Home Potato Nostradamus's predictions are the most vivid and well-known, including about Russia. Quatrains of Nostradamus. Other countries. What came true from the predictions

Nostradamus's predictions are the most vivid and well-known, including about Russia. Quatrains of Nostradamus. Other countries. What came true from the predictions

Preface to the Collection

This project was conceived in 2003 - on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the most famous soothsayer of our era. The collection of translations of his prophetic texts is the main and most valuable part of the new project. It took about two years to prepare and implement it. At the end of autumn 2005, Russian-speaking admirers of Nostradamus' creativity received what they had been missing for so long - grouped into blocks best options Russian translations of the Centuries. Researchers of all stripes can now rely on a single textual basis in search of a "key" that allows them to break the main cipher of the Nostradamus "super puzzle".

The Collection mainly includes the so-called "classic" versions of translations. At one time, they were performed by professional translators from photocopies of the "source" texts. Here, the text is presented as "source" in modern French.

The prophetic legacy of Nostradamus presented under this project includes:

968 verses (quatrains), collected in twelve books (Centuries),
- two prosaic letters - to Son Caesar and Henry II,
- one letter addressed to the canons of the city of Orange.
- a will with an addition to it.

In addition, here is the first part of a previously unknown book by Nostradamus "Interpretation of the hieroglyphs of Gorapollo."

It is necessary to say separately about one additional non-systemic quatrain with the conditional number "1001". It is included in total number quatrains (968). Some researchers tend to attribute it to the 10th Century. However, in the Collection this quatrain is deliberately singled out as an independent part for certain reasons. Read more about this in the "Decoding the Prophecies" section.

About transfers

The collection of Russian translations of the prophecies of Nostradamus is highlighted in a separate part of the information project. There are four translation options. The first two of them are presented in full. The rest of the options are partially.

First option the translation, which is in the block immediately after the "original" text (in modern French), was made by professional Kiev translators VB Burbelo and EA Solomarskaya. This translation was first published in 1991 by the Kiev publishing house Lybid under the general title - "Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus, revised and corrected from a copy printed in Lyon by Benoit Rigaud in 1568". Subsequently, the aforementioned texts of the Kiev translators received wide and uncontrolled distribution throughout the worldwide information network, settling on various sites of Nostradamus admirers.

Second option translation was published in the famous book “Nostradamus: a look through the centuries. Century ”, printed in 1999 by the Moscow publishing house“ Bookman ”. At the very beginning of the main section "Centuries" (p. 186) it is noted that the translation from Old French was made by Leonid Zdanovich. However, upon closer examination, it turned out that the texts presented in this book for translation are in fact a simplified version (unauthorized interpolation) of the translation of the above-mentioned Kiev professionals. Nevertheless, regarding the translation, the brief annotation to this book says that this is "a complete (interlinear, and, therefore, not distorted by an zealous translator) collection of works by Michel Nostradamus." A thorough examination of the texts of the writer Zdanovich showed that they contain a lot of technical misprints. In this Collection, they are eliminated and included in a special list.

The third option translation (selected selective quatrains) performed by an astrologer, a candidate historical sciences, a well-known expert on predictions Alexei Penzensky.

Fourth option translation (selected selective quatrains) was made by the author, who wished to remain anonymous. They are published on the worldwide information network in the book "The latest decryption of Nostradamus." http://waplib.com.ua/book/88314/

Book translation"Interpretation of Grapollo's hieroglyphs" (1st part) was performed by Denis Morozov. In 2004, his translation was published by the publishing house "AST" under different names: "The Message of Nostradamus. Interpretation of Gorapollo's hieroglyphs ”. Moscow, AST, Astrel, 2004. The author of the translation in his open letter suggests that this became possible due to the reason that he communicated with the editorial board not directly, but through an intermediary who turned out to be dishonest.

Message to readers

The author of the project hopes that the appearance of this Collection on the world information network will activate the emergence in the Russian-speaking environment of a community (association) of independent researchers, inspired by the common goal of presenting to the world a compelling justification for the special significance of Michel Nostradamus's works. The organizing nucleus of the new community will be able to become an advanced group of independent researchers, showing a special inclination to penetrate into the depths of phenomena. The popularization of the information arising from the decoding of the prophetic heritage of Nostradamus will contribute to the recreation of the whole-unified Knowledge of the World.

Please inform the author of the project about all inaccuracies and technical misprints found in the translation texts. You can also send other acceptable versions of translations of Nostradamus texts with a brief justification of the changes made, or any additions. Variants of the most successful translations will be included in subsequent editions of the Collection.

Interpretation of selected quatrains by Michel Nostradamus

Michel de Nostrde, known as (1503-1566) - French astrologer, physician, pharmacist, alchemist and prophet. Studied at the Universities of Avignon and Montpellier. Bachelor of Medicine. 1526 - in Aix he was caught by a plague epidemic. By that time, being already a skilled pharmacist, Nostradamus had invented an anti-plague agent, his recipe outlined in one of his books. 1547 - decides to devote his life to astrology and prophecy. 1555 - the first collection is published in Lyon. Over the next two years, he completed the complete edition of his Prophecies. The book was divided into ten chapters (centuries), each of which consisted of one hundred quatrains (quatrains). In them, Nostradamus encoded his vision of the future of humanity in a very complex allegorical language. This work is unsurpassed prophetic revelation and provides an inquiring mind with ground for reflection.

Century I.
Quatrain 15.

Mars threatens us with martial force,
He will force you to shed blood 70 times.
The collapse of cathedrals and all shrines.
Destruction of those who do not want to hear about them.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The Space Colony-Colony on Mars will oppose the discriminatory policies of the Earth Government. The rebels will demand equal and federal partnerships. The role of our planet as a metropolis for earthlings' settlements on other planets will be revised. In the future, the Space Federation of the Solar System will be created.

Quatrain 63.

The epidemics are gone, the world is a small place
All continents and suitable places are inhabited,
You can safely travel by air, under water
and underground.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The planet is equipped and entangled in a network of transport communications. The division of humanity into separate states has disappeared. Under water and underground, megacities have been created, interconnected by over-extended tunnels.

Quatrain 80.

In bright heavenly beauties
There are many dwellings of the angels floating around.
This is a great sign of divine change.
The house can float underwater and in the underworld.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humans are like angels in that they are able to move on the ground and through the air using portable anti-gravity motors that can be placed on the body. The dwellings of earthlings, surrounded by a reliable power energy cushion, have ceased to be stationary. Everyone, at their own discretion, can move their house either into the air, or under water, or into an underground infrastructure.

Quatrain 81.

Some people will be cut off from humanity,
When he goes to heaven.
Their fates determined the directions of the stars,
Which he will not reach soon.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Numerous space expeditions will be sent in search of planetary systems in other stars. The starships, propelled by photon engines, will be controlled by intelligent onboard supercomputers. Astronauts will be in suspended animation for most of the flight, because the flight of a spacecraft, even at light speeds, will require tens, or even hundreds of years in the Earth's reckoning to complete galactic missions.

Quatrain 91.

They will return from heaven to earth
Having come a long way from the star of the Centaur.
Before the sky was cloudless
Now everyone rushed there on spears to the new stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
In the constellation Centaurus, a planetary system will be discovered that will be suitable for settlement by terrestrial life forms. Considering the prospect of catastrophic changes in the sun, many space expeditions will be sent to this area of ​​Space in order to create colonies-settlements.

Century II.
Quatrain 13.

Flesh without spirit will no longer be sacrificed,
Day of eternal sleep will be a birthday
The sacred spirit will make the soul at peace,
In vain the Verb in its infinity.

Interpretation of the quatrain
To transform an ordinary person into an immortal spiritual being, it will be necessary to combine his consciousness with a monad - a multidimensional information formation that carries evolutionary information about the foundations of the Universe - laws, programs, principles, algorithms, sequences, dynamics of phenomena and processes of the visible and invisible world. In other words, a monad is the spiritual code of an advanced personality, which she found in Eternity and transferred into her consciousness.

In the distant future, super-powerful computers will calculate all possible combinations of evolutionary information contained in spiritual codes. By combining the spiritual code with the everyday consciousness of a cloned person, it will be possible to both resurrect all the righteous who have ever lived on our planet, and “with blank slate»Artificially, at the request of the parents, immediately create a spiritually advanced personality. The progress of information technology will be put at the service of spirituality.

Quatrain 27.

Divine word will thunder from heaven,
Others will no longer be able to continue
Great revelation - the secret is revealed.
From now on, everyone believes in one God.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Religious dogmas uniform for all mankind will be formed, based on the achievements of science and full transcript revelations of the great prophets of the past. Such religiosity will be acceptable to every person, regardless of his ideological position.

Quatrain 41.

