Home Beneficial properties of fruits How women deceive their husbands and employers. False pregnancy. How women deceive their husbands and employers. Is it possible to fake an ultrasound image?

How women deceive their husbands and employers. False pregnancy. How women deceive their husbands and employers. Is it possible to fake an ultrasound image?

The sensation exploded soap bubble. Alena Avdeeva from the village of Kialim, near Karabash, accused doctors of the disappearance of her newborn children. But it turned out that she was not pregnant with twins. Investigative committee The Russian Federation has put an end to this matter. They did not initiate a criminal case.


The story of the disappearance of newborn twins was told by Alena herself. She is 26 years old and already has three children. She was observed at the Karabash hospital, but there was no antenatal clinic. For childbirth, all residents of Karabash are sent to the maternity hospital in Miass.

According to Alena, in January she had a caesarean section in Miass to deliver twins. But immediately after the operation, the doctors told her that there were no children, and they found a cyst in her stomach. For all nine months, the woman regularly attended antenatal clinics, took necessary tests. Doctors regularly confirmed that the pregnancy was progressing normally. In a word, she was a diligent postpartum mother.

The “iron” argument in this story was the ultrasound data, which clearly confirmed the pregnancy. Where, then, did the children go? A lot of versions immediately appeared: from the inept actions of obstetricians, which led to the death of newborns, to their sale to a childless family.


In mid-March, the media wrote about this story. Investigators began to look into it. They checked every piece of paper, interviewed dozens of witnesses, including Alena’s neighbors. And here’s the bottom line: the pregnancy story was a lie from the very beginning!

I don't know why all this fuss was needed. After all, everything was clear from the first day - I was surprised senior investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Miass Andrey Matakov. - Neighbors confirm that until recently Avdeeva did not have a characteristic belly. In addition, during the pre-investigation check, she herself admitted that she had imagined the pregnancy.

The investigator is sure that the woman deliberately led everyone by the nose from the very beginning. And she was certainly not a diligent mother. She refused necessary examinations, avoided additional tests. This, by the way, was confirmed even earlier by the regional Ministry of Health.

During the entire period, the woman saw doctors only four times, and on her last visit to the gynecologist she refused to be examined, the head of the organization’s department said at the end of March. medical care mothers and children at the Ministry of Health Lyudmila Podlubnaya.

Ultrasound ERROR

But what about the ultrasound result? It turned out that the pregnancy report was a crude fake. According to Andrei Matakov, the conclusion contains a different diagnosis. And the postscript: “pregnancy.” But this word is written with one “n”. A doctor who regularly gives such conclusions cannot make a spelling mistake in this word. And the examination showed that the postscript was made by someone else. Most likely, Alena herself, although she denies this fact.

Thus, from an “iron” argument for pregnancy, the ultrasound results turned into the same argument against. The photograph that was attached to the report also turned out to be fake. It was taken from another study.

Local gynecologists, based on these papers, concluded that Avdeeva was pregnant rather in advance, and therefore registered her. And those who stand on it are entitled to a birth certificate,” explained investigator Matakov. “That’s why, according to all the documents, she looked like she was pregnant.”


Yes and caesarean section, as it turned out, there wasn’t either. A woman from Kialim came to the Miass maternity hospital with a complaint of pain in the lower abdomen. Doctors diagnosed it as “on the female side,” but it had nothing to do with pregnancy.

Even children's clothes, which Avdeeva seemed to have bought for a future addition to the family, turned out to be the clothes of her previous children. The Avdeevs have three of them.

So why was all this fuss needed? According to the unofficial version, Alena took this step because of a conflict in the family. The relationship with her husband deteriorated, and the woman came up with a story about twins in order to keep her husband.

Lawyers took advantage of the scandal, stood up for the woman and filed a lawsuit against Miass and Kyshtym hospitals for total amount half a million rubles. They estimated the moral and physical harm caused to their client to be this amount. The first hearing will take place on April 28.

Since the nineties of the last century, the popularization of ultrasound methods for diagnosing organ diseases began in our country. Most private clinics began to offer comprehensive ultrasound examinations of the body and made good money from it. At the same time, those doctors who have at least some long time Those who have lived and worked in the main states of the United States know that computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging methods are popular there, and ultrasound methods are used only as an additional examination method. What is this connected with? different approach to diagnosis in emergency patients?

All this is related to the organization of medical care and what medical devices are produced in a particular country. Today in our country devices ultrasound diagnostics are produced directly in our country. Many clinics use them and they are not inferior to more expensive foreign analogues. While in our country there is not a single manufacturer of computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners. Ultrasound examination devices and a wide variety of tomographs are produced in the USA. But in this country they still give preference to examination methods that are more expensive and harmful to the patient’s health - computer and magnetic resonance imaging. Why?

