Home Diseases and pests Rules for technological connection approved by government decree 861. Rules for technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to power grids

Rules for technological connection approved by government decree 861. Rules for technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to power grids

rules technological connection No. 861 dated December 27, 2004, includes the following sections:

  • General Provisions determining the composition of the Rules, as well as the main regulated parameters. These parameters include the responsibilities assigned to both the grid company and the applicant. In addition, the general provisions of the Rules determine that the right to carry out technological connection to electrical networks any person has. In addition, No. 861 dated 12/27/2004 years determine the procedure for technological connection, including the sequence of actions that must be carried out by the applicant in order for the technological connection to be carried out.
  • The procedure for the conclusion and execution of the contract. This section determines what actions must be taken by the applicant in order for the contract with the grid company to be drawn up and then concluded. Also, the acceptable form of submission of documents is determined, as well as the list of documents required for submission. In addition, this section defines the composition of the contract, as well as a list of essential conditions that must be contained in the contract, including the deadline for the fulfillment of the contract. The responsibility of the parties and the payment procedure are also regulated.
  • Besides, Technological connection rules861 dated 12/27/2004 years also determine the criteria by which the possibility or impossibility of technological connection is assessed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that you may be refused in the implementation of technological connection, referring precisely to the lack of technical ability to carry out technological connection in your case. It is in these Rules that the criteria are determined by which the grid company is guided when making a decision, as well as the procedure for actions that the parties must take in order to ensure the possibility of technological connection.
  • In addition, the Rules for technological connection No. 861 of December 27, 2004 also include a section regulating the specifics of technological connection through the redistribution of capacity between a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur. The same section regulates the procedure for actions in case of refusal by the consumer from the maximum power in favor of network company.
  • Also, the Technological Connection Rules regulate all the features of the temporary technological connection, including the list of actions that must be taken to implement the temporary technological connection.
  • In addition, the Rules for technological connection No. 861 of December 27, 2004 also include information on how the restoration and re-registration of documents on technological connection should be carried out.
  • Of course, the Rules also regulate the procedure for checking compliance with technical conditions. Moreover, both the fulfillment of technical conditions by the applicant and by the network company, if it was provided for by the contract, is checked.

So, as we can see, the Rules for technological connection No. 861 of December 27, 2004 include the definition of absolutely all the nuances that characterize the implementation of technological connection. These Rules regulate absolutely any actions both on the part of the applicant and on the part of the network company, therefore, in the event of a controversial situations it is imperative to have a complete knowledge of how to proceed in accordance with these Rules. Of course, the applicant rarely has relevant information. In addition, everyone knows very well that the law must not only be well known, but also be able to interpret it correctly. In order for the technological connection to be carried out not only in accordance with the current legislation, but also on favorable terms for you, you need to contact an energy service company.

Russian Federation

RF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to the Service Administrator of Trading SYSTEMS OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE PROVISION OF THESE SERVICES AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF POWER RECEIVING DEVICES (POWER PLANTS) OF LEGAL AND INDIVIDUAL PERSONS TO ELECTRIC NETWORKS "

In order to promote the development of competition in the production and distribution market electrical energy, protection of the rights of consumers of electrical energy and in accordance with Articles, and Federal law"On the electric power industry" Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services;

Rules of non-discriminatory access to services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and the provision of these services;

Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of the administrator of the wholesale market trading system and the provision of these services;

Rules for technological connection of power receiving devices ( power plants) legal and individuals to electrical networks.

2. Determine the Federal Antimonopoly Service authorized federal body executive power to ensure state control over the observance of the rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electric energy, services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and services of the administrator of the trading system.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation shall, within 3 months, develop and approve a methodology for determining the standard and actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861

1. These Rules define general principles and the procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access of subjects of the electric power industry (hereinafter - consumers of services) to services for operational dispatch control in the electric power industry (hereinafter - services) provided by the system operator and other subjects of operational dispatch control (hereinafter - the system operator), as well as the procedure for the provision of these services.

2. These Rules do not apply to relations related to the provision of services by subordinate entities of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry to higher entities of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry.

3. Non-discriminatory access to services provides equal conditions providing services to their consumers, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal relationship with the person providing these services.

4. The system operator is obliged to disclose information regarding access to services and the provision of services, in accordance with the standards of disclosure of information by subjects of wholesale and retail markets electrical energy.

5. The system operator provides the following services:

a) management of technological modes of operation of electric power facilities;

b) mid-term and long-term forecasting of the volume of production and consumption of electrical energy;

c) participation in the formation of a reserve of production energy capacities;

d) coordination of the decommissioning and decommissioning of power grid facilities and power facilities for the production of electrical and thermal energy, as well as their commissioning after repair;

e) development of daily work schedules for power plants and electrical networks of the Unified Energy System of Russia;

f) frequency regulation electric current, ensuring the functioning of the automatic control system for the frequency of electric current and power, ensuring the functioning of the system and emergency control automatics;

g) organization and management of regimes parallel work The Unified Energy System of Russia and the electric power systems of foreign states;

h) participation in the formation and issuance of technological requirements for technological connection of electric power entities to the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid and territorial distribution grids, ensuring their operation as part of the Unified Energy System of Russia.

6. Services are provided on the basis of a bilateral agreement on the provision of services for operational dispatch control in the electric power industry (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), as well as on the basis of an agreement on joining the wholesale electricity market to the trading system.

7. The consumer of services can at the same time be a party to the contracts specified in clause 6 of these Rules only under the following conditions:

the provisions of these agreements regarding the provision of services are completely the same;

the total cost of services rendered on the basis of these agreements is determined by the tariffs established by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

8. The conclusion of an agreement between the consumer of services and the system operator is mandatory for both parties.

9. Subjects of the wholesale market shall conclude an agreement with the system operator before they conclude an agreement with the management organization for the unified national (all-Russian) electrical grid on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy through the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network.

10. The price of services is determined by the tariffs established by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

11. The consumer of services who intends to conclude an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) sends to the system operator an application in writing for the provision of access to services, which must contain the following information:

service consumer details;

points of connection to networks network organization;

the timing of the commencement of the provision of services.

The applicant, simultaneously with the application, has the right to send the draft agreement to the system operator.

12. The system operator, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for the provision of access to services, is obliged to consider it and make a decision on the provision of access to services or refusal of it.

13. In the absence of the information specified in clause 11 of these Rules, the system operator within 3 days notifies the applicant about this and within 30 days from the date of receipt of the missing information, considers an application for providing access to services in accordance with clause 12 of these Rules.

14. If a decision is made to provide access to services, the system operator is obliged to send the applicant a draft contract signed by his side.

15. An applicant who has received a signed draft agreement from the system operator and has no objections to its terms, fills out the agreement in the part related to information about the applicant, and sends 1 signed copy of the agreement to the system operator.

16. If the applicant has submitted a draft agreement, and the system operator has no objections to its terms, the latter is obliged to sign it and send 1 signed copy of the agreement to the applicant.

The contract is considered concluded from the date of its signing by both parties, unless otherwise provided by this contract or a court decision.

17. If a decision is made to refuse to provide access to services, the system operator must send the applicant a written notification and documents justifying the refusal no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules.

Refusal to provide access to services can be appealed to the antimonopoly authority and / or challenged in court.

18. The system operator has the right to refuse to provide access to services in the following cases:

a) the applicant has not provided the information provided for in paragraph 11 of these Rules;

b) the applicant has submitted false information;

c) the energy facilities of the applicant are located outside the zone of his dispatching responsibility.

