Home Diseases and pests What do you need to open a pet store? Calculation of economic indicators. Marketing plan for opening a pet store

What do you need to open a pet store? Calculation of economic indicators. Marketing plan for opening a pet store

Many people have pets at home, so these people need products for their pets. A business project to create a pet store will become great idea if you approach it very responsibly. This project will not require huge cash outlays from you. He can for short term pay off, and give you a lot of benefits. Despite the fact that there is high competition in this business, with the right choice of the location of the future point for the sale of this type of product, break-even will be guaranteed to you. But before you start opening a pet store, you need to carefully make all the calculations and try to determine how your future enterprise will be profitable or unprofitable.

Market analysis and room selection

In this article, we decided to tell our readers about how to open a pet store from scratch. How can you open your pet store from scratch? The first thing to do is to choose a room. There is no need to buy it. You can rent it out. This option will be more optimal for you, because, in the event that your product is not popular, you can rent another room at any time. Choosing a place to sell pet products is half of your future success. It is necessary to find a room that is located in places with high traffic. For example, close to transport stops, or in the city center or in its sleeping areas, where there are many high-rise buildings nearby. The area of ​​your future premises for different cases is individual. In the business project of a pet store, according to calculations, it is assumed that its total area should be at least 30 sq.m. This area will be enough for a small pavilion or shop where pet food and related products will be sold.

It is imperative to make sure that there are no similar points of sale near your future pet store, and there is little competition. AT this case, you also need to decide right mode shop work. The pet store must be open every day from 10 to 20, so that people returning home from work can visit it.

Preparing the premises for operation

If you are planning to learn how to open a pet store, then our instructions will help you. It is worth saying that it is important to follow every rule here.

In order for you not to engage in major repairs, it is best to rent out the premises that are specialized for your future store. You can choose a room where you just need to carry out a small cosmetic repair. Your pet store must have excellent lighting. Much attention will need to be paid to the advertising sign: it will be the face of your store. A better option in this case would be to purchase a large luminous banner. It will need to be placed next to the entrance to the store. The name of your pet store should be memorable and simple. You will also need to get required documents from the supervisory authorities:

  1. Veterinary certificates that enable the sale of animals in the store;
  2. Obtaining a license to trade in these types of goods;
  3. Permission from the sanitary, fire service for the selected premises.

Purchase of equipment

The purchase of various racks, and all kinds of furniture must be made in special stores for trade. What does it take to open your own pet store? You will definitely need display cases for pet supplies, a work table, trays, a counter, and a refrigerator for storage. medicines.

There is now a great opportunity to save your costs by contracting with feed suppliers. They themselves will deliver you the necessary goods, and racks, with colorful advertising and design. AND cash register You can buy from the hands, thereby significantly saving your costs.

Store assortment

Perhaps the most important step in this business is the selection of the necessary pet products that you will later sell in your store. In order to be able to correctly determine the more popular products, you need to carefully study your target audience. For example, for a residential area of ​​the city, it is best to choose cheap feed. The main goal of such a pet store will be walking distance and a great opportunity to buy some treat for your beloved pet.

For a shop that is located in an upscale area of ​​the city, you will need to consider other requirements: pet owners will not skimp on them, so you will need to have huge assortment various accessories and expensive feed.

If you are planning to open a store with pet products, then remember that this enterprise will not be possible without the following items:

  • A large list of feeds of different classes for all types and types of animals. This is the most requested product.
  • All kinds of household items for animals - bowls, fillers, cages, feeders, bedding, houses.
  • Various treats and toys.
  • Animal care products - combs, shampoos, various bath accessories.
  • All kinds of literature on the care and maintenance of pets.
  • Collars, nail sharpeners, harnesses, muzzles, etc.
  • Medications: contraceptive drugs, drops for fleas, worms, etc.
  • Animals.


In the event that the pet store business project serves as a starting point for you, then you need to select future staff very carefully. Since you do not have excellent experience in this matter, you need to take the trouble to find staff who have previously worked in any pet store. These employees must excel in animal feed and care. In this case, it is not necessary to require special education from them, but it is necessary to hire such people who know how to communicate excellently with customers. The work force usually depends on overall size the store or point. So, for example, for a small point, you need to employ only 2 people. And you can initially perform the position of director. It is also not necessary to hire an accountant. You can simply find a specialist in this field, so that he, for a monetary reward, prepares reports for you and submits them to the tax office once a year.