The key reason lies in the fact that American citizens are quite active in defending their interests in the courts. Ultrasonic method The study is subjective and depends on what the doctor sees on the monitor. Often the same patient visits two different ultrasound doctors and they give completely different conclusions. If you call an ultrasound doctor to court on a particular issue, he will always explain his conclusion - “at the time of the examination it was as written, but after five minutes everything changed - the human body is constantly working and changeable” and no documents that would refute or confirm it words - no. Computed tomography is another matter - clear images that are included in the medical history can be read by specialists in a few years, and if the doctor did not see something, he will be to blame and he will not be able to refer to anything - here are the images, here is the pathology .. Therefore, you should always be skeptical about the results of ultrasound and confirm the data obtained with other examination methods.

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Life found out who is faking pregnancy and why, as well as how much this deception costs.

That evening Lisa was waiting for Denis from work with special impatience. The girl literally counted the minutes until her appearance young man, with whom they were already together more than a year. Finally the door swung open and Denis appeared in the hallway. He slowly undressed and walked into the kitchen.

- What's for dinner?

- Wait. First, I have to tell you something important,” Lisa was noticeably worried.

- So come on, don’t delay, I want to eat.

Denis was clearly confused. He was silent, not knowing what to answer. A child was clearly not included in his immediate plans. He seemed to love Lisa, but he didn’t intend to become a father at the age of 28...

A couple of days later, the young man packed his things and moved out of Liza’s apartment. He never found out that the girl had invented the pregnancy to test him. And I bought a positive test on the Internet.

Demand creates supply

The query “positive pregnancy test” on VKontakte returns 61 communities. Girls from different cities offer their tests with two stripes for sale. A regular one costs 200–500 rubles, an electronic one costs 800. There are also promotional offers - for example, one of the advertisements reads: “One test - 300, two - 500.” As Life said, thus the “entrepreneur” from Voronezh is about two thousand rubles per day.

Obviously, there are buyers. Someone decided to check their boyfriend for lice, someone is trying to save their marriage in this way. If the test is not enough, ultrasound images are used. Quite real. They can also be bought online. Here is one of many suggestions:

That is, a girl who is pregnant herself sells ready-made ultrasounds and hCG.

An ultrasound is definitely needed. A simple positive test and a delay can occur due to gynecological diseases. An ultrasound shows the fetus. Therefore, it is better to do it from the fourth to fifth week,- she recommends. - Our ultrasound itself costs 550 rubles. I charge the same amount for my work. Total 1100 rubles.

For authenticity, the “entrepreneur” asks to provide the name and surname of the ultrasound doctor who works in your area, so that his details can be included in the image.

Everything with signatures and seals

It is no secret that pregnant women are always given concessions during exams at universities. Special conditions for pregnant women are also spelled out in Labor Code RF.

- Pregnant women, with an appropriate medical report, can be transferred to work under easier conditions or have their time at work reduced, says lawyer, expert social movement"Young Lawyers of Russia" Oksana Kartashova. - If a woman is pregnant, she can even skip work - something like that - and they cannot fire her.

But you can’t bring a positive test or ultrasound image to a university or to work. Need a medical certificate. It's also pretty easy to get. For example, the same girl who sells positive tests and ultrasound images, I am ready to prepare a doctor’s certificate for 500 rubles.

With these certificates you can go to any doctor - everything is original. My girl even registered. The signature is a squiggle, the main thing is the seal! - she notes proudly.

Portals also operate freely on the Internet, offering all types of certificates, including those confirming pregnancy. So, on the website “Medical certificates with delivery” you can buy one for 1090 rubles. We called there to find out some details:

Is this all official? Will there be a doctor's signature or stamp?

Rectangular, triangular, round stamp.

Can I provide this work certificate?

Some provide it for work, some provide it to the court, some to the registry office. Everyone has their own.

At the same time, you don’t need anything from me?

Only your data is required from you.

Is this really all official?

Certainly. The Moscow City Clinic provides.

What if I'm not actually pregnant?

But I don’t know why you want to bring a certificate. Someone then gets out of it and says something happened - an abortion, a miscarriage, whatever. That is, everyone has their own needs for the preparation of this document.

But neither you nor I will have problems?

Of course not.

However, if there is nothing for deception using a test and an ultrasound image of a false pregnant woman, then the use of a fake certificate falls under Part 3 of the article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Use of a knowingly forged document"),This is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles and even arrest for up to six months.

