Home Preparations for the winter Cats without a breed are called. Breeds of domestic cats. Norwegian forest cat

Cats without a breed are called. Breeds of domestic cats. Norwegian forest cat

All more people want to have a beautiful cat with a good pedigree at home. We all know very well what most mustachioed four-legged purebred kittens look like. However, in this article we will not discuss their appearance, but will talk about how to care for them and what their character is.

All cats are divided into four subspecies:

  • semi-longhaired;
  • oriental or oriental;
  • exotic and Persian;
  • shorthaired and Somali.

So, let's take it in order.

The first type of cats (semi-long-haired)

Scottish lop-eared

She is noted for her rather calm character and silence. And it’s easy to verify this, since even during the mating period you can’t hear as much screaming from them as from other breeds of cats. All people are touched by the picture that without special effort Such kittens can stand on their hind legs.

Such kittens are considered friendly, so they get along easily with dogs, rabbits and hamsters, so they will get along with you without any problems. It is not a problem for them if small children live in the house. The Scottish Fold has a short coat and has special grooming requirements.

British breed

Kittens are easy to train from childhood. Therefore, the right approach to them will help you raise a wonderful cat. Although they are calm and even affectionate in nature.

This type of cat is divided into long-haired and short-haired breeds. In the first case, the kitten needs special care for its lovely coat.

Maine Coon

It belongs to the category of semi-long-haired, but its coat is not fussy and therefore does not require special care. Such a cat is very active and therefore, in order to calm his violent temper, you need to walk him or organize active games at home, or make him a friend so that he does not get bored.

However, this should not be confused with aggression; on the contrary, cats are very kind, especially towards their owners. Besides, they are very curious.

Norwegian forest

This cat will impress you with its size. Despite the fact that the name evokes the wildness of the animal, they still require attention and care from people. It is true that they love freedom, so sitting within 4 walls will be a painful ordeal for them.

As you can see in the photo, this cat is quite elegant and behaves like a king, so it’s a pleasure to watch her habits. The coat of this breed is not particularly whimsical, so it is recommended to comb it only during the shedding season.

Has a beautiful long and fluffy coat. Although nature behaves strangely, despite this, it does not cause an abnormal reaction in the body for most allergy or asthma sufferers. Such cats are considered to be strong and healthy cats.

Therefore, they do not require special care on the part of the owners. The only thing is that you need to comb out their beautiful fur.

It is a pleasure to have such a cat at home. Firstly, he does not require any special care, secondly, his coat is considered hypoallergenic, and thirdly, they are excellent friends.

And this is noticeable from their behavior. They are very loyal to their owners, love children and will easily follow where they move.

American Curl

If you decide to have this particular breed of cat at home, then they will calmly adapt to new circumstances. In addition, these are unpretentious animals that are very friendly, but with all this they do not forget to behave elegantly.

The curl can be either long-haired or short-haired, but either one or the second type does not cause unnecessary trouble for the owners.

This breed is the center of the entire universe. She loves people's attention, and especially if there are guests in the house, she will not be able to sit quietly on the sidelines, but will definitely demonstrate her abilities to everyone. This is their sociability and curiosity. But these are not the only qualities the Angora can boast of, because they are very smart animals.

For example, they can be taught to fetch certain objects in their teeth, turn on the light, or open doors. Their fur does not require close attention only if you have a cat white, then it’s best to comb it out more often. This will help you avoid hair falling out on dark clothing or other items.

The second type of cats (oriental or oriental)

Oriental Shorthair

These are the most devoted friends. They will literally follow you wherever you go. They are very loyal companions and good nannies for your children.

Since such breeds predominate in to a greater extent short hair, their owners really like it, because caring for it is not difficult.

These kittens are also called Balinese. They are very sociable and love company. Therefore, such pets should not be left alone at home for a long time, because as a result you will get a demonstrative mess as a protest.

But such cats themselves get along very well with both people and other pets. These are the owners of a pleasant and soft voice. But it is impossible not to note their excellent coat, since it completely lacks undercoat, and care for it fades into the background.

But, there is one rule regarding their fur coat! If you are going to bathe such a handsome dog, then buy shampoo and conditioner for animals with long hair in advance. And don’t over-dry this beauty with a hairdryer, just dip the kitten in a towel and avoid drafts - it will dry itself.

Oriental Longhair

This breed can be either short-haired or long-haired. Those with long hair do not require regular brushing and bathing; once a month is enough. This breed is very active and playful; regardless of age, the cat will happily run and frolic.

They also love to talk with their beloved owners. They are able to change their tone of voice to add color to their words.

