Home Preparations for the winter Paw tattoo. Wolf tattoo – meaning and designs for girls and men. Image of animal paws in tattoo art

Paw tattoo. Wolf tattoo – meaning and designs for girls and men. Image of animal paws in tattoo art

Wolf tattoo is the choice of the strong-willed strong people with strong character and principles. Wolf tattoos are chosen by independent people who do not betray their interests. The wolf tattoo will become a talisman for its owner and will protect him in Hard time and give self-confidence.

Wolf Tattoo - Meaning

The wolf is a proud and noble animal, with which many legends, beliefs and signs are associated. Wolves have a dual character: a wolf can be both loyal and an independent loner, both cautious and aggressive. These features make the wolf tattoo popular and in demand.

Wolf tattoo is symbol of courage, intelligence, perseverance, strength of character . Since ancient times people different nations and cultures respected wolves.

Loyalty to your fellow men. One partner throughout life and the willingness to endure all difficulties for the well-being of his pack bring this predator closer to a person who is ready to get a wolf tattoo.

A wolf tattoo can have many meanings and different interpretations However, the person who chose it must understand that a wolf tattoo does not harmonize with a soft, slow and pliable character.

Wolf Tattoo - Subtleties of Wolf Tattoo

Each variation of a wolf tattoo has its own details and subtleties.

For example, tattoo Wolf howling at the moon- a symbol of a lonely person who has experienced loss or betrayal, as well as connections with another world.

Tattoo White Wolf – a bright, unconventional personality, capable of going against the rules. This is a brave lone warrior.

Tattoo Wolf and she-wolfit is a symbol of devotion and fidelity to your partner. Family values.

Tattoo Wolf familyor a wolf pack tattoo applied on the body speaks of a person’s strong-willed qualities, his patronage and desire to protect people who are important to him.

She-wolf(especially next to wolf cubs) is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, care and support.

Tattoo The wolf's grinsymbolizes cruelty, rage and fearlessness in any situation. Fight for life and your aspirations, firmness of intentions, moral principles. If the wolf's mouth is slightly open, this means that the person with this tattoo is ready to attack first. A wolf tattoo with a closed mouth symbolizes that the owner of the tattoo is strong and a dangerous person, but will never attack first (before the enemy jumps).

Tattoo Wolf pawmeans the power and steadfastness of the tattoo wearer.

Tattoo Dream catcher with wolf. A dream catcher is an Indian amulet against the interference of evil spirits in a person’s life during sleep. A dream catcher, combined with a wolf tattoo, embodies protection from evil spirits and communicates that the owner of the tattoo believes in mystical powers.

Tattoo Wolf with feathers or Indian wolfbears undoubtedlymagical sacred meaning. Such a tattoo means harmony of inner strength and wisdom with external bodily strength. As a rule, such tattoos depict a calm, peaceful animal, without expressing aggressiveness.

Tattoo Wolf and Ravenis a key figure in Indian lore. In this combination they can also mean cunning, wisdom, strategic thinking and the ability to keep secrets.

Tattoo Wolfand skullsymbolizes the understanding that life is not eternal. You are fearless in the face of death, just like the wolf.

Tattoo Wolfand rosemeans pure and unique love for your partner.

Tattoo Wolfin a jumpor on the runspeaks of the owner’s readiness to overcome any obstacles, a love of risk and the ability to take revenge if circumstances lead to this.

Tattoo Girl with a wolf on her headwolf skinmay come with a strong spirit and mysterious people, in whose life there is mysticism and mystery. The wolf in this combination is a patron. A gentle, loving and caring person, who puts on the skin of an animal at the right moment, is reincarnated as a wolf and endowed with its strength and power.

Tattoo Wolf in the forestsymbolizes the maturity and independence of a person. The owner of such a tattoo demonstrates leadership skills and knows perfectly well what he is doing and what he is striving for.

Tattoo Werewolf, depicted after transformation or in the process of transformation, talks about the presence dark side from the owner, which is known to him, which he tries to subjugate to himself.

Tattoo Wolf on fire or wolf with red eyes, most often inflicted by those who identify themselves with dark forces, unknown and witchcraft. Ancient people believed that the wolf was endowed with the ability to be a guide to other worlds.

Wolf tattoo for girls

A wolf tattoo for girls represents loyalty to your loved one, love for children, guardianship, and justice.

Girls often choose bright colored wolf tattoos. A wolf tattoo is applied in tandem with other elements, most often choosing botany. Wolf tattoo on female body, looks good on the forearm, chest, leg, and around the shoulder blade. The symmetrical image of a wolf on the back looks harmonious and bold.

