Home Preparations for the winter Overview of all loan products from the bank. Consumer loan from the bank

Overview of all loan products from the bank. Consumer loan from the bank

OTP Bank issues loans in the amount of up to half a million rubles, while 200 000 rubles you can get, and 75,000 rubles - in 15 minutes. Fast processing of the application is combined with rather high interest rates. The main requirements for the borrower are at least 21 years of age, Russian citizenship and permanent employment.

Basic conditions:

  • Loan amount from 15,000 to 1,000,000 rubles
  • All you need is a passport
  • The rate is 11.5% - 19.9% ​​with a loan amount of 300,000 rubles
  • The rate is 14.9% - 35.7% with a loan amount up to 300,000 rubles

OTP Bank is a universal financial organization that provides individuals and corporate customers with a wide range of banking products and services. As of October 1, 2018 equity bank amounted to 32 billion rubles.

The mission of OTP Bank is to build long-term relationships based on mutual trust with partners and new clients, increasing financial literacy population by providing them with accessible and understandable products, as well as developing the banking services market to create more comfortable conditions enabling employees of the organization to grow professionally.

The bank's vision is no less promising and is expressed in the desire to become a partner for clients that they can trust, to become one of the 20 largest banks in Russia, to develop further as a universal financial institution, showing an increase in profits and the number of individuals who constantly use the services of the bank.

Why choose OTP Bank?

To answer this question, it is enough to consider the advantages of this financial institution:

  • availability of its own service network (consumer lending points - 143,551, cash offices - 96, customer service points - 134, ATM network - 195 and terminals - 269);
  • presence in more than 3700 settlements countries and providing customers with a full range of services, despite social status this and that area.

The most popular financial products of the bank for a private client are cash loans for any purpose up to 4 million rubles, obtaining a credit card with a grace period, the ability to use borrowed funds for pensioners and opening a deposit at a favorable interest rate.

In addition to private clients, OTP Bank actively cooperates with small businesses, providing them with the following services - free opening and maintenance of settlement and special accounts, providing an Internet bank to inform clients about their financial transactions, reserving an account online in 30 seconds and the ability to use Premium- account for free.

For corporate clients, the bank develops individual loan solutions, taking into account the specifics of their business, and for financial institutions becomes a reliable partner, providing a variety of services and a decent level of service.

Cash loan in OTP Bank is great solution if you urgently need money. All consumer loans from OTP Bank are non-targeted, that is, you can spend money on any needs. Let's look at the main advantages of lending at this bank:

  • Low interest rate– from 10.9% per annum;
  • The maximum loan amount is 750,000 rubles;
  • The maximum loan term is 5 years;
  • The time for consideration of the application is from 3 to 5 working days;
  • The absence of any commissions;
  • Possibility of full early repayment.

Let's look at all OTP Bank lending programs.

Loan programs of OTP Bank

Excellent cash loan 10.9% in rubles

One of the most advantageous offers of the bank. The only negative is the mandatory guarantee individual. Here are the main conditions of this program:

  • Amount from 51,000 to 750,000 rubles;
  • Loan terms - from 1 to 6 months;
  • Overpayment - 10.9% per year;
  • Commission for early repayment- missing;
  • Collateral - a mandatory guarantee of an individual;
  • The minimum amount of early repayment is 4,000 rubles, excluding the monthly payment;
  • Penalty for late payment - 0.5% per day of the overdue amount.

Great cash loan

The main difference between this loan and the one discussed above is the ability to take it without a guarantor, but at the same time, the interest rate will be slightly higher. Conditions of the program "Excellent cash loan":

  • Currency - ruble;
  • The minimum loan amount is 51,000 rubles;
  • The maximum loan amount is 750,000 rubles;

Interest rates:

Loan "Preferential" for large families

Special offer of OTP Bank for borrowers who are married and have 3 or more children. The conditions are the same as in the previous program, but the interest rates are different.

Express loan

If you urgently need money and there is no time at all, for example, a car breaks down or you need funds for treatment, or you are unexpectedly given a vacation, then OTP Bank can offer you an Express Loan. For its registration, only a passport is enough. Bank employees will make a decision on issuing a loan within an hour. The only negative is a rather high overpayment - from 17.9% per year. Let's look at all the terms of an express loan:

  • Currency - ruble;
  • The minimum loan amount is 15,000 rubles;
  • The maximum loan amount is 50,000 rubles;
  • Commission for early repayment - none;
  • Loan term - from 1 month to 5 years.