Advertising company

While no one knows about your pet store, you need to start attracting customers. To do this, you need a bright and colorful display case. But still, the most basic thing you need to do to attract customers is to conduct an advertising campaign. What does that require?

You need to order an advertisement for pet products on local television or radio. If you are not willing to spend cash on this advertisement, then it can be marked up on free boards without any problems. It is also necessary to prescribe advertising in social networks, and invite your users to participate in some kind of promotion or get an additional discount on the product. You can create a personal website on the Internet by filling it with pet products. You also need to order various promotional products: booklets, business cards, discount cards etc. Can be placed throughout the city advertising banners with your products, or public transport, post ads near the entrance to the house, distribute leaflets.

Calculations of investments and profits

After you have finished drafting your pet store business project, you will ask yourself one important question: To what extent will the future enterprise be profitable? The main costs of opening a pet store:

  • Room rental - 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Repair work - from 25 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment - 90-100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods for animals - about 300 thousand rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 5-7 thousand rubles. Monthly.

Total: 520-550 thousand.

The main proceeds from the sale of pet products: Average check the buyer will approximately be about 20 thousand rubles. And it is possible to fully recoup the costs only after 13-14 months. If you constantly expand your product range and carefully consider all possible nuances, then the success of your business is guaranteed.

How to create your own pet store

You probably figured out how to open your own pet store. This article was able to answer you this question completely. It is worth noting that for this, you need to very carefully analyze the situation that has developed in this moment in the pet products market, get ahead of the main preferences and expectations target audience, carefully consider your business project, and make accurate calculations. After you have carried out this work, you will have to look for suitable premises for the future pet store, as well as find competent staff, and start buying the necessary pet supplies.

The basic margin for accessories is 100%, for feed - no more than 25%. This business project will turn out to be profitable, and you can get the first stable profit after 1-1.5 years.

Animal lovers spend on their pets, according to rough estimates, from two thousand rubles a year. And many and much more. It follows that the business associated with animals can bring good profits. And if you love animals and are well versed in all aspects of their maintenance, this will bring you considerable pleasure. Do you want to sell everything that pets need, and maybe pets themselves? So you need a pet supply store. How to open a pet store will consider in this article.

Before planning the opening of your store, you need to deal with a considerable number of questions: how much money you need to spend on buying everything you need, what licenses and documents are required, where it is best to open such a store, what range of goods is needed, how to find suppliers, etc.

Marketing research

Let's ask ourselves a question: how many animals are kept in our population?

According to the results of surveys conducted by statistical centers, the alignment is approximately as follows: 35% of families keep cats, 20% dogs, 3% fish and birds, 1% turtles and hamsters.

Other exotic animals - chinchillas, rabbits, iguanas, pygmy pigs, etc. are less common and account for less than one percent.

And all the owners of these animals are worried about their pets being fed, healthy (and sometimes even dressed and shod) and happy with life. Then the owners will feel happy. Your goal is to satisfy these needs.

The pet products market is huge, but the competition is high. Therefore, before deciding to open a pet store, you need to figure out how many similar stores exist in your city and in your area, are there enough of them to meet all the needs of the townspeople, are there unoccupied niches and areas where there is not a single pet store.

You can get information from the Internet by talking on thematic forums in your city. You will find out who is praised and for what, which sellers and manufacturers are criticized, what pet owners in your city or area lack. When you decide to open a pet store, all this information will be very useful.

If you yourself have pets and you have considerable experience in keeping them, it will be much easier for you to understand the topic and understand how best to act in this particular case.

Legal registration

Usually small shops, large . But in any case, both options are possible. In addition, you will need permission from the Department of Commerce. You must receive an extract from the state register, and then register with pension fund and in tax office. With you, you must indicate that you will be engaged in retail trade.

To sell animals, you need to obtain a veterinary certificate and other documentation from Government controlled veterinary medicine of your region or region (permission to import animals, birds, fish, etc.). Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department is required.

A patent from the licensing chamber is not needed when opening a pet store.

You will need a cash register and a machine for cashless payments through plastic cards.

