Home Beneficial properties of fruits Who is watching us from the sky. Who watches us from the Moon and does not let us onto its surface. From unofficial sources

Who is watching us from the sky. Who watches us from the Moon and does not let us onto its surface. From unofficial sources

HEALTH INTO THE QUANTUM TRANSITION, READ, WATCH THE VIDEO AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS. “I TELL YOU A MYSTERY: WE WILL NOT ALL DIE, BUT WE WILL ALL CHANGE” (Bible, 1st Cor.) ........................ ........................................................ ..... IN Lately In our environment, things and events occur that relate to the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of people, which largely coincide, but cannot be described or do not fit any case. These states are not standard, new, but still natural. For those who have noticed this, the following material is collected from various sources, articles and personal observations. “Everyone knows that the Earth is now moving to a new turn of the evolutionary spiral, into a new energy space of the fourth dimension, and this transition is called Quantum. The quantum transition that the Earth and everything living on it (including humans) undergoes affects our emotional, mental and physical well-being and requires a thorough renewal of all spheres of human activity, but special attention still needs to be paid to physical, mental and spiritual health. Why do medications NOT help today? What is happening TODAY at the cellular and atomic-molecular level in the human body? Why do visits to doctors not only do not give the desired result, but often turn out to be, at a minimum, a waste of time and money? All occurring phenomena lead traditional medicine to a complete dead end and, as a result, are neither more nor less ignored. By inertia, antibiotics and analgesics that no longer help are prescribed. By inertia, incorrect diagnoses are made and incorrect treatment is carried out. WHAT TO DO? How can we help ourselves and our loved ones cope with the panic that is increasingly attacking our consciousness? What should be our competent behavior when incomprehensible symptoms of discomfort fall on us out of the blue? Those who are well acquainted with the Living Ethics of Agni Yoga are well (and for a long time!) aware of the nature of the processes currently taking place, deeply revealed in this Book of Life for Humanity of the Epoch of Transition! And these processes have their place, time, and name. And Oleg Nikitin talks about them today in the article “Why are we “shaking”?..”. More precisely, the material was taken from the pages of one site, but presented quite popularly. “Since April 2012, human DNA began to undergo more intense mutation under the influence of increasing solar activity. More precisely, the transmutation of cells of all living things on the planet has been going on for decades. But I am writing this because many are scared, try to look for doctors, unable to recognize the process of changes in their physical body on a deep level. But the treatment does not work, the government’s medical proposals do not work: all this does not correspond to the challenges that the sun offers to a person. These symptoms come and go unexpectedly, appear for no reason, and go away on their own. This good signs: The body is sending you a message that it is freeing itself from old biology and old thinking (keep up with it). Symptoms that arise from DNA mutation (rearrangement) and body changes to cellular level: feeling tired or exhausted with little exertion; desire to sleep longer or more often than usual; flu symptoms - heat!), and its activation may be accompanied by attacks of melancholy and fear. The 4th chakra is associated with the thymus gland. This organ is located in the front of the lungs and is in its infancy for most. She didn't develop at all. When the 4th chakra begins to open, the thymus begins to grow. At a later stage, it may even be visible on tomography. The growth of the thymus gland is associated with chest pain, suffocation, and again there may be symptoms of bronchitis - pneumonia, in which doctors will mistakenly diagnose influenza or pneumonia... Now, WHAT TO DO? The main thing is no panic! Take a walk. Move! Bicycle, swimming pool... Water contrasts are a must. Be sure to drink soda every day on an empty stomach! (at the same time, extinguish it with boiling water) The body needs to be accustomed to soda gradually, starting with a dose at the tip of a teaspoon and bringing it up to half a teaspoon 2 times a day. You need to drink soda hot water or hot milk, or better yet, a hot infusion of valerian tea. Valerian and soda are an amazing, indispensable remedy for burning the centers. Baking soda also prevents cancer. From the Letters of Helena Roerich - ed.). You can, if it helps, use homeopathy. Use of essential oils. Shiatsu massage, etc. Very good recommendation: hanging for the spine. Stretch. Stretch and stretch your muscles and muscles. Do exercises for your neck - head up, down, left and right, put your ear on your shoulder, then on the other. Try your best. I’ll say a little more from myself: breathe correctly. And this is a whole art. If you feel like it's coming, breathe deeply as you can, and as slowly as you can. And remember this advice for the situation when day X comes, and it will come... If anything, breathe deeply. Here are some psychophysical symptoms and an attempt to explain how to approach it: 1. Feeling as if you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy and, as a result, stress. Remember, to adapt to a higher vibration, you must eventually change. Old patterns of behavior and beliefs come to the surface in a conflicting form. Manage your behavior (self-control!) with the help of thoughts-orders. Tame your EGO, emotions, feelings... 2. Feeling of disorientation, loss of sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore. And on the “fiery front line”. For both body and spirit. 3. Unusual pain in different parts of the body. It is the released previously blocked energies that vibrate in 3D while you vibrate in a higher dimension. 4. Waking up at night between 2 and 4 o'clock. A lot happens to us in our dreams. “Cosmic healers” work with our physical organs and subtle bodies during the night’s rest. Therefore, you may sometimes even need a break during these intense processes and wake up. 5. Forgetfulness. You notice how some details fall out of your memory. And that's putting it mildly! The fact is that from time to time you are in the border zone, in more than one dimension, hanging back and forth, and physical memory can simply be blocked at these moments. In addition: the past is part of the old, and the old is gone forever. 6. Loss of identity. You are trying to access your past self, but it is no longer possible. You may sometimes catch yourself feeling like you don't know who it is when looking at yourself in the mirror. 7. Out-of-body experience. You may feel as if someone is speaking for you, but it is not you. It's natural defense mechanism survival when you are under stress. The body is under great pressure, and you are “in the moment” for a split second as if you are leaving the body. So you shouldn't experience what your body is going through right now. It lasts no more than a moment and passes. 8. Increased sensitivity to the environment. Crowds, noise, food, cars, TV, loud voices - you can barely stand it all anymore. You easily fall into a state of depression and, conversely, easily become excited and hyperexcited. Your psyche is adjusted to new, more subtle vibrations! Help yourself in different ways to relax. 9. Don't you feel like doing anything? This is not laziness or depression. This is a “reboot” of your biocomputer. Don't force yourself. Your body knows what it needs. REST! 10. Intolerance to lower 3D vibrational phenomena, conversations, relationships, public structures etc. They literally make you feel sick. You grow and no longer coincide with much and much of what surrounded you before and did not irritate you at all as it does now. It will disappear on its own, don't worry. 11. The sudden disappearance of some friends from your life, a change in habits, work, place of residence, diet... You are rising spiritually, and these people no longer match your vibrations. A NEW one will come soon and it will be much better. 12. Days or periods of extreme fatigue. Your body loses density, becomes thinner, and undergoes intensive restructuring. 13. If you feel attacked low level blood sugar, eat more often. On the contrary, you may not want to eat at all. 14. Emotional destabilization, tearfulness... All the emotions that you experienced before and accumulated in yourself come out. Rejoice! Don't hold them back! 15. The feeling that “the roof is going crazy.” It's OK. You open up out-of-body experience and experience of other frequencies - that is, realities. Much has become more accessible to you now. You're just not used to it. Your inner knowledge and intuition grow stronger and barriers disappear. 16. Anxiety and panic. Your EGO loses most of itself and is afraid. Yours physiological system is experiencing overload. Something is happening to you that you cannot fully understand, but ALLOW IT!.. 17. You are also losing the low vibration behavior patterns that you once worked for yourself to survive in 3D. This can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. You will soon no longer need these patterns and patterns of behavior. Just be patient and calm, wait. 18. Depression. The outside world does not correspond to your needs and emotions. you release dark energies that were inside you. Do not be afraid and do not interfere with their exit, but try to transform them (into bright energies - love, kindness, joy, mercy, compassion, non-judgment, tolerance, patience - ed.) so that they do not harm others. 19. Dreams. Many people are aware that they are experiencing unusually intense dreams. 20. Unexpected sweating and temperature fluctuations. Your body changes its “heating” system, cellular wastes burn, remnants of the past are burned in your subtle fields. 21. Your plans suddenly change midway and you start going in a completely different direction. Your soul is trying to balance your energy. Your soul knows more than you. Listen and trust your heart! In your mind there are repressed, unmet needs for KINDNESS, PERFECTION, INTEGRITY, LAW, JUSTICE AND ORDER. Perhaps because of this, you have developed or may develop such pathological conditions as antipathy, distrust, reliance only on yourself and for yourself, disintegration, anger, cynicism, complete selfishness... Do you know what “medicine” you really lack? - KNOWLEDGE! The Fiery Age has the peculiarity of being also called the Age of Blue Fire, which means that the belief of believers is absolutely correct. Blue spatial fire is a hard, penetrating vibration that interacts with all types of intelligent life on the surface of the planet. Each creation has passed a certain evolutionary level and currently has in its vibrational arsenal that set of vibrations that corresponds to its level of consciousness. The magnetic component of the consciousness of creation (the ability to love) also plays a role. Thus, if a person’s Soul is black and sinful, that is, vibrates at low emotional and mental frequencies, for it the arrival of subtle and penetrating vibrations of spatial fire will be especially painful. Consequently, there is no contradiction with the beliefs of believers about the features new era There is no Blue Fire. After all, it is the “sinner” who thinks and feels in the lowest levels, and therefore is subject to burning in the Blue Fire. It should be noted that among fanatical believers there may be so many truly sinful ones, that is, those with low vibrations of consciousness, which will be a paradox for them, because among non-believers there may be a lot of clear, bright - sinless consciousnesses. Spatial Fire does not note the number of bows before icons, nor the presence of a cross or crescent on a person’s chest, nor the number of mantrams pronounced. Spatial Fire simply tests the conformity of a person’s consciousness to the new era, and anyone who does not fit into the subtlest “pattern” of Blue Fire burns out in it automatically, without the opportunity to receive an answer to requests for salvation and prayers. ........................................................ ........................................................ ................... QUANTUM TRANSITION (THREE WORLDS) channeling There are many worlds in parallel to our planet. In the sphere of direct interests of earthlings there are now three worlds: - the dense world, that is, the 3-dimensional Earth, - the dense 4-dimensional Astral world, called Maldena, - the normal 5-dimensional Astral world. The Quantum Transition is the replacement of the Earth by Maldena, that is, the 3-dimensional dense world with the 4-dimensional densified Astral world. The replacement will happen in the same way as a sunburned person's old skin is replaced by new skin, that is, not all at once. First of all, the land of Russia will change, and then, gradually, the remaining regions of the planet. Since November 2012, the Earth has entered the photon beam energy band, and in the future there will only be an intensification of its irradiation. The frequency of vibration of the Earth's magnetic field is steadily increasing. Until recently, it was 7.8 hertz, by 1996 it rose to 8.6 hertz, by 2007 - to 12 hertz, and at the end of 2012 - 12.4 hertz: “The space begins to change really very intensely, and If in the last millennium the resonant frequency of the Earth, or the pulsation of the “heart” of the Planet, was fixed as a constant value at the level of 7.8 hertz, then in recent years the resonant frequency of the Earth has increased to the level of 12 hertz. If the resonant frequency of the Earth reaches a value of 13 hertz, then in! under these conditions, a “heart attack” for the “heart” of the Earth will already be inevitable! Do not think of the number 13 as a fatal number, because in this case 13 hertz has nothing to do with superstitions, but is a quantitative frequency characteristic of the stability of the Planet. “The main process of the Transition will take place in three stages: “The Quantum Transition will not be a sharp change in Space and, like every process, has three main stages: beginning, reaching the maximum and ending.” The first stage (2008 - 2016). The body of the Earth and the bodies of people become refined under the influence of high-frequency vibration from the outside. The beginning of the transformation of people is December 21, 2012. Changing consciousness, preparing it for the Transition is the main content of the First stage. In the First stage, the dense bodies of earthlings will also be transformed. to one degree or another. - Particularly spiritually developed people (about 1%) will transform their earthly body into a normal astral one and move into the fifth-dimensional Astral world - The bodies of spiritually developed people (about 24% of them) will become thinner to varying degrees of densification. astral body. It has already been tested and allows you to live in a four-dimensional densified Astral world, that is, in Malden, where some of these people will move. The other part (less ready) will move to the second stage. - Most people (75%) will transform their body to a lesser extent, and will not yet be ready for the Transition and will continue to live on Earth. According to the Creator: "the first stage ends at the end of 2016" The second stage (2016 -2024). True Babylon will reign on the planet. There will be many people who have made the Transition to the densified and normal Astral worlds. They will live there. There will be many people on the dense Earth who are at one stage or another of transformation, and many who are not going to move anywhere: “After the first stage Quantum Transition your World will receive even greater diversity, because at the same time the “past” and “future” will be nearby, therefore the “present” will represent the Chaos of manifestations, from which the Sixth Race will then crystallize “The Third Stage (2024 - 2033). By the end of the third stage, the Transition will be completed. - A small, especially developed part of the population will move to the normal Astral world. - Most of the current earthlings will also become subtle-material, and will already live on Malden, in the densified Astral world: “You have very little left, because your Consciousness, like a sponge, absorbs My New Words about the upcoming Transition without panic at all, since most of you already understands that there will be no physical violence, and the World will remain the same, but transferred to the Astral!”

