your low official salary. Therefore, you personally will have to prove what the black wages were.

Types of evidence

The evidence for the court is the explanations of interested parties and third parties. Material, written evidence, expert opinions, video and audio recordings. Make sure that already at the first court session you have maximum evidence of what your black salary was. Otherwise, you will have to write petitions so that the court accepts new evidence for consideration. Remember that there is no limit to the amount of evidence, but the more evidence, the more convincing, the better. But they cannot guarantee that the court will be able to force the employer to pay black wages.

So, what evidence can there be that your black salary was exactly that amount?

1. Information from job postings

It is enough to analyze today's vacancies for a similar position in order to get an idea of ​​​​how much the black salary was at your enterprise. As a rule, the amount of remuneration is indicated in the vacancies. It is best if this is exactly the ad that you found a job in this company. A printout from the web page must be certified by a notary public or the court must be given the opportunity to familiarize itself with it online.

2. Information from the State Statistics Committee

The statistical authorities usually have data on the average level of salaries of a given specialty in the region. But this can only be as circumstantial evidence. In addition, such information is accumulated for mass specialties with a clear work schedule. The deadline for providing information is one month from the date of the request.

3. Data from professional associations

There are associations of workers in certain professions, which may have information about the average salary in the region. You can make a request there or involve the head of the association as a witness.

You can also use direct evidence that you were given black wages:

1. Settlement sheets

Many enterprises issue separate sheets that indicate what and for what accruals the employee receives. They do not have the seal of the enterprise, but usually there is a signature immediate supervisor or an accountant. It is they who will help to force the employer to pay the black salary. If such sheets are not preserved, the court can ask the defendant what the payroll mechanism was, and if it matches the one indicated on the payslip, ask a direct question about its presence and demand to provide them to the court.

2. Pay slips

Despite the fact that black wages should not be taken into account anywhere, some employers keep records of it, and employees sign in two statements. Obtain such a statement - great luck. Even a copy of it, if properly presented to the court (with the confirmation of witnesses), can convince him to force the employer to pay black wages.

3. Envelopes

As a rule, black wages are issued in envelopes, the money is put there in advance, having calculated each remuneration. In order not to be mistaken, the name of the employee is affixed to it. Of course, the size is not indicated on it, but such envelopes confirm the very fact that black wages were paid at the enterprise.

4. Other documents

Handwritten notes of the director for accounting, orders with his visa for payment, arbitrary statements - all this can be considered as evidence to impose a black salary on the employer.

5. Size information

Sometimes an employee is issued certificates of wages for submission to other organizations, such as a bank. Such a document can become indirect evidence in court for the collection of black wages.

Other evidence

There are other ways as well.

1. Audio recordings

They will help prove that non-payment of black wages if written evidence could not be obtained. In order to force an employer to pay black wages to the court, it is necessary not only to prove the fact of its existence, but also to prove a specific amount. It is desirable that it is the leader who speaks on the audio recording. If you can't ask a salary question in person, ask it at a public event and record the answer. The answers of the accountant, the conversations of colleagues are also suitable. In addition to the recording itself, you must provide its transcript. At the same time, the legislation considers such a recording to be quite legal if it is made on an ordinary voice recorder.

2. Video recordings

They are used in a similar way. It is only necessary to indicate by whom, where and when it was carried out. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to discreetly record video. Another question is what to shoot so that later demand the collection of black wages? These should be your conversations about the actual amount of remuneration with the manager or accountant. Make sure that the story only talks about your money and there are no shots about other employees receiving money, unless they agree to it.

3. Registration of records

The mere existence of such records is not a reason to demand collection of black wages. They will become evidence only when the court decides to attach them to the case. To do this, you need to file a petition in which you indicate what facts are being proved there. In addition, a trusted person who does not know him personally may act on behalf of the employer, so he can say that it takes time to identify the record. For such cases, it is better to attach records during the interrogation of witnesses.

They can also be formalized if collected on behalf of the team, because usually the non-payment of black wages affects the interests of all workers. It is easier to do this through trade unions. If there is no such organization, it is necessary to create it in advance and make a decision to check the payment of salaries. Do not forget to obtain the consent of employees to the processing of their personal information. This can be done by questioning, sending requests to the accounting department, carrying out acts on the issuance of salaries, etc. Based on the results, in a couple of months, send the employer a request to withdraw this money from the shadows.