Pet shop format

Decide which pet store you need:

  1. A large store with several departments with a wide range of various animals, fish and birds, as well as everything you might need in caring for these pets. In such a store, several dozen sellers and consultants can work. Animals of different breeds and species, as well as rare and exotic animals can be represented here.
  2. A self-service pet store with several consultants and 1-2 cashiers.
  3. A medium-sized store that sells several types of animals, as well as accessories, food, medicines, furniture, and clothing. Such a store is served by 2-3 sales assistants.
  4. A small shop selling pet food and care products.
  5. Department of pet supplies in a large hypermarket.
  6. Special shop. Perhaps this is exactly the store that is missing in your city - specializing in fish, or only in dogs, or in clothes for animals - there are a lot of options.
  7. Online store. In some cases, this is a very convenient form of trading. Could be like independent enterprise, and as an addition to your offline store. In this case, you will need a delivery service, which you can either organize yourself or contact couriers.
  8. Another one interesting shape: zoocenter. This is an association of several enterprises specializing in animals under one roof: a veterinary clinic, a veterinary pharmacy, a pet store, specialized stores of various kinds, a hotel for animals, a hairdresser for pets, etc.

small pet shop

The easiest and least expensive option is to open a small shop or department that will mainly sell cat and dog food, toilet fillers, as well as accessories: collars, leashes, muzzles and care products: shampoos, combs, etc. P. The above items are the most hot commodity, daily necessary for the owners of animals and bringing the fastest profit.

The area of ​​such a store can be quite small - about 10 square meters. m. It does not have to be located in the city center, but the place should be quite accessible: next to other shops or veterinary clinic, close to a bus stop, on a busy street.

You will not need a license if you do not sell veterinary drugs.

Medium pet shop

The next option is a full-fledged pet store and medium-sized animals. Its area must be at least 70 sq.m. It can be located both in the center and in any other area, it depends on the size and needs of your city. The range of such a pet store should include:

The store should have catalogs of rare and exclusive goods supplied to order.

Suitable conditions must be created for animals, they must be properly cared for. The staff of such a store must be highly qualified, preferably with a veterinary education. In any case, the store must have at least one certified veterinarian - this is necessary for licensing. In addition, a consultant veterinarian will increase the prestige of your store and increase the confidence of customers.

Specialized pet shop

It is good to open a highly specialized store for those who themselves understand the chosen area and, perhaps, are its fans. For example, if you love aquarium fish and are well aware of everything related to them, then your hobby, when you open a store, will bring you good profit.

The store specializing in aquarium fish must be in the following categories:

Additionally, you can provide services for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of aquariums. With good advertising, this type of activity will certainly bear fruit, since aquariums are a fashionable and prestigious interior detail, not only in private apartments, but also in many trade and service enterprises.

Product Suppliers

Suppliers of pet products are found in wholesale markets and warehouses, on the Internet, in directories and catalogs of enterprises in your city. If you are going to open a pet supply store in big city or a village, then it is better to buy goods in a large regional center, where they will be cheaper. You may be able to take the goods directly from the manufacturer's factory if it is available in your area or from an official supplier of imported goods to Russia. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and the prices will be lower than those of dealers.

If you are opening a small shop, then it will be more convenient for you to work with one large supplier of goods, which has a wide range of goods. For a larger store, cooperation with several suppliers is necessary in order to be able to choose the most best offers and the best prices.

An experienced supplier can advise you on which of the products he has are most in demand among pet owners, what sells faster, what is slow, but should still be presented in the store. It is worth listening to his advice.

Most likely, at first you will make some mistakes in choosing a product, but after a couple of months you will figure out what your customers need and what is most beneficial for you.

Animals for sale in the store are taken in nurseries. If there are none in your area or city, or you are not satisfied with their assortment, you can arrange deliveries from other cities. They can also be taken from the public. Among lovers of hamsters, parrots, rabbits and other small animals, there are many who breed them.


You can generally do without attracting additional advertising resources. If the initial budget of your store is small and you want to save money, then it will be enough to order a bright sign and customers will find you themselves. Of course, for this, your store must be located in a busy area.

If you have sufficient funds and you are opening a large pet supply store, it is a good idea to advertise on local television or radio, as well as in newspapers or magazines. In addition, you can distribute booklets and flyers advertising your store among the population of the area.

On the opening day of the store, organize a holiday, decorate the entrance with balloons to attract customers, announce discounts and gifts for the first customers. Be sure to give discount cards to those who constantly come to your store.

