Home Berries Is it possible to hold a win-win lottery at fairs. Own business: entertaining slot machines

Is it possible to hold a win-win lottery at fairs. Own business: entertaining slot machines

In previous articles, we offered you no less profitable than making money on lotteries, and.

Appeared lottery business back in ancient times, at the same time in China and Ancient rome... In ancient times, with the money received from ticket sales, municipal buildings were built, roads and bridges were repaired.

Even the Great Chinese Wall owes its creation to lotteries.

The first lottery game in Russia was played in the 18th century by Jacob Gassenus; it was officially allowed to hold lottery games in 1782.

V Soviet time Games were very popular because it was an opportunity for everyone to get rich and improve their financial well-being.

Serious changes have taken place in the Federal Law "On Lotteries" of 2004, according to which the sale lottery tickets should be carried out only in specially designated places: branches of Sberbank or "Russian Post", specialized kiosks.

Lottery tickets must have a letterpress number, watermarks, micro-fonts, special fibers interspersed, background grids of continuous lines.

If you are considering starting a lottery business from scratch, you should know that of the total amount that was received from ticket sales, half is given to the prize pool.

As for the waste, about 6-10 percent of the profits will be spent on printing lottery tickets in the printing house for the next drawing, by the way, tickets can be printed only in those printing houses approved by the Ministry of Finance.

The amount of charitable contributions, which is established by law, is 10 percent, about 25 percent of the profits will go to the salaries of distributors of "lotteries". The company's net profit will be about 9 percent, from this amount you will produce rent for the office, employees' salaries, travel expenses, etc., and what remains is your money. There are three types of lotteries: drawn, instant and combined.

Draw lottery

According to the calculations of specialists, in order to open such a business project as a drawing lottery, a large start-up capital- about 3-4 million dollars.

The next step is to obtain a license. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents, registration will be required legal entity, an agreement that defines the rights and obligations of the founders of the company.

Then you can start organizing the lottery. The drawing must be carried out on a certain day, which is indicated in the tickets, only on special lottery equipment in the form of opaque bags and boxes, according to the combinations received, it is necessary to make lump sum winnings.

Information about the results of the drawing must be posted in the media with which an agreement was previously concluded, the names of the media, the place and time of payments and the issuance of prizes must be indicated on the tickets.

Instant lottery

Instant lotteries are quite popular today, which allow the ticket owner to immediately find out if he won something or not, without waiting for the day of the drawing, as in the draw options.

Taking into account the peculiarities of instant lotteries, the winnings that are provided in this lottery are fixed on the tickets when printed. It is the responsibility of the lottery organizer to determine the total prize amount and prizes before printing tickets.

Incentive lottery

Manufacturers of goods and service providers can use a method such as a promotional lottery to attract more buyers. There is no need to print tickets for its organization.

In order to receive a prize, which the organizer determines in the prize fund, the buyer most often needs to buy several types of certain products, dial the right amount points, stickers, chips, packaging lids. All information about the lottery is described in detail on the product packaging.

Electronic lottery

The appearance of this kind business, as an electronic lottery, has greatly facilitated and reduced the financial costs of organizing this business. The advantage of electronic lotteries is obvious: you can use already developed terminals, automated system control will constantly see the results of the sale of tickets and track financial flows.

Printing lottery tickets in a printing house and distributing them involve high costs. In the electronic lottery, it will be enough to print a receipt, which practically does not require any financial costs.

Electronic lotteries are both drawn and instant. There is no need to publish information in the media to notify about the results of the draw. Winnings in such lotteries are notified in sms-messages, and the results of non-draw lotteries are instantly displayed on the terminal screen. The rules of the game are established by the organizer.

Our whole life is a lottery. But some, nevertheless, manage to win in it.

More and more businessmen are asking themselves the question of how to open a lottery business. This is due to the ban on the installation of slot machines and the high demand for gambling entertainment. The demand for various lotteries is largely ensured by the Russian mentality. The desire to feel excitement, the dream of a fantastic win, the thought that at one moment you can become a millionaire makes the lottery business more and more in demand. Currently, there are no serious restrictions on gaming lotteries in Russian legislation. Subject to certain conditions and simple rules, you can easily get permission to hold lotteries.