The most common cat breed throughout the world and very in demand. She absolutely does not want to be alone and therefore, in order to attract the attention of her owners, she will persistently purr, meow and rub against her legs. That is, if you are lovers of peace, then this cat is not for you.

But it cannot be said that their persistence is without reason. Siamese are quite affectionate and friendly creatures, so they want to express their love to people. It is not for nothing that Buddhists consider them the guardians of temples and their friends. Therefore, the Siamese beauty does not require special care, except love and attention.

As you can see in the photo, he looks like a Siamese. They are very devoted to their mistresses, they love to convey their news to them in their different tone of voice. They treat strangers with caution, however, if there is no danger, then the Thais will easily make contact with them.

Cats often find themselves in ridiculous situations because of their fearless nature, but despite this, at home such kittens live up to 28 years. Their fur is not fussy, so bathing or frequent brushing is not necessary.

The owners of such pets reduce their time in caring for them by running wet hands through their fur.

This type of rock is considered sacred. These are very emotional cats, so they cannot live in a boring society. They will chase their owners and communicate with them, showing them their love and kindness.

Burmese are absolutely not afraid of strangers. Since these are the owners of fluffy and beautiful fur, regular care is required. During the molting period, such a fur coat must be combed often, even several times a day.

Third type of pets (exotic and Persian)

Persian cats

These are very affectionate and calm creatures. They treat people very trustingly and with warmth. However, they cannot be classified as sofa cats, since they will happily play with people or run after a ball at any age.

However, you need to pay for such beautiful animals with your attention, since their ears, eyes and fur require close care. Therefore, if you don’t have time to bother with a cat, then it’s better not to get yourself such a breed.

They are similar to Persians with their excellent long and fluffy fur. Naturally, it cannot be left without care. In fact, these are good breeds of cats, but there is a hint of stubbornness in their character, and therefore this must be corrected from the very childhood of the animal.

Exotic cats

They are the calmest and least noisy breeds. But this does not mean that they will lie down on the couch and sleep for days. They love their packs very much, that is, they cannot live without companions.

Therefore, if you cannot provide this for such a furry friend, then get yourself another cat. But in general, cats do not require personal care and manage their beautiful fur on their own.

Fourth category (shorthair and Somali)

Abyssinian breed

Very curious pets. Therefore, it is very easy to lure them, you just have to rustle something and the cat will immediately come running in search of this noise. They are independent animals but get along well with people.

Such pets must be accustomed from childhood to scratching posts, examination and cleaning of ears, and other educational measures. Then the Abyssin will not cause you any trouble.

Despite this, kittens love to play and will achieve people's attention with their antics.

And we should not forget that although such an animal needs warmth (no drafts), they should not overheat in the sun. As a result, we can conclude that caring for sphinxes is very sensitive and takes a lot of time, and also requires constant human supervision of the male or female.

Naturally, this is all just a general description of the characters. But we should not forget that genes can influence it, environment and, of course, your attitude towards him. Therefore, raise your four-legged friend from birth, listen to his needs, pay him attention, and he will delight you with his mustache and tail.


No one will deny that big cats are amazing, very beautiful animals with a number of unique qualities. Unfortunately, due to hunting for their valuable fur, the populations of many species of the cat family are greatly reduced. We invite you to get acquainted with the most interesting wild cats that know how to approach hunting creatively, have an amazing appearance and can be very dangerous.

1) Lynx

The North American bobcat belongs to the cat family. This predator lives in wooded areas and can also live in desert and semi-desert areas or near swamps. For the most part these lynxes feed on rabbits, hares, deer, small rodents and even insects. Like many other cats, lynxes lead a solitary lifestyle.

Although lynxes in America are destroyed for the sake of valuable fur or just for fun, the population of these animals as a whole is not yet in danger. However, if the shooting of red lynxes continues at the same pace, the animals could face serious danger. Lynxes are nocturnal, but can be seen three hours before sunset and three hours after sunrise. They adapt well to new environment habitat, which is very important for animals, since humans take them away from many natural environment a habitat.

In addition to the red lynx, there are three more species in nature - its closest relatives - Canadian, common and Pyrenean. The red lynx, although classified as a big cat, is actually not that large in size. She is approximately 2 times larger than the average domestic cat.

