Home Berries Where the world will end. Do Nostradamus' predictions come true? What Matrona said about the end of the world

Where the world will end. Do Nostradamus' predictions come true? What Matrona said about the end of the world

Mankind has always feared the end of the world. IN different religions and beliefs, this event is formulated in different ways, but in each it is present in one way or another.

What dates for the onset of the Apocalypse were not named: 2012 - from the Mayan calendar, 1666, 1999. All these frontiers humanity has already passed. But new ones are coming.

The Italian priest Padre Pio in his prophecies wrote about the end of the world, which will come in 2060:

"A meteorite will fall to the ground and everything will tremble. There will be a disaster greater than from war ... Be prepared to live many days in complete darkness. These days are very close. These days you will be like the dead, without food and drink. Then the light will return. But many people won't see it."

The year 2060 was considered the most dangerous for our planet not only by an Italian priest. The greatest scientist, English physicist and founder of classical mechanics Sir Isaac Newton also marked this date with the end of the world. Back in the 18th century, he wrote a huge scientific treatise, where, using mathematical calculations and formulas, he deciphered one of the most sinister and most mysterious books of the Bible - the Apocalypse.

When in National Library Israel opened an exhibition of unknown manuscripts of Isaac Newton, few expected a massive influx of visitors. But soon the journalists who visited the exhibition trumpeted the world sensation. Among the labors of the father modern physics devoted to alchemy and theology, there was one letter from a scientist to his friend.

It contained specific calculations of the end of the world based on the texts of the Bible. Isaac Newton deciphered what it means prophetic dream prophet Daniel. A biblical soothsayer dreamed of a beast with ten horns. Then the monster grew another eleventh horn. Newton thought the beast was the Roman Empire. The 10 horns are the kingdoms into which it broke up. The 11th horn is the Papal States, or the Vatican. From the date of its formation, you need to count the period, which in the Bible is encrypted as time, times and half a time. Newton calculated this figure - 1260 years, and received the date of the end of the world. This is the period from 2012 to 2060.

"I mention this not to predict when the catastrophe will come to the exact day, but to put an end to the hasty assumptions of fanatics who repeatedly predict the time of the apocalypse without possessing necessary knowledge…" Newton wrote.

So, according to Isaac Newton, the Apocalypse may come in 2060. But what grounds did the great medieval mathematician and physicist have for such a conclusion?

Newton's assumptions almost completely coincide with the forecast published by British astronomers in 2010. According to their calculations, approximately in 2065, a giant multi-ton asteroid VD-17 will cross the Earth's orbit. And, if its trajectory turns out to be such that it nevertheless flies to the surface of the planet, its impact on power will be equal to the explosion of all terrestrial reserves nuclear weapons. The shock wave from such a collision will cause tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all over the planet. They will cause great destruction and fires. A cloud of overheated dust, ash and steam will rise into the sky. Not a single ray of sunlight can break through them. A nuclear winter will begin on Earth.

"I don't want to scare anyone. Talk about the fact that the apocalypse is really coming. We'll see, wait and see. The end of the world has been predicted and planned throughout the history of mankind," says Oleg STOLYAROV, associate professor at the Moscow State Open University.

February 14, 2063. On this day, according to some astronomers, a celestial body five times the size of the Earth will orbit dangerously close to our planet. The force of its attraction will be so powerful that the Earth can change its tilt. If this happens, then the planet will begin to change the magnetic poles. And then unprecedented forces of flooding and volcanic eruptions will fall upon it, sweeping away everything in its path, tornadoes and earthquakes.

"A planetary catastrophe is not an absolute death. Something dies, something appears. For example, in the late Cretaceous - this is 60 million years ago, all the dinosaurs that inhabited our planet died 80 million years ago, but small animals remained. In the case of a new global catastrophe, perhaps humanity, or part of it, will perish. Perhaps it is worth preparing for this, "says Michael LUKMAN, director of the New York Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena.

Scientists suggest that the solar system can pass, for example, through patches of asteroid clouds. However, killer space rocks can at least be seen through a telescope. Every year, one hundred tons of interplanetary matter is brought to the earth's surface from space. Scientists are developing several ways to prevent space rocks from colliding with the Earth. It is proposed to send a rocket with a nuclear charge to a dangerous asteroid. The explosion could destroy the body itself or simply deflect its orbit. Send a ship that enters the orbit of the astroid, will forever rotate on it and the trajectory will thus change. Install a solar sail on an asteroid. The problem is that today no one on Earth knows how to aim at a flying astroid, much less land on it.

