Home Potato Blackcurrant jelly for the winter. Five minutes - blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter. Five minutes - blackcurrant jam

An excellent way out in the hot season of blanks is a recipe for jam from black currant- five minutes. You can make jelly in this way, you can make it without water. Such a recipe is very simple and helps out when there are a lot of berries, but time is running out, at the very height of the season it’s always like that.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam - recipes for the winter

For the preservation of berries, we began to use freezing more often, it is more convenient and faster, then vitamins are also preserved. But how sometimes in winter the desire to open a jar of fragrant self-prepared.

  1. For five minutes, we choose berries of about the same size so that they are evenly saturated with sugar syrup.
  2. If you want to get a beautiful jam, berry to berry, then you should not collect overripe garden gifts that will quickly burst.
  3. So that the berries do not wrinkle during cooking, keep their shape, pour them into a colander and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds, then boil.
  4. First, the berries are washed, only then the tails are cut off. Currants do not need to be soaked for a long time.
  5. I suggest several different recipes, where different amount sugar, it depends on the degree of acidity of the berry. So, try yours, if anything, feel free to increase or decrease the amount of sugar.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam, a recipe for the winter

This five-minute jam recipe can be called traditional. Depending on the acid contained in the berry, you change the amount of sugar. If the berry is harvested after rain, then reduce the amount of water.

We take the ingredients:

  • A kilo of ripe berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Two thirds of a glass of water

How to make a five-minute blackcurrant:

We prepare the berry, as I described above, after washing it is desirable to dry it so that there is no excess water in our preparation.

It is best to cook in a stainless steel basin, you can buy a wide saucepan for this. We pour sugar there and fill it with water, we begin to heat it slowly, without ceasing to stir, so that it disperses completely. Only after that pour in the berries and continue to slowly heat to a boil.

The most important thing in this recipe is not to go far from the kitchen and stir the jam all the time with a wooden spatula. As soon as it starts to boil, we detect exactly five minutes, then turn off the gas and immediately pack the workpiece into clean jars.

For jam, I don’t sterilize jars, I just pour boiling water over them and let them dry. I use screw lids, I always put a circle of parchment under them.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam without water

To prepare the recipe without water, we need to cover the prepared berry with sugar and leave to stand until at least a little juice stands out, then cook, as always. I love this recipe very much, because there is little sugar here and the product turns out to be especially fragrant, but if you don’t like sour, you can increase the rate.

We will need to prepare half a kilo of sugar for every kilogram of berries.

How to cook jam for five minutes:

We put the dried berries in a bowl for cooking, if you had no time to fill them with sugar in advance, then you can do this before cooking, but heat very slowly and stir vigorously so that the berries do not burn, but give juice under the influence of high temperature.

We heat gradually until the moment of boiling and continue to boil for five minutes, without stopping stirring. After immediately hot we pack in half-liter jars.

Five-minute blackcurrant - jelly

Five-minute jelly turns out very quickly and freezes well, because natural pectin is present in the berry. Such a product in winter can be used for baking, or simply smear sandwiches for breakfast.

We need to take:

  • Three kilo berries
  • Four and a half kilos of sugar
  • Two and a half glasses of water

How to make jelly five minutes:

Berries must be selected especially carefully so that the jelly is tasty. Prepare them and place them in a container, where we will cook. We also pour water with sugar there. We begin to heat until the berries burst. Then remove from the stove and pass the mass through a sieve. So we will have pure juice with sugar at the output.

Now pour the liquid again into the same container and begin to slowly bring to a boil. Cook as always for five minutes and pour the jelly into small jars. When it cools, do not turn the jars over.

Jellied blackcurrant five-minute jam in glasses

My kids love jellied jam because it's delicious, and I like to prepare it because it's very convenient to measure it in glasses.

These ingredients make up the recipe:

  • Fifteen glasses of currants
  • Fifteen glasses of sugar
  • Three and a half glasses of water

Cooking process:

We wash the ripe currants and sort them out. Pour into a container for cooking and add water according to the recipe. Slowly wait until it boils, boil for three minutes and add sugar according to the norm. Stir, boil again and boil as usual for five minutes. We will lay out hot in small jars. You can store it in a pantry or on a shelf.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam recipe with photo step by step

Finally I give step by step recipe with a five-minute photo, according to which even a novice cook can cook.

