Home Fertilizers When is Air Defense Day celebrated? Air Defense Forces Day

When is Air Defense Day celebrated? Air Defense Forces Day

To protect the state's airspace and other combat missions, the country has a powerful air defense. Military air defense is a special profession that deserves respect and recognition.


The creation of air defense was prompted by the emergence of aviation in other countries, which posed a threat to Russia. In 1914 in St. Petersburg, the Russian instructor F.F. Lander. The first gun designed to shoot down airplanes was created. However, for the First World War, air defense was almost unprepared; everything was developed and done as the battles progressed. From that time on, special forces began to be formed and armed with guns and artillery. Artillery field guns could shoot down airships and airplanes. For a clearer hit, sights are being developed.

This is interesting:

  1. The creation of a special aviation detachment, which included 200 aircraft, is considered to be the origin of air defense forces in Russia. This formation was intended for the defense of Petrograd in 1914-1917.
  2. During the existence of the Soviet Union, air defense forces actively developed and strengthened. To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War There were 13 districts of air defense forces in the country. Military operations showed that the air defense forces needed fighters, which were in the department of the Air Force. During the war, the military began to receive more and more fighter and interceptor aircraft.
  3. In the post-war period there was active development troops. New equipment was developed, training centers were created to train highly qualified specialists. All this work on this moment has positive results.

Russian technology is a huge competitor to foreign analogues. Exhibitions of military equipment are held annually so that everyone understands that Russia will be able to defend its open spaces at any moment.


On the holiday, senior management gathers military personnel for ceremonial congratulations, presentation of diplomas and awards. The dates of orders for promotions are dated to this day, in work books make notes on the presentation of commendations and medals.

Cadets, officers and veterans gather at the festive tables. Everyone exchanges congratulations, shows their photos and takes pictures together for a long memory.

TASS DOSSIER. Every year on the second Sunday of April (in 2018 - April 8), the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) celebrates the memorable Day of the Air Defense Forces (ADF). Established by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated May 31, 2006. On Air Defense Forces Day, formations and military units of the Aerospace Forces hold ceremonial formations of personnel, rallies with the participation of veterans, and concert performances.

From the history of the holiday

Initially, Air Defense Forces Day was established by decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated February 20, 1975 and celebrated on April 11. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of October 1, 1980, it was moved to the second Sunday in April.

Air defense troops

Organizationally, the air defense and missile defense troops (air defense-missile defense, should not be confused with the air defense troops of the Ground Forces, the so-called military air defense) are part of the Aerospace Forces. Their tasks include repelling aggression in the aerospace sphere, protecting the highest levels of state and military command, groupings of troops and forces, the most important objects of the country's economy and infrastructure, industrial areas, administrative and political centers, etc. Air defense and missile defense troops must track and hit the leading parts ballistic missiles probable enemy attacking important objects on the territory of the Russian Federation.

As of 2018, a significant part (more than 65%) of the armament of the air defense and missile defense troops are modern models, including the S-400 "Triumph" and S-300 "Favorite" anti-aircraft missile systems (ZRS), anti-aircraft missile and gun systems (ZRPK) ) "Pantsir-S", radar stations of the new fleet "Sky-M" and "Podlet-K1". According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense, by January 1, 2021, the share of modern weapons of air defense and missile defense troops should reach 70%.

Currently, the newest S-500 air defense system is being created. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported that deliveries of this system to the troops will begin in 2020. Training of specialists to work on it has been carried out since 2017 on the basis of the Military Academy of the East Kazakhstan region in Tver.

Information for anti-aircraft missilemen and air defense aviation is issued by the radio technical troops (RTV) of the VKS. They are equipped with radar systems and stations in combat and standby modes with a detection range of airborne objects of up to 600 km and an upper limit height of more than 100 km. These include radar complexes and stations "Sky-M", "Podlet-K1", "VVO" ("All-Altitude Detector"), "Adversary", "Casta", "Gamma" and others modern means radar control of airspace.

The tasks of air defense and missile defense of Moscow and the Central Industrial Region of the country (the territory of more than 25 regions and three republics of the Russian Federation, the length of the boundaries of responsibility is about 4 thousand 500 km) in the Aerospace Forces are solved by the 1st Air Defense and Special Purpose Missile Defense Army. Every day, about 2 thousand military personnel and civilian specialists take up combat duty in this association. They conduct regular checks using control targets and training to detect and intercept simulated air targets across the entire range of altitudes and speeds. Real ones are simulated combat conditions with the use by a mock enemy of various means of aerospace attack. According to the Ministry of Defense, every day the forces on duty carry out radar detection and tracking of more than 4 thousand aircraft. aircraft, of which at least 10% are subject to continuous radar monitoring with the provision of information to the Videoconferencing Control Center. During 2017, RTV duty forces detected and provided escort for about 570 thousand aircraft.