Today, astrophysicists are trying to calculate the trajectory of an asteroid in order to understand exactly where it can fall. According to the latest data, the impact may fall on America. All living things within a radius of several thousand kilometers will suffer. At the crash site of the asteroid, a huge crater is formed, with a diameter of 900 kilometers. However, other scientists consider such apocalyptic predictions to be nothing more than a scientific fallacy. After all, by cosmic standards, approaching us large meteorite- a common occurrence.

"This is another myth that something big and terrible is flying at us. It is worth recalling here that most celestial bodies fly on ideal rails, and therefore an asteroid or a comet that appears out of nowhere and crashes into the Earth cannot be, and here's why: everything that was has already fallen, and the Gulf of Mexico is the consequences of such a fall, before reaching earth, they need to somehow bypass the gravitational field of Jupiter, and this planet is much larger and it will tritely attract any asteroids to itself," says Konstantin ASMOLOV, host Researcher Institute Far East RAN.

But, if the ominous asteroid is really just a myth, a fairy tale, then it will not be able to destroy our planet. Then why can humanity perish? And anyway, should we ever die? Is it possible that the human race will never end? In other words, can humanity live forever on planet Earth? Many researchers believe that this is impossible. Sooner or later our civilization must perish. After all, everything has its beginning and its end.

"Everything has its end and beginning. Alpha and Omega. It is clear that even the universe, a grain of sand, a mountain, an ocean has its own time. Even the universe. Everything has its own time," says theologian Walter-Jörg LANGBEIN.

More and more astronomers say that death to all living things will not be brought by cosmic events at all. In their opinion, we are waiting for not a planetary, and not even a galactic, but a universal catastrophe. And this is the collision of the Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula. Modern astrophysical science confirms that this is not just a script for a science fiction film. This is a very likely scenario.

"We have known for a long time that our galaxy must merge with some star cluster. Many star systems survive in such clusters. But only recently has another scenario emerged. We will not reach the cluster of extinct stars, because on the way we will come across the Andromeda Nebula, "explains Duncan LUNAN astronomer, president of the Scottish Association for Technology and Research.

The fact is that in the very center of both galaxies there are huge black holes. Science still does not know much about their nature. But astrophysicists know how they formed. Once upon a time there were giant stars in their place. They were thousands of times larger than the Sun. But at some point, these stars began to fade and eventually shrunk under their own weight to an incredible size. Scientists have calculated: if the Earth suddenly turned into a black hole, its radius would be only 9 millimeters.

A black hole is a very compact object. The sun, say, would have to be compressed to a size of about a kilometer.

The weight of black holes in the center of a galaxy is millions of solar masses. And the radius is a little over a hundred kilometers. Therefore, they have a huge force of attraction. These black holes are capable of literally devouring everything around: stars, planets and even entire solar systems.

"What gets into a black hole will be torn apart into atoms and even into tiny particles," says Duncan Lunan.

So far, black holes at the center of galaxies are safe for the stars around them. But only because the planets and their satellites are located at a sufficient distance from them. Black holes thousands of light-years away simply cannot pull stars towards them. But as soon as our Milky Way galaxy crashes into the Andromeda Nebula, the black holes of both galaxies will merge. You will get one supermassive black hole of gigantic size. And she will begin to suck in any substance that gets in her way, scientists say.

"This black hole is different in that it has a huge gravity and draws everything into itself. Due to the displacement, the position of all our constellations will change, as we said, Andromeda and the Milky Way will move together, something will change, and some part of the celestial bodies will start to be sucked into this black hole,” says Lunan.

According to scientists, when a black hole approaches the Earth, cataclysms will begin to occur on the planet. People will see how a giant tornado rises from the surface of the Earth into the sky. A monstrous tornado will rip the atmosphere off the planet. And she will be pulled into a black hole. So, the Earth will remain without protection. After all, it is the atmosphere that surrounds our planet like a dome that protects us from falling meteorites, comets and asteroids. They just burn up as they pass through it. And small particles of meteorite substance are already falling to the Earth, which cannot cause any damage to the planet.

“We can even judge by our satellites. Now, if a satellite has approximately a mass of about 10 tons, then there is a chance that it will reach the Earth, but it will not fly in its entirety, but in the form of fragments. And if less, then in general it all burns up safely in the atmosphere And fragments fall on the Earth that you can ignore," says Lunan.

As soon as our planet loses its atmosphere, hundreds of stone blocks will rush at it from space. They will no longer burn in the protective layer of the Earth.