In this case, the applicant has the right to re-apply to the system operator with an application for the provision of access to services. When the grounds for refusal are eliminated, the system operator has no right to refuse the applicant to provide access to services.

19. The provision of services is carried out in order to ensure reliable power supply and quality of electrical energy that meet the requirements of technical regulations and other mandatory requirements established by regulatory legal acts, and taking measures to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of electric power industry entities under contracts concluded in the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

As part of the provision of services, the system operator is obliged to choose the most economically effective solution, which ensures the safe and trouble-free operation of the technological infrastructure of the electric power industry and the quality of electrical energy that meet the requirements of technical regulations and other mandatory requirements.

20. Consumers of services have the right not to execute operational dispatch commands and orders if their execution creates a threat to the life of people, the safety of equipment or leads to a violation of the limits and conditions. safe operation nuclear power plants.

21. In the event of emergency electric power modes, the provision of services is carried out taking into account the specifics established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861

1. These Rules determine the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access of the subjects of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market (hereinafter - the subjects of the wholesale market) to services for organizing the functioning of the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market, organizing the wholesale trade in electrical energy and conducting reconciliation and offset of mutual counter obligations of trade participants (hereinafter referred to as services) of the administrator of the wholesale market trading system (hereinafter referred to as the administrator), as well as the procedure for the provision of these services.

2. Non-discriminatory access to the administrator's services provides for ensuring equal conditions for the provision of services to the subjects of the wholesale market, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal relationship with the person providing these services.

3. The administrator is obliged to disclose information regarding access to services and their provision, in accordance with the standards of information disclosure by the subjects of the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

4. The administrator does not have the right to refuse to provide services to the subjects of the wholesale market, except for the cases established by these Rules and the rules of the wholesale electricity market.

5. Administrator services can be provided to persons:

listed commercial organizations- subjects of the federal (all-Russian) wholesale electric energy (capacity) market, the tariffs for electric energy for which are established by the federal executive authority according to tariffs, prior to the entry into force of the rules of the wholesale electric energy market;

who have received the status of a wholesale market entity in accordance with the rules of the wholesale electricity market by providing the administrator with the documents and information specified in these Rules, and by signing an agreement by the wholesale market entities on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market.

6. A legal entity wishing to access the administrator's services (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) is obliged to submit an application for this and submit the following documents to the administrator:

information on the type of the entity of the wholesale market (generating company, energy sales organization, energy supplying organization, guaranteeing supplier, consumer of electrical energy, etc.), to which the applicant complies, in accordance with the rules of the wholesale electrical energy (capacity) market of the transition period;

signed authorized person applicant 5 copies of the draft agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market in the form approved by the administrator;

the applicant's questionnaire in the prescribed form;

notarized copies of constituent documents;

notarized copy of the certificate of state registration legal entity;

a notarized copy of the applicant's registration certificate with tax authorities Russian Federation;

documents confirming the powers of persons representing the interests of the applicant;

a document confirming the assignment to the organization of the status of a supplier of last resort in the cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

single-line diagram of connection to an external electrical network, agreed with the owner or other legal owner of network facilities to which the applicant or third parties whose interests he represents, indicating the names and voltage levels of the buses of external substations, prospective groups of delivery points, connection points of devices commercial metering, measuring voltage transformers and the boundaries of the balance sheet, certified by representatives of adjacent owners of electrical networks;

acts of delineation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, agreed with the owners or other legal owners of network facilities to which the applicant is technologically connected or third parties whose interests the applicant intends to represent.

An applicant who has the right to buy and sell electric energy (capacity) in the regulated sector is obliged to submit to the administrator a document confirming the inclusion of a legal entity in the list of commercial organizations - subjects of the federal (all-Russian) wholesale electric energy (capacity) market, the tariffs for electric energy for which are established by the federal executive authority on tariffs.

In order to confirm the compliance of the generating and power receiving equipment with the quantitative characteristics presented to the objects participating in the wholesale electricity market, the applicant submits to the administrator the passport technological characteristics of the specified equipment.

7. The applicant, representing the interests of third parties in the wholesale electricity (power) market, provides the administrator with information on the technological characteristics of the generating equipment of the suppliers, whose interests he represents, and (or) the technological characteristics of the power receiving equipment of the consumers, whose interests he represents.

An applicant carrying out activities for the transmission of electrical energy and buying electrical energy on the wholesale market of electrical energy (power), in order to compensate for losses in electrical networks, presents to the administrator the characteristics of the electrical network and network facilities for each group of supply points (network facility).

In order to obtain data on the actual production and consumption of energy, as well as to carry out settlements on the wholesale electricity (power) market, the applicant submits documents certifying the compliance of the commercial accounting system with mandatory technical requirements and the terms of the agreement on joining the wholesale electricity (capacity) market to the trading system, in the manner determined by the administrator.

All documents must be submitted by the applicant in accordance with the requirements determined by the administrator.

The administrator does not have the right to demand the submission of information not provided for by these Rules, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure equal access to the administrator's services, the owner or other legal owner of network facilities to which the applicant is technologically connected or third parties whose interests he represents is obliged to ensure the coordination of a single-line diagram of connection to the external electrical network and draw up acts of delineation of the balance sheet of responsibility.

8. The administrator has the right to deny access to the administrator's services if the applicant:

a) did not submit the documents and information provided for in paragraph 6 of these Rules;

b) provided false information;

c) does not comply with any of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the subjects of the wholesale market.

The applicant has the right to re-apply to the administrator with an application for granting access to the administrator's services when eliminating the grounds for denying the applicant access to the administrator's services.

9. The decision to deny access to the administrator's services may be appealed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The administrator provides services to the subjects of the wholesale market on the basis of an agreement on joining the wholesale electricity market to the trading system.

A signed copy of the agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market is sent by the administrator to the wholesale market entity.

11. Administrator services are paid by the wholesale market entity at tariffs approved by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

12. In case of non-payment of the administrator's services by the wholesale market entity, the administrator has the right to suspend the acceptance of applications from the wholesale market entity for participation in the procedure for competitive selection of price bids in the free trade sector of the wholesale market until full repayment debt.

13. The administrator has the right to terminate the provision of services to a wholesale market entity in the event of:

non-compliance of a legal entity with the requirements for a wholesale market entity;

loss of the status of a wholesale market entity by a legal entity;

repeated non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by a wholesale market entity of obligations to pay for the administrator's services;

termination of the agreement on joining the wholesale market trading system;

termination of the activity of a wholesale market entity on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. The administrator, in accordance with the rules of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market of the transition period and the agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity market, a decision on recognizing the sale (purchase) of electricity in the free trade sector as a whole or in any limited territory not held cannot be considered as non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide administrator services.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861


It does not work Edition from 27.12.2004

Name documentRF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to the Service Administrator of Trading SYSTEMS OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE PROVISION OF THESE SERVICES AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF POWER RECEIVING DEVICES (POWER PLANTS) OF LEGAL AND INDIVIDUAL PERSONS TO ELECTRIC NETWORKS "
Type of documentregulation, rules
Host bodyRussian government
Document Number861
Date of adoption04.01.2005
Date of revision27.12.2004
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
NavigatorNotes (edit)

RF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to the Service Administrator of Trading SYSTEMS OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE PROVISION OF THESE SERVICES AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF POWER RECEIVING DEVICES (POWER PLANTS) OF LEGAL AND INDIVIDUAL PERSONS TO ELECTRIC NETWORKS "


In order to facilitate the development of competition in the market for the production and sale of electrical energy, to protect the rights of consumers of electrical energy and in accordance with Articles,, and the Federal Law "On the Electricity Industry", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services;

Rules of non-discriminatory access to services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and the provision of these services;

Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of the administrator of the wholesale market trading system and the provision of these services;

Rules for technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to power grids.

