Home Diseases and pests Cold water according to the dream book. Dream interpretation cold water, why dream of cold water in a dream to see

Cold water according to the dream book. Dream interpretation cold water, why dream of cold water in a dream to see

Night dreams, in which a person drinks icy water, have a completely different meaning. Such a dream will only bring positive points... This is an omen that in real life the owner of the dream will be surrounded by loyal, reliable friends and just good friends.

Anything can happen in dreams. If a person in this state has witnessed the transformation of water into ice, but in reality this can lead to a delay in business. Someone or something may be obstructing. Armed with such a clue business man will know what to look for in order for the business to flourish and nothing to stop it.

If the owner of the dream himself makes ice out of water, then in this way he receives a subtle hint from the kingdom of Morpheus that he needs to be not so selfish, otherwise he may lose the disposition and love of dear and close people.

What portends?

If the water is icy and dirty, then such a dream can foreshadow trouble and sad events in reality. Bathing in such icy mud promises failure in business, and perhaps disease. But don't panic when you see such a warning. After all, forewarned, as you know, means armed. The same applies to this dream... Its owner, having weighed all the arguments, will transfer important matters to another period, thereby avoiding an error that will not be easy to correct.

You can't drink dirty ice water either in reality or in a dream. Such a dream portends a disease.

Some, after waking up, do not remember dreams, although the sensation of a pleasant dream remains. In order not to forget what happened during the night in the kingdom of Morpheus, it is recommended, upon waking up, not to touch your head with your hands. Then you will definitely remember a pleasant dream about a clean icy water.

No need to be afraid of dreams. They say that they are ordinary and prophetic. If in the world of dreams through icy water an omen of an upcoming event is given, then you need to listen to this. Perhaps you should be more attentive to your health, in particular to the kidneys, or to postpone some cases. Then you can avoid unpleasant mistakes.

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Cold water interpretation of the dream book

In a dream, water is a symbol of unexpected, global, rapid changes in the fate of the sleeping person. And if you dreamed that a cold shower was poured over you, think about it: is everything in your life lining up the way you would like? Dream books will tell you what ice water can dream of.

Miller's interpretation

Gustav Miller describes several cold water dreams in some detail. So if in a dream a person walks barefoot on an icy melted gruel, then in reality he will lose peace due to momentary temptations and joys.

But pouring ice water in a dream is not bad, this indicates the sincere desire of the sleeper to get rid of bad thoughts, bad habits. As the dream book assures, everything will work out, the person will get rid of the oppressive sensation, longing.

There are hypocritical personalities in your environment who cleverly disguise their dislike for you - this is what you dreamed of sailing in a boat among the ice floes.

Poured a cold shower in a dream? Alas, but upon awakening, you will receive unpleasant news.

The vision that you are drowning in an ice hole, according to Miller, promises illness, ill health.

In a healthy body healthy mind!

Have you dreamed that you are boldly swimming in an icy pond? Then you are an extremely brave, courageous person, ready for any trials. And if at the same time you still experienced pleasure, then in critical situation you will never be confused and will be able to make the right decision.

But if, during a sleepy bathing, you got chilled, frozen, remember: in reality, for a while, you should refrain from categorical judgments and making fateful decisions.

If you happen to dive into the sea in your night fantasy in winter, you will be able to conquer those around you in reality with your foresight and determination. Eastern dream book claims that the one who, in a midnight doze, jumps into the pool with cold water, will never abandon his comrades, will defend their interests and rightness to the last.

For principle's sake

Why did you dream that you lowered your feet into icy water, arguing with someone? It turns out that a similar situation is about to happen in reality: someone will provoke you to a desperate act. Its consequences are predictable. So the dream book promises victory in any dispute or risky venture only if, in the night vision, you calmly plunged your feet into the icy liquid.

If in a dream you were unpleasant, scared, your limbs were cramping, then refrain from participating in heated discussions, do not try to show your exclusivity, superiority.

A dream in which your comrades persuaded you to plunge into an ice-hole predicts defeat in an argument. But, paradoxically, Pastor Loffa assures you that this is just to your benefit. Finally, you seem to wake up and begin to actively act in a given direction, achieving your goal.

Get ready for challenges

As you know, trouble does not come alone. So it will happen in reality to someone who fell into an ice hole in a dream, shouts, calls for help, because he is about to go to the bottom, predicts Lunar dream book.

Only those who, in night vision, boldly swam to the shore, will be able to easily overcome any trials of fate. Are you completely numb and drowning? Why is such a creepy plot dreaming? To the fact that you have to be prepared for major troubles in reality.

And by Gypsy dream book a similar picture can be dreamed on the eve of illness, injury or accident. Be careful and vigilant.

Condition of the water surface

Sometimes in a dream we just look at a body of water. And this picture is also deciphered by dream books. So if the water seemed dark, cloudy, then in reality the dreamer will be tormented by doubts before making a decision. And his indecision is fully justified.

