Home Perennial flowers Methods for increasing the number of items in a check. What does the average check show? Abbreviated name in Russian

Methods for increasing the number of items in a check. What does the average check show? Abbreviated name in Russian

Below are 5 proven metric optimization techniques:

  • Up-sell.
  • Cross-sell.
  • Package offers.
  • Minimum order.
  • Wholesale and dropshipping.


Up-sell is a technique of selling a more expensive product instead of a similar one, which is considered by the site visitor at that moment. Using special widgets, you propose to draw attention to an expensive model using the "similar / recommended products" block. Choosing this tactic, the main thing is to be unobtrusive, to offer non-random products from the entire assortment in the store. That is, try to present the client with a product that more or less meets his needs and budget - the restaurant is unlikely to order lobsters instead of pizza.

Example: a user visited your store with for "iPhone 7" came across a page with a 32GB model. In this case, it's time to offer to buy an improved model with a large supply of memory on board - 128 GB.

Suitable when the difference in price is not very significant, and the potential benefits for buyers are many times greater.


Cross-selling is an additional sale of an additional service or product "in load" to the main product chosen by the buyer. The strategy is being implemented through the formation of packages of related products.

Example: sellers of laptops may offer to buy additionally from the licensed software to laptop bags - it all depends on the assortment, benefits in terms of potential benefits, and analysis of confirmed orders. It is a detailed study of the designed shopping carts that will help you determine which combinations are in the greatest demand.

Package offers

If you want to gently hint your customers to buy more, create a package offer! The scheme works great in service delivery, retail and wholesale. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with the average check and sell the leftovers in the warehouse.

Example: Most men prefer to shop quickly and receive goods quickly. Therefore stores men's clothing they practice selling not individual items, but whole sets - jacket + jeans + jumper.

The formation of kits must be treated with extreme scrupulousness. Remember, packages need to be formed not based on your personal preferences, but after analysis, since analytics in Internet marketing is everything.

An alternative option may be to provide the buyer with the opportunity to independently form the "ideal" package. For example, when choosing furniture, let users use the constructor on the site - individuality can always be sold at a higher price. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: increase average check and create the illusion of personalization, caring for your client.

Minimum order

Setting the threshold for the minimum order to get a "bun" is another the right way stimulate the growth of your average check.

Example: Free shipping is widespread in retail when ordering for a certain amount.

In addition to free shipping, you can operate with any arguments (discount, etc.). The main thing in the chosen strategy is that you should stimulate the client to buy more or more expensive, without incurring losses. Because if you offer an 80% discount when ordering from 5000 rubles. the whole venture can automatically lose its meaning, since the average check will increase along with the decrease in the return on investment.

Wholesale and dropshipping

If activity allows, the best measure to increase AOV is to implement a system wholesales... Wholesale trade in itself implies a purchase of 3-5 units.

The situation is similar with dropshipping sales (sending on behalf of a partner to the end customer). Traditionally, dropship also involves an order with a minimum threshold for the number of products, and only after paying for such a partner opens up "new horizons" in the form of discounts, installments and other privileges.

Distribution of offers


The design of a unique selling proposition, "packaging" of goods and kits on the site showcase, the use of widgets and special plug-ins and other manipulations on the side of the site allow you to influence the size of the average order value.

Sales department

Modification of the sales script for commercial department plays important role in the management of the average check indicator. A big plus is the live communication of the sales manager with potential clients, since it is possible to adapt the offer to the needs of the client, who is waiting for a solution to his problem here and now. In terms of efficiency, you will get a greater effect by offering upselling when personal meeting(ave - services with a high average check), and not in the telephone mode.

Email newsletter

A powerful tool for working with a formed base of contacts. Helps to increase average cost orders by sending letters to different audience segments.

Example: a visitor made a purchase, after which an automatically generated letter was sent to his mail confirming the receipt of his application by the company. Such templates do not have to contain dry formalized information; the text can be diluted with a banner for a discount when buying a second unit of goods. If you have a one-page advertising one main product offer or service, the letter can be diluted with a selection with an additional block that contains an offer built on the cross-sell technique.

Combining methods

Promotions and discounts will work regardless of the chosen method and channel for attracting traffic.

Deadline limit works with a bang in tandem with the provision of discounts on the second and subsequent purchases. In the context of allotting a limited amount of time to perform a targeted action, your audience still does not have time to forget about the company, does not have time to think and, of course, does not want to miss the opportunity to save money (what if they don’t offer it again?). Hence, impulsive purchases from the outside customer base and as a consequence, .