2. To designate the Federal Antimonopoly Service as an authorized federal executive body for ensuring state control over compliance with the rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, services for operational dispatch management in the power industry and services of the administrator of the trading system.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation shall, within 3 months, develop and approve a methodology for determining the standard and actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861


1. These Rules define the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, as well as the provision of these services.

2. The concepts used in these Rules mean the following:

"territorial distribution network" - a complex of power transmission lines and equipment that are not part of the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network and are used to provide services for the transmission of electrical energy;

"grid organizations" - commercial organizations, the main activity of which is the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy through electric grids, as well as the implementation of measures for technological connection;

"point of connection to the electrical network" - a place physical connection power receiving device (power plant) (hereinafter referred to as the power receiving device) of the consumer of services for the transmission of electrical energy (hereinafter referred to as the consumer of services) with the electric network of the grid organization;

"transmission capacity of the electric network" - the technologically maximum allowable value of the power that can be transmitted, taking into account the operating conditions and parameters of the reliability of the functioning of electric power systems;

"balance sheet boundary" - the line of division of power grid facilities between owners on the basis of ownership or ownership on another legal basis.

Other concepts used in these Rules correspond to the concepts defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy provides for ensuring equal conditions for the provision of these services to their consumers, regardless of the organizational and legal form and legal relationship with the person providing these services.

4. Grid organizations are obliged to disclose information regarding access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services, in accordance with the standards of information disclosure by the subjects of the wholesale and retail markets of electrical energy.

5. These Rules do not apply to relations associated with the provision of intersystem electrical connections, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Services for the transmission of electrical energy are provided by the grid organization on the basis of an agreement on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy to persons who own or otherwise legally own power receivers and other electrical power facilities, technologically connected in the prescribed manner to the electrical network, as well as to the subjects of the wholesale electricity market, exporting (importing) electrical energy, energy sales organizations and guaranteeing suppliers.

7. The grid organization, in fulfillment of its obligations to consumers of services under the contract for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy (hereinafter referred to as the contract), is obliged to settle relations for the provision of intersystem electrical connections with other grid organizations that have technological connection to power grids owned or another legal basis for this network organization, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. During the transitional period of the functioning of the electric power industry, the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy using facilities included in the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded both on behalf of the organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network, and from the name of other owners of the said objects.

II. The procedure for concluding and executing a contract

9. The contract is public and is binding on the conclusion of the network organization.

Unjustified evasion or refusal of a network organization to conclude an agreement may be appealed by a consumer of services in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The agreement may not be concluded before the conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to power grids, except for cases when the consumer of services is:

a person whose power receiving device was technologically connected to the electrical network prior to the entry into force of these Rules;

a person who exports (imports) electric energy and does not own, use and dispose of electric power facilities connected to the electric grid;

energy sales organization (supplier of last resort), concluding an agreement in the interests of the consumers of electrical energy it serves.

With respect to these persons, the network organization has the right, in order to determine technical characteristics power receivers (power plants) required for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, request information and documentation required for technological connection.

11. Under the agreement, the grid organization undertakes to carry out a set of organizationally and technologically related actions that ensure the transmission of electrical energy through technical devices electrical networks, and the consumer of services - to pay for them.

12. The contract must contain the following essential conditions:

the value of the maximum power of the power receiving device connected to the electrical network, with the distribution of the specified value for each point of connection of the electrical network in relation to which the technological connection was carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the amount of power (generating or consumed), within which the grid organization undertakes to ensure the transmission of electrical energy at the points of connection specified in the contract;

the responsibility of the consumer of services and the grid organization for the condition and maintenance of power grid facilities, which is determined by their balance sheet ownership and is fixed in the act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of electric grids and the operational responsibility of the parties attached to the contract;

the amount of technological and emergency armor (for consumers - legal entities or entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, who meet the relevant requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electric power), which must be taken into account when determining the procedure for limiting the power consumption regime. For these persons, the act of agreeing on emergency and technological armor is a mandatory annex to the contract;

obligations of the parties to equip points of connection with electrical energy measuring devices, including measuring instruments that meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensure their operability and compliance with the operational requirements for them established by the authorized body for technical regulation and metrology during the entire term of the agreement and the manufacturer.

13. The consumer of services assumes the following obligations in accordance with the contract:

pay for the network organization for the transmission of electrical energy within the time frame and in the amount established by the contract;

maintain in his possession or on another legal basis means of relay protection and emergency automation, electricity and power metering devices, as well as other devices necessary to maintain the required parameters of reliability and quality of electricity, and comply with the requirements during the entire term of the agreement established for technological connection and in the rules for the operation of the specified means, devices and devices;

to provide the network organization within the time frame established by the contract with the necessary technological information: the main electrical circuits, equipment characteristics, diagrams of relay protection and emergency control devices, operational data on technological modes of equipment operation;

inform the network organization within the terms established by the contract about emergency situations at energy facilities, planned, current and overhaul on them;

inform the grid organization about the scope of participation in automatic or operational emergency control of power, in normalized primary frequency control and secondary power control (for power plants), as well as on the list and capacity of the service consumer's current collectors that can be disabled by emergency control devices;

fulfill the obligations to ensure the safety of operation of the energy networks under their control and the serviceability of the devices and equipment they use related to the transmission of electrical energy;

to freely admit authorized representatives of the grid organization to the points of control and accounting of the quantity and quality of the transmitted electric energy in the manner prescribed by the contract.

14. The network organization assumes the following obligations in accordance with the contract:

ensure the transfer of electrical energy to the power receiving devices of the consumer of services, the quality and parameters of which must comply with technical regulations and other mandatory requirements;

to carry out the transfer of electrical energy in accordance with the agreed reliability parameters, taking into account the technological characteristics of the power receiving devices (power plants);

in the manner and terms established by the contract, inform the consumer of services about emergency situations in electrical networks, repair and preventive work affecting the fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

to freely admit authorized representatives of consumers of services to the points of control and accounting of the quantity and quality of the transmitted electric energy in the manner prescribed by the contract.

15. A person who intends to conclude an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) shall send a written application to the network organization for concluding an agreement, which must contain the following information:

details of the consumer of services for the transmission of electrical energy; volumes and expected mode of transmission of electrical energy, broken down by months;

the volume of maximum power and the nature of the load of power receiving devices (power plants) connected to the network (generating or consumed), with its distribution at each point of connection of the electrical network and indicating the boundaries of the balance sheet;

single-line diagram of the service consumer's electrical network connected to the networks of the network organization;

points of connection to the networks of the grid organization, indicating for each of the points of connection to the network the values ​​of the declared capacity, including the values ​​of capacity during the period of maximum loads of consumers of electrical energy;

the start date for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy;

reference to an agreement on the provision of services for operational dispatch management (in the event of an agreement on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy with an organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electrical grid).

16. The network organization within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for concluding an agreement is obliged to consider it and send the applicant a draft agreement signed by the network organization or a reasoned refusal to conclude it.

