Home Trees and shrubs Watermelon rind jam - simple homemade recipes. The simplest step-by-step recipe for making watermelon jam for the winter

Watermelon rind jam - simple homemade recipes. The simplest step-by-step recipe for making watermelon jam for the winter

Watermelon jam is very tender and incredibly delicious dessert, which you can always please your household - you just have to stock up on a few watermelons and some other ingredients that are included in this sweet preparation in advance.

For those who are not yet familiar with it, I would like to say that it can be cooked both from the pulp itself and from the crusts - in both cases you can get a true delicacy. So, let's look at watermelon and jam from its rinds.

Watermelon jam

  • watermelon pulp - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 8 glasses;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - from two fruits;
  • vanillin for a pleasant aroma.

To make jam, you need to carry out the initial processing of the watermelon. This is not difficult, but quite tedious, because it involves obtaining clean watermelon pulp by separating it from the seeds and rinds. And, if cutting off the crusts is not particularly difficult, then in order to get the seeds, you will need to work hard and spend a lot of time.

However, when you have completed everything, you need to cut the prepared watermelon pulp into small pieces, and after that, fill them with the amount of water indicated in the list of ingredients, and begin to cook over high heat. As soon as you notice the boiling process, wait about 5 more minutes and remove the mixture from the stove. Watermelon pieces need to be removed from the syrup formed during the cooking process and placed in ice water(namely ice). After this, the process of preparing the dessert will have to be suspended for a short time - for about 8 hours.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the watermelon from the cold water and pour in the hot syrup that you obtained during cooking. During the afternoon, let the mixture infuse and soak in juices. After this, the juice is drained again and two glasses of sugar and vanillin are added to it. In this composition, the syrup needs to be boiled for some time, and then watermelon is added to it. Now your task is to cook the mass until it becomes transparent.

Remove the jam from the stove, cool and you can enjoy its divine taste!

Watermelon jam is the most waste-free production (if, of course, you do not take into account the discarded seeds), since even from the rinds of the berry you can cook an equally delicious dessert - jam from watermelon rinds.

Watermelon rind jam

To prepare you will need:

  • watermelon rinds - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • lemon juice (it is better to choose individually, to taste)

Jam from watermelon rinds is relatively easy to prepare, but at the same time very long.

First, you need to prepare the main ingredient - watermelon rind. To do this, they are processed - it is necessary to cut off the green skin - it will not be needed. The remaining pieces need to be cut into medium slices and cooked over high heat for five minutes. After this time, the crusts are removed from the stove and placed on a sieve. They need to be cooled and only then continue preparing the jam.

Fill in hot water, in which the crusts and sugar were boiled and, having put it on the fire to cook, start stirring - until the sugar dissolves and syrup forms. Only then add lemons.

Place the watermelon rinds that have cooled by then into the syrup and continue to cook in this mixture for half an hour. After this time, the mass is removed from the stove and infused for several hours. Practice shows that about three hours are enough for this. After this, you will again have to boil the mixture with watermelon rinds for twenty minutes and, after removing from heat, leave for two hours. If necessary, you will need to cook it again, but only over low heat. As a result, you should achieve such a result that the crusts become completely white.

When you cool the mass removed from the stove, the jam is ready!

In addition to these two desserts, you can prepare other dishes from watermelon, but that’s a completely different story...

If you want to cook, then this is the simplest recipe with step by step photos you will need it. About a year ago, I already wrote how you can cook a simple one with the addition of lemon. This recipe is very similar to the previous one, only there are some differences. For a long time Before making the jam, I soaked the watermelon rinds in a soda solution, but this time I tried to make the jam, skipping this step. As a result, the jam turned out no worse than with soda. My jam from watermelon rinds turned out beautiful yellow amber color, crystal siram and transparent cubes of watermelon peel just beg to be served at the table.

Concerning additional ingredients. Watermelon, just like zucchini or melon, has a specific taste that not everyone likes. This taste can be masked using many additives. The simplest is citrus fruits, in particular lemon or lime. Instead of lemon or lime, you can add orange or vanilla. Spices such as cloves and cinnamon will make watermelon rind jam piquant and spicy.