If the water seemed clear, clean, then in reality everything will turn out quite well, as it was intended.

The sleeper will be able to win over his complexes and fears - this is what he dreamed of a surprisingly clean cold pool, at the bottom of which even small pebbles and living creatures could be seen.

Household plots

Thinking about relationships with family and friends is worth the one who took a cold shower in a dream. Perhaps communication with the most dear people is devoid of warmth, trust, affection and sincerity.

The person who washes in night dream hair in cool water, knows how to save and is very prudent.

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, drinking cold water means that in reality the sleeping person will be surrounded by honest ones, decent people... But taking a sip of milk from the refrigerator in a dream means that in reality, behind the sleeping person's back, someone will begin to spread rumors and gossip.

Why dream of washing with cold water? To the fact that on awakening enlightenment will come. The dreamer will look at the world with different eyes and understand: who is the enemy and who is the friend, who holds the brick in his bosom, and who is sincere and straightforward. And if in a night dream you wash yourself with ice water, then, as it assures Slavic dream book, no one will reproach you with deceit or lies. You are an honest, decent person.

Why does a woman dream of water

Water has long been considered a symbol of purification and change. The interpretation of sleep with the figure of water can clarify many aspects of a woman's life, reveal her secret desires.

Freud's dream book

Freud associated water with sexuality, childbirth, orgasm problems. According to his dream books, the dreaming stream is a symbol of ejaculation. If a woman saw in a dream that she was pouring water, in reality she would not mind entering into an intimate relationship.

When the rescue of a drowning man is dreaming, the sleeping person is ready to have offspring.

If in a dream a woman is pulled out of the water, the dreamer thinks about sexual contact with a representative of her gender.

Sign of excessive attention to outward appearance and health is a dream in which you look at your reflection in the water. Sigmund Freud believed that a woman who would soon become pregnant could dream of water.

The pleasure of caressing a loved one - this is how the Austrian psychoanalyst interpreted a dream in which a woman floats on a pond. If she had bedwetting as a child, water may reflect a long-standing problem.

Splashing water in a dream is a secret desire to manifest sexuality. A dream in which a woman drinks water signals possible problems with the reproductive system. Jumping or getting out of the river is the desire to become a mother.

The cleaner the water that a woman dreamed of in a dream, the more favorable the interpretation. Clear transparent water is an early joy or good news. Dirty water in a dream is a nuisance, difficulty in relationships, grief, danger.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

The famous seer Vanga interpreted dreams with water in her own way. She believed that such a vision meant cleansing from sins and spiritual renewal.

Water with clay, in her dream books, marks an early deliverance from illness and prosperity.

Falling under heavy rain for a woman in a dream is a symbol of unity with space.

Contaminated water denotes conflicts in relationships with loved ones. Goodwill and sensitivity will help to overcome the crisis.

Drowning in a body of water is a sign of wasted effort and struggle that will not bring results.

Diverging circles on the water - to change.

Miller's dream book

See clean water- long-awaited happiness and tranquility will come.

Turbid water- sadness will take the place of joy.

A house filled with water is in danger. To overcome it, you will need to make an effort.

Wandering and wetting a woman's feet in a dream is a sign of illness and temporary financial difficulties. Perseverance and fortitude will help to overcome them.

Fall into dirty water- find yourself in a situation for which you will be ashamed.

Quench clean water- to the success and accomplishment of our plans.

Exercising physically in the water is an unexpected love interest.

Why does a woman dream of clean, cold, dark water dripping from the ceiling

Crossing the ford is getting rid of the annoying problem.

Taking a bath or swimming - the reputation will be cleared. A dream in which a woman sees a couple of swimmers suggests that relations with enemies will be improved.

Spilling boiling water is a monetary loss.

Drink warm water- to malaise or illness.

Hear the seething of a stream or the sound of waves - the dreamer will be overtaken by the gossip of enemies.

A dream in which water is dripping on a woman's head from above speaks of a desire to give and receive love. If the water is clean and cold, your health will improve. The woman will enter new stage life, foreshadowing renewal and cleansing. Dark water promises an obstacle to the realization of the goal.

Why does a woman dream of fish and animals in the water

A fish that appears in night vision can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, it symbolizes pregnancy. As a symbol of fertility, it can mean a successful resolution of pregnancy.

A lot of fish in the water - well-being.

Live fish- a pleasant surprise.

Seeing the head of a fish is the official registration of a love union.

A dolphin dreamed of by a woman has a favorable meaning. Usually he promises the dreamer a friendly meeting, finding common interests with others, a new hobby or hobby.

Freud's dream book interprets such a dream as a signal that sexual life lack of variety.

A modern dream book interprets a dream with a dolphin in the water as a quick career advancement.

A dreaming snake is a sign that you will have to enter into an open battle with an old enemy. If she is poisonous, the outcome of the battle is a foregone conclusion - the dreamer will become a victim of evil intrigues. If the snake is not dangerous, the woman will emerge victorious from the skirmish. The snake has long been interpreted as a secret ill-wisher who disguises himself as a friend. You need to be careful with your surroundings: excessive frankness is useless.