17. In the absence of the information specified in clause 15 of these Rules, the network organization within 6 working days notifies the applicant about it and within 30 days from the date of receipt of the missing information considers the application in accordance with clause 16 of these Rules.

18. The applicant, who received the draft agreement from the network organization, fills it out in the part related to the information about the applicant included in the agreement, and sends one signed copy of the agreement to the network organization.

19. The contract is considered concluded from the date of its signing by the applicant, unless otherwise provided by the contract or a court decision.

20. A network organization has the right to refuse to conclude an agreement in the event of:

the consumer of services does not have a concluded agreement on the provision of services for operational dispatch control (in the case of an agreement on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy with an organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid);

the lack of technical ability to provide services for the transmission of electrical energy in the declared volume (if the declared volume of capacity, the proper transmission of which cannot be provided by the grid organization based on existing conditions technological connection);

sending an application for the conclusion of an agreement by a person who does not have a technological connection to the power grids of this grid organization. At the same time, a prerequisite for concluding an agreement with suppliers of last resort and energy sales organizations is the availability of technological connection of consumers of electrical energy, in whose favor the agreement is concluded, and for organizations engaged in the export-import of electrical energy, the presence of a connection between the electrical networks of this network organization and electrical networks. neighboring states, on the territories of which export-import supplies of electric energy are carried out.

21. In the absence of technical capability to provide services for the transmission of electrical energy within the scope of the volume declared by the consumer of services, the grid organization is obliged to notify the applicant within 30 days on what conditions and in what volume the service can be provided and the contract concluded.

22. If there are grounds for refusing to conclude an agreement, the network organization is obliged, no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in paragraph 15 of these Rules, to send the applicant in writing a reasoned refusal to conclude an agreement with supporting documents attached.

Refusal to conclude an agreement may be challenged in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

23. A prerequisite for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy to a consumer of services is that he / she has the status of a participant in the wholesale market or a contract for the purchase and sale of electrical energy concluded with a supplier of last resort, an energy sales organization or another supplier of electrical energy.

24. The grid organization has the right to suspend the transmission of electrical energy in the following cases:

the occurrence of a consumer's debt for services in payment for services for the transmission of electrical energy for 2 or more billing periods;

violation by the consumer of services of the terms of payment for services for the transmission of electrical energy, specified in the contract of sale and purchase (agreement on joining the wholesale market of electrical energy (capacity)), if there is a corresponding notification in writing from the administrator of the trading system, guaranteeing supplier or energy sales organization with the attachment of supporting documents indicating the size of the consumer's debt, confirmed by the reconciliation act or by a court decision, the deadline for its repayment, as well as the expected timeframe for the introduction of restrictions on the consumption regime;

connection by the consumer of services to the electrical network of power receivers (power plants) that do not comply with the terms of the contract, or connection carried out in violation of the procedure for technological connection of power receivers of legal entities and individuals to power grids.

25. The transmission of electrical energy is suspended in the event of:

absence or expiration of the term for fulfilling the obligations of the supplier (seller) of electrical energy to the consumer under the contract for the supply (sale and purchase, power supply, etc.) of electrical energy (power), which must be transmitted through the networks of the grid organization;

termination of participation of the consumer of services in the wholesale market, about which the grid organization must be notified in writing by the electricity supplier or the administrator of the trading system, indicating the grounds at least 10 days before the date of termination of these obligations. Such notification is simultaneously sent to the consumer.

26. Suspension of the transmission of electrical energy does not entail termination of the contract.

When the transmission of electrical energy is suspended on the grounds provided for in paragraph 24 of these Rules, for consumers of services, partial or complete restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy in accordance with the established procedure is allowed.

The consumer of services cannot be limited in the consumption of electric energy less than the power value established in the act of coordination of emergency and technological armor, except for the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. The provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy may be suspended by the grid organization, subject to prior notification of the consumer of services no later than 10 working days before the date of the proposed suspension of the transmission of electrical energy.

The transmission of electrical energy is suspended by the grid organization no later than 2 days from the date of the proposed introduction of the restriction specified in the notification of the administrator of the trading system (supplier of electrical energy), also sent to the consumer of electrical energy.

If the circumstances that were the basis for the suspension of the transmission of electrical energy are eliminated before the expiration of the specified period, the suspension of the transmission of electrical energy is not made.

The transmission of electrical energy is resumed no later than 48 hours from the moment of receipt of documentary confirmation of the elimination of the circumstance that was the basis for the suspension of the transmission of electrical energy.

28. Termination of the contract, including after the expiration of its validity period, does not entail the disconnection of the power receiving device of the consumer of services from the power grid.

29. An interruption in the transmission of electrical energy, the termination or restriction of the transmission of electrical energy are allowed by agreement of the parties, except for cases when the unsatisfactory state of the power receiving device (power plant) of the service consumer, certified by the authorized federal executive body for technological supervision, threatens an accident or creates a threat to life and security. The grid organization is obliged to notify the consumer of services about the interruption, termination or restriction of the transmission of electrical energy due to the specified circumstances within 3 days from the date of such a decision, but no later than 24 hours before the introduction of these measures.

III. The procedure for access to power grids in conditions of their limited bandwidth

30. When connecting to the electrical network and concluding a contract, any consumer of services is assigned the right to receive electrical energy at any time of the contract within the limits of the connected capacity determined by the contract, the quality and parameters of which must comply with technical regulations and other mandatory requirements.

When accessing services for the transmission of electrical energy in conditions of limited transmission capacity of electrical networks, the possibility of charging additional fees is excluded.

31. Restriction of the right to receive electrical energy is possible only in the event of a deviation from the normal operation of the electrical network caused by emergencies and (or) the withdrawal of electrical power facilities for repair or from operation and leading to a power shortage.

At the same time, the limitation of the consumption of electrical energy is carried out in accordance with the acts of coordination of emergency and technological armor.

32. The transmission capacity of the electric network is determined according to the calculation scheme of the Unified Energy System of Russia, developed by the system operator together with the organization for managing the unified national (All-Russian) electric network, taking into account the forecast balances of electric energy and capacity. When carrying out such calculations, the schedules for the repair of the main generating equipment (agreed with the generating companies), equipment for electrical substations and power transmission lines, and power-receiving equipment of consumers of electrical energy with a controlled load are also taken into account.

The system operator and the organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid communicate to the market participants information on the restrictions on the capacity of the electric grid, including the results of these calculations.

IV. The procedure for setting tariffs for services for the transmission of electrical energy, providing for the account of the degree of use of the power of the electrical network

33. Tariffs for services for the transmission of electrical energy are established taking into account the use by consumers of these services of the capacity of the electrical network to which they are directly technologically connected.

34. The consumer of services must notify the grid organization at least 6 months before the onset of the next tariff regulation period about the amount of declared capacity for the coming calendar year, which reflects the degree of utilization of the capacity of the electric grid by the consumer of services.

The value of the declared capacity is determined in relation to each point of connection and cannot exceed the maximum connected capacity at the corresponding point of connection to the network of this service consumer.

In the absence of the specified notification about the value of the declared capacity, when setting tariffs, the value of the maximum connected capacity of the power receiving device (power plant) of the service consumer is taken.

When determining the basis for setting tariffs for the next regulation period, the grid organization has the right to use in relation to consumers of services that systematically exceed the value of the declared capacity, the value of the capacity declared by the consumer for the next regulation period or the actual value of the used capacity for the elapsed period.