Many housewives think that making jam from watermelon rinds at home is too troublesome and therefore immediately abandon this idea. In fact, this is far from the case. And today I want to offer you watermelon rind jam - the simplest recipe with step by step photos. Cooking watermelon rinds with lemon will take place in three batches for fifteen minutes each.

You can boil the jam while preparing any other dishes. And I highly recommend it for cooking delicious jam Use only fresh watermelon rinds, and not those that have been collected for days in the refrigerator. The fact is that jam made from such watermelon rinds can quickly ferment and turn sour.

To make this simple watermelon rind recipe, you only need a few ingredients that are found in every home.


  • Watermelon rinds – 800 gr.,
  • Sugar – 2 cups,
  • Hot water – 0.5 cups,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Watermelon rind jam - the simplest recipe

So, after the watermelon meal we were left with some rinds. Cut off any remaining red flesh from them, then sharp knife cut off the hard skin. This must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt; it is best to ask your husband for help.

Prepared watermelon rinds for making watermelon jam are ready. Now they can be crushed. We need to cut them into cubes. The easiest way is to cut each crust lengthwise into strips. After that, fold the watermelon strips into a bundle and cut them crosswise into 1 cm pieces. As a result, you will get approximately the same size cubes of watermelon rind.

Transfer them to a bowl. Add sugar.

Stir. Add half a glass of boiling water. Stir again. Thanks to boiling water, the sugar will dissolve faster, and the watermelon rinds themselves will quickly release juice.

Watermelon rinds should sit in sugar syrup for at least 5 hours, but it is best to leave them in the syrup overnight.

Just like zucchini jam with lemon, this watermelon jam will be cooked three times for a short time, or rather 15 minutes after boiling. Place the pan with jam on low heat. As soon as the watermelon rind jam according to a simple recipe boils, cook it for another 15 minutes with constant stirring.

After this time, remove the pan from the heat. Leave the jam until it cools completely. We repeat the next cooking of watermelon rind jam after a few hours. This technology will allow sugar syrup to penetrate the watermelon pulp, fill it, and in subsequent cooking it will be completely fixed and turn ordinary skins into delicious marmalades.

So, after the second cooking, you should add lemon. It needs to be washed. Cut into four parts, remove the seeds, then pass through a meat grinder.

Add lemon to watermelon jam while boiling. Boil simple watermelon jam for about 15 minutes.

Like other types of jam, according to a simple recipe, we close watermelon jam in clean, sterile jars for the winter. We boil tin lids for one minute in boiling water; jars can be sterilized in a water bath, like lids in boiling water, in the microwave or in the oven.

Pour the watermelon rind jam according to a simple recipe hot, immediately after cooking. The most convenient way is to pour it into jars with a ladle, first scooping up watermelon cubes, then pour syrup over them. Close the jars with lids and then turn them upside down. Cover and leave to cool. It is not necessary to take the finished jam out into the cold, as it can be stored well in an apartment.

You can try jam made from watermelon rinds a few days after making it. In addition to the fact that it can be eaten with buns, cheesecakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, long loaves and other baked goods along with tea or coffee, marmalade watermelon cubes are useful when baking pies, pies, and rolls as a filling. I wish you bon appetit. I will be glad if this simple recipe for watermelon rind jam You'll like it. You can also cook

The juicy and aromatic pulp of the watermelon is eaten, but the rinds remain. Don't rush to throw them away! What seems inedible can be turned into an interesting delicacy, for example, candied watermelon rinds, the recipe for which is already in the link, or delicious watermelon jam. In Russian cuisine, preparations of vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter are popular. So why not make watermelon jam? The pulp of the giant berry is too liquid, so it is not suitable for making jam, but the crusts are quite suitable. Why is crust jam better than candied fruits? In contrast, lemon zest and juice are added to the jam, which enriches the taste, and it turns out pleasantly sweet and not cloying, very tasty and, in addition, healthy! Watermelon rinds contain many trace elements, and lemon is a well-known source of vitamin C. During cooking, you can add a couple of clove sprigs or a few mint leaves to the watermelon for flavor. This delicacy will come in very handy with tea on a cold autumn and winter day. The watermelon preparation can be served with pancakes, pancakes, and cheesecakes. And how beautifully the jam shimmers in the vase! It is amber, almost transparent, and the aroma is reminiscent of warm summer days. Be sure to try making Jam from watermelon rinds: the recipe is very simple, despite the fact that it takes several days to prepare. The crusts need most of the time to soak in the syrup, and you only need to devote 5-15 minutes a day to the jam.

