Home Helpful Hints Work by email. E-mail rules

Work by email. E-mail rules

When you take on a new employee to your company, it is very important to familiarize the new employee with job responsibilities, as well as approaches that will help the employee perform his duties with maximum efficiency, and it is also important that he knows. In this article, we will try to understand what the rules for working with email, how you can set up a spectacular work of mail.

Email is one of the most common work time wasters. As a result of audits conducted regarding working hours, it is quite common for employees to spend a lot of time parsing their mail. A lot of unread letters leads to a violation of the deadlines for completing the necessary tasks.

The email experience can be improved by dividing it into several blocks:

1. The first block is to set and use the functions of the mailbox.

This implies that the staff must fully explore all the possibilities of e-mail. To work with e-mail as efficiently as possible, you need to know the following nuances:

How to organize all information into folders?

First you need to create folders where letters from the manager will immediately go;
- letters from the contractor;
- Letters with offers, different price lists;
- a number of other folders.

How you can use labeling emails? Various mail services have various ways of differentiating mail. So in some mail services flags, asterisks are used, with the help of which important letters are marked, in other services these letters have different color categories.

How fast is email processing and how can you quickly find the message you need? Operators are characters and query words that can be used to quickly find messages by various categories: by label, sender, subject, letters with a file attached.

2. The second block includes the correct distribution of time, which is allocated to work with e-mail. IN this case Let's take a look at Leo Backout's top habits that are aimed at making email work as efficient as possible.

Try to check your mail less often. You don't have to keep your mail window open all day long.
Scatter everything in folders. E-mail processing should begin with opening the mail, after which it is necessary to quickly decide what to delete, what to archive, read, who immediately needs to be answered. In any case, nothing should be left in the inbox.
Will immediately add to the calendar. If the letter that you received contains a date that you need not to forget, then it must be immediately entered on the calendar.
Writing short letters. As a rule, the answer to the letter should be 1-3 sentences. A short letter says that the person will not need to wade through the numerous amount of information you have written to catch the main information.
E-mail rules also include keeping only unread emails in the inbox.
Set aside information for reading. Quite often, letters containing links to articles come to the mail. You need to immediately bookmark them. This way you can read them later.
Filter ruthlessly. Email efficiency means that when you receive emails that you don't want to see, you need to deal with them immediately. Do not be lazy to unsubscribe from mailing lists, or set a filter for a specific sender.
Close the mail after processing the emails. When you have parsed your messages, you need to close the mail until enough letters accumulate there.

Having studied email rules, you can make the most of your time by breaking the habit of checking your email every ten minutes.

Hello my reader!

With the advent of the Internet in every home, we gradually began to forget about the letters, postcards and invitations that we used to send by mail and receive from the hands of couriers or postmen.

In fact, e-mail is an analogue of an ordinary postal service. But we should not wait for several days, or even weeks, until the letter reaches. Everything happens instantly.

If you don't know how to use e-mail and in general how to create your own mailer, then I will tell you.

What is a postman?

A mailbox, or, as people say, a mailer, mail or “soap” is a repository of all outgoing and incoming messages. To use it, you first need to register your account.

This is done very simply. Enter “email” into the search engine and you will see a list of all the most popular mail services.

The registration structure is similar to each other:

  1. enter the desired login
  2. come up with a password.
  3. fill in all the specified fields with registration data (name, date of birth, phone number, address, etc.)
  4. entering the code from the picture (this is how the system checks if you are a robot).

As for passwords, this is a separate issue. You must be able to create complex passwords and store them in a safe place. To understand this, I recommend reading two articles:

The most popular mailer in Runet is mail from Yandex. This mail service is distinguished by its simplicity and easy navigation. For beginners, this is what you need!

The global corporation Google also did not bypass mail services. They have huge popularity all over the world. This allows users to send messages anywhere in the world, be it America, Africa or Asia. But, despite its versatility, many users complain about the intricacy of managing the Google mailer.

In addition to these two huge services, there are thousands of other email servers that also find their admirers on the Internet.

If you want to ask: “which one is better?”, then hardly anyone can answer this question for you. Yandex.Mail, Gmail, Rambler, Freemail, E-mail, etc., they all have their pros and cons, you just need to get used to the interface.

