Home Useful properties of fruits How to summon the Queen of Spades. Scary proven way. Call the Queen of Spades. Actionable instructions

How to summon the Queen of Spades. Scary proven way. Call the Queen of Spades. Actionable instructions

In childhood, and sometimes even not in childhood, we liked to get together in the evening and scare each other with horror stories. The heroes of these horror films were unimaginable characters. But one of the most creepy was the Queen of Spades. And no one will even explain why. But meanwhile everyone was afraid of her. The most courageous told how they communicated with her personally and what would happen if you call the queen of spades into our world. Based on their feedback, we have compiled a small instruction for you on how to do this.

Where did the legend come from?

Surely everyone is interested in where this legend came from and why exactly a card of this suit became a "black" sign.

There are two versions:

  1. According to one of them, it all started with tarot cards. It was in them that her image first appeared. Here it had two meanings. The first is a symbol of a strong war queen who can always solve any problems. The second is cold, angry and cruel woman... Everything depended on who they were guessing and for what. If a person was optimistic, then he was given a positive interpretation. If the subject showed a continuous negative, then he received the corresponding result.
  2. The second legend is even worse. Once upon a time there lived a lonely lady. She opened an orphanage for small orphaned children, but not with the aim of helping the unfortunate, but with the aim of making money. When she received the allowance for their maintenance, she killed the babies. Over time, people learned about what was happening and terribly punished the villainess. They beat her badly and buried her in the ground. Black dress what was on her was torn during the torture. For this she was called the Queen of Spades. She became very much like the heroine of the Tarot cards.

Surely there are more and more versions.

How to call the queen of spades at home?

Some believe that for such a ritual it is necessary to visit a knowledgeable magician, psychic. No, all legends describe home rituals and there is no need to go anywhere else. You just need to know how to do it:

  • Lay on the floor white sheet, put in the middle iconic map... Light a candle at her head. Turn around you three times and repeat the words 13 times: “ What seems inanimate, let it turn out to be alive. Whoever lives in a black map will fall into this light". After last time close your eyes and wait. Everyone succeeds in different ways, someone sees her, and someone does not. But you can repeat it no earlier than after 7 days.
  • Most often, a dark lady appears in a dream. To let her know that you want this, put a glass of red water under the bed (you can stir the paint), put a card on it. To keep yourself safe, keep the light, little lamp. If something bad begins to happen to you in a dream, and you wake up, she will no longer follow you here, the light will frighten her.

In this video, the esotericist Marat Gavrilov will tell you what can happen if you call with the help magic ritual the queen of spades:

What can happen when the lady comes?

Nobody knows exactly what this threatens. But they say everyone depends on your intentions and her mood:

  1. If you want to find out a question for yourself, then she can answer it and leave. But if you show your doubts about her answers or about her reality in general, she can get angry and send a curse on you;
  2. It is said that the black queen even inflicts physical harm. For example, she leaves bruises from her hands or bloody smudges on her neck if she doesn't like something;
  3. Often she begins to scare, telling that you will soon die or your loved ones. Thus, people become insane and commit suicide;
  4. And some argue that nothing terrible happens when it appears. The main thing think good, show no fear and then there is nothing to be afraid of.

In any case, there are ways to protect. Before starting a chat session, stock up on with amulets and prayers from the unclean.

And it is also known that the Queen of Spades is afraid of light, as a last resort, just open the curtains or turn on artificial lighting.

How to summon a black lady?

Many have already tried to bring the lady of rush into reality. Everyone has different motives, mainly simple interest ... Someone succeeded, according to them. They share their experience, tell how the ceremony was performed. Everything needs to be done, of course, at night and preferably with a full moon.

This is more efficient:

  • Buy a new deck of cards, like here without it;
  • Put a mirror on the table, draw a peak on it with lipstick at the top;
  • Write your name and date at the bottom;
  • Hold the card with her image in your hand;
  • Now say a few words: “ Black spades queen, be kind to me. Prove that you are, show me».

