Home Berries Something is happening to the earth, we all need to prepare for the worst. What is happening to the earth

Something is happening to the earth, we all need to prepare for the worst. What is happening to the earth

Former ideas about the Earth are now crumbling like old ice. What until recently seemed unshakable is melting under the hot rays of new discoveries. This is the current state of geology.

At the epicenter of the dispute was the question: are the continents moving or are they unshakably standing still? There are enough “for” facts, but no less facts “against” (they were discussed in detail on the pages of “Around the World” in the tenth issue of the magazine for 1971). On the one hand, the contours of the continents, which is especially obvious for America, Europe and Africa, are similar to each other: they can be “folded” along the coastal edge of the Atlantic and, without much effort, get a single whole. The similarity of the continents that lie along the shores of the Indian Ocean is also obvious to geologists. All this is now proved even mathematically. Random coincidences? Fullness! Where is this "accident" seen over many thousands of kilometers? In addition, it turned out that the geological structures of one continent continue on another, as if the ocean is nothing more than scissors that cut through the fabric of the upper layers of the earth's crust. So is it possible to doubt that the continents once touched each other, formed a single whole, and then parted?

Can. If the movement of continents over long distances is a reality, then, one wonders, why did the continents not “warp”? Why did a thin film of the earth's crust remain almost in its original form, if such huge masses were moving in it? In addition, the continents, moving, would have to move relative to their deep structures. What to do in this case, if the "roots" of continental faults can be traced hundreds of kilometers deep, and the thickness of the earth's crust under the continents is on average only 30-40 kilometers?

A new hypothesis of tectonic plates is now trying to link these and many other contradictions. The picture in the light of this hypothesis looks in such a way that the expansion of the oceans is a process of flooding the outskirts of the continents, "diving" of continental blocks to depths of hundreds of kilometers. Some contradictions are removed, but the operation is by no means painless. After all, the continents rise above the oceans because they are composed of rocks lighter than the rocks of the oceanic bed, and even more so the rocks of the mantle on which the earth's crust rests. In this sense, the continents are like ice floes floating above the depths of the earth's firmament. It is not so easy to “flood” them without complex tricks of the theory.

We forgot to mention one more, extremely important circumstance, which came to light only in last years: the oceans are young! Deep drilling of the rocks of the ocean floor made it possible to determine the age of these rocks and, thus, the age of the oceans. It turned out that the oceans are many times younger than the continents!

This fact made an impression on geologists, perhaps no less than the appearance of the shadow of his father on Hamlet. It turns out that there were continents a hundred million years ago, but the World Ocean did not exist yet?! There were no oceans of the Earth, there were only seas like the Mediterranean?! What then was in place of the oceans?

Of course, the hope immediately arose that the drilling of individual sections of the ocean floor did not reflect the whole reality. That, perhaps, new drilling will undercut much more ancient rocks of the bed, and then everything will fall into place.

So far, these hopes have not materialized. There's a good chance they won't come true. The globe, as it has been established in the last twenty years, is surrounded by a network of giant oceanic faults (mid-ocean ridges and rifts), and observations indicate that these planetary faults are like sprawling seams.

Let's try to interpret them in an unconventional way. Let us assume that Earth expands.

The idea of ​​expanding the Earth looks new and unexpected. It is curious, however, that for the first time it was expressed back in 1889 by the now forgotten scientist I. O. Yarkovsky. She did not disappear without a trace, as one might expect (after all, then, in general, there were no serious facts that would confirm it). On the contrary, the same idea later came to the mind of a variety of scientists, and more than once. So there was something to this idea? Only now can we fully appreciate it. Indeed: what was in place of the oceans when there were no oceans? Assuming that the Earth is expanding, this "damned" question is removed by itself: the Earth was smaller, and the continental blocks were right next to each other. Another "damned" question of modern geology: what is the system of all-planetary oceanic faults? Seam, already without any quotes. The seam along which the Earth “cracked” during expansion; seam, from where comes the inflow of deep matter, gradually forming the oceanic part of the earth's crust. Another "cursed" question. As you know, the continental crust is strikingly different from the oceanic. In terms of thickness: in the first case, the thickness of the earth's crust is 30-40 kilometers, in the second - 5-10. In terms of structure and composition, the continental zones of the earth's crust are, so to speak, "three-story" - a complex of sedimentary rocks on top, a complex of granitic rocks in the middle, and basalts at the base. And in the oceanic zones of the earth's crust granite complex no. If the Earth really expanded, then such a difference is natural. The oceanic crust is younger, therefore simpler and thinner.

And what does the irreconcilable dispute of supporters of moving and supporters of stationary continents look like in the light of the hypothesis of the expanding Earth? It turns out that both of them are right. Here, jokingly, we get a variant of the popular song: "The continents move and do not move ..." Many actual contradictions are removed. The outlines and structures of the continents are similar, because the continents really once formed a single whole. Do the continents move without significant deformation, without a “separation” from their deep roots? And this is understandable: by themselves, the continents do not move, do not “float”. They, along with all their deep roots, move like the tubercles of a football chamber when it is inflated with air. I am far from thinking that the idea of ​​the Earth's expansion removes all contradictions, solves all the problems of tectonics, establishes order where before there was a chaos of mutually exclusive facts. It never happens that a hypothesis (and even a theory!) explains everything without exception. This is natural, because the diversity of nature is limitless. Therefore, new knowledge, resolving previous ambiguities, puts us before new riddles.

The hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth, of course, cannot be an exception. I do not want to dwell on secondary issues that are of interest to more specialists (for example: if the earth's crust was stretched, then how to explain the folding?). I will only note that there are explanations for such "inconsistencies"; how convincing they are for critics is another question. Here I want to dwell on more general problems. The question immediately arises: if the Earth has been expanding and expanding, then does its volume change, but does its mass remain constant? Or is it not only a change in volume, but also in the mass of the Earth?

There is simple formula, which relates the force of gravity on the planet with its mass and the distance of the surface from the center. Namely: gravity is proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center.

Therefore, there is a way to check if the Earth is expanding and how. If we find evidence that the force of gravity has not remained unchanged in all geological epochs, then the hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth ceases to be a "pure idea" that "conveniently" explains geological contradictions. As soon as it turns out that the force of gravity decreases with time, it means that the expansion of the Earth was due to an increase in its volume, and the mass remained unchanged. If, on the contrary, the force of gravity increases with time, then the matter is primarily in the increase in the mass of our planet.

Is there any evidence here by which we could test the Earth's expansion hypothesis?

It is known that with the release of life on land, the size of animals gradually increased in the course of evolution. Not all, of course, but increased. In general, this is understandable: a large and, therefore, a stronger creature is easier to resist predators. This enlargement reached its maximum in the Mesozoic, in the era of the dominance of reptiles - dinosaurs, when giants trampled the earth, in comparison with which the elephant is just a dwarf. But then there was a turning point. giant dinosaurs gradually become smaller (relatively, of course), then die out. The leaders of land life are small mammals at first. After liberation from the tyranny of the dinosaurs, their size increases. But, firstly, this is a much weaker than before outbreak of gigantism. Secondly, in the last millions of years, there has been a steady decrease in the size of the largest mammals (the cave bear or deer was larger than modern bears and deer; the mastodon was larger than the mammoth, and the mammoth was larger than the elephant, and so on).

It is possible that some as yet obscure biological laws are at work here. But, at least, another interpretation is just as valid: gravity increased on Earth, and under these conditions, the “design” of the giants became less and less rational; the giants died, so to speak, crushed by their own weight.

Let's move on. Who among us did not build sand forts in childhood? Did not try to achieve an impressive steepness of the walls? But dry loose sand does not allow you to make a steep slope. Any loose rocks have their own, strictly defined angles of repose. They depend both on the properties of the rocks and on the force of gravity: the lower the force of gravity, the other things equal conditions steeper slope angle.

In ancient sedimentary rocks, one can find clear traces of "petrified" angles of inclination of loose formations (wind ripples on sand, ancient dunes, river sediments). So: measuring the slopes of ancient loose formations, the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences L. S. Smirnov discovered that in the past steeper slopes were formed than now!

Does this mean before physiochemical properties loose rocks were different? It is highly doubtful. So the force of gravity was less?

Let's try to see if gravity is still growing. There is little data here (measurements began recently), but they are still there. Thus, according to observations in Washington from 1875 to 1928, gravity increased there from 980,098 to 980,120 milligals. For the regions of the Baltic States, Leningrad, the Caucasus, Central Asia according to the observations of 1955-1967, the force of gravity increased by an average of 0.05-0.10 milligal per year. Is it a lot or a little? Little, almost imperceptible, if we measure history in years and millennia. Many, many, if you keep track of millions and billions of years of the geological history of the Earth. The recorded rate of increase in gravity turned out to be approximately consistent with the theoretical calculations that we made: over a hundred million years, the gravity on the Earth's surface increased by about two and a half times, while the radial size of the planet doubled. And 600 million years ago it was 6-8 times smaller than today.

It should, of course, be noted that the rates of increase in gravity recorded by the instruments can be interpreted differently than we do. All this can be explained by a fluctuation, an episodic deviation (in one period of time, the force of gravity increases negligibly, in another, perhaps, it decreases, so that the average remains unchanged). And yet such an interpretation is nothing more than an assumption that has not been proven by anything. And how can it be proved or refuted, if hundreds of years ago, not to mention thousands and millions, no one measured gravity and could not? The problem must be considered in totality, and this totality just convinces us that the size of the Earth and the force of gravity on it did not remain constant.

Of course, here the “killer” question immediately arises: how, due to what, did the mass of the planet increase? I don't want to give my own interpretation here. Let me just remind you that before the discovery of the laws of genetics, Darwin's theory (a theory, not a hypothesis!) literally hung in the air, because Darwin could not answer the question why favorable changes embrace a species, and do not dissolve in it. Time passed, and the answer was received.

I tried to show that the idea of ​​expanding the Earth is no longer just a "pure idea". That she is able to illuminate a lot in a new way. But, of course, only honed on the "whetstone of facts" can it lead to completely indisputable conclusions.

V. Neumann Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

The end of the world is a popular subject for science fiction films and novels, but there are very real threats to our existence that could become reality.

Humanity could be wiped off the face of the earth by an asteroid impact or a highly infectious pandemic that could wipe out virtually the entire population of the planet. And despite the fact that many of the apocalyptic scenarios sound a bit fantastic, there are very real risks that we should be wary of today.

Apocalypse Now

If humanity still avoids the end of the world in the near future, whether it be an asteroid or a nuclear catastrophe, scientists still argue that people will still disappear in 500 million years, and in 6 billion years all life on planet Earth will disappear, because it is too get very close to the sun. Our star, which is growing and tending to become a red giant, will almost melt the Earth over time.

Well, 500 million years is a long time for a species of mammals, but the assumptions of scientists often agree that the end of the species of reasonable people will come much sooner, through the fault of the reasonable themselves.