The great star will shine brightly
Mirrors will cause many suns to appear.
At night it will become as light as day
When cities grow in the far north and south.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Geoelectric radio stations will be created in the Earth's orbit, which accumulate solar energy in their giant panels. The resulting energy, transmitted by transmitters to the planet's surface, will allow heating and heating of terrestrial dwellings, provide energy to transport systems, and create an artificial climate in polar and arid regions.

Quatrain 48.

Great power sees through the mountains,
Saturn in Sagittarius turned to Mars in Pisces,
Anything secret can be revealed
If there is a strip on the head with two threads.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Telepathy has become a widely available means of communication. To receive telepathic messages into the head of people, implants in the form of a strip with two small antennae-hairs are animated. These messages are recorded and regulated by vacuum computers, in which information is stored on phytonic clusters (phyton is the primary particle of vacuum and space - author). The time of the fulfillment of the prophecies is 70-80 years. XXI century.

Century III.
Quatrain 2.

The great word will be embodied in the deed,
When the gold hidden in small
Illuminate the heavens with its huge light,
After that, the first will go to the stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
A photon engine has been created. Spaceships can now travel at the speed of light. Become possible space travel to distant stellar systems (see also the commentary on quatrain 81, Century I).

Quatrain 40.

When all odds are gone
Everyone will start speaking the same language
Whose words no one will hear
A great deed will be accomplished.

Interpretation of the quatrain
With the end of the division of humanity into separate states and the creation of a worldwide telepathic network, a universal figurative-symbolic language was created, which is based on research on the most full description archetypes of the collective and individual unconscious.

Quatrain 40 (B).

A house will be erected in the crater,
The die is cast, the caps are on the moon.
A man will appear in the shadow of Mars
Who will live in the cold.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Huge colonies-settlements have been built on the moon under transparent caps, inside of which the regime will be maintained artificial gravity and atmosphere.
A man landed on the satellites of Mars - Phobos and Demos, to study the possibility of using their bowels for mining.

Quatrain 98.

The two states will scold violently,
There will be two battles between them for the ice,
Soon the north will take the defensive
And give up his claims.

Interpretation of the quatrain
America and one of the South American states (Argentina? Brazil? Chile?) Will have a dispute over claims to include Antarctica in their territories.
In the near future (in the middle of the 21st century), the climate on the southern polar continent will become less severe, and populous settlements of emigrants from the United States will begin to appear on it. The population of Antarctica, which by this time will become very numerous, will fight for the creation of an independent continental state.

Century IV.
Quatrain 10.

Weapons will shoot out of the ground
Piercing through its fiery firmament,
Columns fall, tunnels fall
A terrible rumble and rumble of hell spreads from below.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity is threatened by war with the use of tectonic weapons. If this happens, the consequences will be dire, because the entire underground infrastructure, regardless of its nationality, is threatened with complete destruction.

Quatrain 20.

The world sank to the bottom of the sea
He will bring long-term glory to his states.
People go under water and come back
None of them will choke.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity will learn to build safe underwater dwellings. Whole megacities will appear on the ocean floor, which will be surrounded by a reliable protective shell made of ultra-strong lightweight materials. The production of food products from seaweed and animals raised on specialized underwater farms will be launched en masse.
It seems to the author that the "underwater era" in the history of mankind will come as a result of overheating of the earth's atmosphere, which is expected in 13,000 years. This process will be caused by life-destructive growth. solar activity, provoked, in turn, by the emission of cosmic radiation from the core of the Galaxy.

Quatrain 21.

Human transformation won't be easy
But they will benefit from the change.
A new young heart beats in my chest
They live under water as on earth.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The human body will be rebuilt using genetic engineering methods. The skin will be immune to radiation, thermal factors and rough mechanical stress. Muscle will be able to withstand and reflect explosive impacts. All this will require intervention in functional system organism and changes in the cellular structure of internal organs, and especially the heart.

Quatrain 25.

Gorgeous hairless bodies are visible to the eye,
Although they are covered in second skin,
You can feel stronger through the veil
When gloves are on.

Interpretation of the quatrain
A well-fitting, ultra-light garment will be created. It will have a set of computer chips regulating the metabolism both inside the body and between the skin and the external environment. The head will be protected in a special way, on which the thinnest helmet made of heavy-duty materials will be put on. The sensors built into it will allow a person to see and hear in all the electromagnetic range necessary for safe life, as well as telepathically at the right time to communicate with the global field information network.
Hands will be wrapped around special gloves that will reliably protect them from burns and injuries. At the same time, they will perform the function of a scanner of the surrounding world, especially its unfavorable factors.

Quatrain 26.

A large swarm of tiny bees
Who appeared from nowhere,
Cover your head and your whole body
Which will be better protected than holy prayers.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Over time, the ultra-light protective clothing described in the previous quatrain will be replaced by a micro-lepton capsule shell. The human body, surrounded by an artificial aura of fundamental elementary particles, which will constantly rebuild its structure depending on external factors, will become invulnerable to ultra-low and ultra-high temperatures, mechanical influences of any force and monstrous radiation. It seems that in such a shell, a person can go out into the open Space and plunge into the molten earth core without any additional protective devices.

Quatrain 31.

The midnight of the madness finally dissipated.
The young sage shared his mind with the machine.
The disciples offer the mind to become immortal.
There was complete calm.

Interpretation of the quatrain
By means of ray layer-by-layer scanning of the human aura, as well as the surrounding thought forms, the possibility of rewriting consciousness on photonic clusters of vacuum computers will be realized. In the future, such a recording will be connected to the worldwide information and telepathic network - Supernet. The connection of the ordinary consciousness of a person with different options its potential spiritual code (see commentary to quatrain 13 of the Century II) will allow the future civilization of planet Earth to become a community of immortal righteous men and prophets who will live, moreover, in super-strong and practically indestructible bodies.

Quatrain 41.

Female took hostage
All weapons and all gold
No more blood will flow
When they reject the war.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Wars on our planet will finally and irrevocably disappear when a new matriarchy is reborn in society. It seems that women leaders of the most powerful countries in the future will be able to sit down at the negotiating table and create a World Federation of States and a Planetary Government.

Quatrain 67.

When Earth, Saturn and Mars are dry
The ocean will glow and smoke
The merciless Sun will blot out the whole earth,
Then, in a roar, it will swallow the heavenly bodies.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Every 26,000 years (see also the commentary to quatrain 20 of this century), bursts of cosmic radiation from the galactic core provoke the heating of the Sun and ejection from its surface into the surrounding space of monstrous in its scale streams of ionized plasma. These processes can cause strong changes on the surface of giant planets (evaporate part of their surface into space), make tropical climatic conditions on icy Mars, turn Venus into a real underworld covered with oceans from molten rocks and oceans of liquid metal. The Earth is threatened by the complete evaporation of the oceans and the bombardment of the surface with debris from collapsed asteroids and evaporated cometary nuclei.
This quatrain is a warning to humanity about the constant cosmic threat, which can periodically reduce the achievements of material evolution to zero.

Century V
Quatrain 8 (В)

A wonderful rich aggregate will appear,
Lamp on one side, tongues of fire.
The mind is enclosed in the body,
Who himself rules the heavenly carriage.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The genius of man will be created by a stargazer with a photon drive. It will be controlled by a superpowerful artificial intelligence, enclosed in a vacuum computer. In fact, it will be an invulnerable specialized thinking creature performing the task of searching for intelligent life in the Cosmos (see also the interpretation: to quatrain of the 81st century I; to the quatrain of the 48th century II; to the quatrain 2, century III; to the quatrain of the 31st century IV).

Quatrain 15

To meet the inhabitants of other worlds
Inhabitants of Earth, Venus, Centaur
Thought will pass through the hole
And find themselves among the stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity of the Earth and space colonies on Venus, as well as in the constellation Centaurus, will learn to build space-time portals ("star gates") for travel to other galaxies. But, only information packets that duplicate the consciousness and spiritual code of star travelers can pass through these portals. These components of the personality will be recorded on phytonic clusters of vacuum computers. This information will modulate a subtle-material field that is still unknown to science, which will be able to pass through the "star gate". As for the physical body, at the entrance to the portal, its characteristics will also be transformed by layer-by-layer computer scanning into a modulated information flow. At the exit from the portal, the teleported consciousness will be able, according to the available information, to restore a super-strong body from the atoms of matter belonging to another star system (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 of Century II and Quatrain 26 of Century IV).

Quatrain 49

Stones born in eternal darkness
Will become sources of untold wealth,
Those who will revive their ancient blood in a new body,
A golden age will be proclaimed.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity will begin the industrial development of the asteroid belts between Mars and Jupiter and beyond the orbit of Neptune. It seems that this will happen at a time when ultra-light and heavy-duty clothing will be invented (see the interpretation to Quatrains 21 and 25 of Century IV).

Quatrain 53

New order on Mars and Venus
Allows people to live freely.
There will be no more danger
Thanks to the arrangement of the Sun.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity will learn to regulate the amount of light coming from the Sun by integrating a super-powerful vacuum computer into its bowels. Our native star will become a sentient being. This will make it possible to change the climate on Mars and Venus and make these planets suitable for human, animal and plant populations.