Interest rates

Loan for business people

Loan program for individual entrepreneurs. The main benefits of this program are.

Getting a loan from a bank ordinary people associated with many problems and questions. Everyone wants to arrange profitable loan, but not everyone succeeds. Clients face inflated interest rates and unfavorable credit conditions, as a result of which they then overpay a lot of money. However, among the various banking offers, there were still profitable ones. You can pay attention to. This bank has established itself for many years as a reliable lender with large quantity regular customers. There are two ways to apply for a loan from this bank. The first way is to go to a bank branch, and the second way is to apply online. An online application for a loan at OTP Bank is especially popular, because it allows you to get a bank decision without leaving your home.

Terms of consumer credit in OTP Bank

Money in this bank can be received in the amount of 30 thousand to 1 million rubles. Maximum period, for which money is issued, is 64 months. Interest rates in this bank are different, they range from 11.5% to 37.5% per annum. The rate will directly depend on the term of the loan, its amount and financial condition client. Borrowers can be calm - they will not be charged various commissions and incomprehensible contributions. You can get a cash loan both at a bank branch and at points of sale located in large shopping malls your city. At the point of sale, in addition to a cash loan, it is also possible to obtain a consumer loan for goods. Thus, you can leave the store with cash and with your favorite TV or laptop. If you have no time to go shopping, then an online application for a loan at OTP Bank , that's what you need.

What should borrowers be?

Borrowers must be citizens of Russia, as evidenced by their passport. The passport must have a residence permit in the region where the client wants to apply for a loan. The age of potential customers must be between 21 and 65 years old. A prerequisite is the presence of a permanent job with official income. On the last place work, the borrower must work for less than 5 months. OTP Bank also cooperates with pensioners. It is enough for them to present their passport and pension certificate. Working pensioners may also submit proof of income. In that case, they will be given a larger amount of credit than the unemployed. By submitting an online application for credit card at OTP Bank, you can count on the fact that they will bring you a card with home delivery.

Online application process

Apply for a loan at OTP Bank on our website

You can fill out an application for a loan on our website by filling out a questionnaire. It is enough to either choose one suitable offer from the provided ones, or fill out your questionnaire, according to which we will individually select for you the best option lending. The whole procedure will not take more than 15 minutes, a call to your phone will come immediately after the application is considered.

For more than ten years, OTP Bank has been one of the few creditors recognized as the most reliable. This is due to the large number of advantages that this banking system has over its competitors.

How to get a loan from OTP Bank

OTP Bank provides a wide range of options, especially for issuing a loan. Each species has its own conditions. To today they are improved by product" consumer credit in cash." Thus, the amount of borrowed funds was increased to 4 million rubles. Rates are reduced (from 10.50% per year). Please note that a loan up to 300 thousand rubles. is estimated more expensive - from 14.90% per year. And when issuing no more than 1 million rubles. will have to pay from 11.50% per annum. You can repay the debt within 7 years.

Most banks provide a preliminary decision on an online application. Unlike them, OTP Bank immediately announces the final verdict, which allows once again don't go to the branch. They will respond within 15 minutes. Russian citizens can get a consumer loan if they have reached the age of 21, but not older than 69 years.

The institution refers to those financial institutions that lend in the presence of a complete loan. But you can get a loan from him without references, just on the terms of a smaller amount. Specifically on the conditions of lending to OTP Bank, see below.

Is it worth it to apply for a loan without income certificates at OTP Bank

If you really need money and you decide on a loan, the answer will be unequivocal - it's worth it. At least you won't lose anything. Moreover, there are good chances of approval for each client who meets at least minimum requirements creditor

It usually takes 10-15 minutes to complete the application. OTP Bank will review it fairly quickly. You won't have to wait too long, as the verdict is handed down in a quarter of an hour, but it can take up to a whole day. That is, the next day you will be aware of the results of your appeal and further actions. If you do not want to wait, apply to several banks at once.

As he says CEO group of companies OTP Sandor Chani, the main mission of the bank is to establish long term relationship with the maximum possible number of conscientious clients. This is to some extent confirmed by the scale of the creditor's activity, which already covers over 3,000,000 people in Russia alone.