2) Ocelot

The ocelot resembles a domestic cat, but with an unusual leopard print coloring. Unfortunately, it is because of their beautiful fur that ocelots are mercilessly exterminated. They typically feed on lizards, amphibians, deer, rodents and frogs. These cats live in Mexico, Central and South America, preferring dense forest thicket. In the 1980s, ocelots were listed as endangered in the Red Book, but later restored their numbers to healthy levels. These cats love to be alone and are rarely seen in a group. They guard the territory they occupy and can sometimes fight to the death for the right to have their own piece of land. Since ocelots are nocturnal, they have excellent vision and see well in the dark.

3) Caracal

Caracal is often called steppe trot, although this cat does not belong to the lynx genus, it is its closest relative. Caracals are known for their extraordinary tree-climbing and jumping abilities. Lives in Africa and Western Asia, likes to hunt alone at night. Caracals are able to grab birds in flight, but birds are not their main diet. These cats mainly feed on antelopes, gazelles, rodents and very rarely ostriches. After the caracal has caught prey, it separates the meat from the skin; it does not eat animal fur. If there is very little food, caracals eat birds along with feathers, and also catch rodents. Seeing a caracal in the wild is rare, as these cats are very clever at hiding from humans.

4) Jaguarundi

The jaguarundi, a member of the puma genus, lives in Mexico, Central and South America. These cats are said to resemble otters, apparently due to their uniform coat color and round ears. People do not hunt for the jaguarundi's fur, but these cats are suffering due to habitat loss. In many Spanish-speaking countries these animals are called "leoncillo", that is "little lion". Unlike many other felines, jaguarundis hunt during the day. They usually feed on rabbits, hares, birds and sometimes even fruit. Most jaguarundis prefer to live in areas with low vegetation and near rivers and streams.

5) Marble cat

The marbled cat is almost the same size as a domestic cat and is one of the smallest wild cats on the planet. The 45-centimeter tail of this animal is often used to maintain balance during hunting. Marbled cats live in different parts of India and South-East Asia. Their diet consists mainly of squirrels, reptiles and birds. Unfortunately, these cats are rarely studied because they are difficult to observe. Their population is said to be less than 10 thousand individuals and continues to decline due to habitat loss. The marbled cat is the only representative of its genus, but is the closest relative of the Temminck cat. This cat received the name “Marble” due to its unique coloring.

6) Jaguar

The jaguar is the third largest big cat on the planet. It is the national animal of Brazil. Jaguars are very similar to leopards, but are much larger in size. Jaguars are one of the few cats that love to swim. They are solitary predators and help control populations of the species they hunt. The strong grip and powerful jaws of jaguars allow them to easily crack the shells of mollusks and bite through the hard skin of reptiles. Unfortunately, the number of these beautiful cats is falling every day and they are close to a vulnerable position because they are being destroyed by man. Jaguars are excellent swimmers, crawlers and climbers, which they need for successful hunting.

7) Snow leopard

Snow leopards– very rare big cats that are found in the mountains Central Asia, in Afghanistan and other countries. These cats live on average 15-18 years. They are comparable in size to leopards, but have a longer tail, with which they maintain balance while climbing rocks. They inhabit mountainous areas and live in caves. According to estimates by nature conservationists, there are no more than 5 thousand of these animals left, which means the species is in danger of extinction. Snow leopards are capable of killing prey 3 times their size. They mainly feed on mountain goats, wild boars and deer. They usually do not particularly defend their territory.

8) Leo

Lions mainly live in savannas and grasslands, but are sometimes found in forests. Lions are social animals and gather in groups called prides, which consist of females, cubs and several males. Lionesses usually hunt in groups, and lions very rarely go out hunting. Currently, lion numbers have suffered greatly and they are vulnerable animals. The male and female differ in appearance - lions are known to have a shaggy mane. Lions are the second largest big cats. Cubs - lion cubs - are born with spots on their bodies, which disappear as they grow older. The lions' diet mainly consists of wildebeest, black-footed antelope, zebra and buffalo.

9) Cheetah

Cheetahs are considered the fastest land animals on the planet with the ability to reach speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. The round black spots on the fur of cheetahs help them hide well while hunting. They feed mainly on mammals, including gazelles, wildebeest and zebras. When a cheetah chases prey, its body temperature rises so much that it can be fatal if it persists. for a long time. Cheetahs are considered a vulnerable species, according to some estimates, in wildlife approximately 12,400 individuals remain.

10) Tiger

Tigers are usually found in the south and east of Asia. Like many other cats, tigers are solitary and nocturnal. The dark, vertical stripes on the tiger's red or yellow fur distinguish it from other cats. Tigers are an integral part of ancient mythology. In the wild, they feed mainly on buffalo, wild boar, deer, and sometimes even leopards and pythons. A tiger can jump up to 5 meters. They prefer to live near bodies of water because they love to take baths. Some known species Tigers became extinct quite recently.