To make jam you will need:

  • 1 kg of watermelon rinds;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 500 ml filtered water;
  • 1 lemon for about 200 g.

Yield: 2 cans of 0.5 liters each.

Step-by-step recipe for watermelon rind jam

1. Peel the pulp and green skin from the watermelon rinds. Rinse the crusts under running water and place in a bowl.

2. Cut the white part of the crusts into rectangles 1-2 cm wide. The size of the slices, like the shape, can be arbitrary. I have a figured knife, but a regular one will do. You can cut the crusts into strips or cubes, whichever you prefer. But in order for the jam to cook evenly, the slices should be cut equally,

3. Place the chopped peels in a basin (pan) and add sugar. Now add water. It should slightly cover the pieces. Shake the container from side to side so that the watermelon is mixed with sugar, or distribute the sugar evenly with a wooden or silicone jam spoon. Place the pan or bowl with the crusts on the fire. If we are preparing jam in a basin, we set the fire high so that the flame reaches the sides of the container; it is also very convenient to use a divider. If we use a pan for jam, turn the heat to medium so that the sugar does not burn to the walls of the pan.

4. While the crusts are warming up, grate all the lemon zest. The white fibers give off bitterness, so we don’t rub them, we only take the zest from the top.

5. Grating the lemon took me 2 minutes, the jam didn’t even have time to boil yet. Add the zest to the watermelon rinds and mix. If you want, you can add the zest at the very end of preparing the jam, in step 8. Lemon very beneficially complements the aroma of watermelon rinds, adds a slight sourness and citrus taste, making the jam richer and less cloying. If you add the zest at the beginning of cooking, the watermelon rinds will be saturated with a delicious citrus aroma not only on the outside, but also on the inside. In addition, the grated zest will become transparent and elusive in the finished product.

6. Bring to a boil, then set the heat to medium-high and wait 5 minutes. Remove the watermelon jam from the heat (I move it to another burner to cool faster). Usually, in order for the jam to turn out transparent and amber, the main ingredient is first poured with hot syrup. Could be so. But since the crusts are hard, they can be cooked immediately, the skins will not boil or lose their shape. Leave until completely cooled, but no more than a day. Looking ahead, I will say that you need to cook the jam in 3-4 batches until it becomes transparent and amber. The most convenient option is to start cooking sutra, then boil it in the evening, then sutra the next day - and you can roll it up. And if desired, you can boil it again, depending on how well the crusts are soaked. The intervals between cooking should be from 6 to 12 hours. But after the first time, the crusts begin to change color to golden and will gradually become transparent as they are soaked in syrup. Don't forget to stir the jam. The sugar can easily cause it to burn.

7. Cook for the second time a few hours later. Bring the rested jam to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, remove from heat. Cool completely again, preferably leaving overnight.

8. Boil for the third time. After the third cooking, it became golden and transparent, which means that the jam can be rolled into jars. But if the syrup seems very liquid to you, or the watermelon rinds are not transparent enough, you can boil it 1 more time, maximum 2 times. If you overdo it, the jam can become sugary. Before putting the jam on to cook last time, sterilize jars and lids.

9. Pour the hot jam into hot sterilized jars. Fill the containers to the very top. It is better to take small jars - 0.5 liters each.

10. Roll up with a sterile lid. If you want to eat the jam before winter sets in, you don’t need to roll up the lids on the jars, but cover them with parchment.

11. And final stage preparations. We turn the jars of jam upside down, and after a day we move the jam jars to the cupboard.

12. Fragrant jam from watermelon rinds is ready! As the syrup cools, it will become thicker.

And here are the golden transparent watermelon rinds. Bon appetit!

Watermelon rind jam is an unusual delicacy that your family will definitely love. Choose the most best recipe from our selection!

There is nothing easier: while eating the largest and juiciest August “berry,” put the crusts in a separate container, and then use them to prepare dessert. The jam is being cooked in a simple way- in an enamel basin on the stove. A light shade of orange will give the dessert an unforgettable taste and aroma.