Claim requirements

In addition to the requirement to pay all funds, you can simultaneously demand the execution of an employment contract indicating the actual salary. No moral damages are awarded in this case. But if there were delays, proving them, you can demand a penalty. These are the main levers that help solve the problem, how to force an employer to pay a black salary.

Black salary, also called “envelope salary”, is a salary that is not reflected in the official records of the employer. Usually it is paid to employees who are not formally registered. In this article you will find a comprehensive answer to the question: “What is a black salary?”.

Employment contracts are not concluded with such employees, and even if they are required work book, entries are not made there. Such a scheme is typical. For example, for real estate offices, in which only one or two agents are officially registered, while others exist on a percentage of transactions. Of course, this does not mean that black wages are necessarily low.

On the contrary, it can be even more official, white, because it is not charged income tax, and she herself is paid from unofficial revenue. However, an employee who agrees to this payment option will sooner or later have to face a number of inconveniences.

  • The main problem is the greater vulnerability of the employee to the employer than that of workers with an official, white salary. Whatever the amount received by the employee, it depends entirely on the decision of the employer. Who can change their mind at any moment. And if the employee is not indispensable, such as the chief accountant, programmer or CEO, this amount can be reduced at any time, and, in view of the lack of official document with an indication of the salary, it will be extremely difficult for the employee to insist on his own and prove something to the employee;
  • Hunofficial registration completely deprives the employee of social guarantees. It's not even about sick leave, vacation or maternity payments. If an organization needs to reduce staff (clause 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an employee with a black salary is not entitled to severance pay equal to the average monthly salary, the average monthly earnings during the second and third months after dismissal if he fails to re-get a job work, it is also not saved;
  • Any with a black salary will have to be completely forgotten.
  • Protection by the employee of their rights in court at first glance, it is an impossible thing, because you will first have to prove the fact of your work in the organization, then the fact of receiving a certain salary. But this does not mean that you should give up. True, it is better for an employee to collect evidence of his innocence before his dismissal. Not after.

How to prove a black salary?

In accordance with Art. 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, evidence is information about the facts that serve as the basis for establishing in court the presence or absence of circumstances that substantiate the claims of the parties and are important for the correct resolution of the case.

Naturally, all evidence must be collected even before the trial, so that later you do not apply for motions to postpone the case. They will not give a 100% guarantee, but they can tilt the court decision in favor of the employee.

These include:

  • Job advertisements that brought the employee to the organization. Usually they indicate the amount of the expected salary. If the advertisement was published in a newspaper, you must contact its editorial office and search for it in its archive. Then ask the editorial office for its photocopy, certified by the seal and signature of the person concerned. It is desirable that the number of the publication that published the corresponding announcement be visible on the photocopy. If it was taken from a website, the website is printed and notarized. You can, of course, do without assurance and drag a laptop to court, but if it is removed from the page by the time of the trial. It is almost impossible to prove its existence;
  • - a certificate of the amount of salary by profession of an employee in a certain region for a certain period. Gives her away regional management Rosstat after a written request within 30 days. If no response has been received, a petition can be prepared for the reclamation of these records at the request of the court;
  • Information of professional associations. Usually they want the profession they represent to be valued in the labor market.

Therefore, an employee can apply there, listing their own skills, education and qualifications and ask for the average salary of a specialist of his level. If the leadership of the association decides to delegate its representative to the court, one can petition for his interrogation and refer to his testimony;

  • Pay slips showing salary. The seal of the organization on them, as a rule, is not worth it, but there is a signature of the management or accountant;
  • "Payrolls", in which employees are sometimes offered to sign;
  • Envelopes in which the salary is directly issued. Usually the name of the employee is written on each,
  • Other "black" documentation. We are talking about the composition in an arbitrary form of payrolls, work orders with a “pay” visa, the director’s notes to the accounting department, etc.;
  • Salary information. These are rarely issued, and only if the employee justifies the urgent need to obtain them: to apply for a loan to a bank, to obtain a visa to a state whose embassy requires proof that a citizen has income in the country of residence;
  • Audio recording of conversations between the management of the organization and colleagues about salaries. So, you can argue with the accountant about the allegedly lost salary: it is quite possible that during the conversation he will be named the exact amount. Colleagues' conversations can confirm that black wage payments are common. At the same time about technical means making it possible to listen to the recording in court, the employee should take care of himself;
  • Video recording of negotiations with the management of the organization about the size of the salary or the plot with its issuance. At the same time, neither audio nor video recordings should resemble surveillance. No installation of listening devices in the office and no "interception" telephone conversations- only record your own conversation on your own voice recorder. Video recording - only with the permission of employees, preferably in writing;
  • Testimony of others

Black salary: where to complain?