Most of all, scientists fear natural disasters caused by very intense global warming. Pandemics such as swine and bird flu and ebola are another threat to humanity. Last but not least, especially in connection with today's political tension, it is worth mentioning the threat of nuclear war.

More distant threats to the prosperity of the human race on the planet include biological weapons, failures in geoengineering and the development of hostile artificial intelligence.

If we take all this into account, the question arises: if the end of the world came right now, what would become of a planet without people? It won't take long for the Earth to "reset," but the process will be brutal.

Here is the timeline and changes that will take place on Earth if humanity disappears.

A few hours later

The planet will become dark. The electric lights will no longer be lit at night as the power plants run out of fuel. Even solar panels quickly covered with dust, and windmills running out of lubrication for the turbines.

The only stations that will continue to operate are hydroelectric. Many grandiose dams will be able to work for several months and even years.

Two or three days later

Most stations and subway tunnels will be flooded because pumps shutting off water will stop working.

ten days later

Domestic and farm animals will die of starvation and dehydration. Animals on remote farms will be eaten by predators. At the same time, hungry dogs will huddle together and prey on other animals.

A mounth later

Cooling water for reactors nuclear power plants will evaporate. This will lead to a series of nuclear disasters more devastating than Fukushima and Chernobyl. But in general, the planet will quickly and easily recover from radioactive contamination.

One year later

Satellites in orbit around the Earth will begin to fall, illuminating the sky with a strange glow of "shooting stars".

twenty five years later

Vegetation will almost completely cover the once concrete streets and alleys of megacities. Some cities like Dubai and Las Vegas will be buried in the sand.

Over time, the vegetation growing in the cities will attract herbivores, and predators will follow.

Without humans, endangered animal and plant species such as whales, snow leopards, tigers and others will thrive and multiply. Perhaps there will be new species.

The swamps that once covered large parts of the planet will reappear in the place of cities like London and St. Petersburg. Nature will take over.

Three hundred years later

Metal buildings, bridges and towers will begin to corrode and collapse, falling to the ground and becoming covered with vegetation or sinking under water.

Ten thousand years later

The only evidence of the existence of people on earth will be grandiose stone structures, such as Pyramids of Egypt, Great Chinese Wall and Mount Rushmore.

What is happening to the Earth?

In Sasovo, which was in the Ryazan regionan explosion was recorded. After that, a funnel formed. In Yamal, there are funnels, often already filled with water, like mushrooms after rain. Those who managed to notice the formation of a funnel note that they saw smoke and a fiery explosion. Then a cone-shaped funnel and silence.

In Solikamsk, in an unlucky dacha village, in nine months the failure increased several times and took most cooperative.

When discovered, the dimensions of the failure were approximately 20 by 30 meters. Now its dimensions are approximately 122 by 125 meters. dip areaincreased by 25 times.

All reported explosions exceptSasovsky , have not been carefully studied due to the wildness of their places of origin. But in the Ryazan region, it was noted that windows and doors in many cases were knocked out not inside the houses, but outside, as if the blast wave came from inside the dwellings. Similarly, cans of rolled cucumbers burst: they exploded from the inside, their tin lids were torn off, and they flew in the same way as sewer manhole covers. Objects and houses seemed to burst and tear from the inside. And the pillars near the center of the explosion turned out to be inclined not from the funnel, but towards the funnel.

What else interesting people observed in recent years. Glowing balls, hum in different places planets. This can be mistaken for overtures before the start of the main action, but something does not feel like it.

Over the next 10 years, another 12 explosions similar in their manifestations thundered on the territory of Russia. Let's say March 4, 1999 at Kursk region there was, as correspondents wrote, "a monstrous explosion."
Soon, eight more fresh explosive craters were found a few kilometers from Ushakovo.

And how many of these were not recorded, no one knows.
Soil scientists, by the way, noted a curious fact: the explosion came from underground and with a high temperature, over 1000 degrees. Should there be a meltdown? Probably yes.
Similar incidents are observed not only in Russia, but throughout the planet.
By the way, in the subcutaneous layer of our mother Earth, there are also strange tunnels with melted walls, depending on the soil, the alloy sometimes resembles glass. For lovers of the unknown, a fountain of ideas and a riot of fantasy opens up, ranging from intelligent giant worms to, as usual, aliens.

A little astrophysics.
Now the Earth reminds layered cake. Inside - a liquid core with a solid nucleolus, above - the mantle, even higher - a hard crust.

4.5 billion years ago, by the time when in those zones where the planets were soon to appear, shapeless formations were flying, the composition of which was different. In other words, the ingredients of all the planets in our solar system were different.

What is our planet made of?

So, most of (87%) of the mass of our planet, as it has now become clear, is made up of metals - magnesium, iron, calcium, aluminum, sodium and silicon, which is a semiconductor under normal conditions, but under enormous pressures in the bowels of the Earth becomes a metal, properties similar to titanium. Hydrogen is only 4.5% by weight. But in terms of the number of atoms, it is the largest in our planet: 59% of the planet's atoms are hydrogen atoms. Why is it so? Because it is very light.

Imagine a metal cube with a side of one centimeter. Its volume, therefore, is 1 cubic centimeter.

How many similar volumes of hydrogen do you think can be dissolved in this cube?
One cubic centimeter of liquid hydrogen can be poured into one cubic centimeter of magnesium. This is as amazing as if one and a half glasses of sugar could be dissolved in a glass of tea. This is just a laboratory confirmed fact.