Wolf tattoo for men

A man with a wolf tattoo inspires reliability. This tattoo for a man it means protection and courage. He is the leader of his pack. Wolf tattoos for men are most often done as realistically as possible, using one color. Men, as a rule, in such a tattoo strive to emphasize the most strengths beast. With the help of shadows and highlights, the drawing becomes more realistic, and with the help bright colors emphasize the eyes or other elements and subtleties that allow you to show the difference that we wrote about above.

Wolf tattoo -Wolf tattoo designs

There is an opinion among tattooists that a paw tattoo is a manifestation of a person’s hidden animal essence. If we talk about girls, then such tattoos are characteristic of passionate fiery natures. The cat's paw is a symbol of self-confidence. If the sketch shows several marks, then you don’t have to bother looking for the symbolic meaning of this tattoo. Most likely, it was stuffed solely for aesthetic reasons.

The tattoo community is not content with just cat paws. Among guys, tattoos with paws of wolves, lions and bears, often with claw marks, are very popular. Such a men's tattoo is considered a symbol of fearlessness in the face of impending danger. If you are characterized by such qualities as courage and inner strength- Consider getting a predator paw tattoo.


There are many options for performing tattoos with paws. The most popular are monochrome cat tracks in the form of a path. But there are many alternative compositions - both colored and monochrome. It is important to take into account that a detailed drawing that is too small will “float” over time. So choose the location and dimensions of the tattoo correctly. If you decide to tattoo your paws, fill them at least to their natural size, and in some cases you can get a larger tattoo.

Let's note the most successful styles for such a tattoo:

  • Traditional;
  • Minimalism;
  • Trash polka.

As for the locations, we consider the following to be the most suitable for girls:


We offer you several original ideas tattoos with animal footprints. Let them inspire you to create truly magnificent body art. Here they are:


Celebrities love cats, but tattoos with cat tracks are viewed with skepticism. However, we have been able to find people who have a soft spot for cats and express it through body art. Among them:

  • Allison Green;
  • Katy Perry;
  • Miley Cyrus.

In the catalogs of tattoo artists, you often come across tattoos of the paws of various animals and footprints human feet and hands Sometimes they depict exactly a part of the animal’s body, in other cases - an imprint left on the ground (in in this case– on human skin). Some tattoos of this type had a sacred meaning in ancient times, preserved in mythology, others are a modern invention and do not hide any secrets. If you want to get a tattoo of footprints, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the history and meaning of each image.

Common people believe that tattoos were invented in prisons. But they appeared in those days when prisons simply did not exist, and for a crime you could easily get hit on the head with a stone hammer, or catch an arrow, and not with your hands.

As for the paw tattoo, it was most often used by tribes that professed shamanism, totemism, animalistic cults, etc. Various animals were revered - lynxes, bears, wolves, tigers and lions, cats and dogs. Many northern peoples still adhere to similar traditions in their Everyday life. In particular, these are residents of the Far North, some regions of Asia, Africa, and Indians of South America.

As for the most popular options, they are as follows:

  • A symbolic bear paw tattoo is the choice of men. Often juxtaposed with various Celtic and Nordic symbols. There is also Slavic symbol with the same name and appearance. It is a talisman and is associated with Veles, one of the key characters in the pantheon of the ancient Slavs. It is also called the “Seal of Veles”. It is believed that such a sign has protective properties, helps protect the owner from troubles, and protects against wild animals. After all, the bear in our area is considered the true king of the forest. Warriors, unlike priests, considered a bear paw tattoo a symbol of their strength and valor.

    Bear paw tattoo

    Bear paw tattoo

    Bear paw tattoo

  • A cat footprint tattoo is considered feminine. In any case, you rarely see them in men. Most owners do not attach any secret or mystical meaning to them. Sometimes a tattoo can hint at freedom-loving disposition girls. After all, a cat, as you know, always walks on its own. There may be one trace or several. Often, patterns or images in the form of an ankle bracelet are created from a string of marks.

    Cat footprints and heart tattoo

    Tattoo of a cat footprint and cats in a minimalist style

  • A rabbit's foot tattoo is a very symbolic sign. It is believed that it can bring good luck to the owner, just like the original “artifact”. However, these are all legends; whether to believe them or not is a personal matter for everyone.
  • A tiger paw tattoo or a lion paw print demonstrates the strength and power of the owner of such a symbol. They can be realistic, or stylized with some kind of symbolism in the Oriental, African style, etc.;

  • Interestingly, I previously had a dog footprint tattoo mystical meaning. The dog was a guide not only in the real world, but also in the afterlife. Not everyone applied such an image to their skin, but only people who belonged to a cult, or who wanted to interact in a certain way with the spirit of their patron animal after death.

