Home Trees and shrubs How to move up the career ladder. Rules for the rapid development of a career. Maintain internal company policies

How to move up the career ladder. Rules for the rapid development of a career. Maintain internal company policies

You work hard, handle your responsibilities, and take on a little more to make sure you're doing the best you can for your company. The latest performance assessment found no weaknesses to look out for and showed you the ideal employee. But for some reason, you didn't get promoted.

This is a harsh reality, especially if you were counting on an increase in income. The lack of progress naturally raises the question of whether it is worth continuing to put in efforts, and even - is it time to leave work. But before you plunge into the abyss of chagrin, take a step back and try to understand why you are not being promoted. There are a few possible reasons that interfere with this, and not all of them are directly related to performance.

1. You are not asking for a raise

The first and most obvious reason why you are not promoted is that you are not asking for it. For many employees, such requests are uncomfortable due to the likelihood of rejection or the fear of being overly greedy and ambitious, regardless of whether they receive a better position and salary or not. Even companies that care and reward employees at every opportunity pay attention to costs and strive to remain efficient. If you do not clearly express your desire to earn more, your boss can be confident that you are completely satisfied with the current situation and will keep you on the same level, instead of automatically raising salaries.

Ask for a raise. It is so simple. Let go of negative clichés. Asking for a raise doesn't sound pretentious or unreasonable when you have specific examples your value to the company. If you're not asking for a promotion, take it for granted that you won't get it.

2. Youcameunprepared

You may have asked for a raise directly, but did not prepare facts to support your claim. When evaluating employees, employers love to see logical reasoning and real examples... If you just say, “I want to make more money,” but you cannot present the results of your work or explain your requirements, you will not be taken seriously. Even the most successful candidates cite salary increases for the same position in a similar sector of the economy and indicate their real achievements in the past.

Do your research, prepare as much information as possible. No need to make a presentation, just use facts freely: statistics by region and by sector of the economy will help you look more convincing. How more facts you find the better.

3. You are doing well in your duties - but it is your responsibility

It is possible that your work is being rated as flawless. But this in itself does not give reason to expect an increase. Employees who show up on time, fulfill their duties and don't try to sneak out early are not perceived as exceptional. They are perceived as “adequate”. Adequate workers deserve to be allowed to continue doing what they do, while exceptional workers can expect more. Exceptional workers take on more than their direct responsibilities, show up earlier and stay late if needed, and are always ready to come to the rescue, helping the team whenever possible.

Make sure you are exceptional. You may not find much evidence of this to get a promotion right now. But if you exceed expectations for several months, you will have ample material to demonstrate that you are an exceptional worker.

4. You expect to be treated personally.

Promotion is an objective, not a subjective issue. If you ask for it based solely on your personal desires, the employer may subtly ignore your request. Perhaps you need more money to better support your child or spouse, or you are looking for a dream home in a better area. Linking to personal circumstances will help you gain a little sympathy in the short term, but will nullify your chances of getting promoted. Employers don't want to hear about personal circumstances because a salary is a business decision and cannot be based on emotion.

Don't mention personal circumstances. To be honest, nobody cares that "you need money." The question is whether you deserve the money and the only way to prove it is to provide clear and objective data.

5. You have not demonstrated your achievements

You've worked hard all year, but you missed the opportunity to show off the most great success... So don't be surprised if the promotion passed you by. Don't be afraid to talk about your merit during a performance appraisal or formal performance report - this is a great opportunity to show that you are a valuable player. Use specific examples wherever possible. Don't say, "I made a lot of good corporate blog entries," say, "I wrote 100 notes that increased traffic by 30%." Don't say, "I changed the workflow," say, "I implemented a new workflow for 20 employees, which increased their satisfaction and productivity by 10%."

Record all measurable results of your achievements at every opportunity. Keep a list of major current accomplishments from the previous months, and keep it ready when it's time to ask for a raise.

6. You have not become a more valuable employee.

Perhaps you have not yet managed to become more valuable employee For the company. Take an internet service provider as an analogy: if it increases your bid for a faster, more reliable service, you are more likely to agree to overpay. The employer thinks in a similar way: why pay more for the same thing? If you have failed to increase your objective value for last year, an increase is unlikely.

Increase your value as an employee, broaden your skill set, or improve efficiency. Get trained, earn certifications in new areas, learn from your peers, and strive to be more effective in your current responsibilities. Record improvements and present them during promotion negotiations.