According to our statistics, in 2017 the bank approved more than 35 questionnaires out of 100. This is a fairly high figure when compared with competitors of the same level. Based on the data, we can conclude that OTP Bank will approve an application for a loan without certificates with a probability of 30-40%. If you provide a certificate of income, then the probability of approval will increase at least two times, up to 60-80%.

Terms of lending in OTP Bank and requirements for a potential borrower

  • up to 4,000,000 rubles;
  • from 10.50% per annum;
  • up to 10 years old.

But here you should stop and read the issuance policy in more detail. Please note that you do not need any certificates if you apply online. In fact, when filling it out, you will need passport data, so only the appropriate document is enough. But then the situation is this: if you take out a loan for a small amount, namely, a certificate of income, a copy of your work, you will not need it.

But, when you visit the branch, you still show your passport and the second document that is available: TIN of the organization, certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or tax registration (for individuals), etc. If you borrow from OTP Bank within 200 -400 thousand rubles, you will have to make a copy with work book. And when registering in the amount of up to 4 million rubles, a certificate of income is required.

Then the initial rate will be from 14.90% per year. The borrower must be at least 21 years of age. The maximum allowable value is 68 years. It is also necessary to meet the following requirements in order to take a loan without certificates from OTP Bank: citizenship of the Russian Federation, 3 months of work experience, permanent official work and registration.

How interest is charged

The loan in OTP Bank is repaid by annuity monthly payments. If a person who does not have certificates needs to make a deferred payment,. He can resort to this service by choosing the date for payment that is more suitable. But the client pays for this option.

How to find out the balance on the debt in OTP Bank in 1 minute

One of the most popular methods used by most OTP Bank clients to find out about the amount of the loan balance is to call hotline. By calling the bank's information service, you only need to name the contract number. The operator will immediately dictate to you all the required information.

Reference service number of OTP Bank: 8-800-100-55-55.

How to find out the loan balance in OTP Bank through your personal account

A personal account is issued to each client. This tool solves many problems. To find out the balance, you can submit a short online application for Express Help. To be specific, go to the section called “Money Control” and select the appropriate function.

On the page you will see a form in which information is entered: number loan agreement or credit card, telecode and authorized code.

How to find out the loan balance and other details through the OTP Bank application

Go to Google Play or App Store from your smartphone and install the OTP Bank application. It is exactly like standard web banking, making it easy to find out the balance of the debt.

We can easily find out the balance of the debt through the phone using SMS banking

Such a service can be useful for various reasons, for example, you need to make a payment for the Internet or pay a loan to OTP Bank when there is no PC nearby. In such cases, it is suggested to use SMS-banking.

Send a message with the word "Credit" to the number 5927 and follow the further instructions that will be in the response SMS.

Classic way

The last option is classic way consisting of a visit to a bank branch. In order not to waste time looking for the nearest office, go to the OTP website in the "ATMs and Branches" section, indicate your city. You will see a list with the addresses of departments. It remains to choose the most suitable one.

How to repay a loan

The bank allows the network to track payments, control expenses and carry out other financial operations. As for the payments themselves, they can be made in several ways:

  • in cash at the branch of the bank itself or through the cash desks of other creditors;
  • using terminals;
  • through the payment system;
  • thanks to bank cards and etc.

It is worth noting that the company's website contains a calculator that allows you to calculate the final amount of payments. and its cost depends on:

  • requested loan amount;
  • term of the loan agreement;
  • the level of solvency of the client;
  • and the submitted package of documents.

OTP Bank allows you to repay the debt ahead of schedule without spending money on a commission. In order not to miss a payment due to forgetfulness, it is recommended to download the OTPcredit application to your phone, which will remind you of the date of the mandatory monthly payment. If the previous payment schedule does not suit you, you are allowed to write an application for the establishment of a new one.

How to pay a loan to OTP Bank via the Internet using Sberbank web banking: step by step

  1. We go to Personal Area Sberbank.
  2. Go to the "Payments and transfers" section, select "Repayment of a loan in another bank".
  3. You can pay the loan to OTP Bank by selecting it from the general list.
  4. We enter in the appropriate fields data about ourselves and the number that was concluded with OTP Bank.
  5. We indicate the amount and number of the account / card from which we decided to pay the debt, press the payment button.