"Consequences - craters are formed ten times larger than a falling body. Secondly, this shock waves, it's acoustic waves all over the earth, it's a heaving of eerie amounts of dust. This is a tsunami if it fell into the ocean," explains Lidia Rykhlova, senior researcher at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

I must say that the entire scientific world, recognizing that a catastrophe may not happen, takes the study of the situation quite seriously. To predict possible consequences possible cataclysm, grandiose models of the development of the situation are being drawn today, and the most different ways prevent its consequences, up to the atomic bombing of the space wanderer.

"The risk and likelihood of damage increases over time. Because it's one thing when the Earth was not so stuffed different kind hazardous facilities such as hydroelectric power plants, Atom stations, some arsenals, storage facilities, various weapons. Now the Earth is dangerous even as an object. Even from the impact of some 10-15-meter asteroid on the city, nothing can remain of the average size of the city," warns Rykhlova.

After the attack of asteroids, global man-made accidents will begin all over the planet. True, such a danger threatens the Earth only on the condition that the asteroids are no larger than a hundred meters.

140 meters is such a critical figure that says that if an asteroid 140 meters in diameter falls, this is a regional catastrophe. And if a kilometer or more, then this is a global catastrophe. And if even more, then this is generally the end of the Earth, of civilization.

According to experts, after collisions with such small asteroids, "fireworks" from discharges and sheaves of sparks will burst from everywhere - electrical networks will be burned. In about 90 seconds, the Earth will plunge into darkness. Life will stop: control systems, gas and oil pipelines will fail, drinking water will stop flowing, heat supply will stop, industrial production, satellites will start falling from the sky, any connection will be lost.

"There are very strong impact to terrestrial systems because such geomagnetic induced currents occur. There is a so-called vortex electric force, which leads to a current in all conducting systems on Earth. And such systems are power lines, gas and oil pipelines, railways, and so on. And all this disrupts the work," explains Vladimir Kuznetsov, director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

When all navigation systems break down, millions of people who are on the road at this time will be at risk. After all, the planes will suddenly be left without control. It will be almost impossible to land without having exact coordinates, moreover, in conditions of pitch darkness. Planes will inevitably begin to fall and crash. Not lucky and those who will be in the moments of disaster in the trains. Due to the failure of the entire power system, railway traffic lights and arrows will begin to switch in a chaotic manner. As a result, trains will derail and collide with each other. The number of victims will go to hundreds of thousands of people.

“If the on-board electronics fail on the plane, then this is an accident of the first degree. It’s good if an experienced crew is on board and this thing happens during the day, then they, as in ancient times, guided by ground landmarks, will be able to find the airfield, go to it and land. If this happens at night, then most likely it will be an accident or disaster. railways" says Michael Lunan.

If a giant asteroid of a kilometer diameter falls on our planet, then on Earth will happen irreparable disaster. According to scientists, such a boulder can shift the axis of our planet. And this, in turn, will lead to a change in the magnetic poles. Without them, life on Earth would simply be impossible. After all, the streams of radioactive cosmic rays have not yet burned our planet to the ground only thanks to the magnetic field. It repels radiation, causing cosmic rays to bend around the Earth.

"The Earth is lucky, it has a magnetic field, it protects you and me from so many troubles: cosmic rays that are generated during solar flares, from part of the galactic cosmic rays that are generated during supernova explosions in distant regions of our galaxy. But the magnetic field still filters out most of the flux. It's just that these particles are deflected by the Earth's magnetic field, start moving around it, but very rarely get to the surface," explains Lev Zeleny, director of the institute. space research RAN.

When the polarity reversal begins, the Earth will remain without a magnetosphere for some time. At the same moment, life-threatening cosmic rays will fall on our planet. The sky will be illuminated by bright, multi-colored flashes. And not only in the polar regions, but throughout the planet. Even at night it will be as bright as day. The northern lights will be so strong.

It will be last fight between the earth and the sun. After all, the Sun, in addition to visible light, radiates, including great amount radiation harmful to humans: X-ray, ultraviolet - they are deadly to life.

And yet, a number of scientists categorically disagree with the panicky conclusions of their colleagues. They think that change magnetic field The earth is not in danger to us. Moreover, this happens to our planet regularly and without visible consequences for human civilization.

