Home Flowers Propagation of abutilone by cuttings at home. Propagation of abutilone by cuttings. Hybrid abutilone of different varieties in the photo

Propagation of abutilone by cuttings at home. Propagation of abutilone by cuttings. Hybrid abutilone of different varieties in the photo

Common thyme has long been known as a medicinal plant, used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. Not so long ago, the plant began to be used as a seasoning in cooking, as well as a component of perfume compositions. Modern landscape design also cannot do without thyme. It is unpretentious and does not require special care, so even beginners can grow it.


Common thyme is a semi-shrub-type perennial. In total, there are about 350 species of this plant, distributed throughout the Eurasian continent. Valued for its ethereal disinfectant effect, which is achieved thanks to increased content oils The herb is indicated for inflammatory processes in the body, as well as disorders and pathologies in the activity of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs.

The height of the stem of common thyme does not exceed half a meter. The stems are tetrahedral and have a grayish-brown color. The leaves are small, obovate in shape, grayish-green in color. The flowers are an intermittent inflorescence of small lavender flowers, collected in groups of 3-6. At the end of flowering, very small fruits and nuts are formed. Brown. Seed germination persists for 8 years.

The description of the plant indicates that thyme prefers rich calcareous soil for cultivation. It requires good lighting, preferably grown in open area. Thyme does not have good winter hardiness, therefore northern regions requires mandatory shelter.

Common thyme


The composition of the green mass of thyme includes essential oil in an amount of 0.6-1.2%. In addition, the green parts of the plant include:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts.

Since ancient times, thyme has been attributed unusual properties. Also in ancient Egypt the grass was used to perform sacred rites. And in Greece, the plant was sacrificed to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Because of the rich chemical composition ancient monks included thyme in the balms known at that time. In Russia, creeping thyme is found predominantly, which is no less useful.

creeping thyme


Common thyme is known primarily as medicinal herb. Essential oil extracted from the plant is used in pharmaceuticals. The bactericidal effect is achieved through a substance called thymol. It is used in dentistry as a disinfectant and pain reliever. Thyme leaves, both dried and raw, are used to treat the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • cough;
  • digestive disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • sinusitis;
  • as a diuretic.

Thyme is also used to treat rheumatism. In children, diathesis is treated with the help of this medicinal plant.

Thyme has also found use in cooking, thanks to its specific strong smell and pungent, bitter taste. The leaves complement meat sauces, game, egg and fish dishes, and vegetables. Thyme is used to flavor dishes made from legumes. IN industrial scale with the help of this amazing plant add flavor to sausage, vinegar, mayonnaise, marinades and even cheese. Dried common thyme herb is used to flavor expensive varieties of tea. After all, thyme tea is particularly popular and in demand on the market.

Thyme tea

Varieties of common thyme

In Russia, the following varieties of ordinary thyme are allowed to be cultivated:

  • Aibolit;
  • Bogorodsky Semko;
  • Citric;
  • Rainbow;
  • Romanovsky.

They differ not only in the size of the bushes, but also in the shape of the leaves and the color of the inflorescences. For example, the Aibolit variety is considered an early variety and tends to grow abundant green mass. The bushes reach 30 cm in height.

Lemon thyme has an interesting property. If you try to chew its leaves, you will immediately notice a burning lemon flavor. The inflorescences of this variety are colored White color, and its height does not exceed 30 cm. Rainbow Thyme grows even less, but a treasure trove lurks in the leaves useful vitamins and microelements.

Bogorodsky Semko is a representative of mid-season varieties. It is recommended to grow it in one place for no more than 5 years. In climatic conditions middle zone grown seedling method. The Romanovsky variety is classified as a vegetable and is used mainly in fresh cooking. plant with early dates ripening, productive, unpretentious.

Thyme in cooking


Thyme is grown in loose and well-drained soil. The decorative qualities of the plant will depend on the degree of fertility. Acidic soil must be limed before planting. The mechanical composition of the soil should be light. Previously, the site removes all weeds, apply fertilizers (potassium salt, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate), dig up the soil.

