Home Preparations for the winter The most famous sayings of Confucius. Chapter seven. Sayings of Confucius about life and love. Where did it come from: childhood and adolescence

The most famous sayings of Confucius. Chapter seven. Sayings of Confucius about life and love. Where did it come from: childhood and adolescence

Statuses about mom are, of course, about a person without whom nothing would exist. Neither tasty food, no comfort in the house, no our life...

Mom is a synonym for the word “weasel”

  1. Today I realized that I don't need anything. If only my mother didn't cry!
  2. Everyone says “listen to mom.” Oh, if only everyone would listen to this advice.
  3. When I feel bad, I just close my eyes and imagine that my mother is stroking my hair.
  4. The best thing parents can give is the ability to live in real life.
  5. I found out a long time ago: if it’s a bad day outside, you urgently need to call your mom.

If you suddenly feel heavy at heart, create beautiful statuses about your mother.

  1. I don’t even want to argue with the fact that for my mother I am always small.
  2. I would never have reached great heights if it weren't for my mom.
  3. Many friends are good, many men are your business, but we will always have one mother!
  4. Mom no longer scolds for smoking, but only sometimes says “I wish I’d ​​quit.” Now I realized that an adult...
  5. They say no people are irreplaceable. But this rule does not apply to mom.
  6. Everyone who has a mother has luxury...

Statuses with meaning about mom - especially for your loved one:3

  1. Mom loves without refusal and does not demand any response. we have to appreciate it!
  2. It tastes best at my home. And the best place is where my mother is.
  3. I know that if I do something good for my mother, she will thank me like no one else.
  4. Strive to make moms happy. Because time flies inexorably fast.
  5. Many people give birth and raise children. But not everyone can become a mother like mine!

Do a nice little deed - set statuses with meaning about your mother.

  1. Mommy, tell me why you are so often right?
  2. My mother is my motivation to move on.
  3. And remember, how in childhood - until your mother kisses you, you don’t wake up.
  4. In order to bring comfort to your home, you need to invite your mother to your place!

How much a mother means to us as adults, and how little as a teenager

Statuses about mom with meaning inspire and inspire everyone around.

  1. What is mom? This is not a profession, this is not an occupation, this is a calling.
  2. The warmest memories from childhood are when mom and dad are still together...
  3. Take care of yourself, dear. Mom, I need you!
  4. The warmest hugs are yours, mom.

If your mother is the dearest thing in the world to you, quickly create statuses about your mother from your daughter until you cry.

  1. I think God exists. and it was he who created my mother...
  2. Mom shouldn't be too kind. She must be an authority!
  3. I'm not afraid that someone will offend me. Because my mom will support and protect me in any case!
  4. No matter what differences there are between you, you should always step over disobedience and just hug your mother.

Beautiful statuses about mom with meaning: that’s who is definitely waiting for us in the evenings.

  1. Someday we will regret that we didn’t call, or said something, or didn’t say anything at all. Let's do everything on time!
  2. Being a mother is happiness, just like having a mother...
  3. We are growing up so fast. But for mom and dad we will never grow up!
  4. Everything changes. Absolutely everything. And only the mother’s love remains the same.

Mom’s decision is undeniable, but only if it doesn’t interfere with her own mother🙂 Read the status about your beloved mother until you cry.

  1. If we once knew the love of a mother, we will not forget her, even if she dies suddenly.
  2. How I want to go back to those times when my mother ordered me to put on a hat and mittens. And you?!
  3. I'm glad my mom is with me. And I really want her to know about it.
  4. My mother loved me, but she never pitied me where it was not necessary. Thanks her!

How tenderly does the word “daughter” sound?

Status-poems about mom will come in handy in honor significant event, and, as they say, for every day.

Yes, yes, you and I are different,

Although it’s very strange: mother, daughter.

But bloom with my love

I really want to help you!

Just not tears, just not sadness,

So that you don't be sad, I will break.

I understand that I am not a gift.

But, you know, mommy, you are the best mom.

You don't know everything about me,

Although I am your beloved daughter.

You only know that I love you,

And we’ll put an end to this...

I look at you with admiration

How can you be so chic?

Lucky right from birth

To have such a fabulous mother.

I'll kiss your hands

I'll buy you whatever you want.

But I ask you, be with me forever, If you can, of course.