Quatrain 54 (v)

After the death of the decrepit body
The mind will move into the new.
The elders are becoming young again,
Nobody else will die.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The problem of immortality will be solved by the methods of cloning, deciphering all possible combinations of a person's spiritual code and rewriting scanned thought forms on clusters of vacuum computers. A massive resurrection of all people who have ever lived on Earth will begin. This will be possible due to the addition of the above methods with computer modeling of all variants of the genome of the biological body (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 of the II century and the quatrain of the 31st century IV).

Quatrain 78

Two can have a silent conversation
Being in a long separation.
Great effort on all sides.
The whole world is permeated with thoughts.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The Supernet was created - a worldwide information and telepathic network based on vacuum computers and special chips implanted in a person's head (see also the interpretation to quatrains 31 and 48 of Century II; Quatrain 40 of Century III).

Quatrain 95

The sea paddle lies idle,
Great empires united on dry land.
Barriers are set in the seas to let the waves pass
On which the carts roll.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Extra-long bridges were built from lightweight and extremely durable man-made materials. They will connect the continents with each other and with the large islands. Sea transport will become a thing of the past, giving way to air, underground and overhead transport.

Century VI
Quatrain 34 (v)

Solar flame from the sky
Comes home and becomes useful,
The unrest will stop in the cities
There is no other choice but a peace treaty.

Interpretation of the quatrain
In the orbit of the Earth and the surface of the planet, powerful power plants on solar powered, which will be able to generate and transmit electricity wirelessly over long distances. Energy crises will be a thing of the past. Energy will no longer be a political instrument. Cheap ways of obtaining heat and light for domestic and industrial needs will solve many problems of all states, regardless of the level of development they have reached. Knots of military conflicts in many parts of the Earth will be unleashed. It seems that these events will occur at the end of the XXI century (see also the interpretation to quatrain 41 of the II century).

Quatrain 65 (v)

The Heavenly Shards will be captured by the conspiracy.
A secret war has been declared
Those who grabbed the stones want to throw them to the ground,
But their ship has been hijacked by brainwashing soldiers.

Interpretation of the quatrain
There will be serious imbalances in the living standards of people on Earth and space colonists engaged in the industrial development of asteroids. Colonies-settlements will unite and present an ultimatum to the Government of the Earth demanding improvement of their living conditions. They will blackmail the metropolis with a real opportunity to carry out space bombardment with asteroids and fragments of cometary nuclei. A spaceship will be sent to Earth, transporting one of these small celestial bodies... But, the blackmailers will be neutralized by a detachment of earthlings sent to meet them, and used against potential aggressors until that time the forbidden top-secret telepathic weapon (see also the interpretation to the quatrain of the 15th Century I).

Quatrain 74

Everyone will make a peace agreement
Although they will fool each other for a long time.
In the far south, peace at sea and on land,
Cities have sprung up under the ice.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Antarctica, as a result of climate warming, will become suitable for human habitation and intensive industrial development. Factory cities will be built under its ice shell, and intensive mining will begin. In view of the overpopulation of the planet in the second half of the 21st century, the great countries of the world, primarily Russia, America, Australia and China, will enter into a long-term controversy over their exclusive right to develop Antarctica. As a result, an international agreement on the southern continent will be signed, which will pave the way for the state independence of Antarctica (see also the interpretation to Quatrain 98 of Century III).

Century VII
Quatrain 25

They will no longer see fatigue
Soldiers and travelers purchased the product.
The body is covered with four skins,
In which it is not scary to go to the moon.

Interpretation of the quatrain
A protective complex from a combination of different fields (electromagnetic, gravitational and others, as yet unknown to modern science) will conclude human body in a transparent heavy-duty protective capsule. A person will be able to visit the surfaces of other celestial bodies without uncomfortable and cumbersome spacesuits (see also the interpretation to Quatrains 21,25,26 of Century IV).

Century VIII
Quatrain 61

When like a ray of light
A jingling spear will fly into the sky
They quickly reach the stars
Having transferred a detachment of people there.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Another prophecy (the third in a row) about the creation of a starship with a photon engine, which will make it possible to accelerate the apparatus to light and superluminal speeds (for details, see the interpretation to quatrain 81 of Century I; Quatrain 2 Century III; Quatrain 8 Century V).

Century IX
Quatrain 28

A solar sail floats over the Earth
Connecting the planets to the skies.
Star guards in chariots of fire
We are ready to withstand any siege.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The idea of ​​ultralight is technically realized spaceships performing information and research functions and using the streams of the "solar wind" for their movement. A powerful orbital complex has been built in high near-earth orbit, which controls the missions of the planet's reconnaissance fleet. The movement of all asteroids and comets that could pose a danger to humanity is carefully monitored. It seems that the above events will occur after a relatively small fragment of one of the celestial bodies falls to the Earth, which will cause large-scale catastrophes with human casualties. This will happen at the end of the 21st century.

Quatrain 48

Great city by the ocean,
Embraced by crystal marshes
During the winter solstice and in the spring
Will be tested by a terrible whirlwind.

Interpretation of the quatrain
In the 21st century, New York will be hit by a devastating tsunami. Most of the city will be flooded and many skyscrapers destroyed.

Quatrain 83

Will not see the sun
How the great earthquake was triggered.
The water will be outraged, the earth will darken,
When a wave destroys the underwater dwellings.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Man-made underwater infrastructure will often be subject to devastating earthquakes. This will spur the scientific genius of people to solve the problem of controlling tectonic processes.

Quatrain 97 (v)

People will share the treasures of the sea among themselves,
When they are in dire need of provisions.
They will find the Champs Elysees in the water.
Fish instead of meat, seaweed instead of bread.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Overpopulation of the planet in the second half of the 21st century will force humanity to look for additional sources of food. The process of creating underwater farms and factories for the production of high-calorie and delicious seafood will be intensified. The states will divide among themselves into spheres of influence not only the continental shelf, but also the entire water area of ​​the seas and oceans (see also the interpretation to quatrain 20th Century IV).

Century X
Quatrain 13

Animals don't chew gum anymore
Stuffing tightly a brainless belly
Their eyes are filled with reason
They will become equal to their masters.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity will use the methods of genetic engineering and cloning to instill intelligence in the animal kingdom of the Earth. Representatives of many orders of mammals will become reliable and loyal helpers of humans in everyday life, at work, and during long stellar expeditions. Communication between animals and people will be telepathic.

Quatrain 49

The garden of the new world will turn green
Replacing filled boxes.
Plants will no longer sit in shards
And drink water, let it fly through the air.

Interpretation of the quatrain
By the methods indicated in the previous interpretation, plant breeds that do not need to be fed with water and minerals will be bred. Their root system will be adapted by man to absorb the energy of the Sun, natural, cosmic, and man-made, artificial, electromagnetic radiation.
Extensive reserves of plants of a new type will be created not only on the surface of our planet, but also in near-earth orbit. They will be held in one place by compact electromagnetic installations of low power. It seems that after a while, plant organisms with bodies of hot and cold plasma will be created, which will convert hard cosmic radiation into electrical energy of the range necessary for humanity.

Quatrain 69

The brilliant business was continued by the three great,
Who will surpass everyone in reason from the north and south.
They gave birth to something new
By mixing the living with the inanimate.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Three great discoveries and inventions of mankind: the possibility of calculating the spiritual code of the individual, the genetic restructuring of the human body and the creation of a vacuum computer, will solve the problem of immortality and lead to the emergence of an artificial mind capable of independent evolution (see also the interpretation of quatrain 13 of Century II; quatrains 21 and 31 Century IV; Quatrain 25 Century VII).

Quatrain 71

Frozen great water on earth
Those who come to the south will get it.
There will be a reign of prosperity and justice,
Which will be glorified by all four sides of the world.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The quatrain says about the creation of a mighty prosperous state on the mainland of Antarctica (for more details, see the interpretation to quatrain 29 of Century III; Quatrain 74 of Century VI).

Quatrain 73

The past will provide the present
A new law on Jupiter.
The world will never get tired
To receive a blessed tribute from him.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Future industrial technology on Earth, Venus, Mars and in the asteroid belt will require huge reserves of hydrogen and helium. These gases will be supplied from Jupiter, where their industrial production will be established.
In addition, Jupiter has always played the role of a shock shield for all planets for the Earth. terrestrial group, reliably protecting them from asteroid-cometary bombardments. Small space bodies unsuitable for industrial development (fragments of cometary nuclei, asteroids, "space debris") will be thrown to the surface gas giant... The energy released in this case will be accumulated and directed for the arrangement of colonies on other planets and asteroids of the solar system.

Quatrain 75

The long awaited will finally happen
An alien spear has been picked up in the sky.
The one who walks through the empty abyss
Will end up in the best of worlds.