MicroSoft Corporation also has its own mail server - OutLook. It is popular because in the operating room Windows system a client is installed that will make it easier for you to work with e-mails. Register on the site, and then enter the data into the program and you're done, now you can view messages on your computer without using. And the client navigation is much more convenient than in the browser version of mailers.

What else do you need to know about email?

Firstly, it's not just a service for sending emails. You can send photos, videos and a variety of documents, programs, etc.

Secondly, almost every e-mail server has , which allow you to store large amounts of information and have access to them at any time via the Internet. In the cloud, your files won't be affected if your computer crashes or breaks. HDD. This is a very useful option for most office workers who work with securities and for accountants.

Thirdly, you need to know that there are, as the people called them, "conflict" mailers. This term means the impossibility of sending a message from the mailbox of one service to another. Most often, these are servers of competing services.

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Lesson Objectives:

  • Tutorial: learn to work with e-mail.
  • Developing: develop algorithmic thinking, cognitive and professional interests, communication skills.
  • Educational: bring up careful attitude to PC equipment, responsible attitude to the task assigned, to form an information culture, an objective self-assessment of one's own professional activity.

Lesson type: lesson on the study of labor techniques and operations.

Teaching methods: Informational, problem-search, practical-effective, verbal-theoretical, reproductive, reflective.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: individual, group, collective

Complex methodological support of the lesson:

  • multimedia system, interactive whiteboard, tablet, Internet;
  • personal computers;
  • demonstration material;
  • booklet, information material on the topic of the lesson;
  • student message;
  • task cards.

Interdisciplinary connections: Informatics, computer software, computer hardware, history, literature.

During the classes

1. Organizing time- 1 minute.

2. Introductory briefing - 45 min.

2.1. Program theme

Theme of the program: "Working on the Internet". And we will formulate the topic of the lesson together.

We are entering an era when it is no longer matter and energy, but information - a truly inexhaustible resource - that determines the level of development of the state and the well-being of people. "He who owns the information owns the world" - said Nathan Rothschild. The wide possibilities of information technology, the growing popularity of electronic communications complement the work industrial industry, contribute to its further development and improvement. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev thinks " Information Technology One of the most important directions of Russia's development: "In the Perm Territory, they have been working in this direction for a long time. It was Oleg Chirkunov who was the first of the governors to use Internet resources back in 2004 to communicate with regional ministers and heads of municipalities. The modern world of high speeds, global networks and It is impossible to imagine a huge information flow without electronic computers.Their role and importance are increasing day by day, the areas of application of computer technology are expanding.Therefore, the demand for specialists - computer operators is constantly growing. Modern market labor requires computer operators to have strong skills and abilities to work in specialized computer firms, various offices, post offices.

Do you know that:

75% of users use email more often than long distance telephone connection.

Over 90% of users exchange electronic mail messages on the worldwide web.

2.2. Lesson topic

What is the topic of the lesson, please? ( Students formulate the topic of the lesson)

2.3. The purpose of the lesson

What is the purpose of the lesson? ( Students state the purpose of the lesson

You should know: definitions of the concepts "e-mail", "e-mail address", "electronic mailbox", "e-mail", the rules for composing an e-mail address.

Be able to: create an electronic mailbox, create, send and view emails.

2.4. Algorithm of work in the lesson (Master p / o pronounces the algorithm of work in the lesson)

The modern market requires computer operators to have erudition, competence, mobility, and innovative thinking, which allows them to solve complex and unusual tasks that the manager sets for him. He must be diligent, accurate and, of course, must be able to work in a team.

Today we will select a competitive student using the Knowledge, Skills, and Skills Rating System.

- Work of students with a package of documents for the lesson.

2.5. Update basic knowledge on the topic "Working on the Internet".

Before you start learning a new topic, you need to check your knowledge of the topic of the previous lesson.

To do this, you are invited to answer the questions of the drawing test. This is Task No. 1 in your package of documents. <Приложение1>

Each answer is not a letter or number, as in normal text; it is a drawing element.

The master p / o explains to students how to work with a drawing test using an example.

Your answers will be evaluated according to the following grading criteria: for each correct answer you will receive 1 point. You have 3 minutes for this activity.