Make sure that your store has a pleasant, conducive to shopping atmosphere. Goods must be placed in showcases thematic groups, it should be clearly visible and have price tags. Cages with animals should always be cleaned, and the animals should look healthy and flourishing.

Keep in mind that pet stores often smell bad. This problem can be solved with the help of high-quality ventilation and special flavors.

Your salespeople should be welcoming, friendly, and always available to answer customer questions. But you need to warn them against excessive obtrusiveness. Let the buyer not buy anything today, but if he likes you, he will definitely come next time and recommend your store to his friends.


Is it profitable to open a pet shop? Let's study this issue in more detail.

The main costs are:

  • Rent or purchase of premises. Including repair, lighting, air conditioning, signage.
  • Trade software. Counters, racks, showcases, cash registers, refrigerators for medicines, etc.
  • Product.
  • Employee salaries.

Opening a pet store middle class will cost approximately 1.5-2 million rubles. A larger store with an expanded assortment and staff will require from 3 million rubles.

The margin on goods in a pet store is approximately the following: on average it is 30%. For animal feed - from 10 to 20%, for accessories, furniture and clothing can be from 20 to 50%, for rare species goods can reach up to 200%.

A pet store pays off in an average of 1.5 - 2 years, the profitability of such a store is from 20 to 30%.

You can draw up a business plan for a pet store yourself if the store is small or you have relevant experience, or you can turn to specialists, it will be more reliable.

Here are the approximate calculations for a mid-range store located in a city with a population of 500,000 people. The store sells a wide range of pet products, but does not sell animals.

Store capital costs:

  • Repair and signage - 220,000.
  • Commercial equipment - 150,000.
  • Inventory - 1,600,000.
  • Working capital - 250,000.

Thus, the capital costs required to open this store amounted to 2,210,000.

Now - the calculation of the monthly profitability of the same store:

  • Revenue - 1,100,000.
  • Cost price - 758 621.
  • Gross profit - 341,379.
  • Expenses - 219 560.
  • Profit before tax - 121,819.
  • UTII tax - 20,000.
  • Net profit 101,819.

Your store will be in demand and bring you the expected profit if it is in the right place, the service in it is of high quality, the prices are competitive, and the assortment is wide enough.

Every year the pet products market grows by about 40%. Today it is already quite difficult to find a family in which there is no pet. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a pet store from scratch does not seem banal or stupid. You can really make good money on this.

There are four types of stores:

  1. small retail outlets;
  2. large stores;
  3. specialized sites;
  4. departments in supermarkets.

The choice of option is up to you.

Legal registration

What does it take to open a pet store? First, you register your business. If this is a large point - like an LLC, if it is a small one - like an individual entrepreneur. You will also need permission from the Department of Trade and an extract from the State Register. After that, you become registered with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund.

From the State Veterinary Administration of the Territory/Region, you receive all the necessary documentation and permission to import birds, fish and animals.

As for the premises in which you are going to trade, it must be inspected by the fire service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Premises for trade

How to open a pet store and where is the best place to do it? You need to find right place. The “correct” is often understood as the location near large shopping centers and other retail outlets (markets or supermarkets), near residential neighborhoods and parking lots. It shouldn't be very small room, because it should also include a utility room and a storage room.

Take care of the sign in advance: it should be bright and noticeable so that any passer-by immediately notices it and marks for themselves where your pet store is located.

Trade software

For such a point, you do not need to buy anything pretentious or extraordinary. To trade you will need:

  • counters;
  • racks;
  • showcases;
  • desktops.

If there are feeds, formulas and preparations that will be sold by weight, you will need to buy an additional scale.

There is an option that allows you to save on equipment. So, for example, you can arrange with suppliers of goods to receive plastic racks that they have in stock. Sometimes such items are inconvenient to use, but the main plus is the bright and beautiful design that pleases the eye.

As long as you display the products of these suppliers on such racks, you are entitled to use them free of charge. All other equipment is purchased from the hands. Be prepared to spend time looking for it, but this will cut costs.


Decide on the entire range in advance. It can be exclusively pet products or also animals. For the first option, you can use a small area, you will not need to spend a lot of money, obtain licenses or hire highly qualified personnel. But, and incomes will be smaller.

Do you want to sell animals? The area should be large, the cost of purchasing goods, renting the necessary premises, hiring qualified employees, and obtaining all the necessary documentation will increase. Animals need to be fed and cared for properly. In this case, the income will be much greater, but a lot of effort will be made.