People use online tools in various fields - from office work to banking and medicine. This means more information than ever is at risk of being stolen by cybercriminals who could steal your identity, use ransomware to hold your information, or drain your bank accounts.

Over the past decade, the United States has spent more than $100 billion on protecting state computer networks from information thieves. This " a big problem“, President Donald Trump said at a recent meeting of the American Technology Council, which was created to modernize and protect against cyberattacks the government's legacy technologies.

Cybersecurity isn't just for governments. Here are five tips to help you stay protected online:

1. Be suspicious of incoming email

Do not click on links in emails unless you know the sender. Hackers try to lure people into clicking on fake links that look real, but those links actually download malicious software or take them to web pages that try to steal personal information. If email– from a store, website, or someone you don't know, enter the URL into your browser's address bar instead.

For the same reason, never open attachments in emails from people you don't know. You should also disable any settings in your email that automatically download attachments.

2. Choose unique and complex passwords

If you don't use a password manager, make sure your passwords contain both uppercase and lower case, numbers and symbols. Do not use the same password on more than one site.

3. Protect your personal information

Companies and government agencies never ask for your password, so don't email or give it over the phone. If you receive an email with a link to a login page, do not click on it; instead, go to that website in your browser and log in there.

If a company calls you out of the blue and asks you to provide personal information, don't do it! Hang up and contact the company, either by phone or website, to confirm that the request is indeed from that company.