7. You are not a positive team member.

Being part of a team means more than meeting your professional responsibilities. If you are constantly complaining and negative, even as you expand your responsibilities and objectively improve your skills, you will be perceived as unpleasant person... Companies reward those workers who make the environment better, not the other way around. If you find yourself complaining, gossiping, or detached from coworkers, this is the answer to why you didn't get promoted.

Work to improve your team qualities. Pay negative sides positive, focus on improving the situation. Congratulate colleagues on their successes, support them in failures. The more comradely support you show, the more positive your influence will be perceived. This factor defies objective assessment, it is something visible and implied.

Once you understand why you didn't get promoted, you can start planning for the future. If the main reason for this is lack of or inappropriate effort, find ways to improve your results throughout the year. If you cannot influence the factors that contribute to your promotion, such as, for example, financial position company, consider whether it is worth standing still or is it better to look for more suitable conditions for your career. Regardless of what you decide, understanding the nature of the obstacles that lie in your path will help you better prepare for the next phase of your career.

With Mila Sivatskaya ("The Last Hero") in starring... In the center of the story is a student of the Altai University of Tourism and Recreation Ksenia Zavgorodnaya, who managed to make a dizzying career in the hotel business.

Taboo # 3: getting an acquaintance job

Former colleagues who can vouch for you are good. But overly loving relatives can do a disservice and ruin your professional future.

This is exactly what happens to the heroine of Mila Sivatskaya. Trying to get a job through her dad, she does not take into account the fact that the new bosses can simply change the staff, fire her father and devalue all his recommendations.

Therefore, look for a job yourself, earn a good professional reputation, thanks to which your name will speak for itself.

Taboo # 4: Keeping Your Distance With Your Boss

Not making any attempts at rapprochement is only half the battle. It is equally important to respond correctly to signs of attention from superiors: to maintain a neutral tone, without offending a person in "the best feelings" and clearly distinguish between personal and professional. Compliance with the rules of the office dress code plays an important role in this.

Otherwise, the outcome is the same - the loss of a job or, as in the case of the character of Mila Sivatskaya, a place at the university.

Taboo # 5: Not Studying at Work

Even the most monotonous and uncreative work with the right attitude can be extremely useful: after all, it shows from the inside how the company and all its departments are arranged. A person who studies - in refresher courses or directly at work - never stays in one place for a long time.

Therefore, observe, remember, draw conclusions and do not forget to suggest ways out of the situation if you notice malfunctions in the system. It is this kind of initiative that is valued by managers above all else and reveals the employee as a talented potential manager.

Get one step closer to success by learning about other career life hacks of the heroine of the "Grand" series Ksenia Zavgorodnyaya in the MTS TV application.

For most, the incentives to work are good salary and career opportunities. Professionalism and experience should be rewarded not only with money, but also more high status... How to achieve success in your career: practical advice.

Almost everyone dreams of successful career, which will allow him to achieve success in work, to realize himself in professional activities.

But if we talk about it simply, then in fact it is quite difficult to walk along career ladder without ever stumbling.

The fact is that in any job it is not enough just to be responsible, executive and disciplined. You should work effectively, constantly strive for the set goals, and having achieved one of them, do not stop, but follow the other.

Currently, HR specialists have developed seven important, key rules that can greatly facilitate career advancement.

By following these recommendations, a person will learn how to competently and productively manage their career development. Of course the set effective rules may have some individual characteristics, but in general they are all rather monotonous.

The first rule, which should never be neglected, is that any employee who dreams of reaching career heights must have a sincere desire. As with all other industries, career management does not last place belongs to psychology.

To achieve clearly set goals, attitude, absolute confidence in oneself, in one's own strengths is of great importance. It is known that only the desire for something is tremendous power allowing to move forward, to act effectively to achieve the set goals.

This applies in particular to issues of career advancement. However, it is important to consider that this desire should belong only to the person who wants to reach the desired heights.

There is no need to try to realize other people's ambitions in this matter, this will not lead to a positive result. That is, you may achieve a certain position, but you should not expect moral satisfaction from this process.

A person who builds his career must live in such a way that without new position he could not think of his further existence. Career growth should be constant and measured. Unplanned "jumps" up the career ladder will take away strength and not bear fruit.