And what will happen to our cube of metal after it swallows several thousand cubes of gas? Will his sides swell like a thin barrel, and he will become loose? No, on the contrary - the cube will shrink and become denser!

For 4.5 billion years, a radioactive stove has been operating inside the Earth. And the Earth did not warm up, did not melt. Why? Because the excess heat is intensively removed by the flowing upward hydrogen. Which, having reached the surface of the planet, then flies into outer space.

Note another important detail. Hydrogen escaping from the metal hydride core pierces the metal shell surrounding the core. And what does hydrogen do when piercing metal? It removes oxygen from the metal. And this means that as a result of the hydrogen purge, almost all of the oxygen, previously evenly spread over the volume of the planet, turned out to be brought to its surface. That is why it seems that there is a lot of oxygen on our planet. No, not full! It is known to be only 1% of the mass of the Earth. It's just that now all this percentage is concentrated at the surface of the planet, and not in its volume. And that's the only reason it was enough to form the oceans, atmosphere, and even a thin silicate (oxide) crust of the planet.

You have probably heard this phrase more than once - “plate tectonics”. Bizarre theory!
The entire surface of the planet consists of several plates that float on the underlying hot and plastic rocks, like ice floes in water. Inside the planet, slow conventional flows of plastic matter are formed, which slowly rises from the depths, pours out of a crack between continental plates and diverges to the sides, pushing the continents apart.

The frozen rocks of the ocean floor move, as if on a conveyor belt, to the nearest continental plate, then dive under the continental plate and go back into the depths - for remelting. At the same time, when one plate dives under another and rubs against it, heating up, it provokes earthquakes and volcanic activity. Zones of matter inflow are rifts. And the zones of its withdrawal into the depths are oceanic trenches, narrow and long depressions. Only a discrepancy turns out.

Continents cannot move, just as teeth cannot swim in the mouth, since they have grown roots into the jaw, then why do radio astronomical observations fix the rate of their spreading, equal to 2 cm / year? Why is the ocean floor expanding? Continents both move and do not move. There can only be one explanation for this...

In fact, the solution to the riddle was so obvious that it occurred to different people hundreds of times, and so wild that it was immediately discarded upon arrival.


In 1976, the German scientist Klaus Vogel at a conference in Werdau demonstrated scientific world he created a transparent globe of a very cunning design. The upper transparent shell of the globe corresponded to the surface of the planet familiar to us - with the contours of continents and oceans. And inside this transparent outer shell there was another - small - Earth, on which the same continents, without changing in size, but simply shifting inward, formed one continuous surface of the planet. Without oceans.
Do you remember the history of the creation of the universe by God? And God created the firmament, and separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. ... And God called the land land, and the collection of waters called the seas. And God saw that it was good.

Let's get to the facts...

The roots of the continents lie much, much deeper than they need to drift according to Plate Tectonics. These roots sometimes stretch hundreds of kilometers deep. And, therefore, the movement of continents on the surface of the planet is impossible. It is a fact.

Once upon a time, the continents formed a single whole. And now no. They were pulled apart by an unknown force and continues to pull them apart. It is a fact.

Oceans are younger than continents. It is a fact.

And all this means that once upon a time there were only continents on Earth, and there were no oceans. And all the current continents, composed along the lines of borders, together represented a spherical earth's crust. Solid.

And when the Earth began to inflate, the crust cracked and the continents parted on the swollen planet. At the same time, their deep roots remained where they were. Concavities formed between the continents - the ocean floor, which forms a young thin crust, similar to thin skin that has just healed a wound. And not completely tightened - the cracks continue to exude a melt, which, solidifying, constantly forms the ocean floor on an expanding planet.

Why is this happening?
Hydrogen densifies metal. This means that the loss of hydrogen decompresses the metal. That is, it increases its volume. That's why the earth is growing. It just bursts! In this case, the mass of the planet, of course, does not change.

Hydrogen coming from below reacts with oxygen concentrated in the lithosphere and forms water, which fills the depressions between the continental plates. That's where the water in the oceans came from - literally from underground. It turns out that the gases of constantly erupting volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands contain 80% of water vapor. The Kuril volcanoes also give out 80% of the water.

Fortunately for us, it should be noted that the metal-hydrogen core of the planet does not immediately lose hydrogen, it begins to actively evaporate only from the upper layers of the core, because the farther to the center of the planet, the more pressure, and pressure increases the stability of hydrides to temperature.

One more interesting point: hydrogen degassing is not constant, but pulsations. In other words, our planet does not grow evenly, like grass, but in cycles - a period of rapid growth is replaced by a period of calm. Why?

As soon as the decay of radioactive elements warms the planet to the temperature of the decay of hydrides, they regularly begin to decay, rapidly releasing hydrogen and heat.
What do we often hear? the greenhouse effect, global warming, cooling, ice age.

It's interesting how!

The earth has grown a lot. Its radius has grown by 1.7 times, its volume by five times, and its surface area by three times.

The Earth used to rotate much faster than it does now. Inflated, the Earth began to rotate at a speed of 1 rev / day. And before it was spinning 3.5 times faster, that is, there were only 7 hours in a day.

Canadian paleontologist Hunt studied stromatolites - dense layered formations in sedimentary rocks that result from the vital activity of blue-green algae, and analysis of the layers showed that one and a half billion years ago there were three times more days in a year than now. That is, the Earth rotated around its axis three times faster.