Is it possible to pay a loan to OTP Bank via the Internet through its own website

OTP, unlike Sberbank, charges not 1%, but as much as 2% for such an opportunity. If you don't care, then proceed with the following steps:

  • log in to the OTP Internet bank;
  • select the function called "Payment by card" in the main menu;
  • enter the required information (full name, e-mail, number of the contract and card with which payment will be made, payment amount) and click "Pay".


Over the years, OTP Bank has achieved many successes. This is evidenced by: client base, reviews, partners and different kind awards for participation in grants, competitions. For clients, the organization, in turn, guarantees:

  • complete confidentiality of data;
  • profitable terms;
  • flexible schedules;
  • availability of various services;
  • money insurance, etc.

OTP Bank works with both individuals and legal entities. For the latter, the range of services is much wider and consists of: business lending, documentation, work with securities, round-the-clock support and advice, deposits and more.

8 out of 10 applications - approved!

The service allows you to choose the most suitable bank for you and increase the chances of your application being approved!

Decision on the application within a couple of hours!

No queues and trips to the bank

You simply fill out the form and wait for a call from the bank employees, being at home, visiting or even in a cafe!

We all sometimes need material support, and the sooner it is received, the better. In this case, the OTP bank can help you, a loan from which you can get an online application for a very favorable conditions. In order for you to be sure of the reliability of this bank, we note that in this moment OTP is one of the leaders in the consumer lending market in Russian Federation.

Interesting to know

OTP Bank is part of an international financial group operating in Eastern and Central Europe. AT this moment the bank ranks 31st in the list of the most profitable credit institutions, and its equity capital at the beginning of 2015 exceeded 31.5 billion rubles.

The bank provides customer service through a wide network of its own branches, hospitably opening the doors to corporate and private clients, as well as online.

How to apply online at OTP Bank?

If you are used to making Banking services online, OTP Bank will become a reliable partner for you - its service allows most functional requests can be made at any time directly from home or office. So, to apply for a cash loan at a bank, you can apply online.

To do this, you will need online:

1. go to the website of OTP Bank or use the form on our portal;
2. fill in all fields of the online application;
3. submit an online application for consideration.

The online application of OTP Bank includes the following columns:

Personal information about the borrower: full name, date of birth, gender;

Contact details: phone numbers, address Email, region and address of residence;

Information about credit history: whether the borrower was credited earlier, whether he has delays or current debt;

Data on length of service and type of employment: military man, individual entrepreneur, worker employment contract, pensioner;

Information about the passport: number, series, when and by whom it was issued;

Information about work: place of work, labor status and length of service, TIN;

Financial data: the purpose of lending, the amount of income, the availability of liquid assets.


The more information is provided in the online application of OTP Bank, the higher the chances of its approval. It is also important that the information is correct. The security service of OTP Bank carefully checks all the information received in the online application.

As for the conditions under which you are invited to take a loan from OTP Bank, an online application is available to all Russian citizens over twenty-one years old. The term of the loan can be different and ranges from one to five years.

The base interest rate at OTP Bank for a one-year loan is 14.9% per annum, but it may be higher.

Bank "OTP" offers cash loans, including online, in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. The upper bar is limited to a loan of 750 thousand rubles. In order to become a borrower, you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have a permanent registration (residence permit) in the region where the bank is present.

In addition, you must actually live at the place where the loan was issued by OTP Bank. If we have already indicated the lower age limit of the applicant (21 years old), then it is worth noting the upper one - at the moment full repayment loan debt he should be no more than 65 years.

The applicant is no longer in the online application, but when personal meeting with a bank employee must confirm that he has permanent place labor activity, and the length of service at the last of the places of actual employment must be at least three months.

An online application for a loan at OTP Bank can also be submitted by pensioners, this applies to both persons who retired after reaching a certain age, and those who worked in the internal affairs bodies, as well as military pensioners.

A package of documents for obtaining a loan at OTP Bank

When applying for a loan, after the online request has been approved, you will be required to provide some documents. First of all, it is, of course, a passport of a citizen of Russia. In addition to it, it is necessary to provide the OTP bank with a certificate of tax registration (TIN). From those who work for hire, the bank also asks to prepare information about the TIN of the employing company.