Where to begin?

You can start a lottery business by replicating printed tickets or by purchasing electronic lottery machines. Printed ticket lotteries provide an opportunity to make good money on advertising, since each letterhead can include the name and logo of the sponsoring company. Registration of such a lottery implies the application of special protective signs on the tickets, the size of the prize fund and the number of the draw. This type of lottery is familiar to millions of Russians, so it has every chance of success.

Registration of electronic lotteries is still quite simple, operating costs have been significantly reduced due to the absence of printing costs. If you know how to correctly open a lottery business with electronic sweepstakes, then you can make good money in this area. Such lotteries do not yet have a similar alternative, so they are developing in recent times at a rapid pace. A feature of electronic lotteries is the ability, after receiving the winnings, to immediately spend it on the purchase of new tickets.

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What do you need to know?

Before organizing a lottery business, it is necessary to register the company and register it with the tax authorities. To obtain the appropriate license, you will need a certificate of absence of tax and duty arrears. Provision should also be made for the costs of printing paper tickets, purchasing electronic lottery machines and prizes. Lottery results must be published in the media.

First you need to define target audience, monitor the market and draw up a business plan. It should be borne in mind that according to Russian legislation, the prize fund must not be less than 50% of the amount of tickets sold. According to the Law on Lotteries, printed products must have watermarks, micro-fonts and a background grid consisting of continuous lines (protection class B).

Based on these requirements, it is worth cooperating only with those printing houses that have a license to produce anti-counterfeit printed products. According to experts, the lottery market in Russia has been mastered by no more than 10%, so businessmen beginning in this area have every chance of success.

The niche of the lottery business in Russia is still poorly developed. Try and get results

Opening costs

The average price for a lottery machine is 3-5 thousand dollars. Printing costs depend mainly on the quality of printing and the complexity of the execution of forms. As a rule, they make up from 6 to 15% of the revenue. It is also necessary to provide for the costs of the services of the designer and implementers, which in different regions can vary greatly in cost. On average, salespeople should allocate 25% of the proceeds to the salary. The expenditure part also includes the lease of space for a lottery machine or kiosk.

It should be noted that the gambling business is prohibited almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, except for four specially organized zones. And in the same Ukraine, casinos are prohibited in general throughout the country, but Ukrainian legislation does not prohibit lotteries, as well as in Russia. Therefore, the organizer of this type of games may well bet on former clients similar establishments.

You should start by understanding the number that you are ready to invest in the project. After all, the given business idea is quite complex in terms of organization. It is desirable to have an experienced lawyer, accountant and marketer in your own state or outsourcing. Hiring for permanent basis we will be more costly and less efficient than a one-time hiring of the necessary specialists.

Organizational moments

To calculate and understand how to open points of sale of lottery tickets, you need an analysis of the most visited or passable places in the town. Also, it will be useful to conduct a study of potential customers, on the basis of this it will be possible to make profitable terms games and understand which amount is the most valuable. In your portfolio, in addition to the amount itself for opening a business in this area, there should be an amount of winnings that you can immediately pay the player.

Employees at the first stage:

  • Technical Specialist;
  • salesman;
  • economist.

For example, lottery tickets can also be sold at ticket sales points of partners or competitors. Basically, there are many points where tickets from several companies are on sale.

What is desirable to have on hand:

  • permits;
  • financial plan with the budget for the project;
  • agreements with partners;
  • preparation of statutory documents.

Opening costs

To open a lottery business and calculate the approximate costs, you need to decide whether it will be a regular lottery or on the Internet. In this business plan, we will consider the costs of opening our lottery in physical format. In order to know exactly how to open an enterprise in this area, it is better to take full list required documents in the federal authorities. Advertise in local information resources.

Main expense items:

  • advertising (from 50,000 rubles);
  • execution of all documents (up to 20,000 rubles);
  • obtaining permission from the authorities (up to 15,000 rubles);
  • equipment for printing lottery tickets (from 50,000 rubles);
  • development of a layout with protection watermarks (from 50,000 rubles);
  • organization of the state (from 200,000 rubles);
  • opening of islands in the shopping center for sale (from 150,000 rubles per point).

