Home Berries Magical water rituals to attract money and good luck. Conspiracy for money read on water

Magical water rituals to attract money and good luck. Conspiracy for money read on water

Water in attracting money has been used successfully for a long time and the main condition for the implementation of such conspiracies is the same as in rituals with water of any type. To attract money and wealth, people throw money into fountains, reservoirs and streams. Money can open up incredible opportunities for a person. They are able not only to satisfy his needs, but to give him power and perspective. Therefore, wealth conspiracies are immensely popular. Water conspiracies are powerful. After all, water is a good transmitter and custodian of information. Before using water in a ritual, it must be pre-purified. But this only applies to the liquid that is drawn from the tap or purchased in the store. After all, it is not clear where she ran and how much negative energy absorbed into myself.

Many people think about how to become rich, let's understand wealth by the money that comes to large sizes and from unexpected places. After all, the conspiracies presented here are precisely for obtaining big money one single time, which will make us rich in everything.

For this conspiracy, it is desirable to use spring water, but you can also collect river water (the force of action will, however, be less). You collect water in a glass and whisper a conspiracy:

"The power of water, bring the road to money, show me the slave (name)"

You also need to prepare for a conspiracy for wealth. eggshell: boil three eggs, collect the shells, dry and heat. After whispering a conspiracy to water, add eggshells to it, stir it saying:

"Strengthen the forces that have come and bring wealth to me, slave (name)"

"A penny grows to a penny, money to money, and everything is going to riches to me. A slave (name) will stick to me, so it will be so in the century of centuries, Amen!"

If you do not have plants at home, then you can pour it under the plant in the yard, but keep it in, if the plant disappears, then perhaps your karma is too heavy and you should do it and try more strong conspiracies for wealth.

Water conspiracy for money at home

And this conspiracy at home can be done even by an inexperienced person in magic, you just need to take a glass of water and a piece of paper money. Then roll up the money and put it in a glass of water, do it on Thursday night, put a glass with money on the window and read the conspiracy:

“Strong water, become my sister, I will let you go to the seas oceans, I only ask your strength now, share my virtue, help me collect a big money, your strength is great, attractive, charge my money with the attraction of big money, let wealth be a slave to me (name) flows, as all waters flow into the oceans, I praise you sister-water, Amen! "

After reading, go to bed right away, and in the morning take out the money and put it to dry on the window, and pour the water out of the window, saying:

"Run my free sister-voditsa, show the way to our home, our wealth, bring money luck to the slave (name), In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!"

When the money dries up, keep it in your wallet and do not show it to anyone. Be sure to follow one of the main rules of conspiracies: so that no one bothers you at the time of practicing magic rituals.

Full moon ritual for wealth and good luck

This old conspiracy was used by the river, so the river was always near the village and one could turn to the power of living water. And if you decide to use the power of water, then of course it is better to use living natural water, since the purified water coming from the pipes has less power. It is advisable to read in the fall.

You will need to take a church candle, go to the river at 12 at night on a full moon and light it, then say the conspiracy words:

“A violent river fast, bring wealth good luck to the slave (name), do not let the cold girl, collect all the riches that were thrown and rain down on the threshold with rain-gold, conjure money luck, pass it on with a quiet wind, you float the violent river fast and riches into my bring home "

Put out the candle in water and release it into the river with the words:

"And all my words float on the river and return home with luck and wealth, so be it and nothing else, Amen!"

Rite of passage for money

It is strong magic ritual, able to quickly improve your financial condition. This rite is universal, it affects all areas of your activity that can bring you profit, this is good luck at work, and good sales, and even the ability to find money right on the street. To carry out the ritual, you will have to read the words of the conspiracy on a vessel with water three times, during the growing moon. The words:
“There is a golden well in a wide field, a golden well and golden water in it. Under the well, the white key boils and the earth burns. As the white key boils underground, so the work of the servant of God (name) will boil and argue. As the water is golden in the well, so the servant of God (name) will be filled with gold. This conspiracy is pronounced three times during the waxing moon. There is a house next to that well, and in that house there is a table, and on the table there is bread and salt. As there is bread and salt on the table, so the servant of God (name) will have a table full, and there will always be something to chew in his house. Behind the golden house there is again a field, and in the field there is a bull and a cow. As a cow runs after a bull, so goodness and wealth will run after the servant of God (name). There is a forest behind the field, a spruce grows in that forest, and hops grow on the spruce. As hop winds around the spruce, so around the servant of God (name) there will be everyone on the right, honor, wealth, and good. Behind the dense forest there is a meadow, and in the meadow there is grass, and on the grass there is morning dew. As dew is born by itself, no one grows it or sows it, so the servant of God (name) will have money. He will have money in his purse, like in a meadow of dew. I close my words with the golden key, I throw the key into the sea. Just as a fish cannot fly in the sky, so no one can get my key. May it be so. Amen".