They open their outlet, start selling the most popular goods, and only when you see income, will you meet regular customers, will they leave orders with you, you will be able to climb a step higher, expanding the range and services.

What is a hot commodity in this business? This is a product for dogs and cats - the most frequent pets:

  • Feed;
  • goodies;
  • toys;
  • toilet fillers;
  • remedies for ticks, fleas, worms;
  • shampoos, combs and other care products;
  • harnesses and collars;
  • carriers and cages.

If you are opening in a big city, you can offer clothes for cats and dogs. Why is it worth doing it in a big city? Because such goods are more popular among the urban population than among the rural population. Also, the range can be expanded with furniture for animals.

The problem with such a market is that it can be quite difficult to initially determine which range of goods will be in high demand. But, in the process of work, you can always make your own adjustments.

Qualified personnel

To increase the popularity of your pet store and outperform your nearest competitors, hire a veterinarian on staff to either act as a salesperson or as a receptionist. If this is the second option, then you must notify buyers of the specialist's visiting hours.

In any case, as a regular seller, you can choose a competent and decent person. It is not necessary that he had a veterinary education. The main thing is that he should have an idea about the assortment, the purpose of the goods, and also be able to advise the buyer if necessary.

The profit you will receive depends largely on your staff. If people want to work and earn, receiving percentages from sales, quarterly bonuses, and so on, then they will give all the best in their work.

The financial side of the issue

Many people wonder if it is profitable to open a pet store from scratch? First you will need to spend a certain amount of money on:

  • Renovation of the premises;
  • area lighting;
  • placement of a sign;
  • arrangement of the heating system (if not available) and ventilation;
  • acquisition of new equipment for the placement of goods and its sale;
  • inventory for 1-2 months.

The total amount of all expenses will directly depend on the condition of the entire premises, the materials and equipment that you are going to use, the size of the entire area, etc.

About 220,000 rubles will be spent on repairs and a signboard, 1,600,000 rubles on goods, 150,000 rubles on equipment, working capital- 250,000 rubles. According to the latest calculation, depending on the products and the area of ​​​​the premises, the approximate costs will be from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

The monthly profit of such a store can be planned in advance. If your pet store is located in a city with a population of 300,000 to 500,000 people, then it will bring the owner up to 1,500,000 per year. The absolute payback of the entire project will come in 18-24 months.

Your approximate income per month:

  • Monthly revenue - 1,100,000;
  • cost price - 760,000;
  • gross profit - 340,000;
  • expenses - 220,000;
  • income before tax - 120,000;
  • tax - 20,000;
  • net income - 100,000.

Such profits will be stable if you choose the right place to trade, prices will be competitive, service will be of high quality, assortment will be wide.

Possible risks

How to open a pet store without risks? This is difficult, because risks arise directly in the process of trading. The only thing you can do is to prepare for them in advance.

  • Risk one: small city/big city. In the first case, you will not be able to do business because of the agricultural land nearby. The second is unacceptable because of the great competition. The best option - regional center. In doing so, you must also take into account the level of income local population because the demand may be too low. Based on demand and taking into account the small nuances, you can always choose an assortment that is considered the most profitable.
  • Second risk: appearance. Sometimes a lot of customers visit your direct competitors just because they don't like the look of your store. Many clients are visuals, and they just like a tidy place, bright shelving, a cozy atmosphere. Regardless of the prices and assortment, they can leave you just because they did not like the sign or the interior. Therefore, even cosmetic repairs of the area you rent will be appropriate.
  • Risk three: unskilled/rude personnel. Often it is the staff that scares off customers. The sales assistant must be friendly, he must also understand the assortment.
  • Risk Four: Frequent Experimentation. It is very difficult to calculate which product from the assortment will be popular in a particular area. You can experiment, but don't do it too often. Wait a little, so that later you can navigate according to the requests of your regular customers.
  • Risk Five: Live Goods. Due to relatively low demand, possible fines, as well as permit fees, keeping animals in stores can be unprofitable.

We advise you to re-read all the information collected if you want to go into such a business. Like any other kind entrepreneurial activity, it can be quite risky, but you can still make a profit if you think carefully.