Thyme is best planted in beds where cucumbers, root vegetables, and cabbage previously grew. If the growing season is short in the region, it is recommended to pre-grow seedlings. Sowing takes place in early April. This is done in boxes or in film greenhouses. To plant one square meter of plot you will need no more than 0.1 grams of seeds. As soon as the young plants have 3 true leaves, they are picked into separate pots. By the way, sowing can be done immediately in pots, distributing 4 seeds into each. Thinning may be necessary in the future.

If the air temperature is maintained at 20°C, then thyme shoots appear after a couple of weeks. After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings are planted in open ground, leaving a distance of about half a meter between the rows, and 20 cm between the bushes. southern regions It is possible to sow seeds directly into open ground. This is done in early spring, and shoots appear a month later. Subsequently, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance between them, as in the previous scheme. When replanting, do not allow the root collar to become too deep.


At first, after planting, thyme grows slowly and needs careful care. Plantings are regularly loosened, weeded and weeds removed. Such procedures are necessary throughout the first year of life.


Common thyme is propagated vegetatively (by dividing the bush or by cuttings). Bushes are divided in spring period. Four-year-old bushes are used for this. Cutting and subsequent rooting of cuttings occurs in the summer. This is done in a film greenhouse or nursery. Further planting of thyme is carried out according to the scheme described above.

In areas with a harsh winter climate, thyme is cultivated as an annual, in other cases - as a perennial. It is recommended to grow the crop in one place for no more than 5 years. If there is a threat of plants freezing, then it is necessary to insulate and cover the beds for the winter.

Top dressing

Two years after planting, the bushes of common thyme need feeding. For this purpose, both organic and mineral fertilizers. Every spring, 20 grams are incorporated into the soil. ammonium nitrate, 15 g. superphosphate, 10 g. potassium salt for each square meter plot. Adding lime or dolomite flour to the soil brings positive results.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Provided that for a long time If wet and rainy weather persists, common thyme may be affected by rust. A sign of the disease is the appearance of brownish-rusty spots on the leaves, as well as slightly convex pads. In order to prevent and prevent the development of this disease, the beds must be kept clean at all times, and shoots with the first signs of infection must be removed immediately.

Thyme also becomes a delicacy for some pests. Most often they are interested in aphids. The insect infects leaves and shoots, sucking out the nutritious juice from them. Shrubs are greatly weakened and may even die. To prevent planting, it is recommended to pollinate with tobacco dust or mix it half and half with lime.

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, ordinary thyme is most often grown as an annual. True, collect good harvest it is unlikely to succeed with such plants. After a couple of years, each bush produces up to 300 grams of greenery. But after 3 years of cultivation, the yield begins to fall again. Harvesting occurs several times per season. The first time the upper parts of the plant are cut off is in late May - early June. After this, the beds are fertilized by adding mineral fertilizers.

In order to stock up useful herb for future use, it is dried in attics or under well-ventilated sheds. In the southern regions, conditions even allow for collecting thyme seeds. Biennial plants are suitable for this and can produce seed up to four years of age. Ripe seeds fall off well, so you should cut off the shoots as soon as the seed pod turns brown. Then the stems are dried in the sun.

Pharmacognosy has long been studying such a plant as common thyme. Its mass is already known healing properties, proven positive influence on human body. Despite this, the plant also has contraindications, so before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for people suffering chronic diseases. Thyme has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, cooking, landscape design. It is quite unpretentious and has good decorative qualities, and even a novice summer resident can easily cope with its cultivation.


Family: Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae).


Thyme is found in the European part of Russia, lives on the outskirts of pine forests, in rocky tundras, in the steppes of Siberia and Kazakhstan, in Crimea, and in the Urals.

Form: herbaceous plant or subshrub.