But here it is worth learning that career growth can never be successful without constant personal development. A person who dreams of becoming a real professional in a particular field, and constantly strives to get new high positions, must independently acquire new knowledge, study the positive experience of his colleagues and managers, and also pay a lot of attention to negative experience.

Even if the company allocates some funds to improve the qualifications of its employees, it is necessary to constantly acquire new knowledge outside the company. Some choose self-education, others regularly attend developmental seminars and trainings in specialized centers. In fact, it is absolutely not important how the training will take place, the main thing is what result it will bring.

The next rule of success in career advancement is to focus on the main goal. Often enough to get the next job that a person long time strived, must be given huge attention their mistakes and successes.

This allows you to concentrate as much as possible on those issues, the solution of which will allow you to build a career. All the employee's merits must certainly be recognized and appreciated. Of course, moving up the career ladder will definitely take a lot of effort. A job like moving up a career ladder will never be easy and quick.

Remember that even a small step up is the result of long-term work. However, you should never try to become a specialist in all areas at once. This will lead to unnecessary diffusion of effort, and will also cause an avalanche of unnecessary and useless activities to collapse. It was from the totality of these statements that psychologists concluded that only concentration can lead to success.

Constantly work to improve efficiency in terms of time management and activities. In this aspect, it will be correct to study the main provisions of time management - a science that allows you to optimize working time as much as possible.

Competently constructed time management makes it possible to as soon as possible to execute maximum amount work most efficiently. Before starting any work, you should draw up a schedule for completing tasks, and it is not advisable to deviate from it. This self-organization allows you to work extremely efficiently.

Any business you start is always worth bringing to the end. Even a small job should not be abandoned halfway, because this will be the first step on the path to failure. You need to start a new business only when the previous one is completely completed. Thus, it will be possible to correctly distribute resources.

Some people have been given this trait since childhood, and even in school years they will not start a new one if the old one is not read to last page... But if you do not have such a skill, then you need not give up, but develop this habit. At the very beginning, it may seem difficult, but over time, this science will become easier and simpler. The ability to go to the end will help not only in your career, but also in all areas of life.

Study effective techniques fight stress. This factor is important and therefore should never be neglected. No matter how effective the work is, stress, mistakes and failures will still arise from time to time. It is very important that all work-related excitements should never be brought home.

In addition, you cannot feel sorry for yourself, this will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve it. Any problem needs to be solved, and quickly and efficiently, and not to groom it. This approach is correct, and this is confirmed by many years of experience. psychological practitioners in management. By following these simple rules, you will quickly move up the career ladder.

In the western system of values financial well-being and personal and professional growth are of great importance. Careerism today is not a pathology, but a norm of life. Only a few wonder if they are really able to cope with new role and whether they need a leading position at all.

However, this position is still considered shameful, so if an employee is offered a promotion, he, of course, agrees. And then he changes his mind, abandons everything and leaves to live in Barbados. If everyone sensibly weighed their capabilities and desires before agreeing to a promotion, such a phenomenon as downshifting would be absent altogether.

Therefore, in order to avoid disappointments in the future, nervous breakdowns and professional burnout, here are some compelling arguments against.

Fear of responsibility

Perhaps the most common reason for rejecting an appointment is fear of additional liability. It is one thing to carry out your own duties in a line position, it is quite another thing to manage even a very small team and competently organize a continuous work process.

If you do not like to take responsibility, but you work great as a performer, that's okay. Remember, one is no better than the other; both types of workers are valuable to the company. The main thing here is to know yourself well and act accordingly.

However, the fear of not coping with new responsibilities is often not justified and may recede over time. If a person is offered a promotion, there are two options: either he was prepared in advance for this position, or not. If a person assumes that he will not cope with his duties after preparation, then it may make sense to try it anyway, since necessary knowledge You received. If you are thrown out of the boat into the river, you should think twice, or even three times. People need to be prepared for leadership positions.

Thirst for change

Often the reason for refusing a promotion is the desire for change. It is clear that career growth and a stable high salary are very attractive, which is why they so often demotivate people to give up what they love. If the prospect of promotion looms in front of you, it becomes much more difficult to give up even an unloved job, which means that you run the risk of sinking even deeper into the service structure you do not need. It is possible that you are not intimidated by the leadership position, but you would rather agree to lead subordinates in some other professional environment.