A shark in a dream is a symbol of an enemy ready to attack. If a fish swims in clear water, there is a person with evil intentions among the acquaintances. The dead shark promises peace and comfort.

Crocodile - most often denotes an enemy, a boss, conflicted person... The dreamer is about to witness a major quarrel or suffer because of faithful trust. You can get over your troubles if you don't trust others with your plans.

A turtle in a dream symbolizes a lazy and slow person, contact with whom it is better to minimize. Cases that require permission will stall due to the negligence and indecision of a friend. For a long time to watch a turtle in a dream - in reality it is better to be patient: there is a period of stagnation ahead.

Seeing a frog in a dream is a signal that attention should be paid to health. A frog in a swamp is a nuisance that relatives will help to cope with.

A whale can portend both great happiness and difficulties. If he is killed, the dreamer will succeed. In a dream, a whale attacks a ship - you will have to face a nuisance, which will require great efforts to solve.

Pikes in a dream - danger, discomfort, trouble. Catching a fish means that the enemy can be neutralized.

Catfish is a harbinger of great success. A live fish promises the accomplishment of a new business, which will leave an important mark in life. A dead catfish heralds grief over loss.

The mermaid is a love symbol that denotes attraction and interest in a person of the opposite sex. The dreamer who had such a dream hopes for mutual love or longs for the past.

To dream of an elephant in the water - to universal recognition and honors. Financial condition will be improved, and loved ones will admire the justice and abilities of the dreamer.

What does it mean: swim in water, drink water, flood in a dream for a woman

Swimming in the water epitomizes a serene life. If the reservoir is clean, there will be no obstacles in the way, dirty - you will have to work hard to get rid of the obstacles.

To drink water in a dream for a woman - they are coming joyful events that will bring a lot of pleasant things. Looking for something to quench your thirst - there are minor chores ahead.

A dreaming flood has an unfavorable meaning. Trouble or stopping an important business cannot be avoided. To get out of a plight with a minimum of losses, you need to take health seriously.

Interpretation of dreams about water for a married woman, a pregnant woman

If you dreamed of water married, in her family life there will be a change.

For a pregnant girl, water in a dream means news.

If the water came to a dream for an unmarried woman, she should take a closer look at her surroundings: her fate is walking somewhere nearby.

Why is ice water dreaming: interpretation

It is known that clear water is a rather auspicious symbol. Such a dream can portend joyful and pleasant meetings, events. And, on the contrary, dirty water is a negative symbol. And why is ice water dreaming?

In dreams, ice water can be interpreted in completely different ways. If a person dreams that he is drowning in water, then he should pay attention to his health - perhaps there is a disease that requires immediate treatment. If the dreamer drinks clean, fresh and very cold water in a dream, this means that in reality he is surrounded by reliable and faithful friends... Great sleep - swimming in icy water. It promises good health and enjoyment of life.

If the dreamer in a dream observes how water turns into ice, then this may mean that in work or in a relationship, any problems and obstacles may arise, for which you will have to be inventive to overcome. A dream in which a person makes ice out of water means that the dreamer needs to be less selfish and selfish in order not to lose the respect and love of loved ones.

Clear ice water symbolizes positive changes in life, including renewal the spiritual world... If the dreamer has been looking for water for a long time and finds crystal, clean source, this means that he needs a rest, and very soon he will have a great opportunity.

If in a dream a person drinks cool, clean and pleasant-tasting water, then this portends him good health and building relationships with business partners and loved ones.

Why is ice water dreaming: other meanings. If the water is gloomy, dark or dirty, this is a bad sign, indicating that in real life, not happy events await the dreamer. Swimming in it - to a disease or serious problems in business. If you had such a dream, it means that you should postpone making serious decisions and postpone important trips and affairs until a later date.

Drinking dirty water in a dream is also a symbol of a serious illness. If the dreamer sees himself in a strong and dirty stream of water, then strong emotional experiences and some obstacles in achieving the goal await him. In addition, a person who has such a dream may be blamed for problems at work.

Sleep: swimming in icy water - why? If you had such a dream, then you should expect success in business and luck, as well as good luck in a love relationship. Nevertheless, if the water is a little cloudy, then there will be a short difficult period when you will have to make every effort to solve the problems that have arisen. What does a dream mean in which a person goes in for sports in the water? This means that soon in real life a very strong and mutual romantic passion will overtake him.

If the dreamer is swimming in the river, then in real life he will have to be faced with those situations in which he will have to show good restraint, willpower and determination. Only then will it be possible to talk about a successful course of affairs.

Swimming in calm waters bodes well for business success. If you dream of water in which there is ice or just ice as such, then such a dream is quite negative. It means that a person will face a lot of problems because of his enemies and ill-wishers. If an ice floe floats in the stream crystal water, this is a symbol of the fact that soon calm and measured life will end, the cause of which will be someone's envy.