Thyme (thyme) - perennial up to 35 centimeters high. The stem is recumbent, spread out or ascending; pubescent The rhizome is woody, taprooted. The leaves are tough and vary greatly in shape and size among different species. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, from white to purple. The fruit is a capsule. Flowering period is June-August. Known in culture different kinds thyme, but most often used in gardening are common thyme and its subspecies, as well as creeping thyme. Bedbug thyme (Thymus cimicinus) is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Common thyme , or common thyme (T. vulgaris) - very miniature thyme (5-15 centimeters tall). The leaves are small, pubescent below. The flowers are white or light purple.

creeping thyme , or creeping thyme (T. serpyllum) - a subshrub up to 15 centimeters high, forming a dense cover. The shoots are recumbent, the peduncle is erect. The flowers are purple, bright, collected in capitate inflorescences. Creeping thyme blooms all summer. This is the most used type of thyme.

Thyme purple-violet (T. purpureo-violaceus) - low-growing (about 10 centimeters) thyme with creeping shoots. Forms a dense turf.

Lemon thyme (T. citriodorus) is a subspecies of common thyme. Lemon thyme has a pronounced spicy aroma with lemon notes. Young leaves are almost yellow in color, while mature leaves are light green.

Thyme dwarf (T. pigmeus) - a low-growing species up to 3 cm in height. Forms a dense cover. The leaves are dense on thin, highly branched shoots. The leaves are small, green, and overwinter under the snow. The flowers are pink. Blooms from mid-May to July.

Growing conditions

Thyme - pretty unpretentious plant. Thyme prefers sunny areas. Can tolerate light partial shade. The soil is preferably light, non-acidic, well-drained, preferably sandy.


Creeping thyme is used as a ground cover plant in and on. All types of thyme can be used when decorating rocky areas and in group plantings. By combining different varieties with white, pink and purple flowers, you can achieve interesting results. Thymes go well with plants that have larger textured leaves, preferably contrasting in color: with,.

Thyme is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. Thyme leaves are used to flavor tea. White thyme (Thymus zygis) is also used in perfumery.


Periodically requires loosening the soil and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Watering is moderate. Frost-resistant plant. Thyme does not tolerate stagnant water. It can grow in one place for up to five years.

You can learn how to grow thyme from publications in the literature section.


Thyme can be propagated either by seeds or by dividing the bush. The last method is used most often. To divide, the bush should be dug up and divided into several parts with roots. When propagated by seeds, sowing is carried out immediately in open ground on permanent place. Sow in April.

Diseases and pests

Thyme is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. It can rot and rot due to excessive soil moisture. In this case, regular loosening is recommended.

Popular varieties

Common thyme variety "Elfin"- a very low-growing variety, 3-5 centimeters high.

Varieties of lemon thyme

    "Silver Queen"- Very decorative variety, distinguished by dark green leaves with a white or pink border.

    "Golden Dwarf"- salad-colored leaves with yellow spots.

    "Golden King"- leaves are green, with a yellow edge.

Varieties of early thyme

    "Pseudolanuginosus"- leaves are pointed, pale green, heavily pubescent. Very abundant flowering.

    "Minor"- leaves are small, pubescent. It grows slowly.

Varieties of creeping thyme

    'Kolhida'- low (10-15 centimeters) variety. From June to August, Thyme ‘Colchis’ is completely covered with small light lilac flowers.

    'Donne Valley'- forms a low cover. The leaves have a yellow border that can occupy the entire leaf blade. The flowers are pink.

    'Silver Queen'- forms a loose cover up to 20 cm high. The leaves are grayish, have a white border along the edge. The flowers are pale lilac. The inflorescences are dense.

Varieties of lemon thyme

    "Aurea"- has a more pronounced yellow color.

    "Bertram Anderson"- leaves are green with yellow spots.

Both names - thyme and thyme - are equally familiar and used among the people. The plant is known on almost all continents Globe. Pleasant aroma, small inflorescences have found their use in various industries: food, perfumery, pharmaceutical. Gardeners prefer to grow thyme themselves to useful plant was always there.