Loyalty programs implementation it is advisable in industries where, in addition to sales of the main product, consumables for it are sold.

Example: by selling a grinder and providing a loyal customer card, you encourage the buyer to return to make further purchases of discs for metal in your store.

The strategy works both for customer retention and for increasing the average check. Optimizing the latter is achieved by encouraging people to make more purchases at one time in order to earn more points. And so in a circle. "Loyal" clients can increase the indicator by 15-20%.

Research carried out by TechnologyAdvice has shown that in stores with an implemented loyalty program, people are more willing to put more goods in the basket, and this is all because they get some pleasure when the seller returns them part of their personal funds (cashback).

The advantage of this method is the simplicity of implementation, the main thing is to choose the right strategy.

Correlation with other KPIs

Conversion, margin, turnover and average check are the four pillars of profit. As a rule, a set of works aimed at increasing the average revenue from orders is more efficient, easier and cheaper to implement than other levers of influence on the income of an online store.

AOV can correlate with:

  • Site Conversion (CR).

As a rule, the higher the average check, the longer it takes to make a decision to send an order, and therefore the level of conversion to a deal may drop. It should be borne in mind that a drop in conversion is observed with a dramatic increase in the indicator. For example, if you decide to double your AOV, this can cause such a reaction, if only by 5%, there should not be a significant change in CR. The interaction of these KPIs also depends on the topic, so optimization solutions are developed strictly on an individual basis.

  • Turnover and marginality.

There is a possibility that a product or service with a lower margin will have a higher turnover.

1 × 50,000 = 50 tr.

50 × 3,000 = 150 tr.

As a result, the sale of spare parts with a lower margin brought the site owner more profit than the 1st car.

In the process of increasing AOV, it is important to control both indicators: margin and turnover.

  • Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to increase the average check should always be measured in the context of the return on investment for each ruble invested. Tools are used to obtain reliable data.


The article describes far from all the ways to increase the average bill. Moreover, AOV optimization involves an integrated approach to solving the problem. Test, test the hypotheses put forward in practice, or rather entrust this task to specialists to get a 100% guaranteed result.

Get a free offer to increase the average check for your business. Just submit your application using the form below!

"Statistics know everything" or "average temperature in the hospital" - in folk wisdom and in domestic literature you can easily find other well-known expressions, the essence of which lies in distrust or superficial attitude towards statistics. However, there is no more important thing than statistics when it comes to any business, in particular - business related to trade and services.

One of the most important and frequently used indicators in practice is - average check... When analyzed correctly, the average check can provide a wealth of information a business owner needs.

Average bill is an objective parameter indicating the breadth of the assortment, staff efficiency, correct positioning in the price segment, etc.

Definition of the concept

The average check is understood as the total volume of all purchases made in the period under consideration, divided by the total number of checks for this period.

That is, it is not just the total number of purchases made or goods sold. One purchase means all purchased goods and services during one visit by a customer to a given establishment.

Average check valuevital information for any business owner or appointed manager. Analysis of the dynamics of changes in the mean shows real place the whole business on this moment and trends of its further development.

In fact, the average check is a complex indicator that demonstrates how thoughtful the range of goods and services is, how competent the merchandising is and how well the retail space is arranged.

The average check also reflects the quality of staff service or, in the case of self-service and contactless sales, the degree of reasonableness of navigation through the retail space and competent display of goods.

Calculation rules

The simplest formula calculating the average check:

Average check = revenue / number of checks.

That is, the amount left on average by each customer is equal to the amount of sales for a certain period, divided by the number of buyers for the same period.

Modern accounting programs used in trade and services, as well as the use of barcodes, make it possible to maintain complex accounting. In addition to the cost, the count is also carried out for all nomenclature items. The program can split checks by different groups, show average difference checks by amount, analyze by the share of large or small purchases in the total mass.

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Indicator analysis

Periodic review of checks is an important part of working in a trade or service industry. He clearly demonstrates the whole picture of sales at any point of sale.

Check analysis clearly identifies basic moments sales:

  • average check amount;
  • the number of checks on average per day;
  • check amount intervals.

All these quantities in mandatory used in the work of marketers. On their basis, key conclusions about the effectiveness of trade are made.

It is recommended to analyze receipts on a monthly basis. For outlets with high sales intensity and high traffic during the day, it will be useful to conduct a weekly analysis. It is clear that a one-time analysis of checks is ineffective and does not provide the entire spectrum of possible useful information... The consistency and frequency of analysis is important.

