Home Beneficial properties of fruits Mexican death doll. Beware the cult of death worship. Santa Muerte - rituals

Mexican death doll. Beware the cult of death worship. Santa Muerte - rituals

The immortal gods living on bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in heaven. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sadness. They also did not know frail old age; Their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Painless me happy life theirs was an eternal feast. Death, which came after their long life, was like a calm, quiet sleep. During their lifetime they had everything in abundance. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to waste labor on cultivating fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they grazed calmly on rich pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and none of the people of this generation remained. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in fog, they rush across the earth, defending truth and punishing evil. This is how Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. People were not equal either in strength or in mind silver age people of gold. For a hundred years they grew up foolish in the houses of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life was short mature age, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortunes and grief in life. The people of the Silver Age were rebellious. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn sacrifices for them on the altars; the Great Son of Cronos Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground dark kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; people also pay homage to them.

Father Zeus created the third generation and the third age - the Copper Age. It doesn't look like silver. From the shaft of the spear Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the Copper Age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth that gardens and arable land provide. Zeus gave them enormous growth and indestructible strength. Their hearts were indomitable and courageous and their hands irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were made of copper, and they worked with copper tools. They didn’t know dark iron back in those days. with their own with my own hands The people of the Copper Age destroyed each other. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. No matter how strong they were, yet the black death kidnapped them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created the fourth age on the earth that feeds everyone and new kind human, more noble, more just, equal to the gods, a race of demigod heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-gate Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Helen, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When death snatched them all away, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. Demigod heroes live on the islands of the blessed rough waters Ocean with a happy, carefree life. There fertile land three times a year it gives them fruits, sweet as honey.

The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, sorrow and exhausting work destroy people. The gods send people difficult worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, they do not value truth and goodness. They are destroying each other's cities. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. The goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to high Olympus to the immortal gods, but people were left with only grave troubles, and they had no protection from evil.

I will simply write questions to which I myself cannot yet obtain reasonable answers. Maybe you can answer them? Let's try?

Have you ever accompanied last way person? Did any of your loved ones or acquaintances die?

Perhaps this is the simplest of today’s questions and it doesn’t matter what answer you give now, because next questions there will be... ahem...

Can you imagine that someone from your circle at the deceased loved one cut off a hand, finger, part of a leg, head, etc. “as a souvenir”? I cut it off, froze/dried/mummified it, basically processed it so it wouldn’t rot, put it on a shelf and admired it, and also showed it to others, saying, “here, this is the right finger of my beloved grandfather’s left hand, and this is my sister’s left hand, and this is the head ..." and like that...

What do you think those around you will say if suddenly you decide not to bury your loved one, but to dismember him and keep his severed body parts for yourself? Will they praise you, scold you, put you behind bars or send you to a mental hospital?

And you yourself would like that in the event of your death your body cut into pieces, mummified and stored?

Are you still reading these lines? Tell me, what kind of nonsense and savagery is this? How can you even imagine this?.. Are you shocked?..

Why aren’t you shocked that crowds of people come to the preserved body parts of one of those who were called “saints” for certain “merits”? Why aren’t you shocked that dismembered parts are transported all over the world and sometimes kilometer-long queues line up just to see or touch a finger/head/arm/leg, etc. in the hope of... for healing or something else?!. Aren't you shocked by this?..

Below is publicly available information that you can find on the Internet if you wish:

Back in the 19th century, it was estimated that different churches and the monasteries of Europe are kept as sacred relics:

- 3 intact mummified prophet Elijah;

- 18 skulls and 12 hands of the Apostle Philip;
- 9 skulls of the Apostle Luke;
- 2 heads, 17 arms and legs and 5 torsos of St. Andrew the First-Called;
- 20 fragments of the body and 26 heads of St. Julian;
- 5 torsos, 6 heads, 17 arms and legs of St. Andrew;
- 13 hands of Saint Sebastian;
- 15 hands of John Chrysostom;
- 8 heads, 6 legs and arms and 2 torsos of St. Anne;
- 30 torsos of St. Gregory;
- 30 torsos of St. Pancras;
- 11 index fingers, 7 jaws, 9 arms and 7 heads of John the Baptist (and in honor of the discovery of each head of the Baptist, special holidays were established in the Orthodox and Catholic churches!)

Do I need to comment or are the conclusions quite obvious? Of course, I personally cannot confirm with 100% certainty that every number from the list above is correct, but the fact itself is, firstly, a forgery, and secondly, the nurturing of the idea that touching dead parts of the body will help in “..... "In general, no comments...

But what is this if not a death cult?
What is it accumulated for? great amount relics of dead people?
Why are the living invited to venerate these dead remains?
Why is the cult of modern religion built on martyrdom, and martyrdom elevated to a feat and almost all saints are people who in one way or another accepted martyrdom?
Why is the image of the murder weapon elevated to the rank of a holy attribute and is not discarded, people pray to it, a small copy of it is worn under a shirt on the body, and a large copy is carried through the streets of cities at great celebrations...
Why is eating something imagining that you are eating flesh and drinking blood considered the norm, and not an act of cannibalism?
Why why why...

Can you answer these questions?

But that is not all...

Last question for today: do you know that there are entire chapels and churches in which the interior is created from tens of thousands of bones of dead people (!)

One of the most famous is located in the Czech Republic, in Prague, for the creation of the INTERIOR in which 40,000 bones were used!!!