The force of gravity on the small Earth was 3.5 times higher than it is now.
In this case, the mass did not change. Therefore, from the point of view of the solar system, nothing happened to the Earth - as it revolved around the Sun in 1 year, it continues to rotate. But gravity was almost three times what it is now. It was hard to walk on such a planet!

The question may arise: with a large force of gravity, nature should have been flattened. Why was it spent on huge lizards such as diplodocus?

And they led a marsh lifestyle, and the law of Archimedes helped them fight gravity. Everything weighs lighter in water than on land, and land then had a very specific appearance. There were no oceans, but the entire planet was covered in puddles of shallow seas. In which giant creatures grazed.

The question arises why, during the expansion of the planet, its dry, thin, brown, silicate crust formed large pieces of continents, and was not covered with a fine grid of cracks, which would be more likely?

The fact is that the decompression of hydrides, that is, an increase in the volume of the planet, does not occur directly under the crust, but at a great depth - the upper layers of the core swell. And this radically changes the whole picture of cracking.

You can conduct an experiment on the enematron (pour paraffin in the amount of 1/5 of the radius of the enema on its surface and inflate it) The paraffin will crack into 6-7 parts (like the Earth to the continents)

And the mountains?
The process of mountain building above the ingestion zone can be easily modeled using plasticine. It is only necessary to put strips of strong paper of different lengths under the multi-colored (for clarity) layers of plasticine, which imitates the layers of the lithosphere in our country. And then pull the free ends of this paper down through the "depression funnel". In this case, the metal sphere will be modeled by a board or thick plywood, and the depression funnel will be modeled by a hole in the board.
Paper pulling, which simulates shrinkage, turns a previously even plasticine relief into real Caucasian mountains or the Alps. Only plasticine should be warm so that it stretches easily, otherwise the pieces of paper can be torn ...

A comparison of the crumpled plasticine layers with maps of the geological sections of the Caucasus or the Alps yields a striking resemblance. From which we can conclude: most likely, both the Alps and the Caucasus were indeed formed as a result of a shift of deep horizons into the swallowing zone. That is, as the metal hydride theory tells them to form. Not plate tectonics...

A small volcano through a crater with a diameter of only 50 meters can throw up to 100 tons of water (in the form of superheated steam) into the atmosphere in one second. Five volcanoes in a hundred million years of continuous eruption are capable of throwing out as much water as there is now on Earth. Of course, there are no continuous eruptions of such duration. But nature did not have five volcanoes either. And their holes were not 50 meters long - sometimes volcanic vents have a diameter of kilometers. And for a hundred million years, nature, in general, was not limited by anyone.

Moreover, the process of formation of the hydrosphere has not been completed to this day. Therefore, in the geological future of our planet, the level of the oceans is threatened - and not at all because global warming! But we will not climb into the future yet, but let's go back to the past - to the moment when the lithosphere was already formed and the process of water production began.

There is practically no oxygen in the air of that era, it consists of ammonia, methane, carbon monoxide and smelly hydrogen sulfide. And only then carbon dioxide, nitrogen, free oxygen begin to be noted in the atmosphere. Where?

Nizhny Novgorod scientists led by physicist Dmitry Selivanovskiy conducted a series of interesting experiments - they irradiated water with sound waves of different intensity. Attention!
As it turned out, the properties of water treated with noise change! The concentration of hydrogen peroxide rises sharply in water. That is, it sours. Like milk during a thunderstorm.

Thus, shaking water with sound waves leads not only to acidification of water, but also to the release of oxygen into the air. And as soon as the hydrosphere appeared on Earth, this process began.
Thunder, earthquakes, the sound of the surf - the atmosphere is filled with sounds, and each sound enriched the atmosphere with hundreds or thousands of oxygen molecules. It would seem a trifle. But where to hurry, if there are hundreds of millions of years ahead? Incidentally, a quantitative assessment of this process by Selivanovskii's group showed that it is 100 times more efficient than photosynthesis.

A bit of medicine .
In the old days, during epidemics, they rang bells, apparently, this increased the content of hydrogen peroxide in the body, because, as you know, a person is 70% water? And peroxide is an excellent antiseptic. By the way, in medicine - both traditional and not so - methods of treating various diseases, including quite serious ones, are practiced with the help of hydrogen peroxide.

Since the ocean supplies us with oxygen with the help of thunder and other roar, advocating for the preservation of the green lungs of the planet can relax.

And now to the funnels.

... There are such things on our planet as grabens and horsts.

Grabens form where the earth's crust is stretched (pulled apart), while horsts form where the earth's crust is under compression. Thus, grabens are dips in areas of tension, and horsts are extruded blocks in compression zones. In geology, there has never been any theoretical problem with this. If not for one “but”: in many places, geologists began to fix clear horsts with steep walls located inside large extended grabens. That is, in the notorious tension zone, squeezed out blocks grow, which are characteristic of compression zones.

Or here's a wonderful one. In the middle of the last century, the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe was drilled in Yakutia. And when the drill reached a depth of 375 meters. A fountain of gas hit the sky from the depths. The analysis showed that the methane is there - the cat cried, but mostly pure hydrogen hits the sky. The drilling rig burned out from a spark, hydrogen burned for 2 weeks, until a cork was created by an explosion.

…So we know that earth's core gasses with hydrogen. On the way from the core to the surface of the planet, hydrogen first collects in small streams, then in powerful jets and rests against the lithosphere, partially accumulating under it in “bubbles”, partially seeping to the surface.

