Home Trees and shrubs The right questions in l a noire. Interrogation system in the game L. A. Noire

The right questions in l a noire. Interrogation system in the game L. A. Noire

At the end of last year, a reissue of one of the best detective games went on sale - L. A. Noire. For many, this is a chance for the first time to get acquainted with the amazingly atmospheric Los Angeles of the 40s. We have compiled a list of six tips for you that will make you a successful detective.

The most important piece of advice we can give you is to keep checking your notebook. In the profession of a detective, there is no concept of "unimportant details." Therefore, as soon as you find a new clue, conduct an interrogation, or explore a new place, Cole Phelps will make a note in his notebook. This way you will be able to see at a glance all the information you have collected, which will allow you to better assess the overall picture of the investigation.

When you're not sure you've fully explored a location, refer to your notebook to see if the location is crossed out. If not, then you probably haven't found any more evidence or haven't questioned another witness. However, if there are tasks in the notebook that need to be completed when visiting the location again, the place will not be crossed out until the time comes.

Another golden rule of L.A. Noire - do not interrogate witnesses until you have found all the evidence. Even if during the interrogation you are absolutely sure that the interlocutor is lying, you will not be able to prove it without direct evidence. When inspecting the location, listen to the music that appears when approaching the evidence. If the music is still playing, then there is more evidence to be found.

L.A. Noire is arguably still the game with the best facial animation. Therefore, you can understand a lot about a person not only by listening to what they say, but also by their body language and facial expressions. In this sense, some interlocutors are better at hiding their nervousness than others, which sometimes leads to vague conclusions. Each character has their own unique behavior when under scrutiny, however, for the most part, the most obvious signs of someone hiding something are shifty eyes and reluctant eye contact. Carefully study the behavior of the interlocutor and his facial expressions before proceeding to the answer. Lip biting, brow furrowing, fist clenching, nervous scratching are some of the signs that a character is hiding something.

As you successfully solve crimes, you will receive intuition points. These glasses will help you then who you are stuck in investigating some case. You can spend a point of intuition to remove an incorrect answer during an interrogation, look at the statistics of other players' answers, or show all the clues in a location.

At the completion of each mission, you will be given an assessment of the case, which will show how well you performed. Remember that this score is affected not only by how well you handled the investigation, but also by the number of fines you received. You receive penalties by injuring civilians or damaging property. So move carefully, it will help you to get a high rank.

At least sometimes. I know from personal experience that the virtual Los Angeles of the 40s is very beautiful and I just want to study it up and down. But if you're driving long distances, to find a collectible or a hidden car, for example, why not let your partner drive? To do this, mark on the map the place where you want to go, and hold the button to enter the car. Your partner will get behind the wheel and drive you to your destination while you take a nap. Any important dialogue will be played through, so don't worry if you miss something important.

This material accurately describes all the main plot tasks.

Upon Reflection.

After the introductory video, we get together with our partner to the crime scene marked on the mini-map. After talking with the detective, we move along the alley, following the instructions on the screen. Hearing the music and feeling the vibration, we understand that there is important evidence next to us. We follow the partner, in the first task he will stop in every possible way near suspicious places. Having reached the bloody door, we examine it carefully from all sides. All our progress is recorded in a notebook. We open it and study three items: "People", "Clues", "Locations". A little to the left of the door, at the top, we examine the window, which reflects a revolver from the roof of the opposite building. We climb onto the roof of the neighboring building along the drainpipe, located around the corner. We select a revolver and inspect it. On the left side, under the drum, we see the serial number. Pressing the "A" button opens the drum. We return back to the car, get into it, mark the item “Gun Store” in the notebook in the “Locations” section and go to the weapons store. We speak with the seller and provide him with a revolver. Examining the list, we find the desired item - on the right side, the fifth line from the top. It is enough to point with your finger, slowly moving the left stick, and press "A". Now we know the address of the suspect, select the next location in the notebook. We get to the apartment and enter the house. On the right we examine the mailboxes. The desired box is at number 2. We go up to the second floor and knock on the first right door. After a short cutscene, a fight begins. We strike by pressing "A", we block - "X". Use the "Y" button to capture, followed by a headbutt. Having neutralized the suspect, we approach the chest of drawers. Scroll through the green notebook and leave the apartment.

Armed and Dangerous.

We receive a message on the radio about the attack and go to the crime scene. We kill several criminals on the street, hiding behind cars and getting as close as possible. Then we enter the building, where we also hide behind the columns and kill the villains with well-aimed shots.

Warrants Outstanding.

We notice a criminal on the street and rush after him in pursuit. We overcome small obstacles by pressing the "A" button. In one of the corners on the roof, he knocks us off our feet and a fight breaks out. With a couple of blows and a powerful grip, we deal with him and arrest him.

Buyer Beware.

There is a body on the street. We are waiting for the appearance of a partner and begin to examine it. Let's take a look at the lower right pocket. We scroll from the beginning to the end of the found check. Near the road, on the edge of the sidewalk, we find bullets. And in the dumpster is a gun. During the inspection, we record the serial number of the weapon. On the street we ask a man in an orange shirt. We enter the store and communicate with the woman: the victim was her boss. This is our first interrogation. We ask questions about the evidence found. The first and so far the only one is Eyewitness account. After listening to the testimony of a witness, we are presented with his emotion, according to which we must determine whether the person in front of us is telling the truth or lying. Press "Y", i.e. "Lie" (false). To confirm our distrust, we point to the Layaway voucher evidence. The next question is “Possible murder suspect”, after listening to the testimony, press “X”, i.e. “Doubt” (doubt). And on the last question "Details of shooting" - press "A", i.e. "Truth" (true). We leave the building, get into the car and go to Eagleson's Gun Store. After interrogating the owner of the store, we get to the next place - "Hartfield's Jewelry Store". The man behind the counter is trying to escape, so we rush after him. In the park, we have opportunities to draw weapons. At the moment when we will be at the minimum distance from the evader, we aim a weapon at him and wait until the circle on the sight is filled. We arrive at the police station. We are met by a detective who offers us a promotion if we successfully interrogate a newly arrested suspect. We ask the question “Argument with Gage”, press “Y” (Lie) and select “Suspect positively identified” from the list. The next question is "Possible religious motive" - ​​press "X" (Doubt).

The Driver's Seat.

After getting acquainted with the detectives and a small meeting, we go out into the street, guided by the signs "Exit". We get into the car and get to the crime scene. After talking with the policeman, we approach the car and talk to the medical expert. We examine the bloodied car. Also look into the trunk, which contains a note. Next, we approach the pillar in front of the car. Nearby are glasses and a wallet. The wallet contains a credit card and a photograph. There is an engraving on one of the sides of the glasses. To the left, between the railway tracks, we examine the bloody piece of pipe. Now let's interrogate the black witness Nate Wilkey. The first question is "Purpose at scene" - press "A" (Truth). The second question of "Knowledge of Adrian Black" is also "Truth". The third question is "Contents of wallet" - press "X", (Doubt). And the last question "Bloodstained pipe found" - "Truth". We go to the next location - "Black Residence". We knock on the door and enter the house. Let's look around before asking questions. In the bedroom, on the bedside table with a lamp, we select a yellow piece of paper. Press "A" to open it. Here in the closet we find a ticket. On the dresser are a case for glasses and a photograph. Rotate the photo by pressing "A" and find a note. Inside the case we see an engraving. We go to another bedroom, in which there is also a photograph on the chest of drawers. In the kitchen, on the table, we read the recipe. We leave into the courtyard through the door in the kitchen. On the right we examine the basket with flowers. We go along the walls of the house until we find a shield. We collect the dropped pieces according to the picture below.

We return to the kitchen and read the booklet on the table, next to the recipe, on both sides. We use the telephone in the corridor. We begin the interrogation of Mrs. black. The first question "Slaughterhouse receipt" - "Truth". The second question in Cavanagh's Bar matchbook is "Truth". The third question "Location of Adrian Black" is "Truth". The fourth question "Stenzel glasses case" - "Truth". The fifth question is "Photograph signed 'Nikole'" - "Lie" and select "Concealed message" from the list. The sixth question "Alibi for Mrs. Black" - "Truth". We go to the location of Cavanagh's Bar. Near the door we speak with a man in a green jacket. We go inside and talk to the bartender. He reports that Frank Morgan is sitting at one of the tables in the next room. We ask Frank'u questions. The first of which is "Link to abandoned vehicle" - "Lie", select "Receipt for live hog" in the list. The next question "Location of Adrian Black" is "Doubt". We get to Morgan's Apartment. We enter the building and look at the mailbox on the left. We find desired apartment and start chasing Adrian, which will end very quickly.

A Marriage Made In Heaven.

We go outside and go to the crime scene. Arriving there, first of all, we examine the corpse. In the lower right pocket we find a document. Scroll from beginning to end. In the lower left pocket we find a wallet in which lies a credit card. We go to the beginning of the bloody trail on the road, next to the sidewalk. We move along the road, inspecting another bloody stain, as well as a track from the wheels. We head to the lane: there is a bucket next to the dumpster, looking into it, we find a bloody knife. If you twist it well, you can see the engraving. On the street we speak with a woman in a lilac raincoat. The first question of "Eye witness report" is "Truth". The second question "Suspect vehicle description" - "Truth". The third question "Argument overheard" is "Doubt". We enter the cafe and begin to interrogate the bartender. The first question "Hit and run incident" is "Doubt". The second question "Association with victim" is "Truth". The third question "Argument overheard in bar" is "Doubt". The fourth question of "Joint business venture" is "Doubt". We go further and use the phone. We get to the next location Shelton Residence. After the video, we start chasing Shelton by car. We try in every possible way to cut him, and inflict as much damage as possible to his car. When he stops, we go out and arrest him. We leave for Pattison Residence. Entering the house, we observe a small scene and begin to ask questions. The first of which is "Hit and run incident" - "Doubt". The second question "Nature of argument" is "Doubt". The third question "Partnership with Leroy Sabo" - "Lie", select "Insurance letter" in the list. We use the phone in the next room and leave the house. We go to the Central Morgue location. We enter the building and in the room on the right we communicate with the medical expert. We get to Pattison Residence again. Leroy Sabo kills Mrs. Pattison and we give chase. We deal with him with a well-aimed shot, getting as close as possible.

The Fallen Idol.

We go to the scene of the accident. After the policeman described the situation, we go down the slope to the crashed car. We examine it from the inside and then we approach the trunk, on which lie torn underwear and a bag. We take out the letter from the bag and leaf through it. We speak with a medical expert and get an object from him, which we carefully consider from all sides. We go back and interrogate Mrs. McAfee in an orange suit. The first question "Doping allegation" is "Doubt". The second question is "Injured female passenger" - "Lie", select "Underwear" in the list. The third question "Fake shrunken head" is "Doubt". The fourth question "Suspect 'Mark Bishop'" is "Doubt". We leave for the next location "Central Receiving Hospital". We go inside through the open doors. The nurse behind the window reports that the doctor is right behind us. After talking with him, we enter the room and begin the interrogation of Jessica Hamilton. The first question "Crash incident report" - "Lie", select "Underwear" in the list. The second question "Contact with parents" - "Lie", select "Letter from mother" in the list. The third question of "Association with Bishop" is "Doubt". The fourth question "Evidence of criminal abuse" is "Truth". After a short video, we follow the car marked on the mini-map. We don't move away and we don't get too close. If the car on the mini-map blinked, it means that we are not at the correct distance. Mrs. McAfee lands in a cafe. We quickly leave the car and, clinging to the wall, we observe it through the window. When she gets up at the phone, we go inside and sit down at one of the tables. Overhearing the conversation, we wait until Mrs. McAfee will leave the cafe and drive away. We return to the car and go to Bishop's Apartment. We break into the building, take the elevator and neutralize the unknown. After the cutscene, turn around and examine the red statue between the doors on the right. Ahead we enter a room with an open door and on the floor we find a green check. We go back and enter another room with an open door. We look at the photo on the counter. Here, to the right, we study the subject. Near Mrs. Bishop are looking at the photo. We go out onto the balcony and overturn the view of the area. Let's start asking Mrs. Bishop. The first question of "Domestic disturbance" is "Doubt". The second question of "Whereabouts of Bishop" is "Truth". The third question "Check for $20,000" is "Doubt". The fourth question of "Abuse of Jessica Hamilton" is "Doubt". We leave the hotel the same way we came. On the street we get to the telephone booth (marked on the mini-map) and use it. We get into the car and get to the Silver Screen Props. We enter the building. After the video, we follow the man. He brings us to the right place. In the next room in the corner we examine the cabinet with bottles, where we find a bottle. On the opposite side we study the mirror. We follow the path we came here. Once on the street, turn left and go to the end until we come across a table with heads. We consider the black one. We turn 90 degrees to the left and see an illusory wall - we break it out by pressing "A". We also break out the door, which is a little further away. Going inside, look at the camera. We carefully study the two cases for the film on the left: on the shelf and on the chest of drawers. We open the one on the chest of drawers, and it turns out to be empty. We return to the partner. We begin to question the man. The first question "Association with Bishop" - "Lie", select "Chloral hydrate" from the list. The second question of "Whereabouts of Bishop" is "Truth". The third question "Relationship with Ballard" - "Lie", select "Empty film canister" from the list. The fourth question "Evidence of blackmail" - "Lie", select "$20,000 check" from the list. After the video, we get into the car and try to hide from the pursuers. The main thing is not to let them get close, ramming them during these attempts. It is enough to accelerate well and use sharp turns to successfully get away from the chase. After hiding, we go to the ‘Jungle Drums’ Set. Having noticed Bishop'a, we rush after him. At the top, you need to act quickly and carefully so as not to fall down on the falling boards. Finally cornering him, we see how a gang has arrived below, hunting for Bishop. We go down the stairs and move forward, protecting him and destroying the criminals one by one. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons from the dead. Going down to the very bottom, a partner arrives. We have a whole crowd in front of us, which can be slammed at once by shooting at the barrels on the right. When the police arrive, we finish off the remaining opponents. We watch the video, after which the task will be completed.

