Home Roses How to determine your rune by date of birth. Slavic runes - meaning by date of birth and zodiac sign: description. How to find out your rune by date of birth

How to determine your rune by date of birth. Slavic runes - meaning by date of birth and zodiac sign: description. How to find out your rune by date of birth

For those who begin to wonder runic magic and penetrates deeply into the meaning of these mysterious ancient symbols, you often want to choose one, "your" rune, which can be used as a personal talisman. That is why the question "Which rune suits me by date of birth?" is one of the most popular with newbies. Well, let's figure it out.

Genetics and runes

The title of this subheading may seem odd to you. And indeed, it would seem, what does genetics have to do with runes? It turns out that researchers of ancient magic signs have created a special runic model of the Universe, in which each rune takes a clearly assigned place and is responsible for one of the manifestations of the universe. Surprisingly, the runic model in its form repeats the structure of the DNA molecule.

Perhaps this information will never be useful to you in practice, but it is still worthwhile to briefly talk about the meaning of the runes and their connection with DNA. Each runic symbol, according to this theory, is responsible for one of the stages of the creation of the Universe - just as information particles were gradually realized in the DNA matrix. This proves once again that the runes appeared on earth for a reason, but were really created by the Higher Forces.

Determination of your rune by horoscope

One of the most discussed questions on the forums of novice runologists sounds like this: "Which rune suits me according to the horoscope?" On the one hand, drawing parallels between the secret signs of ancient Germanic writing and the temperament of people according to the sign of the zodiac does not seem like a very good idea, but on the other hand, such an analogy was nevertheless made.

Insofar as zodiac constellations only 12, and the Elder Futhark runes - 24, astrologers have distributed the number of symbols, two for each sign. Personally, as a person working with runes, I do not agree too much with this division, and I see slightly different parallels, but I do not have any evidence of my own theory, so we will still rely on the version of professional astrologers.

The fiery and hot-tempered sign of Aries, according to this version, corresponds to the Teivaz and Uruz runes. Practical, down to earth Taurus "got" Fehu and Otala in his possession. The contradictory Gemini got the Raido - Eyvaz pair. Sensitive Cancers "conquered" Turisaz and Perth. Blazing with creative energy, Leo "became akin" to Soulu and Dagaz. Self-sufficient Virgo was approached by Berkana and Yero. Ansuz and Gebo were "given" to the judicious Libra. The mysterious Scorpio was "awarded" with the Hagalaz, Isa runes. Merry Sagittarius was credited with matching with Kenaz and Nautiz, and Capricorn's hard work was "rewarded" by the Inguz - Evaz pair. Zodiac sign with a subtle mental organization - Aquarius caused astrologers to associate with Mannaz and Vunyo, and romantic and dreamy Pisces "got" Laguz and Algiz.

If for some reason the zodiacal correspondences did not suit you, and you are still wondering "Which rune suits me?", Check out another principle of correlating ancient symbols with the periods of birth. This is a kind of runic horoscope that starts from the day vernal equinox... This is how the runes are distributed in it.