Total: 535,000 rubles.

Approximate package of documents:

  • detailed rules holding a lottery;
  • agreements with points of sale of your lottery tickets;
  • income distribution documents with a prize budget of at least 50%;
  • statutory documents of the founders;
  • example of a lottery ticket with protective watermarks;
  • a description of the system for determining the winner;
  • registration documents of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • rules for storing and using uncollected winnings.

Potential problems and risks

For those who open their own lottery, one of the main risks should be the interaction with the inspection authorities and customer reviews. Also, in the case of the electronic lottery, this is the protection of the system from hackers, and in the case of the physical sale of tickets, it is the protection against counterfeiting. You should also ensure the safety of the circulation of tickets and the protection of the company's trade secrets.

The main risks that could cause damage:

  • examination tax authorities;
  • an attack on the servers where the lottery base is located;
  • counterfeiting lottery tickets;
  • negative feedback from players;
  • losers' lawsuits.

Anniversary is a holiday that should be remembered by everyone. And not only with culinary masterpieces, but also with the way it was held. Success will depend on the chosen scenario of the celebration, as well as on the lottery draw. Many guests usually gather for the anniversary, so fun and freedom from boredom is guaranteed. How to hold a lottery, which ones to come up with comic prizes and accompanying texts?

Event organisation

It can be carried out in several variations. To store tickets, you can install a large lottery drum in the center of the room, or use a spacious box instead.

It can also be placed in the place where guests arrive (in the hallway, in the lobby of the restaurant, at the entrance to the cafe) so that they can purchase tickets in advance. Anniversary lotteries can still be laid out in advance next to the guest devices. It looks interesting when lotteries are stuck into fruits or cakes with skewers. Then all the invitees will need to get them out of there, which will cause additional positive emotions. Another option is when guests receive a lottery for the anniversary in exchange for a recited rhyme or song.

When and who conducts

If the celebration is small, then one of the relatives or friends of the hero of the day can take on the role of the host. When it comes about a large-scale event, these functions, as a rule, are performed by a specially invited or elected host of the evening. You can play the lotteries for the anniversary at one time within the framework of a separate competition. Nobody forbids stretching the pleasure and continuing the rally throughout the evening. In this case, from time to time guests will be offered to take a ticket and receive a prize in return. And this is the most interesting part of the lottery, because everyone loves unexpected gifts!

Anniversary Lottery Game: Valuable Prizes

What are the prizes for a comic event? Of course, the same - funny, kind and positive. For this, toys, household items, souvenirs, cool things are suitable. Their cost is not so important, the main thing is that it is with humor and meaning. The won present must be accompanied by a playful commentary.

Here are examples of such texts and the prizes attached to them:

  1. Would you like to fix your hair, do you need a comb (the prize is a fork)?
  2. For your table, I present you with a set of crystal (the prize is a set of plastic cups).
  3. Here is a piece of jewelry for you, just a sight for sore eyes (a necklace made of paper clips).
  4. Whoever gets the beer will spend that year happily (the prize is a can of beer).
  5. You wanted to get a flashlight, instead of it you - balloon! (inflatable ball).
  6. To keep your bones strong, drink calcium in a timely manner (the prize is crayons).

In poetic form:

Keep your money in the bank

After all, there is the safest place.

There is protection from robbers,

Get yours later.

Interest you owe

You will be able to pick up.

But just look,

In order not to lose everything at once!

Extracted and presented to the winner to the accompaniment of laughter. three-liter can from glass.

We give you a phone,

Brands, firms are expensive.

Everyone knows this brand,

Take it quickly!

Of course, a large green apple- a symbol of a world famous company.

  • How to hold a prize drawing and avoid a fine of several hundred thousand rubles
  • 3 rules for drawing prizes: how not to get a fine of several hundred rubles
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In this article I will tell you how to draw prizes are correct and you will not receive a fine of 300 thousand rubles for this.