The Red Lipstick Murder.

Together with a new partner we get to the crime scene. After talking with the policeman, we speak with a medical expert. We carefully examine the corpse of the girl: the head, hands and inscriptions on the stomach. Again we speak with a medical expert. On the right we study the bag: we take out lipstick from it - we see an inscription on it. On the ground we find a prominent white footprint from the boot. We head to the benches, ahead of the corpse. We select a miniature globe. Press "A" and collect the puzzle according to the picture:

As it turned out, this is a lighter with an engraving inside. We go to The Bamba Club. We enter the building. After the video, turn left and go all the way to the last table. We begin the interrogation of McCol. The first question "Suspect seen with victim" is "Truth". The second question of "Knowledge of husband" is "Doubt". The third question "Ring stolen from victim" is "Doubt". Before leaving the club, use the phone to the right of the exit. We get to Henry Residence. We knock on the door, but no one opens. Then the partner goes around the house and discovers a broken window. Penetrates into the house and opens the door from the inside. We go to the kitchen to the broken window and inspect it. Here we read a note attached to the refrigerator. In the next room, to the right of the refrigerator, we approach the right window and find a shoe. We look at the sole. Now we go diagonally to the room at the other end. Lying in front of a mirror on a chest of drawers, we study a small box, inside of which there are initials, and a photograph. We go outside through the door in the kitchen (broken window), turn left and jump over the fence. Then a car appears, from which a woman gets out. After talking with her, we return to the car and go to Jacob Henry's Apartment. We break into the apartment and watch the video. We turn around and enter the room. We examine the sole of the shoes in the suitcase lying on the bed. In the kitchen, on the counter, we select a pencil with a white sheet. With sharp movements, with the left stick, paint over the surface and press "A" to read the hidden text. We interrogate the suspect. The first question "Movements of victim" - "Lie", in the list we select "Bamba Club lighter". The second question "Last contact with victim" is "Truth". The third question "Motive for murder" - "Lie", select "Death threat note" in the list. What follows is a fight and an arrest. We use the phone in the kitchen. We get to the next location Central Police Station. Here we continue the interrogation of Henry. The first question "Access to murder weapon" is "Lie", select "Husband's alibi" from the list. The second question is "Lipstick markings" - "Truth". The third question "Deterioration of marriage" - "Lie", select "Marital problems" from the list. The fourth question "Missing jewelry" is "Truth". After interrogation, we go to Mendez's Apartment. On the left of front door we look at the mailboxes: the one you need is at number 16. This apartment is located on the fourth floor, at the end of the corridor, the last door. We penetrate it, turn right, then right again. We go along the corridor and open the second door on the left. In front of the mirror, on the chest of drawers, we find a gun. Here, near the bed, we examine the sole of the boot. Next to the cabinet, look into the box. In which are lipstick and wand - both with inscriptions. During the video, a criminal is announced. First we chase him on our own two feet, and then by car. All that is needed is to get close to him from the left side so that the partner can shoot the wheels of the criminal's car.

The Golden Butterfly.

We get to the crime scene. After "communication" with the press, we go to the crowd and meet Gonzalez. He takes us directly to the place where the woman was killed. Let's examine the head of the corpse, focusing on the neck, arms and chest. We study the bag lying near the tree and the object with the inscription in it. On the other side of the tree, we examine the traces. We return to the car and go to Moller Residence. The door is opened by a girl, the daughter of the murdered woman, and we can look around the house. We pass into the bedroom on the right. We study the shoes lying by the window. We also look at two boxes on the chest of drawers. Having informed Michelle that her mother is dead, we begin to interrogate. The first question of "Missing watch and rings" is "Truth". The second question "Last contact with victim" is "Doubt". The third question "State of parents' marriage" is "Doubt". Having just finished asking questions, Michelle's father arrives. Of course, we ask him too. The first question "Footprints at crime scene" is "Lie", in the list we select "Size eight work boots". The second question "Missing persons report" - "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for Hugo Moller" - "Lie", select "Husband's alibi" in the list. The fourth question "History of violence" is "Lie", select "Butterfly brooch" from the list. We leave the house and run to the woman on the other side. During the conversation, we see how Hugo is doing something in the backyard. We rush in pursuit of him and, approaching close enough, press "A" to grab him. We approach the red barrel and look at the sole of the shoe. We use the phone on the street. We get to Central Morgue. We communicate with the medical expert and study the evidence indicated by him. We take the last piece and sum it up in the photo just below the neck. We examine the corpse. To the right of the first piece of evidence, we examine the fixed footprints from the shoes. We point to the heel of the left footprint and press "A". We use the phone in the office. The next location is Belmont High School. After the video, we rush in pursuit of the unknown. We catch in the same way, by pressing "A", reducing the distance. We get another piece of evidence. After the video, open the trunk of the car. We examine the bloody things. We use the phone indicated on the mini map. We leave for Central Police Station. We enter the building and go along the right corridor. The interrogation room is located obliquely on the right side. We interrogate Hugo Moller again. The first question "Disposal of evidence" is "Truth". The second question "Access to braided rope" is "Doubt". The third question "Access to tire iron" - "Lie", select "Bloody tire iron" in the list. The fourth question "Victim's vehicle recovered" - "Lie", select "Overalls" in the list. At the end of the interrogation, select "Leave interrogation". We leave the room and communicate with the captain, who is located to the left of the stairs. Then we enter the next room. We interrogate Eli Rooney. The first question "Footprints at crime scene" is "Doubt". The second question "Place of employment" is "Doubt". The third question "Access to braided rope" is "Truth". The fourth question of "Motive for Moller murder" is "Doubt". At the end, select "Charge suspect".

The Silk Stocking Murder.

Having received a new task, we get to the crime scene. As usual, we examine the head, arms and stomach of the corpse. After the video, we begin to study nearby evidence: a stocking near a tree and bloody footprints on the ground. They lead us to a hat with an inscription inside. We continue to follow the tracks and the next piece of evidence is a shoe in a dumpster. Then we find a key on a rope tied to a pipe. The next piece of evidence is a piece of paper, probably from secret code . The bloodstains lead us to the roof. We climb it and find an envelope in a large cage. We open it, but it turns out to be empty. We leave the cage and jump a little lower. Another find is a golden cosmetic bag. We move forward and climb the pipe. We find a ring on a rope. We climb even higher. We look at the brush. And finally, the last piece of evidence is the bag with the first half of the check. The second we found in the hands of a dead girl. We return to the car and go to Antonia's Residence. We knock on the door and then enter the house. We inform Barbary about the murder. We rise to the second floor and turn left. Entering the fifth room, we see that there is a mess here and, moreover, a window is broken. Let's look into the suitcase lying on the bed. We open the envelope and leaf through the letter. On the left, in the open compartment of the dresser, we look at the photo. Next, we ask Mrs. Lapenti. The first question "Possible suspects" is "Truth". The second question "Movements of victim" is "Doubt". The third question is "Evidence of break-in" - "Lie", select "Broken window" in the list. The fourth question "Breakdown of marriage" is "Lie", in the list we select "Charm bracelet photograph". We leave the house and go to Maldonado Residence. On the mailboxes on the right in front of the doors we find the desired apartment - 304, which is located on the third floor. In the unleashed fight, we deal with the guys and after their arrest, we look around in the apartment. In the kitchen, next to the refrigerator, we study the bloody shirt. Here, in the corner, open the box with bottles. We look at the paper on the racks. We interview neighbors from 305, 301 and 302. The next location is El Dorado Bar, but on the way we are asked to urgently drive to the Central Police Station. We go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the video, we proceed to study the notes on the table. Next, we rise to the first floor and go to the interrogation room, where Angel Maldonado is located. The first question “Last contact with victim” is “Lie”, in the list we select “Husband’s alibi”. The second question "Divorce proceedings" - "Lie", select "Attorney's letter" in the list. The third question "Jewelry taken from body" is "Truth". The fourth question "Bloodstained shirt found" is "Doubt". Now we can safely get to El Dorado Bar. After talking with the bartender Diego, we get an envelope with some documents. Having studied them, we begin to interrogate Diego. The first question "Missing jewelry" is "Doubt". The second question of "Movements of victim" is "Truth". Leaving the bar, we head to the building with the sign “Just Picked”. We go to the end and start a survey of the seller Clem Feeney. The first question of "Distinctive necklace" is "Doubt". The second question "Contact with victim" is "Doubt". The third question of "Movements of victim" is "Truth". We break out the green door on the left and break into the warehouse. In the center we examine the box with wines. On the left, next to the table with a green lamp, we take out the box from the open section. You can open it with a code. To do this, in the Clues section, select "Dot pattern note". As you might guess, we lay out everything according to the picture. Inside we find religious figurines. We head to another table, on which lies a bloody knife. Clem is trying to escape and we are chasing him. We try to get close from the left side so that our partner can shoot the wheels.

The White Shoe Slaying.

Having reached the crime scene, we communicate with the police and the medical expert. Then we examine the corpse of a woman. Turning his head, we notice the inscription on the collar. Nearby we find traces, as well as a braking distance from the wheels of cars. We head to the phone, and soon Mrs arrives. Barton. Let's ask her one single question "Suspicious persons" - "Truth". We use the phone. We sit in the car and go to Superior Laundry Services. We speak with the man at the other end of the laundry. Having received the book, we indicate on the first page on the ninth line from the top. The next point is 43 Emerald Street. We knock on the door and enter the house. In the corridor on the table with chess we examine the matchbox. We use the phone located on the partition. In the left bedroom we look at a photograph lying on a chest of drawers and another matchbox. Through the kitchen we get into the utility room, where we study the shoes on the floor. We also pay attention to the wet jacket hanging on the door handle. Next to the sink, inspect handbag. Inside we find lipstick and a card. We go outside, through the door in the back room and turn right. We reach the boat and at the front we study the hanging rope. We begin to interrogate Lars Taraldsen. The first question "Possible suspects" - "Lie", select "Bow rope" from the list. The second question "Alibi for Lars Taraldsen" is "Doubt". The third question of "Victim's state of mind" is "Doubt". The fourth question “Last contact with victim” is “Lie”, select “Wet jacket” from the list. We get to Baron's Bar. After talking with the bartender, we will start the survey. The first question "Last contact with victim" is "Truth". The second question "Vagrant male suspect" is "Doubt". The third question of "Yellow Cab 3591" is "Truth". After finishing the conversation, the bartender points to a man in a red T-shirt, and we rush after him. We use the car left on the road and continue the chase. We try to ram as often as possible and drive up from the left side so that the partner can shoot the tires. Having caught Bates, we ask him the question “Contact with victim” - “Doubt”. The next "Account of movements" is "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini-map, and sitting in the car we drive a little along the road. Having received a message on the radio, we go to the Yellow Cab Trace. We catch this taxi driver and interrogate a little. We get to the Central Police Station. We enter the station, turn right and go obliquely to the interrogation room. We begin the interrogation of James Jessop. The first question "Contact with victim" is "Doubt". The second question of "Incident with Bales" is "Doubt". The third question "Movements prior to murder" is "Doubt". The fourth question "Cab ride with victim" is "Doubt". The next location is Bus Depot. Arriving at the place, we learn from the dispatcher the name of the driver of the desired bus, and also study the received route map. Next, head to Hobo Camp. By turning on the flasher, we force the bus driver to stop. In the camps we come across a bunch of vagabonds who are hostile to us. We deal with their leader and enter a small room. On the bedside table, next to the bed, we examine the bloodied piece of rope. On the opposite side on the table, next to the mattress, we study the wallet and its contents. We return to the Central Police Station. Inside, turn left, enter the door to the left of the stairs. We interrogate Stuart Ackerman. The first question "Motive for murder" is "Lie", in the list we select "Bloodstained rope piece". The second question "Contact with victim" is "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for Stuart Ackerman" - "Lie", select "Purse" in the list.