4. Use the latest technology

Make sure your computers, phones and tablets have latest version software. Also, whenever possible, use an additional layer of security called two-factor authentication. This method goes beyond providing a password and username; it also requires information that you and no one else will have. This is a great way to ensure that you are the one trying to log in and not someone pretending to be you.

5. Watch for unusual activity

If your bank account or credit card offer text or email alerts, please turn them on. This way, even if your account is hacked, you will be warned. If you can't turn on text messages, be sure to regularly check your bank statements for purchases you haven't made.

Did you know that all your movements are tracked with meter accuracy? That everything you say - not only on the phone, but also near the phone - is recorded? That at home, at work, in the subway, on the street - literally everywhere - you are being watched by video cameras?

You are under continuous, 24/7 surveillance, and this is not a fantasy. All the ways in which you are being monitored will be described below.

On each landing, the same face looked out from the wall. The portrait was made in such a way that no matter where you went, your eyes wouldn’t let you go. BIG BROTHER IS LOOKING AT YOU,” the caption read. In the apartment, a rich voice said something about the production of cast iron and read out numbers. The voice came from an oblong metal plate embedded in the right wall, similar to a cloudy mirror. Winston turned the knob, his voice weakened, but the speech still sounded clear. It was possible to dim this device (it was called a telescreen), but it was impossible to turn it off completely. The telescreen worked for reception and transmission. He caught every word, if it was spoken in a not too quiet whisper; Moreover, as long as Winston remained in the field of view of the cloudy plate, he was not only heard, but also seen. Of course, no one knew whether he was being watched at that moment or not. How often and on what schedule the thought police connect to your cable - one could only guess about that. It is possible that they were watching everyone - and around the clock. In any case, they could connect at any time. You had to live - and you lived, out of habit, which turned into instinct - with the knowledge that your every word was being overheard and your every move, until the lights went out, was being watched.
(George Orwell, "1984")

Perhaps you naively believe that what is written above is just fantasy. Unfortunately, reality is much worse than any fiction.

Who is Big Brother?

First, let's figure out who Big Brother is (aka Big Brother), and why he is looking at you. Big Brother is a fictitious image that the ruling Party uses to hide behind. In other words, the Party secretly controls the people on behalf of the non-existent Big Brother. The image of Big Brother simply conveys the Party's orders to the people.

Every country always has its own Big Brother at a certain time. For example, these are Putin, Obama, Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Sarkozy, Fidel Castro, Hu Jintao, etc. Of course, I do not deny that there is individual by the name of Putin, I only deny that he rules the country.

In reality, the country is ruled by the Party, but not by the clown EdRo, but by a secret unit of the British intelligence services - a group appointed by the secret world government. It is these people who draw up the orders that Putin only reads out.

That is, there is a certain actor Putin who plays the role of Big Brother on TV. But this Putin himself does not rule the country, and he did not have any power, does not have and never will. The same applies to his colleagues from other countries, and smaller Big Brothers, like Medvedev, Onishchenko, Biden, Luzhkov, the Queen of England, etc.

Then why do we need Big Brother? He is needed to serve as a “buffer” for popular anger in his country or region. Suppose Putin ordered something that the people did not like - for example, raising taxes or banning small businesses. And the people rebelled against him. What will happen then? The people believe that Putin is to blame for everything. He may be dismissed, or sent to prison, or even “executed” (play the play “execution of a dictator”)

Thus, the people's anger will be neutralized, and the ruling Party will not suffer at all. But nothing will really change in the government. Instead of the “executed” Putin, another actor will be imprisoned. This is how the secret world government functions in every country in the world. And this has been going on for hundreds of years. There have been no independent countries in the world for a long time - they are all crypto-colonies of Britain, that great harlot.

Over the past 500 years, rulers have been “executed” many times and in many countries. Let us recall, for example, the fictitious “execution” of Saddam Hussein. In order to convince the people that he was “killed,” the special services even organized a “leak” of a video they filmed on mobile phone, where Saddam is supposedly killed (it was just a performance involving a stuntman who looked like Saddam).

They did the same with Nicholas II and his family - they were allegedly “executed” by the communists. In fact, this entire family quietly left for Britain - to join their relatives, where their descendants probably still live. The Bolsheviks killed some residents of a local village, and in order to cover their tracks, their corpses were burned and buried.

In this way, the British-controlled government of Nicholas II handed over power to the British-controlled Bolsheviks. That is, the annoying Big Brother Nicholas II gave up his place to Big Brother Lenin, who then gave up this place to Big Brother Stalin, etc. This continues to this day.

Nevertheless, the people of Russia willingly believed in the “revolution”, in Stalinism, in perestroika, in the “collapse of the USSR” and many other fakes. People have too much karma of lies, which comes back to them as the lies of their own rulers.

Remember how many times in your life short life did you lie? You lie even to your own children and parents, not to mention strangers. When these lies come back to you, your government is lying to you. But due to ignorance resulting from accumulation large quantity karma of lies, you cannot realize that you are being deceived.

Stop lying today and your mind will gradually become clearer. This is what the Commandment “Thou shalt not lie” is for.

Surveillance equipment

The means by which we are monitored are electronics. However, nothing prevents you from using old ways, such as live intelligence agents physically following you, or recruiting your friends and relatives to keep an eye on you.

But in the vast majority of cases, this is simply not necessary - we buy our own electronics, with the help of which we are monitored. More precisely, we are forced to purchase it “voluntarily” - through forced brainwashing by zombie advertising.

All modern electronics are manufactured on the basis of microcircuits. A microcircuit is a set of a huge number of small radio components in one small plastic case. An ordinary person has neither special tools with which to understand how a microcircuit works, nor the education to understand its functions.

A typical modern chip is a processor that is installed in every computer. 4 cores, each containing hundreds of millions of transistors. What all these transistors actually do is unclear. By the way, the intel logo is a stylized image of an eye, and the eye is a symbol of Satan (see $1)

No one, except the creators of this diabolical microcircuit, knows how it works, what undocumented functions it has, including surveillance functions, encryption and transfer of all user information to “authorities” without the consent of the user himself.

Even microcircuit manufacturers (mostly Chinese) do not know what exactly the microcircuits they produce do - they simply receive ready-made “photomasks”, from which they “stamp” millions of microcircuits.

Only the Americans, or rather the Jews, who design all these schemes in secret laboratories around the world know this. But they work for the secret world government, so they will never tell us the truth.

In Apocalypse, digital chips are called the number of the name of the beast, and the “beast” refers to Judeo-Christianity in general and America in particular.

Cell Phones

Surveillance tool No. 1 is, of course, cellular telephone, he is the mark of the beast. It is used for wiretapping, visual surveillance and location control, including all movements of the owner.

Wiretapping is the recording of any conversations both on the phone and near the phone, even when it is “turned off” (in fact, the phone can only be turned off if you remove the battery; the rest of the time the phone works). All conversations are recorded, encrypted and sent to the “authorities”. And there they can be stored as long as necessary - the cost of hard drives is low, and many months of conversations of thousands of users can be stored on one hard drive. And all this is done completely automatically.

Nothing prevents you from recognizing all conversations and saving them in text form, and then searching by keywords, as Yandex searches on the Internet. Intelligence agencies have the opportunity to completely control everything you say. And since each person’s conversations are recorded, you can quickly compare the texts of conversations different people to find out who exactly you were talking to. This way you can calculate all the people with whom you have ever communicated (not just by phone).