If a person walks on ice surrounded by water in a dream, this means that due to his careless words and actions, he may lose respect and good relationship your loved ones and friends. But sucking an icicle in a dream or drinking ice water with chunks of ice is a disease.

If the dreamer tries to cross the ice in a dream and he succeeds, then this means that he will easily overcome everything life situations and will solve all problems, even the most difficult ones. But if the ice breaks, it's in trouble. Such a dream can also indicate some health problems - you need to pay attention to it. If a person in a dream carefully walks on thin and slippery ice, fearing to suddenly stumble, then this means that there are people around the dreamer who you can always rely on.

The above is by no means all the meanings of a dream in which water dreamed. In any case, the interpretation of each dream is individual and should be based on other moments that occur in the dream.

Why is ice dreaming

Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it is a sign that everything will be fine, and if it breaks, it will lead to trouble. This dream indicates primarily a state of health.

If you go by thin ice- this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, incurring trouble with a thoughtless act.

Walking on slippery ice in a dream, fearing to stumble, means in reality to be surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream can be a warning: without taking care of your reputation, you can lose much more than meets the eye.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes, it means that you will encounter obstacles that require vigorous measures.

Seeing ice in the house is in trouble.

To see the hole is to danger.

To fall into the hole means that you are in danger of your life, your impulse of feelings will be incomprehensible and you will meet deception and resentment.

If you sleep that you are walking on ice, and it’s summer, there will be a change in your life.

A dream in which you see a spring ice drift on a river signifies a successful enterprise associated with fishing or trading in fish.

Seeing an iceberg in a dream is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive upset that may happen to you in the coming days.

Seeing permafrost in a dream is an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain, now you are stagnant.

Seeing ice in a dream is a harbinger of great misfortune, and evil people will strive to strike you in the most sore spot.

If you dream of ice floes in a stream of clear water, in real life your happiness will be overshadowed by envious friends.

Walking on ice in a dream is a sign that in reality you will take a risk comfortable life and respect for fleeting pleasures

If a young woman dreams that she is walking on ice, the dream warns her that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the eaves of houses - dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Deterioration of health is also possible.

Seeing icicles on the fence is a sign of the suffering of the flesh and spirit.

Seeing icicles in trees means that your prospects will become even darker.

Icicles on conifers- foretell that a brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt.

If in a dream you make ice - in real life you will fail because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Sucking ice is a disease.

Drinking ice water in a dream is a warning: beware of losing your health in real life due to a frivolous lifestyle.

Seeing yourself bathing in icy water is an omen that anticipated pleasures will be interrupted by unexpected events.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be the fault of someone else's envy.

Seeing that you are walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys.

For a young woman, walking on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the roof of houses mean poverty and an uncomfortable life. This dream also predicts a deterioration in health.

Icicles signify future suffering.

Icicles on Evergreen Trees - Your bright future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards.

Seeing that you are making ice portends you a failure in business caused by your irrepressible selfishness.

If you dream that you are gnawing ice (icicles), you may get sick. The same promises a dream in which you drink ice water.

Swimming in icy water promises pleasure that will suddenly interrupt an event.

ice floating in a stream of clear water - your happiness has come to an end, which will be the fault of someone else's envy;

walking on ice - you risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys;

for a young woman - walking on the ice - only a thin veil hides you from shame;

icicles on the roof of houses - poverty, life deprived of comfort, deteriorating health;

icicles on evergreen trees - a brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards;

making ice is a failure in business caused by your irrepressible selfishness;

gnaw ice (icicles) - get sick;

drinking ice water is a disease;

swimming in icy water is a pleasure that will suddenly interrupt an event.

Also see Water, Roof, Thaw.

Chopping ice, melting and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: manifestation internal forces, restoring the balance between heat and cold, resuming proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (heat) and kidneys (cold).

Water from melted snow and ice is considered the healthiest ( living water), therefore, in illness, sleep portends recovery. Sleep is favorable and after even a difficult winter promises a good spring for the dreamer.

Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - the weakened organism does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running around in a circle. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses the last heat. A dream portends failure or illness and advises that this does not happen, rest, gain strength and check the choice of the goal and the means of achieving it.

If you dreamed about ice, soon you will have to thoroughly help someone from your relatives or friends.

You dreamed that you were chopping the ice - in the near future you will have to solve some important family problem by force.

A dream in which you watched someone break ice means that one of your relatives will decide important problem your family.

If you dreamed that you were melting ice, you will soon have troubles, and from them you will make significant profits.

You have watched someone melt the ice - some of your friends will have to be bothered, and you will derive significant profit from it.

If you dreamed that you were sucking ice, you will be deceived.

Seeing ice - worries about the family / trouble in business / bad counselor.

To have it in the house is a disaster.

To walk on the subtle and be afraid - life, fate or soul on the verge of something dark and obscure.