The Studio Secretary Murder.

We go to the car and get to Pawnbroker. We speak with the seller and get the rings. After studying, inside each we find an engraving. Next, we go to the Railyard, then follow the policeman to the crime scene. First of all, we examine the corpse: the head and hands. We study the nearby bag. Inside we find a letter and a business card. We also notice a matchbox, inside of which there is an inscription, and a certain list. We interview workers who could have seen something last night. From one of them we get lipstick and ask a few questions. The first one is "Interference with evidence" - "Truth". The second question "Discovery of victim's body" is "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini-map. We get to Mensch's Bar. After talking with the bartender, we interrogate the person at the table. The first question "Last contact with victim" is "Doubt". The second question of "Criminal history" is "Doubt". The next location is Levine's Liquor Store. We speak with the bartender and then follow him. In the room next to the mattress, we examine a photograph and a book. We study the figurine lying in the corner. We go back and ask the bartender. The first question "Contact with victim" is "Truth". The second question "Relationship with victim" is "Truth". The third question in Knowledge of McCaffrey is Doubt. We get into the car and receive an urgent message on the radio, but before heading to the Central Police Station, let's take another look at Mensch's Bar. We ask the last question to Mr. McCaffrey. "Relationship with victim" - "Lie", select "Book" in the list. Having reached the site, we go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the video, use the phone on the first floor. The next stop is Rawling's Bowling Alley. After talking with the cashier, we pass through the door to the right of the playground. We rush in pursuit of the suspect and try to stop him. Having done this, we get to McCaffrey's Apartment. The desired apartment is under the sixth number. It's on the second floor, near the left door. We knock and then we break. On the table we find half of the letter. We study the instrument with an engraving and a bloody shirt lying on the floor. When the maid appears, we speak with her and go to the roof of the building. Here we find McCaffrey and run after him. After a long run, we finally catch up with him and catch him. All the suspects are caught, it remains only to interrogate them and identify the true killer. After the cutscene, turn left and enter the interrogation room, to the left of the stairs. We interrogate James Tiernan. The first question "Relationship with victim" - "Lie", select "Victim last seen" in the list. The second question "Victim's book found" is "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for James Tiernan" - "Lie", select "Liquor purchase" in the list. The fourth question "Access to murder weapon" is "Doubt". At the end, select "Leave Interrogation". We go to another interrogation room and start the interrogation of Mr. McCaffrey. The first question "Alibi for McCaffrey" is "Lie", select "Tom letter" from the list. The second question "Access to tire iron" is "Lie", select "Tiernan's accusation" from the list. We return to James Tirnan and ask the last question: “Events prior to murder” - “Lie”, select “McCaffrey accusation” from the list. Next to the control room, use the phone and again go to the room to Mr. McCaffrey. The last question for him is "Military service" - "Lie", in the list we select "McCaffrey criminal record". At the end, select "Charge Suspect".

The Quarter Moon Murders.

After the video, we study the note left by the maniac, the red book and the white sheet with the message. We get to Pershing Square. We approach the fountain and climb it. We find the following message from the killer. Then we open the map and mark the Hall of Record in the northeast, the location of which is in the picture:

We enter the building through large doors. We speak with the guard and go up the stairs. We turn right, go to the second passage and through the first room on the left we climb another ladder. Using the left stick to both advance and balance, we get to the chandelier. We examine the clock and the message. When the chandelier starts to break, swing it and jump to the safe area. The following LA Public Library location is in the southwest:

Climb up the drainpipe to the roof. We continue to climb the scaffolding. Finally, at the very top we find a medallion and another tip. Heading to Westlake Tar Pits in the west:

We walk down the path towards the beach. Having changed clothes, we enter the water and continue moving along the sunken wooden platform. At the only fork, turn left. We study the shoe and the message lying near the bushes. Getting to the LA Country Art Museum in the north:

We head to the center of the park, to the labyrinth. At the first fork, turn left. On the second - to the right. On the third - to the left. We carefully examine the ring lying on the spherical model, as well as the message. Next, we get to the Intolerance Set in the southeast:

We go straight to the end. We go up the stairs. When the wooden structure collapses, we try to control it so that it falls forward, and we can jump to the next roof. We go down, study the ring and read the message on the throne chair. Again, everything will begin to crumble, so we run without stopping. We leave for Christ Crown of Thorns in the southwest:

We enter the church. After the video, we rush in pursuit of the maniac. Having found a secret passage, we go down into the tunnels and continue to pursue the criminal. Using the system of shelters, carefully inspect the corners. Ultimately, we must shoot him, guided by the sound of footsteps. We act quickly, do not sit too long in one place.

The Black Caesar.

With a new partner we get to the crime scene. We go upstairs, turn right and go to the last apartment. After talking with a medical expert, first of all we examine a glass of popcorn on the carpet and a wallet containing a credit card and a torn piece of paper with numbers. On the table we find a sheet with notes and a certain combination. In the pocket of the victim we find a wallet with a credit card and a piece of paper. We examine the second corpse on the chair. In the same room in the corner we find morphine. In the kitchen, on the bedside tables, we examine another glass of popcorn, but this time we see hidden morphine at the bottom. We get out of the room and go to the streets and head to the popcorn shop. The seller is trying to escape, and therefore we rush after him. Having caught him, we examine the shop. We open the box behind the counter and find bags of morphine. We open the suitcase lying in the corner, open the item and consider the combination. We study the nearby ticket. We interrogate the detained Fleetwood Morgan. The first question "Morphine overdose victims" - "Lie", in the list we select "Popcorn cups with morphine". The second question "Numbers slips recovered" is "Doubt". We use the phone on the street. We go to Jones' Booking Agency. We go up the stairs and look at the list of apartment owners. The one you need is at number 238. We break into the room and search it. In the corner we examine the brown radio. We unscrew the first one on the left to the maximum, the second one is set to FM, the third one is a little more than 1100. When the secret cache opens, we deal with a couple of guards, and then we begin to study it. We examine a bundle of money, a tube of morphine, a piece of paper with numbers and a package with unknown contents. On the top we study the green sticker. We speak with Jermaine Jones. The first question of "Army surplus morphine" is "Doubt". The second question "Involvement of 'Ottie'" - "Lie", select "Distributor identified" in the list. The third question "Link to Ramez Removals" is "Doubt". We use the phone and get to the Numbers Operation. We enter the building through the back door and climb the stairs. Use red at the end of the room slot machine. We must build a combination: cherry, bell, "Win". Wait? while this particular combination falls out, it makes no sense, therefore, if the desired character appears on the position, we fix it by pressing “Hold”. A secret stash will open. We study all the same morphine, a piece of paper with numbers and a green sticker. We rush in pursuit of the escaping. Having caught him, we examine the cane, inside of which we find a note. Let's start the interrogation. The first question "Army surplus morphine" is "Lie", in the list we select "Finkelstein identified". The second question "IOU note from Jose Ramez" is "Truth". The next location is Ramez Removals. Arriving at the place, we immediately begin to chase the truck. We are selected from the left side so that the partner can shoot the wheels. After the capture, we enter the warehouse. We study the magazine on the first table with a green lamp. We are interested in the second line from the top, the fifth from the top, the fourth from the bottom and the first from the bottom. We go all the way to the right of the entrance and climb the stairs. We get to the control panel and remove the box marked in the picture:

We go down and enter the freezer through the vacated door. We shoot at the frozen object in the center. Turns out it's morphine. After the video, we catch up with the runaway and shoot at him. We go to Polar Bear Ice Company. We break into the building and rush after Lenny, killing the bad guys along the way. We act carefully, adhering to shelters. Having overtaken Lenny, we kill him and at the end of the room we will look into the box.

The Set Up.

After the video, we approach the man persistently knocking on the door. We break it out and, having found no one, we look around. Open the second cabinet on the left. Inside we find a note. We pass into the next room. After talking with people, we use the phone and get to the Hotel El Mar. We go inside and talk to the man behind the counter. We get a magazine in which on the second page we select the fourth line from the top - Winston Church. Room 207 is on the second floor, directly opposite the stairs. We immediately pay attention to the overturned bag of garbage and extract the telegram from there. We study the box of chocolates and the torn ticket lying on the chest of drawers. We examine the newspaper on the table: we point the frame highlighted with a dotted line with a finger on the second page. On the bedside table, to the left of the bed, is a piece of paper with calculations. We leave for Candy Edwards Address. We speak with the lady behind the counter and, going out into the street, turn left. We head to the rooms. Climbing up the stairs, we enter the first door on the left. We neutralize the man, after which we examine his pockets. We find a folding knife and a notebook with some names. We study the bus ticket and postcard lying on the chest of drawers. We interrogate the awakened Mrs. Edwards. The first question "Whereabouts of Hammond" is "Lie", in the list we select "Magazine coupon". The second question “List of odds recovered” is “Lie”, select “Bookmakers’ odds” from the list. The third question of "Plans to leave town" is "Doubt". After the video, we quickly sit down on the bench and pretend to read the newspaper while watching Mrs. Edwards. When she moves away from us, we continue surveillance. If you allow the target to flash on the mini-map for a long time, then very soon the task will end in failure. Therefore, always keep the target in sight. Upon learning that Mrs. Edward visits the bookmaker's office, we enter after her. We approach the red lamp next to which lies a sheet of paper. We shade it with a pencil and read the resulting message. We get to the Examiner Drugstore. We enter the building and in the corner on the radio we select a business card. Then we use the phone and go to Ray's Bookmakers. We continue to follow Mrs. Edwards, heading for a yellow cab. Ultimately, she is killed in the bus depot and the perpetrator manages to escape. We examine the pistol and the red bag lying on the floor, in which the ticket is located. We leave the building and go to the Egyptian Theatre. We move along the theater building, guided by the voice. We kill three with accurate shots: one on the balcony and two on the stage.

Manifest Destiny.

We get to the crime scene. We enter the building and talk to our former partner Bekovsky. We examine the first corpse and a little further away the second. In the inner pocket we find morphine. We study the case with a musical instrument lying nearby. We study each item from left to right and thereby open the cache. We examine the token and the syringe. We pass into the next room, where we approach the box with cigarettes, and a little further we examine the weapon, in the upper part of which there is an engraving. We return to the hall with the first corpse and interrogate the administrator. The first question in "111 Club shooting incident" is "Doubt". The second question of Knowledge of McGoldrick is Truth. We go to The Blue Room. Going inside, we watch a video, after which we will ask a few questions of Elsa Lichtmann. The first question of "Army surplus morphine" is "Doubt". The second question "Morphine overdose victims" is "Doubt". After waiting for the night, we watch and follow her. Having finished with surveillance, we watch the video. Being in a restaurant, follow the waiter to the desired table. The first question "Finkelstein drug operation" is "Doubt". The second question of the "111 Club shooting incident" is "Doubt". We watch the video and arrive at the police station. We follow the partner to talk with the detective. In the list on the second page, point to the highlighted lines. We get to Bus Shooting. We will not go into the open, but rather go around to the left. We run to the building where the machine gunner sat down, and climb up the stairs. Hiding behind a wall, we kill the criminal. We examine the dead body. In the inner pocket we find a notebook. We also study the weapons lying nearby. After the video, we interview the bus driver. The first question of "Informed of Coolridge heist" is "Doubt". The second question "Motive for shooting" is "Lie", select "Sniper's pocketbook" from the list. We use the phone marked on the mini map and go to Kelso's Apartment. We interrogate Jack Kelso. The first question of "Army surplus morphine" is "Doubt". The second question of "Ex-Marine McGoldrick" is "Truth". The third question "Arms stolen from Coolridge" is "Truth". The fourth question of "SS Coolridge robbery" is "Doubt". The next location is Robert's Diner. Arriving at the place, we set off in pursuit of armed criminals. We drive up from the left side so that the partner can shoot. When their car breaks down, they will try to hide in an alley. Pressing against the wall, we kill criminals with accurate shots. We examine the corpse, in the inner pockets of which we find a list and a notebook. We get to Grauman's Chinese Theater and again we are chasing armed bandits. As in the previous case, we catch up and kill them. The next location is the Hollywood Post Office. Arriving at the place, we very carefully approach the building, killing the protruding criminals. We look at a living person. After listening to him, we select a card from the hand. We run along the corridor in the other direction, to the filing cabinet. We examine the corpse of a man in a blue suit. In the pocket we find a note. We get to the Meeting Place. We move along the alley, killing enemies. First of all, those on the roof and with machine guns. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons from the corpses of fallen criminals. The mini-map will help you navigate in pitch darkness, giving out the location of enemies. We leave for the Hollywood Police Station, where we interrogate Courtney Sheldon. The first question "6th Marines being targeted" is "Lie", select "Note" from the list. The second question "SS Coolridge robbery" - "Lie", in the list we select "Beckett's confession".