I do not use citric acid in the recipe. To make jam from watermelon rinds and oranges, we need a ripe orange with elastic zest, watermelon rinds and granulated sugar.

  • Watermelon rinds - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Orange - 1 pc.

So, here's the recipe. The hard striped part of the watermelon rinds is cut off with a knife. We are left with a layer between the pulp and the crust itself. Ideally, the thicker the watermelon rind, the thicker the jam. Everything is cut into large cubes or bars.

The cubes are filled with sugar. A bowl of sugar crusts is placed on the stove. The contents are brought to a boil with gentle stirring.

The next day, the jam is brought to a boil again and set aside for 12 hours. Watermelon rinds should acquire some transparency. I bring the crusts to the desired condition in four batches, but it is important not to cook, but only bring to a boil, skimming off the foam if necessary.

When you like the result of turning a tight watermelon rind, rub the orange zest directly into the basin and squeeze out a little orange juice. Bring the watermelon rind jam with orange to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

All is ready! Transparent and orange-tinged jam made from watermelon rinds will captivate you from the first spoon.

Give your guests a taste of the jam, but don’t tell them the ingredients. I bet you that few people will be able to guess what is in this unusual dessert.

If you roll our sweets into sterile jars, then you will have a pleasant watermelon-citrus tea party winter evenings you and your guests will be provided.

Recipe 2: watermelon jam with mint (step-by-step photos)

In watermelon jam, the crusts resemble candied fruits; they turn out transparent amber and have a light citrus aroma. You can add mint to this jam. various spices, honey, and orange or lemon zest. Such additives will only improve the taste of the jam and give it some piquancy and originality.

  • Watermelon 1 pc.
  • Sugar 2 Glass
  • Mint to taste
  • Spices to taste

Cut the watermelon into 4 parts.

Cut each part into semicircular slices 2 cm thick.

Remove the pulp from the slices.

Cut off the green part of the rind.

Cut the white peels into thin bars.

Transfer the cubes into a deep bowl. Add sugar. Add mint leaves and spices. Leave for 2-3 hours.

After boiling, reduce heat. Stirring, cook until thickened for 40 minutes.

Remove from heat. Leave in the pan to cool at room temperature. Sterilize jars. Boil the lids. Divide the jam into jars. Seam using a seaming machine. Store in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: homemade watermelon jam

For 2-2.5 kg of crusts you need:

  • 2 kg sugar,
  • 3 glasses of water,
  • 1.5-2 large lemons,
  • 0.5 packs of vanilla sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon (without a teaspoon) of citric acid,
  • cardamom on the tip of a knife.

In order for watermelon rinds to be better stored before making jam, it is better to cut the watermelon pulp from them with a knife, and only then eat it - and not nibble it, as is usually done. This “preparation” can remain in the refrigerator for several days.

We take our crusts and peel them. You need to remove everything clean - both the green part and the red part. Let's leave only the white “pulp”. It should be cut - some aesthetes who have figured knives at home cut it in waves and zigzags. Well, I made it simpler by crumbling the crust into small triangles. Size: centimeter by centimeter or one and a half by one and a half.

Boil 1.5 liters of water, put all the prepared crusts in there, let them cook (they should not boil intensely) for about 5 minutes.

After this, drain the crusts into a colander. Since there are a lot of them, they won’t fit into a colander at one time - either you need to take two containers, or discard the crusts in two stages. Let the water drain well... and don’t worry that the crusts still have that “herbal” smell. Cooking and spices will do their job, and very soon the watermelon jam will smell delicious... and even a little “alien.”

Prepare syrup from 3 glasses of water and 2 kg of sugar. You may think there is too much of it. But the peels are not apricots or apples, so they need a lot of “impregnation”. Let the syrup simmer for 8 minutes until all the sugar has dissolved, and turn off the stove.

After this, pour the watermelon rinds into the just boiled syrup and leave them in it overnight.

Cooking: after 10-12 hours, the crusts need to be boiled for 5 minutes. If there is foam, remove it (but I didn’t have any). Let the syrup cool again (you can leave it until the evening), boil the jam again for 5 minutes - and again “forget” about it until the morning.