It all depends on career plans: if a person is focused on career development, vertical growth and his priority is to increase his personal income, it may make sense to stay in the workplace and agree to a promotion. Work a year. This will allow you to gain experience and qualify for something more in the labor market. When you change your profession, you will have to start all over again. If everything at your current job is enough, if comfort in the workplace and the desire to do what you love are important to you, you should not take on additional and unnecessary responsibilities.

Administrative routine

Oddly enough, the reluctance to receive a promotion can be caused not only by a dislike for work, but, on the contrary, by the most reverent attitude towards their current duties.

“I worked for almost two years as an ordinary designer in one company,” says illustrator Mikhail. - I always tried to help colleagues as much as possible. If necessary, he took over the training of newcomers, but most of my working time was still spent on creative tasks. When the chief invited me to head the unit, his main argument was: "Nothing will change, you will also pull everyone on yourself, but now for money." I believed and agreed. In fact, it turned out that I had no time to work with orders at all, instead I had to deal with a routine: call someone, assign, delegate and go to boring meetings and conferences. In general, very soon I asked to return to my place. It all ended sadly: the boss was offended that I let him down so much, and I had to leave the company. "

Unwillingness to switch from interesting professional tasks to boring administrative routine work often forces them to refuse an appointment to a new, even higher position. This is especially true for representatives of creative professions, and indeed for people who are passionate about their work. In addition to the fact that the position of a leader is simply not interesting to you, there is also no guarantee that you will achieve greater career success in the managerial field than in your current position.

Busy schedule

Often, promotions entail not only an increase in personal responsibility, but also an increase in the volume of work, and often a completely different, more difficult schedule. Will you be able to get used to the new conditions?

Unfortunately, many companies do not provide appropriate training: a person who has received leadership position, continues to perform its function, and the administrative burden is added to this. Such situations are far from uncommon. Often, in addition to the increased workload, a person may not only gain nothing, but also lose in salary.

So even if the material component of the new position is significant to you, you should not immediately cling to the new appointment and agree to the proposal of the superiors. Think carefully about whether you can really claim financial gain. If so, then think about whether it will pay off your efforts and whether it is worth working twice as much in order to end up with only one and a half times more.

Alexandra Ilyina, Andrey Sidelnikov
Based on materials from Trud

Being an introvert doesn't mean you lack managerial potential. You must use your strengths... Career coach and entrepreneur Larry Cornett explains in his Medium column how this can be done.

We all know what needs to be done to move up the career ladder: improve our skills, do the job efficiently and on time, be reliable and responsible, and work in a team.

I took this approach for a long time, and it worked well when I started my career at IBM, continued at Apple, and then plunged into the wild and unknown world of tech startups. As an introvert, I took up an executive position at eBay, became an CEO at Yahoo, and eventually founded a startup.

Once I realized that I needed to stop pretending to be an extrovert and use my introversion in order to enjoy my work and move forward. In this article, I'll show you how you can use introverted qualities to achieve great results.

Career ladder problem

There are many differences between introverts and extroverts, and some of them show up in the way they move up the career ladder. Early in their careers, introverted designers, introverted programmers, and introverted researchers are as quick to get promoted as their extroverted counterparts.

However, some companies have a clear-cut scheme for career path with the ability to grow to leading positions for ordinary employees, others are not. The career ladder to management is more common and may be the only option available to you.

I remember how we in the company discussed the work of our leading employees and decided what tasks they would be responsible for in next year... The most common and obvious option is to promote them to the leadership position. It was then that stereotypes and expectations appeared that a good leader should be an extrovert. The main argument of the company's management: “What are we going to do with them? I have no idea how they can manage the team. "

"65% of company directors saw introversion as a barrier to leadership." Harvard business Review, The Hidden Benefits of Quiet Bosses.

Employees are aware of this bias. Most likely, many have even heard from their boss that in order to get a promotion, they need to change their behavior. At this stage, many were discouraged: “Well, apparently, leadership is not for me,” they thought. This is very sad, as many of the hidden strengths of introverts will help them become great leaders in the future.

By the phrase "change behavior", managers often mean that they need to react correctly in difficult situations, be more confident, make difficult decisions for a short time and interact with the team.

Well, first, let's figure out what introversion is.