There are a huge number of cat breeds in the world. The number of officially recorded breeds reaches hundreds. Some breeds are closely related and similar to each other, while others are radically different. The difference may be in the length of the coat, its color, structure, or its complete absence, as in the case of sphinxes. Some big body, but small legs, others are distinguished by long legs, neck and tail. There are many options. This article will look at the most popular cat breeds with long tails.

This is a very active and inquisitive breed of cat. Throughout its life, the Abyssinian cat remains active and playful. Their main characteristics are silence and dislike of closed spaces.

Medium size, weigh from 3 to 5 kg, live about 15-20 years. They are predisposed to kidney disease.

These cats have quite peaceful character, they get along well with children and at the same time easily tolerate loneliness in the apartment. Australian cats have a medium muscular body with a rounded chest, medium-length legs and a long tail that tapers to a point. Wedge-shaped muzzle. The shiny and short coat does not require much grooming.

medium size, with excellent body proportions, and a weight of about 7 kg. These cats have medium-length legs, but a long tail, tapered at the end. Asian cats have an exemplary character, they do not have conflicts, bond well with the family, and get along with children. At the same time, they are suitable for city apartments, as they can live well without visiting the street.

Caring for short-haired representatives of this breed will not be difficult, but for semi-long-haired cats you will need a special shampoo and a rare comb. Well, you can’t do without a scratching post. And there are no hereditary diseases in Asian cats.

They are very friendly, love to play with children, and always participate in all household chores. At the same time, they love long walks outside the house. They are smart, easy to train and retain their childlike character throughout their lives. The main distinguishing feature is the ears folded back.

The American Curl has a good life expectancy in the area 17 years. And at the same time, hereditary diseases go unnoticed.

Mostly with an elegant, harmonious figure. Long legs and tail, flexible neck. These cats perfectly defend their title as pets, as they are skilled mousecatchers. They are easy to train and bond well with pets. The original coat color is white.

It is a Siamese cat with long hair, legs, body and neck, but is medium in size. Balinese cats are very energetic and playful; they become very attached to their owner and do not tolerate loneliness. Their upbringing should be gentle, as these cats do not require much grooming.

U average duration life in 14 years. But there are many hereditary diseases: “Siamese” strabismus, asthma and diseases of the oral cavity. Weight on average from 2 to 5 kg.

Bengal cats

Famous for their color. It resembles the color of wild cats, or larger predators. The Bengal cat has an equally beautiful physique: it is muscular, with long legs and a tail. The neck is muscular and long. The most common color is brown-black, while blue and snow leopard are very rare.

Bengal cats have an explosive temperament, they are constantly active, ready to play and have a strong need for attention. And such attention should be paid if there is also an aquarium in the house. Because Bengal cats are not averse to swimming. They are not very demanding in terms of care and maintenance. But all over the world it is one of the most expensive cats.

The cat is very beautiful, medium in size with piercing eyes and large pointed ears. The head is wedge-shaped and the neck is long but not wide. These cats are also wonderful pets, strongly attached to their owner. They are easy to raise and train. But with a lack of attention, Brazilian Shorthairs become aggressive and distrustful. Therefore, to prevent the cat’s relationship with its owner from worsening, you should pay a lot of attention to it. Also, Brazilian cats do not have hereditary diseases and are in good health.

At first glance, this breed is no different from ordinary domestic cats, but the distinctive feature of the Li Mao breed is green or yellow slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes, and small black dots (in the form of a smile) at the edges of the mouth. And also a strong, muscular body, proportional paws of equal length, an elongated head with a rounded forehead, rounded ears and, of course, a long tail. Brown tabby is the only color recognized for this breed.

Are they dragons? smart cats with a calm character. Because of this, they are easy to train and learn. They get along easily with other pets, but have a hard time getting used to children (although they treat them with due tolerance). Li dragons do not require special care and do not have hereditary diseases.

The cat is distinguished by its leopard-print coat color. The most popular colors are golden, silver, black, blue and bronze. The coat is short and does not require maintenance. The cats themselves are quite large and muscular, with a round head and a long tail. No hereditary diseases.

Ringtail cats

Ringtails are medium-sized cats with strong muscles and graceful body proportions. Medium-sized legs with oval paws. The eyes are almond-shaped. The wool is elastic and happens different colors. The main distinguishing feature is the tail, bent almost into a circle.