35. Tariffs for services for the transmission of electrical energy are established in accordance with the principles of pricing for electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation and the rules state regulation and the application of tariffs for electricity and thermal energy in the Russian Federation subject to clause 34 of these Rules.

Accounting for the degree of use of the power of the electric network when determining the tariff for services for the transmission of electrical energy is carried out in accordance with guidelines approved by the federal executive authority on tariffs.

V. The procedure for determining losses in electrical networks and payment of these losses

36. Actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks are defined as the difference between the volume of electrical energy supplied to the electrical network from other networks or from producers of electrical energy, and the volume of electrical energy consumed by power receivers connected to this network, as well as transmitted to other network organizations.

37. Grid organizations are obliged to compensate for the actual losses of electrical energy incurred in the network facilities belonging to them, minus the losses included in the price of electrical energy.

38. Consumers of services, with the exception of producers of electrical energy, are obliged to pay as part of the payment for services for the transmission of electrical energy regulatory losses arising from the transmission of electrical energy through the network of the grid organization with which the relevant persons have entered into an agreement, except for losses included in the price (tariff) for electricity, in order to avoid double counting. Consumers of services pay for losses of electric energy in excess of the standard if it is proved that the losses were caused by the fault of these consumers of services.

39. The amount of electrical energy losses in electrical networks, which is part of the payment for services for the transmission of electrical energy, is determined on the basis of the standard for electrical energy losses. Losses standards are established by the authorized federal executive body in accordance with these Rules and the methodology for determining the standard and actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks.

40. Standards for losses of electrical energy in electrical grids are established in relation to the totality of power transmission lines and other electrical grid facilities belonging to the relevant grid organization, taking into account differentiation by voltage levels of networks when setting tariffs for services for the transmission of electrical energy.

41. The methodology for determining the standard and actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks should provide for the calculation of losses based on:

technical characteristics of power transmission lines and other power grid facilities that determine the value of variable losses in accordance with the technology of transmission and conversion of electrical energy;

normative conditionally constant losses for power lines, power transformers and other power grid facilities;

standard losses in electrical energy measuring instruments.

When establishing standards, the technical condition of power transmission lines and other power grid facilities can also be taken into account.

42. Grid organizations buy electrical energy in order to compensate for losses of electrical energy in their networks:

on the wholesale electricity market;

if the grid organization is not a participant in the wholesale electricity market, in the retail electricity market at the place of its activity.

Vi. The procedure for the provision and disclosure by grid organizations of information on the throughput of electrical networks, on their technical characteristics and on the cost of services for the transmission of electrical energy

43. The grid organization discloses information on the transmission capacity of electric grids and their technical characteristics in accordance with the information disclosure standards by the subjects of the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

44. The grid organization discloses information on the technical characteristics of electrical networks on a quarterly basis no later than 30 working days from the date of the end of the quarter.

45. The grid organization is obliged to provide information on the availability of the transmission capacity of electrical networks and on the cost of services for the transmission of electrical energy upon the request (in writing) of the consumer of services.

46. ​​The requested information must be provided within 7 days from the date of receipt of the request with reimbursement by the consumer of the costs of its provision actually incurred by the network organization.

47. Documents containing the requested information must be drawn up in the prescribed manner by network organizations.

48. The network organization is responsible for the timeliness, completeness and reliability of the information provided and disclosed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vii. The procedure for considering applications (complaints) on issues of providing access to services for the transmission of electric energy and making decisions on these applications (complaints) that are binding on legal entities and individuals

49. The grounds for initiating and considering cases on issues of providing access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, making decisions and issuing instructions by the antimonopoly body are statements of the authorities state power or statements (complaints) of legal entities and individuals.

50. The application (complaint) must contain information about the applicant and the person in respect of whom the application (complaint) is filed, a description of the violation of the requirements of these Rules, as well as the requirements with which the applicant applies.

51. The antimonopoly body considers the application (complaint) within one month from the date of its receipt.

In case of insufficient or lack of evidence allowing to come to the conclusion about the presence or absence of signs of violation of the requirements of these Rules, the antimonopoly body has the right to extend the period for consideration of the application (complaint) to 3 months from the date of its receipt in order to collect and analyze additional evidence. The antimonopoly body is obliged to notify the applicant in writing about the extension of the period for considering an application (complaint).

52. In the absence of signs of violation of the requirements of these Rules and the antimonopoly legislation, the antimonopoly body shall notify the applicant in writing within 10 days from the date of the decision.

53. Cases on violations of the antimonopoly legislation are considered by the antimonopoly body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

54. Consideration of cases on violations of the requirements of these Rules in terms of providing access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and antimonopoly legislation and the adoption of decisions (instructions) on them shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the federal antimonopoly body.

55. Federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, other bodies or organizations (their officials), endowed with the functions or rights of these authorities, commercial and non-profit organizations(their leaders), individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, has the right to appeal against decisions and orders in whole or in part of the antimonopoly body in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861


1. These Rules define the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access of subjects of the electric power industry (hereinafter referred to as consumers of services) to services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry (hereinafter referred to as services) provided by the system operator and other subjects of operational dispatch management (hereinafter referred to as the system operator ), as well as the procedure for the provision of these services.

2. These Rules do not apply to relations related to the provision of services by subordinate entities of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry to higher entities of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry.

3. Non-discriminatory access to services provides for ensuring equal conditions for the provision of services to their consumers, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal relationship with the person providing these services.

4. The system operator is obliged to disclose information regarding access to services and the provision of services in accordance with the standards of information disclosure by subjects of the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

5. The system operator provides the following services:

a) management of technological modes of operation of electric power facilities;

b) mid-term and long-term forecasting of the volume of production and consumption of electrical energy;

c) participation in the formation of a reserve of production energy capacities;

d) coordination of the decommissioning and decommissioning of power grid facilities and power facilities for the production of electrical and thermal energy, as well as their commissioning after repair;

e) development of daily work schedules for power plants and electrical networks of the Unified Energy System of Russia;

f) regulation of the frequency of electric current, ensuring the functioning of the system for automatic regulation of the frequency of electric current and power, ensuring the functioning of the system and emergency control automatics;

g) organization and management of the modes of parallel operation of the Unified Energy System of Russia and the electric power systems of foreign states;

h) participation in the formation and issuance of technological requirements for technological connection of electric power entities to the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid and territorial distribution grids, ensuring their operation as part of the Unified Energy System of Russia.

6. Services are provided on the basis of a bilateral agreement on the provision of services for operational dispatch control in the electric power industry (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), as well as on the basis of an agreement on joining the wholesale electricity market to the trading system.

7. The consumer of services can at the same time be a party to the contracts specified in clause 6 of these Rules only under the following conditions:

the provisions of these agreements regarding the provision of services are completely the same;

the total cost of services rendered on the basis of these agreements is determined by the tariffs established by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

8. The conclusion of an agreement between the consumer of services and the system operator is mandatory for both parties.

9. Subjects of the wholesale market shall conclude an agreement with the system operator before they conclude an agreement with the management organization for the unified national (all-Russian) electrical grid on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy through the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network.

10. The price of services is determined by the tariffs established by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

11. The consumer of services who intends to conclude an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) sends to the system operator an application in writing for the provision of access to services, which must contain the following information:

service consumer details;

points of attachment to the networks of the network organization;

the timing of the commencement of the provision of services.

The applicant, simultaneously with the application, has the right to send the draft agreement to the system operator.

