Home Blanks for the winter How do I determine who is connected to my Wi-Fi. Methods for checking the connection of the service. How to find out if paid services from MegaFon are connected via USSD combinations

How do I determine who is connected to my Wi-Fi. Methods for checking the connection of the service. How to find out if paid services from MegaFon are connected via USSD combinations

Good afternoon.

Did you know that the reason for the drop in speed in Wi-Fi networks can there be neighbors who have connected to your router and occupy the entire channel with their jumps? Moreover, it would be okay if they only downloaded it, but if they start breaking the law using your Internet channel? Claims, first of all, will be against you!

That is why, it is advisable to set a password for your Wi-Fi network and sometimes see who is connected to the Wi-Fi router (which devices, are they yours?). Let's consider in more detail how this is done ( the article provides 2 ways)…

Method number 1 - through the settings of the router

STEP 1 - entering the router settings (determining the IP address to enter the settings)

To find out who is connected to the Wi-Fi network, you need to enter the router settings. There is a special page for this, however, it opens for different routers - by different addresses... How can I find this address?

1) Stickers and stickers on the device ...

The easiest way is to take a close look at the router itself (or documents for it). On the body of the device, there is usually a sticker on which the address for settings is indicated, and a login with a password for entering.

In fig. 1 shows an example of such a sticker, to access the settings with "admin" rights, you need:

  • login address:;
  • login (username): admin;
  • password: xxxxx (in most cases, by default, the password is either not specified at all, or is the same as the login).

Rice. 1. Sticker on the router with settings.

2) Command line ...

If you have Internet on your computer (laptop), then you can find out the main gateway through which the network functions (and this is the IP address to enter the page with the router settings).


  • first run the command line - a combination of buttons WIN + R, then you need to enter CMD and press ENTER.
  • in the command line, enter the command ipconfig / all and press ENTER;
  • should appear big list, in it find your adapter (through which the Internet connection goes) and look at the address of the main gateway (you need to enter it in the address bar of your browser).

Rice. 2. Command line (Windows 8).

3) Special. utility

There are specials. utilities for finding and determining the IP address to enter the settings. One of these utilities is described in the second part of this article (but you can also use analogs, so that there is enough of this "good" in the vastness of the network :)).

4) If you failed to enter ...

If you didn't find the settings page, I recommend that you read the following articles:

Rice. 3. TP-Link


The menu in Rostelecom routers, as a rule, is in Russian and problems with search, as a rule, do not arise. To view devices on the network, simply expand the " Device info", DHCP tab. In addition to the MAC address, here you will see the internal IP address in this network, the name of the computer (device) connected to Wi-Fi, and the time of work in the network (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Router from Rostelecom.

A very popular router model, and often the menu is in English. First you need to open the Wireless section, then open the Status subsection (in principle, everything is logical).

Rice. 5. D-Link who joined

If you do not know the password for accessing the router settings (or you simply cannot enter them, or you cannot find the necessary information in the settings), I recommend using the second method of viewing the connected devices to your Wi-Fi network ...

Method number 2 - through the special. utility

This method has its advantages: you do not need to spend time looking for an IP address and entering the router settings, you do not need to install or configure anything, you do not need to know anything, everything happens quickly and in automatic mode(you just need to run one small special utility - Wireless Network Watcher).

A small utility that does not require installation that will help you quickly determine who is connected to the Wi-Fi router, their MAC addresses and IP addresses. Works in all new Windows versions: 7, 8, 10. Of the minuses - there is no support for the Russian language.

After running the utility, you will see a window like fig. 6. There will be several lines in front of you - pay attention to the column "Device information":

  • your router - your router (also shown is its IP address, settings address, which we have been looking for for so long in the first part of the article);
  • your computer - your computer (from the one from which you currently launched the utility).

Rice. 6. Wireless Network Watcher.

In general, an extremely convenient thing, especially if you have not yet understood the intricacies of the settings of your router too well. True, it is worth noting the disadvantages of this method of detecting devices connected to a Wi-Fi network:

  1. the utility shows only online devices connected to the network (i.e. if your neighbor is now asleep and turned off the PC, it will not find and show that he is connected to your network. The utility can be minimized to tray and it will blink for you, when someone new connects to the network);
  2. even if you see someone "outsider", you will not be able to ban him or change the network password (for this you need to enter the settings of the router and restrict access from there).

This concludes the article, I will be grateful for the additions on the topic of the article. Good Luck!