Interpretation of the quatrain
During one of the many space expeditions sent by mankind to all corners of our Galaxy, an extraterrestrial starship will be discovered. It will find and decipher information about the technologies for creating vacuum computers and the construction of variants of spiritual codes of a person (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 of Century II; Quatrains 13 and 48 of Century IV). This event will open the way for humanity to immortality, the resurrection of all generations of people who have ever lived on Earth, and the creation of space-time tunnels to other universes (see the interpretation to quatrain 15 of the V century).

(The texts of the quatrains are given according to their original linguistic-intuitive interpretation by A.I. Denikina.
Alla Ivanovna Denikina is a modern Russian seer and trance contactee. She was born in 1955 in the city of Klin (Russia). Graduated from Moscow pedagogical institute... Works as a teacher of Russian language and literature in a Moscow school. From early childhood, she is in contact with the spiritual essence of Michel Nostradamus).

Michel de Nostradamus, known to all of us as Nostradamus, was born in 1503 in Provence, France into a Jewish family. The fame of a scientist and doctor came to Nostradamus when he found efficient way free Europe from the plague. The "medicine" included Fresh air, pure water and vitamin C. The first 24 prophecies of Nostradamus (quatrains) were published in 1550. The popularity of the almanac was so enormous that Nostradamus was forced to publish the same kind of almanacs annually until the end of his days.

Later, the predictions of Nostradamus were framed as "Centuries". They brought worldwide fame to the seer. It is believed that in the quatrain of the tenth - the last - part of the "Century" Nostradamus accurately predicted his death.

Researchers believe that Nostradamus predicted the fate of the United States, Europe, Japan and even the Green Continent and Antarctica. According to Nostradamus, humanity is waiting for the astrological era of Saturn, such a "golden age". But it will be preceded by natural disasters and the political redistribution of the world. The Second Coming is also mentioned by the astrologer; it will come at the "end of 6000 years."

Some quatrains and their interpretation:

A living fire will be released, death in disguise
Inside the balls are terrible.
During the night the fleet will turn the city to dust.
The city is burning, its enemy rejoices.

Most likely, "terrible balls" mean nuclear mushrooms. Then the city that became dust is Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

There is a description nuclear bombing and in another quatrain:

The sun here falls into flames of fires,
The messages are hidden in the wax candle,
Cities and forests are melting with heat
Coal fumes hung over the plain.

Nostradamus has quatrains that herald the invention of military aviation:

The motor will develop tremendous speed,
A battering ram will pierce the restless century.
War will take over human thought,
Which will give science a runaway Prometheus.

The quatrain says about gas attacks and bombs:

He flies this strange army,
The explosion will be heavenly fire
The smell from Lausanne was suffocating and persistent,
But people do not know its source.

About armored amphibious assault vehicles it says:

It's hard for my contemporaries to believe
In iron amphibians of land and seas,
But these monsters will come ashore,
A steep wave will boil in the distance.

Nostradamus's predictions about Russia

At the time when Nostradamus lived, the territory modern Russia more often called the North or East, therefore the predictions of Nostradamus about Russia do not contain the words Russia or Russia. However, researchers are confident that some events Russian history the astrologer and physician predicted very accurately. For example, he predicted the coming to power of Peter I, the revolution of 1917, described social upheavals, the Red Terror.

In one prediction of Nostradamus there is a Russian toponym - Borisfen. So, Nostradamus describes the decline of the "Law of Mora". The decline will supposedly come because of the coming of another "law". The first, according to Nostradamus, from the previous "law" will turn away Borisfen - because of someone's "gifts" and "more attractive language." In ancient times, the Dnieper was called Borisfen. Researchers believe that Nostradamus could mean communism by the former "Mohr's Law".

What Nostradamus said about Russia in the twenty-first century can be learned from the pessimistic quatrains about the great massacre and numerous disasters. So, the astrologer predicted disasters to the Russian state, after which untold wealth would be concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. The great tragedy of Russia, according to Nostradamus, should begin around 2011. After the war, into which the Russians will be drawn, the end of the formerly great state of Russia will come and a redivision of the world will take place, after which millions of people migrate to the territory of Russia and Europe as a whole.

But the complexity of the predictions of Nostradamus is that it is possible to determine exactly what event to talk about in the quatrain only after it happens. Although there are many researchers who are trying to decipher the message of Michel Nostradamus in order to warn humanity about the possible danger. But perhaps everything should be just the way it should be.

Fulfilled quatrains and their interpretation:

A different dynasty will be in Russia,
The country will rise for its freedom,
The people became one messiah out of grief,
Leads his kingdom to dawn and glory.

The researcher believes that in this quatrain it comes about the replacement of the Rurik dynasty by the Romanov dynasty, after the Troubles. This prophecy came true.

There are predictions about certain personalities, for example, Suvorov:

The man of the east will leave his place,
He will cross the Apennine mountains to see Gaul,
It will pierce the sky, snow and water,
And he will strike everyone with his rod.

The first line of this quatrain speaks about Suvorov's departure from exile, the second - about his campaign in Italy, the third - about the passage through the Alps, the fourth indicates the marshal's baton.

He has predictions that describe the events of 1917. They talk about social upheavals:

When the whirlwind turns the stretcher
And the faces will be hidden by cloaks,
New people will pester the republic
Whites and reds will be suing.

There is a quatrain that predicted the Stalinist repression:

Blood of innocent maidens and widows
The great red will do so much evil,
The saints will immerse their images in burning wax,
Everyone is terrified, no one to move.

The last prediction of Nostradamus

The famous alchemist predicted many catastrophes, wars, murders and global changes awaiting the planet for millennia to come. Scientists and followers of Nostradamus puzzled over his ambiguous quatrains, seeing in them often only contradictory and vague predictions.

Selected prophecies, such as the Second World War and the revolution of 1917, came true, and the most authoritative researchers of the legacy left by the mysterious Nostradamus agree.

The last prediction of Nostradamus about the fate of Russia is interpreted in different ways. Some believe that the doctor predicted Russia the glory of a great Christian power and world greatness in 2025. The wars will supposedly end, and the Christian state will become the center of the revival of the world.

Other researchers claim that the Nostradamus apocalypse will come in 2011 or 2012. The famous pharmacist allegedly believed that the world had only a few centuries left to exist. According to another theory, Michel Nostradamus described the future of earthlings up to the fourth and even the sixth millennium AD. According to this version, the population of the Earth mutates, assimilates with alien beings, reaches the peak of its development and finds the elixir of immortality.

On November 17, 1558, Queen Elizabeth I Tudor ascended the English throne, dramatically changing the country's political orientation. Protestantism was restored in England.

The coronation of Elizabeth I was predicted by Nostradamus in quatrains X, 19:

The day she will be greeted as a queen
The day when after the blessing - prayer.
The big score is correct.
She used to be modest, but (the other) will never be so proud.

The same theme can be traced in quatrain VI, 74:

The outcast (or exiled) will return to the kingdom.
Her enemies will be exposed as conspirators.
Her time will be a time of triumph more than ever.
Three and seventy to death for sure.

True, Elizabeth I lived not 73, but only 70 years, but this difficulty can be bypassed when interpreting the prediction, if we assume that the separate number three denotes the date of death - 1603.

Quatrain X, 84 can be attributed to the same cycle of the prophecies of Nostradamus:

Illegal daughter so tall
high, not low.
A late return will comfort the offended,
Reconciled not without controversy,
By using and wasting all your time.

Here, as it were, the motive of Elizabeth's illegitimacy arises. Although her father Henry VIII, before his death, rejected this version, appointing Elizabeth as his third heiress (in the case of the death of childless Edward IV, and then Mary, as it actually happened), the popes continued to consider the heretic Elizabeth illegitimate until the end, who stole the English throne. from the legal heiress (Mary Stuart, a distant relative of Henry VIII). The rest of the quatrain can be seen as an expression of the author's hope for civil peace at the end of Elizabeth's reign.

To the contemporary and rival of Elizabeth I - the Scottish queen Mary Stuart, in the predictions of Nostradamus, apparently, one quatrain is dedicated, but very effective - VIII, 23:

Letters will be found in the queen's chests
Without a signature, without the name of the author.
These promises will be hidden with a trick.
So no one would know who the lover was.

THIS immediately resembles the case of "letters in a chest". Mary Stuart had a silver box, something like a safe, with especially complicated locks, which was presented by her first husband, the French king Francis P. And she gave it to her third husband, Count Boswell. Boswell kept Mary's letters in it. After an unsuccessful battle for the spouses with their subjects at Carberry Hill, the casket was at the disposal of the Scottish Parliament. The letters from the casket were read out at his meeting on December 15, 1567. They seemed to imply that Mary Stuart was an accomplice to Boswell in the murder of her second husband, Henry Darnley. These letters, however, have come down to us only in translation into other languages. The originals disappeared at the end of the 16th century. Therefore, a number of researchers consider these letters to be forged. The reader wishing to know this story in detail can refer to the book by Stefan Zweig "Mary Stuart".