Do not expect a living embodiment to appear in front of you. Look in the mirror. There her silhouette is formed. When you hear a knock, creak, rustle, a door may slam somewhere. So she came. You can ask a question. She predicts the future very well.

To chase the lady away, rip up the card and cover the mirror with a cloth.

There are other rituals, if these suddenly don't work. Just do not abuse it, maybe it’s for the best that she didn’t show up today.

Who called the Queen of Spades: reviews

To be more convincing, we will give you examples of reviews that were left on the Internet by those who have already decided on this. Here is some of them:

  1. Maria, 17 years old: “Guys, I tried to call the Queen of Spades. It is very interesting. I did the ceremony with a sheet on the floor. She closed her eyes, and on the balcony something loudly knocks. I stood, did not move. Then everything was quiet. Then there was another crash. Scary, goosebumps run. I felt uncomfortable, and I turned on the flashlight that I was holding in my hand. I looked at the balcony, nothing fell there, everything, as it was before, stood in its place. Believe it or not".
  2. Maxim, 20 years old: “All this lies and fictions of teenagers. In childhood, everyone went through this. We also called, but apart from scaring ourselves, we saw nothing. But there was something to remember in the morning, and we still laugh sometimes together ”;
  3. Anyuta, 18 years old: “My friends and I decided to have some fun too. No one believed, and everyone giggled foolishly as they performed the ritual with a mirror and lipstick. But when the bathroom door suddenly opened and the shower fell from its holder with a crash, everyone was not amused. One of the friends asked out loud: "Who is there?" Then the mirror suddenly fell. I grabbed the card and tore it up. I couldn’t stand it. Now I no longer laugh at magic and do not practice it. "

These are the stories that users leave on different sites. Nobody can check the veracity of this information, but there is no reason not to trust. Why would people write all this when you can simply keep silent.

How do you protect yourself?

If you are afraid, but really want to carry out the ceremony, just use protective magic. For example:

  • It seems to you that you summoned her, and she did not go back, throw out those cards that you used, and break the mirror;
  • The king of spades is a longtime enemy of the lady, keep him close at hand during the ceremony. If anything, put it on top of it. She will disappear;
  • You can open the door and say: "Everybody, leave the house";
  • Remove all jewelry from yourself if you think she is still in the house. Place them under your bed. She will take the presents and disappear;

The best defense is not to disturb any forces, even if you really want to. If you are a big fan of fairy tales, horror films and science fiction, then read books in this genre. This is much more interesting and useful. And most importantly, it is safe.

So, we told you what will happen if you call the Queen of Spades and behave incorrectly with her. We compiled these likely events, based on the reviews of people who have already tried it. They differ, some believe in the legend, and some do not. But meanwhile, she has been living for many years and more and more attracts attention to herself.

Video: Real Challenge of the Queen of Spades

In this video, three young people conducted an experiment and called the Queen of Spades to their home, what came of it, see for yourself:

Probably, many people know about the spirit of the Queen of Spades, but how exactly she appeared is known only to a few. There are several options, for example, some claim that the legend arose because of the card of the same name, with which various kinds of misfortunes were associated. There is another myth that the Queen of Spades is the spirit of the looking glass. Every year more and more different versions attributing negative to this female image.

First, it's worth figuring out why you can't call the Queen of Spades if it's scary. If the spirit feels doubts and any worries, then it can attack, take energy and cause any other harm. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to refuse such a thing.

Can the Queen of Spades be summoned?

The result of the ritual is directly related to the thoughts of a person. If the caller is afraid and worried, or, on the contrary, is negatively disposed, then the ghost will come evil and you should not expect anything good from him. To summon a kind Queen of Spades, you need to have a positive attitude, as this will allow you to attract good spirit... In general, the final image is directly dependent on the imagination of the caller.