Of course, sooner or later everything comes to an end. And we are no exception to this rule. According to research by the University of Utrecht in Holland, scientists have been able to determine the exact date end of the world. It will take place in the year 2252006, that is, in two and a quarter million years. This conclusion was made on the basis of geological and paleontological analysis ancient fossils our planet. In the meantime, you can sleep peacefully, especially since at the beginning of the 20th century the great Konstantin Tsiolkovsky argued that absolute death is impossible, because the Universe is alive. This is how the first scientific theory of the immortality of the soul appeared. And that means eternal life.

As a result of a collision with asteroid TC4. But we still survived this date, and the asteroid flew by, albeit at a dangerous distance from the Earth, which was one third of the distance to the Moon.

But what does the future hold for us? Will there be an end of the world?

Will there be any other dangerous situations that could lead to global catastrophes and the further end of the world?

Let's see what else scientists predicted for us and clairvoyants, psychics and saints predicted.

November 13, 2026, according to the calculations of the famous mathematician Heinz, von Foerster, will be the day when the end of the world comes. It is on this day that the population of the planet will reach a level at which it will not be able to feed itself.

The next disappointing forecast for the Earth is April 2029. At this time, the approach of the huge 400-meter asteroid Apophis is expected.

The asteroid will approach the Earth at a close distance, as a result of which the asteroid may change its trajectory and crash into the Earth in 2036.

Although after the January passage of the asteroid past the Earth in 2013, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory specialists stated that the possibility of a collision with the Earth in 2029 is excluded, and in 2036 it is extremely unlikely.

In 2035, the end of the world will occur according to one of the predictions of Nostradamus. It will be the outcome of a long war of 27 years, which, in theory, should already be going on. What kind of war Nostradamus had in mind is not clear.

Isaac Newton, who studied the text of the book of the Prophet Daniel, was sure that the end of the world would come in 2060. What it should be is also not clear.

Optimists believe that neither they nor their children and grandchildren will catch the end of the world. Just for them - a few dates of the end of the world quite distant from today.

In February 2622 year there will be another end of the world “according to Nostradamus”. A researcher from Syktyvkar A.V. Fotiyev “transferred” the end of the world predicted by Nostradamus to this date.

2666 seems dangerous, since it contains the number of the devil (something similar was apparently expected in 1666).

There are also opinions of some figures that in 3000 through solar system the Taurida meteor shower. What might happen as a result can only be guessed at.

A 3797 is latest date in the prophecies of Nostradamus, so that if none of the ends of the world predicted by him until this moment happens, then this year there will surely be an Apocalypse.

However, the forecast of the end of the world, predicted by many scientific realists, looks the most truthful.

However, we ourselves are just witnessing why the end of the world will come - painful and long, it has already begun.

The reason for this is not asteroids or floods, but reckless human activity.

Global warming will lead to severe water shortages, famines, droughts, hurricanes, incurable diseases. Well, the third can complete the case World War preconditions for which there are already many.


When will the END OF THE WORLD be? Upcoming Dates!

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Wonderful spring holiday, which bears the name International Women's Day, or, simply and briefly " March 8', noted in many countries of the world.

In Russia, March 8 is an official holiday, an additional day off .

In general, in our country this date has been declared a holiday since the universal establishment Soviet power, and after half a century it also became a day off. In the USSR, the celebration largely had a political context, since historically the event in honor of which the holiday was established was an important day in the struggle of workers for their rights. And also on March 8, 1917 (according to the old style, according to the new - February 23, 1917) from the strike of workers of St. Petersburg manufactories, into which the celebration of the International women's day the February Revolution began.

International Women's Day on March 8 is a memorable date for the UN, and the organization includes 193 states. Memorable dates, announced by the General Assembly, are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, on this moment not all member states of the United Nations have approved the celebration of Women's Day in their territories on the specified date.

Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states, the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, somewhere around March 8, only women have a rest, and there are states where they work on March 8.

In which countries is March 8 a public holiday (for everyone):

* In Russia- March 8 is one of the most beloved holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

* In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to be an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the number of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko's Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* in Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola.
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* To Burkina Faso.
* in Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In North Korea.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos.
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan Since 2009, the holiday has been renamed Mother's Day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritrea.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries where March 8 is a day off for women only:

There are countries in which only women are released from work on International Women's Day. This rule approved:

* In China.
* In Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but it's a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany- in Berlin since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the whole country it is a working day.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

Which countries do NOT celebrate March 8:

* In Brazil - most of the inhabitants of which have not even heard of the "international" holiday on March 8. The main event of late February - early March for Brazilians and Brazilians is not Women's Day at all, but the world's largest Brazilian festival, also called the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Guinness Book of Records. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday to noon on the Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a movable date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved in Congress was unsuccessful.