The Gas Man.

Together with a new partner, we go to Steffens House Fire. After talking with the policeman, we approach the fence and walk along it until we come across a shield. From the inside of the door we study the list. Next, we communicate with the victims. Having received the ticket, we examine it and ask questions to Mr. Steffens, the first of which is "Travel competition" - "Truth". Suburban Redevelopment's second question is "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini-map. We get to Sawyer House Fire. We come closer to the burnt house and we speak with the medical examiner. We examine the corpses and head to the fence, not far from which lies the blue water regulator. After the video, we rush in pursuit of the unknown. Having caught him, we seize a cigarette and arrest him. We go to Gulliver's Travel Agency. We enter the building, speak with the agent and select the third and eighth lines from the top in the list. The first question of "Suburban Redevelopment" is "Truth". The second question of the "Promotional travel contest" is "Doubt". The next location is Suburban Redevelopment. And from there we immediately go to Fire Station No.32. After the video, we arrange the regulators in the right order. We move blue higher, put yellow between blue and green, and the last brownish one in the only free area. We start by pulling the red lever. Next we get to InstaHeat Factory. Entering the building, turn left and, having reached the office, we communicate with a specialist. Then we will interrogate him a little. The first question "InstaHeat Model 70" is "Doubt". The second question is "Heater service history" - "Lie", select "Heater serviced by Ryan" in the list. We consider the received list and use the phone. We are talking to Mr. Rasic, after which we follow him. We get the leaflet from the third locker on the left. We also examine the seventh and second from the right, having carefully studied their contents. We go outside and after the video we get to Clemens' Worksite. We grab an electrician and start interrogating. The first question in Knowledge of Varley is Doubt. The second question "Employment with InstaHeat" is "Doubt". The third question "Knowledge of Ryan" - "Lie", in the list we select "Clemens' anarchist pamphlet". We go to Varley's Worksite. We rush in pursuit of the suspect. To catch it, it is enough to hold the sight until the circle is filled. The next location is Ryan's Worksite. We catch another suspect, chasing a car. Let's ram him as much as we can. We return to Wilshire Police Station. We follow the partner to Matthew Ryan. The first question "Anarchist literature" - "Lie", in the list we select "Ryan's anarchist pamphlet". The second question "InstaHeat Model 70" - "Lie", in the list we select "Ivan Rasic's statement". The third question of "Suburban Redevelopment" is "Doubt". The fourth question "Attempted murder charge" is "Doubt". When finished, select "Leave Interrogation". Next up is Reginald Varley. The first question "Work at Sawyer residence" - "Lie", select "Heater serviced by Varley" in the list. The second question "Suburban Redevelopment" - "Lie", in the list we select "Walter Clemens' statement". The third question "InstaHeat Model 70" - "Lie", select "Mosquito coils" in the list. At the end, select "Leave Interrogation". Again we go to Ryan'u and select "Charge Suspect".

The Walk in Elysian Fields.

We get to the crime scene. We go to the house and follow the medical examiner. We examine the burnt bodies in the room, a photograph. We go outside and after the video, we turn around and head to backyard. On the way, we examine another piece of evidence - a shield. Next, we run to the neighboring house, marked with a white dot on the mini-map. There is a tree near this point. Nearby we study traces and a cigarette butt, on the filter of which there is an inscription. We ask the owner standing in front of the house. The first question in the Morelli fire withness report is Doubt. The second question "Suspicious activity" is "Doubt". The third question "Planned demolitions" is "Doubt". The fourth question of the "Promotional travel contest" is "Truth". The partner shows the found origami. After a detailed examination of it, as well as having studied the leaflet brought by a neighbor, we use the phone and go to Rancho Escondido. Arriving at the place, we deal with a couple of rebels. Then we approach the right corner of the burnt house and examine the wall a little to the left of the corner. The next location is Elysian Fields. Entering the building, we go straight to the second floor to Mr. Monroe. The first question "Elysian linked to arsons" is "Doubt". The second question of the "Promotional travel contest" is "Lie", select "Elysian Fields flyers" from the list. The third question "Local land acquisitions" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Rancho Escondido fire" - "Lie", in the list we select "Poor cement quality". We examine a sheet with a list of names on the table at the secretary. We are interested in the third line from the top. Before leaving, let's look into the room on the right and use the phone. After the video, we get to Chapman's Apartment. Let's take a look in the trunk of the car. We study the yellow box along with the contents, cartridges and a leaflet. Then the owner of the car, who is also a criminal, notices us, and we give chase. We ram the train from all sides and as hard as possible. When it stops, the criminal will try to kill us, so we must do it right after he leaves the transport.

House of Sticks.

In the role of a new hero, we study the received document. We get a folder from the file cabinet. On blue paper, indicate the left projection. The first question "Disputed claim payout" is "Doubt". The second question "Connection to Buchwalter" is "Doubt". The third question "Motive for dispute" is "Truth". After finishing the conversation, we follow the girl in the pink blouse. We get into the car and get to our destination. We enter the booth, where we study various documents on the tables. On the street we beat a man in a white shirt and go to the Demolished House. We pass through the flag and near the unfinished building we examine the broken boards. Restoring them, we get the inscription. We run away along the trenches from the angry man, whom we beat up recently. We use the telephone booth marked on the mini-map. The next location is Keystone Film Studios. After talking with the guard, we penetrate the territory and jump over the gate on the right. We study the check lying on the boards. Also on the boards near the fence is a piece of paper with an inscription. We go back and move forward, jumping over the central gate. We enter the building on the left and inspect the empty film case lying on the table. We open the suitcase. Adjusting levers. The top one should point north, the middle one should point northwest, and the last one should just switch. After watching the movie, we return to the car. We use the phone in the security booth. After the video, we get to Elysian Fields Site Two. We penetrate the building and climb to the second floor. We fall into an ambush and hold on to the last. At the last moment, we jump out of the car and run away from the pursuers. We capture the car from the road and go to the marked place. To get rid of the bandits, we use various maneuvers.

A Polite Invitation.

After the video, we get out into the street and get to the marked place. We go up the stairs; turn left, the desired apartment at number 2. After talking with the owner, we look around in the house. We study the folder lying on the table and the document to the left. Next, we break into the bedroom and find the girl on the bed. We speak with Curtis Benson. The first question "Motive for fraud" - "Lie", select "Share certificate" in the list. The second question "Suburban Redevelopment" - "Lie", select "Insurance agreement" in the list. The third question "Buchwalter case settlement" is "Doubt". Let's go to California Fire Life. Entering the building, go straight to the elevator. Having risen to the desired floor, turn right and head to the second office. We study the folder on the table. We poke at the coordinates on the blue sheet next to the image of the house. Then point to the fifth line in the next document. After the video, we enter the building and talk to the guard. We rise to the second floor and turn into the first open door. We follow the man in the green suit. We examine the reference book from the shelf. We turn over and on the second page indicate the eighth line. We head to the map, in which we indicate the coordinates: 034'04'29 and 118'17'58. Enter on the calculator - 1876988 divided by 90000. We get the answer 20. We approach the penultimate shelf next to the side of the window. In the reference book on the second page, we point to the third line from the top. We kill the arriving bad guys. After the video, we enter the room and pick up the receiver of the ringing phone. We get to Leland Monroe's Mansion. We try not to stick out, but at the same time we actively cover our teammates. They like to run ahead, so we do not lag behind and deal with enemies as they appear. After killing everyone on the street, we penetrate the house, where several more guards are waiting for us. We open each door with care and we will be ready to kill unexpectedly appearing enemies. Finally we get to Mr. Monroe and wound him in the leg. We search the office and on the table we find a list with crossed out names. We poke on "Sawyer". We approach the half-open safe, open it and examine all the items.

A Different Kind of War.

We follow all three locations in the notebook. Playing as Cole Phelps, we move for Rusty. On the way, do not forget to look into the locker standing on the corner, to the left of the door. Entering the room, turn right and examine the folder lying on the table. We point to the text, and on the next page we poke on the circled red text. There is a blood-stained ball on the floor nearby. We examine the corpse, on the hand of which we find a lighter. On the desktop, we shade a sheet of paper with a secret map. We try to substitute a blue card and a newspaper under it. After the video, we head to the house opposite and try to knock on the door. Then we break it out and examine the homemade weapon on the right. We go further and in the room we find a lot of origami suspended from the ceiling. We study the photographs on the wall, a couple of origami on the table, as well as a map. We approach the phone and watch the video. We follow the white car on the mini-map. It’s not worth accelerating too much, because it’s raining. We move along the sewers, cracking down on opponents. There will be no problems with killing criminals if you do not rush and, moreover, do not lean out of hiding so often. In one of the rooms we select a flamethrower. Meanwhile, the flow of water increases, and it becomes more and more difficult to move. Having met with friends, we watch the final video.

Part 1. Patrol department

After a short video, we get to the crime scene, from where we begin our passage of L.A. noire.

In reflection

The first step at the crime scene is to investigate all the evidence. This is a blood stain on the door, a reflection of the gun in the window, and also a newspaper that lies in the middle of the alley. Then we go around the left building and go up the stairs. There you will find the murder weapon.

We go to the store, in the registration book by the number of the gun we find the person we need. Now we go to the apartment of the suspect. We can’t do without physical impact, so after the fight, inspect the nightstand. This concludes our first investigation.

Armed and dangerous

This task is short, but dangerous. let us shoot. We arrive at the bank and see several enemies inside. First, we clean those at the top. Then we carefully move on and destroy the enemies until the mission is completed.

The arrest warrant

Now we have to run a little. We are chasing the criminal, then we give him cuffs and complete the task.

Be careful when buying

First complete job. We go to the crime scene, inspect the body. In the right pocket you will find a receipt to study. We move away from the body, under the yellow cones there will be evidence that also needs to be viewed. We find a gun in the trash can, and bullets are lying on the sidewalk.

We interrogate the witness:

What happened? - Lie. The proof is the receipt.

The suspect is a doubt.

Shooting is true.

We go to the gun store and find out the owner of the gun. We go to the jewelry store, we start talking with Kalu, but he will run away. We rush in pursuit, point the gun at Kala, wait for the scale to fill and fire a warning shot.

Part 2. Traffic police

Driver's seat

We go to the car and inspect it. We find glasses, a certificate, a bloody pipe and a check in the trunk.

We interrogate the witness:

The reason is true.

Getting to know Black is a doubt.

The pipe is true.

We go to Black's house and inspect it. In the room we are looking for a box of matches from the bar, two photographs, a case for glasses and a train ticket. On the cookie you will find a receipt and a brochure. We call the branch by phone and find out the address of the bar. At the exit, we go around the house, solve a simple puzzle and find the missing piece of pipe.

Now it’s time for the interrogation of the hostess of the house: all the answers of Mrs. Black will be true, except for one: she answers the question about the photo with a lie, and as evidence we cite the hidden letter on the back of that picture.

There is nothing more for us to do here, so we go to the bar and talk to Morgan:

The car is a lie. The proof is the receipt.

Black's whereabouts are in doubt.

Now you have a choice - release or arrest Morgan. It won't affect the progress of the case. We leave for Morgan's house and find Black. He will try to run away, but we quickly catch up with him and arrest him.

A marriage made in heaven

On the corpse we examine the face and the left pocket of the jacket. We examine the already marked evidence, and in the container we find a knife. We interrogate the witness:

What happened is true.