(Students do a drawing test)

Well done! We will now review your work. Exchange papers with your desk mate, prepare a colored pen. If you answered all the questions correctly, in the end you should get the following picture - the number 5. Please mark the correct answers with a plus and a minus - the answers are incorrect. Grade the test according to the grading criteria. Put the assessment on the self-control sheet.

Tell me, please, where in your life do you meet with exactly this spelling of the number 5?

Students: This spelling of the number 5 is used when filling out an index on an envelope or postcard.

Does anyone know the index of the main post office of the city of Perm?

Students: 614000

Does anyone know the index of the main post office of the city of Solikamsk?

Students: 618500

2.6. Explanation of new material

Let's move on to new topic"Working with e-mail". We know what mail is. Mail is a traditional form of communication that allows the exchange of information, at least, two subscribers. What is e-mail? I propose to find a definition this concept in different sources that are on your desktops. These are the textbook "Computer Science and Information Technologies" edited by Nikolai Dmitrievich Ugrinovich, the textbook "Fundamentals of Informatics", the authors Lyakhovich Vladislav Fedorovich and Kramorov Sergey Olegovich and the Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary. The running time is 2 minutes.

Students work with literature.

Let's see what definitions of "e-mail" you found.

Students read out the definitions they find.

Master p / o:

What do you think is common between these concepts?

Student responses.

Let's make a new one using the found material general definition concept of email.

Students together with the master p / o formulate a definition of the concept.

E-mail is an Internet service that allows you to exchange electronic messages over a computer network.

E-mail has gained wide popularity because it has several advantages over regular mail:

This is the message forwarding speed.

In addition, an electronic message will cost less than a regular one.

And what is most often forwarded by mail?

Students: Letters.

Tell me, what data do you need to know about the addressee in order to send him a letter?

Students: To send a letter, you must specify the address to which it will be sent.

An e-mail address uniquely identifies the mailbox to which an e-mail message should be delivered; is formed when a mailbox is created on any of the servers. An e-mail address is written in a specific form and consists of 2 parts separated by the @ symbol. The first part of the mailing address is called the username. It has an arbitrary character and is set by the user during registration. It can be the user's last name, first name, pseudonym, written in Latin letters, numbers, separated by a dot, dash, underscore. No more than 31 characters in total. The second part of the address is the name of the mail server on which the user registered his mailbox. The name of the mail server has an extreme group of letters, which indicates the information network resource zone allocated to the owner, for example, any country, international organization. For example, the group of letters ru defines the belonging of this server to Russia.

Let's look at examples of email addresses. Whose email do you think this is? [email protected]

Students: e-mail address of the President of the Russian Federation Medvedev D.A.

[email protected]

Students: email address GOU SPO PRK them. A.S. Popova

Whose email do you think this is? [email protected]

Students: email address GOU NPO PU-10

But where the @ sign came from on the computer keyboard and how it is called in other countries will be told by _____ (name of the student who prepared the report).

To send a letter - regular or electronic - we need a mailbox. Mailboxes first appeared in Russia on the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow in 1848. Currently, there are mailboxes of various shapes - in the form of animals, various objects, and even in the form of a computer. The first electronic box appeared in 1971, developed by engineer Ray Tomlinson, and was a simple text file, at the end of which any of those who had access to the system could append their message. Today, a mailbox is a part of the disk space on a server with a specific address, where mail information for an Internet user can be stored. To send a letter via e-mail, you must create your own e-mail box, having passed the appropriate registration. Any Internet user can register a mailbox on one of the Internet servers providing mail services. Among the servers of free mail services, the most famous are: Rambler, Yahoo!, Yandex, Google, Mail. To consider the creation of an electronic mailbox, we use the Mail.ru mail service as an example.

The software wizard shows on the screen and explains each item in detail.

The package of documents contains Task No. 2 <Приложение3> . Set the sequence of actions when creating an electronic mailbox by putting the corresponding numbers next to them in the boxes.

(1 student draws up an algorithm on the board. The rest are in cards at the workplace)

Check the algorithm you compiled with the one on the board. If you correctly compiled this algorithm, give yourself extra points.

Students check the compiled algorithm, fill out a self-control sheet. <Приложение4>

We will work with the created e-mail box using Internet browser Explorer, using the server's web interface. Let's see how the interface of the MAIL.ru server is organized, namely its mailbox for working with incoming and outgoing messages (watching the video "Mailbox interface of the MAIL.ru server").