Quatrain X, 36 refers to the further history of England, i.e. to the reign of the son of Mary Stuart, King James I Stuart:

King's stump when he talks about wars,
The united island will be despised.
Several good years of squabbling and plunder.
Due to tyranny, prices on the island will change.

Jacob Stewart was the sixth king of this name in Scotland, but he went down in history primarily as James I, the founder of the Stuart dynasty in England, which succeeded the Tudor dynasty, the last direct offspring of which was Elizabeth 1. Therefore, the nickname "stump king" is appropriate for him. , that is, the ancestor, the founder of the dynasty, whose descendants are the ascending branches of the family tree. Jacob I was cowardly, did not differ in any special talents and did not enjoy respect. His ineffective rule gradually prepared the crisis that erupted under his son Charles I.

Now let's turn to those predictions that are usually attributed to the son of Jacob I, Charles I (1625 - 1649), who laid his head on the scaffold. Quatrain V, 93 reads:

Under the ground of a round moon ball
When Mercury reigns
The island of Scotland will produce a luminary
Which will bring the British to turmoil.

The first two lines, apparently, should give astrological date... And the second two really suit Charles I, who was born in 1600 in the castle of Dunfermline (Scotland) and with his incompetent rule brought the matter to the civil war of 1642-1649. Quatrain VIII, 37 says:

Fortress near the Thames
Will fall when the king is locked inside her.
He will be seen near the bridge in a shirt
Facing death. Then he will be locked up in the fortress.

This description most likely echoes the following events. On December 23, 1648, Charles, taken prisoner by the troops of Parliament, was placed in Windsor Castle, facing the Thames. On January 25, 1649, a special tribunal of parliament sentenced Charles I to death penalty... On January 30, 1649, Charles I in a white shirt ascended the esha pht and his head was cut off. He was then buried in the chapel of Windsor Castle. This funeral, according to many interpreters, is predicted in the last phrase - "then they will be locked up in the fortress."

In quatrain IX, 49, the soothsayer leaves no doubt about the fate of the English king.

Ghent and Brussels will march to Antwerp.
The London Senate will execute its king.
Salt and wine will rise up against him.
Because of them, there is turmoil in the kingdom.

The first line is about some kind of military action in the Netherlands. Most commentators see here a hint of the Spanish-Dutch war, which ended with the signing of a peace treaty on January 30, 1649, that is, exactly one year later. A combination of two events close in date different countries generally quite typical of Nostradamus. As for wine and salt, since these two products were at that time the main object of taxation, they symbolized taxes. Obviously, Nostradamus saw the main reason for the Great English Revolution in unbearable taxes. The rest is pretty clear.

The prediction about the execution of the king, according to one of the commentators, is the most scandalous publication, missed by the censorship of the XVI century. Indeed, for 1577 this situation is unprecedented.

Researchers also refer to the history of the Great English Revolution as Quatrain III, 80:

The worthy one will be expelled from the English kingdom.
The counselor will be put to death due to anger.
His supporters will be so insignificant
That the bastard will be half accepted.

Here we are talking about Charles I. According to this version, the second line refers to the life of Lord Stafford, the main adviser to Charles I, whom he handed over to parliament for reprisal. His head was cut off. The third line hints at the betrayal of the Scottish army, which in January 1647 sold Charles I to Parliament for 400 thousand pounds sterling. In the bastard, interpreters of the quatrain saw Cromwell, who would be accepted by the English people only half: he would not become king, but would only bear the title of Protector of England.

Another quatrain is attributed to Cromwell - VIII, 76:

More butcher than king of England
Born in an insignificant place, take over an empire by force.
Born without faith, without law, he will stain the earth with blood.
Its time is so close that I sigh.

From the POINT of view of the Catholic and monarchist Nostradamus, such an assessment of Cromwell was quite natural. The last line of the quatrain is very curious. Apparently, Nostradamus did not consider the period of history of 100 years, which separated his time from the era of Cromwell, too significant in comparison with the seven thousand year history of mankind, which he described in his "Centuries".

With the turbulent history of England in the 17th century. researchers also link quatrain VIII, 56:

A weak unit will occupy the ground.
Inhabitants of high places will utter terrible screams.
The large horde of the outer corner will be agitated.
They will fall near Dikebrough. Nidpisis are open.

In this prediction, the key word is the mysterious toponym Dinebro. Such locality unknown. But already at the beginning of the 18th century. one of the commentators of Nostradamus suggested that this is an anagram of the word Dunbar. In this case, the quatrain takes on some meaning. In 1650, King Charles II, son of the executed Charles I, landed in Scotland and quickly gathered a large army. However, at the Battle of Dunbar, it was utterly defeated by the smaller army of Cromwell ("weak force"). Cromwell then fell into the hands of the royal army wagon train and many documents incriminating various persons.

Charles II, the first king of the restored English monarchy (1660-1685), also includes several very specific predictions. Quite curious prediction X, 40:

Young heir to the British kingdom,
Which his dying father recommends.
Lonol will argue with him
And he will demand the kingdom from his son.

If we accept the version that the dying father is Charles I, then his young heir is Charles II. And the one who will argue with father and son for the kingdom is Cromwell, hiding under the pseudonym Lonol. And the name "LONOLE" is an anagram of the colloquial pronunciation of Cromwell's name "Old Noll".

Quatrain X, 4:

At midnight, the leader of the army
Save itself by suddenly disappearing.
Seven years later, his fame is unsullied.
They will never say yes to his return.

This text is interpreted with a typo in the fourth line, which, in the opinion of the commentators, should read: "... they will say nothing but yes." In this case, the first two lines can be attributed to the Battle of Worcester (September 3, 1651). Charles II in this battle was utterly defeated by Cromwell and, disguised as a commoner, fled. Only after many adventures, in which he was constantly in danger of being captured, did he make it to France. On September 3, 1658, exactly seven years after the defeat at Worcester, Cromwell died. For Charles II, a real opportunity opened up to challenge power in England, but he was invited to the English throne only in 1660.

By the time of the reign of Charles II, two quatrains are also attributed, thematically related to each other.

11, 51:
The blood of the righteous will become London's sin.
Will burn from lightning twenty, three, six.
The old lady will fall from her high place.
Many of the same sect will die.

And, 53: 3
Great plague in a seaside town
Will not end until death is avenged.
The righteous blood of the doomed for a price without guilt.
And the (offense) of the Great Lady, who was falsely harmed.

The old lady (II, 51) and the Great lady (II, 53) are, without a doubt, one and the same person. From the point of view of the orthodox Catholics of Nostradamus, this lady, overthrown in England from her throne ("high place"), was undoubtedly identified with the Catholic Church. The blood of the righteous, which is spoken of in both quatrains, is also most likely the blood of Catholics who suffered from religious persecution in the 16th-17th centuries, but perhaps this concept also includes all the victims of the English Revolution (Catholics in the civil war, as a rule, acted on the side of the monarchy).

The retribution for the blood of the righteous and the grievances of the Old Lady, according to the soothsayer, will be the Great Plague (II, 53) and the Great Fire in London (II, 51). Indeed, in April 1665 an epidemic began in London, which was called the Great Plague, and in 1666 the so-called Great Fire broke out in London, which destroyed most of the city, including the famous Cathedral St. Paul. (Some commentators believe that the term "Old Lady" refers to this cathedral.)

Quatrain IV, 89, tells about the misadventures of James II, who succeeded his brother Charles II on the throne.

Thirty in London will plot a secret conspiracy
Against your king. Enterprise at sea.
He and his followers will be afraid of death.
A blond king from Frisia will be elected.

Commentators believe that the events of the so-called "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 - 1689 were predicted quite accurately here, as a result of which the last king of the Stuart dynasty, James II (1685 - 1688), was overthrown. Attempts by Jacob II to put an end to the gains of the Great English bourgeois revolution of 1643-1649. and returning to an absolutist form of government ended badly for him. The two leading parties of the state, the Whigs and the Tories, united against him. They decided to overthrow Jacob II and invite in his place the husband of his daughter Mary, Prince William III of Orange, the stadtholder of the Dutch Republic.

Frisia - part of Holland - could mean the whole country.) Wilhelm III, judging by the portraits, wore blond wigs. In June 1688, the leaders of the Tories and Whigs sent a letter to William III with an invitation to come to England with an army and take the local throne. This letter, according to one commentator, had 29 signatures (almost 30). In November 1688, William III with an army of 12,000 landed in South-West England ("enterprise at sea") and in 40 days without a fight captured all of England. Abandoned by almost all of his adherents, James II fled to France. In January 1689 g. English parliament elected William III along with his wife Maria II to the vacated throne.

Then will come from outside countries
German prince on the golden throne.
Slavery and waters will meet. The lady is serving.
Her time is no longer admired.