The description of the car is correct.

Argument is doubt.

We go to the cafe, there once again we will have to apply our pathfinder skills:

Accident - doubt.

Quarrel - doubt.

Business is doubt.

In the department we recognize the owner of the car and go to his house. He, of course, will run away, but we catch up with him. We leave for Patisson's house. Communicating with the owner:

Accident - doubt.

Quarrel - doubt.

Intimacy with Sabo is a lie. The proof is a letter.

We go to the morgue, listen to the doctor. We return to the house, Sabo will start to run away, but we neutralize him with a well-aimed shot. Case is closed.


Fallen idol

At the crime scene, we inspect the car, in which we find underwear, a letter, as well as a handbag standing on the trunk. The doctor on duty will give us an amulet, we interrogate the witness:

Alcohol is a doubt.

The passenger is a lie. Doc-in - underwear.

Amulet - doubt.

Bishop - doubt.

We go to the hospital, in the ward opposite the registry is the girl we need:

The disaster is a lie. Doc-in - underwear.

Parents are lies. Doc-in - letter.

Bishop - doubt.

Rape is true.

In this story, it is clear that nothing is clear so far, so we need to follow the smug actress. Without approaching her car, we follow her to the cafe. Then we quickly go in and sit down at a table. Reading a newspaper, eavesdrop on a conversation.

Now we're going to Bishop. In his apartment we find a photograph, a check for a tidy sum and a thing similar to that amulet.

We interrogate Bishop's wife:

Enemies - doubt.

Location is true.

Check is a lie. Doc-in - check.

Rape is a doubt.

We are looking for a telephone in the house and call the department. We go to the store, on the shelf we find a potent substance, and in the room itself, behind the mirror, a hidden camera.

We leave the building, run around it and stumble upon a false wall. There we focus on film boxes.

We ask the owner:

Acquaintance with Bishop is a lie. Film box.

Location is true.

The relationship with Ballard is a lie. Again a box.

Blackmail is a lie. Blackmail.

We leave the store, we are already waiting for guests. Then we go to the set, where we will have to run and jump around the scenery until we catch up with Bishop. Then, going down, we shoot back from the bandits. In a few minutes, the partners will arrive, the case is closed.

Part 3. Homicide department

red lipstick murder

At the crime scene, we talk with partners, then we search the bag with lipstick, focus on the footprints next to the corpse, and also solve the puzzle with the globe. On the body we examine both hands and head. We go to the Bamba bar, talk with the bartender, look for the right table and start the interrogation:

The killer is true.

Husband - doubt.

The stolen ring is a doubt.

By phone we learn the address of Henry's house. There we examine shoes, a box for a ring, a broken window, a note. We leave the house, a gossip neighbor will be waiting for us, we learn a lot from her interesting information. We go to the apartment, there we look for a blank piece of paper, but with the help of shading with a pencil we find a hidden message, do not forget about the suitcase with shoes. We speak with the owner:

Transporting the victim is a lie. Lighter from Bamba's bar.

The last meeting is true.

Motives are lies. Threat message.

After the conversation, we arrest the suspect, then we make a phone call, go to the department, and continue the conversation:

The weapon is a lie. Husband's alibi.

Lipstick is true.

A broken marriage is a lie. Family problems.

Jewelry is true.

We go to Mendez and inspect his apartment: a gun, a mirror, a boot mark, lipstick. After that, a newly minted criminal will appear in the apartment. We chase him by car, keeping to the left, then your partner will be able to disable the criminal.


golden butterfly

At the crime scene, we examine the traces, the bag along with the contents. Then we completely inspect the body of the murdered. We go to her house, look for shoes and drawers near the closet. Asking a teenager:

Jewelry is true.

Last meeting - doubt.

Marriage is a doubt.

The father will appear, we do the same with him:

The tracks are lies. Boots.

The victim is doubt.

Alibi is a lie. Alibi.

The reason is lies. Decoration.

As soon as we leave the house and talk to the neighbor, the cunning dad will try to destroy the evidence, but we must catch her before he can do it. We look at the shoes in the barrel, make a phone call, go to the morgue. Once again we look at the body and listen to the conclusion of the doctor. We use the connection again and go to school.

There will be another suspect, which will not be difficult to catch up. There will be evidence in the trunk of his car. We use the phone, then we return to the department and interrogate the father again:

Destruction of evidence is the truth.

Rope - doubt.

Machine access is a lie. Tires.

The car is a lie. Overalls.

In another interrogation room there will be a guy that we grabbed near the school:

Traces - doubt.

Work is a doubt.

Rope is true.

The motive is doubt.

We make a choice of the suspect and complete the case.

Murder with a silk stocking

At the crime scene near the body, we examine the head and hands, as well as the evidence already marked around: a form from the library and a stocking. We are looking for a bloody trail and follow it to the wall, along the way finding a shoe, a key in the pipe, and a panama hat. Behind the building on the left is a staircase, climb it and look for an envelope, a cosmetic bag and a ring on the roof.

If you climb higher, you will find the second piece of the form. Now we go to the residence of Antonia and talk with the hostess without starting the interrogation. On the second floor we get into the room of the murdered woman, we examine the broken window, the case on the bed, the envelope with the message and the photo on the chest of drawers. Now it's time for a conversation:

The suspects are true.

The deeds of the victim are a doubt.

The hack is a lie. Window.

Marriage is a lie. A photo.

We are going to Maldonado's house, where guests are waiting for us, it will not be difficult to deal with them. In the apartment we are looking for a shirt in the kitchen, fruits and matches. After that, we talk to the neighbors. We go to the Eldorado bar and interrogate the bartender:

Jewelry - doubt.

The victim is true.

We move deeper into the bar, where we will find a messenger from the store and suspicious boxes, after that we call the nearest phone. We return to the department and study the evidence, after which we go to the suspect:

The meeting is a lie. Alibi.

Divorce - Lies. Certificate.

Jewels are true.

Shirt - doubt.

Now we need to get into the store and interrogate Feeney:

Necklace - doubt.

The victim is doubt.

Movement is true.

Behind the seller there will be a hidden door in which we are looking for a necklace box and open it with the combination 2-5-3. Now it's time to test our speed skills, and then the case is closed.


Struck by a white shoe

On the body of the dead woman, we examine the label, as well as traces of shoes and tires. To a single question, the witness tells the truth. We make a phone call and go to the dry cleaners. AT notebook we are looking for a line with the signs F1363 and hit the road to the received address.

In the apartment we are looking for photos and matches, the contents of the bag, a jacket and boots, as well as a rope on the street. We interrogate the owner of the house:

The suspects are lies. Rope.

Alibi - doubt.

The psyche of the victim is doubt.

The last meeting is a lie. Jacket.

After that, we go to the homeless shelter, but so far we have not found anyone there. In the bar we interrogate Cluff:

Contact with the victim is true.

Tramp - doubt.

Taxi is true.

Now you need to follow the suspect and also interrogate him:

The victim is doubt.

Movements - doubt.

Now you need to call the department by phone, and then go there. There will have to arrange another interrogation:

The victim is doubt.

Conflict is doubt.

Alibi - doubt.

Taxi - a doubt.

Now we will have to visit the tramps again, and now we will find the one we need - Ackerman. After his arrest, in the hut we are looking for a rope and a wallet. After that, it remains to interrogate him and complete the case:

The motive is doubt.

The victim is doubt.

Alibi is a lie. Wallet.

Studio secretary murders

We examine the decoration and talk with the seller. After that, we go to the crime scene, examine the hands and head of the victim. We find all the marked evidence around, as well as a purse, matches, a shopping list, a letter and a movie ticket. We interrogate the witness:

The evidence is true.

The body is doubt. We call by phone and go to the store, in which a bowling lane and a book will be remarkable for us. We ask the owner:

The meeting is true.

Attitude is true.

McCaffrey - doubt.

We go to the bar and talk to McCaffrey:

Criminal cases - a doubt.

Relationships are lies. Book.

We return to the police station, to the evidence room, then look for the phone. In a bowling club, we are looking for a suspect and arrest him. In McCaffrey's apartment we find a pipe and a piece of a letter, and also talk with neighbors. Upstairs, the owner of the apartment will be waiting for us, who at first will not be very happy with our appearance.

We again need to return to the department for interrogation:

Relationships are lies. Meeting.

The book is a doubt.

Alibi is a lie. Form.

The murder weapon is doubt.

Now it's time for another culprit:

Alibi is a lie. Letter.

The pipe is a lie. Accusation of an accomplice.

Again we are looking for a phone, we return to the first suspect:

Before killing - a lie. Accusation of an accomplice.

Back to McCaffrey:

The army is a lie. Criminal past.

This is where we end the rush between the suspects and stop our choice on McCaffrey.


Murders under a quarter moon

We examine the evidence in our case, then we go to the nearby square, where in the fountain we are looking for a piece of a letter and a card of a certain Short. In the museum, we talk with the guard, then we go up the stairs and carefully move on, finding a clock and another piece of the letter.

We go to the library, where we can feel like an assassin of the 20th century, climbing the railings and ledges. We find a medallion and another piece of paper. We go to the lake, on the island we are looking for the shoe of the last victim and another piece of the letter. The museum will have to run a little until we get to the center of the labyrinth, there will be another piece of paper and a ring.

At the studio we are looking for a ring and another passage, now we go to the church. In the basement, we will have to run after the criminal, but in the end, you must shoot him. On this unusual case without victims and interrogations, Pellps's service in the Homicide Department ends. We are getting promoted!

Part 4. Department of Morals

Black Caesar

At the crime scene, we talk with the doctor, and then we examine the wallet, packaging, sheet with notes, morphine. We examine the body and find the wallet. We leave the house and look for a pop-corn eatery, and in it a seller. He will try to run away, but it will not be difficult to catch up with him. Behind his place of work we find the same morphine, a suitcase and a form. Now interrogate the suspect:

Morphine is a lie. Morphine.

Receipts - doubt.

In the travel agency we examine the label, as well as the radio, by tuning it to the wave 275 we get a portion of interesting information. Accomplices will immediately come running, with whom it will not be difficult to deal with. Let's start the interrogation:

Morphine - doubt.

Otti is a lie. Drug dealer.

Communication with the office - a doubt.

We make a phone call and go to the casino. At the machine, we pull the lever until the Cherry-Bell-Victory combination falls out, after which you need to press the HOLD button. We examine the contents, now we need to catch up with Otti, then we begin the interrogation:

Morphine is a lie. Finklestein.

Credit is true.

We go to the trucking bureau, we catch up with the criminal's car. At the factory, we look at the books on the table, then we go upstairs, there we control the remote control to clear the passage. Then we look for ice and morphine in it. A suspect will come who needs to be detained, but unfortunately, he can only be killed.

We leave for the neighboring factory and shoot Fenklstein. Case completed.



We talk with the man at the door, we pass into the room, in the closet we examine the note. We will get the address of the hotel by phone. There we speak with the receptionist, in the received magazine we are looking for the fourth line from the top. We rise to the second floor, we pass to the desired room, we get a note from the trash can. In the room we inspect sweets, a settlement book and a ticket.

We go to another hotel, there we are looking for Carlo, who will not be very happy with our appearance. In his coat we look for a notebook and a knife, and in the apartment we look at a ticket and a brochure. Let's start the interrogation:

Location is a lie. Form.

The rates are lies. Bookmaker.

Escape is a doubt.

We finish the interrogation and follow the suspect. We are looking for a note from the bookmakers, which you can read with the help of shading with a pencil. We go to the pharmacy, there we look for a taxi business card, we call by phone, we go to another bookmaker's office. There we will meet the right taxi, which must be followed without attracting attention.

Having reached the toilet, we are looking for a gun and a piece of a ticket. Then we go to the cinema, where we need to finish off the three bandits. Investigation completed.


At the crime scene we meet our old acquaintance Pole, we examine two corpses. We are looking for morphine, a box for fittings, stuffing 3 cigarettes into which you can open the cache. We speak with the waitress:

Shooting is a doubt.

Getting to know the victim is true.

Morphine - doubt.

Victims - doubt.

We are reluctant to believe Elsa, so we should follow her without attracting attention. After shadowing, we go to the bar, where we speak with Kohan:

Finklestein - Doubt.

Shooting at the club is a doubt.

We leave for the department, in the magazine we look at the lines highlighted in red. There was a shooting in the bus, we go to the scene of the accident. Behind the bus there will be an alley, bypassing which you can climb to the roof of the neighboring building, there we kill the sniper, inspect him, as well as his gun nearby. Then we begin the interrogation of the driver:

Robbery is a doubt.