Visual surveillance is the photos and videos you take with your phone. But even without you, the phone records everything that the “organs” need. Moreover, it takes pictures not only with the built-in camera - and almost all phones are now equipped with cameras.

The phone's LCD screen can also be captured. An LCD thin film transistor (LCD TFT) is nothing more than a film with a set of transistors to switch each of the thousands of liquid crystal pixels. The screen scanning frequency is about 60 Hz, i.e. the image is redrawn 60 times per second. And in between image generation, the same transistors are used as phototransistors.

In other words, the LCD matrix is ​​also a photomatrix, like in photo and video cameras, only much larger. And it works great, capturing you and everything in front of the phone screen. And the resulting photo and video recordings are encrypted and sent to the “authorities”. There they can be processed - enable recognition of human faces (to search for people), text on surrounding objects visible in the video - for example, some documents, car license plates, street names, etc.

How is our location and all movements controlled? It's very simple: if you know how GPS works, then you know how phone location works. The principle is the same. Cell towers are used instead of satellites, and the phone itself is used as a receiver (however, you can do it the other way around).

By measuring the travel time of the signal and its strength, it is easy to calculate, with an accuracy of up to a meter, where exactly the phone is located (the exact location of each transmitter of cellular operators is known to the “authorities”), and therefore its owner.

All this data is continuously sent to the servers of the “authorities” and stored there for an unlimited time. Even after 10 years, you can quickly find out where you were, for example, on August 10, 1999, what you did there, with whom and what you talked about, and where you went after that (provided you had a cell phone then).

Of course, SMS, MMS, Internet traffic, email via telephone are also stored and analyzed on the servers of the “authorities”. Nothing prevents you from sending your “phone book” there, as well as data transmitted via Wi-Fi, IrDA, BlueTooth, and in general all the information that gets into the phone.

Of course, the bandwidth of GSM networks is small, so the quality of the transmitted image and sound is low. This problem has already been practically solved by 3G, with the help of which it will be much more convenient to spy on you. Recordings of all your conversations, videos, files will be transferred instantly and with high quality.


The next means of spying on you is a computer. Just like a telephone, a computer takes photos and videos of everything that happens in front of the screen around the clock, and also records the sounds of everything that happens around it and all conversations.

How exactly does he do this? Even if a microphone and webcam are missing, their functions can be successfully replaced by a monitor. After all, there is an LCD matrix, which, like in a cell phone, is both a photo and video matrix. And the LCD screen itself also successfully serves as a highly sensitive microphone - screen vibrations caused by sounds around the monitor are recorded as sound.

Strictly speaking, to do all this, just one monitor is enough - a computer is not necessary. After all, the monitor also contains microcircuits with undocumented functions that can successfully encrypt sound, photos, videos, and send them to the “authorities”.

How exactly does he send? This is done via electrical wiring. Several years ago they tested “Internet from a socket” via electrical wires - and quite successfully. But then this idea was forgotten - apparently, the world government did not allow it so as not to interfere with spying on us.

Using the same principle, a high-frequency encrypted signal from the monitor is sent through a switching power supply to the power grid, to specially protected places, for example, a power plant, where there is also a post of “authorities” that receive these recordings on their servers.

Schematic diagram of the simplest single-cycle switching power supply. The circuit operates without galvanic isolation from the network, which allows not only to supply power to computer chips, but also to transmit a high-frequency encrypted signal (“interference”) from the chips back to the power grid, and also to receive control commands for your computer from “authorities” through the same power network.

It is important to understand that this happens even when the monitor and computer are "turned off", but not physically disconnected from the network. Thanks to the ATX standard, a switched off computer is always connected to power, so it can receive, process and transmit information. As a rule, on system board When the computer is turned off, the LED lights up - it shows that the board is connected and working.

Of course, all your files from the hard drive are sent in the same way to the “authorities” via the same power network. And if you naively believe that PGP will save you, then I must disappoint you - PGP and other encryption tools were created by the same world government, and they initially have universal keys to all ciphers.

And any other means of encryption that have not received the approval of the world government are prohibited - their creators were probably killed long ago. In addition, as soon as you decrypt your files, the computer sends them to the power grid, as described above.

As for laptops, they do not work for long without a power supply. You will inevitably have to connect a “charging” - a pulsed power supply - and all your data will immediately be transferred to the “authorities”.

However, nowadays almost all laptops already have transmitters - Wi-Fi, 3G, WiMax, etc. - so different devices can exchange information without their owners noticing and transfer it to devices connected to the power grid, even if these devices are in the next house and belong to people you have never met.


Everything you do on the Internet is recorded on the servers of the “authorities” through which all traffic (information flow) of all providers and all hostings passes. Therefore, anonymity on the Internet is nothing more than a myth.

All encryption tools, like SSL, are also “foolproof,” and the “authorities” have all the keys to all the ciphers. So yours too email can also be read without problems, regardless of whether it is encrypted or not.


Nowadays, many surveillance cameras have been installed in almost all cities. They are on the streets, in shops, offices, etc. Theoretically, only the building security watches the image from the camera, but in fact the cameras transmit the image to the “authority” servers through the same electrical wiring, which the guards themselves are not even aware of.

Of course, each camera has its own number hardwired into the hardware, so figuring out its location is not a problem. The owner of the premises pays for the electricity (who is always exactly known), so it is known in which premises all the cameras and other devices connected to the electrical network are located - this also applies to computers and televisions.

Even if you don't have any electronics, and the people around you don't have any electronics (which is extremely rare), cameras are still watching you everywhere. In addition to the cameras themselves, ATMs, payment terminals, advertising screens and other electronics are installed in many places. They also work great as video cameras, filming everything around with their screens and sending video and sound to the “authorities”.


LCD TVs are similar to computer LCD monitors - they also record and send to “authorities” sound, photos and video of what happens in front of the TV.

I’m not sure about ordinary TVs with picture tubes, but most likely, at least wiretapping works there (recording and sending sound). Plasma TVs, apparently work the same way as LCD TVs.

In Apocalypse, all devices with large screens, including computers, TVs and ATMs, are called the image of the beast.

Who can use the mentioned funds?

Of course, ordinary police officers or police are unlikely to be able to access information received from all these means, with the exception of wiretapping through cell phones - it has been widely used for a long time. The FSB, CIA, Mossad, MI6 may receive significantly more opportunities. And all the possibilities are available only to the secret “bodies” of the world government - we can conditionally call them MI7.

It is clear that MI7 will not target you without a good reason. They only monitor those who are really dangerous to the secret world government. And information received from 99% of people has no value.

But we should not forget about whom the secret world rulers serve. They work for Satan. That is, all this information obtained through espionage will ultimately be used to cause maximum harm to you, to force every person to degrade spiritually and fall into bad worlds.

That is why Armageddon will soon happen in the world, which will destroy all these devilish means, and then the secret world government itself will be destroyed.

The very first step towards Armageddon is the destruction of all “gadgets” with lithium batteries - cell phones, players, laptops, etc. It is not known who will blow them up - either the secret world government itself (at the hands of some fake "Islamic cyber-terrorists"), or its enemies - but these devices must simultaneously explode all over the world.

The scheme is simple: a cell phone or any other device receives a secret command to “explode” through the [electrical] network. The device chip processes this undocumented function, short circuits itself and shuts down. And the battery is due to short circuit begins to heat up quickly and explodes after a few tens of seconds.

Exploded killer phone. The force of the explosion is quite enough to kill the person who was carrying this phone in his pocket.