12. The system operator, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for the provision of access to services, is obliged to consider it and make a decision on the provision of access to services or refusal of it.

13. In the absence of the information specified in clause 11 of these Rules, the system operator within 3 days notifies the applicant about this and within 30 days from the date of receipt of the missing information, considers an application for providing access to services in accordance with clause 12 of these Rules.

14. If a decision is made to provide access to services, the system operator is obliged to send the applicant a draft contract signed by his side.

15. An applicant who has received a signed draft agreement from the system operator and has no objections to its terms, fills out the agreement in the part related to information about the applicant, and sends 1 signed copy of the agreement to the system operator.

16. If the applicant has submitted a draft agreement, and the system operator has no objections to its terms, the latter is obliged to sign it and send 1 signed copy of the agreement to the applicant.

The contract is considered concluded from the date of its signing by both parties, unless otherwise provided by this contract or a court decision.

17. If a decision is made to refuse to provide access to services, the system operator must send the applicant a written notification and documents justifying the refusal no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules.

Refusal to provide access to services can be appealed to the antimonopoly authority and / or challenged in court.

18. The system operator has the right to refuse to provide access to services in the following cases:

a) the applicant has not provided the information provided for in paragraph 11 of these Rules;

b) the applicant has submitted false information;

c) the energy facilities of the applicant are located outside the zone of his dispatching responsibility.

In this case, the applicant has the right to re-apply to the system operator with an application for the provision of access to services. When the grounds for refusal are eliminated, the system operator has no right to refuse the applicant to provide access to services.

19. The provision of services is carried out in order to ensure reliable power supply and quality of electrical energy that meet the requirements of technical regulations and other mandatory requirements established by regulatory legal acts, and to take measures to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of electric power industry entities under contracts concluded in the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

As part of the provision of services, the system operator is obliged to choose the most economically efficient solution that ensures the safe and trouble-free operation of the technological infrastructure of the electric power industry and the quality of electrical energy that meet the requirements of technical regulations and other mandatory requirements.

20. Consumers of services have the right not to execute operational dispatch commands and orders if their execution creates a threat to the life of people, safety of equipment or leads to violation of the limits and conditions of safe operation of nuclear power plants.

21. In the event of emergency electric power modes, the provision of services is carried out taking into account the specifics established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of December 27, 2004
N 861


1. These Rules determine the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access of the subjects of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market (hereinafter - the subjects of the wholesale market) to services for organizing the functioning of the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market, organizing the wholesale trade in electrical energy and conducting reconciliation and offset of mutual counter obligations of trade participants (hereinafter referred to as services) of the administrator of the wholesale market trading system (hereinafter referred to as the administrator), as well as the procedure for the provision of these services.

2. Non-discriminatory access to the administrator's services provides for ensuring equal conditions for the provision of services to the subjects of the wholesale market, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal relationship with the person providing these services.

3. The administrator is obliged to disclose information regarding access to services and their provision, in accordance with the standards of information disclosure by the subjects of the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

4. The administrator does not have the right to refuse to provide services to the subjects of the wholesale market, except for the cases established by these Rules and the rules of the wholesale electricity market.

5. Administrator services can be provided to persons:

those included in the list of commercial organizations - subjects of the federal (all-Russian) wholesale electricity (capacity) market, for which electricity tariffs are set by the federal executive authority on tariffs, prior to the entry into force of the rules of the wholesale electricity market;

who have received the status of a wholesale market entity in accordance with the rules of the wholesale electricity market by providing the administrator with the documents and information specified in these Rules, and by signing an agreement by the wholesale market entities on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market.

6. A legal entity wishing to access the administrator's services (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) is obliged to submit an application for this and submit the following documents to the administrator:

information on the type of the entity of the wholesale market (generating company, energy sales organization, energy supplying organization, guaranteeing supplier, consumer of electrical energy, etc.), to which the applicant complies, in accordance with the rules of the wholesale electrical energy (capacity) market of the transition period;

5 copies of the draft agreement on connection to the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market signed by the applicant's authorized person in the form approved by the administrator;

the applicant's questionnaire in the prescribed form;

notarized copies of constituent documents;

a notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity;

a notarized copy of the applicant's registration certificate with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation;

documents confirming the powers of persons representing the interests of the applicant;

a document confirming the assignment to the organization of the status of a supplier of last resort in the cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

single-line diagram of connection to an external electrical network, agreed with the owner or other legal owner of network facilities to which the applicant or third parties whose interests he represents, indicating the names and voltage levels of the buses of external substations, prospective groups of delivery points, connection points of devices commercial metering, measuring voltage transformers and the boundaries of the balance sheet, certified by representatives of adjacent owners of electrical networks;

acts of delineation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, agreed with the owners or other legal owners of network facilities to which the applicant is technologically connected or third parties whose interests the applicant intends to represent.

An applicant who has the right to buy and sell electric energy (capacity) in the regulated sector is obliged to submit to the administrator a document confirming the inclusion of a legal entity in the list of commercial organizations - subjects of the federal (all-Russian) wholesale electric energy (capacity) market, the tariffs for electric energy for which are established by the federal executive authority on tariffs.

In order to confirm the compliance of the generating and power receiving equipment with the quantitative characteristics presented to the objects participating in the wholesale electricity market, the applicant submits to the administrator the passport technological characteristics of the specified equipment.

7. The applicant, representing the interests of third parties in the wholesale electricity (power) market, provides the administrator with information on the technological characteristics of the generating equipment of the suppliers, whose interests he represents, and (or) the technological characteristics of the power receiving equipment of the consumers, whose interests he represents.

An applicant carrying out activities for the transmission of electrical energy and buying electrical energy on the wholesale market of electrical energy (power), in order to compensate for losses in electrical networks, presents to the administrator the characteristics of the electrical network and network facilities for each group of supply points (network facility).

In order to obtain data on the actual production and consumption of energy, as well as to carry out settlements on the wholesale electricity (capacity) market, the applicant submits documents certifying the compliance of the commercial metering system with mandatory technical requirements and the terms of the agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market. ), in the order defined by the administrator.

All documents must be submitted by the applicant in accordance with the requirements determined by the administrator.

The administrator does not have the right to demand the submission of information not provided for by these Rules, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure equal access to the administrator's services, the owner or other legal owner of network facilities to which the applicant is technologically connected or third parties whose interests he represents is obliged to ensure the coordination of a single-line diagram of connection to the external electrical network and draw up acts of delineation of the balance sheet of responsibility.

8. The administrator has the right to deny access to the administrator's services if the applicant:

a) did not submit the documents and information provided for in paragraph 6 of these Rules;

b) provided false information;

c) does not comply with any of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the subjects of the wholesale market.

The applicant has the right to re-apply to the administrator with an application for granting access to the administrator's services when eliminating the grounds for denying the applicant access to the administrator's services.

9. The decision to deny access to the administrator's services may be appealed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The administrator provides services to the subjects of the wholesale market on the basis of an agreement on joining the wholesale electricity market to the trading system.

A signed copy of the agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market is sent by the administrator to the wholesale market entity.

11. Administrator services are paid by the wholesale market entity at tariffs approved by the federal executive authority for tariffs.

12. If the wholesale market entity does not pay for the administrator's services, the administrator has the right to suspend the acceptance of bids from the wholesale market entity to participate in the competitive selection of price bids in the free trade sector of the wholesale market until the debt is fully repaid.