Shooting is a lie. Wallet.

We go to visit Kels and arrest him, then we begin the interrogation:

Morphine - doubt.

The former paratrooper is true.

The weapon is true.

Robbery is a doubt.


We go to the diner, we notice suspicious types that need to be tracked. We kill both as soon as they get out of the car, we examine their bodies. Now we are going to the theater, where guests will also be waiting for us. We go to the post office, there is another detachment of bandits. After destroying them, we take away the brochure from the suspect, as well as a note from the jacket of another bandit.

We go to the meeting place, which we learned from this note, we interrupt all the criminals there, then we return to the department and begin the interrogation:

Marines are lies. Notebook.

The robbery is a lie. Sincere confession of an accomplice.

Case is closed.

Part 5. Arson Squad


We talk with the patrolman, inspect the crime scene. There will be an electrical panel on the fence, inside we find a business card. Let's start the interrogation:

Tickets are true.

Charity is a doubt.

We make a phone call and go to the burnt house. We examine the bodies, the sidewalk will have a valve that needs to be raised. During communication with the victim, a strange type will appear that we need to catch.

We go to a travel agency, ask for a magazine, there we look at the third line from the top, we communicate with the person behind the counter:

Charity is true.

We go to the address of that charitable organization and find out that this is a fake office. We go to the administration, there will be a lot of interesting things on the table. Now we go to the fire station, there you need to assemble the device in the correct order. We go to the factory, we communicate with the secretary, then we begin the interrogation:

Heater - doubt.

Support is a lie. any of the heaters.

We call by phone, then we inspect the lockers of the workers, we go to the electrician Clemens:

Varley - doubt.

Work is a doubt.

Ryan is a lie. anarchist group.

Then we go to Varley, but he will not agree to a conversation so quickly, we catch him and return to the department. We begin the interrogation of Ryan:

Anarchists are lies. anarchist group.

The heater is a lie. Victims.

Repair - a doubt.

An attempt is a doubt.

Now we go to the next interrogation room for Varley:

The Sawyer House is a lie. Heater.

Repair is a lie. Clemens.

The heater is a lie. Tools.

We stop our choice on Ryan and complete the case.


Walk along the Champs Elysees

We examine the bodies, then look for evidence: a photograph, footprints from neighbors, cigarette butts and a boiler. We speak with Foreman:

Strange behavior - doubt.

Eyewitness - doubt.

Demolition of buildings - a doubt.

The action is true.

Then we solve the origami problem and find out the address of the office, but we are not in a hurry to get there yet. We go to the Ranch, chase the criminals and look at the left wall, there is a cache in it. We go to the Champs-Elysées, we begin the interrogation:

Arson is a doubt.

The action is a lie. Brochures.

Buying land - a doubt.

The ranch is a lie. Poor quality work.

We ask the secretary for a magazine, look for the third line from the top, make a phone call and go to Chapman's house. First we inspect his car, then the owner will appear, we chase him and kill him.

House of branches

We study the documents, then we begin the interrogation:

Credit problems - doubt.

Bachwalter - doubt.

The reason for the conflict is true.

We go to the Champs Elysees, we look at the documents there, then the manager will come, who needs to be neutralized. We go to the construction site, look for building materials there, solve the puzzle with them, then we have to chase the bulldozer. We go to the film studio, look at the box for the film, then turn on the projector and watch the film.

We go around the building, jump over the fence, there will be a receipt and a few more building materials. We make a phone call, go to another construction site, go into the house. It is not recommended to neutralize the bandits, so we get into any car and run away from the criminals.

Then we go home to Elsa and finish the job.


polite invitation

We go to Benson's house, look for apartment number two, examine the documents, talk with the owner. There will be a girl in the next room, then we begin the interrogation of the owner:

The motive for cheating is a lie. Form.

Reconstruction is a lie. Insurance.

Bachwalter - doubt.

We leave for Kelso's office, looking for a case log, namely, a case dated February 23, 1947. After the cut-scene, we follow the secretary, look at the magazine, then go to the map and indicate the coordinates:

Latitude: 034"04"29

Longitude: 118"17"58

Get the object number, divide this number by 90 000 - we get 21. We are looking for a library shelf with the resulting letter, then we will try to get out, but they will already be waiting for us. After the fight, we go to Kels, then to the mansion. We clean the yard, and then the house itself. We are looking for evidence: photos, stocks, an incomprehensible list.

Such a different war

We are sent to different houses, where we communicate with the owners. We change the character, examine the corpses, then the cabinet, folder, ball, lighter. We are looking for ordinary paper and a card, we put one under the other and we get a hidden message.

We break down the door, inspect the gun, map, figurines, make a phone call. We chase the car, and then we go to the final battle ... in the sewers. We deal with all the enemies, then at the end we reach Elsa.

We watch an impressive video and complete our walkthrough of L.A. noire.

L.A. Noire is a game developed and published by the gaming company Rockstar Games. In this game you have to plunge into the underworld from a completely different angle, feeling like a real cop. Your character's name is Cole Phelps, he is an ex-military, now he is a policeman.

Phelps is smart, talented, calculating, using his powers of deduction to end crime in Los Angeles once and for all. For the players, a city with a huge scale was thought out and ideally worked out, which is not only interesting to move around on foot or by transport, but you can also willingly take up its exploration, because there is where to roam.

You will spend more than one hour exploring the city, and who knows, maybe this cherished door with all the secrets and skeletons in the closets of this city will open for you.

Below we will describe the passage of missions in L.A. noire. In the game, the missions are broken down a little differently, not in the way we are always used to seeing them, but first things first.

L.A. noire

Tasks in the game L. A. Noire are divided into five sub-sections: patrol department, traffic accident department, murder department, vice department, arson department. If you count in general how many missions are in the game, then their number will be 26, not counting side tasks, for example, sometimes you can take a call on a police radio while driving.

Case #1 - if you think about it (patrol department)

At the very beginning, we start from the bottom, this is the patrol department. Watch the video and get your first task. We get to the crime scene with an assistant, upon arrival we talk with a local detective and go on an independent study of the crime scene. Be careful here, your partner will always stop at suspicious places, so inspect everything carefully.

All observations and actions are entered as notes in a notebook, so do not be too lazy to use it more often, if you are suddenly confused and lost your way, then a notebook will always help. Let's get back to the task. See, on the window to the left of the door, the shadow casts the silhouette of a gun? Now that's evidence! We climb the drain to the roof and inspect the revolver. Under the drum of the revolver there is a serial number, it must also be entered in a notebook.

The serial number of the revolver will help to find the killer

After that, we jump behind the wheel of the car and go to the weapons store, upon arrival we communicate with the seller. We explain in an accessible way what exactly happened, find out all the data on the owner of the weapon. The seller will issue the data, now we know where to go. When we arrive at his house, we will first examine the mailboxes.

We need a second box. Then we go upstairs and try to get to the criminal. Next is a cut-scene where a fight takes place between us and the suspect. Fighting, in fact, the game will be countless, so get used to it. As soon as we neutralize it, we approach the closet and leaf through a green notebook there. Everything, the first task is completed.

Case #2 - Armed and Dangerous (Patrol Department)

We receive the task by radio. After listening to her, we go to the crime scene. When you arrive, you will have to fight the criminals. You can use cars as cover, but do not linger at one for a long time, as enemies can blow it up.

The building has a lot of enemies behind the columns and on the top floor. So let's look at both

After that, we pass into the building and again engage in a firefight, hiding behind the columns. After killing the last criminal, the task will be completed.

Case #3 - issuing warrants (patrol department)

Here we have to run a lot. When the criminal comes into view, you will need to run after him, overcoming obstacles along the way.

Prove to the runner that you are fast enough too!

At the end of the race, he will knock you down and try to kill you in a fight. As soon as you defeat him, put him in handcuffs and realize that the next task is over.

Case #4 - Buyer Beware (Patrol)

New job. A corpse was found on the street, as a partner approaches, we begin a thorough examination of the place. We examine the right lower pocket, as well as the sleeves at the curb. There will be a gun in the trash can. We write down the serial, as before, and ask the man about what he knows. After we go to the store and interrogate the woman seller, because her boss was killed.

In this mission, the girl will react strangely to interrogations. Try to bite her

After the interrogation, we go to the Igolson weapons store. We talk with the chief. Then we go to the Heartfield jewelry store, we will have to run there, the seller will not want to communicate with us and will make his legs. In the park, you can point a gun at him to stop him. We pick him up and blow with him to the police station for interrogation. As soon as the interrogation is over, we will be promoted and now we will consider cases of traffic accidents.

Case #5 - Driver's Seat (Traffic Accident Department)

After the meeting, we go outside. Drive to the crime scene. There you will have a talk with the detective and with honey. expert. Then we open the trunk of the car, there will be everything in the blood. Find a note, study it. At the pillar we study the wallet. It will include a photo and a credit card. A little further, at the railway crossing, we will find metal pipe in blood.

Then we go to interrogate Nate Wilkie. After the interrogation, we go to the Black Residence. We examine it carefully. In the bedroom we will find a piece of paper yellow color, in the closet we find glasses with engraving and a case for them.

We carefully study the note. It has a lot to investigate.

After we go to the courtyard, passing through the kitchen. In the courtyard, we move along the wall to fix the shield, as well as inspect the flowers. Then we step back to the kitchen, read the booklet and interrogate Mrs. Black.

After the interrogation, we leave, there is nothing more to catch here. We go to the Kawang bar and there we talk with a guy in a green jacket. There we will face Frank Morgan sitting at the table. Let's interrogate him. After the interrogation, we go to his apartment, find the right apartment and start chasing Adrian. That's it, the mission is over.

Case #6 - A marriage made in heaven (traffic accident department)

We rush, as always, to the crime scene and examine the corpse there. In the pockets we find documents and a wallet with credit card. We study them and again transfer attention to the area. On the wheels we see blood and the trace they left. In the alley in a bucket we find a knife with an engraving. Let's interrogate the woman in a lilac raincoat. After the interrogation, we will use the phone and then we will go to the Shelton residence. After the cut-scene, we start the chase.

We interrogate a woman in a purple cloak. She will tell us a lot of interesting things.

During the chase, you need to inflict as much damage as possible so that the pursued person stops. We arrest him and go to another residence, to Pattison. Entering the house, we will arrange an interrogation. After interrogation we go to the morgue, in the room on the right we talk with honey. expert, then we drive back to the Pattison residence. The irreparable has already happened there: Sabo killed Mrs. Pattison. We start chasing him and at the end we kill Leroy. You can leave him alive, for this, during the chase, you need to keep him on sight for a long time, and he will be forced to stop. Task behind.

Case #7 - Fallen Idol (traffic department)

We are at the scene of an accident. We will listen to the words of the policeman, and then we will approach the broken car. After examining it, we find evidence in the form of torn underwear and a bag. Take out the letter from the bag and examine it. We will talk later with the expert, he will hand us a new item and after that we will go to interrogate Mrs. McAfee.

After the interrogation, we head to the reception room of the central hospital. We speak with the nurse, a doctor will come up a little later, we will talk with him, and then we will go into the ward to Jessica Hamilton.

After the interrogation, we watch the screen saver and sit down for the persecution. The main thing is to pay attention to the mini-map: if the car flashes, then you are driving correctly. The car will stop at the cafe, as soon as Mac Afi leaves the car and goes to talk on the phone, we need to rush headlong to the cafe, take a comfortable place to listen to the conversation. After the conversation, Mac Afi will leave, but we don't need her yet.

We will approach the broken car and find evidence in the form of torn underwear and a bag

We put a tick in the notebook entries and go to Bishop. When you enter the building and take the elevator up, you will need to pacify the unknown. After the video, we study the statue at the door. We pass into the room through the open doors and study the check there, then the photo and the object that will be to the right. After that, we interrogate Mrs. Bishop on the balcony.

Leave this place the same way you got here. On the street we will use the services of a payphone. After the conversation, we go to the supports of the Silver Screen. Let's go into the building and examine the closet. In the closet we will study the bottle, then the mirror. Here everyone, going out into the street, let's go left to a dead end. There will be a black skull, we will study it. Having studied, we break the wall on the left, then we break the door behind the wall and a camera will appear to our attention. Let's study it. Consider film cases. Then we move away from here, go to our partner and talk.

After the conversation, we watch the video and again participate in the chase. As a result, Bishop will have to be cornered, he is not easy and will shoot back. But in the end, he will fall, and with him this mission will end and we will be promoted again. Now we have assignments from the homicide department.