Quatrain II, 100 can be attributed to the history of England during the Second World War:

There is such a terrible noise on the islands
But only one conspiracy will be heard well.
The insult to the robbers will be so great,
That everyone will unite in a big league.

Nostradamus also has one long-term prediction about England (X, 100):

England will create a great empire
Almighty (or All-Sea) for over 300 years.
Great powers at sea and land.
The Lusitanians will not be happy with this.

It can be argued that it completely came true. The mention of the Lusitanians (Portuguese) is especially apt. We are talking about the struggle that the British and their allies, the Dutch, waged at the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries. against the Portuguese, who seized control of the seas bordering Asia and Africa. But here it should be noted that the foundations of the sea power of England were laid already in the era of Nostradamus (although Portugal was undoubtedly the first sea power in the world at that time). That's why last prediction in the book of Nostradamus (100th in the X "Century") gives the impression of a very successful and quite realistic forecast.

Adjacent to this quatrain is an undated, but also flattering for Britain quatrain X, 42:

The worldly (or humane) kingdom of English descent
He will keep peace and union in his kingdom.
Will keep the war halfway within its borders.
It will make them keep peace for a long time.

However, this prediction can be applied to the United States and the entire Anglo-Saxon world as a whole.

Despite the great popularity of Nostradamus in America, the number of predictions that enthusiastic researchers have managed to tie to this country is very small.

So quatrain I, 50 is interpreted as short description history of the United States.

From the watery triplicity will be born
The one (or - that), who will make Thursday his holiday.
His glory, power and power will grow
There is a storm on land and sea against the Easterners.

The creature described in the first line, according to the grammatical meaning, can be both animate and inanimate. Main identification mark here is a holiday on Thursday. It is on Thursday that Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The aquatic triality is understood as the three seas surrounding the United States (more precisely, two oceans and one bay). The Easterners are the Japanese in the Second World War.

After 1963, another one was added to the meager set of predictions about America.

VI, 37:
The ancient work will be finished
Misfortune will fall on the great from the roof.
The innocent will be accused of this and will be killed.
The guilty one will hide in a grove during a light rain.

The character in the second line, according to many commentators, is John F. Kennedy. The character of the third line is Lee Oswald, accused without exact evidence of the murder of the president. He was killed by Jack Ruby in front of all America watching on TV.

The word "America" ​​at the time of Nostradamus is still quite new and is found in the "Centuries" only once, in a quatrain very difficult to understand, which will be discussed in more detail in the chapter "On the Three Antichrists".

Some researchers attribute prediction VIII, 74 to America:

In a new land, the king will enter very far,
while his subjects greet him.
His treachery will have such an effect
That for citizens will replace holidays and receptions.

New earth, or New World is indeed a fairly common term for America. But in the explanation of the remaining three lines, the interpreters have no consensus and a more or less logical version. The new earth is also mentioned in quatrain II, 89:

One day the two great leaders will become friends.
Their great power will increase.
The new earth will reach its peak.
The number will be reported to the bloody one.

In the opinion of E. Leoni, this prediction best of all corresponds to the Anglo-German alliance in 1941. And the Bloody (ie, Hitler) will be reported on the statistics of the growth of the American military industry. M. Morin believes that the days of "Bloody" will simply be numbered from this moment.

History of Germany XVI - XIX centuries. in "Centuries" of Nostradamus is not touched upon in great detail. Of all the historical events, only one can be identified without a stretch - the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine from France in 1871. Quatrain X, 51 is dedicated to this:

Some of the lowest places in the land of Lorraine
Will be united with the lower Germans.
Through people from the center (residence)

Picardians, Normans, Men.
And they will join the cantons.

Under the "lower", that is, the northern Germans, one can understand the kingdom of Prussia, which in 1871 united the scattered German states into the German Empire.

Of the predictions about Germany, the greatest interest of commentators of the 20th century. naturally caused those quatrains that could be tied to Hitler, the Second World War, the "Third Reich". Three quatrains contain a character named Hister. As a matter of fact, this name most likely comes from the ancient name of the Danube - Istr and means "inhabitant of the Danube" or "Danube". But since the Danube crosses Austria, Hitler's homeland, such a nickname is quite appropriate for him. The main thing, according to most commentators, is the consonance of the names "Hister" and "Hitler" and the fact that this character is clearly a big villain, striving for world domination. Quatrain II, 24 says:

Beasts, fierce with hunger, will swim across the rivers.
Most of the land will be against Hister.
The great ones order him to be dragged in an iron cage.
When the child of Germany won't obey any laws.

The crossing of numerous water lines really played big role in the second world war. The second line is suitable for describing the anti-Hitler coalition. The fourth line can be attributed to the arbitrariness committed by the "Third Reich". As for the third line, what was predicted in it did not come true. As we mentioned above, in Nazi Germany they knew and studied the prophecies of Nostradamus, and Hitler took them quite seriously. At the end of the war, the Fuhrer was constantly worried about the thought that if he fell into the hands of the allies, they would put him in a cage and take him to fairs to be shown to the people.

In quatrain IV, 68, the word "Hister" is paired with the River Rhine, and the only intelligible explanation this fact- this is that we are not talking about a person, but about the river - Istres (Danube).

In a very close place, not far from Venus (Venus),
Two of the greatest in Asia and Africa,
About which they will say that they are from Reika and Istra.
Screams, tears in Malta and the Ligurian coast.

However, this does not stop the most ardent fans of Nostradamus. Thus, Erica Cheatham writes:

“The word 'Venus' is the key to this quatrain. It probably denotes Venice, thus connecting Italy with Hitler. The two dictators met near this city on the Brenner Pass to conclude the Triple Pact with Asia, that is, with the Japanese. The last line refers to the blockade of Malta by the Italians, and the "screams and tears" on the Ligurian coast - to the bombardment of Genoa by the Allies and the shelling of British warships based in Gibraltar. "

In addition to the quatrains dedicated to Hister, researchers attribute several more predictions to Hitler and Nazism. So, in quatrain III, 76 it says:

Different sects will be born in Germany,
Which will come very close to happy paganism.
Captivated heart and small profit (or result).
They will return to paying true tithing.

The interest of Nazi ideologists in the restoration of ancient Germanic pagan cults is well known. The expression "captive heart" is quite suitable for a totalitarian society, and "small profit" or "small result" just as well fits the "profit" that the German people received from the "thousand-year-old Reich", which fell 12 years after its foundation. In the fourth line, “true tithe” refers to the tribute that Catholics paid to their church. In other words, Nostradamus wants to say that after the dominance of pagan ideology in Germany, the Catholic Church will triumph again. This is generally the same as that important role played by Christian Democratic parties in modern Germany. Sects in Germany are also referred to in Quatrain III, 67:

A new sect of philosophers
Despising death, gold, honor and riches,
Not limited to the borders of the German Mountains.
Those who follow them (these philosophers) will have the support of the crowds.

To Hitler in the XX century. began to attribute quatrain V, 5:

Under the pretext of abolishing slavery
He himself usurps the people and the city.
He will make things worse by deceiving a young prostitute.
Go to the field reading a fake poem.

The first line of this interpretation refers to the Versailles Treaty, against which Hitler agitated in the 1920s. The "young prostitute" in the third line was somehow linked to the Weimar Republic in Germany (1918 - 1933). The "fake poem" is identified with Hitler's book "Mein Kampf". Attracted to Hitler and quatrain I, 9:

For nine years the skinny man will hold the kingdom in peace.
Then he will fall into a terrible bloodlust.
Because of him great people will die without faith and law,
Killed by those who are much more good-natured.

The interpreters' reasoning went this way: "skinny" means a vegetarian, and a vegetarian means Hitler. True, only six years passed from Hitler's rise to power (1933) to the outbreak of World War II (1939). But the matter can be improved if we start counting the years from the 1930 elections, when the Nazi party received a significant number of votes and became the second largest party in Germany. The "good-natured" who would kill him meant Roosevelt.

After Hitler came to power, Nazi propaganda tried to extract from the "Centuries" all the quatrains that could be interpreted in a somewhat flattering light for the Fuhrer. So, for example, in quatrain III, 35 it says:

Deep in Western Europe
A boy will be born from poor parents
Who with his tongue will seduce a great army (or multitude).
His fame will grow even more in the kingdom of the East.

True, in the 19th century. this quatrain was attributed to Napoleon. Another quatrain III, 58 seems to cover the entire biography of Hitler:

Near the Rhine in the Norik Mountains
A great one will be born from the people,
coming too late
The one who will defend Sarmatia and Pannonia.
No one will know what has become of him.

Since the Roman province coincides with Austria, the birthplace of Hitler, the first line cannot be objected. The fourth line was popular after the war in Nazi circles, where the legend spread that Hitler was alive and hiding in South America. Poland and Hungary were called Sarmatia and Pannonia during the Renaissance. Thus, from the Nazi point of view, military actions in Hungary in 1944-1945 could be drawn to the third line.