The software wizard asks students about the purpose of the mailbox folders Mail.ru

Students answer the questions of the p / o master.

We learned how to create our own email account and figured out the server's web interface. Now we need to learn how to send and receive emails. But let's first find out what an email is. E-mail - information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunications network. But, as Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak said:

"The letter itself will not go anywhere,
But put it in the box -
It will run, it will fly, it will float
Thousand miles of way."

To send an e-mail, the sender needs to connect to the Internet and deliver the letter to his mail server, which organizes the sending of the letter over the network through the Internet mail server system to the recipient's mailbox. To receive a letter, the recipient must connect to the Internet and view the mail on the mail server. How is the process of writing and sending an email? I suggest you watch the video on the implementation of this operation. Pay attention to the screen watch the video "Create and send an email").

The package of documents contains Task No. 3 with the algorithm for sending an e-mail. <Приложение5> Add suggestions. Time to complete the task - 3 minutes.

Students complete tasks at work. Then, together with the foreman, they check the correctness of the task.

Do you think it is possible to attach additional files to the main email? What files can be attached?

Students answer the question

How to attach the necessary file to the main email? Pay attention to the screen (watch the video "Attach files to email").

After watching the video, the student at the central PC performs training exercise to create and send an email with an attached file. <Приложение6>

- (How can I view the received e-mails? Pay attention to the screen (watch the video "Viewing a received email").

After watching the video, the student at the central PC performs a practice exercise to view the received email. <Приложение7>

Often the e-mails that come to the e-mail are unfounded and contain unsolicited correspondence, advertising. Such correspondence is called "spam", and the person sending such a message is called a "spammer". Spammers use e-mail to send unsolicited promotional messages, similar to the way advertising brochures are dropped into mailboxes. But unlike the substantial cost of a paper mailing list, sending a large number of emails costs virtually nothing to the sender. This led to a large increase in the number and size of advertising mailings. According to the Kaspersky Lab, at the end of 2009, the proportion of spam was 85.5% of the total email correspondence. In terms of spam, medicines are in the first place - health products, advertising spamming services. In terms of spam sources, the first places were occupied by such countries as Russia, the USA, and Brazil. To combat spam, various mechanisms have been developed - sender blacklists, context filters, etc.

If you receive a spam email in your inbox, you should never reply to it. Any response - a polite or negative refusal - gives the spammer confirmation that the address works, and its owner reads the letters. This will trigger a new flood of similar emails from this and other spammers.

2.7. Fixing new material

And now let's check how well you have learned the topic of the lesson. You are asked to answer questions verification test on the topic "Working with e-mail" (Task No. 4). <Приложение8> Prepare it. Time to complete the task - 3 minutes. (students do the test at the workplace)

The p / o master interviews students on the questions of Task No. 4.

2.8. Instruction on the implementation of practical work

2.9. Admission of students for safe working conditions

Master p / o:

Before you start working on a PC, you need to check your knowledge of the rules of labor protection when working on a PC. Carefully review the frames on the slide and formulate the rules.

Students formulate the basic rules for TB when working on a PC.

Well done! Let's move on to the practical tasks. Time for independent work 30 minutes. Good luck to all! Time has gone.

3. Current briefing - 30 min.

3.1 Practical work e-mail students. <Приложение9>

(Students do practical work).

3.2 Target walks

The master of p / o makes rounds in order to check the organization of the workplace by students, their compliance with labor protection rules and the correct sequence of performing practical work, monitoring the rational use of working time by students.

3.3. Acceptance of completed works

The master p / o accepts the work performed.

4. Final briefing - 15 min.

4.1 Analysis by the master of p / o completed work of students

Master p / o analyzes the points of the Rating system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students: Results of self-control, Organization of the workplace, Practical tasks(when analyzing practical task No. 2 the faucet master demonstrates student postcard emails that were delivered to the mailbox first), Safe working conditions.

4.2 Summing up the lesson, identifying the best students

So, the total number of points you earned in the lesson: (Master p / o calls the number of students' points)

Who has the highest rating today?

Students say the name of the student with the most points.

From the final table it can be seen that ________ scored the most points. He will be in demand in the labor market.