  • The prosecutor's office or the police department related to the area of ​​​​residence of the employee or to the location of the employing organization;
  • Tax inspection at the location of the employer organization;
  • State Labor Inspectorate.

What is it and what is its main difference from black, you can find out in the materials of our new publication.

Piecework wages: what is it and what are the advantages of such a payment system for employees and the employer, read Also the article contains detailed instructions on the installation of a piecework payment system at the enterprise.

And what does the employee achieve in case of success?

If it comes to the employee filing an application with the court, the latter, if successful, requires the employer not only to pay the employee the amount of wage arrears, but also to conclude an employment contract with him, which will indicate the actual salary of the employee. It is not advisable to demand compensation from the employer for moral damage in connection with the payment of black wages: it is usually recovered when non-property rights are violated.

In case of detection of delays in the payment of black wages, in accordance with Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is required to pay interest for the fact that his salary was delayed (the same applies to vacation pay, payments upon dismissal, etc.). when calculating their amount, 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is taken into account from the amounts not paid on time during the entire delay period, starting from the day following the day of the prescribed payment deadline, until the day the court decision is issued.

The tax inspectorate will stand up most actively for the interests of the employee. First of all, because charging black wages is a direct tax evasion. As a result, according to Art. 122 and Art. 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such an employer is subject to administrative liability.

He can also be fined for ignoring the payment of insurance premiums under Art. 27 of the Law "On Compulsory pension insurance". The organization is also punished under Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An anonymous call is enough for the tax authorities to conduct an audit of the organization: they seized documents, inspected the premises, and attracted experts and specialists. As a result, the company is brought to justice, it pays penalties, fines and all taxes not previously listed.

If the identified violations of the employer are punished, according to the Criminal or Administrative Code, the relevant materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies, where they will be finally dealt with.

“I worked unofficially, they didn’t pay my settlement allowance upon dismissal” - alas, such situations occur daily. Citizens constantly turn to us on the portal for support in this matter. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to the topical topic “How to prove a black salary?”. In the course of reading the review, the reader will be able to understand how to act in such a situation, how to write an application for establishing the fact of receiving wages in an envelope, and much more.

Any questions? Write to the online form and the duty lawyer will conduct a free consultation.

Competent qualified lawyers work on the portal within the framework of state program. Legal assistance is provided around the clock.

Informal employment, pay in an envelope - all this can lead to main problem- the inability to influence the authorities, which delays wages. The second common problem is not paying settlement at the time of dismissal. And the last one is the most common.

Thus, the reader has already understood that the gray salary lies outside the law and is not observed with it. legal relations employer-employee. Therefore, management may refuse to pay salaries. In the event of a problematic situation, it will be difficult to prove the receipt of salary and, in general, the fact of owning a workplace. However, many do not stop possible problems with a good offer.

There are several methods for resolving the issue:

  1. A conversation with superiors, during which, if there are good personal relationships, you can change the situation for the better and the gray salary will still be paid.
  2. Insist on official employment, in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of Russia.
  3. Submission of information on salary payments in envelopes to the court.

It is the third approach that will be effective, however, it will require a lot of strength. So, before filing a claim, you need to arm yourself with recording devices, a video camera, etc. Come to a personal conversation with the boss and record the entire conversation. However, it should deal with the topic of wages. This will be further irrefutable proof on tax evasion, contributions, etc.

Decree and informal wages

Maternity payments in the presence of black or gray wages depend only on whether the manager intends to work with you in the future. As practice shows, in 80% -87% the employer does not take on the financial "burden" for these payments, in the presence of unofficial wages. And if it does, then it's an exception.

Important information!!! Maternity leave, maternity allowance, childbirth allowance and child care allowance are paid from a special fund, into which contributions are made when official wages are paid.