Water is the most abundant substance on our planet. But not everyone knows that this liquid can significantly affect a person's life, it can bring good luck, heal from diseases, and vice versa, water with poor energy can do much harm. It is believed that water is a powerful conductor of energy, that it can affect a person's life, protect him from troubles and problems. At the same time, happiness and luck can go away with water. There are signs and miraculous conspiracies for water in order to protect yourself from negativity and set fate for good.

It is advisable to take a flow or melt water... In some rituals, the use of tap water, but, in general, it is not recommended to take it. However, the water should not be cloudy or with dirt, sand, stones, etc.

Any conspiracy or prayer that is spoken over water must be memorized. You cannot read them from a piece of paper or get lost during divination. It is also necessary to learn the very course of the ritual, what follows, so that later you do not have to peep or frantically remember.

You should perform the ritual alone, no one should interfere with you or disrupt it in any way. In any case, there is no rush. If you need to go somewhere after the ritual, make sure that this does not affect the rite. When conducting a ritual, all aspirations should be directed only to the goal.

Do not tell anyone about any witchcraft you have performed or are planning. It does not matter which ritual you choose, no one should know about this, since alien energy may well affect the result, especially if, under someone's influence, you suddenly doubt the possibility of getting what you want. But, even when your desire comes true, it is still undesirable to talk about divination.

Tips to help conduct water conspiracies correctly

Water has the ability to memorize information that you pass on to it through the rite, and can store it for a long time. By deciding to make a conspiracy on water, you thereby confirm that you know how to keep your thoughts and emotions under control. A hot-tempered pessimist person will not be able to cope with this, because it will be difficult for him to tune himself to the necessary wave and forget, even for a few minutes, about everything bad that is happening around him. Such people should not work with water, because it would be dangerous. It will be impossible to check what property the water acquired after your conspiracy until you drink it. But, it is better not to risk it.

For conspiracies, it is necessary to use only purified spring water. It is believed that it perfectly absorbs information. This water is comparable to a blank sheet of paper on which you can draw whatever you want. Tap water can be used for various conspiracies if it is infused. You need to insist on it for seven days, so it seems to me that it will be easier for you to go to the spring and get clean water than to wait a week before starting the conspiracy.

Do not undertake to make conspiracies, the text of which is difficult and incomprehensible for you. Making a conspiracy for water, you are in mandatory must know by heart full text prayer or conspiracy. And all because you must constantly look at the water, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, without taking your eyes off it, fill it with energy. This will not work if you peep at the piece of paper with the text of the prayer every few seconds.

Only in a calm and quiet environment will you be able to work properly with water. Any noise will mean that your thoughts will get confused, your mood will get lost, and the water will absorb it all and, accordingly, the effect of the conspiracy will not be what you expect. It is best to perform the ritual with water in dark time days. This will create the necessary atmosphere around you.

It is necessary to read the conspiracy in a very quiet voice, which gradually turns into a whisper. This should be done as if you are telling the water your secret and do not want anyone else to hear it. Thus, you establish a special connection with water, come into contact with it and it begins to understand your feelings, emotions and desires. Speak the words clearly so that the water can understand what you want, and maximally contributed to the fulfillment of your will.

The fact that you are going to perform the ceremony or have already done it should not be known to anyone, even the closest people. Do not forget that any conspiracy and ritual is a sacrament, and the sacraments must be kept secret. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you want to be happy, then you don’t need to tell anyone anything about your personal life and other details about yourself. So in in this case... If you are planning to perform a ceremony, then just do it without sharing your thoughts and feelings about this with anyone.

Be sure to follow each of the above rules and you will certainly achieve the result you need. Do not doubt and do not be afraid, because it will affect the water. If, nevertheless, you are haunted by some doubts about whether to carry out the ritual or not, then it is better to postpone this matter until the time when you can say for sure that you really need it. Don't do anything out of interest or to check if there is high power... It exists only for those who truly believe in it.

Overweight conspiracy

This is a very effective magic ritual that will help you shed those extra pounds quickly. The ceremony must be carried out during the waning moon. When night falls, read the words of the conspiracy on a vessel of water:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the sea, on the glorious island of Buyan, there was a bed, on that bed there was a feather bed. A pig with nine heads and ten mouths lies on a feather bed. That pig will eat my fat and eat my fat with all its nine heads and ten mouths. As water flows through my fingers, so does my pig excess weight gobble up. I close my words with a key, I throw the key into the pool. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you need to wash your face with charmed water every day before going to bed.

Ritual for an unknown disease

If you or your close person constantly feeling unwell, but no doctor can name the reasons feeling unwell, this universal magic ritual will suit you. It is necessary after sunset to speak the water with the words:

“On the third day of Easter, St. Catherine was walking, and St. Marina was walking next to her. They carried the Holy Gifts. I, the servant of God (name), will remember those Holy Gifts for three evenings, so that they help me restore my health. I wash my face with clean, crystal water, get rid of the accursed disease. Healthy body, healthy heart... May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To make your wishes come true

This conspiracy is very versatile, it will help any of your pure desires come true, if it is not associated with harm to other people. Type in a glass of pure spring or charged water, bring the glass to your lips and say your very thing over it three times innermost desire... After that, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, water, you are my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink. Give me, servant of God (name), water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and the sea, for happiness. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in the water. As the water is pure, so my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear. As said, it will come true. Amen".