In quatrain VI, 49, Hitler, according to some commentators, appears as a priest of the god of war:

Great Pontiff of the Party of Mars
Will subdue the borders of the Danube.
The cross will be driven and twisted with iron.
Captives (prisoners), gold, diamonds, over one hundred thousand rubies.

With this interpretation, in the third line, which is very difficult to translate, they saw a swastika (a crooked cross), and the fourth line was attributed to prisoners of concentration camps and property taken from them.

Certain events in the history of the "Third Reich" are associated with quatrain VIII, 6 add .:

Alas, how greedy foreign monarchs are. Beware lest they come
to your country. There will be terrible dangers for many countries and even for Vienna.
This quatrain, very clear in meaning, may well fit the annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938.

IX, 90:
Captain of Greater Germany
Will appear to supposedly provide assistance
To the king of kings, (promising) the support of Panponia,
So his mutiny will cause a lot of bloodshed.

In this quatrain the term "Great Germany" is interesting, which is not typical for the 16th century. For the role of the "captain of Greater Germany" who came to the king of kings

with a deceptive mission, usually tipped by Rudolf Hess. His arrival in England in May 1941 had just such a character. King George VI, who was then at the head of the British Empire, fully deserves the title of "King of Kings". And Pannonia (Hungary) was in 1941 an ally of Germany.

The aforementioned Erica Chitham gives this quatrain a different interpretation: “Hitler invaded Poland under the pretext of providing assistance ... For some time Hitler was the king of kings, the master of everything over which he supervised. He also invaded Hungary and started a war in which some 14 million soldiers were killed on both sides and, by some estimates, as many, if not more civilians. "

Consider another quatrain, V, 94, which, in our opinion, is quite curious:

He will include in the great Germany
Barbant and Flanders, Gate, Bruges and Boulogne.
A deceiving truce.
The Grand Duke of Armenia attacks Vienna and Cologne.

Here again we find something unusual for the 16th century. the term "Great Germany". In addition, the "Holy Roman Empire of the German people", as Germany was called at that time, included Barbant, Flanders, Ghent, and Bruges (that is, modern Belgium), and there was no need to annex them.

If we assume that the events of the Second World War are indicated here, then the second line can be considered a prediction of the occupation of Belgium and Northern France (Boulogne) in 1940. In the third line then, therefore, we are talking about the Soviet-German pact in August 1939 . ("Fraudulent truce"). A well-known difficulty is presented here by the “Grand Duke of Armenia”, but it can also be somehow circumvented, if we assume that Nostradamus confused Stalin's nationality and made him an Armenian out of a Georgian. Armenia is mentioned in "Centuries" five times, but Georgia - not once. Then the attack of the latter on Vienna becomes clear.

Prophecies, connected in one way or another with Italy, are second only to predictions in the history of France in volume and account for 18% of all quatrains of Nostradamus. They mention all the main regions, mountains, rivers and cities of Italy, designated by ancient or modern names to the author. But not so many have come true predictions. Quatrain V, 3 says:

In this quatrain, Nostradamus predicts that the Medici dynasty, relatives of Catherine de Medici, who ruled in Florence, will be suppressed and replaced, by kinship, by a French prince, obviously the son or grandson of Catherine. This gallant prediction was obviously to please Catherine. But the most important thing is that it came true - and not even once, but twice, but only much later than Nostradamus and his patroness probably expected.

In 1737, the Medici dynasty, which ruled in Tuscany, the center of which was Florence, was finally suppressed with short interruptions from 1434, and the French prince - Duke Francis of Lorraine became the Grand Duke of Tuscany. His descendants ruled in Tuscany until 1801. In 1801, Napoleon I turned Tuscany into the kingdom of Etruria and handed it over to the Spanish Bourbons, that is, also to French princes. After the fall of Napoleon I, the descendants of Francis of Lorraine, who ruled here until 1859, returned to the throne of Tuscany.

Quatrain IV, 37 is attributed to the era of the Napoleonic wars in Italy:

Gallus will race through the mountains in leaps and bounds.
He will capture great land Insurbia.
His army will penetrate into the wilderness.
Genoa and Monaco will repel the red fleet.

In May 1800, Napoleon, with a 40-THOUSAND army, swiftly overcame the Saint Bernard Pass and burst into Italy. At this time, the Austrians besieged Genoa, and the fleet of their allies, the British, attacked Monaco on May 23. This attack was repelled with the help of the French. Meanwhile, Napoleon developed his success and on June 2 occupied Milan - the center of Lombardy, which in ancient times was called Insurbia. The British in the 18th - 19th centuries wore red uniforms, and therefore it is permissible to call their fleet "red" for this time. Quatrain II, 99 is curious:

Roman land, as interpreted by the Augur,
Will suffer greatly from the Gaulish people.
But the Celtic nation will be gripped by fear in that hour
When the North Wind drives her army too far.

Under the augur, Nostradamus, apparently, means himself. Gauls, or Celts, called their descendants - the French. The Roman land meant either all of Italy or the Papal States, which really suffered from the Napoleonic wars. It was liquidated, and two popes - Pius VI and Pius VII - were successively arrested by Napoleon and kept in custody - the first until his death in 1799, the second - until the fall of Napoleon in 1814.But the French people will suffer retribution for this sacrilege when their army in 1812 climbed too far into the country of the North Wind, that is, into Russia.

Some commentators who lived in the 19th century attribute a number of quatrains to a key event in the history of Italy - its unification in the middle of the 19th century.

II, 16:
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
New tyrants, lightning, heavenly lights.
Power from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa.
Great massacre. After the triumph - the festivities.

According to THIS version, the first line refers to the kingdom of both Sicily, which until 1859 was ruled by one of the branches of the Bourbon family. And the "new tyrants" are Garibaldi and other revolutionaries who overthrew all the Bourbons, and for this crime, they say, Nostradamus calls "heavenly fire" on their heads. In the third line, London means England, Ghent and Brussels - Belgium. With the moral support of these two states, the Kingdom of Savoy (designated by the city of Susa) will unite Italy in 1860-1870. Then, of course, this event will be celebrated with festivities.

From the middle of the XX century. this quatrain began to be attributed to the events of the Second World War. By "new tyrants" now it was necessary to understand the fascists, "heavenly fire" should be interpreted as bombing from the air, England and its ally Belgium - as military opponents of the "new tyrants". And the final triumph is Victory Day in May 1945.

In the XX century. a number of quatrains began to be tied to Mussolini and fascist rule in Italy.

III, 63:
The Roman empire will humble itself,
Following in the footsteps of its great neighbor.
Hidden civil hatred and debate
Will prolong the madness of the jesters.

I, 59:
Exiles will be sent to the islands
With the coming of a more brutal monarch
Two will be killed and burned,
For not being moderate in conversation.

III, 48:
700 captives, roughly bound.
Half had the lot to die.
A near hope may soon come to them,
But not before the fifteenth death.

In Quatrain III, 63, the researchers saw a hint that Nazi Italy would be trailing behind Nazi Germany. I, 59 and III, 48 speak of terror. Quatrains can be applied to both Italy and Germany, but the Italian connection is more plausible, because under Mussolini, political prisoners were exiled to the islands (I, 59), where in 1943 they were liberated by the allies.

V mid XVI v. Switzerland's capital Geneva was the center of extreme Protestantism in Europe under the leadership of fellow countryman Nostradamus, Jean Calvin (1509-1564). Both Calvin himself and his disciples had a negative attitude towards astrology. It was from the circle of people close to Calvin that the first pamphlets came out against the famous astrologer. It is unclear whether Nostradamus met with Calvin before he emigrated from France in 1535, but they probably met during Nostradamus's wanderings abroad in 1538-1544.

The hatred of Nostradamus for Calvin, perhaps, goes beyond what any orthodox, but generally indifferent to religious subtleties, Catholic Catholic can feel. It is clearly personal. Therefore, it is not surprising that Switzerland and Geneva, in particular, Nostradamus devoted a fair amount of predictions.

Many of the quatrains reflect the hope of Nostradamus that the Genevaites will come to their senses and put an end to Calvin. So, in quatrain I, 47 it says:

Sermons from Lake Geneva annoy people.
They will drag on for days, then weeks
Then for months, then for years. Then everything will collapse.
Magistrates will condemn their absurd laws.

And in quatrain I, 61 Nostradamus continues this thought:

A wretched, unhappy republic
The new magistrate will bankrupt.
A great number of them (citizens) are in bitter exile.
This will force the Swiss to break their great treaty.

As you know, Calvin was invited to Geneva to instruct its citizens in the faith in 1536.But the order that he established there, the strict police supervision over any step of citizens, not only in public, but also in private life, soon caused such an outburst of indignation that in the spring of 1538 he was asked to leave.