Therefore, be careful with all these devices - after all, we do not know when this grandiose global fire of 5-10 billion simultaneous explosions will happen. You can not only get severe burns, but also die - burn alive. When the whole city is on fire, neither firefighters, nor rescuers, nor even paramedics will definitely come to you. No one will save you - you will have to save yourself.

Apple laptop after an explosion.

If your “gadget” exploded, remember that similar “gadgets” could explode throughout the house - in all apartments or offices. You need to leave it before it starts strong fire. And help people who cannot leave it on their own - thereby you will at least develop a little altruism in yourself, which will probably save you from death during Armageddon and the Third World War.

Study the predictions to know what will happen to you in the next few years.

As it became known from contacts with the Supreme Intelligence, the Moon is an artificial celestial body created by Extraterrestrial Civilizations more than 100 thousand years ago. Located on the Moon scientific laboratories many VCs of the humanoid type. Some of them employ dozens of earthly scientists...

The Moscow St. Petersburg train departed somewhere around midnight. And as soon as he started moving, I lay down on the top bunk and turned to the wall - my departure was unexpected, and there was simply not enough time to think about something...

Communication with the Higher Mind (representatives of one of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations) opened such a source of information that soon, together with contactees Violetta Malevol and Gennady Amuni, we began to work out dozens of questions from different areas knowledge. But such material required repeated double-checking and the involvement of other contactees in our work, so from time to time I sent the materials to Malevol in St. Petersburg or came myself. True, a few days ago I was not thinking about any trip at all.

It all started when one of my friends came to see me and silently laid out several typed pages on the table...

From unofficial sources

The sun was at its zenith when a military boat with a dozen machine gunners on board and three officers, stalling, poked its nose into the sandy shore of the island of Barsakelmes. The Aral Sea was calm, the sky without a single cloud, so the officers who were the first to jump onto the bare coastal slope were somewhat surprised by the gray wall of fog swirling nearby. Looking at him, the major grinned and said thoughtfully:
You will go you will not return...
What do you mean, Comrade Major? One of the officers looked at him in bewilderment.
Nothing. This is how the name of the island is translated from Kazakh.
Ah, myths and legends, the officers laughed. Do you believe fairy tales, Comrade Major?

He did not answer, and a few minutes later the soldiers and officers, stretched out in a line, approached the strip of fog. And the closer he got, the more acutely the major felt an incomprehensible anxiety. Obviously, the uncertainty of the nature of their expedition had an effect. They had to check the reports of numerous eyewitnesses about strange phenomena observed on the island. Here, UFOs and luminous balls were repeatedly seen, and in some places people experienced causeless horror, they were already imagining all sorts of ghosts... But how these, to put it mildly, facts could be verified with the help of a squad of soldiers, the major had no idea. However, if they do encounter something similar, he will not stand on ceremony; he has been given clear instructions on this matter...

The fog was so thick that a person could barely be distinguished a few meters away. The major ordered the soldiers not to spread out and stay at a distance from each other within sight, not to talk and to carefully observe the area.

The fog ended suddenly, and the officers saw a high fence ahead. The Major could swear that there could be no fence in this area of ​​the island, and no one had ever mentioned anything like that. Still not understanding whether this discovery could threaten anything, he signaled to the others to be extremely attentive and to keep their weapons at the ready. However, no matter how much they listened, they did not catch any suspicious sounds from behind the fence. Jumping, the major hung on the fence and carefully pulled himself up with his hands. He saw trees like palm trees at the foot of a low rocky hill; nearby was a ball about five meters in diameter and shimmering with a matte silver sheen; three people stood nearby; Each of them had a weapon hanging on their belt that resembled a children's laser pistol, but of decent, not toy, size. This was already serious.

Jumping to the ground, the major ordered to move silently along the fence, remove the weapon from the safety and be ready for battle. Why he suddenly decided everything so unambiguously, the major could hardly explain to himself. One thing stuck in my head: there are armed people there, dressed not “in our way,” and then, in accordance with this conclusion, actions brought to automaticity will try to resist, we will open fire. And when the chain of soldiers found themselves in front of a wide opening in the fence, the major waved his pistol, and everyone silently rushed towards the sparkling ball. The people standing nearby just made an attempt to get their strange weapons when they were cut off by machine gun fire.

Having ordered that no one should touch anything, the major searched the corpses and took out from one of his belts a long thick tube with a handle and several multi-colored buttons on it. Moving the muzzle to the side, he pointed it into the sand and pressed one of the buttons, but... nothing happened. There was no laser beam (for some reason the major was expecting exactly that), or even a shot.
“Wow,” whistling in amazement, the officer standing next to him squatted down and touched a dark spot in the sand. But he immediately pulled his hand back as if he had been burned. Now the others noticed a small spot of baked sand that was turning brown right before our eyes. And this in just a few seconds! What temperature is needed for this?
Comrade Major, behind the ball we discovered the entrance to the cave...

The dark opening in the rock was wide enough for several people to pass through at once. The major waved his hand to the officers to check what was inside. This time he himself decided not to rush, subconsciously already guessing that fate had confronted him with something that you would not be able to understand until your death. But the probability of meeting her here is the highest. And he turned out to be right...

They entered a small room lined with long tables, with incomprehensible equipment, in the center of which, obviously, was a control panel. At the tables, bent over the cutlery, sat huge creatures, more than two meters tall, dressed in dark overalls, very similar in appearance to humans. And walking along the tables (some crowded around the central console) were little people in silver overalls, fussy dwarfs a little over a meter tall. The hall was flooded with an even light, pouring from nowhere. And then the silence was broken by machine gun fire. It was clear how the dwarfs were falling in the aisles between the tables, but the bullets did not harm the two-meter creatures at all. They fought back the attackers...

The major prudently entered the cave last. Now he found himself in the most advantageous position during the retreat, which turned into a stampede.

However, the most striking thing in this story is that a new campaign undertaken literally a few days later in this area was unsuccessful. Having combed the length and breadth of the entire island, the military found neither a fence, nor strange trees, nor a UFO ball, nor a cave equipped with ultra-modern electronic equipment.

After reading, I looked at my acquaintance, who was calmly smoking, and asked:
Well, what is the percentage of reliability of all this? Where does this data come from?
“This same major told me,” he grinned. Almost two years
I was chatting, now...

The second incident had nothing in common with the first.
On the July days of 1870, rumors spread in the village of Bykovo, Tver province, that a local road engineer had found a treasure. And many considered these conversations far from groundless. Everyone has long known that the priest of a rural church, located four miles from the village, has a secret map on which it is marked where the treasure is buried. However, naturally, no one had even seen this map, and the young people had heard similar tales from their fathers. So, where is the truth and where is the lie, it was difficult to say. But the fact remained a fact (and all the villagers paid attention to this): the engineer often went to church. More than once we saw him with the priest; they stood alone for a long time with gloomy faces and kept secrets about who knows what.

And suddenly the engineer began to hire men in the village for some work. He selected less than a dozen, ordered them to take the necessary tools and led them to an unknown location...

They had not gone even two miles when, at a ravine overgrown with willows, the engineer stopped and said:
Here you will dig a hole the width of an arshin (Arshin 71.12 centimeters) by three, and in depth I won’t say enough yet. Do you understand everything?