After uttering the conspiracy, all the water in the glass must be drunk in small sips. This is a simple and safe magical ritual that will not harm anyone, but it will only work if, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, your thoughts were completely pure, there was no anger, envy or other negative thoughts in them.

Rejuvenation conspiracy

This ritual must be performed on Ivan Kupala, that is, on July 7. Take a walk to the place where no one would disturb you, take water from the stream, honey and fried sunflower seeds with you. Take some time, when you find a place that suits you - stop and take off your shoes. Let your hair be loose. Turn to the east side and read the spell aloud:

"The sun, warming mother earth, giving light to its inhabitants, give me your kind warmth, give your bright light, give your ray to my heart."

Now you need to get running water and pour yourself over it, whispering:

“Water, water, cleanse me from evil deeds, from dashing thoughts, from evil spirits. Be to help me, renew my face and my soul. "

After that, pick flowers and make a wreath out of them. Now you need to put it on and say:

"Forest branches, flowers of the field, meadow grasses, convey to me everything that mother nature has endowed you with."

Take a short walk, then sit down, eat some honey and drink some water. Get up, pick up some seeds in your hand and throw them forward, saying:

“Everything will be as requested, everything will be as planned. I hope I have a natural strength. The seeds of the sun flower are my witnesses. "

Then you can return home. Do not forget to take the wreath, it will be your talisman until the coming of Ivan Kupala next year.

Conspiracy of water for good luck

In order for Fortune to become your twin sister (literally Siamese), it is recommended to remember the state when you had a serious win.

For example, you were offered something that you could not even dream of. Or you won the lottery. Do you understand what the state should be?

The sky opened and all the riches of the world fell on you along with the prince and his white horse.

Now repeat in a glass of clean water three times:

“I am baptized by Christ - by God, I will be strengthened by faith, I will fence myself in with an Angel. The angel sat on his right shoulder, guarding me from night to morning, from dusk to dawn. From a fierce gate, from a stray beast, from an evil word, from an evil conspiracy. Take care of me, my Angel, from reprisal and judgment, from sharp knife, yes terrible poison, put a barrier to evil tongues. Clear the path, accompany me! Amen!"

Start talking every day for a week for a glass and immediately drink. If you continue further, then the worst will not happen.

How to bring water to work

Take two glasses. Pour halfway into one key water. Now, pouring into the second, say:

“The water is running, without barriers. Everyone is happy with her murmur. As the earth parted before the water, the sands crumble, the stones grind away, so there are no obstacles in front of me. All I gave are arguing, but again they are asking for hands. And success and luck jump to change! Amen!"

Infuse seven times. The same amount of spell needs to be read. Then drink water.

Don't forget about condition. It is necessary to get rid of even a hint of past failures and misunderstandings. All thoughts should be directed towards success.

Well, if you can remember something about excellent completed projects... A state of complete confidence in one's own strengths and abilities is required.

If you managed to evoke a vivid image, then the conspiracy does not have to be memorized. You just need to say what you want to get from your labor.

Be sure to emotionally color your story. That is, if you describe the process, then say in detail what you want to feel. For example, delight or joy from a successful decision. So describe all the stages, and drink water.

For money

The difficulty with income and water is that she will not accept information about the number of zeros in the fee. This is an age-old problem of the subconscious.

For him, the number (and the presence) of bills is an empty image. To start talking water on income, you need to create a mental image of what you want to feel from receiving them.

You will really be glad a large number banknotes? Or will you be pleased to know how much pleasant things you can get with this heap now? Probably the second is more correct.

They talk about water for money when they have it. it important rule... If there is nothing in your pocket, then no matter how much you imagine yourself to be Rockefeller, related to Rothschild, nothing will come of it.

Received a little money, immediately pour water into a glass until you spend it. The conspiracy is this:

“As there are fish in the sea, like birds in the sky, like grasses in a field, so I would have a share so that everything would be allowed and a little outfit, plenty of travel, but houses and open spaces, all other gifts. So that gold and stones are not translated, so that everything that dreamed of come true, and even a little bit remains. Amen!"

Please note that when conducting the ceremony, you need to imagine not flows of money, but the maximum pleasure that you will get from their presence.

Sometimes it is advised to imagine money rain or bills rushing after a person. There is little sense in this. For the Universe, this mental image is like the dust that surrounds you.

She decides that you already have everything.

Rite of passage with gold

There are conspiracies for water for money, preparation for which is fraught with certain difficulties. So, in the house you should have gold jewelry, and among them - a cross. Procedure:

Collect all the precious things (including the cross) in a heap.
Take out the golden cup.
Place the cup on the countertop.
Light four candles around the container to form an imaginary square.
Place the image of the Mother of God next to it.
Read the prayers "Virgin Mary" or "Our Father".
Whisper a conspiracy for money 12 times.