Ringtails are very curious and friendly, while being calm cats. They get along well with pets and love to play with children. Long periods of loneliness are hard to bear. Caring for ringtails is quite simple; it is enough to examine the cat once a week and trim the claws once a month. There are no hereditary diseases in ring-tailed cats.

Another representative of long-tailed cats with amazing fur. The fur is silky and sticks out randomly, but the texture itself is individual for each cat and can change with age. They get along perfectly with small children and pets. La-perm does not require special care.

This is a beautiful big one with a long and fluffy tail like a fox.

Persian cats

They have a huge range of coat colors. These colors can be: white, cream, blue, black, smoky. Persian cats are perfect for apartments, as they are not very eager to go outside all the time. Caring for Persian cats is quite difficult, as they shed frequently.

The main distinguishing feature of the Russian cat is its short, plush-like double coat. blue color with a transition to silver.

Often confused with the Russian Blue cat. But its main difference is its soft middle length silky wool.

This is an active and playful cat with long fur on its legs and tail. Most of them are very large massive cats.

Cat breeds that are not included in the list

Several other breeds can also be classified as long-tailed cat breeds. For example, cats from the Sphynx family. These include Canadian Sphynxes, Don and Persian Sphynxes, and even cats from the Ukrainian Levkoy breed. Some Rexes also have long tails. These include the Oregon Rex, Devon Rex and Tennessee Rex.

Why do people get cats? There are many reasons, one of them is loneliness. Many residents of densely populated cities often feel an urgent need for the company of someone close and understanding - companion animals come to in this case for help. And if many people are not allowed to have a dog because of their daily routine or living conditions, then with cats in this case everything is much simpler - they are much more “autonomous”, require much less attention and feel great even in a small space. In short, if you decide to get a cat and want to find out which breed is best suited for living in an apartment, this article will help you decide.

What should you pay attention to first when choosing a cat?

Experts agree that a calm, friendly character is optimal for cats living in an apartment. It is important to be able to “occupy yourself” with something non-destructive while the owner leaves the apartment. It is advised to choose breeds that are not characterized by increased energy - in a confined space it will manifest itself in the form of various pranks.

The cat demands to be played with

We have done our own research on this topic, so before we give specific recommendations on choosing the right breed, it is necessary to describe some common features animals and possible problems associated with them. This is worth doing before bringing a cat into your home. In this way, you can be sure that the cat you choose will suit your lifestyle, and you will find mutual language».

Agree, take responsibility for Living being- a serious step and it is best to carefully prepare for it.

Potential difficulties of living with a cat

1. Cats go to the toilet. Yes, and “in a big way” too. Of course, cats are much more clean than dogs; they cannot go to the toilet due to carelessness or from excess emotions, but cats also happen to shit in the wrong place. There may be many reasons for this, but in this case the point is different - the area of ​​the apartment is small, and the smell of cat excrement is quite pungent. This can cause problems with neighbors or homeowners. Therefore, it is preferable to choose animals that are already tray-trained.

Cat litter and kitten

If you think that cats are easy to train and their very instincts will push them into in the right direction- you are wrong. Our editor is the proud owner of two large mongrel cats, one of whom completely refuses to remember that a trash can is the wrong place for his litter box. And even if it is possible to convince him of this today, it is not a fact that tomorrow the situation with the surprise found in the trash bin will not repeat itself.

2. Cats shed. And this is also a problem. Are you ready for your entire apartment to be strewn with cat hair? It will get everywhere: on clothes, in food, on all surfaces. In a small space, especially during periods of seasonal molting, cat hair turns into a real punishment.

Grooming a long-haired white cat

Moreover, some cats periodically develop dandruff, to which you or your family members may be allergic. So, when choosing an animal, you need to remember about the upcoming “war” with its fur, and if this is a problem for you, it is better to choose smooth-haired breeds or sphinxes in general. On the other hand, with proper care, problems with the coat will practically not arise. In any case, it is worth paying attention to this issue.

3. Cat temperament or character. In some cases, it can also present very unpleasant surprises. If you live in a relatively small apartment, you should choose a furry friend of a breed that has the following characteristics:

  • lack of a pronounced instinct for one’s own territory;
  • easy perception of loneliness;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness towards strangers;
  • not too high activity.

The last thing is worth explaining - cats with high activity require a lot of space for their games. They physically need to spend their energy somewhere, so they rush around the apartment like crazy, turning over various items, damaging the furniture, knocking you off your feet. Such animals need to stay fresh air, so keeping them in the apartment will be problematic for you.

What breeds are best for apartment living?