* In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) - most of of the country's population considers the holiday as a relic of the communist past and main symbol the old regime.

For more than a dozen years, people have been wondering when the end of the world will come and whether it is worth preparing for it. The excitement is fueled by biblical prophecies, various predictions of psychics, numerous cataclysms and others. negative factors. On the other hand, humanity has already experienced several predictable ones. Therefore, we can conclude that each person has the right to independently decide to believe in existing theories or not.

Modern scientists believe that it is man who will lead to the destruction of life on Earth. Not to mention the development computer technology that consume life. Many directors have embodied in their films a scenario where the end of the world is associated with computers, when they begin to exist uncontrollably, and eventually destroy people. It is worth noting that every year this theory looks more convincing.

When the world ends - existing predictions

The most famous and sensational prediction is related to the Mayan calendar, according to which life on earth should end in 2012. This date has long passed, but many people really believed in the occurrence of many cataclysms.

Other versions of when the world will end:

  1. In 2016, according to climatologist James Hansen, there will be a flood caused by the melting of glaciers. The scientist says that a significant part of the land will go under water.
  2. November 13, 2026 is the date of the end of the world, which was proposed by Heinz von Foerster. The famous mathematician calculated that on this day a situation will come when humanity will not be able to feed itself.
  3. Next significant date– April 2029. Let's figure out how the end of the world will look like on this day, so, according to forecasts, there will be a collision of the Earth with a huge asteroid.
  4. One of the predictions belongs to Isaac Newton, who believed that life on Earth will disappear in 2060. He came to this conclusion thanks to the studies of the book of the Prophet Daniel.

There are several more distant dates that predict the end of the world. For example, he considers the year 2666 dangerous, since the date includes known number devil - 666. According to calculations, in the year 3000 a stream of meteorites will pass through the solar system.

Separately, I would like to say about the prophecies of Nostradamus and Vanga, which many people believe unconditionally. Nostradamus described the emergence of a new tyrant, who is of Arab origin, because of which a war will arise and last for 27 years. spoke about two reasons for the end of the world: global warming and a collision with a cosmic body.

When will the world end according to the Bible?

specific date in holy book impossible to find, but there are several scriptures that are associated with the end of the world. Most of them are contained in the Revelation of John the Theologian and the Book of the Prophet Daniel. IN Christian religion it is indicated that one day the Second Coming of Christ will occur, after which there will be Last Judgment. Before this serious event, we should expect the times of the Great Tribulation, when various catastrophes and cataclysms will occur on earth. Descriptions of how the end of the world will be can be found in the Revelation of John, where it is said that there will be many wars on earth, famine, various natural disasters, meteor showers, etc. After the end of the world, the millennial kingdom of Christ will reign on earth.

Scientific reasons for the end of the world

The forecast put forward by scientists is considered the most realistic. They claim that the end of the world will not happen in one day and the process of destruction has already begun today, but it is called - global warming. The minds of our time say that it is the activity of man that will lead to the destruction of life. Experiments and developments in the field of physics and nanotechnology are also considered dangerous. Another area that can destroy life is the emergence of various epidemics and new diseases, which are becoming increasingly difficult to fight.

After the general madness about the fatal 2012, on which pessimists all over the world had high hopes, people are less and less interested in when the world will end. However, this topic has a long history, and many of its aspects have a solid scientific basis.

What is the end of the world?

The concept of "end of the world" is usually referred to as a catastrophic event that:

  • Will strike at humanity on a global scale;
  • It will destroy the foundations of civilization and throw back the development of people many millennia ago;
  • Cause mass extinction of the species Homo sapiens(suddenly or for a certain period of time).

Apocalyptic scenarios can come from completely different sources:

  1. Almost every self-respecting religion has its own opinion regarding the end of time and the rebirth of the sinful human race. The transition of the world to a qualitatively different state cannot but be accompanied by cataclysms and catastrophes;
  2. The clergy is echoed by experts in esoteric and occult knowledge. The idea of ​​otherworldly forces breaking free and destroying everything in their path has become a popular story in popular culture;
  3. UFO researchers often cite " irrefutable evidence» the imminent death of intelligent life on Earth from a meeting with much more intelligent aliens;
  4. The hypothetical probability of the destruction of all things is also admitted by respected scientists.

Global catastrophic risks

The threat to world civilization today is lower than during the confrontation between the two superpowers in cold war, but still persists.