We use:

  • Two kilos of berries
  • Three kilos of sugar
  • Three glasses of water
  • On the tip of a spoonful of citric acid

Cooking process:

Pour water into a wide enameled or stainless steel basin.

A lot of recipes for jam blanks captivate with their simplicity and ease. Well, how can you resist and not close another jar or two of tasty and healthy jam for the winter. It is this recipe for the “Five Minutes” of blackcurrant jelly jam that we offer you. For this recipe, you will need quite a bit of effort and time. Well, the ingredients, of course, are the simplest - currants and sugar.

This winter jam will delight you with its taste. Such blanks in our family are loved and appreciated. Especially in cold winter evenings with a cup of tea. We prepare jam in small jars of yogurt or sour cream or mushrooms. They are even less than half a liter. We like this volume, because I opened a jar, and in the evening you can gobble up everything. And he took his soul away and there is no jar in the refrigerator.

It is also great to use this jam in baking - be it pies, where jam can be added to the dough, or a layer with pies, where blackcurrant jelly can be used as a filling.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Black currant 3 kg;
  • Sugar 2 kg (if the berries are very sour, take 1 to 1).

How to make Blackcurrant Jelly Jam

pour currant berries big amount water. And let stand for 10 minutes, stir it occasionally, but not much. All debris (twigs, leaves) will float to the top. Pick up debris with your hands or a spoon.

Now we take out the berries with our hands and put them in a bowl. We sort out the berries, removing the stalks. Some also remove the black tail, but this is extra work.

Divide the berries into 1 and 2 kg. Pour one kilogram of berries with all the sugar.

Grind the berries with an immersion blender. Also, berries can be passed through a meat grinder. And if you go even further, you can skip the berries through a juicer or rub the mass through a sieve. Just add sugar after these steps. Do not throw away the cake - an excellent fruit drink will come out of it - pour water, add honey, let it brew overnight.

We put the grated mass on the fire. We need all the sugar to dissolve. Stir and heat the jam.

When the sugar dissolves, add whole berries (those that we set aside). And bring the jam to a boil. Cook it for 5 minutes after boiling. If foam appears, remove it.

While the jam is cooking or before that, prepare the jars - they need to be washed soda solution, rinse well and sterilize over steam for 10 minutes. If you have a microwave, pour 100 ml of water into jars and steam them at the highest power for 5-7 minutes. Boil the lids separately.

Pour the jam into prepared dry jars. Immediately roll up the lid.

We turn the jars over and wrap them until they cool. This action additionally sterilizes the lid and jar. Store jam - jelly for five minutes is only necessary in the cellar in cool and dark. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you need to store in the refrigerator. But it's not rubber. If you are going to store blackcurrant jam in an apartment under the "bed", the amount of sugar will have to be doubled.

This is how easy and quick we made jelly-like jam with whole berries blackcurrant, it turns out very tasty, especially with pancakes or pancakes.

When I carefully wiped the last rolled up jar currant jam with the amusingly straightforward name "Five Minutes" and turned it upside down, suddenly I was occupied with the question of universal injustice. Wrapping up a delicious kill for the waist with a blanket, I thought: “Is this why, in order to prepare five-minute jam for the winter, you need to squirm under a spreading bush for two hours? And then another hour to separate each fragrant year from the twigs? If only the berries could be harvested just as quickly. Then such currant jam could be called "Five Minute Square". “Yes, it’s unfair,” I summed up, rubbing my stiff lower back. But I rolled up such a quick currant jam, I roll it up and I will roll it up. Here. So the recipes from my notebook are at your disposal!

Blackcurrant jam "Five minutes" (a simple recipe)

This is the easiest recipe for making five-minute jam from fragrant and healthy blackcurrant. Stock up on berries, sterilize jars and go! To conquer sweet healthy preparations!

Required Ingredients:

  • currant berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1/2 cup.


Sort currant berries. Remove branches, rinse. Throw in a colander - let them dry. Pour granulated sugar into an enamel bowl (basin or pan). Pour in clean water. Put on the burner and let the syrup boil. Carefully add the berries to the syrup without splashing. Let the future currant jam boil again. Keep the container on fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove. Distribute the hot currant Pyatiminutka jam into half-liter jars. Jam storage containers should be well sterilized. Roll up with lids washed with baking soda and boiled for 10 minutes.

Advice. So that the currant does not lose its original appearance during the preparation of the five-minute jam, dip it in advance for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Throw it in a colander. Use the berries when all the water has drained.