13. The administrator has the right to terminate the provision of services to a wholesale market entity in the event of:

non-compliance of a legal entity with the requirements for a wholesale market entity;

loss of the status of a wholesale market entity by a legal entity;

repeated non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by a wholesale market entity of obligations to pay for the administrator's services;

termination of the agreement on joining the wholesale market trading system;

termination of the activity of a wholesale market entity on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. These Rules determine the procedure for technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals (hereinafter referred to as power receivers), regulate the procedure for technological connection, determine the essential terms of an agreement on technological connection to power grids (hereinafter referred to as a contract), establish requirements for issuance of individual technical specifications for connection to electrical networks (hereinafter referred to as technical conditions) and criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical capability of technological connection.

2. These Rules apply to persons whose power receivers were previously connected to the electrical network and who declared the need to revise (increase) the amount of connected power.

3. The grid organization is obliged to carry out in relation to any person who applied to it, measures for technological connection of newly commissioned, newly built, expanding their previously connected capacity and reconstructed power receivers to their power grids (hereinafter referred to as technological connection), provided that they comply with these Rules and the availability of technical feasibility of technological connection.

With regard to power receivers, technologically connected to the electrical network prior to the entry into force of these Rules, the contract is not concluded and the measures specified in paragraph 12 of these Rules are not performed.

4. Any persons have the right to technological connection of the power transmission lines built by them to the power grids in accordance with these Rules.

5. When connecting power plants to switchgears of a power plant, the latter performs the functions of a network organization in terms of the implementation of measures under the contract.

6. Technological connection is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with a grid organization within the time frame established by these Rules. The conclusion of the contract is mandatory for the network organization. In case of unreasonable refusal or evasion of the network organization from concluding an agreement, the interested person has the right to apply to the court with a claim for compulsion to conclude an agreement and recover damages caused by such unreasonable refusal or evasion.

7. These Rules establish the following procedure for technological connection:

filing an application for technological connection with the requirement to issue technical specifications;

preparation of technical specifications and direction of the draft agreement, including technical specifications;

conclusion of an agreement;

compliance with technical conditions on the part of the affiliated person and on the part of the network organization;

performing actions to connect and ensure the operation of the power receiving device in the electrical network;

verification of compliance with technical conditions and drawing up an act on technological connection.

II. The procedure for concluding and fulfilling a contract

8. In order to obtain technical specifications and carry out technological connection, the person who owns the power receiving device shall send an application for technological connection (hereinafter referred to as the application) to the grid organization, to the electrical network of which the technological connection is planned.

9. The application must contain the following information:

a) full name of the applicant;

b) the location of the applicant;

c) the postal address of the applicant;

d) a plan for the location of the power receiving device, in relation to which it is planned to carry out measures for technological connection;

e) the maximum power of the power receiving device and its technical characteristics, the number, power of generators and transformers connected to the network;

f) the number of points of connection to the electrical network, indicating technical parameters elements of electrical installations connected at specific points of the electrical network;

g) a single-line diagram of the applicant's electrical networks connected to the networks of the grid organization, indicating the possibility of redundancy from its own power supply sources (including redundancy for own needs) and the possibility of switching loads (generation) through the applicant's internal networks;

h) the declared level of reliability of the power receiving device;

i) the nature of the load of the consumer of electrical energy (for generators - the possible rate of increase or decrease of the load) and the presence of loads that distort the shape of the electric current curve and cause voltage asymmetry at the points of connection;

j) the value and justification of the value of the technological minimum (for generators) and emergency armor (for consumers of electrical energy);

k) permission of the authorized body of state supervision for admission to operation of the power receiving device (with the exception of facilities under construction);

l) the scope of possible participation in automatic or operational emergency control of capacity (for power plants and consumers, except for individuals) in the manner of rendering services in accordance with a separate agreement;

m) the scope of possible participation in normalized primary frequency regulation and secondary power regulation (for power plants) in the manner of rendering services in accordance with a separate agreement;

n) the list and capacity of the consumer's current collectors (with the exception of individuals) that can be turned off using the emergency control device.

The list of information specified in the application is exhaustive.

The network organization has no right to demand the submission of information not provided for by these Rules.

10. The network organization is obliged to send a draft agreement to the applicant for approval within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

In the absence of the information specified in clause 9 of these Rules, or its submission in an incomplete volume, the network organization within 6 working days notifies the applicant about this and within 30 days from the date of receipt of the missing information, considers the application.

With a particularly complex nature of the technological connection of power receiving devices for the organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network or other owners of such network facilities, the specified period, by agreement of the parties, may be increased to 90 days. The applicant is notified of the increase in the term and the grounds for its change.

11. The contract must contain the following essential conditions: measures for technological connection and the obligations of the parties to fulfill them;

compliance with technical conditions;

terms for the network organization to carry out technological connection activities;

the amount of payment for the implementation of measures for technological connection;

responsibility of the parties for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract;

the boundaries of the delineation of the balance sheet.

12. Measures for technological connection include:

a) development of a power supply scheme;

b) technical inspection (examination) of the connected power receiving devices by the authorized government body with the participation of representatives of the grid organization;

c) preparation and issuance of technical specifications;

d) compliance with technical conditions (from the side of the person whose power receiving device is connected, and from the side of the grid organization);

e) actual actions to connect and ensure the operation of the power receiving device in the electrical network;

f) verification of compliance with technical conditions and drawing up an act on technological connection.

The list of measures for technological connection is exhaustive.

It is prohibited to impose services on a person interested in technological connection that are not provided for by these Rules.

13. The grid organization must, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, consider it, prepare technical conditions for technological connection and agree on them with the system operator (subject of operational dispatch control), and the organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid or other owners objects of such a network in the cases provided for in the third paragraph of clause 10 of these Rules - within 90 days.

The network organization is obliged, within 5 days from the date of receipt of the application, to send a copy of it to the system operator (subject of operational dispatch control), and then, together with him, consider it and prepare technical conditions for technological connection.

14. Technical conditions for technological connection are an integral part of the contract.

V technical conditions must be indicated:

a) schemes for issuing or receiving power and points of connection to the electrical network (power lines or base substations);

b) justified requirements for strengthening the existing electrical network in connection with the connection of new capacities (construction of new power transmission lines, substations, increasing the cross-section of wires and cables, increasing the power of transformers, expanding switchgears, installing compensating devices to ensure the quality of electricity);

c) calculated values ​​of currents short circuit, requirements for relay protection, voltage regulation, emergency automation, telemechanics, communications, isolation and overvoltage protection, as well as for electric energy and power metering devices in accordance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts;

d) requirements for equipping power plants with emergency automation devices for the delivery of its power and for equipping consumers with emergency automation devices;

e) requirements for equipping with devices that ensure the participation of power plants or a consumer in automatic or operational emergency control of capacity in the manner of rendering services in accordance with a separate agreement;

f) requirements for equipping with devices ensuring the participation of power plants in standardized primary frequency regulation and secondary power regulation in the manner of rendering services in accordance with a separate agreement.

III. Criteria for the presence (absence) of technical feasibility of technological connection

15. The criteria for the technical feasibility of technological connection are:

a) the location of the power receiving device, in respect of which the application for technological connection has been submitted, within the territorial boundaries of the service of the corresponding grid organization;

b) the absence of restrictions on the connected capacity in the network node to which the technological connection must be made.

In case of non-observance of any of the specified criteria, there is no technical feasibility of technological connection.