Leaking upward through cracks and pores, hydrogen begins to actively react with the oxygen of the earth's crust, gradually forming and accumulating water. Oxygen in earth's crust for this it is quite enough - there is also free oxygen in micropores, there is oxygen weakly bound chemically with other substances, which is easy for hydrogen to tear off.

But hydrogen reacts not only with oxygen, therefore, in the water jet that makes its way to the surface, there are hydrogen compounds with fluorine, chlorine, and sulfur. From school, we remember that hydrogen chloride is hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride - hydrofluoric acid, which corrodes even glass. There are, of course, few acids in the stream of water, but the water is still acidified and hot.

At the same time, the Russian Plain is “made” of carbonates. More precisely, in the sedimentary rocks of the motherland, these carbonates are hundreds of meters thick. Hot, and most importantly, acidified water very quickly washes large and small cavities in the carbonate layers - the so-called karst voids. Previously, it was believed that the formation of karst voids is a very long process, because it is associated with the penetration of cold rainwater into the soil and the gradual, gradual dissolution of carbonates. Nothing like this! If what is written above about the acidic and hot waters accompanying the hydrogen jet is true, then the formation of karst voids occurs almost “instantly”. And when the karst void comes close to the surface, a huge sinkhole can occur. Then the so-called failure funnel is formed.

An extruded funnel is formed as a result of the salting of a hydrogen jet of a mineral water, when a kind of cap of salts gradually forms, which, the thicker it becomes, the more it prevents hydrogen from escaping upward. Under this cap, as in a locomotive boiler, the pressure gradually begins to increase, which is brought from the depths by hydrogen bubbles. What happens then is clear to the child: the boiler explodes, throwing up rock, soil and forming a funnel. From the ground, a steam-hydrogen jet begins to beat into the sky with great force. In the atmosphere, this hydrogen mixes with atmospheric oxygen, forming a giant cloud of detonating gas. Which safely explodes, because explosive gas is such a thing that one sidelong glance is enough to undermine it.

Special effects in the formation of funnels.
Remember all those mysterious phenomena that happened before the explosion?

Flying fireballs, lightning, moving hair of eyewitnesses, ground shaking, the glow of a funnel after an explosion ...

Let's start with ground shaking. A relatively small salt "boiler" (40 m in diameter) has accumulated several thousand times more energy than is contained in the power plant's steam boiler. And when this energy was finally released, the gas rising with great force from the bowels of the earth shook this very earth, of course, slightly and hummed in the bass.

What about glowing balls? They and earthquakes are linked by a causal chain.

What is an earthquake anyway? This is the release of compressive stresses accumulated in the earth's crust. And what is the compression of silicon-based crystals accompanied by? Every smoker who has a lighter with a piezoelectric effect knows this. The lighter contains a tiny silicon-based piezocrystal, which, when compressed, forms a potential difference at the edges of the crystal. This potential difference produces a spark that ignites the gas.

The same effect of electrification, only on a cyclopean scale, occurs during compression in the earth's crust. This is an amazing sight! Air in front strong earthquake electrified so that the hair can stand on end and crackle. Any touch to objects leads to sparks. A handkerchief, if unfolded and released, can fly away.

Since everything around is electrified, in the dark, objects begin to glow. At night, plasmoids are also visible - the same fireballs that generate electrified air. Their nature is still incomprehensible, like the nature of ball lightning, it is only clear that it is electric.

And what's more, hydrogen should continue to be released at the sites where craters form and in their vicinity. In the end, the formation of a funnel - whether explosive or failed - is just an episode in the long process of hydrogen evolution. This process did not begin with the formation of a funnel, and it will not end with it. A funnel is just an instantaneous reaction of surface rocks to the hydrogen "smoke" stretching from the depths of the planet.

If there are no soil ejections around the funnel, unlike the Sasov one; It means that it is a failure, not a breakthrough.

What else is hydrogen capable of in the planet?

In June 1885, astronomers and atmospheric specialists discovered a phenomenon that had never been observed before. This phenomenon is silvery clouds: at high altitudes, unusual clouds with a silver sheen suddenly appeared. Surprising here was not so much the silvery color of the clouds as their height - 75-90 km. There were no problems with the color, the silvery tint was due to the fact that the clouds were a cluster of microscopic ice crystals, scattering sunlight. But the height led scientists into amazement: 90 km is much higher than the ozone layer! There is simply nowhere to get water from, because the temperature there is -100 ° C, and all the water freezes at much lower altitudes. From what are ice crystals formed, if there theoretically cannot be water there? ..

The metal hydride theory explains this. Water, of course, does not fly to such heights, it really freezes out of the air at lower altitudes. But hydrogen, which the planet is gassed with, flies there easily. And under the influence of solar radiation at these heights, it actively reacts with atmospheric oxygen, forming water, which, at temperatures prevailing at this height, passes into a solid phase.

Question: why were there no noctilucent clouds earlier, before 1885? Apparently, because with late XIX century, an active process began hydrogen degassing planets. And, perhaps, most of the explosive and failed funnels formed in the last hundred years.


The process has begun. And he went, apparently, with great acceleration. Now in the north of the Moscow region, the concentration of hydrogen in the subsoil reaches 5000 ppm in some places. And in the Leningrad region, burning earth is already found in some places. It is not the usual peat that burns there, but hydrogen flowing from the earth. A hydrogen jet burns a bald spot on some hillock, turning it into a red-hot clay bald spot.