Air defense aviation is being re-equipped with Su-35S and Su-30SM fighters, MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors and A-50U radar patrol and guidance aircraft are being modernized.

Educational establishments

Training of specialists for military air defense units is carried out Military Academy East Kazakhstan region named after Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov in Tver, the Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense, as well as the Center for Training Specialists of Radio Engineering Troops in Vladimir and The educational center anti-aircraft missile forces in Gatchina ( Leningrad region). Officers serving in the departments of associations and formations are involved in the training. In addition, there is a practice of interaction with training centers of industrial enterprises. Thus, in 2016, the training center of the Tula JSC Instrument Design Bureau, the training centers of JSC FSPC Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering and JSC NPO Lianozovsky electromechanical plant"(Moscow) trained more than 200 military personnel of the anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering forces.

Troops Command

Since 2015, the air and missile defense forces have been commanded by the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Viktor Gumenny.

Days of Air Defense Aviation and Military Air Defense

Every year, the Aerospace Forces celebrate Air Defense Aviation Day on January 22, and Military Air Defense Day on December 26.

Air Defense Forces Day is celebrated annually in mid-April. The second Sunday of this month marked a spirit of celebration for air defense personnel. This day is imbued with solemnity and importance. Every military man and many civilians celebrate this holiday with their family, go to museums, attend concerts and performances on relevant topics. On this day, everything is done for the air defense troops, which emphasizes their importance in our lives, which many people forget.

Anti-aircraft troops are troops that are needed to protect against enemy attack by air. Now they are protecting political centers, important facilities, industrial areas. This is closely related to naval, land and border defense. The goals and objectives that the command sets for them are generally very close.

Components of air defense

Air Defense Day is celebrated by a significant group of fighters, communications and radio troops, missile and anti-aircraft units, and military training units.

Guys from the air defense forces carry out radar tracking on planes every day, guarding the airspace on the border of our country to eliminate the possibility of a sudden enemy appearing. Very often, anti-aircraft troops are called “guardians of the sky.”

When was Air Defense Day celebrated for the first time?

For the first time, it was decided to introduce an air defense day back in the USSR. The government issued a decree in February that Air Defense Forces Day would be celebrated in mid-spring. Interestingly, the USSR collapsed long ago, but the holiday is still celebrated in mid-April.

On this holiday, it would be optimal to purchase a gift with a corresponding theme. Anti-aircraft paraphernalia, souvenirs or any other military items can be purchased at any military store, both in ordinary stores and on online resources.

History of air defense

The first anti-aircraft troops were formed back in the days Russian Empire. They advantageously showed their necessity in the First World War. Then they served to fight attacking airplanes, but now the range of their work is much wider.

It is interesting that in those days there were almost no anti-aircraft weapons, the exceptions being light cannons and machine guns, which was clearly not enough.

Thanks to the efficiency and effectiveness of the air defense troops in battle and defense of the country, it was possible to resolve many issues. However, in those days these were not yet formed battalions. They were formalized in Soviet Russia.

The anti-aircraft forces had to show their maximum strength and effectiveness quite quickly - during the Great Patriotic War. They zealously defended Moscow and ensured its protection from the Luftwaffe, which significantly outnumbered them in armament and numbers. Of course, the troops did not work alone, but with a whole group of other units and branches of the military. However, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to forget about their contribution to the victory.

Many years later, the USSR Presidium decided to encourage military air defense. In 1975, he appointed them official holiday- Day of the USSR Anti-Aircraft Forces. This date became significant for every military man, because their work was not only noticed, but also celebrated.

Then the holiday was set for April 11. Five years later, the question of what date Air Defense Day is celebrated has become relevant. This was due to the fact that amendments were made to the decree and ordered to celebrate the celebration on the second Sunday of April. It is on this day that the military is honored even now.

Education Day

Air Defense Day is not only a professional holiday for this type of troops, which is celebrated by the military in the spring, it is also the anniversary of the formation of this type of military.

Air defense troops first appeared in 1958. The initiator became the Head and appointed Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Kazakov.

In 2007, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issued a decree that December 26 should be considered the date of formation of the air defense forces. This date was not chosen by chance. It was on December 13, or 26 according to the new style, that the formation of military air defense began. The initiator was the Commander-in-Chief. It was then that the creation of separate light battalions began, which specialized in the defense of the air fleet.