Accept yourself

For most of my career, I've believed that I needed to act like an extrovert. I observed the success of my “open and outgoing” colleagues and believed that in order to achieve the same results, I must change my behavior.

This is exactly what I did. I took part in social networking events, learned to speak in front of an audience and closed my eyes to the discomfort I felt. Many of my colleagues still do not believe that I am an introvert.

Did it work? Yes, it was for a while. I was promoted to the position of a leader, and I began to climb the career ladder. Did it last long? No. You can suppress your introversion for several years. However, you will constantly feel discomfort and stress.

I believed that my real qualities were flaws and weaknesses that needed to be dealt with. What mistake! Some hidden traits of introverts, on the contrary, help them to achieve high results at work. They need to be developed, not suppressed. For example:

    Introverts can develop deep relationships with colleagues and form alliances.

    Introverts think about problems, do deep research, and eventually find the right solution.

Many of the personality traits of introverts can be powerful leadership tools. Introverted behaviors can help you redefine what leadership is in order to be a better leader.

A new type of leader

Today, when many employees are unhappy with their work and most often leave it because of bad boss, it becomes apparent that the standard extroverted model does not always work in leadership.

Below I have provided seven examples of how introversion can be used as a powerful leadership tool.

1. Empathy versus detachment

At the beginning of my career, I actually tried to suppress any expression of empathy. Objectivity, professionalism and emotional detachment were needed in order to keep the distance between leaders and employees. My ability to find mutual language with employees and building deep relationships with them is often ridiculed by management: "They follow him from company to company because they like him." Oh no, how awful!

I also tried to be more aggressive and developed my debating skills to learn to “swim with the sharks” in the boardroom. At the time, I was working with a career coach. We discussed different approaches to this problem. Did I really want to suppress my nature in order to be like them?

Thanks to the coach, I realized that empathy is actually a strong quality that helped me build a strong company with healthy culture... Aggression was not the correct approach to leadership development.

Today's corporate climate is finally recognizing the need for introverted leaders who can show empathy.

2. Mentoring versus command

You've likely come across leaders who rely heavily on their position and authority to get things done. Such authoritarian leaders rely on formal structure and rigorous policies to control and dictate team goals, decisions, and activities. It is difficult for introverts to work with such leaders. They want to be taught and mentored.

Daniel Goleman, in his book Emotional Leadership, says that mentoring leadership is a more harmonious management style for introverts:

“An effective mentor leader listens to employees in private, builds personal relationships and trust, helps employees understand that their work is important, and explains where they can find Additional information and resources ... This type of leadership not only frees managers from having to do the work for others, but fosters innovation and learning at all levels of the organization. ”

Goleman also identifies three management styles that contribute to team effectiveness: forward-thinking, positive, and democratic.

The ability to develop and find talent in employees is highly valued by companies. The Brandon Hall Group recently conducted a survey of executives from various companies. It turned out that “all participants cited 'coaching leadership' as an important strategy for increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the team. About ⅔ of respondents (65%) admitted that training managers in such skills is their most difficult task. "

In fact, introverts have many of the skills required to be a good mentor.

I realized that I enjoy developing the careers of others and building mentoring relationships that go beyond the company. I was a coach-mentor and it helped me not only to develop the talent of my employees, but also to build a strong relationship with talented people that have lasted for decades.

3. Strategic vision versus action

A true leader must have the ability to create and communicate a strategic vision. We've all watched companies fail that failed to motivate their employees with a compelling and inspiring vision. Introverts can find ways to create this vision.

Of course, it is important not only to have this vision, but also to bring it to life. This is just one of the most difficult tasks for introverted managers.

For example, it was very difficult for me to constantly take part in operational meetings. This is how I imagined hell: being stuck in a small room, listening to other people's conversations, chatting with colleagues during breaks, participating in arguments and discussions.

I spent hours looking out the window at the trees, dreaming of getting out of the room and taking a walk. I needed a break, time to recharge - at least a few minutes.

I advise you to be clear about your role and spend more time creating a strategic vision for your product. However, you still need to fulfill your job duties... How?

Trust and delegate. Hire smart people and send them to these meetings. You must move away from the traditional command and control style of management.

“Employees today are not interested in leaders who adhere to a command-and-control style. They won't work because I said so. They will work because they want to, ”- Irene Rosenfeld.