In the given example, we do not just speak water, but also regularly use it. It is better to pour the liquid immediately into a bottle and add three drops to the drink every day. And the wizards advise to moisten the pads of your fingers - then wealth will "stick" to you. Spell text:

“I will bow to the Mother of God, cross and go to the crossroads of seven roads. I'll get to the eighth field, there I will see a key well. Above that well a young moon hangs, a silver light is pouring. Comes down the beam Holy Mother of God, is collecting Jordanian water. I also came to ask for that water, to wash my hands with healing dew, to correct my earthly affairs. Whoever bathes with divine dew, money sticks to that, it is not transferred forever. Amen".

Protection from damage and evil eye

Sometimes a conspiracy for happiness does not fix the situation, since you have been subjected to a magical attack from the outside. There are a couple of proven rituals to ward off the evil eye. Here is one of them:

Get some melt water (it is good if the ceremony is carried out in winter).
Wait for the waning moon.
Exactly at midnight, start making a conspiracy.
Light a white candle purchased from the church.
Take a saucer filled with melt water in your hand.
Cast a magic spell.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to cross yourself and read Our Father three times. In the morning, take three small sips from the saucer, and sprinkle the remaining liquid on the home. Prayer text:

“Vodichka-voditsa, the queen of paradise, you came from heaven, went into the earth, began to rule here. Take away, some water, from God's servant (your name) all the envious glances and fierce misfortunes. Take the trouble to the ground, let no one find it. Let the earth bury these misfortunes forever. Amen".

Strong conspiracy from fright

Fill a transparent vessel with clean water, read the prayer "Our Father" three times over it, and then say the words of the conspiracy from memory:

“God's hour, good hour, is the Most Holy Theotokos Mary on the golden bridge. Clean angels stood before her, but bright archangels. They asked where the Mother of God was heading, where she was heading. Mary answered them that she was going to the servant of God (name), she was afraid to pronounce it from him, but to speak his tongue. And with her the Mother of God called all the holy angels, and the bright archangels. They will help her, they will pronounce fear from the servant of God (name), from the crown of his head. From the eyes, from the ears, from the neck, from the tongue and sublingual, from the kidneys, from the lungs, from the spine, from the stomach, from the arms and legs, from the zealous heart, and the violent head, from all 77 joints. Don't stand there scared blue veins do not do, do not burst yellow bones, do not rage in red blood. Stop, fear, leave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing last words you need to wash the person from whom the fear was removed with the charmed water, and he must drink the rest of the water to a drop.

Rite of water for good luck

This is a powerful magical ritual that can be performed fearlessly in any lunar cycle... It is best to carry out the ceremony in the first half of the day, that is, from morning to noon. To carry out the ritual you will need:

bucket with clean water(charged with positive energy);
a saucepan with earth;
three church candles.

In addition, before starting the ritual, you will need to cleanse negative energy, focus on the goal and discard other thoughts.

First you need to start talking water in a bucket. Place a vessel in front of you and say the words of a good luck conspiracy three times. The words:

“Water, you cleanse me, the servant of God (name), wash me from head to toe, remove the burden from my soul and mind. As you, water, wash away dirt from stones, as you cleanse the blackness, so wash away all unnecessary things from me, take away everything that I don’t need in my life. Wash me from grief, from loss, from pain. Bring me new life, water, new luck... May it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to pour the charmed water from the bucket onto yourself, this procedure can be carried out in the bathroom or in the bath. So that the water is not too cold, it can be heated, but only before uttering the words of the conspiracy.
After you remove all negativity from yourself with the help of water, you need to recharge yourself with energy for a new, successful life. Place prepared candles on the floor so that they form a triangle, stand in the center of the formed figure, close your eyes, concentrate on the purpose of the ritual and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Holy fiery flame, you put on me, the servant of God (name) with your sparkling power, your fast energy that will never go out, but will burn for a century and warm people."

This conspiracy must be pronounced until you yourself feel that you have repeated it enough. You do not need to count the number of repetitions, concentrate only on the purpose of the ceremony.

After that, stand in the triangle for about three minutes and leave it, leaving the candles to burn out. As soon as they burn out, collect the cinders and throw them in the trash can.

The last part of the ritual is working with the harvested land. To work, you will need some thing that belongs to you and which you do not mind. It could be an old piece of clothing, a cheap and unnecessary piece of jewelry, or just a recent photograph.

The selected item must be put in a saucepan with earth. Now go outside, find a tree that bears fruit, dig a small hole next to it and pour soil with your own thing into it. The hole must be covered with earth and returned home. The rite will begin to work quickly enough.

Money conspiracy

This is a powerful magic ritual that can quickly improve your material condition. This rite is universal, it affects all areas of your activity that can bring you profit, this is good luck at work, and good sales, and even the ability to find money right on the street.