Lesson grades: (The master calls the grades received by the students for the lesson)

Those who received a rating of "5". Well done! You are rewarded with laser discs.

Students who received "4" for their work in the lesson are also awarded floppy disks (floppy disks).

4.3. Homework

Today each of you finishes the lesson with a certain mood. I don't know what it is, but I can only guess. Usually when communicating with someone personally, our emotions are manifested through laughter, facial expressions, intonations of voice, posture, etc. But in order to convey an emotional mood when working on a computer, emoticons are used (from the English smiley - to smile). A smiley is a picture made up of letters and special characters that expresses some kind of feeling or mood. They were introduced into widespread circulation in 1979 by Kevin Mackenzie, a journalist.

Most of the emoticons are the image of eyes or small faces. To see these faces, you need to turn your head to the side.

:-) - smiling
:-I - thoughtful
: - 0 - surprised
:-D - joyfully laughing.

I invite you to evaluate yourself and your work in the lesson using emoticons.

Raise the emojis depending on how you rate your success in the lesson:

:-) - those who believe that they understood the topic well and worked on the lesson.
: - ? - those who believe that they did not understand the topic well enough, worked in the lesson.
: - (- those who believe that he still needs to work a lot on this topic.

Students hold up pictures of emoticons.

The lesson has reached its goal. Thank you for the lesson! Thanks!


  1. Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary. - Prev.ed. board of A.M. Prokhorov.-M.: Scientific publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 2000. -1038s.
  2. Kiselev S.V. Computer operator: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 352 p.
  3. Kolesnichenko OV, PC hardware. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: - BHV Petersburg, 2004. - 1159 p.: ill.
  4. Lyakhovich V.F. Fundamentals of Informatics.-Rostov - n / D: Phoenix, 2004.-704s.
  5. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on Informatics: Proc. Benefit for Wednesdays. Prof. Education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 204. - 192 p.
  6. Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and information technologies. Textbook for grades 10-11 / N.D. Ugrinovich. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006. - 511 pp.: ill.
  7. Informatics. Task book - workshop in 2 volumes. Textbook for high school/ Ed. I.G. Semakina, E.K. Henner. - M.: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2005.
  8. Video instruction. professional work on PC. (C) ECONAVT. Moscow.

Internet resources

E-mail (E-mail - short for electronic mail) is convenient and fast remedy connections with other people. Email can be used for various purposes.

  • - Sending and receiving messages. An email message can be sent to anyone as long as they have an email address. The message is delivered to the recipient's e-mail in a few seconds or minutes, regardless of whether he lives nearby or on the other side of the world. You can receive messages from anyone who knows your email address, and after reading the letters, write answers.
  • - Sending and receiving files. In addition to the usual text messages You can send almost all types of files with e-mail, including documents, pictures, and music. A file sent with an e-mail message is called an attachment.
  • - Sending messages to groups of people. An e-mail message can be sent to many people at once. Recipients can reply to the entire group, allowing for group discussions.
  • - Forwarding messages. You can forward a received e-mail message to other recipients without re-typing the text.

E-mail is more convenient than telephone communication and regular correspondence. You can send a message at any time of the day or night. If the recipients are not sitting at their computers and not online (not connected to the Internet) when they send the message, they will find the messages later when they check their mail. If they are connected to the Internet, you can get a response from them in a few minutes.

Sending email is also free. Compared to regular mail, no stamp or fee is needed, and it doesn't matter where the recipient lives. You have to pay only for the connection to the Internet and, sometimes, for the e-mail program used.

Three things are needed to work with e-mail.

  • 1 Internet connection. To connect your computer to the Internet, you must first subscribe to an Internet service provider. The ISP provides Internet access, usually for a monthly fee. You will also need a device called a modem.
  • 2 E-mail program or web-based e-mail services. You can download or purchase an email program from Microsoft or another vendor. E-mail programs are often more powerful and faster than web-based e-mail services. Before setting up your email program, you will need to obtain certain information from your ISP. This is usually an email address, password, incoming and outgoing mail server names, and some other information.

If you don't feel like downloading or purchasing an email program, you can subscribe to a web-based email service such as Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail. These services allow you to check your email using a web browser from any computer connected to the Internet - even if the computer is owned by someone else or installed in a public place such as a library.