Last step: add to pan lemon zest(fine), lemon juice, cardamom, vanillin and citric acid(it acts as a preservative here, and also significantly “corrects” the neutral taste of the jam).

Boil the jam from watermelon rinds for 20 minutes - at the end the pieces will become “glassy”. Meanwhile, jars with lids are already sterilized.

Roll the jam while it's hot, turn the jars over, let them cool under thick towels... That's it, ready! And by the way, put more syrup in the jars - then almost all of it will be absorbed into the pieces, and the jam will become thicker.

Recipe 4, simple: watermelon rind jam with cinnamon

  • Watermelon rinds 1 kilogram
  • Sugar 1 kilogram 500 grams
  • Pure water 1 liter 500 milliliters
  • Concentrated lemon juice 1 tablespoon or to taste
  • Cinnamon 1 stick
  • Baking soda 1 teaspoon

Weigh 1 kilogram of clean watermelon rinds on a kitchen scale. Then we take a fruit slicer and cut off a thin layer of green peel from each peel.

Place them one by one on a cutting board and, using a serrated knife, cut the crusts into cubes or slices 1.5 to 2 centimeters thick. Then take a deep bowl and pour 1 liter into it clean water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda there.

Stir with a tablespoon until smooth, place pieces of watermelon rinds in soda water and soak them in it for 2 hours. This process is necessary so that the slices retain their shape while cooking the jam.

After the required time has passed, throw the crusts into a colander and thoroughly rinse them under cold running water to remove any remaining soda. Then leave them in a colander for 10 - 15 minutes to get rid of excess liquid.

While the watermelon rinds are drying, cook the sugar syrup, pour 500 milliliters of clean water into a deep 4-liter pan and pour 1 kilogram 500 grams of granulated sugar into it. We put it on the stove, turned on average level.

After boiling, the sugar will completely dissolve, add 1 tablespoon to the pan. lemon juice and boil the syrup for 5 - 8 minutes.

Then, using a kitchen towel, remove the pan from the stove, carefully place pieces of watermelon rinds into it, mix with a wooden kitchen spoon, cover the container with the rinds with a lid and put it in a cool place for 12 hours; it is better to do this from evening to night.

The next morning, turn on the stove to medium level, put a pan with syrup and watermelon rinds on it. Bring the aromatic mass to a boil, stirring continuously with a wooden kitchen spatula. After boiling, boil the jam for 5 – 8 minutes, while simultaneously removing the resulting foam from its surface using a slotted spoon.

Remove the pan from the stove again and forget about the jam until the evening. After 12 hours, repeat the boiling procedure and leave the jam to steep for another 12 hours or overnight.

On the third day, turn the stove on to medium level, place a pan of jam on it and cook it, stirring occasionally until the watermelon rinds are transparent for 20 - 25 minutes. About 10 minutes before it is fully cooked, put 1 cinnamon stick in the pan; if you wish, you can omit it if you cannot stand the aroma of this spice.

After 20 - 25 minutes, helping yourself with a ladle, spread the hot jam over the sterilized liter jars, cover the containers with hot screw lids and close them tightly with a kitchen towel.

Then we turn the jars upside down, check each for the presence of air, if any, seal the containers more tightly and place them on the floor with the lids down. We wrap the jars of jam with a woolen blanket, so that there are no cracks, and cool them without sudden changes in temperature for 1 - 2 days.

Then we send them to a more comfortable, cool, well-ventilated place, such as a pantry or cellar.

Recipe 5: simple jam from watermelon rinds (with photo)

  • watermelon rind – 1 kg.,
  • sugar (white) – 700 g.

Before cutting a watermelon for dessert, be sure to wash it with soap and then in running water. The fact is that this large berry goes a very long way from the melon to your table, which means that there can be millions of bacteria on the skin, so watermelon, like any other fruit or vegetable, must be washed before consumption, because we will take it in your hands while eating.

During slicing, we cut out the watermelon pulp and present it beautifully, and set aside the scraps of rinds for jam.

We remove the peel from the crusts, leaving only the light green pulp. Then we cut it with a knife into cubes of any size.

Place the slices in a bowl and cover with granulated sugar.

Mix the mixture and leave for about 6-8 hours: during this time the crusts will give juice and the sugar will dissolve in it.