In a nutshell algorithm for working with checks might look like this:

  • analysis of checks;
  • generalization of conclusions based on the analysis;
  • taking action based on findings;
  • next analysis;
  • with positive dynamics - fixation of the result, its retention;
  • in case of negative dynamics - taking measures.

This entire sequence of actions must be systematically repeated.

Due to the constant analysis of checks, it is possible to make the following significant findings:

Objectively, each buyer with his earned ruble, making a purchase, votes for this or that service or product. When you buy again, he demonstrates loyalty to this particular product or service.

Methods for increasing the average check rate

Obviously, every pragmatic businessman wants to increase. This task is clear to everyone and is relevant for any trade and service enterprise.

An ordinary businessman cannot change many of the main factors affecting trade: the ruble exchange rate, the economic situation in the country, the seasonality of sales, etc.

Increase the average check- quite possible, and even necessary event for the continued prosperity of the business. Moreover, only the internal resources of the enterprise are enough for it. As a rule, even two weeks of adjustments and active work on increasing the average check yield tangible results.

Increase in average check is clearly required in the following cases:

Increasing the average check in practice achieved in two ways:

  • an increase in the cost of goods with stimulating advertising activity;
  • an increase in the depth of the check, which means the turnover, when with an equal number of checks, the total amount will grow.

Each trade and service enterprise uses its own techniques in practice to increase the average check. Receptions depend on the offered assortment, external factors (holidays, fashion, trends), locality, season, etc. The whole focus consists in a meaningful combination of merchandising, personnel qualifications, and the implementation of service standards.

Basic methods increase in the average check:

The most important thing in constant work on increasing the average check is correct work with the staff. Financial motivation, clear knowledge of the assortment, ownership, use of promotions and easy replacement of commodity items are what is required of a modern effective employee... A timely offered lighter for purchased cigarettes or a set of winter tires for a branded SUV will always be the most effective sales incentives.

Ways to increase the average bill are presented in the following video tutorial:

The average check amount is one of the essential indicators of sales performance. An adequate assessment of the company's profitability can be given based on its size.

It is quite simple to calculate the amount of the average check, you need to divide total amount proceeds, for a certain period, by the number of sales. Depending on whether this indicator rises or falls, it becomes clear what the market is in demand for a particular product.

This leads to the conclusion that if the average check amount is high, then the product is in demand, low means the demand is small.

Consider increasing your average check at a grocery store, for example. For this, it is necessary to analyze checks according to several criteria:

  • Over several intervals, calculate the average check, starting with a longer one (12 months), then short ones (1 month, 3 months, a season). Then compare the data. Highlight the maximum and minimum points to which the average check value went up and down.
  • Calculate your weekly analysis. Then review the metrics for each day, including weekends.
  • Determine the time frame where sales peak and revenue peaks.

By making full analysis, you will be able to determine which season the highest profit falls, at which time of the day the highest sales are achieved.

After that, it is necessary to determine which product is the most demanded, and which, on the contrary, practically does not interest the buyer. Only after you have this detailed analysis in front of your eyes, you can draw up a strategy to increase the size of the average check. But it also happens that in order to increase the company's profitability, it is necessary to raise not the size of the average check, but sales for a certain product. Also, it will not be superfluous to work with the pricing policy of the enterprise.

Methods for increasing the average check

The most common tricks that businesses use to increase their average check:

  • Less revenue and more checks. This suggests that the assortment is very narrow, but the buyer is loyal to the seller. Therefore, there are not enough sales.
  • There are quite a lot of positions in the check, but in the end the amount in the check is small. The poorly thought-out pricing policy of the company leads exactly to this result. But the buying activity is quite high.
  • The low qualification of personnel is indicated by more than a third of the number of checks with a minimum presence of positions (1-2).

There are a number of business metrics that every entrepreneur should track on a regular basis. Of course, a grocery store and an engineering firm will have a different set of KPIs. But they all lead to an analysis of revenue and profit.

For example, the user of the PlanFact service, Vladimir Goretsky, said in an interview that for its network of pizzerias under the Dodo Pizza franchise it monitors: unit costs, labor costs, EBITDA, network-wide costs, capital expenditures, net profit before and after dividend payments, labor productivity , products per person per hour, courier orders per hour, number of new customers per week, number of new orders, average daily revenue per week, percentage of orders through mobile app and average check.