3 Email address. You can get an email address from your Internet service provider or by registering with a web-based email service. The email address consists of the username (real name is optional, you can use a pseudonym), the "@" sign and the name of the service provider, for example This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

As an example, consider the process of creating and sending email messages

The figure shows how to fill out the message box in most email programs. These steps may vary depending on the email program or webmail service you are using.

Rice. 3.2.1

1. In the To field, enter the email address of at least one recipient. If there are multiple recipients, separate the addresses with a semicolon (;).

In field Copy you can enter the addresses of additional recipients who should know about the message but don't need to respond to it. They will receive the same message as the recipients specified in the field To whom. You can leave the Additional Recipient Address field blank. Some email programs also offer to fill in the field Hidden copy, which allows you to send a message to recipients while hiding certain names and email addresses from other recipients.

  • 2. In the field Topic you need to enter the subject of the message.
  • 3. Enter your message text in the large empty area.

To attach a file to a message, click the button Attach file the Add File button on the toolbar below the menu bar. Find the required file, select it and click Open. The file name will appear in the field Join in the message header.

Rice. 3.2.2

Message creation completed! To send a message, you must click the button send. The letter will be sent via the Internet to the recipients.


To change the style, font, size, or color of text, select the text, and then click one of the buttons on the format bar above the message entry area.

Consider the order in which email messages are read

Most web-based email programs and mail services use an Inbox folder where you can read received messages. You may need to press the button to receive new messages. Send/Receive or similar. To see a list of received emails, click inbox on the list Folders your mail program. The email messages should appear as a list of messages. The list usually contains the following data: the sender of the message, the subject of the message, and the time it was received.

You need to click on the message you want to read in the list. The contents of the message may appear below the list of messages in the viewing area. In this case, double-click the message in the list to read it in a separate window.

Rice. 3.2.3

To reply to a message, press the button To answer. e-mail document management

Email etiquette rules

Like telephone conversations And personal meetings, e-mail correspondence implies certain rules behavior. These rules are called network etiquette or setiquet (a combination of the words "network" and "etiquette"). For effective communication, follow these guidelines.

  • - Be careful with jokes and emotional displays. E-mail messages do not accurately convey emotions, so the recipient may not understand the tone of the message. Sarcastic humor is quite risky because the recipient can interpret the words literally and get offended. Emoticons can be used to convey emotions.
  • - Think before sending. Writing and sending e-mail messages is quick and easy, sometimes too easy. Take care to pre-think the message, try not to write when angry.
  • - Keep the subject line short and clear. Express the content of the letter in a few words in the subject line. People who receive a lot of emails can use the subject line when choosing an email to read.
  • - Write briefly. Although an email message can be arbitrarily long, email is designed to be exchanged short messages. Many people don't have the time or patience to read more than a few paragraphs.
  • - Don't write the whole letter in CAPITAL LETTERS. Many people find phrases written in all caps flashy, annoying, and offensive.
  • - Be careful with important and confidential information. Any recipient can forward the received letter to other people, intentionally or accidentally.

In addition, in the official or business correspondence avoid spelling and grammatical errors. A letter with errors gives the impression of unprofessionalism. Check messages before sending and use spell checkers if mail program supports their use.

Sometimes unwanted messages appear. Features of working with them are as follows:

Since unsolicited advertisements can come through e-mail, posters and catalogs will probably have to deal with receiving unwanted messages (aka spam). Unsolicited messages may contain advertising, offers of fraudulent transactions, pornography, or offers that are not contrary to the law. Sending spam is very cheap for advertising services, so people often experience receiving a large number spam.

Many web-based email programs and mail services include spam filters, also known as spam filters. They analyze the content of sent messages and move suspicious messages to the junk mail folder, allowing them to be viewed or deleted at any time. If the spam message does go to the Inbox without being filtered, you can specify that all messages from that sender are automatically placed in the Junk Messages folder in the future.

To avoid receiving unwanted messages, follow these steps:

  • - Be careful when giving your email address. Avoid posting your email address on newsgroups, websites and other public Internet resources.
  • - Before you enter an email address on a website, check the privacy statement for that website to make sure you don't share your email address with other companies.
  • - Never reply to unsolicited messages. The sender will verify that the email address is correct and can sell it to other companies. And then the flow of unwanted messages is likely to increase.

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