Don't know what to say? Then the beautiful ones will definitely help you out short statuses with meaning about mom.

  1. You worry about me, sometimes excessively.
  2. You don't get enough sleep and you think I don't know about it.
  3. The time has come when you know about many of my mistakes.
  4. You no longer need to scold: I myself am ashamed.
  5. I should have listened to you as often as possible.
  6. Whenever someone praises me, I remember you.
  7. I wouldn’t be like this without you, mommy!
  8. Now I know: my mother was still for me...

The most beautiful statuses about mom are those that were said from the heart.

  1. I want to earn a million. To give mom the flowers she loves every day!
  2. Happiness is in the little things. Especially in the little worries of mommy...
  3. I have never been your peace of mind, but agree, I was your happiness!
  4. A mother's love can only be compared to the sea. She is just as limitless.
  5. For my mom I am a kitten, a hedgehog, a tiger cub:3

Mom gave us everything we needed as children. Therefore, as an adult, give her a real fairy tale. She deserved it. Love your mothers and create beautiful statuses about them!

Mom’s heart knows no peace, Mom’s heart is like a torch burning, Mom’s heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent!

Fathers. Mothers. With their love, attention and care. You'll never get any understanding or sympathy from them. Chuck Palahniuk.

To be motherly caring means to be capable of unconditional love. It means loving a person simply for the joy of loving, helping a person grow simply for the joy of seeing someone grow. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). About the woman

A mother who is truly a mother is never free. Honore de Balzac.

Any bad day can be corrected with one a good man...Mom.

Centuries of effort by alchemists could not create life! But a woman can do this in just 280 days! - Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward Elric.

A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal...

Now, as always, the most automated device in household- Mother. - B. Jones

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. - Honore de Balzac.

How can a mother not worry about her children? For every scratch, every bruise, every fall? They have abrasions on their knees, and their mother has wounds in her heart. Natalya Kalinina.

A person who was his mother's undisputed favorite carries through his entire life a feeling of victory and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success. - Sigmund Freud.

The mother is not the person to be feared, but the person who makes the feeling of fear unnecessary! – D. Canfield.

What is a mother? Mother is the pain of birth. Mother is worry and trouble until the end of her days. Mother is ingratitude: from the first steps she teaches and instructs, pulls back and warns, and no one likes this at five, ten, or twenty years old. Sergey Baruzdin.

Love your mother more than anyone else in the world! She raised us, read fairy tales in the night light... she doesn’t mind her life for you.

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like our mother was watching us.

A child is the only person who doesn’t care whether you are fat or thin, beautiful or not. He loves you simply because you are his MOM.

Where is the person who will support Hard time. pull me out of the hole when I feel bad, where are you??? - oh, my mommy, I didn’t call you just now! Thanks of course though!

Being a mother means more than just bearing a child. It is also to endure the life of a born person. Jodi Picoult.

Family charter: 1. Mom is always right. 2. Mom doesn't scream - she pays attention to important things. 3. Mom doesn’t swear - she advises. 4. Mom doesn’t argue – she explains the situation. 5. Mom doesn’t surf the Internet - she keeps up with the times.

In the early years, the mother is the most important person in her child's life, and if she good mother, she may manage to become the stupidest person, in his opinion. Mary Kay Blakely.


If you decide to surprise or amuse your mother, but out of thousands of wonderful ideas you can’t find the right one, come to us, we are sure that, inspired by the statements collected here, you will find a muse for your personal words. Funny statuses about mom are the right way see the smile on her face. Sometimes I want to tell everyone what funny woman your mother and you post all sorts of jokes about her online, but in order not to offend her feelings, we recommend that you come to us and read only funny statuses. You can read a lot about your mother, everyone tells their own story and sometimes it seems that All mothers are incredibly similar. Everyone is kind loving eyes, the dearest voice, the most gentle hands, each has its own character, but even this is the same for all mothers on the planet. On our pages, you will definitely find a thought that describes your mother, and reveals all the most valuable memories and feelings.

Statuses about your beloved mother with meaning

You are not obligated to post statuses about your mother online, especially if she doesn’t see them there. Tell them to her out loud! Surprise her with an original thought, remember together about your childhood, let our statements create an unforgettable atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home. Just thank her, but not with a simple thank you, but with a beautiful status, you will notice how her eyes sparkle and the smile will not leave her face !Don’t wait for a holiday to remember your dearest person, come to us and please her with a new idea. All expressions of feelings in the form short phrases divided into categories for your easy search, you just have to go in and “pick up” what you like. And don’t doubt, she will definitely like your beautiful status too, because it is sincere and from the bottom of her heart, no matter what in other people’s words.