Today we will talk about how to increase the average check. This is a versatile baseline that, when properly handled, raises profits.

What does the average check show?

Calculating the average check gives the entrepreneur valuable information about the state of affairs. The average check alone or in combination with other numbers answers many business questions.

Here are a few of them:

  • Who is your client and how solvent is he?
  • Is the range of products and services good?
  • Is the merchandising organized correctly?
  • Are the consultants doing well?
  • Is the buyer ready for an expensive purchase?
  • When does the influx of customers occur?
  • Is the promotion effective?
  • How much money can be given to clients discount cards and make discounts?
  • When are the high and low sales seasons?

Average check formula: elementary, but you need to look at dynamics

The average bill is calculated using a very simple formula:

However, a one-time analysis of the checks will not bring results. To get answers to all of the above questions, you need to do an analysis in dynamics. Consistency and frequency are important. For small businesses, monthly analysis is fine. But if the intensity of purchases is increasing or a high seasonal demand for your goods or services is expected, then it is recommended to conduct a weekly analysis.

Let's say you've analyzed the average check and want to increase your store's revenue by 20% using this metric. Let's take a period of 30 days as a basis. Let's calculate how many customers make purchases in the store per day (380 on average). The average check is 620 rubles.

To begin with, let's calculate the revenue for the month at the moment: Average check * Number of clients per month = 620 * 380 * 30 = 7,068,000 rubles. Then we consider the increase in revenue by 20%: 7,068,000 * 1.2 = 8,481,600 rubles. Let's find the new average check of the store. Average check = monthly revenue / number of customers per month. During this period, the store is visited by 380 * 30 = 11,400 people. Then the average check = 8 481 600/11400 = 744 (rubles) Thus, you need to increase the average check from 620 to 744 rubles.

The average check is not the average temperature in the hospital

This indicator helps to assess the effectiveness of sales of an entire group of goods or services. This analysis is good when it seems that one product is not making a profit, but as a whole the group of products sells well. Or vice versa: it seems that the product is very profitable, but the segment's sales are sagging. Thus, it is very important to keep track of the average check for certain categories of goods or services. This will help to better form the assortment, add a new product category or product to it, and in case of poor performance, promptly exclude unprofitable elements.

For example, the owner of a coffee shop believed that the main marginal product was brewed take-away coffee, but after analyzing the average bill, it turned out that the sale of home-roasted coffee beans brings the greatest profit. As a result, the volume of its sales was increased, as well as budgets were invested in the author's packaging of beans and a stand at the cash register.

How to increase the average check. 6 ways

Marketers identify 2 main principles for increasing the average check - upselling and cross-selling.

Upselling (Up-selling)- offering the client a more expensive or premium analogue. In the process of choosing specific model or services, the buyer is offered to abandon the initial decision in favor of buying a more expensive product. There may be several reasons for this: a more modern model is already available, there is a product with the best characteristics or a better known and respected brand has gone on sale.

An interesting example of upselling in the sale of services. So, in 2018, Russian car sharing services have already increased the average check by 23-33%. BelkaCar attributed such positive changes to the appearance of business-class cars in their fleet.

Cross-selling Is a cross-selling method. Its essence lies in the fact that at the time of purchase, the client is offered to purchase, in addition to the main product, also related products. So, gadgets are always offered accessories - covers, screen protectors, extended warranty, etc. A good waiter in a cafe is simply obliged to offer additional pizza toppings or ice cream topping.

The up-cell and cross-cell principles require high-quality work of sales consultants or waiters (if we are talking about cafes and restaurants), which is possible only through thorough training in sales methods and perfect knowledge of the assortment. For online sales, it is very important to add the following blocks to the site: "People are buying with this product" or "Similar products", "Buy together", recommendations of experts or other users, etc. There is a wide variety of widgets for this. By the way, we recently wrote about ways to increase online sales using widgets.

There are many ways to increase the average bill. Let's take a look at the 6 most effective ones.

1. Loyalty program

The scheme is based on a loyalty reward system and is well suited for retail. According to experts, a well-designed loyalty program helps to increase the average check by 30%.

Surprisingly, the first loyalty program dates back to the 1970s: American Airlines introduced bonus miles that could be redeemed for tickets. Today, loyalty cards hold promotions, closed sales and tastings, give bonuses and gifts. In addition, cardholders are also a source of sales statistics. Thus, the company can save on marketing research.