    Dog paw tattoo

    Dog footprint and dog face tattoo

    Dog footprint tattoo with heart

  • Tattoo wolf paw– a symbol of perseverance, strength, victory. Although a wolf and a dog have much in common, their paws are different. The wolf is a forest animal, wild. He often has to run through snowdrifts in winter. Therefore, the width of the paws is greater than that of pet dog. This allows you to avoid falling through while running in the snow.

Why are paw/animal footprint tattoos popular? Psychologists believe that man has still not partially lost his animal nature. Even though we fly into space and do genetic engineering, there lives inside us little beast. Echoes of this become part of the culture, and are reflected in the tattoos we choose.

Another subconscious point is the desire to acquire some qualities inherent in a certain type of fauna. A trace, or paw, is a kind of path to the desired physical or psychological state.

However, there are aspects related not to internal moments, but to what we receive from the outside. We have attitudes and opinions regarding animals. For example, that a tiger, wolf, or bear is strong, a hare is cowardly, a fox is cunning, a cat is capricious and playful, and a dog is wise and faithful. Often, this information may not be entirely reliable. Animals, like people, can have the most different qualities, to be smarter or stupider, stronger or weaker. There is no constant, and all animalistic ideas are mostly far-fetched.

Tattoo of a dog's paw print with its portrait, made in memory of the dog

Concerning protective properties tattoos, totemism, then a person endows any symbol with its own power. This is another funny thing about human psychology. We do everything ourselves, but it’s easier for us to believe that gods or spirits “help” in the process. This is a kind of transition between “I can’t” and “I will do.”

The baby's marks on the back look really very beautiful

However, we should not forget that millions of tattoos were made by accident, out of stupidity, out of banal curiosity. Fashion also influences the choice of subject. But the main factor of choice is a banal desire that has no logical explanation. It may not have a complex psychological basis. After all, it is your body, and you have the right to put any images on it, except those that are prohibited by law as offensive or extremist. Traces are definitely not one of these, and often look really very beautiful.

Where to get a paw tattoo?

Men's tattoos of this type are usually done on the shoulder or chest. This could be the footprint of a wolf, tiger, bear, etc. Often it is not the print that is depicted, but the clawed paw itself.

Stylized men's tattoos paws of a wolf, bear and tiger on the shoulder and chest

Women are more creative in this regard. Often a tattoo is strongly associated with female sexuality. Therefore, images are applied to sensitive areas of the skin. Most girls prefer a cat's paw, or a trail of footprints. They can be placed on the lower back, buttock, collarbone, neck, wrist.

There is important nuance regarding the size of the picture. Over time, even the best quality tattoo fades. If it is too small, you will get completely ugly spots instead of paws. Therefore, you should not get tattoos that are too miniature.

Leg - great option. Several human footprints following a path one after another will look quite nice.

How to design a paw tattoo – color, background, tattoo style

On the Internet you can come across various sketches of tattoo marks. Some people like realism more, while others rely on ethnic motives. Most often, this is a stylization of Indian and shamanic tattoos.

Would you like to order a realistic animal paw print? There are many options on how to do this. Sometimes people order a background in the form of a piece of land in which this imprint remains. Another interesting option- a paw that breaks through the skin with its claws. Often the image of the mark is made fiery, or burning through the skin. Looks impressive.

Tattoo of a paw on the ground in which this imprint remains and a paw with a bear breaking through the skin with its claws

Girls usually prefer something simple and sophisticated. Most often this is an image of a small paw without detail. The color of this tattoo is usually black.

Choosing between colored and black and white tattoo, you need to think about how it will look on you. Some people even print out the sketch on paper in the desired size and color to get at least a rough idea of ​​what the result will look like.

Sketches of paw and footprint tattoos, click to enlarge.

Of course, what you see on paper may vary. After all, the master cannot create an exact copy of the drawing. He will only try to repeat it, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and other nuances.

The choice of color depends on many factors, one of which is your skin tone. People are not divided into white, black, yellow and red. Each race, people, and even within one region, skin colors can have dozens of shades. On each of them you need to look for optimal contrasts.

The darker the skin, the more bright hues, shades need to be used. Same with contours. You've probably seen black people loving tattoos more than once. For example, rap artists. Many of the images look washed out against their dark skin. Therefore, you need to consult with the master on how to adapt the image to your needs. individual characteristics– dark or pale skin.

Tattoos of human feet and palms look no worse than animal tracks.


Photos of paw tattoos and footprints from professional amateur tattooists.

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