The ice cracked under you, but you jumped out - the trouble will pass by.

On a slippery slope - you will have to balance between people who are difficult to relate to each other / false tone in relationships / the wrong path / risk is chosen.

Walking along the melting path is an untimely warming in relations with people who have offended you.

Ice - dreams of disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in an important matter for you.

Ice floating in a stream of clear water - says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness.

Walking on the ice in a dream - you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.

If you dreamed that you were making ice - pacify your selfishness, otherwise you will not avoid failure in business.

Swimming in ice water promises pleasure, which will be interrupted by some event.

Ice - can be a symbol of frozen emotions. Express yourself and all your emotions. Speak openly and freely from the bottom of your heart.

Walking on thin ice means taking risks or being in precarious circumstances. Explore your life, if there is an area in it that only seems reliable, but in fact questionable.

Ice in a dream - portends many disasters due to ill-wishers.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means the end of a quiet life, the fault of which will be someone else's envy.

Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people due to fleeting joys.

Gnawing or sucking ice in a dream, drinking ice water - may portend illness.

Rigidity (lat. Rigidus - hard, hard) - difficulty or inability to change the behavior planned by the subject in conditions that objectively require his restructuring.

Frigidity (from Lat. Frigidus - cold) - sexual coldness, manifested in a decrease or absence of libido, specific sexual sensations.

“To step on thin ice” is a delicate, dangerous position; "Cold as ice" - an impassive, aloof person; "Cold relationship" - remoteness; "Ice in relationships" - dissolving; "Freeze negotiations" - slow down, postpone.

Ice - portends disaster: evil people will look for opportunities to harm you; if you walk on ice in a dream, it means that you risk losing your calmness and respect of others because of fleeting joys.

See ice and snow - obstacles different kinds; walking on them is a good obstacle; crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Ice is a symbol of coldness, lack of feelings, or the end of a relationship. But it is not this image itself that has the greatest meaning, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Walking on thin ice means taking risks or being in a suspicious situation.

Gliding on ice means not being confident in yourself, not feeling solid ground under your feet.

Ice - sadness, sadness.

Walking on ice is not worth risking your well-being and respect from the people around you because of a dubious and fleeting hobby.

Ice - you will be adamant while declaring your love to you.

Drifting on an ice floe - you will find yourself in isolation; to a serious disagreement with the people you were hoping for.

Seeing in a dream a very elegant woman, which is called "lady" - means that you are very highly regarded in your team.

Ice - symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone no longer exist.

Getting out on the ice means better things.

Fishing in an ice hole is a risky but profitable business.

Ice - means that information about what kind of world it is is still for you in a "frozen" form.

Hearing that you are called a lady in a dream or that this word is said in front of you is to respect and admiration for you.

Ice - coldness in relationships; inaccessibility of a loved one.

Seeing a gorgeous woman-lady in a dream is a rich mistress.

Lady in the castle - danger, risky situations, death

Ice is a symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Ice is a nuisance, a lot of difficulties.

Ice is empty hopes.

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A multifaceted dream that has several interpretations. The dream interpretation often interprets cold water, depending on its amount, the reservoir, where it was in a dream, how it was used and what role it played in the plot of a night's rest.

Swimming in it, sailing on a boat, a ship, or simply using ice water at home for domestic needs, drinking - all this will have a different meaning.

To understand why cold water is dreaming in a dream, pay attention to how you ended up in it and what you did. Here are some popular interpretations that can provide clues about what comes next.

The general meaning of the symbol

Cold, icy water in a dream has wide range values. Usually it means coldness, lack of warmth, sobriety, a reasonable view of things, as well as various troubles, indifference, illness, or, conversely,

It all depends on the situation, the volume and how you use it and what she meant in a dream. Drinking it is very good sign unless it's scorchingly icy. In the latter case, the likelihood of sore throat increases.

It is worth interpreting water depending on whether it is pleasant or not. It's one thing to voluntarily bathe in it, another thing if you are doused, in clothes or where it is really cold.

Bodies of water, swim or sink

Usually in such dreams you dream of a bathroom, pool, river, sea or ocean with icy water. And in a dream, she can be anywhere - in a city, village or any other place.

A bathroom with cold water or a spirit predicts excellent health for you, recovery from the sick, provided you experience pleasure in it. The same means a dream if you began to swim in the pool.

However, if you are pushed and fall into a tank of cold water, beware of meanness, set-up or illness. Especially if the room is already cold, unpleasant or windy.

Just seeing an icy river outside the city, sea or ocean is a good sign. He promises you good spirits, excellent health. Swimming in it is a very good sign that promises you great health and longevity. Especially if swimming is enjoyable, it is easy and very enjoyable.

The dream book also writes that such an incident in a dream predicts good orientation in the harsh conditions of reality and the ability to get out of the water dry. Just feeling the cold breath of a reservoir in a dream is a disappointment, failure.