According to the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute, the list the most likely causes of extinction as follows:

  1. Artificial intelligence. The technological singularity scenario implies that in the future Homo sapiens will be supplanted by self-learning computers or robots. Stephen Hawking, Vernor Vinge, Nick Bostrom and others leaned towards this point of view;
  2. Biotechnology. Careless human intervention in the laws of nature can lead to the emergence of new microorganisms (viruses, bacteria or plants) that pose a pathogenic hazard or violate the natural ecosystem (for example, weeds);
  3. Global warming. The risk of global climate change has been worrying scientific minds since the 19th century. Suggestions are being made that the temperature on Earth may become the same as on Venus;
  4. Ecological disasters. This term hides wide range disasters: deforestation, shortage drinking water, overpopulation, desertification, extinction honey bee and etc.;
  5. Nanotechnology. Back in 1986, American engineer Eric Dexler suggested the emergence of the so-called "gray goo" - a molecular self-reproducing robot that absorbs the entire biosphere.

What does the church say about the end of the world?

Eschatological constructions are present in every religious denomination, but they differ in the degree of pessimism of the scenario for people:

  • Baha'is They believe that things have no beginning and no end. However, from time to time the Creator sends forth progressive revelations;
  • Central event Christian the doctrine of the end of the world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Until the messiah appears, pain and suffering will reign on earth. Virtuous people after that significant event they will go to heaven, and sinners will suffer in hell;
  • The idea of ​​the Day of Judgment is also close Islam. The following signs of the times will speak of the approach of this event: the power of the unworthy, the general lie and the erection of magnificent buildings;
  • Chronological representations Hindus bear the imprint of cyclicality. Each cycle, or kalpa, lasts from 4 to 8 billion years and goes through the stages of birth, development and decline. The coming transformation awaits the universe when Kalki (the current avatar of the deity Vishnu) is reincarnated as Shiva;
  • For Jews the end of time means the unification of the diaspora scattered around the world and the coming of the Messiah.

Probable date of the apocalypse

Neither the clergy, nor sectarians, nor ufologists can agree on the exact chronological framework coming of the apocalypse:

  • 2020 American psychic John Dixon tied the Second Coming to this date. This is not his first prediction: he had previously spoken of a doomsday in 1962;
  • 2021 Pastor Kenton Beshore predicts the coming of Christ between 2018 and 2028, 70-80 years after the founding of Israel in 1948;
  • 2060 According to Isaac Newton's writings, this is when the reunion of Jesus with the church will take place, and Jerusalem will return to Israel;
  • 2239 According to the Talmud, the Messiah will come 6,000 years after the birth of the first human, Adam. In 2239-3229 the world is waiting for a period of catastrophes.

More realistic forecasts are made by scientists who threaten general destruction within the following times:

  • In 500,000 years, our planet may collide with a colossal asteroid 1 km in diameter;
  • In 1 million years, a huge volcano will probably erupt;
  • In 500 million years, the level will drop sharply carbon dioxide that will make the planet uninhabitable;
  • After 600 million years, a gamma-ray burst from a supernova will burn out the entire ozone layer.

The phenomenon of global catastrophes in Russia

Fear of a universal end visited from time to time the inhabitants of the vast expanses of our country:

  • The first mass panic on religious grounds date back to 1037. It was at this time in Rus' that the coming of the Day of Judgment and the coming of Christ were expected;
  • For the second time, the inhabitants of the East European Plain fell into eschatological ecstasy almost five hundred years later - in 1492. In anticipation of a catastrophe, in many villages the fields were not even sown;
  • Another hysteria of 1524 in Muscovy and Europe occurred in anticipation of catastrophic floods and an eclipse. In this situation, the Pskov elder Filofey developed the concept of "Moscow - the third Rome." The capital of the kingdom, in his opinion, acted as a stronghold of divine will on the eve of the apocalypse;
  • The year 1666 became much more significant, in view of the symbolism of the combination of numbers for the Christian consciousness. Patriarch Nikon is planning church reform which led to the most significant split in the history of Orthodoxy;
  • The above list is not exhaustive. Virtually every significant social or natural disaster provoked apocalyptic thinking. Doomsday raved during all peasant uprisings(from Stepan Razin to Emelyan Pugachev) and destructive wars (adventures of Peter the Great, invasion French army"twelve languages").

Mikhail Zadornov joked in one of his monologues that in Russia they would not even notice when the world would end. And indeed: power outages, lawlessness and inaccessibility of the elementary benefits of civilization have become commonplace in a number of regions of the country. Perhaps that is why the idea of ​​the apocalypse is far from being as popular in our country as in the prosperous West.

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