Knowing now what you need to pay attention to when choosing a pet, you can consider specific breeds of cats and the reasons why you would be comfortable living with them in an ordinary small apartment. Let's hope that you like one of the cats presented below.

Maine Coons are a very friendly cat breed. They will give you their attention and warmth regardless of the circumstances. They have a very friendly character, which allows them to easily get along with other pets and find a “common language” with all family members. In addition, they are very smart, so there should be no problems with the litter box or mischief.

Maine Coon kitten is bored

However, Maine Coons grow very large compared to other domestic cats. They weigh on average 6–7 kg, reach 40 cm in height and more than a meter in length if measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. So they require a lot of space - this is important to consider. In addition, they require careful care. But if this doesn’t bother you, the Maine Coon will become your best, most loyal and gentle friend.

Siamese cats are considered the most sociable among other breeds, so if your neighbors cannot stand unnecessary noise, cat songs are unlikely to please them. But if your apartment has thick enough walls, this will not be a problem. At the same time, Siamese cats are very smart, they are easy to train and even perform various tricks, which makes them a very interesting company.

Beautiful blue-eyed Siamese cat lies on a pillow

In ancient times, Siamese cats guarded some temples in Tibet, but modern representatives of this breed are very affectionate. They are great companions for single people. Adult cats rarely weigh more than 4 kg, they are very graceful and not very active. Most Siamese cats have short hair, so in this sense there should not be any problems.


Representatives of this breed come in both long-haired and short-haired varieties. Characteristic feature These cats are that in some cases they are tailless, although there are Manx cats with a full tail. But despite such anatomical features, cats of this breed are very playful and dexterous. They have small dimensions - the weight of males rarely exceeds 5 kg, females are even smaller.

Isle of Man tailless cat

For living in an apartment, it is preferable to choose short-haired representatives of this breed. Manx cats love to live indoors, so being constantly “within four walls” does not cause them any stress. They are wonderful companions - there is an opinion that nature compensated for the lack of a tail with a special charm.

Soft plush fur and a very friendly character make representatives of this breed one of the best best candidates to the vacant seat on your lap. They are very similar in appearance to Persian cats, but do not require as much grooming due to their short hair.

Exot (or exo) - a short-haired cat with a canine character

Exotics have an amazingly calm character for cats. They become very attached to a person and need his constant presence. Some of their character traits are more typical of dogs - they are very loyal and loving. However, exotics are not averse to playing, and some of them are excellent mousecatchers. But, in general, they are very soft, affectionate and calm. The only difficulty in keeping them is that they will miss you in moments of loneliness.


Despite their strange appearance, these “hairless” cats are very friendly even to strangers. The characteristics of this breed make Sphynxes ideal house cats - they do not shed, do not cause allergies, have a gentle character and literally need to be constantly indoors so that ultraviolet radiation does not damage their delicate skin.

Sphynx is a “hairless” gentle non-shedding hypoallergenic cat

These cats, by the way, are very pleasant to the touch - their skin is soft and warm. They avoid unnecessary activity, which also makes them excellent apartment dwellers. The weight of an adult Sphynx can reach 5 kilograms. These cats are very loyal to their owner, but also do not shy away from the attention of other family members or guests in your home.

These cats have amazing beauty- bright blue or green eyes and rich bluish-gray color of short fur. They are very intelligent and delicate in their behavior. Representatives of this breed feel great in an apartment and are not at all inclined to mischief or organize “races along the walls.”

The Russian Blue is an intelligent cat that thrives in an apartment.

Russian Blue cats get along great with other pets and children. But regarding strangers they are shy and avoid contact, preferring to hide somewhere. If you do not often invite guests, such cats will become wonderful friends and trouble-free roommates for you.


The name of the breed can be literally translated as “ Ragdoll“- these cats limp funny if you try to pick them up and do not at all resist active “hugs” from humans. The character is quite phlegmatic, but at the same time cats of this breed are smart and strongly attached to their owner. They are also very child friendly and get along well with dogs. Caring for them is quite easy, despite the fluffiness of this breed.

Ragdolls are very large, fluffy and friendly cats.

Ragdoll cats sometimes grow very large - males can weigh up to 9 kg, so, despite their calm nature, cohabiting with such an animal can be uncomfortable with a very small living space. But this breed is exclusively domestic - they are not adapted for life on the street due to their trusting and non-aggressive nature.


Small adorable cats with a more or less standard body length and legs 2-3 times shorter than usual. Munchkins weigh 3–4 kg. Their dimensions make them great for apartment living. In addition, these cats are very friendly and always cause affection thanks to their short legs. They are found with both long and short hair.