Jam-jelly "Five minutes" from blackcurrant

Especially for humble fans and ardent fans of tender currant jelly in jars. You put an outlet with such jam on the table, and no more decoration is needed. Yes, and keep fingers, spoons and tongues from uncontrolled licking and swallowing!

Ingredients for making jam:

  • currant - 12 glasses;
  • sugar - 15 glasses;
  • water - 1 glass.

How will we prepare five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter:

It is impossible to violate the proportions indicated in the recipe. If you increase or decrease the amount of currants, then proportionally change the amount of granulated sugar and water. Sort out the berries. Remove branches and stems. Rinse and drain in a colander. Smash the currants into a homogeneous mass with a blender or food processor.

Transfer the resulting puree to a bowl for cooking jam. Pour water into the berries. Pour in half the sugar. Put the future currant jelly on a strong fire. Wait for it to boil. Moderate the fire. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Or just time it. Turn off the burner and pour in the remaining sand. Mix well until all sugar grains are dissolved.

Jam-jelly "Pyatiminutka" from blackcurrant pour into hot jars. For convenience, use a ladle. Cover the container with the contents with paper (napkin or towel) and leave for an hour at room temperature. Seal the jars with a seaming machine. Jelly-five-minute currant is ready for storage.

Jam "Five minutes" from currants (recipe for a slow cooker)

Collecting currants, I thought that it would be nice to “plow” my “multi-horse”. Attach, so to speak, to the preparation of currant jam. And then it’s standing, you know, messing around, gleaming with a chrome side. No sooner said than done! The written results of harvesting a five-minute blackcurrant jam are in front of you.

List of products for quick currant jam:

  • blackcurrant - 8 glasses;
  • sugar - 10 glasses;
  • water - 2 glasses.

A detailed recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam:

Sort the berries, removing all twigs and leaves. Rinse. Pour clean berries into a bowl. Add sugar. Leave at room temperature until juice appears. In time it takes approximately 6 hours. Transfer the berries along with the juice to the multicooker bowl. Select the "Multi-Cook" program. Temperature - 110-120 degrees. Time - 10 minutes. It will take approximately 5 minutes for the jam to boil. And 5 minutes directly to the preparation of goodies. Do not close the lid during cooking. Pour the finished currant "Five Minute" into clean jars. Roll up and turn upside down until completely cool. And then put the jam in the cold for long-term storage until winter.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" from red currant

A sweet and sour delicacy of a transparent ruby ​​​​color ... Such a five-minute jam simply does not belong in a dusty cellar or a dark pantry. But otherwise, the workpiece simply will not have a chance to "hold out" until the winter. So prepare and try to forget about it. At least for a month or two.

Grocery list:

  • red currant berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


Wash the berries. Remove all debris. To get rid of the water, drain the berries in a colander. Let it rest. At this time, prepare the syrup. Mix sugar with water. Bring the syrup to a boil. Dip the berries in it. Let it boil again. From the moment of boiling, note 5 minutes. Turn off the fire.

Stir. Be careful if you want to keep beautiful whole berries in syrup. Or intensively, if you plan to prepare five-minute currant jelly for the winter. You can even crush the berries with a potato crusher for uniformity. Return the jam to the burner. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes.

Divide the finished jam into sterilized glass containers. Roll up with clean boiled lids. Store in a cold place.

Five-minute jam from red currant berries with honey

The recipe is unusual. You can't make a lot of this delicacy. Well, it is not necessary. Save a small jar of this "delicacy" currant jam for special occasion. To put a delicacy on the table with a solemn air and readiness to accept praise. Ready? Write down the recipe.


  • red currant - 800 g;
  • honey (artificial) - 800 g;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Subtleties of preparation:

Dissolve artificial honey in two glasses of water. Put on a slow fire. Once the honey has dissolved, turn up the heat. Bring honey syrup to a boil. natural honey you can’t heat it, so use an artificial one. Rinse the berries, sort, separate from the tails. Pour red currants into honey syrup. Stir. After boiling again, cook the jam for 5 minutes. You do not need to mix, but do not forget to remove the foam. Distribute the five-minute jam in dry sterile jars up to the shoulders. Close hermetically with clean nylon lids or roll up with a conservation key.

Don't lose your recipes! Sweet preparations for you!