Both names - thyme and thyme - are equally familiar and used among the people.

The plant has been known for many centuries. IN Ancient Greece it was given special honors, believing that it gives life. Antibacterial, antiviral and fungal abilities surprised people of past eras and contemporaries. The grass has common characteristics:

  1. Low. The length of the shoots is from 5 to 35 cm.
  2. Shoots creep or stretch along the ground.
  3. The bark of the stems is brown.
  4. There are buds throughout the shoot.
  5. The peduncles have a villous surface.
  6. The leaves are strictly located opposite each other.
  7. Leaf color, shape and size depend on the variety.
  8. The color range of the buds is very diverse; the hybrids are the most colorful.
  9. The plant gives a constant aroma throughout the flowering period.

The second name is thyme (citriodorus) - translated from Latin language means "incense" or "plant that produces incense."

How to grow seedlings from thyme seeds (video)

Types and varieties of thyme

More than 300 plant varieties are known and discovered by scientists; in Russia there are more than 120. In different eras at different nations the grass had its own name. It is known as boron pepper, incense, lemon scent, and lebyushka. But among all the variety, three are the most popular:

  1. Creeping.
  2. Ordinary.
  3. Marshall.

The ordinary variety was developed by breeders for decorating personal plots and for use in medical purposes. All parts of thyme contain a lot essential oils and minerals beneficial to the human body. It is recommended to strengthen the human body:

  • cleansing the respiratory tract;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • removal of microbes.

There is a belief that if you sleep on a pillow filled with medicinal herbs, then colds will remain on the sidelines, and the lifespan will increase significantly. Thyme was used to decorate the icon of the Virgin Mary. It gave health, protected from black forces, hence another name for thyme - Bogorodskaya grass.

Thyme cannot be replaced in cooking. The seasoning has its own smell and special distinctive properties. They are added to taste meat dishes, in bread, preparations for the winter.

All parts of thyme contain many essential oils and minerals beneficial to the human body.

Lemon thyme

The perennial bush is afraid of frost. Low thyme changes color gradually as it matures. At first it is yellow, then becomes light green. It seems that greenery is sneaking across the yellow field, filling the leaves from the inside. The edges of the leaves remain yellow. The name “lemon” is explained not only by color. The plant gives a pleasant lemon aroma. The seasoning will refresh drinks and add spice to dishes. The inflorescences are of a different tone, they are purple. Moreover, the bouquet of inflorescences opens gradually, so the center consists of unopened flowers of a dark purple-brown hue, and along the edges there are light purple flowers, it seems as if the leaves are cast burgundy tone.

Lemon thyme

early thyme

Flowering time is immediately after the snow melts. Sometimes small snowdrifts still lie on the site, but the thyme already pleases with its bright shine. The early variety is suitable for alpine hills, flower beds, and paths. It loves bright sun, but can also be placed in the shade. Then the stems with inflorescences will begin to reach towards the light, interestingly stretching towards the sun's rays. The buds can move away from the foliage by tens of centimeters. There will be less flowering in such places. The buds are soft pink, close to purple. Stems with leaves can be compared to young spruce branch, only the needle is a little bulky.

early thyme

creeping thyme

The shrub belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is low with stems that grow upward or recline. The leaves are oval-shaped, flat and long. The veins of the foliage contain ether oil. In May, thyme begins to bloom. The buds are connected into one rosette of numerous inflorescences. Purple and pink buds cover the greenery, creating a beautiful carpet. Flowering lasts until September. You can meet the plant in natural environment, he loves the sandy steppe expanses, coniferous forests. It clings interestingly to rock slopes. Features of the variety:

  • unpretentious and grows on any soil;
  • not afraid of drought;
  • resistant to frosty climates.