Munchkin is a breed of the cutest cats with short legs

Despite their toy appearance, munchkins are very active and require attention, so it is better for single people or families with children to have such cats. They are very unpretentious in care, but, not receiving enough human attention, these cute cats become mopey and sick.

One of the oldest breeds, very popular all over the world. Persians have very thick and long hair that requires careful grooming. Adult cats grow quite large and can weigh 5–6 kg. Their character is very peaceful and calm.

Persians are one of the most ancient cat breeds

They treat people friendly, but do not feel an urgent need for human attention. As a rule, they choose one owner and are constantly somewhere near him or his things.

A very popular breed today. These cats are playful and friendly. Scots can grow quite large - up to 6 kg. They have short, very soft fur. Caring for them is quite simple; they themselves are very smart and affectionate.

The ideal pet for your home is the Scottish Fold cat.

An excellent candidate for apartment living. Especially for single people, since cats of this breed are very playful and love to be given attention. They become very attached to their owner, but at the same time easily tolerate loneliness.

An old, unpretentious and very hardy cat breed that can adapt well to apartment life. The British are friendly and a great choice for people who love to pet their cat and sit on their lap.

British Shorthairs are man's faithful friends

An interesting character trait is independence. For all their friendliness, the British tolerate loneliness and lack of attention to their person very well. They also don’t like to climb high places, so things on the closet and shelves will definitely remain intact. This cat is ideal if you live in a small apartment and are away often.


This is a very independent cat breed, whose representatives will have no problems with entertainment, so when you leave for work, you don’t have to worry about your favorite animal being bored. These are very curious and active animals, and they are also quite large, so they will definitely make a little mess. At the same time, these cats are very smart, so with the right educational approach, you can indicate to your pet all the boundaries that he should not cross.

Javanese is a cute, lop-eared, big, smart, curious and very active cat.

Javanese do not require special care. They are mostly short-haired and practically do not get sick. These cats are well suited for lonely people who are often away from home. They will provide calm and undemanding company, lifting the mood with their funny appearance and behavior.

Although we've just listed some cat breeds that do well in apartments, it's important to keep your expectations realistic. Cats are living creatures, so you will have to deal with some of the consequences of their life.

His feline majesty wants to play

By adopting a cat, you take responsibility for it, so you must be prepared to care for it. To avoid any reasons for negativity, you should keep an eye on several things:

  • the cat litter box must be cleaned regularly, because otherwise the cat may go to an unintended place;
  • if you have several cats, each of them should have their own litter box, since these animals are quite clean and picky;
  • if the cat's behavior changes and the animal suddenly throws litter out of the tray or goes to the toilet in the middle of the room, it is worth finding out the reasons for such actions, one of which may be a health condition.

If you don’t want unnecessary hassle, avoid using carpeting in your home. Carpets are difficult to clean and the characteristic odor is not easy to remove. In addition, cats love to sharpen their claws on carpets. By the way, it is also worth taking care of the claw sharpener in advance and accustoming the cat to it with the help of positive motivation from childhood.

You will need a few more useful devices to make cohabitation with a cat comfortable for both of you.

Self-cleaning tray

Self-cleaning cat litter box

Such trays are not particularly popular, but they can significantly save your energy. Well, if you are away for a long time, and your pet is picky, such a tray will allow you to avoid unpleasant incidents associated with excrement that is not collected on time.


There are many different configurations of these devices, but almost all of them allow your pet to play, sharpen his claws and relax. By using such a house, you create a place for the cat to play, where he can expend his energy. In addition, you protect upholstered furniture and wallpaper from cat claws.

Automatic feeder

An ideal device for those who leave their cat alone for a long time

Also an indispensable thing if you live alone and are often absent. Cats quickly get accustomed to such a device. You just need to check the availability of food and water in the store and set the timer to the optimal time intervals for replenishing the cat's bowl.

When choosing a cat to live in an apartment, do not forget that the breed is important, but you also need to take into account the cat’s personality. No two cats are alike, even if they come from the same breed. So, for example, many people have representatives of the “European” breed or simply ordinary yard cats living in their homes - and they are smart, calm and affectionate. On the other hand, purebred cats suggest their future behavior and habits. In any case, it is worth soberly assessing your living conditions, your routine and preferences, and then do what you need to do. conscious choice. A choice that will brighten up your future life.

Like their wild relatives, many purebred cats have short hair. This makes life much easier for both them and their owners, who do not have to collect large clumps of loose wool around the apartment.

Largely because of this, as well as due to their extraordinary beauty and grace, short-haired cat breeds are desirable pets. Their varieties will be discussed.