He himself took off his uniform jacket, sat down on a stone and, taking out a cigarette case, lit a cigarette, intensely watching how deftly and quickly the men wielded crowbars and shovels. The ground here was heavy and rocky. Soon they took off their shirts, and their dark, tanned backs became shiny with sweat. And closer to noon, we were completely exhausted. They managed to stumble upon a huge boulder right in the center of the excavation; there was nothing to split it with, and there was no way around it. However, the engineer did not seem at all discouraged by this. Having descended into the hole, he cleared the edge of the stone from the earth; it sparkled as if polished, and ordered that it be completely dug up without damaging it.

A little over an hour later, the engineer stopped the work and sent the men to the village for lunch, leaving only three people with him. He looked for a long time thoughtfully at the “boulder” of a regular oval shape and shimmering with silver, guessing that it was an artificial structure. He never expected to find something like this. Finally, the engineer slowly examined the smooth oval wall, noticing the seemingly contours of a door along a barely visible regular line. The men watched him silently. And he had already examined the inconspicuous door, trying to find a lock or locks to open it. And I found incomprehensible and cunning ones. But as soon as he started fiddling with them, music began to sound very close by. The men's frightened exclamations made the engineer turn around. At the edge of the ravine he saw three human figures in long white robes - two guys and between them a gray-bearded old man.
“Bury everything as it was,” the old man said calmly and sternly, “and get out of here quickly...
At the same moment, all three disappeared, as if they had never existed.

The engineer was helped out of the pit by men; he was trembling nervously and sweat was pouring down his pale face. Crossing themselves and whispering prayers, the peasants threw the damned “boulder.”

Thirty years have passed. On a July evening in 1900, girls were walking past this place from church to their home in the village of Bykovo. Suddenly the first three disappeared one after another on a level open place. Screaming in horror and not realizing anything, the rest of the girls ran into the village and raised everyone to their feet. They searched for the missing for almost two months, but they were never found...

The first thing that came to my mind was that three peasants remained with the engineer when the elder forced them to stop the excavations, and three girls disappeared at the same place thirty years later. Isn't there some connection here? Must be! Moreover, I have read something similar more than once. I rummaged through the folder and found a letter that had been sent to me quite recently.


Firstly, I am not giving my name, and secondly, I ask you to take my word for it, since I cannot provide any evidence of what happened.

This happened at the end of August. By force of circumstances, I found myself in a rather remote place, by the standards of Donbass. I was walking along a country road when a Zhiguli overtook me. Along the road, about three hundred meters away, a Belarus tractor with a towed platform was moving towards us. Suddenly the Zhiguli swerved to the right and... disappeared. I opened my mouth in surprise and surprise. When the tractor arrived, I stopped it and asked the tractor driver if he had seen the car.
“What about it, uncle,” he laughed.
Where is the car?

The guy looked around, his face immediately fell, and he said in confusion:
And it’s true, he turned pale, pulled the levers and shouted: Uncle, let’s get out of here. Stay out of harm's way...

But it was as if an unknown force riveted me to the place. The frightened tractor driver drove away, but I still stood there. And then I saw... Above the very place where the car had disappeared, something inexplicable appeared: either some kind of gap, or a niche had formed in the air. And in it I saw a space filled with orange light. Large structures were piled there in the form of cubes, truncated pyramids, and balls. And the spiral figures moved. They looked like they had two legs, two arms, and heads that looked and didn’t look like huge pine cones. These long and thin creatures occasionally stopped, gesticulated, and a distinct rumble was heard, which usually accompanies a crowd in our country.

I watched this picture, completely stunned. Goosebumps ran down my spine. Having not yet recovered from the surprise that had shackled me and the ever-increasing fear, I suddenly saw that it was floating out of the “orange window”—that is, floating! some kind of creature. Its upper part looked like a slippery, warty, tightly stuffed mattress, and somewhere in front stuck out a head resembling a toad, only several times larger. A Bottom part This creature seemed to consist of a translucent substance, permeated with either veins or wires. The substance rolled like water, and the creature, pulsating in this way, moved. In size it was much larger than a cow or horse.

I was unable to move from my place. The monster “floated” towards me, I could already see on its face something like eyes - dull, with a dull, coldly ferocious expression. The creature, however, “pulsed” past me. And then, turning around after her, I discovered a goat that had come from nowhere to the side. The goat screamed loudly, but did not move. The creature, opening its mouth wide, suddenly doused the goat with a thick light yellow foamy stream. Freezing with fear, feeling nausea creeping up my throat, I saw... The fallen goat began to turn into a gelatinous mass before my eyes. And then the predatory creature, chomping disgustingly, began to devour this “jelly.” No horns, no hooves, no bones or fur - nothing remained. Everything “melted”! Driven by panic, I started to run, but for some reason to this very “window”. And almost immediately I ran into two objects moving towards me. Each of them had two articulated “legs”, with many flexible, hose-like tentacles, and at the top of each, on three “neck” rods, regular shaped balls, smooth and shiny, stuck out. I just had time to think that these were obviously robots, when one of them pushed me aside. No longer paying any attention to me, the robots began to touch the monster’s body with their tentacles. Blue sparks rained down and did not go out for a long time. The creature uttered something similar to a hoarse moo and, pulsating, rushed out the “window.” The robots also disappeared there after her...

I seemed to wake up and see that I was standing alone in the same place where the Zhiguli had disappeared. And there are no “niches”, “windows” or anomalies around. Only where the goat had recently grazed was there a dark wet spot, about a meter in diameter, with steam rising from the bare ground. I rushed as fast as I could towards the track...

This incident occurred in the Lugansk region, I told my readers about it district newspaper"People's Tribune". However, the author of the letter who sent the newspaper reports that such a place really exists. And local residents claim that this could very well happen. It turns out that this is not the first time? What is this “orange space”? And wasn’t this (perhaps colorless) one that swallowed up the girls in 1900 in the Tver province?

I postponed these and some other materials that require careful verification in contact with the Higher Mind for a couple of weeks until the next meeting with Malevol in St. Petersburg. Another small old newspaper article changed my plans overnight. And now, lying on the top bunk of the compartment and listening to the midnight conversations of the passengers, I could not sleep because of the events that took place in the English town of Canterbury on June 18, 1178. Oddly enough, but...

There was a new moon that day, and in the evening a crowd of onlookers admired the bright crescent moon shining on the western side of the sky. And suddenly top part the sickle split. “From a crack,” a local monk, an eyewitness, recorded in the chronicle unusual phenomenon, a bright torch was thrown out, from which flames, hot coals and sparks scattered, the month beat and wriggled like a wounded snake.” Soon, however, the Moon took on its usual appearance.

More than 800 years later, Jack Hartung, a researcher at the NASA Space Center (USA), became acquainted with this anomalous fact, and he was immediately puzzled by it: was it an asteroid? enormous power hit the moon then? And he suggested: if a similar incident occurred at the end of the 12th century, then, according to calculations, the asteroid could only fall on the invisible side of the Moon, and there should be a trace of its fall - a decent-sized crater.

But, obviously, I was more interested in this long-standing and out-of-the-ordinary event than the NASA employee. Firstly, because it concerned the Moon, about which I already knew a lot from the stories of contactees with the Higher Intelligence, and secondly, it was the information I had about the Moon that allowed me to doubt the conclusions of the American scientist - such a large asteroid was simply not could reach the surface of the Moon. Why?
It all started with this question. What do we know about the Moon today? Its radius is 1738 meters, its age is 4.6 billion years. There are various theories about the formation of the Moon. It is believed, for example, that the Moon and Earth are “brothers” that appeared at the same time. But there is also an assumption that the Moon is part of the Earth, its huge fragment... According to the theory of the Japanese professor Nakazawa, the Moon is an “alien” that fell into its orbit as a result of the Earth’s gravity. “The Moon revolving around the Earth used to be a planet in the solar system” this hypothesis was put forward by a group of Japanese scientists led by honorary professor of Kyoto University Chushiro Hayashi. According to their hypothesis, many years ago the Moon could have been “captured” by the Earth when it once approached it. And before that, as scientists say, the Moon revolved around the Sun, and its orbit was probably between the orbits of the Earth and Venus...