  • (23.03 - 5.04). People born during this period are big owners, so the symbol of property suits them perfectly.
  • (6.04. - 21.04). Strong in spirit, ready to rip off their last shirt, "April" also stubbornly go towards their goal. Their spirit corresponds to the power of the Uruz rune.
  • (22.04 - 6.05). Natural born fighters (and this distinctive feature born during this period), of course, should be associated with this symbol
  • (7.05 - 21.05). Sociable, artistic and positive birthday people in May receive the patronage of the rune Ansuz
  • (22.05 - 6.06). Balance is the main quality of those to whom the rune of the road corresponds. Indeed, you can't go far without balance!
  • (7.06 - 22.06). Huge creativity, like a flame, rages in the souls born during this period. No wonder they got the Kenaz torch rune.
  • (23.06 - 7.07). Reliable friends, loyal comrades, always ready to help. Were you born at this time? Then your personal strength will be strengthened by the Gebo rune.
  • (8.07 - 23.07). How lucky those who were born in the middle of summer! Barbecue, swimming, outdoor recreation - the most The best way celebrate birthday. It is not for nothing that they got the rune of luck, luck and joy
  • (07.24 - 08.08). About those born during the Hagalaz period, one cannot say that they were very lucky. These people are constantly destroying old forms in order to build something new. But this is not so bad, because in this they will be helped by the sweeping away everything in its path Hagalaz
  • (9.08 - 23.08). These people always need something, but it is precisely the need that makes them improve themselves, develop.
  • (24.08 - 8.09). It would seem that the ice rune could be "given" to one of the winter birthday people, but no - for leisurely and measured persons born in August, Isa is much more suitable
  • (09.09 - 23.09). The symbol of the harvest implies great patience: not everyone can wait for the seeds to sprout! But as a reward, such people receive a fertile Hyera.
  • (24.09 - 8.10). If a person who was born during this period asks the question "What rune suits me by date of birth?", The answer will be Eyvaz. The main qualities of both people and runes are endurance, perseverance, perseverance
  • (9.10 - 23.10). The secrecy and loyalty to their principles, inherent in Libra, is very similar to the effect of the Perth rune
  • (24.10 - 7.11). Huge stock vitality nature gave to those born during this period. The best mascot for them, than Algiz, it is simply not possible to find
  • (8.11 - 23.11). Cold gloomy November so lacks the sun. Maybe that's why the universe sent the Soul rune to those born at this time?
  • (24.11 - 12). It will take a lot of courage to weather the coming winter. Teyvaz will help with this
  • (8.12 - 22.12). At the end of the year, we sum up the results and it causes a lot of stress - what if we didn't have time? Runa Berkana will preserve our mental health and soothe with its soft, female energy
  • (23.12 - 6.01). Excellent teachers and mentors - this is what characterizes those born at the very beginning of the year. We will give them Evaz as a gift
  • (22.01 - 5.02). Intuition is the main quality of people born at the turn of January and February. Laguz will help them to hear the inner voice even better.
  • (6.02 - 20.02). The spirit of pioneers accompanies the February birthday. And discoveries always bear fruit - these persons are accompanied by Inguz
  • (21.02 - 5.03). The rune cycle ends with the rune of heritage. It is very lucky for the one who was born under her patronage, because she helps to make dreams come true and develop talents

So, from the previous part of the article, you learned which runes are best to choose as personal talismans. Now let's talk about whether to put these signs on the body. In general, professional runologists do not advise getting tattoos with runes, therefore, in most cases, the answer to the newbie's question "What runes can be applied to the body?" will be unambiguous - none.

The fact is that each rune contains energies that come into our life only for a while, and then leave it, completing their work. Drawing magic signs on our body, we seem to delay them, do not let them go, and this is always fraught serious consequences... Just imagine, for example, the impact of the Hagalaz rune is hail, destruction is instant, fast. When this happens in our personal life, cutting off unnecessary connections, freeing us from accumulated and obsolete "trash" - this is great. But what will happen when such destruction will occur one after another for a long time? You strike up a relationship, hold on to it for a month, and then bam - Hagalaz is activated, believing that this is the wrong person, and breaks this connection. You meet another character, fall in love again, and after a month or two, this destructive hail falls on you again. And it will continue over and over again. There is little pleasant in this, agree? It's better somehow, in the old fashioned way, to figure it out on the sly yourself, isn't it?

Runes should act temporarily - that's why, if you want to put some kind of sign on your body, do it with henna or wash-off paint. Separately, one more thing needs to be said. Many beginners are wondering which runes destroy damage and the evil eye, and whether they can be worn as a tattoo. I also do not advise you to do this - it is better to find a proven cleaning device, apply it to yourself or a photo, let the link work, and then destroy it with a clear conscience. The runes need to be thanked and released, and not kept to yourself - they are not domestic animals, but conductors of very powerful ancient energy, so you should not joke with them.

Runes are ancient signs that can be used as a talisman and endow their owner with certain qualities.

They possess tremendous power and should only be used wisely.

If worn like amulet rune or rune with a negative value that is not suitable for you, then the effect will be far from positive.

How to calculate

Runes by date of birth are able to protect, prompt Right way and even reveal the future. They divide the Zodiac into twenty-four cycles and have a direct connection with astrology.

The signs of the zodiac, respectively, are divided in two. Each cycle includes ten days. You can determine which symbol corresponds to you using the runic horoscope.

In the runic horoscope starting point not New Year(not even the astrological new year), but the vernal equinox. Runes are closely related to the universe and the forces of nature, so the annual cycle for their calendar begins exactly at the moment of awakening of nature, the beginning of a new round.

For example, great teachers and philosophers come from people born under the auspices of runes Evaz, but business is better for those who were born during the period of the Fehu rune.

What does

This is what the runic horoscope says about the correspondence of the runes to the period of time and their meaning.