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Aspiring entrepreneurs are often looking for how to open a pet store from scratch. This is a very promising business area: the pet products market is growing by 20% every year. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of such a case, a list of permits, step-by-step instruction, as well as the calculation of investments for opening your own pet store.

Business features: pros and cons

Opening a pet store is a promising business that promises a quick payback. Most pet supply stores return investment in 12-18 months, and some much faster. But a short return on capital is not the only benefit of trading pet products.

Among the advantages is the growing demand: animals are kept in every third Russian family. In addition, most people, even in conditions of economic instability, do not reduce the level of spending on their pets. In this way, the store can count on a steady flow of customers even during adverse times.

For many, the trade in pet supplies provides an opportunity to do what they love and help animals. Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of pet products, so each store can form a unique competitive assortment. Another plus of this business is a small list of permits - it is much smaller than that of a standard grocery store.

Opening a pet store is a promising business area that promises payback in 12 months

As for the disadvantages, the main one is high competition. Most Russian cities private and chain pet stores are already successfully operating. Feed and fillers are sold in grocery hypermarkets. In most cases, they cover demand. That is, a novice store will have to immediately indicate its competitive advantage: products from new manufacturers, low prices or promotions, self-service, online orders. Another disadvantage of the industry is the specific smell of animals and goods in the store. This may seem frivolous, but sometimes this factor affects the selection of personnel.

If the store sells live animals in addition to products for pets, you will have to bear full responsibility for their health and maintenance. Sick, neglected animals in an establishment can be a reason for litigation, not to mention permanently damaged reputation.

What documents and permits are needed

Any business in Russia must be conducted legally, trade in pet products is no exception. Therefore, in order to open and operate a store, an entrepreneur will need registration package of permits:

  1. Statutory documents: certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, certificate of TIN, letter of assignment of OKVED, lease agreement for premises.
  2. Permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  3. Fire department permit.
  4. Pharmaceutical license (for the sale of medicines for animals, including flea collars and tablets for worms). To obtain it, you will need to pay a state fee - 7,500 rubles.
  5. Veterinary certificates from the State Veterinary Administration, only if the store contains and sells live animals. A separate health certificate is issued for each animal.
  6. Production control program, waste disposal contract, disinfection and deratization contract, accounting logs sanitary measures- all for Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. Personnel documents: contracts, work books, medical books with a medical examination and a mark on the passage of sanitary training.

Also, as in any other outlet, a fire evacuation plan should be placed in the pet supply store and a consumer corner should be formed. These documents are drawn up according to standard rules. The formation of the entire set of permits can take up to 6 months and will require 20-25 thousand rubles.

Careful placement of a diverse assortment attracts buyers with different levels income

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pet store

This section presents step-by-step instructions for opening a pet store. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to choose a location, what you need to know about the range of goods and others. important aspects creating a business in the field of products for animals.

Choice of location and premises

From right choice The location of the store largely depends on its success in the market. An outlet with goods for animals is best located in a place with high traffic of buyers. The best solution would be to rent an area in mall. There are always many potential customers here who can provide the store with a profit even on weekdays.

Which area to choose? The size of the store directly depends on its assortment. If an entrepreneur plans to sell several categories of popular food, medicines and toys, a room of 15-20 square meters. But if the store offers customers a wide range of food of different price categories, medicines and related products, as well as live pets, 50-70 square meters will be required.

Of course, the room must be connected to all communications and equipped with a good ventilation system. Poor ventilation will make it difficult to effectively deal with the specific smells of animals and feed. This problem is guaranteed to scare off buyers and provoke a conflict with neighboring outlets.

An important selection criterion is the ability to adjust the lighting: you need to strike a balance between bright light for buyers and comfortable conditions for animals. Optimal solution a question with light - 200-300 lux in the counter area and 100-150 lux in the area with pets.

Name choice

After selecting the premises, you can choose a name for the store, order a company sign and print advertising posters. When choosing a name, follow two rules. Firstly, in the name of the store it is useful to make a reference to the animal world. This will help buyers understand immediately what a store offers products for pets.

Secondly, you cannot use names officially registered as trade marks. There is a penalty for this. You can check whether the name is registered as a trademark/company designation on the website of the tax service or through special online services.

If the store offers customers a wide range of feed of different price categories, medicines and related products, 50-70 square meters will be required.

