Home Preparations for the winter Open a loan office. When is MFI registration denied? The procedure for obtaining a loan

Open a loan office. When is MFI registration denied? The procedure for obtaining a loan

The domestic microcredit market is developing quite rapidly and its future prospects are very optimistic. In 2011, the issuance of microloans increased by 34%, in 2012 - by 50%. And at the beginning of 2013, the microloan market was estimated at as much as 36 billion rubles.

Almost any entrepreneur who has the necessary funds to open this type of business can try himself in the microloan business.

Its attraction lies in the fact that it is very profitable business. And it is not necessary to be a banking specialist or a professional economist to calculate your benefits. So, the yield per month is 60%, and per year - already more than 700%.

To open your organization for the issuance of microloans, you must first draw up a business plan.

The procedure for creating a microfinance organization

The activity of these organizations is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation "On Microfinance Organizations", according to which this business consists in issuing funds to the population on the basis of a loan agreement up to 1 million rubles. The loan agreement is regulated by legal norms Civil Code RF.

Starting a microfinance organization is not that difficult. To do this, you must first register the company as an LLC. Then you will need to register in the state register of micro financial institutions. Without this registration, the activities of the established microfinance organization will be recognized as illegal and in this case a fine of about 30 thousand rubles will have to be paid.

In order to register in the state register, the following documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance:

  • application for registration;
  • copies of the LLC registration certificate and copies of the company's constituent documents, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the protocol where the decision of the founders on the establishment of the organization was made;
  • copy of the appointment CEO as the head of the company;
  • information about the founders of the LLC;
  • information about legal address organization and its actual location;
  • an extract from the register of registration of foreign legal entities, if the founder is a legal entity from another country;
  • receipt of paid state duty in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Samples of filling out documents and forms are attached as an annex to the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 03.03.2011.

Within 14 days, the information of the organization is verified and entered into the unified state register, after which an appropriate certificate is issued, on the basis of which the established microfinance organization can begin to carry out its activities.

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Basic principles of operation of a microfinance organization

In accordance with the law, a microfinance organization can attract deposits from the population only in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles under an agreement.

A microfinance organization is not entitled to:

  • issue microloans to the population in foreign currency;
  • act as a guarantor;
  • carry out its activities in the securities market;
  • take interest on early repayment of the loan;
  • demand from the borrower more than one million rubles, taking into account all penalties and accrued interest.

For the above violations, the organization will have to pay a fine - 30 thousand rubles. In addition, the requirements for the borrower may be declared illegal, and the loan invalid, and then it will not be possible to collect interest on the loans issued.

In this business, there are certain risks that must be taken into account and included in the business plan. These risks include:

  • non-repayment of loans;
  • administrative liability for violation of legislative acts;
  • disputing interest on a loan judicial order if the accrual of interest is recognized as unlawful.

Microloans are issued to citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 60 years old. When applying for a loan, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Maximum amount the loan is usually 30 thousand rubles for 15 days. The rate is 2% per day.

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Further steps to open a microfinance organization

After registering the organization and registering it in the state register, you can start looking for a suitable premises. The office is best located in a large shopping or business center. Requires a 30 sq. m.

You will also need to purchase the necessary office furniture and equipment - computers, copier, printer, telephones, consumables and stationery.

At the initial stage of work, 2 employees for processing and issuing loans and a security officer will be needed.

And the most important and necessary thing in this business is advertising. It is not worth saving on it, because the organization's revenue depends on it. Therefore, a considerable part of the costs should be included in the business plan for advertising. You can advertise a microfinance organization by placing advertisements in local newspapers and on the radio, and distributing flyers. In addition to advertising, it is necessary to provide for the production of seals and signs.

Initial expenses include funds for issuing microloans to the population, the minimum amount of which is one million rubles. This amount is sufficient at the initial stage of work, without opening additional branches in the city.

Business idea: Making money on microloans for the population
Where we do business: office on the ground floor
Main costs: purchase of office equipment, office rent
Necessary equipment: Printer
Consumables: money
Initial capital: from 2,000,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 2 to 8 months
Possible profit: from 100 000 rub.

The services of companies dealing with microloans to the population are in great demand. Each person is faced with situations when money is urgently needed, the required amount is often small, and there is nowhere to take it. A sudden illness, a debt that needs to be repaid, a breakdown in a car or a work computer can shake financial stability a person with an average income.

Taking a loan from a bank or borrowing from relatives - such methods cannot always solve the problem. Relatives may not have money, and the bank will require a whole package of documents, the preparation of which will take time. In such circumstances, contacting a microfinance organization can be a way out of the situation.

In the context of growing demand among the population for short-term payday loans, the business of issuing microcredit is promising direction for entrepreneurs.