However, the dream book writes that such a dream can also predict sobriety. If you are in love, expect cooling of feelings, resentment and various troubles. In some cases, the dream shows that rose-colored glasses will be removed, and you will see your loved one with completely different eyes.

Trying to swim in a river, lake and not dare to go there because the reservoir is cold - to cruelty or harsh conditions. A river usually means life, winding and tight bends. If you saw her outside the city, then such a dream means some kind of rut, lifestyle or change. Entering it means harsh conditions.

It is possible that even with success and good health, loneliness and trouble will await you. Or misunderstanding of others. in such a situation - to the fact that you will be completely immersed in the harsh reality.

However, if you are taken by boat, boat, or even on a ship, motor ship, then the dream book writes that you will slide on the surface of dangerous situations and troubles.

The river in the city, in which you began to bathe in a dream, predicts the course of affairs. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts random circumstances, love dreams and pleasant memories for you.

If in a dream you are sailing along it on a ship, boat, surfboard or some kind of floating device, what is this dreaming of? The dream book writes that in the near future, circumstances will develop in a favorable way, you will be able to live beautifully, easily and freely, rest and enjoy life.

However, if you were doused with cold water in a dream, then modern dream book writes that such a dream predicts illness, betrayal and coldness of others. Sometimes a dream in which they unexpectedly poured water on the street means surprise, news or some kind of scandal.

In some cases, expect surprise in which you simply will not know how to navigate correctly. Especially if you have been doused in public place or just outside. It can be an accusation, a threat, unexpected disappointment, or a fact that can be shocking and bewildering.

For example, a girl to whom the faithful told how bad he was with his wife, accidentally sees him on the street in her company, contented and happy. For her, this news will be as shocking as if she had been doused with water from a bucket.

If there was a cold lake in front of you, then swimming in it - to indifference loved one... The dream book writes that such a dream means resentment and the futility of any attempt at rapprochement. But traveling on the cold surface of the sea or ocean is a favorable sign that promises a lot of interesting impressions.

Most often, the water seen in a dream portends some events that will rapidly enter the dreamer's life. And if you dreamed about cold water, then you should think about whether everything in life is going on as we would like. Not a single dream book can give an unambiguous answer to what the icy water is dreaming of, since everything is decided by the details.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller

There are many interpretations of sleep, in which cold water is present, in Miller's dream book. To understand why she is dreaming, it is necessary to consider each plot separately.

  • Walking barefoot on the ice - you will lose peace because of fleeting joys.
  • Pouring on ice water - for spiritual cleansing, probably, get rid of something that oppresses you.
  • Sailing on a boat on the lake and seeing ice floes around you - someone from your environment only pretends that you are pleasant to him.
  • You were doused with icy water in a dream - you will hear unpleasant news.
  • Drowning in an ice hole is a disease.

Tempering as a symbol of fearlessness

Had a dream that you were swimming in an icy lake? This means that nothing will frighten you. Swim in ice water and feel cheerful at the same time - you will not be lost in difficult moment and you will be able to make the right decision. But if you bathed in a dream and felt the wild cold, it is better to refrain from making any decisions.

Diving into the sea in a dream in winter - you will conquer someone with your determination. But jumping into an ice pool means that you will not hesitate to defend your friends in controversial point, predicts the Eastern dream book.

Cold test, or Do not succumb to provocations

Interested in why you dream of getting your feet into the icy water on a bet? It's simple: someone decides to test your determination and willpower. If it was easy for you to get your feet on the ice in a dream, you can win this confrontation; could not resist and stretched out their legs - in reality, try to prevent a situation in which you have to prove something.

Had a dream that your friends persuaded you to plunge into the wormwood? This is just the case when your loss in an argument can play into your hands, prompting you to take decisive action, says Pastor Loff's dream book.

In captivity in the cold, or unexpected difficulties await you

Falling into a winter reservoir in a dream and swimming among ice floes in anticipation of help is a sign of unexpected problems that will fall on you one after another, the Lunar Dream Book predicts. If you can swim in a dream, then you will be able to deal with your troubles. It is worse if you dreamed that you were so numb that you were unable to swim. This dream promises pretty big trouble.

Falling into an ice-hole and drowning - be very attentive to your health, injuries and accidents are not excluded, the Gypsy dream book suggests.

Watching a winter reservoir - to hesitation and indecision

Many are interested in knowing what a person dreams of watching cold water in a river. If the water in the river was dark or cloudy, then this promises fluctuations, taking some important decision... Moreover, this indecision is not unfounded. To dream that the water in the river is clean and transparent - do not hesitate, everything will work out as you need it.

To see that the water in the lake is so clean that you can see the bottom - to victory over your own fears and complexes.

Cold water in everyday life is a symbol of cold in relationships ...

Anyone who dreamed that he was taking a shower with cold water flowing should think about his behavior with loved ones. The dreamer is too harsh and cold with family, and their relationship may suffer from this. But washing your hair in cold water means that the person who dreamed of this is too calculating.