If there are rises, slopes or hills on the site or in the garden, it is good to strengthen them with a creeping plant. It will descend in an original way to where the owner directs it. The foliage will merge with the inflorescences, creating a solid purple hat.

creeping thyme

Thyme mossy

This is the lowest variety, it covers the ground with a dense blanket only 1 cm high. The leaves are very small - 3 mm. They are dark green with a pleasant aroma. The shoots are so tightly intertwined that it is very difficult to separate one shoot from another. The name suggests what makes the variety stand out from others – its similarity to mosses.

You can decorate stones with thyme bushes if you place a container with soil between them. Thyme grows very quickly; it can stretch quite far in a season. Lovers of cultivated mosses often replace this type of plant with thyme. The inflorescences have a delicate purple tint with fluffy stamens rising high above the petals.

Mossy thyme

Common thyme

The plant grows up to 40-50 cm. The rhizome is strong and branched. The rod sinks deep, allowing the bush to sit tightly on the soil. The stems of the variety have a tetrahedral shape, they are spicy and point upward. The part close to the soil is lignified. Leaves cover the stems. The foliage is small, up to about 1 cm. The shape of the leaf is not completely flat, a gentle bend is noticeable at the edges. Thyme begins to bloom in June. The buds change color in an original way: The petals are bright white on the inside, purple on the outside. Closed buds in the form of panicles hide the white color, while open buds resemble small whorls. Dried spice gives a bitter-spicy aftertaste.

Common thyme

Characteristic differences of the variety:

  • loves fertile lands;
  • requires drainage systems;
  • resistant to cold temperatures;
  • better color in bright sun;
  • long flowering time - more than 3 months.

The inflorescences create individual bouquets, so it will appear as if there are many vases arranged on the ground. Some of the inflorescences are collected into precise geometric cubes.

Rainbow thyme

This variety looks great on the alpine slides that gardeners love. Buds attract a large number of bees and butterflies. Around the flowerbed at the dacha it will always be fun and fragrant. To feel the whole aroma of the bush, you can simply touch the inflorescences and stroke the buds. Clouds of a pleasant smell will spread with extraordinary ease, filling everything around. Dense greenery will cover the alpine structure with a thick cushion.

The rainbow variety also has a second name - vegetable. It is recommended to use the leaves as a seasoning for vegetables; they will change the taste and add novelty and zest.

Rainbow thyme

Planting thyme in open ground

Thyme, like other garden crops, requires knowledge of the peculiarities of caring for them. The seedlings are placed on beds, awaiting harvest and used for their intended purpose. To achieve the desired result, thyme needs its own approach.

Selection and preparation of a site

To get a healthy plant, gardeners advise giving it a small bed in the sunniest place on the site. You don't need a lot of grass, so there's no need to waste land. The place should not be damp. If moisture stagnates, it will damage root system, the thyme will simply rot.

Preparing thyme seeds for planting

The seeds are planted in a greenhouse or mini greenhouse for seedlings. Sometimes containers are prepared for this. When the shoots appear, they are separated from the weeds. The soil that is best suited to grass should consist of peat and sand. Small seedlings are watered carefully using a spray bottle. Seeds at proper care They will produce strong seedlings that will bloom in the first year.

Thyme seeds are planted in a greenhouse or mini greenhouse for seedlings

Timing and technology for planting thyme in open ground

Technology for planting thyme in the Moscow region:

  1. In the fall, dig up the area prepared for thyme, remove the roots and remaining weeds.
  2. Fertilize the soil. Depending on the composition of the soil, manure, mineral fertilizers, and mixtures with the complex are used. useful substances for a certain type of soil.
  3. Before planting seeds (April), the area can be harrowed and urea added.
  4. Sowing of seed material is carried out in March. The warm year is in the first half, the cool season is the second decade.
  5. The seeds are arranged in rows. Cover the top with a small layer of sand. The distance between rows is 40 cm.
  6. The top is covered with material or film.