Rules on how to summon the Queen of Spades during the day:

You can choose any version of the ritual, we offer this. Take 2 mirrors and set them opposite each other to create a so-called corridor. Arrange several lighted candles, and take one in your hand and, looking in the mirrors, say: "The Queen of Spades, the one in the mirror world lives, come to the dim light of my candle ".

If the spirit looks positive, you can ask for help. A negatively-minded Queen of Spades has appeared, rip up the corridor by moving the mirrors so that it disappears.

Perhaps it is difficult to remember a character more frightening and terrifying than The Queen of Spades. The question of how to summon the Queen of Spades has been asked by people for more than the first generation, and through time her persona has overgrown with many rumors.

Who is the Queen of Spades?

If you ask yourself this question, then most likely you will not get a definite answer. Some say that the Queen of Spades is a witch who has possessed the card, others that a woman who is lost in mirrors and has become a ghost.

The question of history is secondary, first of all we are interested in whether the Queen of Spades actually exists and whether it can be called.

Naturally, in any mystical matters, there are people who completely deny the existence of spirits and those who believe in anything. We will take a position in the middle.

Suppose that there has never been a witch or a woman on earth who later became the queen of spades.

But does this mean that she does not exist?

The spirit world cannot be tested scientific experiments... But if you don't see something, doesn't that exist?

By invoking the Queen of Spades, you are performing a rite that has been performed by people from generation to generation for many centuries. You are doing actions that allow you to bring you closer to the world of the dead. You give the go-ahead for the spirits to appear to you. But they will do it by accepting, denounce the Queen of Spades or some other, completely different question.

It is also possible that in the process of the ceremony, you will not take away anything and, having spat on a useless occupation, will go about your business. But after a while you will have a headache, you will have a strange dream, or as you pass the mirror mime, you will catch a glimpse of a strange silhouette.

So, spirits are very dangerous, especially if it comes about the Queen of Spades.

Call the Queen of Spades at home, at school, on the street or when and where it is better to do it.

Before moving on to the main question, let's clarify.

Calling the Queen of Spades is a truly terrible ceremony, and there are quite a few requests on the Internet about whether it is possible to call the Queen of Spades at school during the day.

You can, but it is unlikely that something will come of it.

The rite of calling the Queen of Spades is occult, so you should definitely do it at night, in a closed room, at home, where it is quiet and not a large number human.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

There are several ways, and we will cover two main ones.

  1. The first method is the most popular. At night, turn off the light, sit near the mirror, light a candle, put the Queen of Spades card with its face towards the mirror. On the mirror, paint 5 steps with lipstick and a door at the end. When everything is ready, Repeat the Queen of Spades 3 times. Wait. When you see an unusual flicker in the mirror, quickly cover it with a rag and turn on the light.
  2. Also turn off the light, put 2 mirrors opposite each other, light a candle in the center of them. Say 3 times the phrase "The Queen of Spades, the one that got lost in the mirrors, come." Look carefully in the mirrors, if you see something in them, quickly turn one of the mirrors to the side and turn on the light.

What happens if you call the Queen of Spades?

We already wrote about this above and will repeat it again. It is not at all a fact that you will see her, and she will begin to choke you or take you to her kingdom. Perhaps you will see some strange flickering, or you will feel the presence of someone nearby and just feel bad after the ceremony. All this, your personal occult experience of contact with world of the dead and you better think carefully if you need it.

There is an opinion that the Queen of Spades is capable of fulfilling a wish. Remember that she, the spirit of the dark order and any desire fulfilled, can turn dark side... If you really need someone to fulfill your request, it is better to call the spirit of a drunken hedgehog or a dwarf fulfilling a wish.

In the end, I still want to dissuade you from calling the Queen of Spades. Mere curiosity is not something to disturb the spirits for.

Before learning how to summon the Queen of Spades, they weigh whether the ritual is really needed. Calling different entities is a dangerous business that threatens unpleasant consequences.