What is happening on planet Earth?
(analysis of domestic and foreign materials)

Information about what is happening now on planet Earth is growing like a snowball. Almost every day brings new materials from different sources. There are many websites dedicated to this topic, and it is gratifying to note that such domestic sites as www.e-puzzle.ru have taken a strong place among them; www.ascension.ru www.year-2012.narod.ru ; http://soznanie.org ; www.kais-c.ru and others. Not to mention the published materials of Kryon, Steve Rother, the Telos group, Kahu Fred Sterling, etc., channeling materials regularly appear on the Internet through various contactees (Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn, Aurelia Jones, T. Mikushina and others).

It is clear that everyone receives information from their source, and it highlights certain aspects of the overall picture of the ongoing Ascension of the planet and humanity on new level more consciousness high dimensions. You can relate to such channelings in different ways (the voice of your Higher Self - your intuition will always tell you exactly how), but with an objective analysis, one can note the common thing that unites these materials. Almost all of them talk about the energy shift that took place at the end of 2006 and about the increasingly noticeable changes that are taking place in Lately.

Let's start with known sources that are trusted by many Lightworkers. High Spiritual Master Solara, an 11:11 passage seer who regularly posts monthly forecasts on her website, speaks of a "quantum tide" that began in the fall of 2006 and will continue into 2007-2008. She writes about the ongoing process of entering the Invisible - the "Lotus World".
In one of his last interviews, Drunvalo Melchizedek touched on the shift that has taken place and the opinion of the Mayan elders (whom he greatly trusts) on this issue. Here is what Drunvalo said: "... Even earlier, the Mayan elders noted that the ongoing processes are ahead of the "schedule" by 5 years... And now - on September 5, a few days ago, (according to their opinion) - we entered a shift (of measurements ) and did it ahead of their own deadline by another year!"
Drunvalo says he's seeing profound changes in people's perceptions of the world around them - from the mindset "Something's wrong here, I have to change it!" more and more people are moving to the understanding "All is one and good, I am safe and One with everything!"

Drunvalo is referring here to information released earlier by the elders that the transition of 2012 will actually take place in 2007 (for more details, see the summaries of past years published on this button). It is interesting that Kryon raised this issue in one of his channelings last year (08/19/2006, San Diego, California). He said that this does not apply to all people, but only "a certain part of humanity - the one that will be ready to accept the energies of 2012 as early as next year."

Interesting information about the events taking place on Earth is contained on the domestic website www.kais-c.ru. These materials are received by a group of Lightworkers (KAIS group), which regularly meets for joint spiritual work. Their materials concern both global and cosmic aspects, they cover the entire history of man from the beginning of time to the present day and contain forecasts of upcoming events. According to the materials of this group, the Earth began entering the photon belt in December 2006.

There are many scientific and esoteric materials about the photon belt. Adama, describing the point of view of the Lemurians, says that the photon belt consists of 12 huge vortices/vortices of intense waves of Light. "A photon band in the form of a huge circle, consisting of waves of light, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961." It is believed that the entry into the first funnel occurred in May 1998. According to the materials of the KAIS group, the meeting with the edge of the next wave of light from the photon belt, expected in January 2007, actually took place in early December 2006 and took place according to a mild version without chaos, power outages and any shocks. Those who are interested in these phenomena, accompanied by the time shift that has taken place and the changed energy characteristics of space / time, can learn more about this on the site www.kais-c.ru.

Many people are already noticing the effect of the energies of the photon belt on their well-being (drowsiness, fatigue, changes in sleep patterns and diet, etc.). It must be said that those who oppose the Light and the changes that it brings to the Earth will not be able to go through all 12 funnels. Therefore, it is very important to realize everything that is happening on Earth and prepare yourself for these new conditions.

We can say that the Light of the photon belt has high frequencies and properties of the Flame of Ascension. But the photon belt is not everything, the most important thing follows it. This is the band of Fire that we have to go through, those Fiery Energies, about which E.I. Roerich and which are mentioned in the channeling about the Fiery Baptism (Saint Germain), published in the materials of the scientific and esoteric almanac "VEST". Here are excerpts from this text, reproduced with the kind permission of the authors.

“Fire, Heat entered the body, embraced it. Instantly all the centers flared up, not only the main ones, but along the entire periphery of the body.
Here the Heat subsided, leaving a feeling of lightness, transparency and airiness of the whole body. Silence and Peace spread in the surrounding world. And it seemed that there was no fear of this burning fire, at some moments unbearable to such an extent that one wanted to shout: "Father, do you want to burn me?". But complete trust in the Father did not elicit not only a heart-rending cry, but even the shadow of murmuring did not arise inside the human heart.
Only under such conditions, in such cases, will human consciousness through the Band of Fire at the moment it is crossed by the planet's orbit. And this is not a photon band, … it is a Cosmic Fiery Stream, which is hidden behind the photon band from the "eyes" of not only physical devices, earthly scientists, but also from the eyes of clairvoyants and magicians of all stripes and ranks for a reason known only to the SOURCE. …

Don't be afraid of anything Dear friends and our students. Complete, Absolute Trust in God, in Heaven will help you joyfully and easily go through the Fiery Baptism, promised to all the Worlds back in time immemorial. Prepare your human nature… to pass first through the waves of Photon Light and then through the Crucible of Cosmic Fire. Get ready psychologically to accept Fire with Joy and Love, and He will answer you in the same way, and will not burn your bodies, but will instantly transform you into a new light state, behind which is immortality. This will be your Transition, the same Ascension in the body, which was spoken about earlier through many messengers of Heaven - the Workers of the Earth."