  • Fehu(23.03 - 5.05) is the most money rune, she endows her charges with a heightened sense of ownership and the ability to earn big money. People born during this period are active, creative and easily adapt to new things.
  • Uruz(6.04-21.04) - the value of this runes - power, and her charges are very strong and purposeful. They are ready to give everything just to achieve what they want.
  • Turisaz(04.22-6.05) - this rune means a giant, people born under its influence, real warriors, they are able to conquer all their fears and cope with themselves in any situation.
  • Ansuz(7.05-21.05) is divine rune, which endows the one who was born in her period with great talent. These people are inclined to create, love to communicate and show themselves.
  • Raido(22.05-6.06) - this symbol gives people born during its period a calm character. They can keep everything under control. It means the road.
  • Kenaz(7.06-22.06) - flame. This rune gives people the ability to be creative and a clean and clear mind.
  • Gebo(23.06-07.07) - partnership - this is the meaning of this sign. These people love freedom, often change their minds, but they are good friends.
  • Vunyo(8.07-23.07) - culmination. Such people are very bright, they are doing well with imagination, they are usually lucky.
  • Hagalaz (24.07-8.08) - destruction... Such people need to regularly destroy everything and burn bridges in order to understand where to go next and see the prospects for development.
  • Nautiz(9.08-23.08) - need. People whom she patronizes are able to turn all their shortcomings into advantages.
  • Isa(08.24-8.09) - this rune means ice, it empowers people with responsibility, practicality and slowness.
  • Hyera(09.09-23.09) - cyclical, it gives people a lot of patience, they are very consistent.
  • Eyvaz(09.24-8.10) - protection. This rune endows people with perseverance and endurance.
  • Perth(9.10-23.10) - such people often hide all information about their personal life, prefer not to talk about themselves. They are always true to their moral principles.
  • Algiz(24.10-7.11) - this rune gives its wards great love of life and empowers them.
  • Soulou(8.11-23.11) - this rune means the sun. People born under her influence are able to overcome all adversity, they have a lot of strength and will to live.
  • Tevaz(24.11-7.12) - courage. Such people are ready to fight for what they believe in, even to the point of bloodshed.
  • Berkana(8.12-22.12) - birch. These people are calm, they are drawn to creation.
  • Evaz (23.12-6.01) – rune means horse. People under her influence know how to teach, they have the ability to magic.
  • Mannaz(7.01-21.01) - integrity. Her wards do not like the attention and brilliance of spotlights, they try to keep in the background, they are modest.
  • Laguz(01.22-5.02) - these people are unpredictable and do not know what they will do next. They have a well-developed intuition.
  • Inguz(6.02-20.02) - such people depend on their mood, they often make discoveries, in them hidden huge creative potential.
  • Odal(21.02-5.03) - legacy. Those born during the period of this rune have many talents and can develop and manifest them.
  • Dagaz(5.03-22.03) - day. This symbol ends the cycle and endows people with fluidity and rapid mood swings.

Slavic peoples too used runes only they had eighteen, not twenty-four. First of all, the runes were used by them for protection, they were applied to clothes, dishes, door frames, jewelry and amulets were made with their image.

By date of birth, people among the Slavs belonged to certain Halls of the Svarog Circle. Each Hall has its own symbol, which made up of runes... You can see them in the image of the Circle.

But you can determine which Hall you belong to by the day you were born:

  • Virgo (08.30-22.11) these people strive to learn new things, love to be in charge and possess strong will... They can often have supernatural abilities.
  • Boar (from the end of the last period to 14.10) - stubbornness, independence and the desire to decide for yourself what to believe in - these are the features of people born during this period.
  • Pike (up to 6.11)- such people want a calm traditional life and take decisions for a long time. But they are able to feel like a fish in water anywhere.
  • Swan (until 11/27) - these people are prone to excessive pride, they are wayward and windy.
  • The serpent (until 16.12) is selfish, cold and intolerant of criticism.
  • Raven (until 10.01) active people who hate loneliness. Great importance give carnal love.
  • Bear (up to 3.02) - courageous and persistent people who love to help others. they can find a way out of any situation.
  • Busel (until 28.02) Is a stork. Such people are kind and want to help, they strive to have many children.
  • Wolf (until 25.03) - warriors who strive for order. They are wary and strict.
  • Fox (until 17.04) - they always looking for meaning, and even in love. They are curious and love to experiment.
  • Tour (until 09.05) - hardworking and persistent people, accustomed to achieving goals.
  • Elk (until 1.06) - merry fellows and jokers, serene idealists.
  • Finist (until 23.06) - prudent, purposeful people... Explore life empirically.
  • Horse (until 16.07)- want to have time for everything at once, restless, maximalists.
  • Eagle (until 7.08) - decisive people, visionaries.
  • Ras (up to 30.08) - good-natured people inclined to patronage. Sometimes they impose their opinion. Lazy.