Abyssinian cat

It is considered a descendant of the sacred ancient Egyptian cats that lived in the territory of modern Ethiopia. According to one version, in the 60s. In the 19th century, it was brought from there by British soldiers returning to their homeland.

Since the middle of the 20th century, Abyssinians have become very popular. They have a slender, muscular build, an arched neck and large ears.

American Curl

In the early 1980s, a stray cat with unusual, curled-back ears was found in California. She had two babies - one with short hair and one with long hair.

They created a sensation at the show, and in 1986 both of these breeds were registered. Curled ears, by the way, are a natural genetic deviation.

Descendants of domestic cats that arrived in America in the 17th century with the first English settlers. They are distinguished by their powerful body and long rounded paws.


Burmese cat

The breed is dark brown in color, brought from Burma. It was crossed with the Siamese, and the new breed was recognized in 1936. Burmans are characterized by a padded nose and a medium-length tail with a rounded tip.

It is the result of scientists' attempts to obtain a small copy of the black Indian panther. To do this, a brown Burmese was crossed with a black American Shorthair.

Bombays must have everything exclusively black - from every hair of their fur to the pads on their paws.

Devon Rex

In 1960, a cat with wavy fur was discovered in the English county of Devonshire. She soon gave birth to offspring, including one curly-haired baby, declared the first Devon Rex.

They are easy to distinguish by their thin plastic body, triangular convex muzzle and huge ears.

European Shorthair

This breed is closest to wild species, so its representatives have excellent hunting skills. European Shorthairs are considered a natural breed; humanity has not interfered much with its development.

Unlike overweight British women, European women are more refined and muscular. Experts note their very strong immunity.

Luxurious silver-smoky cat with a spotted pattern all over her body. She is similar to the cats that are depicted on the walls of temples and in the manuscripts of Ancient Egypt.

By nature, the Mau is quite reserved and rarely trusts more than one person.


The breed is named after the province in Thailand, from where American soldiers serving there brought it to the United States. It is believed that Korats must have a strictly silver-blue color, otherwise they are classified as the “Thai Lilac” or “Thai Color Point” breed.

Cornish Rex

This cat comes from the English county of Cornwall. The smooth-haired mother gave birth to a cream-colored kitten with curly hair. Subsequently, they were crossed, having already received two curly cubs (see what are there).

But over time, crossing closely related species produced weak offspring that had to be euthanized, and several other breeds were introduced.

Cornish cats, like other varieties of rex, are characterized by long front legs, an elongated rounded muzzle and unusually large ears in comparison with the head.


Probably the funniest looking cat breed, munchkins have very short legs, like a dachshund. This occurred as a result of a genetic mutation. Sociable, friendly and playful animals.

Manx cat

A unique breed that is very distinguished short tail or its complete absence, which is also caused by a mutant gene.

The Manx was named after the Isle of Man. western shores Great Britain, where their population developed. Large, well-fed cats with a round muzzle.

German (Prussian) Rex

Considered to be the first of the wavy breeds, it was bred in the 30s. XX century in Germany by crossing Russian Blue and Turkish Angora. They have a velvety coat that is pleasant to the touch, and are sometimes bald.

Oriental cat (oriental)

A thin, graceful cat with a long tail and slightly slanted eyes. It was brought to Europe from the Far East.


Ocicats are so named because of their visual resemblance to wild ocelots - the same spotted pattern on the body. Now exists large range Ocicat colors range from cream to blue.


Another breed with a miniature tail, bred in America in the early 1990s. In appearance and color, the pixie bob resembles a wild lynx.

Russian blue

These cats were brought to the West by traders returning from the Arkhangelsk province. Their delicate blue-gray fur shines silver in the light.

A medium-sized cat, at the same time powerful and graceful, affectionate, and has a quiet voice.

One of the newest breeds, the first representative of which was born in 1987 in the American state of Wyoming.

Thanks to crossing with Persians, the Selkirk's fur is thicker than that of other rexes. Funny curly animals.

The history of this breed goes back to the 15th century. In Siam (now Thailand), such a cat was considered sacred.

She has quite unusual appearanceLong neck, triangular muzzle, slanting Blue eyes, large ears and colored limbs (see).

Singapura cat

Her in the early 1970s. brought from the island of Singapore. One of the smallest cats. It is distinguished by a small rounded muzzle and huge expressive eyes (see).


A strikingly beautiful breed resulting from mating Siamese with American Shorthair. From the Siamese there remains the color, from the Americans - a powerful physique and a large head. See all

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