To carry out the ritual, you will have to read the words of the conspiracy on a vessel with water three times, during the growing moon. The words:

“There is a golden well in a wide field, a golden well and golden water in it. Under the well, the white key boils and the earth burns. As the white key boils underground, so the work of the servant of God (name) will boil and argue. As the water is golden in the well, so the servant of God (name) will be filled with gold. There is a house next to that well, and in that house there is a table, and on the table there is bread and salt. As there is bread and salt on the table, so the servant of God (name) will have a table full, and there will always be something to chew in his house. Behind the golden house there is again a field, and in the field there is a bull and a cow. As a cow runs after a bull, so goodness and wealth will run after the servant of God (name). There is a forest behind the field, a spruce grows in that forest, and hops grow on the spruce. As hop winds around the spruce, so around the servant of God (name) there will be everyone on the right, honor, wealth, and good. Behind the dense forest there is a meadow, and in the meadow there is grass, and on the grass there is morning dew. As dew is born by itself, no one grows it or sows it, so the servant of God (name) will have money. He will have money in his purse, like in a meadow of dew. I close my words with the golden key, I throw the key into the sea. Just as a fish cannot fly in the sky, so no one can get my key. May it be so. Amen".

Love conspiracy

“I will rise, God's servant(name), blessed, I will go out of the house, crossing myself. From the door of the house I will go to the gate, from the gate to open field I will go out into a wide field. Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, is sitting in that field. How Jesus yearns for his church. And for the disciples, so the servant of God (name), for the servant of God (name) will yearn for. He does not sleep, he does not walk, does not eat, he only yearns for me. He thinks only of me, he only loves me. As said, it will come true. Amen".

From a terrible disease

If someone close to you suffers from the unknown terrible disease, you can heal it with magic. Pour tap water into a glass, place it in front of you, and think about your loved one. Whisper a conspiracy:

“Saint Catherine walked after Easter, and Saint Maryana walked next to her. They took the Holy Gifts, they helped the sufferer (the name of the patient is called). For three evenings I will remember Gifts, I wish (patient's name) more health. I wash my face with crystal water, get rid of all evil. My relative (name) has a strong heart, a healthy body. Amen".

As you can see, water is universal - with its help any problem can be solved. The liquid absorbs our thoughts, aspirations and desires. The brighter these thoughts are, the better.

To remove damage and the evil eye, healers use charmed water. Fiery water has a particularly strong energy. Purification by fire is probably one of the most ancient magical methods used by man for these purposes, and fiery water is water into which "fire entered" and transferred its strength and energy to it. In the old days, it was this water that was called living water, it was treated for diseases.

It is believed that fire water can completely replace purification with living fire.

Fire water from the evil eye and damage

Fire water is prepared only on Thursday! The time of the ritual does not matter, but it is desirable to take spring water to remove spoilage; for treatment, you can take water from three taps or fill the jar three times from one source. Holy water should not be taken, as it has its own energy!

Place the jar of water on a table covered with a plain cloth. Place four church candles with a cross around the jar and light them. Then place bread, salt, coal and earth between the candles and the jar. Take the fifth lit candle in your right hand. Break off the sulfur heads at three matches, cross yourself three times and read the prayer "Our Father". Light a match from the candle you are holding (three in turn) and bring it to a jar of water, depict three crosses with a burning match and circle the jar of water three times, then throw it into the water with the words:

"Fire, enter clear water."

Do this ritual with every match! Then drip the wax from the candle in your hand into the water, while repeating the words of the prayer:

"Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!"

Use your fingers to remove burnt matches and wax from the water, and throw three large crystals of rock salt taken from a new package into the water. When making water in medicinal purposes you can put a silver thing in water for two hours. You need to leave for a while from the room where the ritual was carried out.

Put a jar of water in the kitchen, where the element of Fire reigns. Wash your face with this water in the morning, you can add it to the bath while bathing. It is very effective in protecting newborn babies. On its basis, you can prepare decoctions from medicinal herbs: add a spoonful to all dishes that you cook. If you want to protect your home, fire water can be used during renovations, laundry, added to water for irrigation indoor plants, into the water your pets drink.

Go to a field or forest, collect a bouquet of fresh flowers that have grown in natural conditions, and not in your garden or front garden. Soak this bouquet in a bowl of fire water and sprinkle it on everything in the house and your yard.

If you find something suspicious, boil fire water (this water is the only one of all magical, which does not lose its properties when boiled) and pour a cross over all the places that cause you suspicion.

Others can be cooked on the basis of fire water. magic waters, each of which has special properties.

Cross water: a ritual of cooking

The water of the cross should be prepared only on the first day of the new moon. At noon, take water from a spring or well into a small bucket, and in the evening, when it should appear new Moon(in the first hours of the new moon it is not visible), stand facing the window and pour a glass of water into the jar.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and turn it upside down three times. Open the can and lightly pat it with your palms.

Take 2 church candles, make a small cross out of them, light it on three sides and lower it through the neck of the jar into the water in a horizontal position, saying:

"Cross of fire, save me."