In order to verify the validity of the establishment by the grid organization of the fact that there is no technical capability, the applicant has the right to apply to the authorized federal executive body for technological supervision to obtain an opinion on the presence (absence) of the technical capability of technological connection by the grid organization.

16. Restrictions on the connection of additional power arise in the event that the full use of the consumed (generating) power of all previously connected consumers of services for the transmission of electrical energy and the power of the newly connected power receiving device can lead to loading power equipment network organization in excess of the values ​​determined by technical regulations and standards, approved or adopted in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. If there is a restriction on the connection of new power, it is allowed to connect power receiving devices to the electric grids within the power value that does not cause restrictions in the use of the consumed (generating) power of all consumers of electrical energy previously connected to this network node, or in the declared volume as agreed with the specified consumers.

The site «Zakonbase» presented by the RF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, the right OF NON-DISCRIMINATION ACCESS TO THE SERVICES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TRADING SYSTEM OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE PROVISION OF THESE SERVICES AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF ENERGY RECEIVING DEVICES (ENERGY AND PHYSICAL LICENSES) It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use the convenient navigation or advanced search.

The site «Zakonbase» you will find the RF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, OF THE RULES OF NON-DISCRIMINATION ACCESS TO THE SERVICES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TRADING SYSTEM OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF ENERGY RECEIVING DEVICES full version, which includes all changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and accuracy of the information.

In this case, download the RF Government Decree of 27.12.2004 N 861 "On approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to electric power transmission and provision of these services, the right of non-discriminatory access to operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and rendering of these services, the right of equal access to THE SERVICES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TRADING SYSTEM OF THE WHOLESALE MARKET AND THE PROVISION OF THESE SERVICES AND THE RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF ENERGY RECEIVING DEVICES (ENERGY PLANTS), LEGALLY AND PHYSICALLY, LEGALLY AND PHYSICALLY, are completely free of charge.

Rules for access to electricity transmission services - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. In order to promote the development of competition in the market for the production and sale of electrical energy, to protect the rights of consumers of electrical energy and in accordance with Articles 2. of the Federal Law.

To approve the attached: Rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services; Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and the provision of these services; Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of the administrator of the wholesale market trading system and the provision of these services; Rules for technological connection of power receivers (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to power grids. Determine the Federal Antimonopoly Service as an authorized federal executive body for ensuring state control over compliance with the Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, services for operational dispatch management in the power industry and services of the administrator of the trading system. The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation shall, within 3 months, develop and approve a methodology for determining the normative and actual losses of electrical energy in electrical networks. Chairman of the Government. Russian Federation. M. Fradkov. Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services. I. General Provisions.

These Rules determine the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, as well as the provision of these services. The concepts used in these Rules mean the following.

Non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy provides for the provision of equal conditions for the provision of these services to their consumers, regardless of organizational and legal the form and legal relationship with the person providing these services. Grid organizations are obliged to disclose information regarding access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services, in accordance with the standards of information disclosure by subjects of the wholesale and retail electrical energy markets. These Rules do not apply to relations associated with the provision of intersystem electrical connections, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Services for the transmission of electrical energy are provided by the grid organization on the basis of an agreement on the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy for a fee to persons who have, on the right of ownership or on another legal basis, power receivers and other electrical power facilities, technologically connected in accordance with the established procedure to the electrical network, as well as subjects of the wholesale the electric energy market, exporting (importing) electric energy, energy sales organizations and guaranteeing suppliers. The grid organization, in fulfillment of its obligations to consumers of services under the contract for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy (hereinafter referred to as the contract), is obliged to settle relations for the provision of intersystem electrical connections with other grid organizations that have technological connection to electric grids owned or otherwise legal on the basis of this network organization, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. During the transitional period of the functioning of the electric power industry, the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy using facilities included in the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded both on behalf of the organization managing the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network, and on behalf of others. owners of these objects.

  1. RULES OF TECHNOLOGICAL ENERGY RECEIVING, technological connection, etc.
  2. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 (ed.
  3. Government Decree. Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION.

II. The procedure for the conclusion and execution of the contract. The agreement is public and binding on the conclusion of the network organization. Unjustified evasion or refusal of a network organization to conclude an agreement may be appealed by a consumer of services in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The agreement cannot be concluded before the conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of technological connection of power receiving devices (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to electrical networks, except for cases when the consumer of services is: a person whose power receiving device was technologically connected to the electrical network before entry into force of these Rules; a person who exports (imports) electric energy and does not own, use and dispose of electric power facilities connected to the electric grid; energy sales organization (supplier of last resort), concluding an agreement in the interests of the consumers of electrical energy it serves. With regard to these persons, the grid organization has the right to request information and documentation required for technological connection in order to determine the technical characteristics of power receiving devices (power plants) required for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy. Under the agreement, the grid organization undertakes to carry out a set of organizationally and technologically related actions that ensure the transmission of electrical energy through the technical devices of electrical networks, and the consumer of services - to pay for them. The contract must contain the following essential conditions: the value of the maximum power of the power receiving device connected to the electrical network, with the distribution of the specified value for each point of connection of the electrical network, in respect of which the technological connection was carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; the amount of power (generating or consumed), within which the grid organization undertakes to ensure the transmission of electrical energy at the points of connection specified in the contract; the responsibility of the consumer of services and the grid organization for the condition and maintenance of power grid facilities, which is determined by their balance sheet ownership and is fixed in the act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of electric grids and the operational responsibility of the parties attached to the contract; the amount of technological and emergency armor (for consumers - legal entities or entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, who meet the relevant requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electric power), which must be taken into account when determining the procedure for limiting the power consumption regime.

For these persons, the act of agreeing on emergency and technological armor is a mandatory annex to the contract; obligations of the parties to equip points of connection with electrical energy measuring devices, including measuring instruments that meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensure their operability and compliance with the operational requirements for them established by the authorized body for technical regulation and metrology during the entire term of the agreement and the manufacturer. The consumer of services assumes, in accordance with the contract, the following obligations: to pay the network organization for services for the transmission of electrical energy within the time frame and in the amount established by the contract; maintain in his possession or on another legal basis means of relay protection and emergency automation, electricity and power metering devices, as well as other devices necessary to maintain the required parameters of reliability and quality of electricity, and comply with the requirements during the entire term of the agreement established for technological connection and in the rules for the operation of the specified means, devices and devices; to submit to the network organization, within the terms established by the contract, the necessary technological information: main electrical diagrams, characteristics of equipment, diagrams of relay protection and emergency control devices, operational data on technological modes of equipment operation; inform the grid organization within the terms established by the contract about emergency situations at power facilities, planned, current and overhaul repairs at them; inform the grid organization about the scope of participation in automatic or operational emergency control of power, in normalized primary frequency control and secondary power control (for power plants), as well as on the list and capacity of the service consumer's current collectors that can be disabled by emergency control devices; fulfill the obligations to ensure the safety of operation of the energy networks under their control and the serviceability of the devices and equipment they use related to the transmission of electrical energy; to freely admit authorized representatives of the grid organization to the points of control and accounting of the quantity and quality of the transmitted electric energy in the manner prescribed by the contract.

861 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation On Electricity

N 740 “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 for the purpose of clarification. Government Decree. Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 TECHNOLOGICAL CONNECTION. For the operation of the corresponding power receivers and power grid facilities; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 (rev. Page 1 of 129. Decree of the RF Government of 12/27/2004 N 861 (ed. Document provided by ConsultantPlus Date of preservation: 04/14/2017.

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