Checking your internet connection for stability is not difficult at all. This requires only one team and time, the more the better.

I ask you not to confuse the speed of reception and transmission of data with a stable connection. These are different concepts. Speed ​​in a very different way. There are specialized online resources for this purpose.

All users know that a fast and stable Internet connection is necessary for comfortable viewing of dynamic content, downloading files large volumes as well as playing online games. Especially for games!

To download large files, if there is a possibility of a possible disconnection, it is recommended to use downloader programs with the ability to reload. But during the game, if an interruption occurs, you either fly out of the mission or wait for the Internet connection to be restored with a "frozen" picture, while the team members continue to play.

A simple speed test won't tell you anything in this case. It will only take a snapshot of your channel in this moment.

To monitor stable operation, it is necessary to “ping” the network for an extended period of time. If you get a bad final result, this will be a serious reason for analysis.

The good news is that you don't need a third party software for monitoring. The Command Line and the correct command are enough.

So, if you suspect that your Internet channel is not stable, I recommend doing the following test. Let's get started ?!


Open Command Prompt (without administrative rights), issue the following command:

Ping -t

and press the Enter key.

This command will send requests to google ( You can use the address of another server, for example the one you want to connect to. Google DNS is given as an example. You will get a new response every second, so let the team work for as long as possible. longer period time.

You will see serious errors immediately. Others will need to be analyzed. If you decide to stop the statistics collection process, press Ctrl + C on your keyboard. The final report will be displayed below.

You need to check how many packets have been lost. Ideally, there should be none. Then how big is the difference between minimum time reception and transmission and maximum. A huge time difference and a large number of lost packets - this clearly indicates a problem.

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Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine any home without Wi-Fi. Wireless networks give us access from a wide variety of gadgets, without the need for cables and additional accessories. But it is worth remembering that the signal from Wi-Fi router goes beyond housing. There will always be people who will definitely take the opportunity and will not only start using your Internet completely free of charge, but also cause a lot of inconvenience. How do I know who is connected to my Wi-Fi?

The first "symptoms" of third-party connections

Internet routers (routers) are now in almost every apartment where there is access to the world network. These devices provide online access for the most various devices- laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones and many others. But if the signal of your router goes outside the home, there will certainly be those who will try to take advantage of the opportunity free internet... You can determine that third-party gadgets are connected to wi-fi by the following criteria:

  • the speed of the Internet connection drops significantly, up to the complete clogging of the channel;
  • the settings of the router are changing without your knowledge;
  • in the list of devices you see third-party gadgets whose MAC addresses you do not know;
  • The WAN (wireless network) indicator is transmitting and receiving data when you have no device connected to the router.

The main feature, as a rule, is precisely the first point, since what more people uses a wireless connection, the more the bandwidth of both the router and the provider decreases. Based on this sign, we can conclude that someone who uses your Wi-Fi.

How to check Wi-Fi on third party users?

We have identified the symptoms and now is the time to figure out how to find out which devices are extraneous, as well as who even got access to your router. The easiest way is to use the device admin panel:

  • make sure that the router is connected to the computer and open any browser convenient for you;
  • enter or in the address bar (the administrator panel address may differ depending on the router model, and all necessary information can be found either in the instructions or on the bottom of the device);
  • after that, a login / password entry window will appear in front of you, where you need to enter the necessary credentials, except for users of the dd-wrt firmware, where the confirmation window pops up only after going through the tabs;
  • here we go to the tab " Wireless connections"(Wireless) and select the item" Network statistics "(Wireless Statistic).

Here you can see a list of devices connected to your wireless network. Using it, you can track uninvited guests, as well as restrict their access to the router.

You can also view how many connections are currently active and how many devices are using the router on the DHCP Clients List tab, if there is one in the admin panel. In addition, here you will receive more detailed information - MAC addresses and assigned IP, which will greatly facilitate the search for other people's devices.

Disconnecting unwanted guests from the router

Now you know how to see who is sitting on your Internet without your knowledge, and it's time to take action. And the most correct solution would be to forcefully disconnect unscrupulous users from the network. This requires:

  • go to the admin panel of the router;
  • go to the tab "Wireless connections" (Wireless) - "Security" (Wireless Security);
  • check if encryption is enabled, and if not, select WPA2-PSK from the drop-down list;
  • further, in the field below, set the password - at least 8 characters, and for greater reliability, mix letters with numbers of different registers;
  • click the Save button.