What you need to open your own issuing companymicroloans?

Not every organization can deal with the issuance of microloans to the population. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Microfinance Organizations", which regulates the activities of such organizations, only legal entities that are registered in a special state register of microfinance organizations can issue microloans. If this condition is not met, its activity will be considered illegal. Thus, the first step is the registration of a legal entity, and the next step is registration in a special register.
To do this, it is necessary to provide the Ministry of Finance with copies of registration and constituent documents certified by a notary, the necessary information about the organization (address, information about the founders), an application for registration of a legal entity in the register and attach a document confirming the payment of state duty in the amount of 1 thousand rubles.

Scheme of the work of the issuing companymicroloanspopulation.

The client receives financial resources on the basis of a loan agreement for a period of one week to a year, providing only a passport. A simplified procedure for obtaining a loan, when there is no need to collect a whole package of documents, is one of the main advantages of microfinance organizations compared to banks. Making a microcredit usually does not take more than half an hour.

At the same time, by issuing loans only on the basis of a passport, the entrepreneur bears greater risks compared to banks, which means that he wants to receive remuneration corresponding to these risks. The microcredit fee is 15-20% per week, that is, the businessman's profit will be 60-80% per month. As a rule, the average loan amount is 20-30 thousand rubles, the term is up to 15 days. When drawing up a business plan, experts advise setting a minimum of 50% of non-returns, although in reality this figure is likely to be lower.

Franchisingin the fieldmicrocredit.

You can also engage in microcrediting according to a simplified scheme - by purchasing a franchise. In this case, a large and experienced company, such as Payday or Home Money, will provide you with its brand, consulting support and marketing model. All you need is a desire to work and funds to buy already ready business. Such a scheme of work will allow a novice entrepreneur to gain experience that can be used already in free swimming.

Highly important point work in this area is the ability to minimize risks. Before lending money that is not secured by collateral, you need to consider how you will demand money from debtors and how to secure your finances even at the stage of concluding a loan agreement.

Often people are faced with the need to find a relatively small amount of money in an extremely short time. Usually banks do not issue loans of such small sizes. In addition, for the provision of loans require an impressive list of documents. Therefore, people turn to companies whose main activity is microcredit. And today such a business is considered one of the most promising.

The principle of microloans

At its core, microcredit resembles the issuance of conventional loans. The only difference is that in order to receive funds, the client must provide a minimum of documents - sometimes only a passport is enough. Microfinance is provided for short term sometimes even for a week, but not more than a year. This business provides microloans for small amounts that are not of interest to large credit organizations. The peculiarities of the work of this sphere of lending led to the emergence of a specific law that regulates these relations - the Federal Law "On Microfinance Organizations".

For an entrepreneur, microfinance benefits from the high interest that he charges for services. For a week, on average, he receives from 15% of the amount issued, that is, for a month he can make a profit of approximately 60% of the funds provided on loan. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not so easy to open a company providing these services.

Formation of a company for the issuance of microloans

Considering such high interest rates that activities in this area promise, many entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open microloans. First of all, you need to register a legal entity. The most commonly used legal form is LLC. But this is still not enough for your activity in issuing microloans to the population to be legal. It is also necessary to register in the state register of microfinance organizations.

For this, the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation you need to submit the following documents:

  • Receipt of payment of the state fee for 1 thousand rubles.
  • A copy of the decision of the meeting of founders on the creation of a microloan company. As well as the appointment of its leadership.
  • Information about the company - information about the founders, legal address.
  • Relevant statement.
  • A copy of the company registration certificate, founding documents certified by a notary.

In the event that a company is established by a foreign organization, an extract from the register of foreign legal entities is required.

In two weeks you should receive the decision of the Ministry of Finance. At positive decision your company receives the status of a microfinance organization and the corresponding certificate. Now you have the right to issue loans for the population up to a million rubles.

Franchise Solution

Microcredit to the population can be offered by opening a franchise company. In this case, you will need a certain amount of money to purchase a franchise. But all organizational issues are taken over by the franchisor. The entrepreneur initially teaches famous name which enjoys certain public confidence. He also receives a marketing model for doing business, which saves him from financial mistakes and helps save capital, reduces the time for business development. In addition, he receives constant support from the franchise owner. True, such a decision does not save the business from high risks.

Organizational matters

Having registered a company and becoming registered with the Ministry of Finance, you can proceed to the organizational issues of doing business. First of all, you need to find a suitable room where your office will be located. As a rule, loans to the public are offered in a location where an office can be found quickly and easily. Such places include shopping, entertainment, business centers and other places where a large number of people pass during the day.