2. Product-locomotive

Such a product is a "highlight" on your "cake of sales". The locomotive product attracts the attention of buyers with its benefits. A low cost or even a free giveaway of a product can bring more buyers to the point of sale. Then well-organized merchandising comes into play, competent work consultants, accompanying promotions. Thus, the buyer will acquire more than one thing, increasing the average bill several times. By the way, many leave without buying a locomotive product.

Here's an example of such a proposal from a small print shop. Business cards will be printed completely free of charge. True, the circulation is very small and on the back there will be a link to the site of the printing house. However, in this way the first purchase will be made, and if good result the client will most likely return or make a accompanying order when printing business cards.

3. Sets

Buyers love ready-made solutions... You save their time and help your expert opinion make a balanced purchase. And for the company, this is a great opportunity to increase the average check. Convenient and mutually beneficial! In cafes and restaurants, these are ready-made business lunches or sets. For cosmetics, perfumery or clothing, these are themed sets for the New Year, March 8, a trip to the sea, etc.

Kits are also handy because you can add unpopular or poorly selling items on your own. An excellent solution will be a special discounted price when you buy a kit.

4. Competent merchandising

Well-placed products are half of the store's success. There are many merchandising techniques. But to increase the average check great importance has the placement of a number of related products. So, in a well-organized store space, there will always be ketchup near the refrigerator with dumplings, and next to bakery products- a shelf with chocolate paste.

Correct zoning is equally important. So, the most expensive and popular product is recommended to be placed at eye level. It is worth planning the customer's journey through the store from the departments of products that increase appetite, for example, fresh fruit or hot buns.

5. Counters at the cash registers

Checkout areas are the most tasty morsel. Usually there is an inexpensive and hot commodity... This is where the customer makes a choice in favor of impulse purchases. Due to the implementation of such little things, the average check and sales volumes of the store as a whole increase significantly.

This method works well not only for grocery stores, but also for clothing and even building materials... At the cash desks famous brands clothes you can always find hairpins, socks, scarves, etc. Retailers of building and finishing materials always place batteries and scotch tape at the cash registers.

6. Training and motivation of employees

However, the most big role well motivated and competent employees - shop assistants or waiters in a cafe - play a role in the growth of the average check. Employees should be able to offer the customer a more expensive product, related products and Additional services etc. For this, a salary + bonuses system is introduced. Moreover, in many companies, employees receive bonuses not for large sales of the main product, but for the implementation of additional products.

The consultant must perfectly know his assortment and quickly navigate in it. To do this, it is worth regularly conducting educational trainings. Many manufacturing companies organize such trainings or online webinars, which can be accessed by prior registration.

Late autumn is a great time to increase your average bill in almost any business. Customers are happy to take shelter from the weather in shops and cafes. Those who prefer not to go out shopping are happy to do online shopping, because off-season discounts have already begun and very soon Black Friday, followed by the New Year.

Don't miss this great chance to boost your sales!

Average check is one of the key indicators of business performance. This is one of the main numbers that the owner keeps track of. Profit is made from it. However, many entrepreneurs are still convinced that the main thing is to lure a client. The question is that he leave as much as possible more money in the company is often ignored. The lucky ones are those who can provide themselves with a steady stream of incoming customers. But what if your service or product is not massive and every purchase matters?

Small spool but precious

An increase in the average check immediately deprives you of several headaches:

  • You start working not for quantity, but for quality. Now you do not need to attract a hundred customers, half is enough, but the profitability will be higher;
  • The motivation of employees increases: the higher the check, the higher the bonuses;
  • It is easier to develop loyalty programs, to reward customers not just for coming, but for making a purchase from the required amount;
  • With a regular increase in the average check, your business will be more resistant to inflation and crisis phenomena. In simple language, there is where to go down if necessary.

11 ways to increase your average check

1. Price increase

The simplest and most effective, however, is difficult to apply due to the modesty and indecision of business owners. Very often people feel uncomfortable when they need to raise the price of their services. main reason- no one will buy it for a high price. But do not forget that you are selling not just a product, but value. Now try to set a price for time, convenience, good mood, knowledge. "Priceless" - you say, and you will be right. An increase in price in no way diminishes the value of your services and goods to customers.

You can use the technique from my personal experience- create a separate landing page where your services will cost more and see what happens. Conversion may decrease, but overall profit will increase. Also, warn about the price increase over time to fulfill your promise on the set date. This will stimulate sales as buyers will tend to purchase the product at the old prices.