In the article:

How to summon the Queen of Spades and who is she

The Queen of Spades is one of the perfumes that are popular among children and adolescents along with. Some expect the fulfillment of desires from the ghost, while other teenagers perceive the ceremony as a way to have fun, to get a dose of adrenaline.

Among the cards, the Queen of Spades is notorious, identified with a witch or demoness. The Queen of Spades usually means an enemy, a person with whom it is better not to mess with. Damage is on the card and strong strife asking for help in bad deeds.

Is there an entity or is it a child's imagination? Some children have a craving for mysticism with early age... Interest has given rise to the desire to evoke different spirits. Children's energy is strong and capable not only of evoking an already existing spirit, but also of creating something new.

How many children believe in the Queen of Spades? Everyone has heard stories in children's camps and places where teenagers interact with each other. The ghost really exists, it can be summoned.

The Legend of the Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades hasn't always been evil. The creature comes from another world - the Card Empire, which consisted of four powers (according to the number of suits in the deck of cards). Law and order reigned in each state, trade was conducted between countries and contracts were concluded.

The subjects of the Pikova and Chervonnaya countries did not tolerate each other's societies, although their kings were friendly. The powers began to feud. The rest of the countries tried not to interfere in the conflict. The State of Hearts was considered good and pure, and the Spades was the offspring of evil. The king succumbed to the influence of his subjects. Four powers were involved in the war, but the forces were equal. As a result, a fragile truce was established, and hostility remained.

By old tradition Of the empire of cards, Queen of Spades was supposed to marry a jack of a similar suit, but was secretly in love with Chervonny. The beloved persuaded her to kill her rival, whom he was supposed to marry - the Lady of Hearts. The Queen of Spades agreed, but after returning under cover of night to the palace, she found out that her lover had deceived her and was planning a wedding with the Lady of Hearts.

The Queen of Spades failed to hide, the woman was taken into custody. The Peak State has been dishonored. The legend does not tell how and when Queen of Spades died, but it is known that after the Knave of Hearts and the Queen were found strangled. Since then, the spirit of the Queen of Spades, who has not found peace, has helped women who wish evil rivals. In each defiant girl The Queen of Spades sees, and in the guy - the Knave of the traitor, demanding revenge for the shame of the family and deception.

The Queen of Spades Challenge - Aftermath

The call of the Queen of Spades is referred to as comic, which is often done by adolescents. The rite is dangerous, but the entity is disposed of without complex manipulation. Although they talk about a woman horror stories, the call goes smoothly if you follow the rules.

The ceremony is primitive, but involves working with a mirror that opens a portal between worlds. Not only the object of the challenge can penetrate from the gap, but also other spirits, about which it is not known in advance. It is impossible to prepare for the unexpected. Usually, the entities leave with the main helper, but all of the Queen of Spades calls require quick response and the ability not to get lost in an extreme situation.

If among the callers there is a child with, it becomes possible to call not only the Spade Witch, but someone stronger. Other entities are not affected by the methods that banish the Queen of Spades. The spirits remain in the apartment, and the owner will have to take serious measures. It makes sense to use call options that do not require a mirror.

Usually Dama Peak is sent back when the entity has arrived. The ghost is not allowed to approach, because the ghost can strangle. The spirit should not be allowed to descend the stairs. Spellcasters often complain about nightmares - the consequences of summoning the Lady.

How to call the Queen of Spades at home - the first way

The ceremony is performed at midnight. Before the time comes, prepare a mirror, red lipstick, a natural wax candle and a napkin or piece of cloth. You need a deck of cards that hasn't been played.

Shortly before midnight, a staircase of thirteen steps is painted on the mirror, and a door with a handle is on top of the staircase. The light in the room is turned off and a candle is lit. The deck lies in front of the caster, the Queen of Spades is placed on the cards face down.

After preparation, they stand around the mirror and say three times:

Mistress of spades, appear!

After a while, the mirror will darken, and the candle will crackle or smoke: the lady is coming. Sometimes you have to wait a few minutes for changes. A silhouette or face appears in the mirror. They often see how the image quickly descends the painted stairs: steps, laughter, rustles are heard.