Case #8 - Red Lipstick Murder (homicide)

Now we have everything new, not only the department, but also cases, and even a partner! We drive to the crime scene and have a conversation with the policeman and honey. expert. Let's examine the corpse of a young girl, pay special attention to the head, hands and inscriptions on the stomach. Talk to the expert again, after examining the bag on the right.

There on the lipstick we will see the inscription, which is very interesting for us. Let's pay attention to the white mark, presumably from the boot. At the bench we will see a mini-globe, there will be a puzzle, but not at all difficult. Then we proceed to the club Bamba. As we enter, we will watch a video, then we go to the left all the way and begin the interrogation.

After the interrogation, we will use the phone in the club. Then we'll go to Henry's residence. The door will not be opened for us, we will get into it through broken glass. We examine the kitchen and both rooms, there we will find a lot of interesting things for ourselves. After we go outside and jump over the fence. A woman will drive up in a car, we need to talk to her.

Strange lipstick lettering on dead body girls

After talking, we go to Jacob Henry. As we enter, we will watch the video again, and then we will examine the suitcase with shoes on the bed. In the same place we will see a pencil and an empty sheet, having painted over it we will see a record. Let's read it and arrange an interrogation.

Now let's visit Mendez. When we drive up to his apartment, we will examine the mailboxes. We need the one at number 16. Next, we get to the right apartment, there, studying the mirror, we will see a gun. There will be shoe marks familiar to us on the bed, and lipstick and a wand in the closet. Next, we chase the criminal, maintain a distance, and our partner will shoot through his wheels. A tire puncture will stop him. We arrest him and finish the mission.

Case #9 - Golden Butterfly (Homicide)

Glory runs further than us. Many people already know us and find out, is it good? We follow the crime scene and inspect the dead. The tree will have a bag, and in it an object with an inscription. We will need this. Let's look at the rest of the footprints. Then we go to the residence of Moller. The doors will be opened to us by the daughter of the deceased. After going into the bedroom, our eyes will fall on the shoes under the window, we will examine them and begin the interrogation of our daughter.

One of the main pieces of evidence

Then we leave the house, go to the woman who is standing opposite, and talk to her. While we're talking, Hugo will try to run away, so we'll stop him from escaping. Let's examine the sole and the barrel, then we go to the morgue. There we once again examine the corpse, collect new evidence and go to the Belmont school. Upon arrival, we watch the video and run after the elusive suspect. We'll knock him down as soon as we close the distance. We examine the next evidence, watch the cut-scene and go with Hugo to the interrogation station.

After the interrogation, we will talk with the captain and go to another room, where Eli Rooney is waiting for the interrogation.

In the end, everything becomes clear, we sit down the suspect and finish the task.

Case #10 - Silk Stocking Murder (Homicide)

Everything is as always, with the receipt of a new case - we go to the crime scene. On the spot, we thoroughly examine the body. They left a lot of footprints on the ground - let's examine them and notice a stocking near a tree. Let's follow the tracks and stumble upon a hat with an inscription. Then we dig up the trash can and find the shoe. There we will find a bunch more evidence: a ring, a sheet with a code, a brush and a bag with half a check. We study both pieces of the check that we have. We sit behind the wheel and drive to the residence of Anthony. Entering the house, we will report the murder. In search of something suspicious, let's go upstairs. Then we interrogate Mrs. Lapenti.

After the interrogation, we will visit Maldonado. When we get there, we'll examine the boxes. We are interested in room 304. Let's go upstairs and on the third floor we will chain up the attackers. Let's examine the apartment for evidence. After that, we will conduct a survey of the neighbors, jump into the car and go to the El Dorado bar.

Interrogating Angel Maldonado again pay attention to facial expressions

On the way, they pull us up, saying that we need to return to the police station. There the captain will talk to us, we will watch a video and go to interrogate Angel Maldonado in the basement.

After the interrogation, we again go to the bar to talk with the local bartender. He will give an envelope, we will study it and talk to the bartender. After the bar, we will go to the Just Picked building to talk with the salesman Clema Feeney.

After the conversation, we break the green door and examine everything suspicious, or rather, a box of wine, a table with a lamp and a box in the table. Then the gaze falls on the bloody knife. Clem realizes that he is in deep trouble and tries to escape. In pursuit of him, we keep the necessary distance, the partner will break the tires on his car and the case will be closed.

Case #11 - White Shoe Murder (homicide)

Let's go to the place where the crime was committed. As always, we speak with the policeman and honey. expert. We study the corpse and next to it we find traces from shoes and from the wheels of the car. Let's go to the phone and arrange an interrogation of Barton. After the interrogation we go to the laundry. Let's go in there, talk to a man and get a book.

After that, we go to Emeralda Street to house 43. We go into the room. There will be a box on the table next to the chessboard - examine it. Then we will examine the bedroom for evidence. In the utility room, consider wet clothes, this is all for a reason. We leave the back room to the right and head to the boat. There we will interrogate Lars Taraldsen.

After that, we jump behind the steering wheel of the car and go to the Baron's bar. We'll interrogate the bartender there. Then we need to capture Bates. He will run away and then leave. Everything is as usual: you keep your distance, your partner punches the wheels. After the capture, we will interrogate him.

In this mission - the shoe is the main evidence to close the case

After that we follow to the taxi depot. We catch the taxi we need and interrogate him. After that, we go to the station and interrogate James Jessop at the place. He will be in the interrogation room.

After that we go to the bus depot. There we will ask the dispatcher for information about the driver. We study the route map of the bus depot workers and go to the tramp camp. There, with the help of a siren, we force the bus to stop, and then we engage in battle with the tramps. After that, we go into the room, see the rope in the blood and return to the site. Stuart Askerman will be waiting there for our interrogation. Having finished the interrogation, we will also finish the task.

Case #12 - Murder of a studio secretary (homicide)

At the very beginning of the task we go to the pawnshop. After talking with the seller, we will take the rings of interest to us for study. Then we head to the railway station and get to the crime scene. According to tradition, we examine the victim and traces around the body. In the bag, next to the body, there will be several items we need. Then we interrogate nearby workers.

After that, we follow the Mensha bar. After a conversation with the bartender, we go to the person at the table for a conversation.

After the end of the conversation, we need to go to Levine's liquor store. First we talk with the bartender, and then we go back to the bar and talk to McCaffrey.

Fragment of a note found in a bloody shirt

Then we go to the station, we meet there with the captain. After the video, we will take the car and go to the bowling alley. After talking with the cashier, we will see that the suspect is trying to escape. After stopping him, let's go to McCaffrey's house. We need a sixth apartment. After knocking on the door, we will have to break it down, because no one will open it. There we will see scraps of a letter and a bloody shirt. The maid will arrive in time.

We will talk to her, and then we will climb onto the roof. There we will start chasing McCaffrey, whom we will soon catch up with. We take him to the station and interrogate him and James Tiernan. It is better to start with the second. Then go to McCaffrey, and then select a suspect and end this case.

Case #13 - Lunar Quarter Murder (homicide)

This is your last assignment in this department. Get it right, and you will be transferred even higher. Finding ourselves at the crime scene on the video, we study a book with a piece of paper. Then we drive to Pershing Square. There will be evidence in the fountain, so feel free to climb there. Now we have to drive, and far away, to the recording room. Entering the building, we will rise above. We need a second passage, and in it is a staircase to the chandelier. We study the chandelier and the clock with the message.

Then our path will lie in the library. We get to the roof with the help of scaffolding. There we were waiting for evidence and a pendant. Then we go to Westlake Tar Pits. At the shore we will change into special clothes. clothes to explore the sunken platform.

Once in the art museum, we will walk along the wall and find some clues

The next destination is the Art Museum. We head straight to the center of the park, through the labyrinth. You need to go like this: left-right-left and at the end we will find the ring. Then we go to the scenery of the film. We need to take to the other roof of the building, which is next to the scenery, so we climb up.

There we will find a new message and immediately take off, because everything is about to collapse. Finding ourselves on the street, we immediately go to the church. After the video, we run after the suspect into the tunnels. Now you need to put the criminal. He's strong, so don't stand still. But sooner or later, with the last shot, we will put an end to this matter, and at the same time to the department.

Case #14 - Black Caesar (Department of Vices)

With promotion! We're heading to the crime scene. We rise to the apartment above, we talk with the expert and examine the evidence. On the table we will see a certain combination, as well as a piece of music. After examining the corpse, we will find a wallet and a credit card. There will be morphine in the corner. There is also a glass of morphine in the kitchen. Then we go down to the street and head to the popcorn shop. The seller will start to run away. Let's catch up with him and break open the box. Guess what's there? Morphine! Next, we interrogate Fleetwood Morgan.

After the interrogation, we'll go to the Jones booking agency. We are interested in apartment number 238. We need to examine it, especially focus on the radio. To open the cache with his help, you need to set the left indicator of the radio to the maximum, the other to FM and the third to 1100. A few guys will come running. Let's deal with them and begin the interrogation of Jermaine Jones.

Let's catch up with him and break open the box. Guess what's there? Morphine!

After the interrogation, we go to the number operations. We need to go upstairs to the machines. To open the cache, we need to play a game. If the combination cherry-bell-win falls out, then the cache will be opened, and in it we will find a sticker, morphine and a piece of paper. The suspect tries to run. We stop his attempt to run and interrogate him.

After interrogating the suspect, we go to Ramez's transportation. The suspect in the truck will try to escape, keep the distance on the left side, allowing the partner to break through the wheels there. Then we proceed to the warehouse. There will be a magazine on the table, read it. We are interested in the following lines: the second, the fifth from the top, the fourth and the first. Let's go to the stairs and with its help we go upstairs to the control panel to remove the box that interferes with the passage to the freezer. There is an item in the center of the freezer. We shoot him and find out our good old morphine. There will be an escaping criminal, he can be killed.

Then we go to the ice company Polar Bear. We'll have to catch up with Lenny. His accomplices will interfere with us, so, using shelters, we kill them all, catch up with Lenny and kill him too. The case is over.

Case #15 - Setup (Department of Vices)

After the video, we immediately break the door and search the closet. There will be a note. We take it and move on. After talking with several people, we head to the El-Mar hotel. Once we get inside, we need a man behind the counter. Then we pass into room number two hundred and seven. There we will consider a telegram, a ticket on a chest of drawers and sweets in the same place. Next to the bed are calculations that should not be ignored. That's all, we're going to where Edwards should be. Let's talk with the woman at the bar, go upstairs to the first room on the right. There we will calm the man and study him. We will find a knife and a list of surnames from him, after that we will interrogate Edwards.

Prime Suspect

After watching the cutscene, we need to follow Edwards. Then we enter after her into the bookmaker's office and head to the red lamp. Then we go to the pharmacy. Upon entering, pay attention to the radio: it will have a business card and the phone number we need. After that, we will visit Ray's bookmaker.

We do not stop following Edwards - she is in a taxi. A little later, they will kill her in the depot, we just have to inspect the place of the murder and rush to the Egyptian theater. In the theater we move, focusing on the sound. Sooner or later we will stumble upon three criminals: two of them are on the stage, one will be higher, on the balcony. That's all.

Case #16 - Destiny Destiny (Department of Vices)

Arriving at the crime scene, we will enter the building and talk with our former partner. There will be two bodies, we will examine them and find morphine. Let's take a look musical instrument, and then a cache, which will contain a syringe and a token. Then let's pay attention to the box of cigarettes and the inscriptions on the weapon. After that, we communicate with the administrator.

We go to the Blue Hotel and there, after the video, we will interrogate Elsa Lichtman. After the interrogation, we wait for the night and after the offensive we follow Lichtman. After surveillance, we watch the cut-scene and interrogate the waiter.

Then we watch the video and go back to the station. After talking with the detective, we go to the scene of the shooting. Let's not go to the frontal, let's go around: let's go to the left, and then up the stairs, there we will kill the enemy and inspect him. We found a book with him, and also examine the machine gun nearby. After the video, we will interrogate the bus driver.

We interrogate the waiter and focus on facial expressions. Suddenly he is hiding something

After that, we need to interrogate Jack Kelso, so we go to him.

Now we're going to Robert's diner. There, armed people will run away from us in a car. Let's stop them in the same way as before: the partner will shoot through the wheels. How to stop the fleeing, and finish off the survivors. One of the corpses will have a notebook containing a list. Now our path has gone to Gromen's Chinese Theatre. There will be shooting again. After it we go to the post office of Hollywood.