After the approval of the online request, pensioners will need a pension certificate, they will also need to bring a document to the OTP bank that can confirm their income - an extract from bank account where the pension payments go. A certificate issued by the PFR department can also confirm income, it must indicate the amount of the pension and the date from which the citizen is entitled to receive a pension.

An online application for a cash loan to OTP Bank must be supported by additional documents if the loan amount exceeds two hundred thousand rubles. For persons employed labor activity, it must be a copy of the work book. In order for the bank to accept it as a confirmation of your employment along with an online request, you must have your organization's stamp on it.

If the borrower expects to receive an amount of more than four hundred thousand rubles at the OTP bank, then after the online request is approved, he will need a certificate of income - this can be a document in the form of 2NDFL or a certificate in the form of a bank filled out and certified by the employer. The salary of the borrower must be indicated in the certificate for six months.


Without a certificate of income, collateral and guarantee, take a loan in big size in the bank "OTP" will not work. Therefore, there is no point in submitting an online request. The bank is not ready to take risks, and therefore requires documentary evidence of solvency.

A loan secured and with a guarantor in a bank is issued on more favorable terms.

How to apply for a "loan without references" online at OTP Bank?

An online application for a loan at OTP Bank can be completed without an income statement, however, this applies only to those borrowers who receive wages to the OTP bank card. In this case, the income statement is replaced by a bank statement, it can be prepared by an employee of the branch where the client applied.
It is also worth remembering that in the absence of a work book, military personnel can provide the OTP bank with a duly certified copy of the contract or a certificate of service.

Benefits of online application for a loan at OTP

In OTP Bank, an online application for a cash loan is considered at the very short term.

Interesting to know

The decision on the online application by OTP Bank is made within 1-3 days. It is difficult to call it instantaneous. Remember that the bank's decision on the online application is preliminary. The final verdict of OTP Bank will be made after an interview with the client and verification of documents.

You will also be pleased with the fact that OTP Bank does not charge any fees for online registration and servicing of a loan. There is also no fee for early repayment of the loan. OTP Bank also does not ask its borrowers to provide any kind of security - you do not have to ask relatives to become your guarantors or mortgage real estate and vehicles.

After choosing the type of loan, the application can be filled in by you at any convenient time, however, do not forget that the timely fulfillment of the obligations assumed - important condition pleasant cooperation with the bank.

For each day of delay in payments on the loan, the borrower will have to pay a fine in the amount of 0.5% of the debt amount to OTP Bank.

Credit card from "OTP" bank

Among the products of the bank there is also a credit card, which is loved by many Russians. The grace period on such a card is as much as 55 days, which is very convenient for the borrower.


The assortment of credit cards of OTP Bank includes standard credit cards and those intended for payroll and corporate clients. They differ in terms of use and purpose. To apply for a card, just leave an online application on the bank's website.

The general conditions for OTP bank credit cards are as follows:

Currency - rubles;
The rate is 19.9-34.9%;
Service - 700 rubles and 900 rubles (for some cards, service is free);
The loan amount is determined individually.

If you decide to apply to OTP Bank, an online application for a credit card is also made through the website of the credit institution.

As with all such loans, your credit limit, that is, the amount of funds that you can spend on purchases in stores, the Internet, withdraw cash from an ATM, will be restored as you pay off the debt to the bank. You can control your transactions using a convenient bank service -
SMS informing.

How to repay a loan at OTP Bank?

Cash at an ATM or bank office.

AT online mode:

Transfer from a card of another bank;
By using money transfer"Gold Crown";
Through the payment systems Yandex.Money, Qiwi and Eleksnet online;
From a mobile phone.


Transfers using a card of another bank and using the Zolotaya Korona system are credited to the account within 1-3 business days. Therefore, in order to prevent delay, payment to the bank must be made in advance.

To control the loan, the bank offers several convenient tools. Namely:

1. Internet banking "OTP Direct";
2. application "OTP Credit";
3. SMS bank.

With the help of these bank services, you can find out the status of the payment, the loan balance, etc.

An online application for a loan at OTP Bank is already waiting for you! Fill it out and solve the problems that arise. financial questions without postponing them! Cooperate with a reliable bank, and then your well-being will be protected!

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