Now we actually cook the jam on low heat about 2 hours. If foam from coagulated protein appears on its surface, then we must remove it, as it contributes to the souring of the finished jam.

While the jam is still hot, fill clean, processed jars with it and close the lids. As soon as they have cooled, we put them either in the refrigerator (if it is a small portion, designed for quick consumption) or in the basement.

Recipe 6, step by step: watermelon jam with lemon

  • Watermelon rinds – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Lemons - 2 pcs.
  • Water – 500 ml

Peel the watermelon rinds from the outer skin with a potato peeler.

Cut the peeled peels into pieces 2-3 cm in size.

Pour hot water over the crusts and cook for 5-10 minutes, then place on a sieve and cool.

Pour water over sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil. Until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Place the watermelon pieces into the syrup and cook for 20-30 minutes, then remove from the heat and leave in the syrup for 2-3 hours.

Then repeat this operation, then remove from heat and leave the watermelon pieces in the syrup for 2-3 hours.

Remove the zest from the lemons using a grater. Then peel the lemons and chop them finely.

We add zest and pieces of lemons to our jam. Mix.

Place the jam on low heat and cook the watermelon jam until done - the rinds should become transparent.

Watermelon rind jam is ready.

Recipe 7: delicious watermelon jam with orange

After reading this recipe, you simply do not have the right to throw away watermelon rinds. It's time to pluck up courage and finally commit a noble culinary act - make jam from the crusts. You won’t recognize the new incarnation of watermelon rinds: boiled in syrup, they will resemble candied fruits - amber-transparent, elastic and very tasty!

  • watermelon (rinds) 1.3 kg
  • sugar 1.3 kg
  • water 1 l
  • soda 2 tsp
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • orange 1 pc.
  • vanillin 1.5 g

Cut out the flesh - it won't be needed.

Peel off the rinds. You can leave a thin pink layer, then the crusts look prettier, and it’s immediately clear that the jam is from watermelon and not zucchini.

Cut the peeled rinds into 1.5 cm slices.

Fill warm water with soda. Soak for 5 hours. Then rinse under running water. The soda will lighten the green part of the crust and give the finished jam an amber transparency.

Finely grate the zest of the lemon (only the yellow part of the whole fruit) and orange. Squeeze the juice from the fruit itself.

Prepare syrup. Pour sugar into a liter of water.

Put on fire, bring to a boil. Cook until sugar syrup is obtained.

Throw watermelon rinds into syrup.

Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Pour in freshly squeezed citrus juice.

Add vanillin and zest. After a couple of minutes, remove from heat. Leave overnight.

The next day, bring to the boil again and cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat again. On the third day too. As a result, it turns out that the jam “sleeps” for two nights in an enamel pan. It needs several cookings to obtain a thicker consistency.

The crusts themselves can be separated from the syrup, placed on parchment, dried a little, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar and served as candied fruit.

Now, of course, it’s too late, watermelons can’t be found, but the recipe for next year will come in handy. I haven’t tried it yet, it’s very interesting. You can then make candied fruits from it. Jam is also made from melon peels.

Watermelon jam can be prepared both from the pulp and from the crusts. If you can’t eat the whole watermelon for some reason, and it’s a shame to throw it away, then you can just think about making jam. Moreover, it is very tasty! You can do the same with watermelon rinds, which we usually throw away. But in vain! If done correctly, then each piece of crust will be golden-transparent with a small red edge (if left and not cut off) in a golden, stretchy syrup. Delicious.

The name “Jam from watermelon peels” is conditional, because the green peels themselves are not suitable for jam. .

There are several recipes, they are slightly different from each other, I will give different ones here.

Option 1

Trim the outer green rind off the watermelon rind. Rinse the peeled peels well. Cut the white pulp into small cubes or strips (you can cut curly knife). Prick each watermelon cube with a fork.

Dissolve baking soda in 1 glass of hot water. Place the peels in a saucepan, pour in water with dissolved soda and add another 5 glasses of water. Mix the crusts and leave in soda water for about 4 hours.

Drain the water and rinse the crusts very well. soda solution. To do this, pour the washed peels clean water and let stand for about 30 minutes. Drain the water, rinse the crusts again and add water again for 30 minutes. Drain the water again.