Cross yourself three times. Leave the water with a cross on the window for a day.

On the second day, remove the cross from the water and read "Our Father" over the jar. The candle cross should be kept at all times while you are using water. This water is recommended to drink half a glass 3 times a day for diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, nervous system... It helps with headaches and baldness. If you bathe your child in water that has been mixed with cross water, he will sleep well.

This water can be used to treat inflammatory and skin conditions.

Ice water for healing diseases

This water is prepared on the basis of fiery water. In winter, water can be frozen by placing a container of water outside at night, and in the fridge in warm weather. Pour water into a plastic bottle and seal tightly. In the morning, place the vessel or bottle on a table covered with a white cloth. Light church candles on four sides of the bottle and say 12 times:

“The first day is Monday;

The second day is Tuesday;

The third day is Wednesday;

This is water to the rescue.

You healed flints and stones,

Heal you and me, the servant of God (name )».

The water should thaw on its own. Drinking should be done with your left hand, taking a few sips, while closing your eyes. Right hand put it on the diseased organ, concentrate all your attention on it. Hold your hand for 20 minutes. You may feel warmth or slight throbbing in your hand. The course of treatment is 7 days. If necessary, after a week, the treatment can be repeated, but for each course, new water should be prepared.

If after some time a sediment appears at the bottom of the vessel, bad smell, the water becomes cloudy - these are signs of deterioration that needs to be removed. It is no longer possible to use such water, it should be poured at midnight into an untouched place and where there is no vegetation.

If a person is sick, then you can alleviate his condition as follows: put him on a chair with his back to the sun. Blindfold him with a black bandage and point a mirror at him sunny bunny... Sweep the beam seven times over the entire body, from head to toe. In this case, you can read any prayers. Carry out the ritual for 5-10 minutes. Remove the bandage and bring the patient to the window. He must make three deep breaths, thereby "sending" the disease into space, from where solar energy came to your aid.

Shake the bandage and wash with fire or ice water... Wash the person's hands, face and feet with water. This method is very effective, especially for stressful conditions and diseases caused by them.

Full moon water to remove spoilage

Determine the last Saturday before the full moon. On Saturday afternoon at dawn, dial three-liter jar water. Place the container on a window on the sunny side: the sun's rays should hit the jar of water. On full moon days after moonrise, go outside with a can of water and press it over your heart area. Find a position so that the moon is reflected in the water. Say a slander:

"The month is bright, the dawns are clear, enter my bottomless waters."

Back home, wash yourself three times with this water and pour it on your feet three times. Do this procedure with the person who is sick. Then through left shoulder Sprinkle the apartment clockwise three times, do not forget about the bed and the dining table.

Full moon water has a very powerful energy and has the ability to remove damage from the home and from the residents, which the ill-wisher brought through the charmed dirt swept under the threshold.

After cleaning the apartment, carefully sweep the floors and collect crumbs from the table, if any. Collect all the garbage on a scoop and take it to a place where people do not walk. Pour water under the doorstep and into the pet bowl. After 7 days, the effect of damage should stop, and peace and harmony will again come in the house, it will improve emotional condition everyone living in it.

Video: Conspiracy to water from damage

Natural pure water widely used in magic. It greatly enhances the directional magical influences and removes the negative. Such properties of a natural attribute have been known for a long time, so we can safely say that the entire effectiveness of any rituals with water has been proven and time-tested.

A water conspiracy can be aimed at different purposes. With the help of special rituals, diseases caused by the evil eye or damage can be cured. In addition, water is often used as an additional magical attribute in influences to attract good luck and money.

In order for the conspiracy to water to have maximum strength, full concentration is always needed when carrying out the ceremony. It is imperative to exclude any interference during the ritual.

Rituals with water are very popular, which are aimed at making the most cherished desire... In such a ritual, only spring water should be used. It is considered to be energetically pure. If it is not possible to obtain such water, then you can use mineral water from the bottle, but first it must be cleaned after a special ritual.

You need to bend over a glass of water and quietly say the following words over the surface of the water:

“I, the Servant of God, ( given name), I appeal to my innermost, voditsa-sister. You give me a drink and a wash. So give me a few drops for luck and good fortune, so that my innermost wish will come true. I close it with my key, and wash the key with water. My thoughts are pure and my desire is clear. As it is said, it will happen. Amen".

After reading the magic conspiracy, you should drink water from a glass slowly and in small sips, imagining that soon your wish will come true. Such a ritual should be performed late at night, and upon completion, you must immediately go to bed.

Getting rid of negativity

If you have to often communicate with people you dislike in your life, then, of course, your energy field absorbs a lot of negativity from them. And you need to get rid of it periodically by conducting a special ritual with water. This rite is not only cleansing, but also protective.

Magic words sound like this:

“The Holy Mother of God walked and wandered through the dark underground, she cleaned the roots and stones there, washed them and healed them. So cleanse me, Slave (s) of God (s) (own name) from everything alien and unnecessary to me. So that the evil eye does not interfere with my life, the word is evil and the damage is bad. My word is strong and unshakable. Amen".