It is the official remuneration that is the guarantor for receiving the entitlement benefits when planning a pregnancy.

The best way out of this situation is legalization labor relations, i.e. formalize employment. But this does not always work out.

We prove the receipt of a gray salary

Some small organizations pay their employees wages in an "envelope". These actions are due to the desire to reduce tax base, because when paying official wages, these rates are quite high. In view of this, employees either receive an employment contract with a minimum wage, or even learn about the black salary after working for some time.

Note that it is for the employee that a black salary may respond in the future. It appears simply:

  • On the appointed day, the salary will not be received by the employee. Turning to the management, he will receive an answer: there is no money, we will pay one of these days, all the funds have been spent on the purchase of material, etc.
  • Having gathered for retirement, an employee who received a gray or black salary will be unpleasantly surprised that the pension will be small. This suggests that contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were not made or were carried out at a minimum.
  • Maternity, vacation, unemployment benefits - all this is affected by whether the employer paid personal income tax and other contributions or not.

Is it possible to prove at a court session that wages are paid in envelopes in a company? Can! This can be confirmed by the inflated expenses of the team for personal needs, namely:

  • Expensive mobile devices, jewelry highest quality, appearance does not correspond to the salary received. Of course, this can always be attributed to a second job, additional earnings, wages of the second half, etc. However, this is if the company has 7-9 people, and if the staff is large and everyone has a presentable appearance, this indicates that the office is given a “gray salary”.
  • Another indirect evidence is the indication in the employment contract of half-time in a managerial position.

Of course, this is only a small list of evidence that can confirm tax evasion. More detailed steps whether it is possible to prove a black salary in court will be discussed in the next section.

Note that government represented by the Government of Russia annually directs all measures to combat low tax contributions in every region. Negligent entrepreneurs are punished not only with sanctions, but also with serving time in places that are not so remote. Criminal liability for this violation reaches six years.

If you want to hold the employer accountable and bring him to " clean water”, it will be enough just by calling on the phone, as anonymous. Employees tax authority an unscheduled audit will be carried out to establish the fact of fraud.

Step-by-step instruction

Black salary, how to prove? To do this, it is necessary to obtain information obtained from open sources or use other methods. For example:

  • A publicly available vacancy announcement based on which you found a job.
  • Information from the State Statistics Committee on approximate wages in your region of employment.
  • Data on average statistical wages, which can be obtained from various professional associations. This option is possible if your specialty determines their availability.
  • Accounting documentation: income statement for a certain period, calculation sheets, statements, etc.
  • If the salary is actually issued in an envelope, then your data may be indicated on them.
  • Any other documentation that will help establish the fact of tax evasion.

Important: in order to obtain a certificate of income, if it is unofficial, you can contact the accounting department, arguing that it is necessary to obtain a consumer loan.

When proving the company's dishonest actions in court, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • The statement of claim to the court must be drawn up correctly, namely: the attached evidence documents, the address of the defendant, the deadlines for applying to the judicial authorities, etc.
  • All documents, incl. claim must be sent through the post office by registered mail with notification. Be sure to include a description of the attachment. Otherwise, during the meeting it will be difficult to confirm that the judicial authority has already received this or that documentation.
  • If the term limitation period on this case already overdue, it can be appealed by writing an appropriate application and indicating good reasons this pass.
  • Colleagues can be invited as witnesses, incl. former employees organizations, their relatives, etc. An oral application is sufficient for participation in the process.
  • During court session, which takes place in open mode, you have the right to invite people close to you.
  • Recording devices may be used in court, the operation of which does not require the consent of the judge.

When applying to the tax or judicial authorities, it is necessary to attach evidence to the claim. If you decide to send a claim for debt collection to wages, then it is recommended to ask the judge to oblige the organization to conclude a formal contract, which will indicate the real amount that the employee receives.

Note that in this case it would be inappropriate to demand compensation for non-pecuniary damage if it did not entail deterioration in health or other harmful consequences.

On the portal you can download the following sample documents for filing a lawsuit in court in a free format:

An employee has succeeded in court - what's next?

Has the matter gone to trial? Then the employee has the right to demand payment of wage arrears, late fees, as well as reimbursement of all costs of litigation, incl. legal services. However, as we noted above, it is inappropriate to demand compensation for moral damage. This aspect is relevant if there is a violation of non-property rights.

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