Finally, the passengers in the compartment calmed down, turned off the lights, and it was illuminated by a pale moonlight. I turned to the window, hoping to see the disk full moon. IN last days I often looked at it for a long time, as if I was trying to find on its spotted surface evidence that I became aware of it with the help of contactees V. Malevol and G. Amuni.

According to the Supreme Intelligence, man appeared on Earth 14.6 million years ago. This was the first circle of earthly civilizations. And the second began 8.8 million years ago. Therefore, we can assume that the Moon appeared on the earth’s horizon quite recently. Many Extraterrestrial Civilizations took part in its creation, and not only of the humanoid type. The Moon was born within the solar system, not far from Saturn. However, its “installation,” so to speak, transportation, and then installation in orbit was carried out by only one Extraterrestrial Civilization, which had certain technical capabilities. From this moment on, the age of the Moon is calculated - a little more than 100 thousand years, during which outwardly it began to look like a completely natural celestial body, obeying all physical laws.

The Moon was created by the CC as a base for observing the Earth, therefore numerous structures appeared in the lunar depths - scientific laboratories, research centers, residential complexes.

However, with its appearance, the Moon caused global disasters on Earth - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and serious climate changes. It took 5 thousand years for new climatic conditions to be established on Earth. If in the pre-lunar period the Earth rotated around its axis in 18 hours, now the day lasted 24 hours. But this made it possible to further increase average duration human life on our planet. If everything really happened like that, then the man of the pre-lunar period was very different from us - admirers of the Moon, without which life seems simply impossible to us. But this is actually true. In addition, the Moon affects not only wildlife, but also on mineral composition of our planet. So the story of the creation of the Moon, its significance for the Earth and humanity, has yet to be written. And most likely, under the dictation of the Supreme Mind.

It was possible to partially find out what Extraterrestrial Civilizations are doing in their lunar laboratories through contactee Malevol quite by accident. She and I worked through questions about the exit of a person in the subtle body. The fact that our physical body has several, so to speak, energy doubles has been known for a long time, and today scientists are trying to confirm this experimentally. The exit of the subtle (or astral) body from the physical, that is, the separation of the energy double, often spontaneously occurs in people in a dream. However, some are able to go out in the subtle body (travel) and consciously, in a waking state, so to speak. This is what Malevol and I talked about. She also spoke about her own flight in her subtle body to the Moon. Of course, this was not her first such “journey,” but in the morning she woke up with the thought that she had slept, as always, without dreams. And recently, for the first time, VC contactees “allowed” Malevol to remember where she was, what she saw. And most of all she was struck by the flight itself in the subtle body, the unnaturalness and unusualness of the state that she experienced. That's why most her story was focused on describing the sensations during the flight. But, obviously, to someone who has never experienced anything like this, Malevol’s delight would seem alien and difficult to understand.

Once on the Moon, Malevol, together with his guide, the VC contactee, ends up in one of the rooms inside the Moon, which is a huge hall six floors high. And the first thing that caught her eye was the earthly trees and tall palm trees that surrounded the perimeter of the hall. The most amazing thing is that the palm trees grew straight from the ground, and Malevol was simply amazed.

The hall was covered with a red carpet with a golden sun with rays woven in the center. There were seven oval-shaped tables, the tops of which were made of a material that looked like thick black plexiglass. There are seven chairs around each table. Looking sideways at her guide, Malevol thought that all this reminded her of a restaurant hall. And then HE mentally answered her: “This is the hall forward.” Malevol felt funny: “Why are there chairs? If a representative of some civilization turns out to be a jellyfish, what should he do in the chair?” “No,” HE answers her telepathically, The moon is colonized only by humanoid civilizations...”

Then a door opened on the side, and they entered another room, but it was also very large: stairs went up, metal structures rose, hoses and cables intertwined all of this - it was quite difficult to figure it all out. Moreover, the clutter around tables, cutlery, and drawers put pressure on the psyche... True, HE immediately explained that this was a laboratory, but Malevol did not go into details. She drew attention to a glass jar standing to the side, half a meter high and the same in diameter, in which there were two translucent creatures, shaped like ancient clubs. Obviously, they were alive, because they swayed slightly from side to side. Whether they were floating in the liquid or not, Malevol didn’t understand. However, as a biologist, she really wanted to know what it was. It turned out that these creatures are a cross between animals and plants, and they are needed in the event that IM, that is, the CC, as Malevol understood, fails to prevent a catastrophe disastrous for humanity on Earth. Then, for the surviving people, such creatures will become both food and liquid to quench their thirst at the same time...

What specific catastrophe was meant, Malevol did not specify. After a few steps, she again saw the same jar, where two teenage hedgehogs were sitting. A little further away stood an aquarium the size of a coffee table, containing a platypus. Malevol’s first thought was that THEY wanted to preserve the gene pool of endangered animals on Earth, and the platypus was one of them. But they explained to her that for THEM this is genetic material - the cells are used for experiments. Behind the aquarium with the platypus, Malevol saw a cage with echidnas. And that’s when it dawned on her. She suddenly understood why THEY needed these earthly animals...

But a second later Malevol had already forgotten about her guess. A young man in a white robe was approaching them, with some kind of instrument in his hands. Stopping, he looked straight at Malevol, but did not see her, but looked as if through her. “We are invisible to him in the subtle body,” HE explained, and for some reason Malevol sighed with relief. Looking around, she noticed another man, also in a white robe, but already elderly, with noticeable gray hair. He struggled up the stairs. It seemed strange to Malevol that he was dressed in a suit from the fifties. She immediately asked who these people were, what they were doing here, and was surprised to find obvious confusion on HIS face. After a minute's silence, HE briefly explained that these were earthly scientists, different time taken to the Moon with their consent for research work. And on Earth they are considered missing...

This is where Malevol’s “dream” ended. However, quite recently she told about him to a serious, respectable man whom she trusted, someone who youth has the ability to consciously exit in the subtle body. After listening to Malevol, he grinned and said that there was not a drop of fiction in her story. One day he also found himself in a subtle body on the surface of the Moon. And suddenly I saw a man in a spacesuit, bending over some kind of instrument. Then the crazy idea came to him to come up and ask him what time it was. But as soon as this thought flashed, the man in the spacesuit turned around sharply... Yes, he has known for a long time that there are people on the Moon.

All these contactee stories gave me a lot of questions. But most of all I was interested in one thing: what could be learned about the earthly scientists who worked and, perhaps, are still working on the Moon? But this is exactly what the Supreme Mind did not want to give information about at that time. A month later, I asked the same question to Moscow contactee Gennady Amuni, with little hope that such information would be revealed to him. His answer stunned me: The Higher Mind can tell about earthly scientists on the Moon, but only about those who have already died.
A few hours later, the scattered information of the Supreme Intelligence began to form a certain picture.