Product range

The standard assortment of pet store products includes the following items:

  1. Food from different manufacturers, from economy class to prestigious brands.
  2. Toilet fillers different types, as well as for cages and aquariums.
  3. Bowls, drinkers.
  4. Medicines, medicines, vitamins, biological supplements.
  5. Trays, brushes.
  6. Accessories (collars, leashes, clothes).
  7. Carrying bags.
  8. Toys, houses, mattresses, scratching posts.
  9. Cages for birds or rodents.
  10. Aquariums and plants for them.
  11. Shampoos and other cosmetics.
  12. Rodents (rats, mice, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs).
  13. Birds (parrots, canaries).
  14. Rabbits.
  15. Fish.
  16. Turtles.


Most best option the pet store's working hours are twelve hours, that is, from 9 to 21 hours or from 10 to 22 hours. In this mode, employees work according to the "2 through 2" schedule. Depending on the range of products, 1 to 3 people will be required.

A good option for staffing is the principle of "1 person at the cash desk, 1 consultant in the hall." For employment in a pet store, special education is not required. You can understand the assortment and operation of cash registers in 2-3 days. However, having a veterinary education would be an advantage. Such a specialist will be able to competently advise customers and create a good reputation for the store. It is acceptable to hire senior students.

Before opening a pet store, all employees must undergo training from which to learn:

  • work schedule;
  • store assortment, differences different varieties stern;
  • rules for the use and prescription of medicines for animals;
  • rules for the care of animals in the store;
  • rules for working with cash registers.

The most popular items in pet stores are food and fillers

Calculation of financial investments (business plan)

Is it profitable to open a pet store? Trade in pet products is quite profitable: the average trade margin for any product is 50%. So, the margin on food and medicine starts from 20%, on accessories - from 40%, and on toys and houses can exceed 100%.

Pet products are in stable demand, so you can recoup your investment in 12-16 months. Consider a pet store business plan with calculations:


Opening your own pet store is within the power of even novice entrepreneurs. This promising business because the demand for pet products is steadily growing. The amount of initial investment is 700,000 - 800,000 rubles. Before opening, it is important to obtain all permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the State Veterinary Inspectorate and the fire service. With a good organization of trade, investments will return after 12-16 months of work.

Opening a pet store, with the right approach, can be great business. Pets - fish, birds, cats, dogs and even reptiles - are present in almost every home and they all want to eat and have fun. Loving owners are ready to spend money on their pets, which means they will come to the pet store.

If you have already got the idea to open a pet store, it will not be superfluous to find out what formats of such stores exist.

  1. The smallest and least expensive option would be to open a small shop with an area of ​​​​10 square meters, which does not require a license. It will be possible to sell food, toys and care products for animals.
  2. A more solid store with an area of ​​60 square meters, selling not only everything for animals, but also the animals themselves. To open a pet store of this format, permits and licenses will be required. The staff must include a veterinarian.
  3. A pet store that has a narrow specialization and offers a full range of services in its specialization. As a rule, these are stores specializing in aquariums. The staff in such a store must have broad knowledge in this area in order to be able to competently and fully advise customers.
  4. And finally, the largest format is the zoocenter. In this format of the pet store, the maximum range of products and services for animals is presented. This format can combine a clinic, a shop, a hairdresser, a hotel, and an animal studio.

Business Plan Example

How to start opening a pet store? Of course, from the preparation of a business plan - this will allow you to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upcoming costs at the initial stage. Consider a pet store business plan with calculations using the example of an average store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 60 square meters.

Expenditure part:

  • rent from 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • registration and repair from 40 thousand rubles;
  • equipment from 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods from 250 thousand rubles;
  • advertising from 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary from 45 thousand per month;
  • unforeseen expenses from 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • utility bills from 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • taxes depending on the chosen form of ownership.

Total initial costs amount to 525 thousand rubles plus taxes. Monthly expenses will be from 95 thousand rubles. The average check, in stores of this format, is from 200 rubles. With attendance from 30 people per day, the monthly revenue will be 180 thousand rubles. Payback will come 7-8 months.

Premises selection

Before you open a pet store from scratch, you need to choose the right premises. The main criterion for the selection of premises is its location. It is important to pay attention to the number of people visiting this place. Of course, the best place, especially for a large store or zoo center, the central part of the city will become. If for some reason you have not chosen a center, then you can open a pet store in a residential area, a large shopping center or not far from a veterinary clinic.

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