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Runes are not just signs of the writing of the Scandinavian peoples, but also magic signs, and oldest system knowledge of the inner and outside world person. With the help of runes, you can guess, influence different areas your life, and also use them as protective amulets and amulets. But in order for such a rune talisman to help and endow with special power, you need to know which energy of runes is in tune with you. To understand which rune suits me by date of birth, this article will help. Only a correctly chosen runic symbol can make your amulet a reliable assistant.

Creation of the universe

Let's plunge a little into the history of the Old Scandinavian people and figure out what genetics has to do with runes and the model of the Universe. The model of the Universe in ancient Celtic runic system is the Tree, personified sacred tree Yggdrasil. Each rune in this system is a matrix, and, folding in a certain sequence, as in the world of matter, they create the sequence of the Creation of the Universe.

So from the rune Uruz the process of Creation begins - an idea arose.

Runa Turisaz has launched a program for the implementation of the plan. And at this stage, the World of Niflheim arose - the world of cold and formation.

During the fourth stage of creation, for which the Raido rune is responsible, as a result of cyclical movement, new planets begin to form around the stars. Going through the stages of birth, life and death, these stars extinguished and fell into the World of Muspelheim, and from it flowed down the Universal River to the World of Niflheim, where a new formation of matter took place.

During the fifth stage, the primary mind was formed, then Time, then multicellular organisms... And so on until the twenty-fourth stage - the stage of completion and transition, that is, death and transition to an incorporeal state. This stage was characterized by the Fehu rune.

It is interesting! If you trace all the stages of the development of the runic Model of the Universe, then you can see its similarity with the model of the development of the DNA molecule. Hence the connection between genetics and runes.

The connection between the runes and the signs of the zodiac

You can also determine which rune suits me according to the horoscope, if we consider the connection between the runes and the signs of the zodiac. According to the World Tree, they are divided into three levels:

  • World of Gods (, Teyvaz, Inguz and Turisaz)
  • The world of nature (Uruz, Hagalaz, Isa, Eyvaz, Perth, Soulu, Laguz and Dagaz)
  • The world of man (Fehu, Raido, Kano, Gebo, Vunyo, Nautiz, Evaz, Yera, Mannaz and Odal)

Since each of the four runes of the Gods corresponds to four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air, then, therefore, each of them will be associated with one cardinal sign of the Zodiac:

  • - the element of Air and the zodiac sign of Libra
  • Turisaz - the element of Water, the sign of Cancer
  • Inguz - the element of the Earth and the sign of Capricorn
  • Teyvaz - the element of Fire, the sign of Aries

Since there are 24 runes in Futhark, two runes will correspond to each sign of the zodiac.

The correspondence of the runes to the elements

  • Fire Release - Teivaz, Uruz, Soulu, Dagaz, Kano, Nautiz
  • Release of Water - Turisaz, Perth, Hagalaz, Isa, Laguz,
  • Air Release -, Gebo, Raido, Eyvaz, Vuno, Mannaz
  • Release of the Earth - Inguz, Evaz, Fehu, Odal, Berkana, Hyera

Matching the signs of the zodiac

  • Aries - Teyvaz, Uruz
  • Taurus - Fehu, Odal
  • Gemini - Raido, Eyvaz
  • Cancer - Thurisaz, Perth
  • Lev - Soulu, Dagaz
  • Virgo - Berkana, Hyera
  • Libra -, Gebo
  • Scorpio - Hagalaz, Isa
  • Sagittarius - Kano, Nautiz
  • Capricorn - Inguz, Eyvaz
  • Aquarius - Mannaz, Vunyo
  • Pisces - Laguz,

Runic horoscope

Therefore, in order to determine which runes are better to choose, you need to carefully read the runic horoscope. Since each sign of the Zodiac corresponds to two runes, therefore, they divide the Zodiac into 24 cycles of ten days. The runic horoscope begins the starting point from the day of the vernal equinox.