An office space of 30 sq. m. The rental price varies depending on the city, as well as on the actual location of the area. What you need to buy for the office:

  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • computers;
  • telephones;
  • copy machine;
  • Printer;
  • cooler.

Separate funds should be allocated for stationery and consumables.

A minimum of two loan officers and one security officer must work in one office. Them wage is about 15 thousand rubles, if we talk about small towns.

The item of expenditure must include at least 50 thousand rubles. for a month for various promotional steps. These are advertisements in the media, leaflets, signs, pillars and more.

Activity of the company

As already mentioned, such an organization can issue no more than a million rubles under one contract. It also does not have the right to perform the following operations:

  • demand from customers as an obligation under the contract more than a million rubles, taking into account all fines and interest;
  • take interest on early repayment loan
  • conduct activities in the securities market;
  • issue funds in foreign currency;
  • act as a guarantor.

Violation of these provisions, as well as activities without proper registration, entails a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles. In many cases, contracts concluded with violations may be declared invalid, and accordingly, you will not be able to receive interest on the funds issued.

Remember that microcredits can only be issued to persons over the age of 18 and only if they have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The lower age limit for issuing a loan is usually 60 years. On average, loans are issued in the amount of 20-25 thousand rubles. for 15 days. Usually the rate on them is from 2% per day.

Main risks

Most often, microfinance organizations face the following risks:

  • recognition of the accrued interest on the loan as unlawful;
  • disputing loan interest;
  • administrative liability for violations of the provisions of the law;
  • high percentage of loan defaults.

As a rule, when drawing up the financial part of a business plan, at least 50% of the funds are included in the non-refund item, although most often in practice this figure is lower.


If your company spends about 250 thousand rubles per month, then you need to issue loans for this period at least 700 thousand rubles. These indicators can be adhered to in the first months of the company's operation. In six months, these figures are desirable to double. As a rule, after a year, the company has the opportunity to open additional points of loans, developing a network of its institutions. You can cross the line of self-sufficiency after a month of the first office.

How to open a microloan company and earn huge money at crazy interest rates? Most people think that it is very easy to do this, but this is an erroneous idea that has nothing to do with reality. Open own business to provide microloans to the population from scratch - a very expensive and dubious "pleasure".

How to open a microloan business? What is the money being made here? Where to begin? What do you need to open? Where and how to register? Or maybe it is better to open a franchise business? Answers to the most popular questions of readers in this article.

Business - microloans up to the salary of the population

The essence of this business model is to provide own or borrowed cash in debt at interest. The principal income consists of the interest for the use of borrowed funds, which is charged on the principal amount of the debt and is paid by the borrower on the maturity date.

It is most advantageous to issue short-term payday loans. According to them, the average interest rate is 2% per day, and for long-term microloans - 0.5-1% per day. By issuing a microloan for a short period, the money can be quickly returned and used to issue a new loan to another client. Thus, increasing the yield compared to the provision of long-term loans.

If we imagine that the average MFI in small town issues a day for 15 microloans in the amount of 5,000 rubles for 10 days, then the net income of the organization per day will be 1,500 rubles, for 10 days - 15,000 rubles, for 30 days - 45,000 rubles. And these are the most modest estimates. In fact, even in small towns, potential borrowers regularly turn to MFIs in order to get payday loans.

How to open microloans? What do you need to open?

To open a microcredit organization from scratch, an impressive investment will be required, and the procedure for registering an MFI will take about 1-2 months. If you count the most a budget option offline MFI in a small town on the periphery, then a rough estimate would look like this:

  • Registration, state fees, specialist assistance (about 10 thousand rubles)
  • Office rent, minor cosmetic repairs - about 25-35 thousand rubles, subsequent rent of premises with a monthly payment. More cheap option— place a sales counter in a large shopping center.
  • The purchase of equipment (tables, chairs, PCs and accessories, printer, scanner, etc.) is about 50 thousand rubles, if you save money and take everything in good condition.
  • Recruitment/Salary. In order to reduce the cost of the enterprise as much as possible, you can get by with some consultant managers who will play the role of a cashier, security guard, security guard, and cleaner. Most often this is the case in local local MFIs. The salary in a small peripheral town will be about 12-20 thousand rubles. for everyone.
  • Accounting costs. You can save money here by hiring a part-time accountant and giving papers to fill out immediately before sending reports to higher authorized bodies, tax authorities, the Central Bank, etc. Such a one-time work of an accountant will cost about 4-8 thousand monthly.
  • Everyday expenses. In addition to the main costs, the business owner is waiting for small, but very important monthly payments. This is the payment of bills for the Internet and telephone connection(cellular and landline). This will take an average of 1000-1500 rubles per month. Buying office supplies, refilling printer cartridges, etc. Depending on the conditions of the lease of the premises, there may be costs for electricity and water. Do not forget about the services of a printing house (business cards, various letterheads, etc.). In general, another 3-5 thousand rubles will be spent on monthly needs.
  • Highly important factor- verification of the borrower. Depending on the budget, the owner can use different methods checks:
  1. Scoring is the most expensive option. You need to buy a licensed program and pay a lot of money for it.
  2. Requests to BKI and calls to contact persons. You can connect batch (wholesale) requests, or single ones. In the first case, the cost of the request varies from 150-200 rubles. and higher. In the second, the minimum is 250-300 rubles.
  3. Free inquiry to the FSSP database and calls to contact persons. A free and most dangerous verification method for MFIs, which increases the percentage of loans issued to fraudsters and large debtors.