One question is asked. The spirit should be chased away as quickly as possible. With a prepared rag or napkin, erase the steps, starting from the bottom. The card is ripped open and then burned on the street.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at home - the second way

You can summon the spirit with the help mirrored corridor - reliable but dangerous way... The ritual is best performed at midnight, but it is possible at other times. The main thing is to close the curtains so that the room is dark.

Before the start of the call, a candle is placed between two mirrors. Mirrors should reflect each other to form a corridor. The caster picks up another candle and repeats it six times:

The Queen of Spades, the one who lives in the world of mirrors, come to the dim light of my candle.

Signs that the call has worked: the sound of footsteps, laughter, rustling, silhouettes in the mirror and darkening of the attribute surface. Both candles will begin to burn and smoke faster. As soon as the spirit is noticed, they tear open the corridor of mirrors (move one of them), part the curtains and turn on the light.

How to call the Queen of Spades at school

School lessons fall on daytime... In winter, the last lessons may coincide with the beginning of dusk. There are evening clubs in schools. The summoner should, if possible, remain in the building until the evening. Darkness is what the spirit loves. Light scares the entity - a way to chase away the silhouette. The ghost does not tolerate daylight and electric lighting.

School toilets are equipped with mirrors. It doesn't matter where the Queen of Spades is called - at school or at home, the ritual does not change. A company that wishes to conduct the ceremony may remain on duty in the classroom and conduct the call. You should close the curtains and take the attributes necessary for the ritual from the house.

It is undesirable for someone to see the ceremony. Several people can engage in the call, eliminating the likelihood that other classmates and teachers will see them. An outsider distracts from the process: you can skip the moment when you need to wash the stairs. The spirit can get angry and punish.

How to call the Queen of Spades on the street

The Queen of Spades is called in an apartment, at a school, even in an entrance or outbuildings. The ritual has recently begun to be carried out on the street.

This is one of the spirits that children love to summon so much. How to call the queen of spades and is it worth doing? The Queen of Spades, as everyone knows, is the worst card in the deck, it is often compared to the witch. When guessing on the cards, the Queen of Spades is an evil person, most often an enemy. This card is used when targeting damage, in other matters of black and evil. Therefore, think several times if you need it before reading how to summon the Queen of Spades at home.

How can you call the Queen of Spades at home, on the street or at school.

Almost every child in childhood is drawn to mysticism, terrible and incomprehensible things. Therefore, they call anyone possible, evil heroes, good ones without a difference. In children, energy is a very strong field, so it turns out to call someone from them very easily. Children believe in the Queen of Spades. V pioneer camps she was the most respected heroine.

So can the Queen of Spades be summoned? Does it exist or not? It is impossible to answer these questions exactly, and everyone chooses what to believe in.

The Legend of the Queen of Spades

  • - this beautiful girl, which was not always evil and scary. She lived in an empire of cards, which consists of 4 powers, because there are 4 suits in the deck. The powers traded among themselves and kept order and friendly relations... Although everything was decent, Peaks and Worms did not love each other.
  • This led to enmity between the powers. Then a war broke out, where all 4 suits were already at war. But there were no winners, since everyone in the deck has equal strengths. They established a fragile peace, but their dislike for each other remained.
  • The Queen of Spades and the Jack of Spades were supposed to marry, but she loved the Jack of Hearts. Beloved persuaded her to kill the Lady of Hearts, since he should marry her. She agreed and, appearing under cover of night at the palace, found out that her lover had deceived her and had already played a wedding with the Lady of Hearts.
  • Lady Peak could not escape, she was placed in custody. It is not known when the Queen of Spades died, but soon after her death, the strangled Jack and Queen of Hearts were found. Ever since then, the spirit of the Queen of Spades has wandered without reassurance. He helps to do evil deeds, to destroy rivals. But often those who call her become in her eyes those cards that are not pleasant to her, which she wants to kill.