Such words are read seven times, after which the water is poured onto the top of the head. It is important to leave the water splashed on the floor to dry naturally.

Attractiveness ritual

Perhaps every woman dreams of looking attractive and beautiful in the eyes of others. And this can also be helped by a magical rite, which involves the use of water.

The ceremony for beauty does not require a mandatory set of spring water, you can use ordinary tap water to speak with magic words.

Every morning, before washing, you should collect water in a bowl and say the following over it:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), will shine with beauty and attract the eyes of others! My face will be filled with natural freshness and everyone will admire it! The water is strong, the water is clean, natural water will help me with this. Men will admire my appearance, and women will come from envy. My eyelashes will be long and black, and my body will be flexible and beautiful, my hair will become thick and thick. With the help of natural pure and transparent water, I bring on extraordinary beauty. Amen".

It is necessary to wash immediately with charmed water. This action must be repeated every morning.

A very popular ritual is with water, which allows you to attract money to yourself. The ritual is performed during the waxing moon in separate room... Spring water or water collected in a well is poured into a basin.

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), turn to you, water, natural and strong. You wash the whole earth and pour streams of the heavens, you see everything and you know everything. You can wash away all my bad luck and attract money to me to ensure a prosperous life for me. Give me wealth, and I will be able to dispose of it wisely and not offend anyone. Amen".

You should wash yourself with charmed water and wait until the face dries itself. The remaining water should be drained and periodically continued to wash with it until it runs out.

Any ritual with water must be carried out in a calm atmosphere and in positive mood... Only under such conditions can the success of the ceremony be guaranteed. The conspiracy itself must be read quietly, but confidently, thus completely transferring its energy to the water.

Water is the most abundant substance on our planet.

But not everyone knows that this liquid can significantly affect a person's life, it can bring good luck, heal from diseases, and vice versa, water with poor energy can be very harmful.

Not for nothing in Russians folk tales living and dead water are often mentioned, which are radically different from each other.

A conspiracy for carrying out on the water is a very common magic ritual; it can pursue a variety of purposes, from love spells and attracting good luck, to curing diseases and damage.
Water is a kind of carrier and keeper of information, with the help of special magic words and mental images of the liquid, you can give a different structure and energy, and this has been used by sorcerers and magicians for many centuries.

Water is a very malleable material that must be handled with extreme care. Do not trust people who call like magic rites very simple, in reality it is not at all true. You must definitely remember that when working with water, your every action is of great importance, your every word, thought, manipulation, all this affects the final result.

Depending on the purpose of your ceremony, you need to work with the liquid with the appropriate attitude. If you want to cure yourself or another person from a disease, get rid of damage and the evil eye, attract luck or money, that is, perform any ritual with a positive purpose, in no case should you have negative feelings and thoughts.

Before the ritual, you should concentrate on ultimate goal, to think only about one desire, to throw out of the head all the negativity, all the grievances and extraneous thoughts, because this is the only way to get a positive result and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Negative in water

As already mentioned, water is very malleable, therefore, before using it in rituals, you need to cleanse it of the accumulated negative. This does not apply to cases when the ritual requires the use of consecrated or pure spring water, such liquids do not need additional purification.

If you will use liquid from bottles or from the tap, then a cleansing rite is simply necessary, especially when carrying out a ritual with positive energy.

Water in magic and science

For centuries, sorcerers charge water with positive energy and then use it to achieve various goals, but today science has also confirmed the fact that liquid is capable of carrying information.

The Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto studied the properties of water for many years and came to the conclusion that the structure of a liquid changes under the influence not only of words, but also of music. electromagnetic radiation and even a person's thoughts.

According to the researcher, some words have a particularly good effect on water, these are words: kindness, mercy, love, Jesus Christ and others, which are endowed in the minds of people with the strongest positive energy.

In addition, even just pure thoughts of a person, as well as correct prayers and classical music make the crystal structure of the liquid "correct", the crystals turn into ordered snowflakes.

At the same time, harsh words of a person, negative thoughts, excessively harsh and chaotic music give water crystals an ugly structure and destroy its shape.

How to speak water

In order to give the water initially positive energy, you can start talking liquid in any vessel. These can be glass glasses, plastic bottles, even a kettle.

In addition, you can not only give the water the correct structure by conspiracy, but also by action.

Place the container with liquid under the rays of the morning sun, attach a piece of paper to the vessel with the words written on it: grace, love, kindness. And leave it there for a few hours. To enhance the effect, over the charging water, you can read the prayer to St. Panteleimon or the prayer "Living help".

Water conspiracy to make wishes come true

This conspiracy is very versatile, it will help any of your pure desires come true, if it is not associated with harm to other people. Fill a glass of pure spring or charged water, bring the glass to your lips and say your deepest desire over it three times.