And the "baby" has grown up

Further more. You can even buy a fake belly online to simulate pregnancy. There are different options to suit every taste and budget. So, in one of the stores they offer three types: plastic - for 2,500 rubles, molded foam rubber - for 3,500 rubles, silicone - for 25,000 rubles.

There is also a “Friend Promotion” here. If you take two or three bellies, you can count on a 10–20% discount.

Silicone is designed to be worn daily and simulate pregnancy. So that you can dress in tight clothes, and touch, give, and show. He will be realistic to the touch. Very similar to the real one- explained in the store.

Give birth without being pregnant

For some, deception takes them too far. So, in the fall of 2015, the media wrote about 22-year-old Muscovite Nadezhda, who faked pregnancy, and 9 months later brought her husband a newborn baby. It turned out that at first the woman was really expecting a child, but she had a miscarriage. Fearing that her husband would leave her, she found a pregnant Veronica on social networks, who was planning to abandon the child. She promised to give the child away for free, the only condition being to pay for tests during pregnancy.

Nadezhda wore a fake belly, dressed in loose sweaters and bought fake ultrasounds.When the time came to “give birth,” she met Veronica at the station and picked up the child. True, then the maternal instinct woke up in Veronica and she took the baby back.

Research shows that generations exposed to ultrasound have four times the perinatal mortality rate, increased risk of brain damage, dyslexia, speech delays, epilepsy and learning difficulties:

In the group where women had ultrasounds, the perinatal mortality rate increased fourfold. (Study of 2,475 women by Davies et al., 1993); Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

A 1984 study shows that infants exposed to ultrasound were more likely to develop dyslexia and were twice as likely to experience retardation speech development for unknown reasons. (Stark et al., 1984); Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

Male infants exposed to ultrasound were most likely to show signs of brain damage. Journal Epidemiology, December 2001.

Infants exposed to ultrasound are more likely to develop epilepsy and learning difficulties. Ultrasound Abstracts.

Male infants who underwent two or more ultrasounds were 32% more likely to be left-handed (suggesting brain damage). Ultrasound Abstracts

Four hours after exposure to ultrasound, cell death in mammals doubles and cell division rates drop by 22%, so the researchers believe the results are similar in humans. "Ultrasound. Abstract journal "Ultrasound Abstracts".

Women who undergo ultrasound diagnostics for more than 5-20 hours a week significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. (Taskinen et al., 1990);

J Epidemiol Community Health 1990;44:196-201 doi:10.1136/jech.44.3.196
Effects of ultrasound, shortwaves, and physical exercise on pregnancy outcome in physiotherapists
H Taskinen, P Kyyrönen, K Hemminki
Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland"

Infants with severe disabilities who were exposed to ultrasound died more often than children with disabilities who were not exposed. Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

Growth-restricted infants exposed to ultrasound were three times more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit than similarly delayed infants not exposed. Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

In women who underwent ultrasound diagnostics, the risk of premature birth doubles. (Lorenz et al., 1990); Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

The scientists who developed ultrasound acknowledged the possibility of harm from its use and strongly discouraged its use in children under 3 months of age. Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

Cells exposed to a single exposure to ultrasound exhibit abnormal properties for ten generations after irradiation. Published in the journal (Issue 51, 1999).

Ultrasound affects the estimated weight of the child, the weight of organs, immune system and platelets, which provide blood clotting. Researchers believe it could take up to 20 years for problems associated with ultrasound - including the risk of cancer, leukemia and birth defects - to surface. Ultrasound Abstracts. , The Dangers of Prenatal Ultrasound.

Mice exposed to ultrasound experience slowed brain function and decreased motor and exploratory activity. "Effects of intrauterine ultrasound exposure on the behavior of an adult mouse."

As a result of gas cavitation of ultrasound in the amniotic fluid and blood plasma, the production of free radicals increases. This also contributes to the likely mechanism of DNA damage. (Crum et al., 1987; Ellisman et al., 1987)

Because of the structure of an infant's skull, ultrasound radiation is more intense and can cause certain parts of the brain to be exposed to too much radiation. “A discreet approach to fetal and neonatal imaging using ultrasound” ().

Even if the above data doesn't make you think, how about this fact: the level of ultrasound in the womb is 100 dB, which is equivalent to a child being on a subway platform while a train roars towards you and grinds to a stop. (New Scientist, Fetuses can hear ultrasound examinations).

As one author points out, some opera singers can break glass with the sound of their voice, which is just an example of how a slow sound wave works... But ultrasound uses ultra-high frequency waves that bombard the baby at extremely high speeds. (New Scientist, Fetuses can hear ultrasound examinations).