Here, for example, is a chandelier made from the remains of deceased people, against the backdrop of other interior attributes made of bones:

In addition to it, there are many more similar structures around the world, here is information about some of them from open sources, from Wikipedia:

Name Photo Location Description
Capuchin crypt
in Santa Maria della Concezione
Italy Rome Bones in mid-17th century centuries were transferred from the old Capuchin cemetery, located in the area of ​​​​the Trevi Fountain and placed in the crypt of the church. In total, the crypt contains the bones of four thousand monks who died between 1528 and 1870. In the fifth room of the crypt there is a skeleton of Princess Barberini, the niece of Pope Sixtus V, who died in childhood.
Ossuary in Sedlec Czech Republic, Kutna Hora Created at the beginning of the 16th century as a result of the transfer of remains from the cemetery of a Cistercian monastery. About 40,000 human skeletons were used to decorate the chapel. Mine real look The chapel was acquired in 1870: bell-shaped piles of bones are placed in the corners of the cathedral, and in the nave there is a huge bone candelabra decorated with garlands of skulls. Other works of art include the altar monstrances located on the sides of the altar, as well as the large Schwarzenberg family coat of arms.
Capela dos Ossos Portugal, Evora The decoration of the chapel was created in the 16th century by a Franciscan monk. About 5,000 human skeletons were used, the bones of which were cemented into its walls.
Ossuary in Hallstatt Austria, Hallstatt The ossuary arose due to a lack of land for burials. In the local cemetery, since the 16th century, every ten years the bones of the deceased were removed from the ground, bleached, the skulls were painted (they were marked with the name, profession and date of death of the deceased) and put on display in the local chapel of St. Michael.
Catacombs of Paris France Paris The ossuary was created in late XVIII century in the abandoned quarries of Tomb-Isoire at a depth of 17.5 meters. Initially, the remains of people from the Cemetery of the Innocents were placed in it: about two million skeletons were taken out of the cemetery at night over the course of fifteen months, disinfected and placed in a quarry. Then the ossuary was replenished with human remains from 17 more cemeteries in Paris. Currently, the catacombs contain the remains of almost six million people.

Why does THIS even exist in our “civilized” world?

Why is it that when they show us on TV how in some distant “Mumba-Yumba” tribe the Papuans venerate the skull or limbs of a deceased leader, we shake our heads and say “what a horror, but what can we take from them, savages...”, not noticing that the same attributes and symbolism surround us in Everyday life- a mummy in a mausoleum, a huge number of which are not clear judging by the number of remains in temples, interiors made of human bones in chapels, etc...

Enough questions for today...

And finally, a few videos

There are a huge number of different religions and cults in the world. Someone believes that the son of God came to earth to atone for the sins of all mankind with his sacrifice; someone naively believes that they can spoil their offender by performing a simple ritual with a doll; someone believes that “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” The list of such absurd ideas and beliefs can be almost endless. But in Mexico, for example, there is a cult... of the Holy Death.

On Friday, August 22, in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, people walked to the statue of Saint Death - a “skeleton lady” dressed in a robe and clutching a scythe in one bony hand and the whole world in the other.

Small-time drug dealers ask the statue for protection from omnipotent death or arrest, children ask for the speedy release of their parents from prison, sick people seek healing, store owners pray for increased sales, prostitutes ask for protection from disease, and grandmothers advocate for their grandchildren.

This motley crowd brings gifts to the statue of Saint Death various kinds gifts: chocolates, tequila and cigarettes. Some offer a red rose and a candle. Anyone who gets his turn to bow to her statue stops for a while, kneels down and kisses the display case in which the image of Death is kept.

“I always prayed to the Virgin Mary, but recently I started coming here,” says Ernesto Lopez, a successful seller of pirated goods. DVDs, proudly lifting his shirt to reveal a tattoo of his new object of worship on his chest. “She understands us better,” he adds.

The cult of Saint Death is very popular in Mexican prisons and in criminal areas of the country, which have a bad reputation due to the distribution of drugs and high level crime. There are no strict rules for following the cult of Death. On every first night of the month, a “mass” with blessing is held in a block house apartment in the town of Tepito. Just a couple of years ago, several dozen people took part in this ritual, but now their number has increased sharply.

Representatives of the Catholic Church, of course, are seriously alarmed by the growing popularity of an unwanted cult. “This is turning into a real plague,” said priest Sergio Roman, rector of the parish in Tepito. The priest admits his powerlessness against the spread new religion. “The Church came to certain conclusions during the Inquisition - we know that we must respect other beliefs. Our residents practice the cult of Saint Death solely because of their ignorance, without malicious intent, and it is our fault, because we do not preach enough,” complained Sergio Roman.

Historians believe that this cult arose as a result of the spread of Christianity among the Aztecs, who worshiped death. The spread of Christianity occurred during the Spanish conquest of these lands. For several centuries the church suppressed the flourishing cult of death, but the time has come - and in poor areas death is once again praised. Father Roman claims that the cult returned to the city about seven years ago, and connects this with a sharp rise in crime in the poor areas of the city. “This pushes living people into the arms of death,” lamented the Catholic priest.

Adherents of the cult claim that “Death works miracles, helping to feed the family, getting rid of terrible diseases, helping to survive in the criminal world. They refuse help from the church, arguing that Holy Death makes no exception for anyone, everyone is equal before her: a prostitute, a seller of pirated CDs, a murderer, and Catholic Church only punishes, but does not help.”

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