  • from March 23 to April 5 - Fehu, livestock. It characterizes people who are active, easy-going, big owners and endowed with a huge creativity
  • from 6 to 21 April - Uruz, strength. it strong people, ready to sacrifice everything to achieve their goal.
  • from April 22 to May 6 - Turisaz, thorn. They are human fighters who overcome all their fears
  • from May 7 to May 21 - divine. Those born under the auspices of this rune are creative, sociable and artistic people.
  • May 22 - June 6 - Raido, road. Characterizes balanced people who know how to keep everything under control
  • June 7-22 - Kenaz, torch, flame. Endows those born under this sign with creativity and clarity of thought
  • from June 23 to July 7 - Gebo, gift, partnership. Those under the influence of this rune are contradictory and freedom-loving natures, but who are good friends, partners and assistants
  • from 8 to 23 July - Vunyo. This joyful rune helps in the fulfillment of desires and endows a person with fantasy.
  • from July 24 to August 8 - Hagalaz, hail. For people born under the auspices of the Hagalaz rune, it is simply necessary to destroy something old, so that in their life there will be the prospect of something new, changes have occurred
  • from 9 to 23 August - Nautiz, need, necessity. This rune helps to turn disadvantages into advantages and develop self-sufficiency.
  • from August 24 to September 8 - Isa, ice. These are responsible people, for them leisurely and measuredness is their credo.
  • September 9-23 - Hyeres, cyclical. They are patient and consistent in their actions.
  • from September 24 to October 8 - Eyvaz, protection. She endows everyone born under her protection with perseverance and endurance
  • October 9-23 - Perth. Characterizes secretive and principled people
  • from October 24 to November 7 -. Endows those born during this period with tremendous vitality
  • November 8 to 23 - Soulou, sun. They are amazingly resilient people who can cope with any circumstance.
  • from November 24 to December 7 - Teivaz, courage. These people are ready to fight for their ideals and principles.
  • from 8 to 22 December - Berkana, birch. She gives a person the energy of calmness and creativity.
  • from December 23 to January 6 - Eyvaz or horse. All who were born under the auspices of this rune, good teachers and mentors
  • January 7-21 - Mannaz, integrity. These people are modest and do not like to draw attention to themselves.
  • from January 22 to February 5 - Laguz or water. Those born during this period have good intuition, but are unpredictable.
  • from 6 to 20 February - Inguz, fertility. They are pioneers, pioneers, creative people, people of mood
  • February 21 to March 5 - Odal, Legacy. She endows a person with talents and helps to translate them into practice.
  • from 5 to 22 March - Dagaz, transformation. People born during this period are unpredictable and changeable.

What runes can be applied to the body

In order to enhance the influence of the rune given by the date of birth, you can make a talisman with its image, or you can apply it to yourself. But you need to be very careful when drawing a magic sign on yourself.

It is necessary to clearly know which runes can be applied to the body, otherwise you can cause an energy storm, since in this case they have a very powerful energetic impact... Because, being charged directly with your energy, they begin to manifest themselves quite actively, and by applying, for example, destructive runes to themselves, you can only harm yourself. In this case, the runes will not give you energy, but, on the contrary, will take away.

Therefore, signs of a softer character should be applied to oneself, such as Soulu, Vuno, Inguz, Kano, Berkana, even Dagaz.

Runes experts do not recommend tattoos with runes at all. Since their application should be done by a person who knows and understands, otherwise the master who gives you a tattoo may unconsciously program the action of the runes in a different way than you would like. And the situation when applying a runic formula or rune on oneself must be appropriate, with the use of at least a small ritual and with an appeal to the Gods.

Therefore, the most the best option- this is the drawing of runes on a photo or some kind of medium (a wooden die, a piece of paper, a stone, a mineral, etc.), or you can just draw in the air. But, in any case, remember that you should not draw runes if you do not understand anything about them, or do not fully understand the meaning of one or another rune.

Having comprehended and understood the meaning of runic signs, you can help yourself in finances, in love, when buying real estate, in getting a job and in many other areas. To do this, you can draw one rune, suitable for helping in the area of ​​your choice, you can apply three times, increasing its effect. But, in most cases, in practice, formulas consisting of several different signs are used. Take, for example, runes that can help us protect ourselves from negativity.

The most strong signs that help in protection from the evil eye, damage and others negative impacts- this is Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa. These runes protect against magical influences, energy attacks, various kinds of aggressive attacks, block and destroy them. And being part of one formula, they significantly increase their protective functions.