In order to increase the demand for their goods, companies hold various contests, sweepstakes, games, quizzes, but in fact, these are all lotteries. An unpleasant surprise for business came from Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 28, 2013 (which amended the Law on Lotteries), which actually banned the organization of such events from January 1, 2014. If earlier any company could conduct a stimulating lottery after notifying it in advance tax office, now only the state has this right. Lotteries can be all-Russian and international, as well as drawn and non-drawn. In the first case, the prize fund is raffled among all participants at the same time after the distribution of lottery tickets; in the second, information allowing to determine the prize is put into lottery tickets (including electronic ones) at the stage of their production (creation).

If you want to host a lottery. First you need to choose the organizer of the lottery (any federal body can act in his role executive power), apply for participation in the competition (there may be several applicants) and wait for the results. If the decision is positive, your company will receive the status of a lottery operator. Please note that the competition is open to companies that meet certain requirements, for example, they have no debts to the budget. One more nuance: the firm - the winner of the tender undertakes to transfer to the state 10% of the difference between the proceeds received and the winnings paid. This money will be used to finance socially significant objects and events. To be sure of receiving funds, the organizer often requires the operator to provide an irrevocable bank guarantee valid for at least five years.

How to make a draw? In order not to mess with government agencies, it is better to hold sweepstakes or promotions. The main thing is that this marketing ploy is not regarded as a lottery. Otherwise, the company will be fined 200-300 thousand rubles. for holding a stimulating event without the permission of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lottery signs (according to Federal law of 11.11.2003 No. 138-FZ "On Lotteries"): purchasing a ticket for money; drawing a prize using special equipment (lottery drums); formation of the prize fund at the expense of the proceeds from ticket sales; a random way to determine the winners. Therefore, when running a promotion, your marketers should exclude these criteria, since the presence of at least one of them will lead to the fact that it is recognized as a lottery.

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

In our article, we have collected 5 such phrases, and ways to fix mistakes.

This can be done as follows:

  • collect requests from customers for free, for example, using your company's website or sms messages;
  • if you need to pull a ticket to determine the winner, use an ordinary vase for this;
  • form the prize fund from your own funds, not from money from ticket sales ;
  • establish an algorithm for determining the winners.

At the same time, it is possible that even after fulfilling all the requirements, you will still have to defend your position in court. The following methods will help to increase the chances of winning.

Prize drawing rules: how to stay out of the controllers' field of vision

Method 1.To avoid the factor of chance, give out prizes to everyone who applied for participation in the promotion. V in this case Your client does not risk anything: receiving a prize does not depend on the will of fate, but only on his actions aimed at receiving a prize (for example, from filling out an application on the website). True, the question remains about which prize the participant will receive: the main, incentive, or one of several (the receipt of the main prize can be regarded as an accident). It is also worth noting that you cannot limit the number of prizes. Phrases like "The number of prizes is limited" or "The prize will be awarded to the first five applicants" will also be considered a violation. To avoid such incidents, it is better to write in the conditions as follows: "Prizes are distributed according to the approved methodology", "prizes are awarded on the basis of objectively obtained data", that is, immediately exclude the factor of chance. For example, here is how the Yves Rocher Vostok company tried to bypass the rule of chance when determining the winners of the festive campaign “City of Flowers for You”: “1st, 2000th, 4000th, 6000th, 8000th and 10,000 -th participants of the action who have made an order of products, receive the right to receive a prize from the organizer of the action. Participants of the action who have received the right to receive a prize become the winners of the action. "

Method 2.Form a jury to select the winners. You can give prizes to those who are better at coping with creative task(for example, he will speak about his love for the product most effectively, write the most romantic letter, come up with the most original use of packaging, etc.). Then the final result will depend not on randomness, but on creativity participants who must be assessed by a competent jury.

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Prize or gift ?

In order not to fall under the restrictions, replace the word "prize" with the word "gift", indicating the conditions for its receipt. For example, one of the companies offers gifts to the first five customers who made the largest purchases, or to the first five customers who paid for goods on the 5th of the month at all fifth cash desks of the network. In this case, all gifts are paid from the profits of the previous periods.

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