That only we do not have to do sometimes in our night visions. Dreams are a mysterious, magical place where everything is possible - and most importantly, any action means and symbolizes something.

Whether it is a fantastic flight in the star peaks, or an ordinary walk through the city, these are all important signs, and they are important to understand and decipher. With the help of dream books, it is easy to understand the meaning of sleep, and find out, among other things, why you dream of swimming.

Water is usually associated with emotional sphere and feelings. But you can swim in a dream both in dirty and clean water, in a fast-flowing river or a calm lake, in a stormy sea or in an ordinary pool.

Of particular importance are dreams in which you had to wash in a bath, stand under the shower or bathe in the bathroom. All of these symbols are unique and important individually. The action itself, the quality of the water, and the dreamer's sensations are important.

You can find out reliably why you dream of swimming after you remember all the details of your vision. The plots and varieties are as follows:

  • Swimming in the water.
  • The water turned out to be very clean and transparent.
  • I had to swim in cold water.
  • Wash in a bath or be in it.
  • To stand in a daydream in the shower, to wash in the shower.
  • Take a shower or bath and stay in the mud.
  • I dreamed about swimming in the sand.
  • Take a shower or bath and get dressed afterwards.
  • Find yourself in very dirty water or mud.
  • Swim in a muddy river.
  • I dreamed of swimming in an icy river, lake, sea.
  • Swim in a beautiful clean lake.
  • Wash in the bathroom.
  • Swim in the sea in a dream.
  • To be in a dream in the pool.
  • Find yourself in calm, calm water.

Each such plot has its own meaning and significance. Whether you had to find yourself in a daydream in a clean or muddy river, dived in a pool, washed in a shower or steamed in a bath - a dream book will help you understand what this means and what to expect from reality.

What would that mean?

Do not rush to rush to the dream book - remember the nuances and details of the dream. If you confuse a detail or a moment, you will get an inaccurate interpretation. Treat the interpretation of dreams responsibly, because it comes about your destiny. And remember that the responsibility for it is not the dream books, but only you yourself, and the decision is also up to you.

1. The dream interpretation assures that swimming in a dream is, in general, a good sign. You will have a bright, emotional life period - you may have to fall in love, meet a new friend or experience a lot of joyful changes. You will not be bored, in any case waiting for you new period in life, bright and full of experiences.

2. It is easy to understand why you dream of bathing in any body of water, but - in clean, transparent water. Of course, swimming in clean water means health, high tide vitality, healing, deliverance from anxiety and blues, great happiness and a lot of joys. Wait for all the most pleasant and joyful, miracles will begin soon!

3. If you dreamed about swimming in cold, but not icy water, for example, in a cold river, or even standing in an invigorating cold shower, this is a very good sign.

This is a recovery! And not only in the physical sense of diseases and ailments, but also in the spiritual plane. Longing and anxiety will go away, health, harmony and a wonderful feeling will come.

4. As the dream book says, swimming, taking a steam bath or just being in a dream in a bath is an unfavorable sign. Bathing in the bath symbolizes ailments and illnesses that for some reason you do not pay attention to.

It's time to get worried and check your health, so as not to get a whole bunch of problems later! If you dreamed about it - do not be lazy, go through the examination, be more attentive to yourself.

5. Washing in the shower means new opportunities. Now is the best, simply ideal period for planning and undertaking, for daring projects and risks, for achieving big goals - you have prospects, and fate smiles at you. Take action!

6. Such a dream, in which you bathed for a swim, but went out all the same in the mud, means that in reality you are used to not finishing your affairs, and from this your life is not good and prosperous enough.

Try to begin to follow through on everything you start. And you will see how the real everyday begins to change in better side For you.

7. Did you dream that you were swimming in the sand? This vision means all that is most favorable to you. Joy, pleasant surprises, peace and harmony in your soul await you.

8. Swimming in a dream and then dressing is a wonderful sign. You will get a new post, a promotion or even power, you will leadership position, your situation will improve significantly in the near future.

9. Being in unpleasant dirty, muddy water, or even wallowing in the mud is not a good sign, but don't worry. Perhaps now is the time for a not-so-auspicious life span, but our whole life consists of different stripes - so now is the time of the dark stripe.

You need to treat her calmly and wisely, do not do any active action, do not make decisions, wait out a difficult period. It will be replaced by a happy streak, it cannot be otherwise!

10. Being in a daydream in a pond with turbid water, this is unpleasant, and does not mean anything good. Be more careful in reality - gossip accumulates around you and intrigues are woven.

There are dishonest people, imaginary comrades, it is worth looking around. If you have been in contact with muddy water in a dream, just be more attentive and more careful.

11. Have you sailed on the river? Expect new events, and perhaps a rapid flow of change. You have to live at a fast pace, be more active in order to keep up with the course of events in life and keep up!