As a rule, on the same tab you will find the setting for the number of clients that can connect, but this parameter must be changed if a certain number of devices are always connected to the wireless network. After installing protection, the router will reboot, and all unauthorized devices will be turned off.

If you already had a password, and strangers managed to hack it, you need to disable each client manually, but first you need to determine which MAC addresses belong to your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.

Go to the DHCP Clients List tab and disable all suspicious gadgets, change the password to a more complex one and reboot the router. If you accidentally turned off one of your gadgets, don't worry - just allow the connection in the admin panel of the router.

Protecting your Internet from interference

To further prevent third parties from connecting to your wireless network, care must be taken to ensure maximum level protection. This is done as follows:

  • go to the router settings;
  • copy the MAC addresses of all your devices that are connected to the router;
  • find the item Wireless MAC Filtering;
  • add the previously copied addresses here.

After making the changes, save the settings and reboot the router through the admin panel. Such protection will come in handy not only at home, but also in office conditions, since you will only allow connections to devices with specific MAC addresses. But the disadvantage maximum protection is that you will have to allow the access of each new device manually, which, with a large turnover of gadgets, for example, service center, not very convenient.

Step-by-step video instruction:

Wi-Fi activity monitoring software

Despite the fact that you can perform all the operations to disconnect and connect new users through the standard router control panel, it is not always convenient to do this, since you will have to check network activity quite often, and the software shell does not have the ability to notify. But on the Internet you can find software that will allow you to view the list of customers without having to go to the admin panel:

  1. Network Watcher is a simple utility that scans a network and displays all devices connected to it. Users will be able to check the computer name, MAC address, Internet protocol and detailed information about the network card.
  2. WiFi Guard - has all the same features as Network Watcher, but it can also notify the owner of suspicious activity.
  3. NETGEAR Genie is a more advanced tool, as it allows you to get information not only about wireless connections, but also a network map. With its help, users will be able to manage the router and all connections, and if a child often works at the computer, you will be happy with the "Parental Control" function.

Wireless networks open up many opportunities for users, but do not forget that in the absence of the necessary level of security, a completely stranger can connect to them. This will not only lead to certain inconveniences, such as a drop in speed, but may also entail the loss of confidential data. Therefore, you need to take care in advance that no stranger uses your Wi-Fi without your knowledge.


Modern wireless networks encrypted by two protocols - WPA and WPA2, which are considered extremely reliable. Therefore, it is enough to come up with a password that is more secure than "11111111", "qwerty123" and the like to be sure that no one will intrude into the active network.

However, hackers are not asleep, so today there are already methods of breaking this protection. For example, special sites that will help you crack any password for a certain amount. Therefore, every Wi-Fi user can become a victim of cybercriminals. So, the question on the agenda is: how to find out who has connected to the Wi-Fi network?

Owners have the least concern unlimited tariffs because they do not lose anything if someone decides to download a "heavy" file or just surf the Internet using someone else's Wi-Fi. The owners tariff plans, the cost of which depends on the amount of traffic spent, can go to a huge minus.

But if an attacker connects to someone else's network in order to perform actions that contradict the laws, then his goal becomes not just anonymity, but shifting the blame onto another, innocent user. This is where it is worth thinking about protection for both categories of users.

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To understand that someone else is using the Internet in parallel with you, you can pay attention to the speed of wifi. As a rule, any speed (opening web pages, downloading and uploading files) slows down and complicates access to all resources.

Some providers provide daily statistics that show the size of inbound and outbound traffic. If it is very large, and you are sure that you could not use so much of it, then there is a high probability that your Wi-Fi is being used by someone else.

So, you can find out that someone is using your Wi-Fi network in the following ways:

Wireless Network Watcher

Small free program, which scans networks and displays a list of connected devices. It helps you find out the IP and MAC addresses, name and name of the PC. The program can work in background and notify the user with a signal that someone has connected to his network.

SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

An analogue of the first program, which is also free. The principle of operation is the same. There is a whitelist. Devices added there will connect to the user's Wi-Fi network, and the program will not notify about it.

Manual check

You can also check third-party connections manually - open a browser and enter or in the address bar, enter the requested username and password. You will be taken to the router settings menu. It is worth remembering that the menu for all routers is different, depending on the manufacturer. However, there is a tab everywhere like Wireless (Wireless Settings, etc.). By clicking on it, you can see the item Wireless Statistics (Station List, etc.). By clicking, a list of all devices connected to this network will be displayed.