As a result, it turns out that the opening of the most budgetary microfinance organization in a small town on the periphery will cost the owner 125-135 thousand rubles. The amount is small, but it is formed without taking into account the creation and support of the site, without advertising, operators hotline, scoring systems for checking a client or paid requests to the CBI, security services, cashiers, etc. With these components, the creation of an MFI would cost at least 3-4 times more than the minimum estimate.

Where and how to register?

The process of registration and obtaining the status of an MCC (microcredit organization) is a painstaking and lengthy task that requires money, time and effort. First of all, the owner of the future business needs to draw up everything regulations(statutes, rules for granting, general terms and Conditions services, etc.) Documents must be developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and special federal laws(No. 151, 152, 230, 115, etc.)

Then you need to decide on legal form: LLC, JSC, etc. and register a legal entity in tax office by paying the state duty (4000 rubles) List required documents can be clarified at any branch of the IFTS. The registration procedure is standard, it takes 5 days, after which you can go for a certificate and other documents.

Next, you need to order a print and open a bank account. To do this, you need to choose a suitable credit institution, read the list of all necessary documents for opening a current account legal entities. In about 2-5 days, the account will be opened.

After that, you need to send a state duty to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1000 rubles from this organization’s current account. The state duty is paid for entering information about the legal entity in the state register of microcredit organizations. In the purpose of payment, you need to write exactly that.

When the state duty is paid, you need to send a package of documents along with a receipt for payment of the fee to the Central Bank in order to obtain the status of an MCC and be included in the list of financial market participants (register of MFIs). Within a 14-day period, the Financial Markets Service of the Central Bank must make a decision on entering the organization into the register or on refusal.
As soon as information about the organization is added to the registry, it will be able to provide microloans in cash at offices and points of sale.

Microloan franchises: which are there, which one to choose?

If your own strength is not enough to create an MFI from scratch, and the idea of ​​​​earning your first million precisely by providing microloans does not leave you, then it is better to turn your attention to microloan franchises.

An alternative option for opening a point of microloans would be a franchise of a microfinance organization. it great option for beginner businessmen with a lack of experience and a great desire to do this particular business.

A microloan franchise is the right to use intellectual property (brand, logo, details, documents, conditions, etc.) of a large microfinance organization " younger brother". A start-up entrepreneur pays money to the owner of a large MFI for the right to open a microloan center that will operate under the brand name of the "parent" organization. At the same time, the deal provides that the franchisee will comply with the charter and all regulatory documents of the franchisor.

Among the microfinance organizations that offer a franchise are: Money for You, Money to Payday, Momento Money, Miladenezhka, FastFinance, Convenient Money, Master Money, Migom Money and others.

Based on the franchise conditions and customer reviews, the FastMoney and Moneyman MFI franchises get very decent ratings. Money before payday and Momento Money were in the anti-TOP.

5 reasons to franchise

If you do not have enough experience and money, you do not know how to open a microloan business from scratch, then it is better to use a franchise. And that's why:

  1. Opening your own MFI has become very difficult and costly, and maintaining it is even more difficult (document flow, reporting, Central Bank audits, etc.)
  2. The assessment of the borrower will be carried out by the head office of the organization. No need to spend extra money on requests to BKI, calls to contacts, etc. It is possible that the franchisor has its own software or scoring program that additional franchised offices can use.
  3. The parent organization undertakes accounting and legal services. The franchisee saves on an accountant, security service, lawyer, etc.
  4. Recognizable and promoted brand, assistance in advertising. The owner of a new business needs to promote everything from scratch, here you can use everything ready (layouts, training videos, a call center with free customer support, instructions for promoting on the Internet, via SMS, a guide on how to open a microloan center, etc. )
  5. Not a single collection organization, after the law “On Collectors” (FZ-No. 230) comes into force, will work with a small MFI that issues loans in only one locality on the periphery. If you work with the franchisor, then access to the KA with which the "big brother" cooperates will be opened.

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