Perhaps the most ironic and well-reasoned words come from one of Yale's medical elite (Kenneth Taylor, MD, professor of diagnostic radiology and head of the department of ultrasound Faculty of Medicine Yale University) who says, “I wouldn’t let anyone with a probe [ultrasound probe] near my baby’s head...”. "A Prudent Approach to Ultrasound Imaging of the Fetus and Newborn by Kenneth Taylor, M.D."

Read more about ultrasound in the 13th issue of the magazine, in which we are starting a series of articles devoted to ultrasound.

Translation: Inna Polozova

Beech, B. & Robinson, J. (1996). Ultrasound? Unsound. London: Association for Improvements in Maternity Services (AIMS).
Bolsen, B. (1982). Question of risk still hovers over routine prenatal use of ultrasound. JAMA, 247: 2195-2197.
Donald, I. (1979). Practical Obstetric Problems. (5th ed). London: Lloyd-Luke, Medical Books Ltd.
Donald, I. (1980). Sonar—Its present status in medicine. In A. Jurjak (Ed), Progress in Medical Ultrasound, 1: 001–04. Amsterdam: Excelpta Medica.
Jahn, A. et al. (1998). Routine screening for intrauterine growth retardation in Germany; low sensitivity and questionable benefit for diagnosed cases. Acta Ob Gyn Scand 77: 643–89.
Lorenz, R.P. et al. (1990, June). Randomized prospective trial comparing ultrasonography and pelvic examination for preterm labor surveillance. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol, 1603–10.
Mason, G. and Baillie, C. (1997). Counseling should be provided before parents are told of the presence of ultrasonographic ‘soft markers’ of fetal abnormality (Letter). BMJ 315:180–81.
Newnham, J.P. et al. (1991). Effects of frequent ultrasound during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. The Lancet, 342: 887–90.
Saari-Kempainen et al. (1990). Ultrasound screening and perinatal mortality: controlled trial of systematic one-stage screening in pregnancy. The Lancet, 336: 387–91.
Salvesen, K.A. et al. (1992). Routine ultrasonography in utero and school performance at age 8–9 years. The Lancet, 339.
Skari, H. et al. (1998). Consequences of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis: a preliminary report on neonates with congenital malformations. Acta. Ob Gyn Scand 177: 635–42.
Tarantal, A.F. et al. (1993). Evaluation of the bioeffects of prenatal ultrasound exposure in the Cynomolgus Macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Chapter III in Developmental and Mematologic Studies, Teratology 47: 159–70.
Taskinen, H. et al. (1990). Effects of ultrasound, shortwaves, and physical exercise on pregnancy outcome in physiotherapists. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 44: 196–201.

A resident of Karabash complained to the investigative authorities Chelyabinsk region that during a caesarean section, doctors discovered not twins in her stomach, as previously diagnosed, but a cyst. Law enforcement agencies have already begun checking into what happened, and the Ministry of Health is also investigating the circumstances of the incident.


"By this case The regional Ministry of Health conducted an internal inspection. It was established that the woman was not pregnant, she had imaginary pregnancy, This psychological condition", RIA Novosti quotes Lyudmila Podlubnaya, head of the department for organizing medical care for children and mothers of the regional Ministry of Health. However, the papers confirming that she was registered for pregnancy were genuine.

“In the antenatal clinic of Karabash, she was registered as pregnant, having provided false data about the results of an ultrasound from another medical institution. She wrote in what was written about the results of the ultrasound by hand herself,” said the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region. The gynecologist, Podlubnaya noted, saw the woman irregularly. A total of four appearances were recorded, and she refused to take tests for pregnant women. She also did not undergo an ultrasound.

The day before the operation in Miass, the patient went to one of the clinics in Chelyabinsk, where she was examined and informed that she was not pregnant. Then she ended up in a Miass hospital, where, as she herself claims, she had a caesarean section. “They performed a completely different operation on her, as she complained of pain in the lower abdomen. What exactly the disease was is a medical secret, I cannot say,” said Lyudmila Podlubnaya.

We would like to remind you that the story that happened in the Chelyabinsk region received a wide public response after local investigative authorities began checking all the circumstances of the disappearance of the children. A resident of Karabash complained to them that she was registered at the city antenatal clinic, where she was diagnosed with twins, but during a caesarean section only a cyst was discovered in her abdomen.

In addition, she filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies earlier chief physician Karabash hospital Nina Voronina, who explained her concern that the medical institution sent a pregnant woman for surgery, but she never had children. Some managed to suggest that the cause of the confusion was a mistake by the doctors.

However new information brings to the fore new version, according to which the patient deliberately misled the specialists. In any case, it is up to the law enforcement agencies of the Chelyabinsk region to establish all the circumstances of what happened and establish the true picture of what happened.

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