Prepare sugar syrup. Pour half the amount of sugar (600 g) into a large, clean saucepan. Pour 3 cups of water into the pan and stir. Bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat. Place the washed watermelon cubes into the syrup. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam to sit for 8-12 hours. After 8-12 hours, put the pan with jam on the fire and pour in the remaining sugar (600 g).

Mix the jam with sugar and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, cook for about 20-30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave for another 8-12 hours. The next day, put the jam on the fire again, bring to a boil and cook again for about 20-30 minutes.

If desired, during the last cooking you can add thinly cut zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon to the jam. You can also add half a vanilla pod (vanilla seeds can be used in another dish) or vanilla sugar.

Sometimes the juice of 1 lemon is added to taste (some people like this option).

Remove the jam from the heat and let sit for another 12 hours. Place the cold jam in sterilized jars (first remove orange and lemon peels and vanilla pods from the jam, if added). The syrup should cover the watermelon cubes completely. Close the jars with sterilized lids and store in a cool, dark place.

Option 2

For jam, it is recommended to select thick-skinned watermelons. They are washed, separated from the pulp, cut into slices, and the outer green peel is cut off. The peels are washed, cut into cubes and dipped in hot water for 5 - 6 minutes, to which citric acid has been added (about 2 g per liter). After this, the crusts are again immersed in cold water. At the next stage, the crusts are poured sugar syrup, bring to a boil and cook until lightened.

After the candied fruits are infused in the syrup, they are again brought to a boil and again kept for 6 - 8 hours. Then add the remaining syrup and citric acid and boil again for 5 - 10 minutes. After the jam has settled for the third time, it is finally cooked and vanillin is added at the end of cooking.

Option 3

Watermelon rinds are peeled from the outer green layer and washed thoroughly. Then they are cut into small cubes, placed in a pan, poured cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After this, the peels are poured into a colander.

Next, prepare the syrup: pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, put it on the fire and add syrup until it boils. Then watermelon rinds that were in a colander are added to it, everything is mixed and left to cool and stand for about 10 hours.

After this, put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool and stand again. Then repeat the same operation again. And only after that the jam is boiled and placed in sterilized jars and sealed.

Watermelon jam

Watermelon pulp is cut into pieces and separated from the seeds. Place the pieces in a pan, add water and cook until softened. The water is drained, and 400 g of sugar is poured into the watermelons and lemon zest is added.

Now let's prepare the syrup. For 1 glass of water 400 g of sugar. The syrup is boiled. Then it is poured into watermelon slices. All this is boiled until thickened.

Candied watermelon and watermelon jam

The first stage of preparation is exactly the same as when preparing jam from watermelon rinds. Peel the crusts, rinse, and cook until softened. Then we cook the syrup, throw the peels into it and let it sit for 8-10 hours. Then we repeat the cooking and standing operation two or three times. After this, the watermelon rinds will have a glassy appearance.

Drain the syrup, leaving only the boiled watermelon rinds. We place them on wax paper and dry them for 8 hours at room temperature. After this, we heat the crusts in the oven, and then immediately throw them into sugar, mix and lay them out again to dry. As a result, the pieces will be evenly covered with a sugar crust. After some time, the candied fruits will be finally ready.

And a simple option:

We cover the form with baking paper. Take out pieces of watermelon rinds from the jam, roll each piece in powdered sugar and place in a mold on top of the paper. Place in a preheated oven on low heat. Dry for 20-25 minutes. Keep an eye on candied fruits; they may burn if left unattended.

Candies made from watermelon rinds

Cut the peels into thin stripes(without green peel of course). Cover them with sugar and leave for 4 hours. The peels will give juice, drain this syrup and boil for 10 minutes. It should boil down. Pour over the crusts and leave overnight. The next day, drain the syrup again and boil. An hour later, and so on 4 more times. The crusts will become transparent. For the last time, put the crusts together with the syrup on the fire and cook until tender.

Place the crusts in the dryer for 20 minutes, or in a preheated oven for 10 minutes. Dip the candies in powdered sugar. Place in jars. Store in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. You can add them to porridge after cutting them up. The same can be done from the pulp of pumpkin and zucchini.

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