12. Finding yourself in a lake, pool or other body of ice with ice water - to a surprise, and very good. Some unexpected action will greatly surprise and even shock you, but it will lead to very positive and good changes.

13. The lake is a symbol of eternal wisdom, purity and tranquility. If you find yourself in a daydream in a beautiful, picturesque lake with clear blue water, comprehension of wisdom, new experience, harmony and understanding of things awaits you. Your life will move on new level awareness.

14. But the dream books interpret the stay in the bathroom as a quick disappointment. Do not rush to trust all the people around you, especially the unfamiliar, do not entrust anything and do not wait from others for some time to avoid disappointment.

15. The sea is a good sign. You are about to start a big and promising new business, a successful enterprise that can dramatically change your whole life. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and go sailing!

16. Swimming in the pool is a symbol that an interesting one will soon appear in reality new person... He can significantly affect you and your life, change a lot in you and even affect your destiny.

17. If you swam in calm calm water - and in reality a period of harmony, peace and tranquility awaits you. There will be no worries, fears or problems.

Water is a symbol so multifaceted and varied that it is worth changing only one small detail, as the whole meaning of the visions changes, dramatically and strongly.

Therefore, interpret your dreams competently, slowly, listen to your intuition and your heart - and make informed decisions, because life is not a dream. Author: Vasilina Serova

Pure water in a dream - to joy, successful outcome affairs, fortunately. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future.

The clear water in the river is an auspicious sign that promises success and joy. Clear river flowing into your bedroom portends the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is worried, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home.

A stream of clean water flowing near your home means that soon your financial position will strengthen and you will get a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need.

If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will be successful in business or get married, which will turn out to be happy.

If the glass is cracked and the water is not spilled, then your wife may die during childbirth, and the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse.

To see a priest in a dream that he is distributing clean water to people is a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and brings people good and consolation.

Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly carried away by doctrines and heretical teachings.

If a young man sees in a dream that he is collecting clear and transparent water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him.

To take clean water from a well and treat someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will be enriched. If the water becomes cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person.

To draw water from a well portends success in business or a purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings.

Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or something else that is not quite suitable for this means that you will suffer losses or deceive the people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If water is not spilled at the same time, then you will miraculously avoid big losses and save your fortune.

To bury such water in the ground is a harbinger of great trouble, loss of a good name and shameful death.

See the pond from calm water- a sign that your life will be calm and happy.

A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you can lose your wife, children or money.

If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or she will die soon.

A man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream is a harbinger romantic love beautiful woman.

The seething stream is a harbinger of fire, trial and revenge of enemies.

Water flowing over the stones means that your enemies or bosses will be relentless, and you will lose the lawsuit.

Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending disaster.

To dream of someone drowning in a seething and dirty stream, means that a scandal, separation from a lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you.

The restless water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you, emanating from a domineering and powerful enemy.

Sailing on a river with clean water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim on big river- a warning about the danger hanging over you.

Being in a dream in the rapid flow of a river and not being able to get out of it is a sign dangerous disease, danger, lengthy trial.

A fluttering stream means a fire hazard, trial and the intrigues of enemies.

Sail on a boat on a body of water with a clean and clear water- to a good name, to wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts.

Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream portends good news, such a dream predicts recovery for a patient.

Seeing your reflection in the water is death for the sleeping person or someone from close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well.

Perhaps your life is in danger, one of your close relatives or friends may die. Sleep also predicts great financial difficulties.

If the water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then you will face a lot of grief and problems.

Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. How more water you scoop up the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will last.

It is good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or water flow, then soon a person whom you have not seen for a long time and have no longer thought to see will return to you.

Drinking water in a dream - to trouble, failure, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great anxiety or illness.

To spill water at home - to worries and troubles. How much water you shed, so much grief you will sip. It’s even worse if it ruins furniture or carpets.

Throwing yourself into the water in a dream is a sign of danger; immersion in water - to trouble. Seeing yourself in the water is unhealthy, colds, tumors, melancholy.

Taking a dip in the water means that you can justify yourself and remove any suspicion from yourself. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies.

Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love.

Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, collapse of hopes. Wet your feet in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles.

Cold and chilly water in your sleep is a sign of health; hot water means illness, cloudy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in business, and dark - insults, resentments, quarrels, failures.

Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for patients. For the rest, the dream portends that they will refuse to participate in some business.

Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in sorrow. Washing with water is good news.

Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes - to the news. Sprinkling water on someone is an unexpected turn in business. If water splashed on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the spray does not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events awaits you.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means an increase in your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you are talking more than you are doing. Watering something with water means losses.

If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you.

Plunging into water up to your throat in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and your life will become disgusting to you.

Carrying water is useless work.

Walking on water and not getting your feet wet is overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult matter.

Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is spread about you.

Scalding with boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own negligence.

Looking at water in a dream means that your misgivings will come true.

If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness that you feared await you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time.

To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of an imminent receipt of wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits.

A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and will not know how to get out of it.

Sometimes such a dream predicts an inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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