An example of runic formulas for protection against negativity

These runescripts reflect the negative directed at you, and send it back to the one who brought it up:

  • Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa
  • Hagalaz + Laguz + Eyvaz

Can be seen from following formulas which runes destroy magical damage and the evil eye, they protect from witchcraft:

  • Eyvaz + + Otal
  • Eyvaz + + Isa
  • Eyvaz + Hagalaz + Otal
  • Hagalaz + Laguz + Eyvaz

There are a lot of such runescripts on the Internet, but you can try to compose them yourself. But remember - before experimenting, you need to know the meaning and scope of each rune. Know how to activate them and to which Gods to turn for help, work on yourself and engage in energy practices. Relate to magic signs with respect and respect, and then they will answer you in kind.

Runes are ancient signs that can be used as a talisman and endow their owner with certain qualities.

They are extremely powerful and should only be used wisely.

If worn like amulet rune or rune with a negative value that is not suitable for you, then the effect will be far from positive.

But if you do everything right, you can change your life in better side, achieve success and happiness. You can determine which rune suits you by the date of birth.

How to calculate

Runes by date of birth are able to protect, prompt Right way and even reveal the future. They divide the Zodiac into twenty-four cycles and have a direct connection with astrology.

The signs of the zodiac, respectively, are divided in two. Each cycle includes ten days. You can determine which symbol corresponds to you using the runic horoscope.

In the runic horoscope starting point not a new year (not even an astrological new year), but the vernal equinox. Runes are closely related to the universe and the forces of nature, so the annual cycle for their calendar begins exactly at the moment of awakening of nature, the beginning of a new round.

Knowing which rune corresponds to you is very useful not only in order to create a talisman, but also to get to know yourself better. For example, with its help, you can understand which profession is right for you, which path in life to choose.

For example, great teachers and philosophers come from people born under the auspices of runes Evaz, but business is better for those who were born during the period of the Fehu rune.

What does

This is what the runic horoscope says about the correspondence of the runes to the period of time and their meaning.

  • Fehu(23.03 - 5.05) is the most money rune, she endows her charges with a heightened sense of ownership and the ability to earn big money. People born during this period are active, creative and easily adapt to new things.
  • Uruz(6.04-21.04) - the value of this runes - power, and her charges are very strong and purposeful. They are ready to give everything just to achieve what they want.
  • Turisaz(04.22-6.05) - this rune means a giant, people born under its influence, real warriors, they are able to conquer all their fears and cope with themselves in any situation.
  • Ansuz(7.05-21.05) is divine rune, which endows the one who was born in her period with great talent. These people are inclined to create, love to communicate and show themselves.
  • Raido(22.05-6.06) - this symbol gives people born during its period a calm character. They can keep everything under control. It means the road.
  • Kenaz(7.06-22.06) - flame. This rune gives people the ability to be creative and a clean and clear mind.
  • Gebo(23.06-07.07) - partnership - this is the meaning of this sign. These people love freedom, often change their minds, but are good friends.
  • Vunyo(8.07-23.07) - culmination. Such people are very bright, they are doing well with imagination, they are usually lucky.
  • Hagalaz (24.07-8.08) - destruction... Such people need to regularly destroy everything and burn bridges in order to understand where to go next and see the prospects for development.
  • Nautiz(9.08-23.08) - need. People whom she patronizes are able to turn all their shortcomings into advantages.
  • Isa(08.24-8.09) - this rune means ice, it empowers people with responsibility, practicality and slowness.
  • Hyera(09.09-23.09) - cyclical, it gives people a lot of patience, they are very consistent.
  • Eyvaz(09.24-8.10) - protection. This rune endows people with perseverance and endurance.
  • Perth(9.10-23.10) - such people often hide all information about their personal life, prefer not to talk about themselves. They are always true to their moral principles.
  • Algiz(24.10-7.11) - this rune gives its wards great love of life and empowers them.
  • Soulou(8.11-23.11) - this rune means the sun. People born under her influence are able to overcome all adversity, they have a lot of strength and will to live.
  • Tevaz(24.11-7.12) - courage. Such people are ready to fight for what they believe in, even to the point of bloodshed.
  • Berkana(8.12-22.12) - birch. These people are calm, they are drawn to creation.
  • Evaz (23.12-6.01) – rune means horse. People under her influence know how to teach, they have the ability to magic.
  • Mannaz(7.01-21.01) - integrity. Her wards do not like the attention and brilliance of spotlights, they try to keep in the background, they are modest.
  • Laguz(01.22-5.02) - these people are unpredictable and do not know what they will do next. They have a well-developed intuition.
  • Inguz(6.02-20.02) - such people depend on their mood, they often make discoveries, in them hidden huge creative potential.
  • Odal(21.02-5.03) - legacy. Those born during the period of this rune have many talents and can develop and manifest them.
  • Dagaz(5.03-22.03) - day. This symbol ends the cycle and endows people with fluidity and rapid mood swings.