To express all your love and gratitude for your care, there are statuses about your mother that confirm the truth that she is the most important person in everyone's life. There are no humorous, funny or funny phrases among them. Almost all statuses about mothers with meaning are not just beautiful, but can even move you to tears. Having deep feelings for their mother, not everyone can express them in words. Beautiful statuses about your mother can be used to congratulate or remind you that there can be no one in this world closer to this woman.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

For many, happiness is 2 liters. For some - 2 grams. And for me, happiness is to see my MOM smiling!

We are all rich as long as there is a Dad and a Mom.

When girls say: I sleep like a star, that means they are free girls.
And we, mothers, sleep like a zigzag! Because our stars sleep nearby!

- Mom, how were we born?
- The Lord created us.
- And dad said that we came from monkeys.
- Well, I’m just telling you about my relatives, and he’s telling about his.

The hardest thing is with those who are dear)

And remember, girls, our mothers, when asked: “Why are you so worried about me,” said: “If you have children of your own, then we’ll see.” So how is it? Have you looked?
Mommy! Yes, compared to me, you were a giant of calm, patience and equanimity.

The most vulnerable woman is mother! You'll never know if you hurt her, she won't tell you! And he will continue to love you!

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you.

Only it hurts even more for mom when you are hurt.

Sick of these “who loves mom, click class!” If you love your mom, go help her wash the dishes!

I will always feel a little ugly and ugly because the most beautiful and ideal woman- this is my mother. And I'm incredibly proud of it.

I have an Angel and his name is Son. My son has protection and his protection is Mom!

It's always nice when your mom hugs you - no matter how old you are.

- Do you love her? - No! - Exactly? - Yes, brother, when did I lie to you? “Then I’ll ask her out?” - I'll break your neck!!!

Only mothers on maternity leave understand how nice it is to drink tea alone at 2 am, when your whole family is sleeping together!

If the whole world hates you, remember one thing! You have a Mom who will always love you.

I want MOM to always be there.

Everything around is changing. And only Mom remains Mom...

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and takes pity, protects and saves you from all troubles. "Mother!" - we say when it hurts or is scary. Mom is also needed in moments of happiness.

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

Not every person is worthy to pronounce this sacred word: “Mom.”

Love for mother is the most important thing in our life!

Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

It’s very difficult without a mother, and everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

I know what you will do without your work. But what will you do without your mother?

I still can’t forget my mother’s eyes: blue as the sky, tender as a flame... I will carry the light in my soul through the years, I want you to know, mom, I love you!

Is there a more perfect word in the world that sounds similar in all languages ​​than the word Mom?

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: “Thank you”!

Probably, only after many, many years will we understand our mothers, but there will be no one to tell us about it...

But if it weren’t for mom, we wouldn’t know what kind of jungle we shouldn’t go into, although it’s very interesting there!

Your girl has grown up, mom, she has grown up. And he is no longer embarrassed to whisper confidentially with you in the evenings about the funny and difficult little things in life.

Mom doesn’t care who you are, she will always stroke your hair and kiss your hot cheeks, healing you from your fears.

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood more painful.

Why do I love my mother? “Because I said so!”, that’s why!

First, mom is the whole world to you, then you are the whole world to her.

I have always felt sorry for people who are in bad relationship with their mother, because they lost themselves best friend!


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Who is the most dear person in the World to each of us? That's right, Mom! After all, it was she from the very early childhood When we were still incompetent, we couldn’t walk, and we squatted around the house, she looked after us, raised us and did everything to make us strong and healthy. It was Mom who protected us from danger when we needed it. She taught us wisdom when we took the wrong path and went downhill. Maternal care is the best thing a person can know. Some of us don't understand the seriousness of the issue when we judge our mothers, scold them, and don't let them take care of themselves. Is it possible to reject the person who brought you life and gave you the opportunity to see the beauty of the whole World!? It’s a pity that we understand this only when we lose our mother, or when there is no way out to fix everything. Statuses about your mother will bring you to tears will help you understand that you need to appreciate every day you live next to your loved one and respect, love, and help him.

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