2. Increasing the number of clients

The more customers, the higher the average check. Of the total mass of buyers, somewhere between 20-30% of those who generate the main profit always stand out. This segment should be your main focus.

Your key task is to learn how to identify "good" customers at the start of cooperation and direct your attention to them. As practice often shows, we can spend hours persuading a difficult client to make a purchase, and give him preferences for this (discount, bonuses, installments and much more). Or they could devote this time to a client who previously made a purchase without question and paid the required amount without bargaining. We could spend this time on this client in order to offer him new services and goods that he would buy with 80-90% probability.

The key question is: “What do you choose? Courting a “bad” client or making money off a good one? "

3. Improving product quality

The better your product is, the more confidently you will sell it. When I work with executives or sales managers, one of the first steps is to improve the quality and value of the product itself: we identify all the benefits that this product provides.

As a result, there is an inner pride in the product and an increase in its value.

It's very hard to give quality product for a penny, when you yourself understand its value.

Conclusion: The more you believe in your services / goods, the higher the price you will call when selling it.

4. Nice addition

You can increase the value of the product by additional bonuses and gifts. For example, you buy an apartment - finishing or free parking near the house as a gift. You add value to your product, which affects both the final price and the customer's perception of it. You can also offer paid add-ons. At the time of purchase, we are as open as possible to buy something else. For example, along with sales technology, a manager is more likely to buy a CRM from you to automate the work of a department. It is important that these very additions are cheaper than the main product and make it more complex and convenient.

5. Creating a deficit

During the presentation of the company's products and services, you can specify the limit of orders / units of goods. For example, I can only advise 5 people by the end of the month. There are about a hundred potential clients in the hall. If you invited people correctly, then they, one way or another, need your service. This is where the spirit of rivalry and the desire to be among the first lucky ones is born. People are ready to overpay for this, thus you get 5 clients at the exit who are ready to overpay several times just for the right to work with you.

6. Injection of triggers

The most popular techniques include:

7. Product packaging

8. Reviews

Very often this tool is not given due attention, limiting itself to the banal: “everything was good, I liked it”. Ask clients to describe in detail what exactly they liked, in what part of the process, how it influenced the situation. It is better to arrange it in the form of cases: what was the task, what was done and how it affected the result. Potential clients should see the real experience and be able to test it! The more reviews, the easier the sales process is. Influencers in a particular area also work well: they can be famous people, bloggers, other businessmen everyone knows.

9. Sales funnel

One of the most effective tools in any customer communication business. Often, managers immediately start selling the most expensive product, and the client is afraid to make a decision. In my work, I always list all services from the cheapest to the most expensive. I understand that a person needs time. I offer one of the services at a low price, then the client understands that he is working with a professional, and is already actively buying more expensive products. At each stage, you can increase the value of the product and, thereby, raise its value. The main thing is to choose the right audience and monitor quality.

10. Up sale and down sale

Up sale is a tool for expanding the product selected for purchase. The client can take basic package, and can expand its capabilities to VIP. So in car stores we are always offered a more advanced version of the selected car. It's the same with new gadgets: a new, more advanced model appears every month.

Down sale is a tool to reduce the cost and package services for the purpose of their obligatory purchase here and now. In the event that a client has doubts or cannot afford an expensive product, it is possible to suggest breaking a large service into small ones and starting with a basic one. For example, do not spend 100,000 on a sales increase program, but start with an analysis of the current situation in the company, which costs 20,000. So, step by step, the client will buy the service in parts.

11. Increase in the product line

People today value time and comfort. Why is Amazon so popular? Because everything is there. You can find it cheaper, of course, but not in one place. The same goes for information services... The more products and services there are, the higher the average check. It is convenient for the client where he can immediately conduct a business analysis, identify growth zones, conduct personnel training, introduce new tools, and get a result. Expand your assortment and your capabilities at least once a quarter, learn to anticipate the wishes of the client. Remember that having bought from you once, the customer does not disappear. He still remains your potential buyer, who is more likely to buy something after a certain period of time. Don't miss these opportunities.

Save at the expense of buyers!

At correct use With these tools, you will no longer need to constantly race for new customers. It is possible to work efficiently with the existing base and, through an increase in the average check, reach higher business indicators. In my business, a client first buys a small service, and then begins to buy new services, which increases the average bill several times. During our work, we have established warm relations, so when creating new products, I just need to call and offer my idea. My clients trust me and are open to everything new! Build a sales system, be consistent and attentive to your customers!

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