Good leaders must fulfill a wide range of responsibilities for the company. However, they cannot handle everything on their own. Invest in your introverted strong qualities to inspire and motivate people. Delegate matters smart people that you have hired and motivated.

4. Innovation versus brainstorming

If you want to move up the career ladder, you need to demonstrate the ability to come up with new ideas to improve a product or service, organizational structure or workflow. To do this, you must spend some time thinking and looking for new solutions. It is often very difficult to come up with new brilliant ideas in a group.

In my 23-year career, I have never seen at least one born during a brainstorming session. brilliant idea... Yet companies will continue to believe in the myth that teamwork and open offices are the keys to innovation. Unfortunately, this culture prevents introverts from coming up with innovative and creative ideas.

At one of my companies, we take a different approach: we tell employees about the problem, leave them alone, and let them do whatever they want. This is a paradise for introverts.

“Science has already proven that brainstorming is a bad way to come up with ideas. If you have talented people on your team, they must work alone. ”- Dr. Adam Fournam.

I am not saying that group meetings are ineffective. I think they help me get into the details of idea evaluation and execution planning. However, brilliant and disruptive ideas are not born in group sessions.

5. Deep thinking versus instant decisions

A study published in 2012 in scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience points out the physical differences between the brains of introverts and extroverts. In particular, introverted brains have thicker areas of the prefrontal cortex associated with abstract thinking and decision making. This partly explains why introverts prefer to think carefully about the problem, while extroverts live for today.

Introverts take longer to come to their own conclusions. They should think about the problem well, do a little research, evaluate possible options... It is difficult for them to make a decision right here and right now. Unfortunately, this is exactly what many companies require of them. The need to make quick decisions will arise in telephone conversations and at meetings.

I still don't like this type of pressure, so I refused to make decisions without thinking them through. If you find yourself in the same situation, firmly state that you need more time to think.

I know this goes against the culture of Silicon Valley companies that prefer to "move fast and break everything in their path." However, at some point, you begin to realize that you need to think about yourself and work in a way that makes you comfortable. If your boss refuses to accept this, it might be time to change jobs.

6. Mentoring versus leadership

As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy having one-on-one meetings with team members. This way I can give them advice and mentor them in their careers. I know that relationships with talented people go beyond the company. I have maintained friendships with some of my colleagues for over 20 years.

I've always been against managing people as "resources." I disagree with the approach that work should be done by a certain point, and the team is a resource in order to make it all possible. Many managers are very tactful and rarely give long-term guidance to their employees.

Some companies I have worked for say that a manager needs to have mentoring and training skills. However, let's be honest, how many of our bosses have been great mentors?

The ability to teach and instruct will help you achieve excellence as a leader. As an introvert, you will try to avoid group discussions, but deep, face-to-face conversations will feel natural and comfortable to you.

Use your strengths and sides, and don't act like you are managing some kind of amorphous team - and this will have a good effect on your career.

7. Public speaking versus casual conversations

What do extroverts and introverts have in common? They are afraid of public speaking. Nevertheless, great amount famous introverts were excellent public speakers (eg Barack Obama).

I often talk about the importance of public speaking for a career, but I understand how difficult it is to overcome this fear. This takes a lot of work and practice. Mastering this skill will have a huge impact on your career growth.

Some of your introverted qualities can actually help you become a good public speaker. Introverts can safely spend long periods of time researching, preparing and practicing in order to master the right skill by a certain moment. They also focus their presentation on the key message rather than themselves.

Like many others, I myself have long been afraid to speak in front of an audience. However, one day I realized that in fact it was a fear of two completely different and at the same time related problems.

First, I was afraid of failure. Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves in front of a huge group of people. However, the fear of failure can be easily overcome with practice and preparation, which the introvert can do.

The second problem was my fear of networking and casual conversations. I've always associated public performance with group discussions. After I took part in such events, I realized that they had nothing to do with what gave me discomfort.

Accept your introversion

Don't pretend to be someone else. It will not help you achieve high career results. Fortunately, modern companies are beginning to recognize that successful teams are made up of different people and introverts can be the great leaders that employees need.

Consider how you can use your hidden introverted qualities in your career. Are there companies that see the unique value you can bring to their organization?

Ultimately, we all want to spend our time and energy on things that we enjoy. Take complete control of your career ladder and you can shape your future and apply the strong qualities of introversion to make it happen.

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