The Slavs

Slavic peoples too used runes only they had eighteen, not twenty-four. First of all, the runes were used by them for protection, they were applied to clothes, dishes, door frames, jewelry and amulets were made with their image.

By date of birth, people among the Slavs belonged to certain Halls of the Svarog Circle. Each Hall has its own symbol, which made up of runes... You can see them in the image of the Circle.

But you can determine which Hall you belong to by the day you were born:

  • Virgo (08.30-22.11) - these people strive to learn new things, love to be in charge and possess strong will... They can often have supernatural abilities.
  • Boar (from the end of the last period to 14.10) - stubbornness, independence and the desire to decide for yourself what to believe in - these are the features of people born during this period.
  • Pike (up to 6.11)- such people want a calm traditional life and take decisions for a long time. But they are able to feel like a fish in water anywhere.
  • Swan (until 11/27) - these people are prone to excessive pride, they are wayward and windy.
  • The serpent (until 16.12) is selfish, cold and intolerant of criticism.
  • Raven (until 10.01) - active people who hate loneliness. They attach great importance to carnal love.
  • Bear (up to 3.02) - courageous and persistent people who love to help others. they can find a way out of any situation.
  • Busel (until 28.02) Is a stork. Such people are kind and want to help, they strive to have many children.
  • Wolf (until 25.03) - warriors who strive for order. They are wary and strict.
  • Fox (until 17.04) - they always looking for meaning, and even in love. They are curious and love to experiment.
  • Tour (until 09.05) - hardworking and persistent people, accustomed to achieving goals.
  • Elk (until 1.06) - merry fellows and jokers, serene idealists.
  • Finist (until 23.06) - prudent, purposeful people. Explore life empirically.
  • Horse (until 16.07)- want to have time for everything at once, restless, maximalists.
  • Eagle (until 7.08) - decisive people, visionaries.
  • Ras (up to 30.08) - good-natured people inclined to patronage. Sometimes they impose their opinion. Lazy.

Runic horoscope by date of birth.

Hello my dear. The other day, in astrojournal I came across a runic horoscope, I think that many will find it interesting.

Those born under this rune are reserved, coldish and detached people. They are reluctant to let others around them, prefer silence and solitude. They are distinguished by their dedication, hard work, responsibility. They know how to set goals and go to them, sweeping away all obstacles on the way. They don't know how to wait. Disposed to depression and inner fears.

Eyvaz is a symbol of protection and support in difficult situations. Those born during this period are distinguished by strength, perseverance and determination. They steadfastly accept all trials, are hardy and insensitive to extreme situations. They make excellent leaders, provided that they know how to listen to other people's opinions and admit their mistakes.

(January 22 - February 6)

Born under the rune Ansuz - creative personalities having developed intuition... The rune patronizes its representatives in all areas of activity, where success depends on speech. Such people will be happy if they find the meaning of life, will not go to extremes, get rid of vanity and anxiety.
(February 7 - 20)

Dagaz is a rune of changes and bold undertakings. Those born under this rune cannot sit still, they are born pioneers, reformers and revolutionaries. They are thrown from side to side, a rapid rise is followed by an equally rapid fall. They should stop digging and be less arrogant.

Those born under this rune are prone to self-knowledge, but due to a lack of confidence, they cannot reach social and career heights. They should become more attentive to people on their own. life path... If they find a karmic partner, they can get rid of their insecurities.
(8 - 21 March)

Laguz is a powerful river that flows around stones, dams and embankments. Representatives of this rune are endowed with a soft and flexible character. The rune is ideal for women, allowing them to adapt to life's circumstances and live in harmony with nature. They will be successful if they learn to live in real world, control feelings and work through grievances.
(March 22 - April 6)

Representatives of the rune easily overcome obstacles, having a tough and authoritarian character. Fighters from birth, they enter fights and come out of them as winners, they are not afraid of competitors and strong enemies... Unlike the runes Laguz, Turisaz - male rune... Such people should learn patience, become wise and judicious, spend some of their energy on good deeds.
(April 7 - 21)

Teyvaz - victory, dedication, the triumph of justice. Those born under it walk confidently through life, defend high ideas and do great things. These are activists who, in the struggle for their ideals, are ready to put everything they have on the line. For harmony in life, they should be more patient, show endurance and endurance.
(April 22 - May 7)