So, to protect your Wi-Fi after an unauthorized connection, you need:

1. Change your password.
2. Set the type of encryption. WEP is an outdated and insecure type of encryption, so it's best to use the aforementioned WPA and WPA2.
3. Enable the MAC address filter (if available in the router settings). You can set a list of MAC addresses that will have access to the Wi-Fi network, while everyone else will simply not be able to connect.
4. Turn on firewall. This function is not available in all routers, but if it is present, then it's a sin not to use it.
5. Change SSID (communication identifier) ​​and make Wi-Fi invisible. The name of the relationship identifier is best used for security purposes. The invisibility of the Wi-Fi network will further complicate unauthorized access, since only those who know the exact name can connect to the network.

Use these methods to catch resourceful neighbors in time and block their access.

Sometimes a strange situation arises - you seem to have changed nothing in the settings, but there is still no Internet. For professional diagnostics, we are still a little "not ripe", but we can already quite correct something. Our knowledge is already enough to fix some problems that may arise in the home network.

Correct functioning local network depends on many factors, including nutritional stability, quality and quantity installed programs and hardware, external threats. Only after this all can we talk about the correct or wrong settings. Great amount such dependencies make it very difficult for an untrained user to diagnose network problems. Therefore, Windows 7 provides a very convenient mechanism for such a diagnosis, and I will try to tell as much as possible about how to use it and, in general, what to do if you suddenly lost the Internet.

First of all, you can look at the network icon in the notification area. As a rule, if you have problems with the connection, this icon will appear yellow for 1-2 minutes Exclamation point or a red cross if there is no connection at all. But this is a very superficial diagnosis. It's just that the system polls the connection status at regular intervals, and if something is wrong, it shows you the corresponding icon in the notification bar. If the Internet disappeared after the system performed the last poll, then there will be neither an icon (it will appear the first time you try to enter the network), nor the Internet. Let's say there is a sharp drop in speed, she too may simply not see: there is access to sites on the Internet, then everything is in order. Therefore, you may need more essential diagnostics. To do this, in the Network and Sharing Center (you can open its window by clicking on the same network icon in the notification panel) in the "View active networks" group, click on the link on the left opposite "Connections".

Checking the connection status

Here you can check the basic parameters of the connection and see if the information is passing through the network. The numbers should change even if your browser is currently closed. A small amount of service traffic all the same constantly “walks” back and forth over the network. If your computer “does” something on the Internet, then numbers run much faster. Clicking on the "Details" button can check the TCP \ IP settings, but they almost never change on their own. Check it out, because there are very rare exceptions, but there are.

Network troubleshooting wizard

If you still do not have the Internet, click on the "Diagnostics" button. This will bring up the Network Troubleshooter, which guides you through more deep diagnostics connections and tell you exactly what you need to fix. It can also be called using the corresponding link in the Network and Sharing Center. It is located at the very bottom of the window. After searching for diagnostic packages on the Internet, you will be shown a window in which you can select the diagnostics of which specific problems you need to troubleshoot. Further actions will depend on the mode you have chosen.

    Internet connection. We choose this item when we do not have an Internet connection. Next, the system will ask you to clarify: you have no network connection at all, or you cannot access a specific site. The problems with the site, in my experience, are yours. operating system cannot decide - just try to go to it, say, after half an hour. Most likely, there are problems with hosting, or the webmaster was too clever with the settings. If there is a problem with Internet access as a whole, then the Wizard will make a test connection to the official Microsoft website and, if there is really no connection, then you will be shown a description of the causes of the problems and recommendations for their elimination. If you nevertheless decided to eliminate in this way the problems with access to a particular site, then enter its address in the window that appears and then follow the instructions of the Wizard.

    Shared folders. Problems are solved in a similar way to the above method. To solve the problem, you will need to specify the network path to the existing folder.

    Network adapter. Select this option if the problem is related to a problem with your network adapter... all actions are performed step by step and are accompanied by detailed instructions. Therefore, this process is not difficult even for novice users.

    Incoming connections. You must select this item if your computer is inaccessible to other network members. The wizard will check your firewall settings. Perhaps they are the problem.

But more often than not, it is enough to simply overload the modem or router. To do this, disconnect it from the power supply, wait 30 seconds and turn it on again. In a minute or two, most likely, everything will work out for you. If this does not help, then call the provider. The Internet can appear even after a banal port reboot, and this can only be done there.

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