Consequences of the call

Do you want to know how to summon the Queen of Spades correctly? Think if you need it. Summoning any creature from the other world is a dangerous activity. The consequences can be dire

Among adults, ways to summon the Queen of Spades are considered child's play. But they are fraught with danger, because a lot of unflattering and scary things go about this woman. But if you follow all the rules, everything is not at all as dangerous as it seems.

You definitely need a mirror to open a portal between worlds. But through it, not only the summoned creature can penetrate into our world, but also anyone else. This is the risk, children cannot know who exactly came to them and what measures need to be taken.

If the company has a person with the makings of a magician, then you can call someone stronger and more terrible. After that, the entities can settle with you, and you will not drive them away in any way. So if you are not sure, use the methods on how to call the Queen of Spades without a mirror.

As soon as you summon the Lady, immediately send her back, otherwise she may strangle. Don't let the ceremony go too far, don't let her go down the stairs. After calling her, nightmares can be dreamed, this is a normal phenomenon, after all, it is an evil spirit.

1 way - with a mirror

This ritual, how to call the Queen of Spades on the mirror, must be carried out at 12 o'clock at night. Prepare a bright red lipstick, mirror, wax candle, cloth, or napkin. A new deck of cards is needed. In no case should you play in such a deck.

At 11 o'clock, draw 13 steps on the mirror, at the top depict the doors. Turn off the lights everywhere, let the candle burn, there is a new deck of cards in front of you, and at the very top required card upside down!

All is ready? Stand in front of the mirror and repeat: “ Mistress of spades, appear! "

The mirror should darken. The candle will smoke and crackle. It follows from this that the Lady is approaching. You can wait a long time, or everything can happen quickly. Then you will see a silhouette in the mirror, and maybe even a face.

The lady will quickly walk up the ladder, you can hear footsteps, laughter, rustles. Here you need to be on the lookout and have time to erase all the steps with a rag. Do not hesitate and drive her away until she comes to you. After completion, burn the map, tearing it into small pieces. While she is walking, you can have time to ask a question. One, it won't work anymore. Do not hesitate, otherwise trouble may happen.

How can you call the Queen of Spades at home during the day.

Method 2 - mirror corridor

Another way to call the Queen of Spades at home is to make a mirrored corridor and call her. It works well, but it is very dangerous. Again, midnight is needed, but the reviews of those who called say that she came at other times.

If you are wondering how to summon the Queen of Spades during the day, know that darkness is needed, complete. You can choose to curtain tightly or perform the ritual in a windowless room. Light a candle between the mirrors, a corridor will appear in them.

Repeat 6 times following words: "Come Lady Peak to the light of my wax candle"

You will understand that she has come by the crackling of a candle, rustling, footsteps, creak, laughter. If you understand, immediately remove the mirrors so that it does not come out, otherwise there will be trouble. Turn on the lights, if it's daytime, open the curtains.

Method 3 - at school

  • How to call the Queen of Spades at school: this can be done during the day, since it is during the day that classes take place. But in winter there is early twilight, so you have the opportunity to perform the ritual in complete darkness. Or you can stay for extra classes after school.
  • Before starting the ritual, turn off the light everywhere, which scares and drives her away. We are looking for a mirror, most often there are a lot of them in the toilet. We perform the same ritual as at home. Curtain the windows during the day. Draw a ladder again or create a corridor.
  • You don't need to be seen. You can do this with a company, with friends or a girlfriend, but so that no one is chatting anything anywhere.
  • Be careful, otherwise you can skip the moment when you need to wash the ladder or remove the corridor from the mirrors. If you do not have time, then trouble will happen.

4 way - on the street

This method of how to call the Queen of Spades on the street appeared recently, but the call works like all the previous ones. Need midnight and the same paraphernalia. You also need a strong-smelling perfume. When it gets dark, stand in front of the windows of a house that must be at least 3 stories high and shout.

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