Air defense now

Anti-aircraft forces have gone through many years of history. They, as they say, have been through both fire and water, experienced many changes, ups and downs. Despite everything, Air Defense Day still remains a relevant and popular holiday.

The only thing that has changed is Air Defense Day, when it is celebrated in Russia. Since 2006, a decree has been issued that the holiday is scheduled for the second Sunday in April.

How the holiday is celebrated

The celebration takes place in a cheerful atmosphere, honoring military personnel who give their duty to their homeland. Most often, the Day of the Air Defense Forces is accompanied by the presentation of certificates and diplomas, which are used to celebrate

When air defense day in Russia comes, the population usually walks around the clock. Military units organize parades and ceremonial processions that emphasize the importance of this holiday. Many fighters go to their hometowns to meet with loved ones. However, even in this festive atmosphere - the day of military air defense, soldiers stand guard. Many of them are on watch, protecting the border and airspace.

Many people still ask questions about Air Defense Day and what date the holiday is celebrated. In fact exact date No. It changes from year to year. The second Sunday in April may fall on different dates, but the solemnity of such a holiday will not change.

Holiday for veterans

On this day, veterans of the air defense forces are entitled Special attention. Concerts and performances are organized in their honor, often performed by military ensembles and dance groups. Museums and other cultural institutions host exhibitions where you can clearly see the importance of air defense troops and get acquainted with the heroes of their time.

Honoring the dead is also important on such a day. Each of them did a great job. Some died during the Great Patriotic War, and some died during a mission in our age. On such a day, military and civilians bring flowers to the monuments and graves of the dead, thereby perpetuating the memory of them.


Air Defense Day is a special holiday. It must be marked by mass and scale. Perhaps many should make sure that young people learn about the heroes of our time and follow in their footsteps.

The government needs to encourage the troops with certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas and prizes, emphasizing their necessity for the country. In schools and universities, it is worth at least occasionally talking about these troops, showing memorable videos, so that every schoolchild and student knows those who protect our peace.

Air Defense Day, when celebrated, helps to understand the importance of the army and military units in the life of every citizen of the country. Air defense troops serve on the borders and in the airspace, giving their lives, strength and time for the peace of civilians.

Air defense troops are the main means of destroying air targets and aircraft of a potential enemy. And like any other branch of the military, they also have their own professional holiday. Do you know what date Air Defense Day is celebrated in our country? Or perhaps one of your friends or relatives is serving in these troops? In this case, you definitely need to know when exactly you should congratulate him.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment professional holidays And memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. But for the first time this professional holiday of the defenders of the skies of our homeland began to be celebrated in the Soviet Union, when in 1975 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a corresponding Decree. Air Defense Day was initially celebrated on April 11, and a little later, in 1980, its annual celebration was moved to the second Sunday of this spring month.

In all air defense units and units, on this day especially distinguished soldiers are awarded, they are given awards, certificates and valuable gifts. Some conscripts and contract soldiers receive leave - they can go home and see their relatives. And, of course, this day is not complete without ceremonial formations and processions. And lunch on this day is especially festive.

But even on their professional holiday, air defense soldiers continue to carry out combat duty. The sky of the country, like its border, is under reliable protection even on a holiday.

Air Defense Day 2019

It is no coincidence that the air defense troops are called ears modern system defense of our country. They carefully monitor that military aircraft of a potential enemy do not appear in the skies of our homeland, and if such an object is detected, they are obliged to determine its location and destroy it. In addition, when conducting combat operations, air defense troops must cover ground forces and installations from air attack,

Modern Russian troops Air defense consists of command bodies, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (missile and artillery) and radio units, military units and subunits. They are capable of destroying potential targets at altitudes of the widest range: from extremely low altitudes - less than 200 m, to high altitudes - from 4000 to 12000 m and more, right up to the stratosphere. In service ground forces Russian air defense consists of anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft gun-missiles and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, differing in range and guidance methods. Complexes that hit targets at a distance of up to 10 km are considered short-range systems, but there are also complexes that are capable of destroying a potential enemy at a distance of more than 100 km.

The basis of the military air defense weapon system is made up of anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes (air defense systems and air defense systems):

  • "S-300V3"
  • "Buk-M2"
  • "Tor-M1"
  • "Osa-AKM"
  • "Tunguska-M1"
  • MANPADS "Igla"

But modern air defense forces include not only anti-aircraft and missile forces. This also includes radio technical troops equipped with the most modern weapons, communications troops, aviation - fighters flying out to intercept enemy aircraft and, of course, training units. After all, in order to master all this modern technology requires spending a lot of time in the classroom.