Shoots will appear at air temperatures above 18 degrees. You will have to wait 2 weeks. That is why it is advised to first plant seeds at home and prepare seedlings. Then start working with it in open ground. The age of seedlings for transplanting to a permanent place is 70 days. The seedlings take root well after vegetable crops. The place of growth needs to be changed every 5 years.

How to use and propagate thyme (video)

Rules for caring for thyme in open ground

Rules and secrets of gardeners:

  • select fertile soil;
  • feed the ground under the bush with mullein about 2 times during the summer season;
  • Apply calcium to the soil monthly (it can be replaced with an eggshell solution).
  • In order for a dense crown to form, the bush is pruned: in early spring, shoots are cut down to the lignified covers, and faded heads are removed during the flowering period.
  • carry out constant soil drainage.

You should know that thyme has practically no pests, but it is afraid of excess moisture, begins to rot, and the stems and roots die. Caring for thyme in the Moscow region is not difficult. The climate allows you to carry out all events, get beautiful lush bushes, and provide yourself with useful seasoning and medicinal raw materials.

Thyme has virtually no pests, but it is afraid of excess moisture

Secrets of growing lemon thyme at home

The plant can be grown at home. For this you will need a regular flower pot. Stages of work:

  1. Drainage is created at the bottom, the layer height is 2-3 cm.
  2. Then the soil is filled in.
  3. The soil is spilled with water and left to soak for a day.
  4. Several seeds are placed on the surface.
  5. Soil is poured on top - a layer of up to 5 mm.
  6. The top layer is sprayed from a spray bottle.

The pot is covered with film or a piece of covering material; you can close it with glass at home.

Place the container with the seeds in the apartment on the windowsill so that direct rays do not fall on the seeds.

The first part of the work has been completed. Then they wait for the seedlings to appear. As soon as they appear, the coating is removed. After 2 months, you can pick, that is, select the strongest seedlings and divide them. The excess ones are transplanted into other pots and simply thrown away. To obtain appetizing greens, the plant is constantly pruned. It is important to prevent the plant from blooming. Seasoning will always be at hand.

Thyme is waiting to be tended to, then it will make an excellent herb. The plant will help cure pathological diseases and become a prophylactic agent.

Thyme can be grown at home

Features of growing thyme in the Moscow region

The climatic conditions of the Moscow region are excellent for growing thyme. It is unpretentious and does not require a special composition for the soil. The bush can withstand frosts, which are rare and mild in the region. Growing thyme in the Moscow region is no different from standard work with a bush.

Options for using thyme in landscape design

Thyme combines with the flowering shrubs of the site, will find neighbors, and will itself become the center of attention. The main thing is to find a place for him. The beauty and convenience of grass is that it covers the soil with a dense carpet, preventing weeds from breaking through and spoiling appearance a charming fragrant bush. Options for using thyme in garden decoration:

  • covering free areas of soil;
  • rockeries;
  • rock gardens;
  • design of borders;
  • gardens among stones;
  • topiary;
  • garden of aromas.

In landscape design, thyme has been used in different countries in their own way, sometimes they emphasize their nationality and mentality.

How to collect thyme (video)

Interesting ideas:

  1. By planting a plant around gazebos, you don’t have to worry about annoying mosquitoes. Shake the flowers and the aroma will scare away the annoying inhabitants of the garden.
  2. Thyme lawns (English). They are formed in the spring, later they begin to change flowering depending on the variety. Lawns often have buds of different colors. The main thing is not to place them along the route, so as not to trample the beautiful leaves.
  3. Compositions with other varieties. They are planted under tall plants, among low flowers. Originally combined with carnations, dahlias, peonies.
  4. For the base of the rosary. A carpet of thyme will shade the main plant, which will be located in the center.

Thyme can be grown at home or on the property; the perennial bush will create an unusual mood and fill the garden with a pleasant aroma and fragrance. The healing properties of the bushes have not been disputed for many centuries, so both experienced and novice owners of dachas and houses want to grow it. The plant will decorate the area, give it a unique appearance and attract with an abundance of flowers.

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