After that, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, water, you are my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink.
Give me, servant of God (name), water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and the sea for happiness.
I close my words with the key, I wash the key in the water.
As the water is pure, so my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear.
As said, it will come true. Amen".

After uttering the conspiracy, all the water in the glass must be drunk in small sips. This is a simple and safe magical ritual that will not harm anyone, but it will only work if, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, your thoughts were completely pure, there was no anger, envy or other negative thoughts in them.

Ritual for the disease

If you or your loved one is constantly feeling unwell, but no doctor can name the reasons for feeling unwell, this universal magic ritual is suitable for you.
It is necessary after sunset to speak the water with the words:

“Saint Catherine was walking, and Saint Marina was walking next to her. They carried the Holy Gifts. I, the servant of God (name), will remember those Holy Gifts for three evenings, so that they help me restore my health.
I wash my face with clean, crystal water, get rid of the accursed disease. Healthy body, healthy heart.
May it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to wash your face with charmed water every day before going to bed.

Rite of water for good luck

This is a powerful magical ritual that can be performed fearlessly in any lunar cycle. It is best to carry out the ceremony in the first half of the day, that is, from morning to noon.

To carry out the ritual you will need:
- a bucket of clean water (charged with positive energy);
- a saucepan with earth;
- three church candles.

In addition, before starting the ritual, you will need to cleanse yourself of negative energy, concentrate on the goal and discard other thoughts.

First you need to start talking water in a bucket. Place a vessel in front of you and say the words of a good luck conspiracy three times. The words:

“Water, cleanse me, servant of God (name), wash me from head to toe, remove the burden from my soul and mind.
As you, water, wash away dirt from stones, as you cleanse the blackness, so wash away all unnecessary things from me, take away everything that I don’t need in my life.
Wash me from grief, from loss, from pain.
Bring me new life, water, new luck.
May it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to pour the charmed water from the bucket onto yourself, this procedure can be carried out in the bathroom or in the bath. So that the water is not too cold, it can be heated, but only before uttering the words of the conspiracy.

After you remove all negativity from yourself with the help of water, you need to recharge yourself with energy for a new, successful life.
Place prepared candles on the floor so that they form a triangle, stand in the center of the formed figure, close your eyes, concentrate on the purpose of the ritual and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Holy fiery flame, you put on me, the servant of God (name) with your sparkling power, your fast energy that will never go out, but will burn for ages and warm people."

This conspiracy must be pronounced until you yourself feel that you have repeated it enough. You do not need to count the number of repetitions, concentrate only on the purpose of the ceremony.

After that, stand in the triangle for about three minutes and leave it, leaving the candles to burn out. As soon as they burn out, collect the cinders and throw them in the trash can.

The last part of the ritual is working with the harvested land. To work, you will need some thing that belongs to you and which you do not mind. It could be an old piece of clothing, a cheap and unnecessary piece of jewelry, or just a recent photograph.

The selected item must be put in a saucepan with earth. Now go outside, find a tree that bears fruit, dig a small hole next to it and pour soil with your own thing into it. The hole must be covered with earth and returned home. The rite will begin to work quickly enough.

Money conspiracy

This is a powerful magic ritual that can quickly improve your material condition. This rite is universal, it affects all areas of your activity that can bring you profit, this is good luck at work, and good sales, and even the ability to find money right on the street.

To carry out the ritual, you will have to read the words of the conspiracy on a vessel with water three times, during the growing moon.

“There is a golden well in a wide field, a golden well and golden water in it. Under the well, the white key boils and the earth burns. As the white key boils underground, so the work of the servant of God (name) will boil and argue. As the water is golden in the well, so the servant of God (name) will be filled with gold.
There is a house next to that well, and in that house there is a table, and on the table there is bread and salt. As there is bread and salt on the table, so the servant of God (name) will have a table full, and there will always be something to chew in his house. Behind the golden house is again a field, and in the field there is a bull and a cow. As a cow runs after a bull, so the servant of God (name) will run good and wealth. There is a forest behind the field, a spruce grows in that forest, and hops grow on the spruce. As hop winds around the spruce, so around the servant of God (name) there will be everyone on the right, honor, wealth, and good.
Behind the dense forest there is a meadow, and in the meadow there is grass, and on the grass there is morning dew. As dew is born by itself, no one grows it or sows it, so the servant of God (name) will have money. He will have money in his purse, like in a meadow of dew.
I close my words with the golden key, I throw the key into the sea. Just as a fish cannot fly in the sky, so no one can get my key.
May it be so. Amen".

It should be remembered that when conducting conspiracies, rituals, ceremonies, you must certainly believe in their success. To satisfy your own curiosity, conspiracies and rituals using water cannot be carried out, as the opposite effect may follow.

Now it remains for me to wish you pleasant experiments!

* All conspiracies are folk ways healing and are only informative. The material was found on the Internet and is published "as is", without any guarantees or obligations.
Everything you do, you do according to on their own, at one's own risk. Whether you need it or not, decide for yourself

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