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Jam "Pyatiminutka" and jam - blackcurrant jelly

I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that each of us has favorite recipes that we use for cooking, canning and preparations. And yet, we always want to get acquainted with other recipes, which can also become our constant and favorite ones. At one forum, participants shared recipes for making blackcurrant jam and jelly, and I decided to offer you, maybe some of you will find them useful for making blanks.

Blackcurrant jam "Five minutes"

First recipe:

You will need: 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of currants, ½-1 glass of water.

How to cook: Sort the berries, wash and dry. Pour water into an enameled pan or basin, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Pour currants into the boiled syrup, bring everything to a boil again and, after boiling, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, then immediately pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and close the lids.
Please note - so that the currant berries do not wrinkle during the preparation of the jam, dip them in boiling water for several minutes before cooking, then fold them into a colander.

Second recipe: jam is not very sweet

You will need: 1 kg of berries, 300 - 500 g of sugar

How to cook: pour the washed berries into a copper basin for jam and immediately cover with sugar.
It is necessary to cook over low heat and stir constantly so that the berries mix with sugar, do not burn and give juice.
When it boils, then cook for another 5 minutes and put it in jars while hot and close the lids. Rinse pre-washed jars with boiling water and let dry. The jam has a pleasant color and taste of fresh currant
In the same way, you can cook pitted cherries and gooseberries.

Third recipe:

You will need: 3 kg of berries, 3 kg of sugar, 0.5 tbsp. water

How to cook: pour half a glass of water into the basin, pour 3 kg of sugar and stir 3 kg of berries. Bring to a boil over low heat (but do not boil) and remove from heat. Leave until tomorrow. The next day, again put the basin on the fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat. On the third day - the same procedure and put into banks. Can be stored at room temperature. The jam is not very sweet.
By the way, such a jam can be closed simply with white paper, tightened with threads or rubber bands (the latter - after cooling).

Jam - blackcurrant jelly

You will need: 10 cups of sugar and currants, 2.5 cups of water.

How to cook: Pour the sorted and washed berries into an enameled container or stainless steel dishes, pour in water, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, add sugar and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Boil 5 - 7 min. When hot, spread the jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and wrap in a blanket, leave in it for a day, then store in a cool place.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

This recipe for Pyatiminutka currant jam is convenient because the berries and sugar for it can be measured in glasses and do not need to be weighed at all. As a measure, a faceted glass or any other container is used: a bowl, a cup, a jar. It is easy to calculate the proportions for your container - if we take three glasses of currants and two sugars, then we measure the same amount with a cup or jar. The dishes should be the same for all jam ingredients. If you measure currants with a glass, then measure both sugar and water with the same glass. Currants must be measured before the berries are put into the syrup so that the proportions do not have to be recalculated. The recipe is proven, this is how our mothers and grandmothers cooked jam, when they didn’t even dream of electronic scales for the kitchen, and it always turned out rich, tasty and perfectly stored at room temperature. It is also very easy to prepare, try it too!


- blackcurrant - 1 glass;
- sugar - 1.5 cups;
- water - 0.5 cups.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour currants into a basin with cold water. We shake with our hands, select the berries in a colander and rinse under running water.

To prepare the syrup, pour sugar into a ladle or pan, measuring right amount glasses.

Pour in the water using the same bowl used to measure the sugar. On a low heat, bring to a boil and cook for several minutes, avoiding strong seething.

Pour currants into boiling syrup. Without stirring, leave on a quiet fire to warm up. When heated, the berries will begin to burst and release juice, coloring the syrup in a bright color.

As it heats up, the boiling will begin to intensify, foam will appear on the surface. At this point, we reduce the heat and carefully remove the foam, trying not to pick up the berries. If we still get it, we return it back.

We cook for five minutes, we count the time from the moment that the bubbles appeared on the entire surface of the jam. So that the berries do not boil too much, do not mix the jam and cook at the quietest heat.

Banks are prepared before cooking. We wash hot water, pour boiling water, then sterilize over steam or place in the oven, microwave. Be sure to boil the lids for a few minutes. By the end of cooking, the jars should be hot, the lids should boil quietly. Pour the hot jam into jars and immediately twist hermetically.

There is no need to wrap the jam, it contains enough acid and sugar, which will contribute to better storage. After complete cooling, we rearrange the jars in the pantry or place them in a locker, take them out to the basement. Good luck with your preparations!
With this preparation, it turns out very tasty.

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