However, supporters of Calvin in the fall of 1541 achieved a new invitation to him to Geneva, after which he, until his death in 1546, remained the sovereign dictator of this city-state. Many of his opponents had to retire into exile, as stated in the third line. But Nostradamus did not lose hope that the patience of the Genevaites would finally run out, they would break the treaty with Calvin, concluded in 1541, and again expel him from the city.

Thus, Calvin will not be expelled. He will be buried in Geneva, but will be buried alive by mistake. Soon after this, the Genevaites will come to their senses, abandon Calvinism, condemn the founder of the heresy and dig up his coffin, apparently to burn it posthumously (such things happened in the Middle Ages and later). But then it turns out that the villain has already been punished. Waking up in a coffin, he lived for a long time, feeding on his own hands.

At the same time, Nostradamus warned the Genevaites that if they delay in reprising Calvin, the whole city will be held accountable for his crimes.

IX, 44:
Run, run from Geneva, one and all.
Saturn will turn from gold to iron.
Rypoz will exterminate all who are against him.
Before that happens, there will be signs in the sky.

The prediction warns the Genevaites, firstly, that the new Golden Age promised by Calvin (the age of Saturn) will turn out to be not Golden, but Iron at all. And, secondly, that some mysterious Rypoz will put an end to little Geneva in a treacherous and perfidious manner. Rypoz is an anagram of the name Zopyr. Zopyr is a faithful servant of Darius. He, according to the story of Herodotus, helped this Persian king to take possession of the impregnable Babylon. He cut off his nose and ears and came to Babylon as a defector. Having gained confidence in the Babylonians, he found a way to undermine their defenses and surrender the city to the Persians. Thus, the name Zopyr became a household name during the time of Nostradamus and meant betrayal and treachery. It was used in one of his emblems by the king of Spain Philip II, who cruelly dealt with the Calvinists.

In the XVI century. Spain played a leading role in European political life. Therefore, in terms of the frequency of references in the "Prophecies" of Nostradamus, she ranks third. The words "Spain" and "Spaniards" are found 28 times in his quatrains and twice in the Epistle to Henry II.

However, real historical events before the XX century. in the quatrains are almost not visible. As for the 20th century, almost all predictions attributed by commentators refer to the period between the two world wars. So, for example, in quatrain IX, 78 it says:

Greek lady of ugly beauty,
Happy from countless fans
Transferred to the Spanish kingdom
He will be captured, imprisoned and will die a miserable death.

Some believe that the "Greek lady" with such a peculiar appearance is a democracy that will perish in Spain after the victory of the fascists.

Quatrain III, 68 is also referred to the fascist dictatorships in Spain and Italy:

A people without a leader in Spain, Italy.
The vanquished dead inside the peninsula.
Their dict. betrayed by irresponsible rage.
Floating in blood Blood is everywhere.

"Dict." the third line is, of course, the dictator. He is opposed to a good leader who will be lacking in the peoples of Italy and Spain.

Some interpreters of the predictions of Nostradamus believe that quatrain VI, 64 is suitable for the history of the Spanish Civil War:

The established peace will not be respected
All signers will be deceiving.
In peace and truce. Land and sea are protesting.
Barcelona's fleet has been captured cleverly.

The history of fascism and the Spanish Civil War also includes quatrains IX, 15 and IX, 16.

IX, 15:
Near Perpignan red
The people of the center are completely ruined, taken far away.
Three were cut into pieces, five were badly helped.
For the lord and prelate of Burgundy.

There is the following interpretation of this quatrain. At the beginning of 1939, the retreating troops of the Spanish Republic and refugees from Franco crossed the French border just in the Perpignan region. There they were detained by the French authorities and placed in special camps. This version is confirmed by the following quatrain (IX, 16), where you can read the names of General Francisco Franco (1892 - 1975) and General Miguel Primo de Rivera (1870 - 1930) - two Spanish fascist dictators.

An assembly will come out of the Franco fortress (or - from Castelfranco).
A disgruntled messenger will split.
The people of the Ribera (or Riviera) will join the fray,
And they will deny entry to the great bay.

Portugal is mentioned in the Prophecies in just six quatrains. Only one of them relates directly to the history of this country, in the rest it is mentioned in connection with stories about other countries.

In the year when Mercury, Mars, Venus are in clear motion.
The line of the great monarch will not be interrupted.
Chosen by the Portuguese people near Cadiz,
He will reign to a ripe old age.

The first line here gives the astrological dating. The rest is quite clear. A situation close to that described did indeed take place in Portugal in the 16th century. In 1578, the Portuguese king Sebastian I set out on a crusade against the Moors. This campaign ended in disaster. In the battle at Alcazar (in Morocco), the Portuguese army was utterly defeated, the king himself went missing. His uncle, the aged Cardinal Heinrich, who ascended the throne after Sebastian I, died two years later.

After this, there were no direct heirs to the Portuguese throne. A dynastic dispute ensued between distant relatives (Dukes of Parma, Dukes of Bragan, etc.). The winner was the Spanish king Philip II. His rights were even more dubious than those of other claimants, but he had a large army. In 1580, Philip sent troops to Portugal led by the Duke of Alba. After occupying the country, Alba declared Philip II the legitimate monarch of Portugal. All the elections came down to this. Portugal's independence was restored only 60 years later, in 1640.

"East" and "North" - this is how Russia was called during the time of Nostradamus.

And here is another prediction, which the commentators of the XX century. belong to A. V. Suvorov.

II, 29:
Eastern (man) will leave his abode,
Will cross the Apennine mountains to see Gaul.
Will pierce the sky, water and snow,
And he will strike everyone with his rod.

Quatrains that can be associated with the Patriotic War of 1812, we have already considered above, in the section dedicated to Napoleon I. One of them (IV, 82) mentioned Slavonia (or “ Slavic land"), This is how the predictor designated the name of Russia. This toponym is found in Nostradamus and in the quatrain I, 14 and confirms the correctness of this assumption:

The Slavic people have hymns and complaints instead of songs.
Captured by princes and lords - in dungeons. (Or - captive princes and lords - in dungeons
In the future, headless idiots
They will take (this) for divine revelation.

If we assume that the princes and lords in the second line are not a punishing, but a suffering party (the text allows both interpretations), then, from the point of view of a convinced monarchist, we get a picture October revolution and red terror. In the last two lines, in this case, the author gives an energetic assessment of the theory of scientific communism.

But this interpretation became possible only in the XX century. And in the 17th century. Etienne Jaubert, adhering to a more natural interpretation of the second line (it is not the princes who will be sent to prison, but they themselves will be imprisoned), explained quatrain X, 62 by the events of the 16th century. The Huguenots, with their ridiculous doctrine of the reformation of the church, will suffer deserved punishment from the authorities. In the XIX century. A. Lepeletier attributed the same quatrain to the events of the Great French Revolution. The villains imprisoned are no longer Huguenots, but Jacobins.

Some dubious doctrine is mentioned in quatrain VI, 72, which some commentators attribute to the tsarina and Rasputin:

Through the feigned fury of divine revelation,
The wife of the great will be raped.
The judges are willing to condemn such a doctrine.
She will become a victim of an ignorant people.

The 1917 revolution and its consequences include a whole group of Nostradamus's predictions, which describe all kinds of social upheavals. One of these predictions (I, 3) sounds like this:

When the whirlwind flips the stretcher
And their faces will be hidden by cloaks
New people will harass the republic.
Reds and whites will judge the opposite.

There are a few more quatrains that contain the term "red" ("red"). In this group, the most curious quatrain VIII, 19:

To support the shaken great robe (or mantle, or cloak),
To cleanse this, the Reds are marching.
The family will be almost destroyed by death.
The red-red will destroy the red.

After the events of 1937, this quatrain began to be attributed to the history of Russia, to Stalinist repression(The "super-red" simply exterminated the "red").

VIII, 80:
Blood of innocent widows and maidens
So much evil has been done by the Great Red.
The holy images are immersed in burning wax.
Everyone is shocked with horror, no one will budge.

In this quatrain, Nostradamus paints a terrible picture of terror, in particular, the persecution of the church. For the role of the "Great Red", of course, JV Stalin is best suited.

Consider, finally, the only prediction of Nostradamus, where there is a Russian toponym.

III, 95:
(People) will see Mora's Law decline,
In front of (face) another, more seductive.
Boris Fen will be the first to give way.
Through gifts and more attractive language.

Borisfen - ancient name Dnieper. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to say which state Nostradamus had in mind, since in the 16th century. The Dnieper flowed through the territory of the Commonwealth. Law Nostradamus usually calls religion, but here it can be interpreted in more broad sense like teaching. For the time of Nostradamus, who did not know the word "communism", "the teaching of Mora" was a good synonym for it.

Sovietologists, inclined to believe the prophecies of Nostradamus, have long chosen this quatrain as a prediction of the inevitable fall of communism and its replacement with a more attractive (market) system.

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