But what will the year 2007 be like? Teachers say that this year will bring us many new things. Solara believes that 2007 is a critical year that will be an all-or-nothing year. She calls it the Great Transition Year and the Mega Turning Point, after which there will be no return to the past. The KAIS group beeps that "2007 is a year of change, open opportunities and pure creativity. The year will help to open the eyes of all people on Earth, to realize the presence subtle world and see the interaction with him…. This year is fertile and rich for those who breathe love ... (his) motto is - love with all your heart and create yourself with Love in the service of others.

And this is very consonant with the fact that Archangel Michael calls this year the Year of Love. And this year one of the most important events in the transition of the Earth to a new level of consciousness has already happened. This is the opening of the 8th gate on about. Mallorca in Spain, hosted by Solara on 11 February with big group like-minded people joined by thousands of Lightworkers around the world. More than 40 anchor groups worked in Russia in support of this global event. We at the Flower of Life Center also did a special 11:11:11 meditation (February 11th exactly 11:11 am Mallorca time), uniting in spirit with all the Lightworkers on the planet on this momentous day.

Another one is expected this year. interesting events of our days, information about which came from Kryon. It states that September 9, 2007 - Indigo children will receive their "plan", which will be based on the universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on this planet. It's about that all the Indigos of Earth will be organized in some way. In fact, there will be a shift in consciousness; "Indigos will have a collective purpose. "Organization" - they will begin to intuitively realize their plan. And as always, they all have free choice and can do whatever they want. But you will see a slow and collective movement of the youth of the Earth towards the creation of very unusual advances that are now in the air ... ".
We are further advised not to be surprised if the Indigos "pull governments, create the seemingly impossible, resist systems, and discard some sacred rules, for this is the only way to create a New Jerusalem. The old paradigm must go. You will find them in Palestine and Israel, you you will find them in Jordan and Syria, you will find them in the Emirates and Kuwait, you will find them in Iraq and Iran... These are the places where Indigo children will make the most Big changes. We give you this date as the start of their plan. …".

Finally, information about Drunvalo's last interview, which he gave in January 2007 during the joint seminar "Earth-Sky/Live in the Heart" in Washington. In it, he summarizes the predictions of the aboriginal peoples, which surprisingly coincide, and information about the future, received by him from his spiritual guides. He says he was allowed to see into the future. And although he makes the optimistic conclusion that everything "will work out," nevertheless, we still have to go through that little "eye of the needle" when everything seems hopeless, to the very end. And then something will happen and the situation in the world will quickly change completely. But first, this will cause many people to leave in three waves in very short periods of time (Solara also talks about this in her book "Starborn", unfortunately not yet translated into Russian).
Native American prophecy says that the remaining people will come together in one heart and become practically one being. The division based on race and religion will disappear and they will become like one family. Then, with this newfound high state of consciousness, these remaining people will take the earth and fly on it, as on spaceship that lead to a new place, and a beautiful new life will begin on earth. (Here again, there is an interesting analogy with Solara, who sees the ascension of mankind as a huge bird rising up - a white dove, composed of ascending human souls, where each will be in its place.).

Drunvalo says that this will happen when Mother Earth is cleansed, and we will fix everything on her, but not through technology, but with the help of pure Consciousness. By its very essence. Mother Earth knows who these people will be, who will unite in one heart - in that Sacred place, which is often called a lotus. "When you enter there, Mother Earth will take full care of you, protect you and provide you with everything you need ... Therefore, be fearless and just trust in the presence of God."

I do not give you an answer, I do not know what is happening to the Earth, but we all must be prepared for the worst now, the Earth will never be the same Published on the web portal

Michio Kaku is a well-known American scientist, a specialist in the field of theoretical physics. Known as an active popularizer of science, author of popular science books.

“Look around, every day we see news about abnormal and unusual weather and natural disasters. Earthquakes shake countries and regions where they have not been for hundreds of years. Incredible hurricanes, crushing storms, tornadoes and tornadoes where they have never been seen before.

Almost daily, nature brings incredible surprises, unpleasant surprises. All countries of the world are suffering and there is no place on Earth that is not affected by these global changes. More recently, in the United States, Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming were hit by 30 powerful tornadoes in just 1 day. All this was accompanied by the fall of a huge hail, the size of a tennis ball. For the first time in their lives, the residents of these areas faced such a situation.

In Minnesota and Wisconsin, the residents themselves call the recent impact of the elements the Weather Apocalypse and they no longer understand and do not know what is happening with the weather at all.

I'll tell you that it's time for everyone to get used to the new world, to the new Earth, and it will never be the same as before. This new reality. And it will only get worse.

Previously, extreme weather conditions were sometimes observed, it was considered part of the climatic cycles of our planet, but now we can no longer deny that the weather is becoming abnormal everywhere. The frequency of manifestations of anomalies, their strength, their power and destructive impact, are an alarming signal that a global catastrophe is approaching. Moreover, it is not approaching gradually and will not come sometime there in a hundred years, it is already here, already standing at our doorstep.

To deny what is happening is irresponsible and stupid. Global and catastrophic changes have taken place on the Earth. Already happened. And every day it will only get worse and worse.

Why this happens - I do not know. And nobody knows. Perhaps the Earth is influenced by something from outer space or something is happening to the Earth itself, something very bad. Maybe our planet is tired of us, of people, of everything that we have done to it.

No one can yet give an answer to what is happening, we can only observe, conduct simulations and analyze the situation, try to predict what will happen next, that's all science is capable of.

I don’t give you an answer, I don’t know what is happening to the Earth, but we should all be ready for the worst now, the Earth will never be the same”

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