Highly professional officer cadres for air defense troops are trained in such educational institutions, as the Military Academy of the East Kazakhstan region named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, located in Tver, its branch located in Yaroslavl, and branches of the Higher Military Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky: Vladimir Center for the Training of Radio Engineering Troops and the Training Center for Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces, located in Gatchina near St. Petersburg.

Air defense troops are on combat duty around the clock - just like border guards. Every month, air defense aviation makes more than 13 thousand sorties, and all of them are accompanied by the cover of a radar system.

Original 04/09/2017, 07:00

In 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” According to this Decree, Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. This year it is April 9th.

This is some modification of the date, which was established as a holiday in 1975. Then, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR holiday date was elected on April 11. And just five years later, the very modification in question was introduced - the holiday of the USSR Air Defense Forces began to be celebrated on the second Sunday of the second spring month.

Air defense troops were created to prevent enemy air strikes, and were called upon to protect particularly important facilities, political centers, and industrial areas from air attack. Air defense troops ground forces cover the territory of military installations with military equipment and personnel deployed there.

The country's air defense forces consist of several segments, including anti-aircraft missile units.

The appearance of air defense troops is directly related to the beginning of its use in military affairs. aircraft. As soon as aircraft began to be used for reconnaissance and attack of targets from the air, the need to effectively counter them immediately arose. And the first truly massive combat use of air defense systems took place during the First World War.

The air defense forces developed and improved their “functionality” during the Great Patriotic War. At its beginning, there were 13 air defense districts on the territory of the USSR, but the troops at that time did not have their own aircraft. Soon fighters began to enter air defense service: I-15, I-16, I-153, which made it possible to more effectively protect the cities of the Soviet Union from enemy air attacks. Then the air defense forces received interceptor fighters: MiG-3, Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-9, as well as foreign-made fighters.

During the war, anti-aircraft artillery continued to develop. By the beginning of 1945, on all fronts there were already 61 anti-aircraft artillery divisions of the RVGK (Reserve Supreme High Command), 192 small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery regiments, 97 separate divisions of the RVGK.

The Great Patriotic War became a real test and a true baptism of fire for the Soviet air defense forces. The units showed their high fighting qualities when defending Moscow and Leningrad from enemy air strikes. In repelling massive enemy air raids on Soviet cities Dozens of formations and units participated.

Part of the forces of the air defense forces was involved in solving problems in the interests of the advancing fronts. They, together with the Air Force, carried out an air blockade of enemy groups (Stalingrad, Demyansk, Breslau), and participated in breaking through enemy defenses (near Leningrad, on the Kola Peninsula, in the Berlin direction).

The results of the actions of air defense troops are difficult to overestimate. Throughout the war Soviet troops air defense systems were used not only to attack air targets, but also during ground confrontation.

The statistics speak for themselves: during the battles, more than 7.5 thousand enemy aircraft, more than 1 thousand tanks, and 1.5 thousand guns were destroyed.

For military exploits during the war, 80 thousand soldiers from the air defense forces were awarded orders and medals, of which 92 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In Stalingrad (Volgograd), the feat of military personnel representing the air defense forces is immortalized, including in the form of the name of Zenitchikov Street.

The number of air defense troops during the war years increased almost 2 times, which at the same time confirms their effectiveness and says a lot about their contribution to the Great Victory.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War confirmed that air defense has become one of the main components of maintaining combined arms combat. Currently, the country's air defense forces are capable of hitting all modern air attack weapons in any weather conditions and time of day.

Thanks to the talent of domestic designers, they acquired such properties as high maneuverability, the ability to intercept and destroy air attack weapons at large distances from defended objects. Today, the defense industrial enterprises of our country are developing and producing effective military equipment, weapons and ammunition for such weapons - anti-missile and air defense systems.

Now these are the S-400 “Triumph”, “Pantsir-S1” anti-aircraft missile systems, which have become widely known in the world, and not only.

Until the end of the current State Rearmament Program - 2020 - it plans to receive the latest S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile systems. The characteristics of this complex will make it possible to combat hypersonic aerodynamic and ballistic targets, and it is not surprising that interest in them is already high, and not only in Russia itself.

Additional air defense systems, according to recent reports from the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Konashenkov, will also be supplied for the needs Syrian army, which not only fights manifestations of international terrorism, but also becomes a target for direct military aggression from the United States. We are talking primarily about a missile attack on the Syrian Air Force air base in Homs province. About what kind of air defense and missile defense systems will be supplied to Syria Russian Federation, not reported.

Returning to the date, it is worth noting that despite the holiday of the air defense troops of the ground forces, military personnel are still on combat watch.

"Military Review" congratulates all air defense troops and service veterans on their professional holiday!

Photos used: http://function.mil.ru

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