So, the first scientist we managed to find out about was Z. Kloser (mother Jewish, father German). The Kloser family moved from Germany to Russia, to St. Petersburg, in 1862, when Kloser was about seven years old. These were educated people who gave their son a proper upbringing. He graduated from university, became a physicist, got married and moved to Voronezh. Here Kloser went to work in one of the scientific physical laboratories, where all sorts of experiments were carried out. At that time, there were very few such laboratories, and representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations should not a lot of work conduct constant monitoring of the activities of their employees. In 1910, Kloser came into their sight. But it is far from accidental. Secretly from his colleagues, he conducts a serious research work, makes scientific discoveries without telling anyone about anything. Yes, this is understandable. There is unrest, confusion, revolution all around, the laboratory is soon liquidated, and Kloser is left without a livelihood. His wife dies, they had no children, and he leaves for the village. There he finds him Civil War, which brought with it hunger, death, robbery and violence. The year was 1924. The despair of 70-year-old Kloser reaches its limit. And then one evening, unexpectedly, stranger, shares a piece of bread without demanding anything in return. At that moment, Kloser had trouble understanding what the stranger was telling him about his scientific works, and in general where could I find out about them. And he suddenly began to invite Kloser to continue his scientific research... on the Moon. No, obviously Kloser simply misheard, the stranger did not at all sound like a madman...

A few days later this strange person appeared again with a whole loaf of bread, which he generously shared with the hungry old man.
Well, have you thought about my proposal? he asked, looking attentively and sympathetically at Closer.
An offer? The old man, who was full of food, was sincerely surprised, and immediately, obviously remembering, chuckled slyly. Yes, of course, of course, with all my pleasure. So, to the Moon, sir, did I understand you correctly?
You don't believe me? The stranger smiled softly. Yes, this is not necessary...
What are you, what are you, for some reason Kloser was worried, probably afraid of offending kind person, I have nothing to lose, I’m alone, I think I’ve lived my life... So I’m at your service...
Well, great, the man became serious and stood up. Take with you only manuscripts, necessary books...

The night was moonlit and wary. They walked through the vegetable gardens to the river, beyond which the forest began. Crossing the shaky wooden bridge, Kloser involuntarily raised his head and looked at the shining sickle. “What if he was telling the truth about the Moon?” Kloser suddenly thought, and an incomprehensible fear seized him. Although I could hardly explain why I was suddenly afraid.
Here we come...

Ahead, behind sparse trees in a small clearing, Kloser saw a silver hemisphere, from which a soft glow emanated, and two people in the same silver overalls, hurrying towards them. As they approached, they smiled at Kloser as if they were an old good friend. He shook their hands, and the fear instantly disappeared...

Kloser died on the Moon at the age of about a hundred in 1954.

This story led me to a rather gloomy thought: is it really that truly talented people on Earth no longer have the opportunity to give their strength and knowledge for the benefit of humanity? It’s unlikely that anyone would miss a lonely old man in a Voronezh village in 1924, when thousands of young people were dying and disappearing all around. But for representatives of the EC, obviously, this is very important - after all, in this case, nothing holds an elderly person on Earth and it is easier for him to come to terms with being on another planet.

When I asked Amuni to contact the Supreme Intelligence and find out if I was right in my guess, he was answered: yes and no! This meant that in reality everything here was much more complicated. Maybe that’s why they told us about the fate of another scientist, a nuclear physicist who worked as an engineer at a military plant in Ufa. Tragic events occurred in his life, and in 1946, at the age of 36, he was forced to agree to continue scientific activity on the moon. But the main thing is that he has a son who is now working research fellow in one of the research institutes near Smolensk. He grew up in an orphanage and hardly knows the truth about his father...

This physicist died on the Moon in 1980. He was engaged in improving the energy protection of the Moon. Although it had a protective field since its creation, it was constantly being improved. It may seem strange, but it was an earthly scientist, a physicist from Ufa, who made a significant scientific and practical contribution to this matter.

That is why, based on these hypothetical data for now, I could not agree with American scientists, or rather, with their unambiguous interpretation of the phenomenon described in the chronicle that happened on June 18, 1178. After all, the energy protection of the Moon was aimed precisely against large celestial bodies, capable of causing irreparable damage to those who worked on it. But then what happened on the Moon on June 18, 1178?

Among the many questions that I had to find out and double-check with Malevol was this one. However, I was no less interested in others. For example, who were those strangers who, in the most difficult moments of life for Kloser and the nuclear physicist from Ufa, suddenly appeared, offered to “emigrate” to the Moon and disappeared?

Not long ago I came across the Spanish magazine “Mas alia”, which several years ago published an article by ufologist S. Franxedo “They are here! From here they are watching us! These words belong to the American astronaut N. Armstrong, the first earthling to set foot on the surface of the Moon on July 21, 1969. According to S. Franxedo, “while ufologists were arguing about whether the UFO photographs they received from different parts of the world were genuine or falsified, whether people who came into contact with aliens were telling the truth or not, the aliens had already lived among us for a long time and managed to “convince” the governments of the most developed states in the need for cooperation." This was a quote from the author from the Matrix Report delivered to the US Congress. As S. Franxedo clearly points out, an agreement with aliens was reached by the governments of the USA and the USSR back in the late 60s and early 70s.

What if this information is confirmed?

In the early 90s I served in military service Soviet army, in the then Ukrainian SSR in Crimea in the division air defense. By the way, now, having looked at a satellite image of the area on the Internet, I have come to the conclusion that the anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) that I serviced have been dismantled - in their place there is now an open field.

The responsibilities of my unit were to provide the air defense system with autonomous power supply from diesel generators, and on combat duty I was aware of what was happening in the “control cabin”, where the battery commander was located. I can’t say that the “opponents” really strained us. There were, of course, critical situations when some aircraft was heading towards the air border, but usually the aviators managed without our participation.

The biggest concern was the “transparent UFOs” - they were clearly visible on the locator screen, but could not be seen using the optical guidance system. Guidance officers believed that these were “electromagnetic fluctuations” - something like ball lightning. Such “UFOs” did not appear very often - about once a week, but we had to react to them - lead the “target”, switch to combat mode, activate the launchers. And then they suddenly disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

This situation continued until August 1991, and somewhere around the 17th the number of “UFOs” increased sharply - they began to appear every day, and when the putsch began in Moscow and Gorbachev was blocked in Foros, an invasion of these objects occurred - flew in whole “squadrons”. And the most interesting thing is that they were observed just above Foros, as if they had some kind of interest in the fate of the President of the USSR.

Later, an acquaintance of mine, who also served in the air defense near Moscow, told me that they had a similar situation - invisible clots of plasma were flying over the capital, which literally “exposed” the radars. But in the general chaos that reigned in the city at that time, no one paid attention to this.

When the CCHR lost the confrontation, and Gorbachev was released and returned to Moscow, the “UFOs” over Crimea disappeared - the situation in the sky returned to its previous course. We were finally able to breathe easy, and the service became less stressful.

After demobilization, I thought a lot about what kind of “UFO” this was. After graduating from university and becoming an engineer, I puzzled over this riddle a lot. Of course, ball lightning can leave a mark on the radar screen, and there are no physical contradictions here. But why are these “ ball lightning" became so active during a period of social upheaval? I cannot answer this question. Either they themselves are intelligent, and they are attracted to something new and interesting, or they are disguised reconnaissance probes of space aliens studying our life. I think one of earth scientists already knows the answer, but does not consider it necessary to publish it yet. With my story, I made a modest contribution to the study of UFOs, and I hope this will help someone.

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