Representatives of the rune are inclined towards career growth, high social status and wealth. They have everything they need to be successful, including gluttony. The loss of property for them can become great grief... They are ideal entrepreneurs who are always in work and business. They need to learn how to share their success by helping those in need.
(May 8 - 21)

The rune symbol is a bull plowing a field. Those born under it have tenacity, efficiency and confidence. They go ahead to their goal without paying

attention to obstacles. They should be less arrogant, develop humility and gentleness, since the rune has a destructive effect.
(May 22 - June 6)

Those born under this rune love travel, trips and changing places. If they do not have the opportunity to travel around the world, they travel around career ladder, road personal growth and social success. When they see the goal, for them there is only a path to it, they forget about their health, family and friends. Such a desire destroys life, depriving it of important things.
(June 7 - 22)

The rune symbolizes harmonious union and a gift from above. Representatives of the sign feel like a fish in water in a communication space. They are disposed to a successful partnership, they know how to cooperate and negotiate. They have many friends, they are ready to give them the "last shirt". For harmony in life, they should give exactly as much as they receive in return.
(June 22 - July 7)

Evaz is the rune of progress and fast movement... Representatives of the rune achieve considerable heights, rapidly climbing the career ladder. To become successful, they need to use their resources rationally, weigh their actions, smooth out sharp corners and forgive.
(8 - 23 July)

Those born under the Otila rune reach heights in life, relying on the experience of their ancestors. Respect family values, protect "theirs" and pass them on to inheritance. The experience of ancestors sometimes hinders their development, preventing them from going forward.

Soul (July 24 - August 8)
- a symbol of victory in the fight. Her wards are successful, they hold high positions in companies, they are known in society. Leaders in everything - this is how you can characterize people born during this period. In their life, everything happens with a positive connotation, Fate itself favors them. They also have disadvantages: waste of energy, overestimated self-esteem, lack of respect for other people's successes.
(August 9 - 23)

The wards of the Inguz runes receive the maximum gifts from life. They are overwhelmed with emotions and energy, they are real generators of unique ideas. The greatest success awaits them if they engage in creativity in a team of like-minded people. The support of others is important to them, without it they lose inspiration and confidence.

Hyera is a symbol of fertility. Rune representatives love to start and develop projects, reap the benefits of their work. They know very well what, when and how to do it. They are distinguished by patience, stone by stone they lay out their way to success. They should avoid excessive pedantry, act according to the principle "what you sow is what you reap."
(September 9 - 23)

Berkana is the most feminine rune that symbolizes motherhood, growth and development. Her wards are constantly growing spiritually and materially. They preserve vital energy, recover and come out "dry" from difficult situations... Women born during the Berkan period are ideal wives and mothers.
(September 24 - October 8)

Those born under the Vunyo rune strive to make their dreams come true. Their life is a holiday filled with joyful emotions. They are prone to frequent mood swings, the transition from a happy smile to tears takes them a few minutes. For harmony, they should accept the world as it is and give up illusions. By developing restraint, discretion, and frugality, they will become much happier.
(October 9 - 23)

The rune helps to see deep abilities. Representatives of this rune are reserved and reserved, avoid unnecessary hype around their person. They have great potential, they are ideal substitutes and assistants. They will find a way out in any situation, lend their shoulders and say the right words support.
(October 24 - November 8)

Halagaz is a symbol of destruction and construction of a new one on the ruins of what has long outlived its usefulness. The wards of this rune are ready to sweep away everything in their path, building a victory from the fragments of broken hopes. They are overwhelmed with reformatory energy, are distinguished by love of freedom and impulsiveness, they do not tolerate pressure. They need to develop harmony, patience and respect for others.
(November 9 - 23)

Honest, strong and disciplined people are born under the Nautiz rune. They are ready to sacrifice themselves and those around them in order to fulfill their duty, they are not afraid of restrictions, they steadfastly endure all the blows of Fate. For harmony in life, they need to forget about melancholy and not take risks

Kano is a flame that will dispel the darkness of ignorance. Wards runes see everything that is hidden from others by a veil of secrecy. They are creative individuals who gravitate towards spiritual growth... Often endowed with developed intuition, the ability to clairvoyance, visualize the future. Plunging into work, they do not see the world.
(December 9 - 22)

The mystical rune helps to find treasures and make discoveries. Those born during this period skillfully hide their feelings, possess mystery and mysticism. The spiritual side is important for them, they will never communicate or live with a person without a spiritual background. It is important for them to love and be loved, otherwise they will "wither".

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