We move carefully, shooting all the armed bandits. At the end we will face a living person. Talk to him a bit and get a card. At the filing cabinet we find the corpse of a man and a note. Then we go to Places for Dating. There will be a lot of enemies, so we move carefully, killing one after another in a firefight. After that, we'll go to the station to interrogate Courtney Sheldon. That's all.

Case #17 - Tanker (Arson Department)

Again with a raise. Things have become more difficult, a new partner has appeared. In this task, we need to go to the Steffens' house. After talking with the policeman, let's go to the shield to open it. There will be a list. Then we'll interview the victims and Mr. Steffens himself.

After that we go to the house of the Sawyers. Let's examine the corpses and talk to the expert. Let's go to the water regulator, it's at the fence. After the video, we run after the elusive suspect, arrest him and seize evidence. Then at the Gulliver agency we will interrogate the agent.

Then we go to the suburban reconstruction, and from it immediately to the fire station number thirty-two. After the video, you need to correctly place the regulators. Set the blue a little higher, the yellow right between the green and blue, and put the brown in the free space. Next, we need a specialist from the InstaHit plant.

Cole Phelps' new partner

We then study the list and use the phone. Then again we speak with the agent and follow him. There will be a sheet in the third locker on the left. We also examine the seventh and second cabinet on the right. After considering all the evidence and watching the video, we go to Clemens to work. We will interrogate an electrician there.

After talking with the electrician, we go to Varley to work. He will try to escape, but will not come out. Then we go to Ryan. When we catch Ryan, we will return to the station and interrogate him. After his interrogation, we will interrogate Varley and finish this task.

Case #18 - Walking the Champs-Elysées (arson department)

Arriving at the crime scene, we follow the expert and inspect the house. Then we will study the corpses and photos. After the cutscene, let's go to the back of the house, and then go to the tree of the neighbor's house. There will be evidence, and this is an occasion for interrogation of the owner.

Right after we go to the Escondido ranch. After destroying the bandits, examine the left wall in the right corner of the house. Next, we need Mr. Monroe, he is in a house on the Champs Elysees.

We examine the corpses for evidence or clues

After that, let's look at the secretary's names in the list. We need the third line from the top. Then we go to Chapman's house. When we arrive, we will inspect the car. Let's open the trunk and find a lot of evidence. The owner will see us and give us a tear, so follow him. We'll have to damage the train until it gets out. When it comes out, kill him.

Case #19 - House of Sticks (Arson Department)

This time we play for Jack Kelso. We need to examine the documents and folders from the filing cabinet. There we will see a blue piece of paper. It needs to be projected. Then we'll interrogate Elsa Lichtman.

Then we will follow the girl and arrive at the already known to us - the Champs Elysees. In the booth, we study the documents and beat the master, because he will not say anything voluntarily. Then we head to the broken house and "play" with the broken boards to find a clue. The man we beat seems to have woken up, so we run away from him into the trenches.

Jack Kelso is one of the main characters, the second protagonist in L.A. noire

Then we go to the Keyston film studio. We pass into the territory and study the inscriptions that are near the fence. Then we go through the main entrance and go into the building on the left. There you need to adjust the levers as follows: set the upper one to the north, switch the middle one to the northwest and the south one to a simple switch.

After watching the movie, use the phone. We need the second part of the Champs-Elysées further, so let's go there. Having penetrated the building, and having risen to the second floor, we will fall into a trap. There will be many enemies, so we fight back with all our might and hide from them. Then a trip to the destination, a cutscene and the end of the mission.

Case #20 - Polite Invitation (Arson Squad)

After watching the cut-scene, we find ourselves in the hospital. We need Curtis Benson's, so let's get out and drive there. We need to go up to apartment number two. After talking with the owner, we will study the document. Having visited the bedroom, we will find a girl of about eleven there, and after that we will interrogate Curtis. Then we go to California Fire Life, go to the indicated floor and enter your personal account. We run through daddy, click on the coordinates and the fifth line.

After the video, we will enter the building. After talking with the guard, we rise to the second floor and follow the man. We will pick up a reference book from the shelf for its study. We need the eighth line, go to the map and fill in the coordinates: latitude: 034'04'29, longitude: 118'17'58.

In this clue, we will see clues in the form of latitude and longitude

We enter the following equation into the calculator: 1876988: 90000 = 20. The window has a shelf with another reference book, in it we pay attention to the third line from the top. Armed bandits will approach - we will kill them. After the battle and the video, we go to Lelando Monroe in his mansion. Here we will fight our way to the owner of the mansion. It is better not to let anyone through, so that at the most unexpected moment they are not attacked from behind, be careful. Having reached Leland, we neutralize him with a shot in the leg. After examining all the evidence, open the list and indicate the line "Sawyer" and check the safe. Mission completed.

Case #21 - Another War (Arson Squad)

Since this is the last thing, pull your tails to her and complete all side and secondary tasks of the game. In this game we have two GGs: Cole Phelps and Jack Keslo.

First we control Jack. We will travel to three locations to interrogate targets.

Then we sit "behind the wheel" of Cole. We'll investigate the crime scene for him. We follow the assistant. On the way, do not forget to inspect the closet, which is to the left of the door. After entering the room, examine the folder on the table. Then we examine the dead. Let's find a lighter. On the table you need to draw a sheet of paper, there will be a map hidden from prying eyes. Combine newspaper, map and sheet.

Now you are Jack again. After the video, knock on the door. They won't answer us, so we break down the door and examine the weapon that caught our eye. Going further, we will see a huge variety of origami figures. We watch the cut-scene.

On the table you need to draw a sheet of paper, there will be a map hidden from prying eyes

Cole Phelps. We will have to follow Jack's car and fight off our colleagues in police cars from her.

Again we "steer" Jack. Our path lay in tunnels full of enemies, carefully shoot everyone, leaving no surprises behind. When the pool starts to flood, then we need to go upstairs, to the right exit, to the stairs. To get there faster, we need to go to the iron fortification, which is in the middle of the path, go along it, and only then move closer to the stairs. Hardly, with grief in half, we reach our friends and watch the last video in this game, which will turn out to be tragic ...

L.A. Noire is one of those games that grabs you right away and doesn't let go until the very end. Main character Cole Phelps is an LAPD detective. Detective, which means detective.

You have to collect evidence, investigate criminal cases and conduct interrogations. Interrogations in L.A. Noire occupy a huge niche. How else would a detective be without them? Just take a notepad, choose the right words and unobtrusively capture the information you need. And we will help you with this.

Interrogations in the game L.A. noire

Each investigation in the game begins with getting to know the details of the case at the police department. Arriving at the crime scene, inspect the already identified material evidence that has not yet been noticed by other employees.

Before you start the interrogation, carefully study all the evidence and evidence available. Evidence is needed in order to refute false claims and find out the truth. Be aware of what evidence you have to distinguish true claims from false ones. If you bring charges based on false evidence, the witness will no longer trust you and will be reluctant to make contact.

Detectives interrogate a suspect

From the collection of evidence depend on the leads in the case and the list of questions during the interrogation of suspects. Keep searching while the music plays. When the detective finds himself in the hands of the last piece of evidence at this location, the corresponding signal will sound, announcing this. It is very important to collect all the evidence, otherwise one of the participants in the interrogation will be able to get away with it. So be vigilant at the crime scene.

The found main evidence will automatically be recorded on one of the first two pages of the notebook.

The main feature of the investigation, of course, is the interrogation of witnesses and suspects, based on the so-called theory of lies and the method of deduction.

The passage of interrogations in L. A. Noire is as follows: you need to ask the suspect a question and evaluate his reaction, follow the facial expressions, tone of voice. We must not forget that people can lie very skillfully. Keep a close eye on the suspect as he testifies. You need to decide if they are telling the truth or lying. The timely use of intuition points will help during interviews with witnesses and suspects. True, in order to get these very points, you need to gain experience by solving other cases and completing additional tasks. There are several ways to assess the answers of interrogated people:

- truth (truth) - a confident look and no unnecessary gestures.

With the rest, everything is a little more complicated. Here you need to put into action deductive method, analyze evidence, events, testimonies of witnesses and other suspects.

- doubt (doubt)

- lie (false).

We will give you a couple of tips that will certainly help you reduce any interrogation to your advantage.

Always use notepad. It is given to you for a reason - it is your main weapon, perhaps on a par with firearms. All significant notes, your observations, similarities, differences, names are entered into it.

Your notepad. It contains notes, your observations, similarities, differences, names

If in thought you are confused or just decide to have a little fun riding around the night in Los Angeles, and having decided to get back to business, you have lost the thread - always refer to a notebook, it will remind you what's what.

Use camera focus. When you're on a mission and exploring the area for clues and clues, you can always overlook something. If you think so, you can always use the camera focus.

Focusing so you don't miss important details

It serves as a kind of guideline and will definitely focus on some part of the area that you have not yet paid attention to, but you should.

Notes of professionalism. If you look at the game from the outside, it may seem that from the part of the interrogations, the game is incredibly difficult, and there are few who can handle it. In fact, everything is not so. Team Bondi did her best.

Head turns in the right direction or abruptly playing music as a hint for the player

Here, as signal lights, you will have sharp turns of the GG's head in the right direction or sharply playing music and more. This, by the way, is very useful, especially if your English is not very good.

Intuition - as a subject of help. Existing intuition points are not recommended to be used anywhere, just to make the task easier.

The game has help in the form of intuition points

Do you know why? Because throughout the game, in any case, you will have a task where you will exhaust all attempts to pass it and lead yourself to a dead end, and this is where these points can come in handy. They will lead you out of the impasse in the right direction.

Observation, listening, learning. During the interrogation and arraignment, always study the gestures and facial expressions of the characters. Sometimes, they drive themselves into a dead end, it is only important to have time to notice. For example, when interviewing another detainee, you can ask him if he went into such and such a room?

The game has real facial expressions

He can say, they say, no, what are you? Of course not. But you definitely saw him come in. What does it say? About the character's insecurity, a tendency to lie and cunning. And you can immediately point out to him that he was still in this room, and further dialogue will go in a completely different direction, beneficial to you. As an example, we will provide you with the passage of one of the interrogations of one of the chapters of The Fallen Idol (Fallen Idol). After a certain number of stages, you will reach the interrogation of June Ballard. So let's go.

The question of drug addiction

Your hero asks a woman about who gave her employee drugs, to which she answers that she does not remember anything. But on the face of a second-rate game of a Hollywood actress, therefore, the correct assessment will be - a doubt. After that, our behind-the-scenes "actress" will begin to wrinkle, flirt with the detective, and later change her anger to mercy, declaring that a certain Mark Bishop is a moral freak, and her husband will definitely settle accounts with him. For this, a special thank you to her, because in the future this is a good way once again to ask about something.

Question about an injured passenger

A woman will answer this question quite convincingly, they say, her friend is still a dreamer. She imagined herself a star and she just had another hard day. The only problem is that you have already found torn panties, obviously removed not of their own free will. And with this iron argument you stun June. June simply has no choice but to say that most likely it all started at the screen test with Bishop. Noticed? His name appears for the second time.

Mark Bishop

It's time to ask, what kind of person is this? June said that he is a film director. And then abruptly changes the conversation, while changing his mood, saying with a cold smirk that the detective should leave the solution of this problem to her and her husband. Of course, there are doubts here. Click on "doubt". Standing his ground, Phelps learns that Bishop offered the victim the role, later changing his mind. She ambiguously made him change his mind, fulfilling everything as promised. Perhaps this incident is his reaction to pressure.

Props in the form of a head

The detective reports that during the inspection of the car, a fake head was found there, which locked the gas pedal. In response, Miss says that the last thing she remembers is how she sat behind the steering wheel of a car. Attention! Here she escapes for the first time eye contact with you, looking away. Very suspicious, definitely "doubt".

Detective understands Bishop's props

The detective begins to put pressure on her, and she, in turn, stubbornly refuses, they say, it’s not the stars that matter, to understand the props and their whereabouts. However, he gives good advice: find out what kind of prop campaign Bishop uses.

That's all. Based on this example, you can get a general picture of all the interrogations in the game.

If there is not enough evidence, and you decide to catch the interlocutor in a lie, then you can burn out and not get further leads. If, however, no threads lead to the interlocutor, but he is clearly disingenuous when answering question asked he is most likely hiding something. And so, like a person to a person, loud and not very crimes are revealed from hook to hook.

In some cases, you will have to find the culprit among several suspects, arranging cross-examinations, and who knows what the wrong choice will lead to. It all depends on your attentiveness and ability to make ends meet.

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